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Wtbetlc Anoyajwt ilorolm as mAcrial for Flulm m=e Co6vitiess, %W N. V. Govilo". 4p. ago=v yorm r. Xbir- I Amstes gNaF---j=-r. V.- 1964v Vp Vol I.P aka. Pei 2n5 T.U.- Dvt cAr jammv swt 66 &0.-439 of Baker Preserved in the Viowevow ointmnt;, bw :1. lo"Icim at &I .5pe jamomp pewp rim. Amvrtez - j, itr2j, u th y"r W 39-W- 4W/00 22n Dept cir WVY Sci-BW 3io.,484 oct 66 Comparative Evaluation of ~bthods of Treatment of postoperative OsteorWalitis Cavities, by S, N. Pravednikov, 3 pp* 'Grim Xhi IMSIMP part EM Luj- i Anestez, Vol IV, 1966, pp 61-452. Dept of Navy 65166/NUS No 1177 sci-BAm Mar 67 320,353 Preserved lbbryonal Bone Ilmoografts, by L. I Nostandlunp at *I. HUSSIANj, pe jUrAg Abir I Ag2ist, Vol Vjs sqpt-Oat 1940 p 65. Dapt Of N&Vy CWlll= ND 2009 sci-sm Jun 67 325j.056 Some Observatlaus on Carti2nae HDmoarafts c Xw b7 D. V. Mwhora"kly. HUSSIAN.p pc r., P~Wr M31LP - . Amato Vol V., IXAJ p 65. D*Pt of AWY/538OPM No 2013 Sai-BW Am 67 Z-125"0!90 Modarn Anonthanin With Hyporoxigonation in a Pressure Chamber, by T. 11. Darbinyan. RUSSIAN, per, EksperimentalnaZa Khirurgiya i AnestezioloA-ly , Vol 12, No 1. 19679 PP 53-61 NTC-71-11888-06E Nov 71 Vveftnakly's Theory Applied to Neuron modaj~, tW J* HICIMs JP,, Nadvoctilk, 10 pp, RMUN madmialymma 9 I mcmaku SQ= MOSOMs UOV-Dac 1968g pp JFRS 47g6OO Sai-Cybernstiog Nor 69 378v120 BtloaybermUc Model of Mmory Proposed, by s, U. amynese A. 1. Suslave 10 pp. .I RUWIkN, per, EkF -WIRNra - Rqg[Ag!qp AmesteLIgLoIdat MOSOOVII mov-D)o 1965p pp 12-17. JM 47,600 Sai-Cybernetics 8.121 Mar 69 37 NTC: LKSPEHIMLNTALHAYA KHINLMVIVA I ANESIEZIOLOGIYA' &Vb9 W14 Ng Pbl-b4 Pa-186 333T -M, Changes Occuring During Life of Soft Nerve Fibers Affected by Pracaine (Microcingfilm Study) by O.S. Sctnikev, Z.F. Shavlayev. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Eksp Khir Anesteziol, Vol 14, No 2, 1969, pp 66-70. ACSI-K-0229 Aug 71 Preliminary Data on the Clinical Use of a.8teraid. Nbscle Relnxant Pancurenbun Bromide, by Ye. A. Staymov. RUSS LO 0 per"]NU Xhir Anester.1ol, Vol 14, No 3, 1969, pp 50-54. *ACSI K-0259 Jwe 71 ognav, B. V. BiologicaZ experiments with laser rays. 10 pp. EK5P MIR AffESTEZIOL, Vot 14, No 4, 1969, pp 12-17 ACSI J-9091 XD 2204017470 7777 - H splantation--of-Heart Valves, ::S 14rviey of Foreign. L-iterature, by N.I. :Kolensnikova, 20 pp. ,:'RUSSIAN, per Eksp Khir Anesteziol, Vol 15, ~:No 1, 1970, ~p 48-57. ACS".r-K-1521 -Apr 72 ;777-~- r Gogolashvili, G. D. Experimental Total Replacement of the Thoracic Portion of the Oesophagus by a Plastic Prosthesis. EKSPERIMENTALNALYA KHIRUGIYA I ANESTEZIOLOGIYA, Vol IS, No 3, pp 15-19, 1970 NrC-72-14501-06B NLL-RTS-6641 Jan 73 ~-)i:-O---(ANL-Trail&--877) PEROXIDASE AND CATALASE ACTIVITY IN OXYGEN UNDER PRESSURE. Efwtt, S. N.; Alikhallov, Yu. E.; Fokhm, 1'. S.; Slibukevich, L. L. Translated for Argonne National Lab., 111. from Ukksp Klilr. Anesteziol.; 15-. 63-5(Alay-Jtui 1970). 51). Dep. LNTliT.-- chut"istry (orgimic); translations 07C MN-4 1) NSA Dimothylsulfoxide in C17yobiology, by A. S. Zaka. RUSSIAN" pea-, Rhirurgiyg i Anesteziolouiva No 2, 11-171, pp 59-61. NTC 72-108701-06E May 72 &:h-_cts'Of__H__ypero2da on. CoaF~Ulatln~, and Anti- ao*(ful^,tjxV~ Sy,,rtc,ms ill illooj, I)y A. it. Agadnhanyan, B. K. fVbakov, 8 pp. RUS,91ill~, per. I-Dkspex-lmental Ina, f ~iEurfzi.L" i ya fa- __ - _AnestezioiecAa, Moscow, No 6, 1~ov7Dec 1971, pp 66-79. JrhS 55553 blir 72 An Experimental Space Station in Orbit, 14-18 January 1969, by N. Kamanin and M. Rebrov. 109 pp. RUSSIAN, book, IRMerimental I n~&a Kosmiclieskava na Orbite, 14-18 Yanverya 1969, Izd-vo .TsK-VLKSM Molodaya Gvard:LVa, 1969, pp 1-88. A.TR/FTD-MT-21t-1 88-70 mar 71 English Title Unknovn, by M. Doneva-Manova. EMSIM, per, Eksper. Med i Morf , Vol 8, No 3, 1969. NTIS TT 72-50017 Fab 72 Ya. F. Rybalko Capacity of short-term memory of letter stimuli. 6 pp. EKSPERDffNTAL#NAYA I PRIKLADNAYA PSlXHOLOGIYA., No 2, 1970, pp 26-22 JPRS 53,203 may 71 V. N. Panferov GeneraZ and differentiaZ racognition of picturan of hw= faces and objects. 15 pp. EKSPERIAlENTALINAYA PRIKLADNAYA PSI.KHOLOGIYA, No 2, 1970 pp 21-33 JPRS 53,103 may 71 Zabrodin, Yu. M. Some problems in analyzing human behavior during reception of weak signals. 6 pp. EKSPERIMMVTALINAYA I PRIKLADNAYA PSIKHOLOGIYA., No 2. 1970, pp 33-38 .rPRS 53,103 may 71 Mikiforov, G. S. An operator'o seZf-control of receiving information from a moaauring apparatua. 5 pp. SKSPERIAENTALNAYA I PRIKALDNAYA PSIKHOLOGIYA., No 2, 1910, pp 38-43 ,TPR.-, .53,103 may 73 ~11; I I -I 111 IA ~ ".t.I,I I I IN Ifil I 111IFT'll I I Ti"'Til 1110 1 Wli; Ill: V III, I I I - I .. Obozov, N. N. Comparativa analysia of psychomotor oharacteristice uoing data from individuaZ and group experiments. 10 pp. EMLERIMENTALISAYA I PRIKLADNAYA PSIKHOLOGIYA No 2, 1970, pp 43-51 JPRS 53,103 BodaZav, A. A. The probZem of social perception. 9 pp. E,KSPERIAIENTALINAYA I.PRIKLADNAYA PSIKHOLOGIYAP No 23 1970, pp 54-58 JPRS 53,103 may 71 VoZkov, I. P. Sociometric anaZysie of a group's creative possibilities. 5 pp. EKSPER-TAffNTALINAYA I PRIKLADNAYA PSIKFIOLOGIYA,, No 2, 1970, pp 59-62 JPRS 53,103 may ?I Duehabayev, Z. R. An ezpar-Imenta4 atudy of the roZe of biZateral asynnetry in white rat behavior and epatiaZ diBcy-immi- nation of light eignaZa. 24 pp. EKSPERIAENTALINAYA I PRIKLADNAYA PSIKHOLOGXYA No 2, 1970, pp 100-112 JPRS 53,103 may 71 Inveptigatiqns,of the Formation.of the First' Impreission of a Person in Foreign Paychology, by 12 BO-dalev-,-~PP* -- -ZsL-1 Pri FS 0g Leningrad, Vol 365, NO 4, 19719- PP 57- . JJW 57172 0 ct~ 72 English Title Unknown, by V. F. Shendrtsk, L. T. Yompollaktoy, 6 pp. RMSIM, per, Eksperimentallnaya Prikladnaya Paikholog&a USh2M Zapiski No 341, No 1, 1968,, pp 96-103. Acsi j-9496 iD 22o4ooo671 Oat 71 by Mi Sad Expo-r-mental Saisplologyp RUSSIAN, bk, Ekpperimantallnaya Saismologiya, 422 pp. *Dept of Interior/Geological Survey Zia uLin-2 Experiirental Operr-Cycle Uff) Gemrator ld~ , by D. G. ZlAuerin, V. A. Bashilov, et aL .1 7 pp. fuzim, Ilmor xiitentalInaya Ustmovka 1.113- Gmeratora Ot:kxytoqo TSIkla ll~&Z Si~-107/159, AIP/M/PUI-24-175-68 sci/emrgy conversion rrar 69 377,905 EXPERIMENTAL WATER TUXOLOGY ANDRUSHAYTISt G LANGUAGE-RU COUNI'RY-UR LKSPEKIMENTALINAYA VOUNAYA TOKSIKOLOGIYA IZINATNEI, RIGA, 1970, 50PP, AKAD. NAUK LATVI Y. 5SR., INSTIT. BIOLOG. FSTC-HT-23-0163-73 i~;kvrinantal inw-qtigaticri of Electxical Cort- - duatiN&ty of Pxxxlucts of Corbwticn, Stinulated by so3j-d Particl # by Yao V., Ziyrdn* V.A* Popov. 17 pN MESIM t ms rirmtalli.-scye Issled SZ=ya, St:iimU- XOY22usc TneWnt Cliastitst-mi S*-107-154. pp 1-14* AlIVEM/1-M-24-183-68 sci/rAlysics nw 69 381,169 I~q)OrAmmtal Stuctr an 11o&Is of the Twi.. P0I'Qt,,,M Flolc~3 of Puol 10ownts in the AOUVO ZOM and Shield of tho M-:).50 PLao-- tor - USSR3, tV V, 1, Sabbotdn, P. A, Usbakcv, 22 pp. Fisams, muos rimer. tallonave Issiodova- n1se naL I 921nadejam OWE- vM igz i M I ML PP%= Yeaktor -350, 1 19659 pp Ift-no JPRS 31245 Sci-- NS/Tech Aug 6.5 An E2q)erimutal Study of Charges-Tr e jection of Protms into Circular Accelerators and Storage Rinp. by G.I. Budker, G.I. Dimov, et 416 13 pp. RUSSIAN, rpts. EksperimentaMsye Issledaven ye Pora!=adnoi Inahektsil Protanov v Kolftsevyye Uskoritell i Nakogi Me"." 199S. 9232789 7MC 3EM 33 Sci/Nuclear Sci Jun 66 302,474 Evyerin-untal investigatim of the Influmn of bie 14%ows I-Lnl Q:oaf ficimit o.L-- Lluctrical Ccnductivity of Potassiwa-see-thd Hydrocaeuca-l-Nml Cc)tTbusticn ProducLso by S. A. Goldmibarg, Ye. P. Zim.,ft, et al. 11 pp. RUEBIA14, rpt I!ks "erinuntallnwe Vlvaniva Koeffit2Ueanta 4K!-2Aka litpliva na LlaktRa>XMTKbOStt5 Produktav S22Lm . a MTevocb- ~v s Dcbavk Ka2lya, R,:) 1-9. L~2~ldl CY AIP/MA,W-24-181-68 -;Ci/prq?ulsicn and fuals way 69 381,093 iAvrim-m.tal Inma;Uciation of Uic Inflinnce of 13midury ItWru aid CbrLatn OVlm3r Y.'Efuct-,; cai Uia CharacLe-riatim of an MID-Gmierator, by A. Yo. I;heyddljli, 13. Yao ShyiTyatskiy, et aL 25 pp. PWSIA4, xpt, 1-2csperlrmtal n= lssle~m~ 'Vliya W.'V 1 NeK-2tq:QN-l LiXa P!~~Trmicin4~h S~ Uwugikli L'ttpktov na Maraktmlsti "-' Al)-Ganera!- tora, pi.) 1-31. AII IMAT-24-177-68 sci/physics PW 69 381,103 S-Wertmental Substantiation ar Certain Mathodu for the Prophylaxis of the Unfa7orable fffects of Weighblessness, by A. M. Geni-n and 1. D. Pestov. 21 pp. POSSIAN, b3--,, Eksperlrgn~valln(n cboM0vQUIiYe.**5 Moscow, Academy of Sciences tGS-R, 1971 NASA TT F-14,027 i Bar 72 Kondrat lev, V. N. Exporimental methods for datezim:ning the rate constants for gas-phaae reactions. 64 pp. EKSPERIMENTAL "NYE AIETODY OPREDELENIYA KONSTANT SKOROSTI YJIIMICHESXrXH GAZOFAZNYXH REAKTVII. PMTN pp-STS-S AI;G-Apt aug 70 M. P. Shevchenko A study of tho mechanical proportios of motals formed by regular and high-speed forging. 3-5 pp. RUSSIAN, Eksperimental'nyy nauchno-issledov- atel'-skiy Institut. Razrabotka i iii-sled- ovaniye teklinologielieskikh protsessov obrabotki metallov davleniyem. No 19, 1968s pp 84-94 AIR/FTD-MT-24-1925-71 oct 72 Expaxiiiu- ital Inve-stigatims of lir- latewd Aomloraticn, and oUxer Of ."irUclas) , by T. V, JILLtydcllina, 1. A. Blk-zlyevzi. et LL. 123 po. ill. bk, lssle~~a Upddliezu, 122.moin2 o-vw S!2~~l Uskox-mAy, x Sim Pumakinmck i !Ll~l I.-alctorov, sctL/b ana SOpt 69 393,004 Studies on Work Fitness and Work Arrangements, by P. A. 14akkavoyskiy, 18 pp. IRIMSIMI, bk, Ekapertiza trudosposubnosti i trudouaty2,yetvo pri nervnylch i imikhichesUkli zabolevaniyakh, 196r- 5, J,PRS 36164 Usm Sci-B/M jul 66 304,744 U'lK-,rat-L,.!:jT CliaracWarisstict; of- 1-1".i-LkuJ.)i-ne Urcraft i.~it ;Lio!;, i-,y i'i. " j'Iyadikin. 250 pp. I ~Lp " Pluatatsics-M, ra 1(harzkter-istiku Aviat-Acann' l C i - 77 1 1967, 1-1.) 1-195. ,dlVVR)/ULA-24-247-68 SCL/ Zrld fmls oat 69 394,247 Operation of Trucka in Tropical Climates and In Band and Denert Terrainp by M. G. Lazebnikov., Yu. L. Bakurevich, 120 pp. MWIM, bk, Ekspluatstsiya Avtomobiley v Ualov i-70 Sal/Mech Jan 71 operation of Electrolytic InsiAllations for the Production of Hydrogen andl Oxygent by As B& GoI*dnhtGYn# Fb Ze Serbla7UnsklYt 78 PP* RUSSW# bko ghgRLMjfitSLM KjgkktggkUwi*b Ustanovok d1ya Poluchenlya Vodbroda J Kis3n-r-ndA. Moscow. 19690 89 pp. JM 50-566 Sci-Chem Jun 70 UPFi,'AT I I IN CA- A L I ClIti I IV L E Ll--LlP I CAL. E ~,tl I -PPENT I N W I NI L k L L V I N, A F k, L I'-KSPLUATATSIYA ELEK-rKCiJBLRiJCC\IANIYA AVTCM.CBIL EY ZIVICY ITRAN-SPUR'll VUSCUA 1971 f3C PF -x FSTC-HT-1346 72 operation or construction Nwhinery Under Winter 0oudItions, by, S. A. tetrovichs 180 pp. RussrANX bkv atsiya stroltelowrkh Mashin V Mmikh l9bUp pp I-IM. Acul J-8005 FSTC-IM-23-319-70 Sal/iftch JaW 70 MaIntananoo of Civil Dafense Sholtors, by Yaw Yu* Kmvmeror and A, Yo, Kharkevich, 83 pp. RUSSIMT, bk, Oc sW ubashi shch jjrg&~m X _ ranXt 3907v ppe. XW,-11-29 JPRS 41703 USSR I n u Jul 67 332.421 U S I- tj 1: k. I V i L D L 1- 1 -4 G i') I i L, L. I C, 1% S KAPIMCkEK, YU YU LANuUAGE-RG CCUNTRY-LjR- EKSPLUATAI Sl YA UbLifil -')HOI GNAiHDANSKI.JY Ot3UfwON 1. - '.v:, PUi3. I CON IS TRULT I ON L I T E KAT URE 11 , MOSCOW , 1970 , PP 16-27 32-37 57-75 F STC-IIT-23-!,~Z 6b--7 3 Use of the Computing Aldohine "VilInyus". by Tichahankov, Y. P. RUS'SUAN, por, Als:'ksplutateiya VychioZitollnoy Mashiny WZI i0, 967, pp. 1-71. FTD-HC-23-86-69 ---Ex traction by Amines, by V. S. Shmidt. RUqSIAN, bk, Ekstraktsiya Aminami, 1970, pp 5-6. 103-107, 148-189, 203-215, 227--272. *AEC/LB/G/201/30 Q-ra -740 00--l' efA Zee P Z!O 1'2~e 410 q-110 -rezele --.:e ---e.-a e Computers In the Complox-Automation Systems of Electrical Power Grids., by V. M. SinIkov, A. V. Bogoolovoldy, 18 pp. MUM, per, MaktrichestviD. No 1, 1965, pp. 1-6. KO-032706T - FTD-xT-66-T72 Sol-Electronics and Electrical ugr. Doe 67 3"p"1 .- %, cr T i x liquatiuas ram! Trwtskaissiou Cu- okficlcnv~ for Coatinuotu; I'lallint Nill s, by 4.1. N'. Druzhiriin. Systom RUSMAIN, per, Elektriclieslyo, No 1, 1965. 1)1;33.-42. 61SI 44S4 USSR i lar 66 297.185 __---19~onverters of Electric M'agnitudes to Pulse Frequency, by Yu. N. Ye.vlenov, R R. It. Kliarchenko. 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestvo, No 1, 1965, pp 48-53. 9700436 FTD-TF-65-908 7 Sci/Electronics Jun 66 302,544 &tG*t of Pft"Ure and ftudl ; Staman an Abomufa Prmerues or mrwwrowwr StAwIp by In XA* RtDg=e MMMO vero Uskul2boams so 20 *65S NO 70-3- ML PM3-3078 sa - Noah 331# "3 ad 67 A&W-Ucation of Silicon-ControLled Rectifiers in MtrazorAo Frequency Com-arter Circuits, by M. M. Akodla, U. V. Gel*man., 10 pp. IUSSIO.o per,, Elaktrichesto, No 3, 1965, pp 26-30. NAV/NXC/Tran-3083-70 SCI/Elect Aug 70 Probability of insulation failure in the stator windings of turvogenerators as a function of their period of eparatinn, by L. A. Belova, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Elelctrichestvo, IM 4, 1965., PP 11247 NIP - NU 9022.o9 (4141) Sci - Turbines & Turbo Machines Apr 67 325,824 Uso of lZoactovi x"J" VOItAfre '-,'tabili.zatir)lj by *vu. L. 'lu% n r. A 1 0 OC't por, 4, 1965 oNll 9022.09 (4_21~ Floc, )"11g Nov 6 7 343, 896 Calculation of Transformer Core Leakage, by Yu. V. Frakman. RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestvo, No 4, 196S, pp 65-67. NLL Ref: 9022.03 (4255) Sci--Blec Apr 69 379,906 Nagnatic Alloys for iliji-Terl)vraturo Service, by G. V. I'shadicalcova, A. 1). ;WOIcOV, 1) pli. RUSSIM, per, Elcktrichestin, No 4, 1965, pp 81-83771-070-171-06(-) FrD-1IT-66-196 Sci - Natorials Jmi 67 317.640 Tlj(!cUt;(1 of Diial :Totworl,!, I -..,-)r ;...ortit i:ault Current Calculitio4is $I Ily V. A. ~Sarc:rov. RUSSIM, per, 1-JcktricllOstvo,.No 5, 1965, 12-15. 'LL 9022.09 (42112) Sci - l."Lec fing Nov 67 f - i- , 343,900 I I .,z U10 Use of Characteristic Functicnis for Calculating. and Invostil-ating Qt)ornting C(Aicliticuis of Electrical Systoms, by Yu, S, KraicJiik-, RUSSINN, par, Elaktrichestvo, No 5, 1965 a) 19-25, NLL Ilef: 9022,09B 1966 (420G) Sci-4ilcc 4 Electrical Digr Sept 66 so,,-'ssu 1, 11(11111 .1111 ~Hy V drutuid Fault 11rutection of tho Rotor in a Generator cith Valvo Exictation, by G. B. Giondkov, 11IMSSIAN, por, Likht-richestvo, Nu 5, 1965, pp 38-44. 141.1, 9022.05 1965 (3S09) ici-L:Icja,.r Ap r 6 7 322,952 1.1-ol .. 1.1' ,"U. licat Calculation of lbtaily-Morod M-ectrJeal Machinar wt I.-It NZ4t,urn] cool I III', hy M. V. 11.1 ills tl)(Y ~ MINSIAN. por Hinlarialic.,stvo, No. 5, 1,()65. 1)P '11-7.5 GB 153/1312 Sci - Aug 67 339-373 CoJlatioil of oxporintica on it Llynchronour. Oporation of Powar SyrtUmun, by L. U. Majailcoriyuntu. RUSSIAN, per, Blektrichestvo, No 6, 1965, PP 1-5. IIL14/9022. 03 1965 3636 Sci 0 Sep 67 340,034 lielf -Optimizing Progra mzed Control Systeim and Its Application to tho Smvw-Down iltdtanism of a Bloom RUI, by K. I. Koxhav- nikov. IMSIM, per. Blektriche-stvotv No 6, 19065, PI) 32-38. NIX Rof: 9022.091B 1966 (2449) Sci-Electronics & Electrical EnLdneering Sept 66 309,576 kvwlao Tharml Caloulation of a LADmogenoma L)Caitaition WirAing, b4r Yu. he Vasillev., RUSSIM. per. Elaktrlchxw Vo 6. 1963. pp 39- 43. va qon.o (386.5) SOL-Else larw Jul 68 %2162? 111. 1.-, ~":, I'll, ~ I 1, 11,; P I 1qmi I i pir 1! 4)till-01 Ulgiqlifly Of ;-I 1-1,-Llitalft-YA010 :f1j#-iUCWr Qf Q jcY11Ci1MnoU.1 MtdtilMs by A. Awut;yLui A. L. iiortixiov. -15 Im. WSSIA4, per, Llektricivest-vo, 140 6, 1()65, pp 45-50. MVI.TD/IrT-23-142-GO Sci/electxonics fob 69 375,638 QW&OS Is the Interma Air Distribution of Coxtain Slow-Ruaminst Zlectrical machines Ra"Itlas fav" Tbatual *ad Ventilatlam Toms by Le S, Rodstels et vl* NUIANS per* Slaktrichastva. no 6, 196Sm pp 81-34* MLL Raft 3774es 1"S (1S37) fifii-d" , Al 0 3(m,951 NCII-202 508 Field 9C. 7A OnInhchenko. G. 13.: Samovar. M. L. MAIN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATIC 1. Associated Electrical ELECTRIC DRIVES IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Industries. Ltd. (Osnovne Napravlenlya Rarvitlya AvtomatizirovannDgo Trafford Park(England) Elektropriyoda v Ktdmicheskol Fromyshlennosti). 7 Sep 65, 9p. TP/T-3869. Order from NLL I Tram, of Elcktrichostyo (UN~10 n7 x~19-62 1965, Spin Generator, by N.M. Iyovskaya, Warkhodthayev. 22 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestmo, No.7, pp S7-64. P100289067 FTL)-41T-66-470 R. M. 1965, Sci/E-lectronics Nov 67 343,307 ~.trca,.j;~ oV t1w, ~,atsur Ulitabl,in, in a Tnuunfor:icr ,;W)"Oct to Dw.) to Short Clrctdts, by L. 1. 'Alli-ann, S. 1. Lurle. RUSSM, per, Elektrichcstvo, No 8, 19cls, I)p 77-83. NIX 9022.01) (42(j3) Sci Nov 0`7 343,395 c,rj,tjj-;-j zatical of 1--cmx-r plow 11-1 cicsmi with a iiijti Lkyjree of idiaicxjancity, by V. G. UJICILsk~y. I:Ickktxiclicf 9, 1965, 16-21. i-La. cIA X-6759 Ocat 68 AgR 369,324 1. TriAstorr6drs' with lmmetAc Tay AndLugs. by V. A. Traitaldi. RUSSIAH, p6r, km2js~doho t32, NLL Ref: 3?74.5 (1492) sai-luso Aug 68 Clianging *f the 144) 9. 196.5. pp 61"?. 461,8n Stray Flux Distrioutioa tuid Additional Losses in Cores of Iluver Trwisforrtcrs Under Load, by "Jill'Idn' at al. RIUSSIX-11,pep, Elcitrichcstvo, i~;u 1,11, 19650 6~3- N11 3774.5. (1406) Sci - Iliac Ell,., 67 343,394 I ! nductunce .1110 ";tcol The 01. 1. on thc lirrcirs Ilion !,lea-suri)',,,, to wid Cxof CIO a-asulation of Transformer U'indina~s, b~ ?i. V. L&shin. R pcr Elcktrichcstvo, No 9, 1965, -79. 6 7 .'ht. 3774.5 (1407) R sci - 1:10C Nov 67 343,393 Distribution of Breakxbm Strwgth of Discharge G&S* in Kwrour7 Ara Rectifiers# by A* A* Partseve RUSSIAN* per# Plaktrichostyop fic, 10p 19639 pp 76-79- NLL 9=-09 (4457) sci,aw Ew Nov 67 34503" d b.CoerojvjV Cobalt-MAtinua AllcWs . b5r I ff Y. A. Gratadanov, A. G. Robinlldn. ItUWLAN, par* Laoktd2hjvtU, No 10, 1965. pp 86-88. NIL ftf -. 9022.4 (67/50)f sci-IMOC Aug 68 361.8M TecWAcal-Economic Bowe for the Selection of T.Yjm of ftergy for Household Needs In the Cities of the UWp by B. L. Ayzenberg, V. M. Dmitxlyevo L. D. Pebanov, L - 1. Sbarova, and,169 I* Berkbran., 12 pp. 1WSS1M,, per., MwrichestM No 11, Nov 1965j, Pp- 71-74!, JPBS 34496 b?4 /- N USSR Econ mar 66 296,825 Zie ll;dtlwi of Explosive Gas-Air and Vawux-sUr lklo4UP by liloctricitl Diuchargo--s by .11. S. Kravdionko. RW>'3lXq, per, Blektrichestvo, 1-10 11, 1966, pp 75-80. NLI. Itef: 8513,40 1966 (5244) Sr-i-Eloc Aug 66 508*542 j~a,j t)jL~ 'I'llie1~11V- ,_S 047 Col(I Polled Steol. Trajtslur;~or Unwirkations Liffects !;pccific Los-scs, by V. G. 1.3oriscal.-O, 1. D. RUSS 1% I'M', per, lilelctrichostvo, No 11, 1965, pyj I'LL 3774.5 (1451)) Sci - i %it A ov 67 Growth of Electrical Load in Agriculture, by V. M. Tavyakh and V. G. Bebko, 10 vp. R=IM, per, Elektricheav-2.1 No 1, jan 1966, PPO 13-:L6. JM 34913 USSR Sci-M.actronics Apr 66 293,982 on tue zcooom:Lc Effectiveneiss of the Voltage- Drop Made La 3DD-5W Movolt Xlectric Power Tmnmisalon, Yu. N. Starshinov, 13 pp. Lql"p per, El8ktrlSbMt%M* ib 1, 1966, pp. 22-2T. JPM 35055 usm Sai-Mectronics Apr 66 299,273 I 1411 111 Ujit u mmut rivi,rnmin'T I I I ~J" v-tiIt Wgical OrimizaUm of ()Ultm)lljjig a VmUcn-3 C(X(L)Uwrp J)y Ll. i_6 ll%iujzwi,, V* A. Dolkatts, ut al. 1714). lWSIN-4,, pers, Blektrichestvu (Electxi No 3, 1966, pp 1-U." 1UP/PIPAIT-23-1193-67 Scd./Slectta-dcs Ebb 69 375,479 Rie Electrlfication of Aagmia, by Prof., K, Lwitrov., 7 PP- RVSBrM,, perp Elektriehostvo,, No 3, mar 1966, PP- 85-86. JPF-s 36094 F /V 0 HE-DAZaria Econ Jul 66 304.,781 Coherent Light Generators mid Amplifiersp by F, A, Korolev, 24 pp, 13USSIM, per, Elektrichestv(:) No 4,. Apr 1966s, pp? 1-3-1, ipm 36295 USSR Sal-Electron jul 66 306p725 Radar Obeervation or the Plzmats, by B. 1. lCuznetow, I. V. Lishin and Z& G. Trunovas 19 pp. HISSIAN, per, Elektrichestv-c). No. 6, June 1966P U-P* 1-7- JPRS 38649 USSIR Sci-Astronomy Dec 66 314,265 Computer for the Determination of Optimum Energy System Conditions, by A. V. Bayev, P. A. Zykin. RUSSIAN, per, ElektrichestAro, No 6, 1966, pp 23-26. AIR/r-TD/HT-23-1588-67 Sci-Electr Feb 69 374,40:17 A Multistage Process for the SdIection of Optimum Dimension& for Electrical Machines, by D. A. Avatisyan, A. 1. Elertinov. RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestiro, No 6. 1966, pp 69-74. AIR/FTD/IIT-23-72-68 Sci-Elec Apr 69 379,856 Ginzburg, S. A. Specialized clacuZating machines for calculation of economic distribution of active toads in power systems. 10 pp. ELEKTRICHESTVO, No 7, 1966, pp 85-89 ETD-W-24-326-67 P 100088768 june 68 C41culation of tho Stroy Losoom in Tranof ormar Tardcov I-&- A. A. Borazovskii. RUSSIM4, per. insla-icbestvo, vo go 1966, pp 1-7. 14LL Ref: 9022.0,3 ( Soi-Eloc ihgr Aug 68 361.861 Reducing the Stray losses in Core-Typa Itcactorm, by L. V. V%mtryWcov. RWSXMW per, iiaektrialiestvo, HLL Ref. 9022. 03 (4075) Sci-Llec Aug 68 tIms Tanks of IALrgo I^'Ltos, L. A. No 9. 1966, pp 8-23. 361.869 -jiidu"OnCO Of thO OP*2%LtiAg VOItIL90 On Lupulso overvaltames In Transformer tvln3lzxp,, bV S. D. Limunov, A. V. S"mbrdkov- RUSSIAN, per, laskric f No loo, 1966. pp 40- 48. NLL W: 9022-03 (4093) .qaQaeo hhv Aug 68 361,870 StAktiatical DIAtribution of %dtching Ovorvoltage lAmols In Lines During Thrve-PlwLse Autorsaosm-a, by D. B. Artamlev. RMSIAN, per, l2akrioheatvo, No 32p 1966* pp 3-7o NIL Raf : 9022.03 (4107) scl-r2.00 Avg 68 361,86o EffectIvenons of Cimuit-Breakers with Two-V)my ResUtors for Midting SwItabing Overvoltages, by'ru. 1.I. Gusev, K. P. Kadimskaj;a. RMMTA4. per, Q*ktA via ne 1966t pp 6-12. NIL ftf: 9022,03 (4108) sci-Elec Alug 68 361.867 L*catlag tbo Ewth ftult Po:Lnt rrom zero Sequance Currents and Voltages on Tded Trans. mLoslon Li=sp by M* F, KorAwknop RMUNp per# Elaktrielgetyi?o No 11j, 1966p pp 17-22. NM W: 9022,09 (4617) Mal-Blectronles July 68 360j,969 A lipithod -for Locating lArtJi Baulto Qn Toed Troms- mUcAon Unoo. tT V. M. raoinar. AWSIM, per, No 11, 3.966, pp 2Z. P-3 0 14LL Ref.- 9022.09 (463.6) sa-~Gc Aug 68 363.5n ftysimi smawns why Som Brwoupat mterlau P"se" Oood Cow=Utiou CbA&ructorjLotlcn,, bgr P. S. IAV"to ro-ra-W per, SOW.Iftstya, No lip 1966a YD 74-77 - ML Wz 9022-09 (4638) JUIL 6B 360o835