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Detsand=ti= Of Longitudinn-1 Be3saution TLmes fox patic Resow=e a Atmic Nualel in an Intome iftir Hjp~h-FMIumx7 Magwtic FJLeld#,'by S. D. Gvozdamr; '- I * Igo W;Bkayap 7 PP* K InZIMN., m pars, -&"- ESME I Teoret F" vol- mOy.., No 5j, Noy 19551, PP b37-644-- Amer Inut of Phyaics 'Soviet M-slca,, Vol III. NO 3 Scl - Phyiaics Y'ab 5-7 MI ,Ijlhe Qwcatj~oa of the Possibility of Measwlng the Tempawataqm- of the a(amm o:P a Jet Disebarge Usine. the 3064 A WrmWl. Bands by M. Ze jmcxlj=p 6 pp. RUSSM# mo pery am mmu."am-el Z&Z, Val xmx so 5s NOV 1955j, pp b45,-650* - Amer Imt or Phynics Soviet Ptwaica# Vol Us No 3 Sai - Pbyo:bcs ~t- 9 7 rf Feb 57 CTS T%r-D Mectrode Higb-Frequency Dischargo at Pressurca *rTxnl. 100 m Mto Atmospharic., by G. S. Solntscv,, M. Us IWAA13, 7 P9. HMUN,v Ino per,, nNam &11*0ret YI&P_ Vol XXIX., No 51 N" M50 pp 65LZ310 "t", - A: - /-.~ I Amer bmt. of FzWsics Soviet Ifteless, Vol Ils go 3 Sci - PhrsUs ftb 57 M Btu(~, ok the Structure of the Surface of a Liquid b7 the Hathod of Reflection or U&t., by V, A. Kim1p 10 pp. HUMIM,, mo yer,, Ma sim3ar ILmeaInt Xjv'.F~ Vol m=a NO 5v N07 19558 pp 6,gb-bW.- Am*r Imt al." PIwoUn SmIst ft"ficat Vol np No 3.p SCI - PlbTDUO J/- T 7 r7 Feb 51' M ~ilomp:~Iuzur.-I Dependence G:~ the IsUntic COD54~-qzts C;f Mmccx~rctrilm o:C S-odim Chloride and Silver Chloride., Dy A, V. '-~Lap"Ovjq 1.~ 14. NiduB; 6 pp. 04'r5SV,ff, mj:i per., zas.& i Tgoret Fi.K. Vol )DM; M;r !7o 5.P irv A-955s, iv 669-6T5. Amer ]not of Physica Soviet ft'sics, Vol 11., Nc, Sci Abmwptlon Spectrm of Exceso Bilver in tht*-- Low Tmpuutuxe wA U& Temperature Modifications of Silww 3.'Odlft,, by P. N. Kokho mkoo L. V. GrIgonik,, 3 pp. =SIAN,, no parj, ml Vol )O=p No 5,. Nov 1955t PP 676-679- Amer last of Pbyaics Soviet Pbyalcop Vol Ilp No if- ~'/ 7 57 InrostigAition of the Structure of ExtensiVe Air Showers at Sea Levels by A, T. Abroeimovs A. A. Bodniakcm, V. 1. Zateepins 1~. A. Ifechin, :V. 1. j8o.lovlovus G, B. Khristiansen,j P. S. Chains 4 Vrp. RVSSIMj, mD per, Zhut _ZWA~r i Teoret Fiz, Vol xx=, No, 5j, 1955a pp 693-~;696-- American JW; of Fbysics SovIet PbVeltrop VO1 Us No 2 ,/- -1-r Feb 57 CrB Photcelealtria Recording of Speatm of Codbinpition (Rmwn) Scutbaring of Powdery Matarleas,, by Ia. S. Babovlch,p V. X. Plvavsr0V,, 3 PD. RUSSIAN,, JMMZ m perp Zbzr r I Temet Fiza VO). N=p Ifo 5j, WT 19A.P Amw I=t at Pb"las Soviet PbWmiasp Vol II# No 3 -A14 1. Feb 57 cis .~r 1117 me-sm, Carnwtions In the Theory cW Beta DecAYj, bv S. D, Oerubtieft, Ys. B. Z01"Dow1ch. 3 pp. MWTAKO. irio perp Vjv...N ~P~- ,Rj!pl am 1 9 Vol xx3xjl NO 5,v NOV 19.550 pp b95-~& Amer Inst of Physics Savist PIW*Lcii,, Vol 11j, No 3 Sal -- pbpalas /- 5, 7~1(v Feb 57 CTO The Mile CC Spin In the Study of the Radiating E3Act3,w,, by A. N. Matvayevs, 1 p. RUSS104,1 =o per,, XXIXj, llo 5# M5* vp 700m. Awrican In" cC PIVales SOTL"Rbyeloo, Vol II, NO 2 Hai - Physics ~c 5 r"16, Peb yr cm Dlfftwion Coaff ioient of =I Fx~icioa in a Mag- cietimbd Interatellar Wdium, by A. A. Logunov, Is. P. Terletsklyp I p. WMSLW,, no per, Zhur Eks-ver, I Teorat Fiz, Vol X=j, So 5j, 1955, pp 701P 702. Amwican Inat of Physics Bovift Pbpo:Lcst Vol II, No 2 SOL - Ivoics Ileb 5'r 028 S r"he Comeation Betueen the DiatribUtion Cxf a Ql=oi- I monoolu,antic Statlouezy Procesc and the DistrLbution ar its Noutelopel by S. M. ArWvj, 2 pp. RMaMNs mo per# Zhur A 9 t Piz? SM a R2M vol cK3:x, go 5j, No-v 1955v pp 7w,-Y~7~- 2,P I Amw lust of Physics Soviet Pbysicsj, Vol TJj, No3 Pk*'Blcs -5 la Feb 57 OTS DatermImation cif the D Oonotant of - Libel, 2 pp. 13UP8M0DdkWtQr8s by IL IRMWAM,, wo per, zhur Usper i 20oret PUP Vbl XX:rX. No 50 1051 IPP 7W--TW. Avaricais Imat cC pbysics Soviet IM"Laso Vol 11.9 NO 2 Sci - MWSUB Fob 51- CTS Ifte- lermi.--.Ywkg HyWtheals.. by B-P Be FMppOvj 2 ppa FMSXAN,t no per,, au amr I Teoret Fiz, Vol XMj, No 5j, Nm 195% PP 7ur-MU. Amer:Dast of PbWsics Soviat Physicep Vol 11., No 3 ,,~4 1 ;7 ~?5 Sol - Pbarmics 'r Feb 57 OMS on the Devt-blopmant IW Hesm of La-adars of tho Prooess ol'Bremklowa# of Idquidal (Reply to the Remaxts cd,' G * A. Vordb I ev).. 2 pp. RUBSTANS %n0 vw" aux am I TgRM FAzm Vol MMP 170 5P Wov 1955s 40 70U-709- Mar MuFt of 1bysics soviat Pbysicos voi n,, No 3 Bel, - Piv, vil.08 -~41 Y 7 11~~ F eb 5 7 C'M Isett(ma tD the Editor Lxtex-ALation of Nucleons ThrouF$x a Pseudoscal Keson Flal,? by A. A. RuXmdwp 2 pp. MSDJO no per$ I= Zhu I %joret Piz, Vol XXIXA. go 5j, Amer lost of Pbysics Soviet PbWalas'. voi np No Sol - Rkpalas IPdb 57 OTS 16 337 US-14 VLASOV N. A., et al. Interaction of protons with tritium and the excited state of He4 Zhur. Eksptl'. i Teorct. Fiz. , 28, No. 6, 639-650 (1955) RJ. 550. $ 27. 25 - English Euratom On Me Thoory of the Do gum-Vex, Alphen Fffect for INLiftlales vith an Arbitrary Dispezolon Law.9 by 1. M. XIlftMtzt A. X. Mosevicho 7 RUSIMANip pors Zbvur Skoper TooretiWmkcy Flz_, 1953j. Vol M1ft;*-lr6-'Sj,-pp-7h3-"jl. MA 59 -A." Val go NO 10 *Prapaigmv~on of a Short Pplse .(a a Eemiconductor Bo=ded bit T-wra p-n Juactiona, by Adirovrich, G. I., V. 0. Kelatilava. VHCWSIFIED IWMINN, por., Zhur FAIza 29T i To ~~ Fi:s, Vol No 6, 1955, pp-Tro-M. Sol *is Lib 5"11/4268 Sol - Inkyu ftp 58 Ph*t*cbwdwI Conversion or Color Centwe In lWated Ch!ystale of Potassium ChLonbb j by A* As SbetWowl, 11 ppe RU$SUN,, par,, MEMMI Tnomi&*4o%'k "w V4 w4 VAN PQ* it* 6 t 12) a 19556 xr-=; ~=M am -;= W- j;,- pp 8"-83(57. 00i FTD-19-24-217-67 awnwis Aug 6- -8 3640M Famation cg a . -Room Pair In, Positron Anuihilationl by V. Bo Berest~uxqx 1. la. POwrwwJM*, 2 pp. RUBSIANj mo parp ZhI IN= 4 Ibmt fiz,, Vol M=4. No bp Dee 195.5j, p M4. A=w Inst of PbWelcs f;ovifj^ Owniesp Vol IIp No Sol phymics 7 Fab >7 am Green0s Function in Scalar BlectrodymamIcs in the Regial-A of Sm I I Nowntas by A. A. Lqgmovj, 3 pp. RMURs no per$ Zhur Skeper i Teore Piz Vol xx3x.. Dto 6.0 29550'~~~ AmrUian Inst of Pbysics Boviot, PbWvIcsj* Vol nO No 2 841 - Mrstas ~I 9 Y--Tg Feb 57 CTS zLeatz,()Scmwt:Lc wav" in a ads Mocharge Flwm md Spum ftooclb p by M. va KCM%kmo- Ya. P. Torletwdra 4 pp. SLISSWIP bluo Zhw ~-r I Too"t Fiso VcdL MKO a W. No ~r 195r ARD Tr M Sol - Ph$mjAm awk 57 TbeCM7 (it the Anamalou SM Rrfect for Arbitrw7 Collision Integral,, by M. Ys. dkxbel,, k. A. Kawr, 3 pp. MMUS ptrj, xxixo no 60 lmv pp 876-M. Ocl Mae Lfib go 56/21,36 7be Crams Sectlon ror Cbarfe acebange or slow Ime in & fte of the $we glawntj, by Yu. H. Kapnp V. 1. PMlj 4 YPD RMURp so pw Zhur ZkmW 1. 24mmt FLz.,..Vol XXII, 0~ ~ 19551, IM Mg . AM Tr 2712,,,.- f, /- 4 SOL - f2welas Aug 57 I I I III- I v4l I rl It 11114111' 1[[ 1) 1jj~ II'll ~j ~ 11 1 1 4CI All- 75~5 13129 Ow za") Otroqg DiVoUr -1 1 a, oil s of Axroaol Particles., by A. A. 3vatakavo W. A.'ftlxtoyo. 3 vp. * Rmmn,p so pwo MW NMI, -I Teor*t 'pis, -vol XMP- IN* 9s, "meows gap 1955s, P.M.. M/M ty-W39 - WSR 3;~ 1,1.f -- sai - cbwdsuy.. lw/cwl as"10" (Bmiircft) ameral, TbeoI7 of ReUtivity or a Theory of GrOVIUMAM? by U. F. MAM1,04_3 P.P. MSOIMI# no per# Zhw ~Rwr :L Tooret Fis" Vol xxxt No is ion 19560 pp M-18%. haer lust of Physics V)I Ills No X fr,:wviet Pbysics., JEV Sol - Iq37sIcS /,/W/ 7Y Apr 57 CTS On the Use ct Artificial B4tcllltee or the Biinxtb to check tbe General Thoory of Relativity, by V. L. 0Inzb=g. BUSSIAMI# mo par$ Val )M:., -No is I I L Sc Aug 15~4,6 me owcwr Ot 4-v*=mftw%lc atects lu metals, by X. No, LUWAtAp No *T4k* AllbmAp No I, FAGAWY# 5 Ipp 9 umvi, r~ Vim Mumer I 2blar Flas V027 =a NO L,, ,,r, . 990-Mo Sal Am lAb 50!56/2451 fti - wn/new# $tot, iriit V- I (In -~Itmxtd Electron and Nuclear Spin Oscillations i.n Antiforrma-aLuotics. I by Lo A, Turov', V, G. iZulayev., 1"W'SIAN. iA--r, Ziur Ekseor A Teorct Fiz, Vol JILIX, No 1,(7), 19561 92317,54 NIX 41-Trwis 202 1, b-ci-Elict Feb 66 296#04U liwastigation of the rmla tilmlly Rofl*at*d jr.lootraus Surfave run oir coppw oxide, t7 N. 9. Omw, n pp. t RM10,40 per, StwAksm AL-Tograt Yist Tel ins lb 2, IL"6# pp 1, MAD. 05 Dept of CmwrOO watil Burs" ot'Stamlards act - lbaclow ftales too 56 ITS Mm Itrfect of Diffusion oa the JUatics of cry-stal- lization,, by E. A. Arlmmbtain. MSSXU,, :j~sr,, Mm.- I Teorst P%z Vol Ikepu No 20 1"5* ppliv--416-7~- .48=0 Tech BV7,e- Sol - ftgaics Aug 5"T Thsca-y of the Molecular Generator and ftlecular Povel- A*IM~rj, by N. G. Bawvs A. H. Prokhoravs s pp. RUSSWv bjW part Zhur Iksper IL Tearet Fi2, Vol Wo 110 1956, pp 5W564. rwrria D. Sal - Pkrsies On tba':Unea.Tlzmtiou of Hartreals lkmtion,, by P. S. Zyriarov, V. M. Moonakiyo 3 pp. RMIMI, VID1 XXX 19%,* p 592- - AZO Tr 2836 Sol - Phami-as ,e1.;$,- // Z Mr 57/CTB Cmantom Uwmy cC VjoaftU4, CovdwUm in a i4~itsa lump bw 1. U. wobstir. 6 pp. nw%WOP,W* 01:;VW I IkWar-FIS Vol XUP *401 ftl *A Ub 1,16/050 0*1 d6 xjootg~wjw r4f n~ DI"rate I"s of Energy of Blectrono Reflocted ft= a Sarftoo of Ko%v by N. Z. Gamyis a pp. IWWTMq blm perp Va FLZO Val M=v DD 10 US Dept or Clammave Dr. ftUme R. Brodes Aswo Dlr fttl SUMM Ot StXD&3rdo mar 195rr M/d" Intin-n-al Lurivorsion Lojificietits IU ~7 t.a_n..3,ja i~adiatiua in the h. anti L 611CUS. U), L. 1. Lt. liand. ~er, Zh U-sp Toor Fiz, Vol 31, li;Sb, 134-136. Jul) 68 346,761 61-15750 Sitonko. A. 0. and Stepanov. K. N. SLJR LES %11A,iATIONS IX~ Pl~'iSMA ELECTRONIQUE I ~ Sitenko. A. C. DANS LIN CHAW MAGNETIQUE 10 Kolebanlyakh 11. Stepanav, K. N. Elettroanot Plaamy v Magnitnum Mile) (Vibrauon,~ ef Ill. CEA-tr-RSM Electrom Plasina in a Mapetic Field) tr. by P. Uqwne. IV. Conunissarlat b I'Energie 1196111131p. 1.wrefs. CEA Traus. no. R 805 (text 13 AtornIque (France) French). Order ft - OTS or SLA $2.60 61-157S0 Trans. la French ol 2;4yrml I Eksperilmenti!Yngo I Teorletieheskoll Ptzfiki (USSR) (195614. 31. no. 10, DMRIFTORS: *Ylbratios. *Plasma physics, 014agnatic fields - (ftysice-Thearetical, Tr, Y. 7. no. 7) Offico of Toc6k.l S"c.. Uwlaat4a Smttarlaa of 160 iwv Pious on Mail ion Nuclei.. by B. A. XiIwlsIdy,, L. P. Iftdrin, S. A. Ali-Zadiev 8 pp. MI$SrM,, w per# BkW moret Fizi r,I T Vol xxmp so 1., Jan-195Tv zf-45::5u-. Amer Inst of Phys Gov Pb;m.- JIM? Vol V. No 1 SC4 - r2vs 1,37 SOP 57 Oscillations in a Fend LiqvdAo by L. D. Lwadau., 8 pp. IMIMp mD pert Vol XOM.. No 10 3-2-Mm'vp Amer Mut of Pbys Sov Ptwsp JmP Vol V., NO 1 Sai - Pbya Sep 5T NIDRMOV, A. 1. ATS-R1911. Accele radon of pla omit by a magnetic fillid. Zhur.Fksptl.i Tc*ret.Flz,,,_32,na.2, POOS -310, 1957. (7p.) Nqptlv4t 14ftsm ftvftL-tlan fbr*aho2d.. by M. DagbNm owd be,.Pow - , _ 4*ccMp 6 no RM1041 Vero zhur ft"w I Tecret ns, Vol XEMS You im, " 3"P 399* IMA R-e368 act AEC Tr -70/1 AUg 58 7XOp2S- RUSSIANp parp Zhur Bks22r Teoret-Fiz, Vol XXXII.. No 3) 1957, PP 559-576-5-.-- 6Morris D. Friedman for LincolnLab (Will appeex in SIA later) Scl - Fhys.Lcs Sep 57 Un-the Poss.1bility of Observing the Variation of the Chemical Potential of Electrons of a Metal in a Magnetic Field, by M. I. Kaganov, I. M. Lifohits, K. D. Sinellnik RUSSIAN, mo r..ser, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1957, '.Pp 60-5--65-7. * Morris D. Friedman for Lincoln Lab (Will appear in SIA later) Sep 57 v -.tu iakuaa ~Afeot :Ln fin Al'~en=i~ing Field,, by A.. M. Kosevich. UNCUSSIFIED --har Exsrec U~ J. 1;xPar. %Laol 1?1~ys. USSR, Vol 7 -pp 739-745-. MM Lincoln Lab Wr 58 The Struift-ture OvA mavmttc Characteristics of r-bactX01,71AC topoelto of Porroutgnitic Metals eLod Alloys NvPemdizg UPOS 000itUMV 23deting During tb* ftevuratt= of Tbove Deposits. i. lqiekeiL,, bY T04 M- ftlukarows 13 VV, RtWIAS vwr zhurml Piz wilor Tol X=I,* ft 5.. CIA/m XX-&)l OW RUXOAW TO T=W NMONAIS act - I%yloko 0, ktn/not Soop u3n UMUL wx ONLY 'Ool.sri7e6 -articies Rea-tions, ',)y M. 1. Shirokov, ?7 PP "IUSSIAN, mo Pei-, 7 ur Elksper i Teor t,Fiz, 'Vol XXXIT, ~51 - 1957, pp CIA/FDD X-.256o AEC Tr 301;0 Sci - "ya O~!t "%7 53,758 Cyclotron Resonance in a Plasma, by E. A. Kaner. RUSSIAN Per, Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fiz, Vol XXXIII, No 2 (81, 1957, PP 544-546. *Morris D. Fr!Ledman (will appear later as SIA) I Iri V. D. mwdvawvo PITIdubriLm cmirigumtIonzo !.,UWVJZ,, bor,, Mmi lUcv U-lo I Tepreta Fiza NO 3,3p 19710 pp 0 J=/Iip -Ar..Vgg Sai - rbylu ft- (~3 Electrody-nd-c Acceleration of Flusma Bunches, by L. A. Artsimovich, S. YU. Luklyanov, U 1. M. PodgOrnyi, S. A. Chuvatin. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper Teoret Piz, Vol XXXIII, No 1 (7), 1957, PP 3-6. MCRRIS D. FRIEDMAN for Lincoln Lab (as SLA later) Nor 57 Inventigations of the Characteristic Energy Looses of Blectrowo and tba Sacmdary Electron Emission From aeo~x by N. S. Goraylip A. Ylu. Reltsaksap 8 Im,. UMTASS371M.1 LUI.P PDOT's Mwper I Toorat ELZ,,, Vol XM=I, No 9. Bep iv>Tl j of (.10"Wree Patent Offica Sci Lib (81ft) Bel - -PtOM5,02 The PUse Dt&p~m of Coriva, by A., 1. Likhter., Yu. Me Ryabftlu.. L. F. Verosbchf4gLn, 7 PP. MSIA110 oft,, Zhar Zkspor Tem*t )FIx.. Vol XEMX,, 1957, pp 93.0-"l-- "--' line Tr 32h9 Sci - Pb3mics i= ~ - 58 &/ .1 / 4/2 (~ W4, 0 0 CtA tto- rjhcm:-'r of the Intaraction of "Exceas" charGeo Lu ionic- Crya:U-as, by V. L.- Vinets%iy, M. Sh. Gi-~crm=. ;~: t) 1), f ~ 5;',' -r,,r. JITJSS!Lvl, Vur,. 44ieeor Fbys UM, Vol X.=I.. pp 730-734. ...... ... . MIT Uncoln Lab Sal - xLectrimica 6 1 Har 58 J ca tlu.& ScmAconductora (Ferrites), by A. I-ASS.- UNC r%ussym, xxxill, Oct 1.957,9 pp 873-876. w2w&G-D W-444edman Ma Lincolm tab Sci .. Electronics %%r 56 T-hist- I~ecv Scheme c4 BL 212 -- Fc. 212 , by A. G. 6erp~frjav,, E. M. KrIaluk, G. D. lAtyuhav,, Yu. 11. Traf imov., A. S. Rewnnyl. UNCIASSIFIND MOSTAN., per., Zhur Ekaper I Temat Fizj, Vol XXXIII, No 'i ravy Ift 17118/]KRL 674 ;uv .1b]. 58 On. the Capttwe of Electrons in the Betatron, by V. N. Logunov, S. S. Semenov. UNCLASSIFIED missimp per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret FU, Vol XXXIII, No 6 (12) 11~ Sci -- J?hysics Ma,7 5 Temperature Variations formation of Manganese Itifluence of Pressure, UNCLASSIFIO of Antiferromagnetic Trans- TL-llxu,ide Under the IxIm by N. P. Grazhdankina. RUSSIXN., per, Zhur Eksper i Teor2l.-EI&I Vol xuiiip No 6 (_1_2T,_'Mc '1957, ii-1524-1525- *NRL Sci - :Physics May 58 ff. ff. Bogolynbov. HUMAN, pier, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fit., Vol XXXIV, ]NO 1, 1958" P13-5M -=" . 2 1 - KW Uncoln Lab 19ci - Phys Apr 58 - ~'2 / Z~z ~4 ) 7 %;P On a New Plethod in Superconductivity, 11., 'fly V, V, Tolmchev, S, V. Tyablikov. in M35 e, rJ,,,-,,49X-7Fg MIT Lin.-oln Lab cl Apr 5 On a New Jkthod in Superconductivity Theory, 111. by N, 14, IIoZolyubov. RUSSIAN, bier, MmLALswer ~ Teoret Piz Vol =XIV, - -- V lio 1, 3-956, PP'73-79. )M Lin co In Lab Sci Pbym Apr Generalization or the Bogolyubov,-Tyablikoy Perturbation Theory )bthbd to thie Nonstationary Casej, by El. V. Vonmavskiyp Va I, Cberepanovo RMSTAN, per,, Zhur Mks Vol xxxiv,, No 1r 19513, PP MIT, Lincol* J~db Sci - phru my 58 7-j Use of quantum Field Theory Xe-thodo in the Many Body Problem., by V. M. Galitakiyp A. B. Higdal. RUSSIAW, per, Zhur Mrsper i Teoret Fitp Val XXXIVI, 1956, PP 139-1501. MIT, Lincoln Lob SCI pbya USY 5 q3 ZHUR EKSPER I TEORET PIZ Vol 34, Nos 2-6j, 1959 Vol 35, Nos 1-6, 1958 Vol 36, Nos 1-6, 1959 Vol 37, Noe 1-6, 1959 Cover-to-co9er Amer Iywt of Physics Available Rr 5 Library Vol 37, No ~, pp 333-335 JPRS 3043 Vol 37, No 6, pp 1543-2550 JPRS 3240 ZHUR RKSPER I TEORET FIZ Vol 38, Noe 2-6, 1960 Vol 39s Noe 1"6, 1960 Vol 40., Noe 1-4, 1961 Cover-to-cover Amer Inat of Physics Availabte Zhi 5 Library Vol 38, No 4, pp 1061-1073 JPRS 5701 Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz Vo Z 41, Non 1-6, 1961 Vo 1 42, Noir 1-6, 1962 Vol 43, Noir 1-6, 1962 Vo Z 44, Noir 2-6, 1963 Vo Z 45, No a 1-6, 1963 Vo Z 46, Noe 2-6, 1964 Vo 1 47, Nos 2-6, 1964 Cover-to-cover Ama, In8t of Phys AvaiZable ribrary SeriaZa Analysim of Elastic Seatteri%; of He3 and o( ParticlDs on Basis of the Optical Model of the Nucleus, by V. Z. Goldberg. Russmi, per, Zhur Rksperim i'Teor Fiz, No 47, Aug 1964, pp 571-576. Windscale Tr 30D (Loan) '324,,304 Sci Apr 67 The Interaction of Chargcd Paxticles With a Turbulent Kama, by 1. A. Akhlyezer. RUSSIAN per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVH, No 8, 19g4, pp 667-677. MLSA TT F-9233 50-phys Mar 65 U.,S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 274,328 tkngulEx Distribution of the In-tensity of Char-erikov Radiation from Broad Cosmic Raw Air Showers, by V.I. Zatsepin. RUSSMI,, per, Zhurnal Eks-Perimentalnoi I Teoreticheshoi Fiziki, Vol 47, o 6, 1964, Pp - 1, 9 L, GB 451/h',/3/5/2127 Sci - Jul 67 334,062 Anplification of Coherent Radiation; Using the Ufact o:P Induced Raman Scattering, by 0. A. Akimayevs S. A. Akhmsuov, et &1., 11 pp. Russim, per, Zhurnal Hksg!rl=utalvu2X i TooratidkeSIEDY FlZlJEJL VOJL I& No 4, 15 May 1965. pp 4-9. PIL0003OW FTD-14T-6S-399 Sci/Physics Sep 66 309,466 Spectral Characteristics of a Gas Laser With a TraVelimig Wave, by S. N. Bagayov, V.S, Kuzaetsov, et ale 11 pp, RUSSIM,g. per, Eksgerimentallu?Z i 24poretichosim FISMI, Vol 1, No 4, 15 May MS, PF ZI-VIII PIOU030266 FrD-M-Q;.399 Sci/Physics Sep 66 309,469 Detectice of the Rapid Halastion of Phowtonization and the Clowd of Concentrat*d Lang-Life lonimation Resulting from the Shock Wwre of a spgA in a 14"r Bean# by G, A.- Askarlyant bL S, Rabbsovich., at al. 3 lip. RMIAH, per, Journal of Sigperimmintal and Thoovmitija~TWMCS', ver-r.-IU-C.- 13MA, PF 18-23, 9700509 Dept of Itavy/OMI Tr No 214S sci-11hys Jun 66 302,175 glAontimItion of Xrom Carblde Crystals In Taqered Steelp by M. Arbiners G. KuMyumv. RUBSTJON . per, oursal air rasies (USSRO" 02 Vol VTlt lion 30 ~p Brutcheir Tr 1748 Diffractlon of Re6dio Waves Armmd the FAxth,s Surface.. by V. Ftek,, .12 pp. IMOSTMI, bimo peri-jus fn=, 'Fol 3:x, No 40 1945. CIAAMIX-2001 M QMML Uw a= 31o 3 7S ftlentLtU - PWalce reb 56 cw/ru nal DlffmotdLm at ftUo Vaves Around the gRrth's Surfooss by T. Fooks, 22 pp., ft=ZAXS. TAIM Vero, ftz,Zbw.-s, Val IXO No 41, 1945. i Mk/=/JL-BD06 yak CPFZ= u= ow 343 I-d m 0 M/M Solution of the Problem of Prq~tion of XlectromapeUc Waves Almg the Earth's Surface by the Method of ParaboUe Equatim,, by U. IMUM Lemtovich,, V. Twk, 12 pp. r k-/nmr, Vol. X, No 1,, 1946. IMITMj bIw perk z CU/M/X-2W2 Im OFFICUL USE ONLY ..?/, 3 74 8614MUrIC - pbYsIcs Feb 56 CTS fte Distribut4cm of Currents Induced by a Plane Vave ov, the Duzftm of a CoWbactorp by V. Pocks RUMMIO bim pww: Pis Zhurp Vol Is wo ej 1946. CTAIPMAE-2WO Im OMML =2 cla Solen Ift - pbWafts Pdb ~6 C2BM Y.4 13 Tb* YWA *t a PIme Um Nmr the Surftce or a oovftftn DWIV9 by V. ?mko 22 pp. FMSSIAN, bluo pmr~, vol X, so 52 1946. FM WMMAL MR OU 36371- solmmitu - rqmlm 3" 0 CUAM am%dWx WArUW CW%= 'a 0 V. IMM-1 to stag w am- UL XW583ml j"wq x6uo 11190 JONAM me! VaL Xgu3i 1b 2j, pt 2 sou 306s jut 66 %. qr SWA Owd PA*Smrdn, Chanam DwrIng OUR of ItwIlim m Is Uve sage nbus acr fte Maghmip at DLtftnot A~ha br V. D. MAbow- guys mmwm~ pwof Val V#V4 310 19# " IW Up ~r!mr A%= vir sammmmirl VbL M=fq Jb 58 pt 2 )!P. nc*>JZWA) 54-RIOM a" 66 306$7m Depordence of VitrIfIcatim Tompersturegs of A=q)hom Materials on thi-flite of Matims and tbe Connection between Vitrification Tem- pamture mA Activation Imrgyjp by 0. H. Bartenev and 1. A. Lutyanows, 10 pp. per, Zhur 71s Kblxoj, Val XXIX.. Pp IWI-1498. SLIL R-2529 act -7 00, P AuS 58 On Isowrizatlon Dwdj* the Syntxsio of Aromt:Lc lbdromrbcam by Friedelle Metbod 37. Is ~!"'a .11zat4m of the lscfttyl PAdiml., by M. limovalov., 7 PP. -'UWXMl. mo per, 7-hu Piz Mda, Ifol XXX,, lwy rp lo36-ac4o. - ""' " SEA Tr R-825 Sai - Cbeadstry //Y-i~ Oct 57 an& -tU smmlqpp by 1. 1- Nov at rabber wm Ummur. 5 pp, WJ3000 yw,, asw r" odno Vbl Mnq 19339 Vp -- GIA tr R-= ml ja 58 47,49611 The Possible Obeervaticm Lozbkin.. A. A. Almokly-Koreakarp 3.1p. Rusams Pwp MW-MUPWAL-io~m-c~zp Vol XEs so 5p 19611, IV 15194M. ~ -- ~-, - ~-, -M % ft x pbwous Riptam Vol zqf* X" Fob 62 ftutboolls cgr Utural ft"w by, VW of Beta--- NVR.,Vmj, gots4ftraftwo by 2. Co . -- 404 F. lowbouvo 4 I've 0 none pw ASAWAV vw~ Imms IMP vp 5M Tr It-LIA set aqui 58 6;7, 40 MeMdidii -of Converelou of IsVrnm to ftbber and Wta-*=m= to Rubber-Formation of Natural Rabber in the Sa; of Tropical Plants, by I. Ostromenelenakiy, 5 pp. W83M. Nj pitro Zhur Fiz XhIm Volt XLVII, 1915 p pp 1941-194- SLA R-1018 Sol aty The Sittare of Vacanis&tlou. Cheipter 11. Cold ' Vuleanizatioup by Ba V. Bysoffj, N1. K. PoPoffp 17 PP. RUSSM, parp Mur Fix Kbia Vol LnI,, 1921p pp 20-165. MA R-102D Sol my 58 VeR v n. The nm or Protactive Ac:tijDn or of an Adsorbent Bed, by M. M. DW~tnimp Fwmhin,g A" A. Pqpyrevp 5 Vp. I ' Air. the First S. I. RUU=., jwirp 4b= Obahcu. LZ mlimp SSSR* Vol L=j 1930o, yp'WllV%'V' "I ~ a AM Tr 9135 SCiOntifig - ChMIStVY ww m1bu Layers p Adsorption Properties and Structure of Silica Gel, by M. Polyckov. RUSSDW, per, Zhurar-1 PizicheE;kil Kjdiaii, 11o 6, Vol 2, 1931, pp 799-60-5 CSIRO/Ik? 7214 Sci - 334151l jul 67 Lmkb% A. Ya. 3060 DATA CM IMM ALVID"TALYM DNCX*AFO- SrnM OF NMOOLYCNJLDL 11964) 19p (4 figs 6 mobLu am*m4 7tob Ckrdw ftvo CrM SLA cw B= $L 60 Tr-64-16066 Tr~.- ct lZborssl F!~"~K~hjmil (USSR) 1932, v. 3. p. 4dF;ilx- -- 7 - m T. 12. W46 4) Tr-64-16066 L LWda. A. Ya. OM- f T-K.kal 6.. t-