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Bykhovskil, V. K. and Minsker. r- S. 711E ROLE OF ELECTRONIC SURFACE IMPER- FECTIONS IN HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC POLY- MERIZATION, L THE POLYMERIZATION OF TtIE ALFINE TYPE, tr. by L Gawronska. Doc 60, 9p. 20 refs. Courtaulds Misc. Lit. 3238; IDSIR LLUJ M. 2950. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-2MO Trans. of It sokomol lekulya yel Soedinenl)!.(USSR) 1960, V. ~4,p. DESCRIPTORS: *Polymerization, *Catalysts, Alkyl radicals, Chlorides, Alcohols, Alkali metals. Ethyl- encs, Crystals. Electrons. Surfaces, Deformation. The mechsnism of heterogeneous catalytic polymeri- zadon Is examined from a novel viewpoint. The active centers of the catalyst surface are Itkened to electron (Chemisti-y--Orgonic., Tr, v. 6, no. III) (oVer) 61-23380 1. Bykhovskil, V. K 11. Minskrr. K. S. III. Title. Polymerization IV. Courtaulds ML-3238 V. DSIR LLU NL2950 V1. Courtaulds Ltd. (Gr. Brit.) r 2.9 N111naker, )L 5. aM Bykhovskll. V. K TIiE ROLE 01: ELECTRONIC SURFACE IMI'ER- FECTIONS IN HETEROGENEOUS CATALY71C POLYMERIZATION. II. SYSTEMS OF Mill TYPE OF ZLEIGLER-NATTA CATALYSTS. tr. by L GawronaxL 2 Mar 61, 711. 31 refs. Courtaulds Misc. LIL 3280; IDSIR LLUI M. 3181. Order from 075 or SLA $1. 10 61-23143 Trans. of V Ifelcul4arnyc] Soodinenta (USSR) IWO. V. J.' S.Z..Ru. DESCRIPMRS: Catalysts, Volymerization, Crystala. Impurities, Colorcenters, Lattices, Crystal structure, Alkali metal compounds, Halides. Electrons. The mechanism of heEerogencoua catalytic polymeri- zation oncatalysts ofthe Zicgler-Natta type was ex- a mined from a novel v W-wpoint. The catalytic activity of (Chernistry- -Physical, TT, Y. 6. m 11) (over) 61-28143 1. Title: Ziegler-Natta catalysts. 1. Minaker, K_ S. II. Dykhovskil, V. )L 111 .Title: Systems ... IV. Courtaulds ML-3280 V. DSIR LLU M. 3181 Vt. Courtaulds Ltd. (G,- Brit.) Wang. Fo-shung, Dolgoplosk, B. A.. and Erusalimskil. B. 1- POLYMF-RtzA-nON OF ISOPRENP BY ORGANO-MAG- NESIUM COMPOUNDS. Tr. byl. Gawronsks. 24 )an 61, 6p. 6 refs. Courtaulds Misc. Lit. 3267; [DSIR LLUJ M. 3M. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27557 Trans. of YVS [ONlyarnyel Socdlnenlys (USSR) 1960, V. 2~ no. 4, p. 541--BTS.- DESCRIPTORS: *lsoprene, Polymerivitim *Mope- slum compotinds, Microstructure, Chwical bonds, Molecule association.. *Metal-origanle compounds. It has been found that arpno-magnesfurn -compounds. free of ether. produce the polymerization of Isoprene at higher temperatures. Polylsoprene formed under these conditloos is constituted malidy of.% 4 Hoks. 7be .(Cbernistt~--Organiq TrF v. 6, no. 10) (overt 61-27557- 1. Wan& Fo-shung 11. Dolgoplosk. IL A. HL F-ruselimskii, & I. IV. CourtatfidB ML-3267 V. DBIR LLU K 3033 VL C;ourtaulds Ltd. (0t. Brit.) 01ftev of 79twCal &"to& Santo, I.; and Gal. K. GRAFTING OF VARIOUS MONOMERS TO POLY(Vl- NYL ALCOHOL) FILMS UNDER THE ACTION OF X-RAYS. [1961) 3p. Order from ATS $4. 00 ATS-92N54R Trans. of Vysokornolukelyarnye Soedinenlya (LISSR) 1960, v. 2, no. 4. p. 546-548. DESCRIPTIORS: Ohlonomolecular films, Vinyl alcohol. Alcohols, Films, Preparation, X-rays. 62-12D90 1. Santo. 1. 11. Gal. K. Ill. ATS-92N54R IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc. , East Orange, N. (Physics- -Molecular. TT, v. 7, no. 4) Office of Technical se~lces Carbon-Chmin Folymrs and a3poi7mrs, Part 23., Copolmmrization of Dta3lyl Deriva- tAvas of Carroarxift., Tin,, ant Silicon With Stymne and Hatbrl MetbanYlate in the Pmseme of Benzoyl Permd6s, by G. S. Kblesmikml S. L. Davydaws. RMZUj W,, VyvdkwUkuLy Soyed, Vol rT., Ib kv 190T AM-3U*M ftl V^11. 63-18380 Kozlov. P. V. and-Berestneva. Q I- EFFEGr OF MEMUNG ON IME STRUCTWE I. Titic Poiyethyte-ne AND PROPERTIES OF POLYLMMEWE TERERTM* UwephthalM LATE FRIA& L UNtAXLkL STRETCHUC OF FHAM 1. Kozlav. P. V. f26 Apr 631 125)p. 13 refs. H. Derestnem G. L- Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 63-15380 In. Titt-M UnULdal ... Trans. of VY301COmolleloulyarnyel Soedli-lyal (LWR) 1960. V. Z -.M 4. DESCRIPTORS: 'Plastic Mona, 'Polyester Plastlci6 OPhalates. Ethylene&, Deformation, Mechanical propertim Tensile, propertles, Fbotographic Mat. The Mechanical properties and structural cbmtogen of polyethyleneterepbtbal- e flims subjected to unimial stretching over a broad range of temperature at varyini: rates and up to various limits were Investigate& Orientation. relaxation and crystallization processes " place In the films being stretched under the , 911ke d Tub" SwVkft (Materials-Plas"ca. 77~ v. 10. no. 11) (ower) A Of the t :?ibreo 'I S' UCY Of tl .t4 ve Action Of Fo-;-,,-,LmJ-de:s and -hc Ff b. -4 V. 1,,, z A iUlailov, 01-1 [-,L, LL RUS -- L --Per, V~7SC*LQMQI -c;oe=d=-lqn=c-�n~-!-,,a Vol 11 -149,30,- P-3 TIL/T5241"! All- L 4.1, Sci, - Cbez nax 62 XwestAgation of DielectrIcs lowees and Polarization of SterewegWLar :11 Pblywthyl Xethe=73Atep bV G P. WkluW3m, T. 1. fbrisma,, 8 3;p. RWSrM, pm, Wackowle ye Boyedinaidya, Vol rX., 11D 56 AN-1503B Vol IV, 30 9 mw 62 Yermolenko. 1. N. and Kaputskiy. F. N. USE OF OXIDES OF NITROGEN FOR THE PREPk%- RATION OF MODIFIED CELLULOSRS. [t960] 2p.) Order from ATS $2.00 AYS-31N4.811 Trans. of VKsokomolckul5-jrnyyc So2edinenlya (USSR) 1960. v. 2. n-o-.17-570F.- 61,~-12661 '~j 1. Cellulose- -Processing 2. Nitrogen oildes --Chemical reactions I . Yermolenko, 1. N. 11 . Kaputskly, F. N. 111. A'[S-31WHII IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. offi-I T c6w..1 (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 5. no. 7) Hetaroch"a Palrauldes. XXM- lm~~ PolycoadwMmatlan at BIS (p-oa**Xnb=Wl) PbetwIPMeMns OxIde Al chlorlde W11h - Has- methylemadtadm# by V. V. KardLaks at &I. V =SUN$ vw., YmQkrmlakulYmMv SayedimInp Vol U* 1960j, 1v 633 ATS 95A-3R Bel - Chem A75/R r- 2- -,13 -L, nb 61. Studies In the Field of OxmUnation -%lymrs, 17. Pxmpamtlon of Polymrs Based on Aromtic BIS (b-Diketome) With. Ifttm1s, by V, V. Kmsbakp Ye S. XroApuz, V. Ye. SMyna, 10 pp. RUSSM, 1mrp Woo MWN &"4j V03. 11, To 50 1-Ows Vp AM-1343R Sol Vol 17, No 7 Amir 62 PoIram". Mav. Ip"Wwafolon or !Ulm& Polymifts at t" Ph$" ItImfiLO&J, by V. V. Karstaka, et al. V Ro3mv . VOL lit ASS. &1*3R AT~/gZr-Zy,,-/ E;cl 0. Chin s Feb 61 - ---- --------- Phonghome-Cocitalulng PalwaM. Pwrt 2. An A"llmUcs of the Arbww Pboollon to the a ftntb"U of tte -ThAWORD i wit IW K, A. PutroVs et al. 42 Val Ili lws--ii MS Chm Fdb 63L Berlin. A. A.. Uogon'kiy, B. 1. , and Pnrint, V. P. DFRIVAMON AND PROPERTIES OF SONIR AROMA- 71C POLYMERS. 31 Oct 60. 2p. AID rept. 60-76. Order from LC or 5LA rni$1.80, ph~1.80 61-15025 Abstract trans. or 1'_%soko-oIekj1?j*arn e ~Soe~d,,MaW n (USSR) 1960. v. 2, no. S. p. S7. A complete translation is available from kTSj $15.50 as ATS-00hl,13R. 60-22941 [11)(A)j 9p. A lineir-polyphenylene pAsincr oas syntlicsi7ed by th( decomposition of his-dipwtized aromatic smincs (benzidine or ben7ldine-3. Y-dicarboxylic acid) in cot tact with Cu" Ions. Analysis of the polinners obtained indicated the presence or -N,N- groups and chloAnc in the structure. 1. Cyclic comp~.jnds-- Pollinerization It. NIN met, - I .Berlin. A. A. It. Uoyon*kiy. S. 1. 111 . Parini, V. P. IV . AID-60-76 V.- Air Information Div.. Washington. D. C. .71. A -I) - a4 L. 7(1 t., 3/ A-TZ16Z--2-'A4z1 (Chernistry-OManic. 77. v. 5. no. 4) Preparation of High Molecular Aromatic Polyamides by Interfacial Polycondensation. in Acid Media, by L. B. Sokolov, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Vysokomolekulyarne Soyedineniya, Vol II, 1960, pp 698-703. Sci - Chem F eb 61 Some Rules in Interfacial Copolycond neation, by L. B. Solmlov,. T. L. Kmglovax 7 PD- RMSM., per, Vyookomolekulm!!~ SWed, Vol Irp W3-,7T9-65-p-p--p I'Vi-709. AfM..24M43R SCE V03. IV., No 7 -a, A]p 62 Effect of the' Solvent Cawity of the Oramnla phase in the luterfacial Prapsoratlam of Polyaddesjo by L. B. SrAO'AT.. Let 41" per., V voi n.. igW,. pp ao-7i,5. M5 .184,311 Sai Chem Zol4%wizatic,n of Dlalftbydavp_;i)- -fu,, 3 par., Vol lys no 11 Jim 6522 Uskov, 1. A. and Kusultsyna, T. A. THE EFFECT OF ~ MSPERSING AMINATED BEW TONITE IN THE MONOMER ON RHIMPORCEMENT OF POLY(MMWL MMMACRYLATE). Pt. 2o( Filled Polymers. 11961) 3p. Order from ATS $7. 00 ATS-68PS8R Trans. of Vysokornalekulyarnye Soedlneniya (USSFL) 1960. v. 2, no. 5, p. 728-730. An abstract trans. Is avallable from L.C or SLA mi$1. 8C ph$l. 80 in.61-13989, AID-60- 80, 7 Nov 60, 2p. DESCRIPTORS: OPlastice. *Bentonite, *Acrylic rt*ins, Methyl radicals, Polymers, Binders, 62-IZ69 1. Uskov. 1. A. ll. KuBnltsyna, T. A. III. Title- Filled... IV. ATS-68P58R V. Associated Technical Servicet Inc., East Orange. N. (Materiala --Plastics, TT. v. 7, no. 9) Offi-f T-W-1 S-0- 61-13988 IMPROVING TIIE MECHANICAL AND TffFRMOME- CIIAMCAL PROPERMS OF PLAS71CS BY UqNG ACTIVE BFNTOMTE FILLERS. 7 Nov 60. 2p. AID rcpt. 60-80: AV-246 709. Order from LC or SLA m4 1. 80. ph$1.80 61-1-3966 Abstract trans. of ~cdI2!nlya tUSSR) 1960. v, 2. no. 5. p. 728-730 and no. 67. p. 926-930. I , Contents: 'I )led Polymers. 11. rffccl of the Dispersion of Anninated Dentonitet In a MonoincrNledium on the Improvement of Poly- methIl Matlsa~rylate, by I- A. Uskoy and T. A. Ill. Polyn-werization of.Mcihyl Methncrylate voith Dis- persmJ Sodi-irn Bernonite. by 1. A. Uskov. 1. Pins tics - -Nieclutnical properties 2. Hentonite- -Applications 1 . AID-60-80 It . Air Information Div.. Washington. 0; C. III AD-246 709 0#6-4 (NUterials--PIntics. Tr. v. S. no. 4) IrAr&, V. A., Kabanov, V. A. a And Zubov, Ir. P. MM FORMAMN OF ISOTAC71C JPOLYMEMYL- ME'nUCRYLATE DURING PROTOPOLYMERIZATIO) M MM SYMIDA: WETHYL METHACRYLAIE-ZINE CHLA)RIDL (196LI (7b, 8 refs. Order from 07S or SIA $1. 10 62-13837 Trans. ot Ypokomolekulyaraye Soelinenlys (USSR) 1960, v. 2 [no, 51 IN 756-769. DESCRIFMRS: *W-d~yl radicals, OlWy--, *Zinc cwpotinda, *Chlorid". Phase amwitions. Micro- structlare, 'Molecular structure, Po4merization. 62-13837 1. karstn, V. A- U. Kabanov, V. A. M. Zuboy, V. P. TV. Trauslattone, New York It has been shown that an foot, tic polymer is pro- duced in the radleal-indwed polymerhation of methyl Methamlate at room temperature in the presence of zl= chloride dissotyed In the mimmer. 7be effect of the conformation oi the reactant molecules in the , tranxitioual stare on formadon of the microstructure OfFf- f T-4.1-1 S--A-. (chernistr)-Organic, Tr. Y. 7. no, 10) (over) Kozlvv. P. V.. Makaruk. L. and othe3;s THE EFFECT OF MOLEWLAR WEIGKr ON THE TRANSITION TENWERATLIRES OF TI-W POLYGAR- BONATFS. Pt. 1. of Investigations In the Field of Fol Carbonate$. [196019p. Order from ATS $11.95 ATS-431"R Trans. aLVysokomol;~ ~_rnyTye Soyedinattlys WSSR) 1960. Y. 14V 7/ O;L4 61-12371 1. Polymers--Transition temperature - 2. CBrbonatcs --Transition temperatire 3. Carbonates--Moleculsir weight 4. Molecular weight-- Chemical effects I. KozIov' P. V. U . Makaruk. L. IU . Title, Investigations... IV. ATS-43M66R V . Associated Technical Services, Inc.,-East Or*ngc. N. J. eTs - p -I (Physics -i-Moleculsr, TT, v. S. 00. b) And~ianov. K. A.. Bochkareva. Q P. and others. POLYANKYDRIDES FROM PHTHAUC ACIDS AND 2XXED PHTHALICADLKC ACIDS. (1962] Sp. Order from ATS $6.25 AIS-4lP60R Trans. of VysokomD1ekuIyarnye Soedinenlya (USSR) 1960, v. 2, no. 5, p. 793-796. DESCRIPTORS: OAnhyiridez. Hydrides. Polymers, Synthesis, *Ph&a'Uc acids. acids, eAdiple acids, Chemical reactions. 62-17301 I. Andrianoy. K. A. U. Bochkareva. G. P. 111. ATS-411160R IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange. N. 3 (Chernistry-Organic, TT, v. 9. no. 2) offi- I T.C61-1 S"C.s Volkorva, A. I.. Koton, M. M.. and Savitakayai M. N. THE INFLUENCE OF THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF SOME UNSATURATED ESTERS ON THEIR POLY- MERIZING ABILITY. [196015p. (3 figs. ornitted) 3 refs. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80. ph$ 1. 80 61-10571 Trans. of V 'okomoIekuIy&rn3Mt�2y_e~dlnenI a (USSR) 1960, v. 2~,,. 51 p. 802-805. Experiments showed that einers of acrylic acid are polymerized at a higher rate than Isomeric to them Vinyl caters. The Introduction Into the alkyl group of an unsaturated eater of chlorine atorn. and the length- ening of alkyl radical slows down the polymertuation process. (Chemistry- -Organic. TT. v. 5. no. 7) 1. Acrylic ac. . caters- - Polymert-lon 2. Vinyl compounds -- Polymerization 3. Nialcculnr structure- Chemical effects I .Volkovs, A. 1. 11. Koton. M. M. 111. Savitskaya, M. N. offl-I S-I... 77 First All-Union Conference or. Nucleic Acids ~tnd Nucleoproteins, by V. S. Tongur, P. I. Tseymlin). RUSSILW, per, Vysokomolekulyarny3re Soyedineniya, Vol II, No 5, -mJPRSS Sci/Biol/Chem 28 jun 6o Korshak V. W. Frunze. T. I.L-. -mid Kozlov. - L. V. HETFRRHAIN'POLYAMME-13. XXV. INTERFACIAL PREPARATION OF POLYAMIDES CONTAU41NG PIFERAZINE RESIDUES. [1960] Sp. Order from ATE $12.45 ATS-93144711 Trans. of Vy"kamo jg~M ~rn e S2yS41neniya (USSR) 1960. Y. 2. no. 6, p~ 838-844. 61-12693 1. ArnIdeB- -Polymerization I .Korshak, V. V. H. Frunze, T. Nt Ill. Kozlov, L V. IV. Title. Interfacial... V . ATc-93N47R V1. Associated Technical Services, lnc-. East Ormn r- N. J. prs - fj -.~ L9.5--- Offt- of TewtA smi-S (Chemistry- -Orpnic, TT. v. 5, no. 7) 61 - 12689 Korshak, V. V. . Frunze, T. M. . and Kozlov, L. V. - - HETEROCHAIN POLYAMIDES. XXVL MIXED POLY- 1. Amides- -Poly me rizat ton AMIDES FROM PIPERAZINE AND ALIPHATIC AND 2. Carlmylic acids- AROMA'nC DICARBOXYLIC ACME. [1%01 6p. Polymerization Order from ATF W 55 AT1.q-9-#N47R I .Korshak, V. V. H. Frunze. T. ',Q. Trans. of Vyaokamlekulyarnyye Soyedinenlya (USSR) Kozlov, i- V. 111. P. 8,g - 196D, v. 2, - &5u. TV. Title: Mixed... V. ATS-94N47R VI. Associated Tochnical ~ervlces, Inc., East Orange. N. J. r-S - e_ (Chernfstry--Organic. TT. v. 5. no. 7) synthesis -and bweatiption of Ubmt=ted P*Iywddes v by 0. Ya. Fe&tavaj, a. P. ULORldya.- Vol 171,9 1b 60-19wo- 3w Sied 191, Vol lvp 1b 3.1 Am 62 Syn'%ei;ir, ana Inves-bigatio-R of, Weight -Terbiary Amines and Quatormary Amma-aium Compounta F=m Copolymera of 2-Mletbl-5- Wayipyridine and VarlouB Croze-Linking Agents, 9 PP- 967//76 per.. Vn2hQMgj~I!RgIyw rye Soyadineniya, vol ii, no 6, 19-6o., pp 884-89o.. FM MCL-974/11 Sal - Chem 20 Out 61 Synthealto w:Ld Imatigation of Aromatle Palytmidesj, by 0. Ya. Fadatovaj, 1. P. Losev., Ot al. RMSTAN.- per$ Wn ftedi, voi n.. No 6 J, Irmp 14TS -~j ;L(,90 Sol ~Vlj z,--rd6 va lvp no 21 ,YM 62 uskov, L k FILLED POLYMERS. IIL POLYMERIZ&IJON Olt MFI1ffLf%11-ITlACRYIATE WM IHE DUTERSIDN OF Swim i3ENToNn-p- 11963] [101p. 9 reft., Or-der ftm OTS or: SEA $I. lo 63-16596 Ttans. of Vysokmnolek-ulyarnye So gdya (USSR) 1960, v. 4- no. 6, P. vzb-93T- An abstract trans. Is mmilable frorn LC or SLA zrlt.$i. 80, ph$1. 80 in 61-13988. AID-60-80, 7Nav CO. 2p. DESCRIF"TORS: *hjdffiyjL radicals, *Ambc realm'. *Soam compDwfto *Bawnlre, Graft polymero, Po1yMeri;--*, Fillers. At the vilvatim dialmegradan of air-dry soditan bentoniteblocks Ina tnethylmethacrylate-11-1m this monomcr is pcdynwrized and polymethyluxodul- cry1we is. graftod two the dispersed bentoxilteparticles. (Materl4s--Plastics, Tr, v. 10, no. 8) Oyv-) 63-165% 1. 7U]r- Meftlmethw=ylaw 1. UsbN, L & U. 7ule. Polymerizati(m ... Offim d T Serfins Rlectron-Microscope hwestigation of the Structure of --blycarbonates, by L. Mokaruh, P. V. Koalov, 8 P.P. V solzmalelutLyarnyye Soyed, P e6 'Y . Vol 11., sci Vol - IV, no I VZ, q-/~l Fay 6p % V- A. V. Dumanskiy: 80th Birthday, RUSSIAN., per, Vysokomolekulya:rnyye Soyedineniya, Vol II, No 6. 1960, pp 960.;.961. ;YjpRs 7c',100 Sci cal 7 mar 61 A Study of -Ocm Pselstlonsb:kw in Interfftale2 Fol3materificatioa,, by V. Ve Korshak, S. V, VU,OnTa&Mk A. S. Le-b-aileva 7' -mP - per, Vysokcmo1eL-ixIym-a dine j, vol n.. No 7., iq-t5 Sol: 12-0j" itta 62 63-17527-2 POLYMER SCIENCE USSR, 1962. VOL. 3. NO. 2, 1. Perpmon Press. Inc., F. 211-366. Aug62, Iv. New York Order from PP $100. 001year Trans.of Vvsokomolekwul yarn= q:x-(Iillvnixa (USSR) 1960, v. 2, no. 1, P. -989-99j, 1026-1030,1039-1048,1082-1092, 1103-1108,1122; no. 8, p. 1157-1161, 1167-.1170, 1176-1187, 1193-1195, 1213-1220, 1280-1282, 1287: no. 9, p. 1297-1300. 1309-1319, 1360-1369.1375-1382.' 1391-1397.'1426-1431. Abstracts are Included o( selected articles from v. 3. Do. 12 and v. 4. no, 1. DESCRIV,MRS- 'Polymers, Chemistry, $AmIdes, Condensaio4 reactlom~ *EthyleDes, Reaction kinetics, Electrical conductance. *Acrylic reshis, *Benzenes, Ilsolvenes. Polymerization, Coptilymvrizatlar~ 011adia tionchemisirv, *Pbeny) ,radicals,* Acetylenes, *Acryloni triles, 'Prolienes, *Phenol -formaldehyde resins. Anisot- ropy. Degmdacion, *Styrenes, *Electron microscopy. affiag of Tedn" Sarkim (Chemistry- -.70rglinfe. Tr. V. 10. m 4) (over) Tszen, Khan-min and Kolesnikov, G. S. CARBON-CIIAIN POMIERS AND COPOLYMERS. )LX%% -ME ACTION OF CIII-ORIDES OF UNSA*fU- RATED ACIDS ON POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. f19601 6p. (refs.. 4 figs. orn tried). Order from LC or SLA rni$1. 80. ph$1. 80 61-10703 Trans. of X11 ' 11191"Y= 196( in. 7 p. 1010-10 Properties of polyvinyl alcohol can be- changed by its treatment with chlorides of unsaturated acids. (See also 61-12764) 61-10703 1. Polymers--Synthesis 2. Copolyinerizat ion- - Analysis 3. Vinyl alcohol--Pulyiner- i~tion 4. Ch1uridcs--awmicai reactions 1. Tszen, Khan-min 11. Kolesnikov. G. S. Ill. Title: Action... (chemistry- -Organic, Tl~ v. 5. no. 11) Soure Froperties of Aramt1a and Arylallphall-Ac polyamides Prepamd by InUrfacl-al Foly- condmsation. Part I., by 0. Ya. Fedotovmp M. L. Kerber, 1. P. Lonev, 6 Im- Hussms lArf VY8 D10101, 83 Vol ii.. m 7, 'p pp ATS-07*PR -I- 0J, -2 Jun Kinotdc study or MfttarfacUa Payconde=%tion by meatrical combacti-vity VA=ll by Ye. Z. FaYlibcarg, S. V- W-kb&YlQvs 5 PP- RUSSIANP Pa., vypa~~ M-SOYOOMO;Ya~. 1W-.-PP Vol 11" NO 7p 9-3 Jhn 62 Tivetkar. V. M, Skazka, V. S., and KrIvoru;hko, N. [Yaj., RMATION BETWILEN nM UDLECULAR W131MU AND MM14MC VISCOSITY OF STEREOREGULAR POLYMMIM UISTIMCRYLATE FRAC71ONS IN BENZENE. ~ M1961] ~ [6ki. a refs. Ordsr tram or SLA $1. 10 62-13836 Trans * Of Vylokomoleludyarnye Soodiumaya (U&I;R) 1960. -1. 2 [no. 7) p. 1045-1048. DESCRIETORSi 00mem. Oftlymers, Methyl rAdtC91S. Methanall: Acrylic r=Lns. Wlsc:W&r,W*lj Viscosity, prortoctismistry. 62-13936 1. Tltlw. Stareoregular polymers I - Tsvetkov. V. N. U. Skazka. V. S. 111. Krlvoruchko, N. Ya. IV. 7vauslations, Now York A StudY WAS made Of ths ScUttrin1l Of II&M by vailious fracdonvotisotactip sind syndiotacue PMMA inscatons and ethyl ar-state, and the ImIulc viscosities at these fractions In benzene have been detertnined, It has been shown dwt the variation a the 1=W14 viscosity -airthe Offic* if T*chafcal $micas (che-Istry-Orputc, Tr. Y. 8, uc~ 2) (over) I 61-ISZ83 eskin, V. Ye. V ASYWETRY OF CRITICAL OPALESCENCE [N 1. YeWdn. V. Ye. SOLUrION OF POLYMRENE IN CYCLOHEXANE, tr. by Carl Denarick. 1196019p. (equations 3 figs. I table ornItted) 13 refs. Order from OTS or SLA St. 10 61-15283 Trans of VMkomoickulyaroM Sayedfoenlys JUSSR) 1960, ~. 2, DESCRIPMRS: 'Polymer solutions, Styrenes, Polymers. Cyclahmutnes. Optics. 6111 6 (Chemistry- -Physical, Yr. v. 6. no. 1) KA1118tov, 0. V. and Korneeva, F_ V. A MDY OF THE FLOW BIREFROMENCE OF MOTAC171C POLYSI-MENE Fwwm [1961] (SqP. 7 res. Order from CTS or SLA $1. 10 62-1,3835 Trans. of Vymokomolckulyarnye Soedinenlya (USSR) 1960. v. 2 [no. 7] p. 1056-1062. DESCRtFMRS-. *Films, *Styrenes, *ftlymers" Elasticity, Crystallization, Temperattwe, Photo- elasticity. *Refractive index, OpdclL Flow birefringenc* and the pbotoelastic effect hive been fc4ind to vary wLtb temperature in film of atereoreZWAr (tootactic) polystyrene to the highly elastic stme, due to the appearance of the Inittat Phase Cd crrstaul;tartoo. 'no Phowelastic Consuint has been found to vary with tem;mwuwe in arm.- (Physics--Solid State, 7T, v, 7, no. 11) (ovtr) 62-13935 1. Xallistor, 0. V. It. Korneeva, E. V. IU. TranslatIons, Now York offl-( Arbuzova. 1. A. and Sukanav, K. POLYMMUZATION OF DIVINYL ACETALS. [19601 5p. Order from ATS $8.50 ATS-28M47R Trans of VY),so (USSR') ~ k 1960, v. 2. no. 7. p. 1077-iou.-- 61-12687 1. Acetals --Polymerization I . Arbuzava, 1. A. 11. Sultanov. K. M . ATS-2aM47R IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange. N. (Chem is t ry--Organic. TT. v. S. no. 7) WrK Yu. L... Polyakov, 13. K. wW others. THE EMYLLITHIUM INIIIATED IPOLYMERMA- 71ON AND ODPOLYMERU.A77ON OF ISOPREMIL4 (1960) 12p. 11 refs. Order from LC or SLA mIR-40, ph$3.30 61-10731 Trans ctvyaokm. Ickutam yn PIMR) 19(A I Tm-W-p.-1082-1092. 151837 1. Isoprem-polymerization 2. Copolyinerizodo" 3. UWurn conq)ounds (OMrdc)-- Catalytic properties 1. WAY4 Yu. L- 0. fblyakov, M K. 33mlawsls of thmaturated Pol,,jvm:Ldw and Folycondwsation ab the Phase lixter-facej, by G. S. Kolesullum., A. S. Amloshitakiyp 3 pp. lRusmim'; per$ Vol 11, lio 7, M-06M4.5R A-7-5 sai .2. 0 jim 62 7 62-13834 Frisman, E.' V., Martsinovskii, A. M., and . I Domnicheva, N. A. 1. FrIsman, E. V. OPTICAL, ANISOTROPY,Or MACROMOLECULES OF It. Martsinovskil, A. M. POLYSTYRENE DERIVATIVES. 119f)lj 191p. 22 refs. Ill. Domnicheva, N. A. Order from OTS or SLA $1. IQ 62-13334 JV. Translations, New York Trans. of Vysokomolckulyarnye Soedinenlya (USS11) 1960, v. 2, p. 11-28-1153. DESCRIPTORS: *Styrienes, *Polymers, *Optics, Polarization, Molecular rotation. Ile segmental anisotropy of polystyrene derivativc a was measured by the method of flow birefringence. Analysis of the experimental data indicates that the nature of rotation of the side groups may be considareid to be the same In molecules of poly-j?-chlorostyrene, poly-2,5-dimiethylstyrene, and polystyrene. This as- sumption does not satisfy the experimenial findings for poly-2,5-dichlorostyrene. In this case the extent to Ofltm of T.&.IcA Smyteas (Physics --Molecular, 77, V. 8,. no. 8) (over) Volchck. B. 7- and Roberman, 2h. N. DETERMINATION OF -MICROTACTIMY" IN POLYPROPYLENE CHAINS BY THE ME'fHOD OF POLARISED, INPILARED SPECTRA. [1961)6p. 16refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 6L-1-1967 Trans v(V kowalckulyarpyyeSoy vienlya To _ (USSR) 1960 B., P. 1157-1161. DESCRUIMRS: OPropenes. *Polymers,'Macbanical plopettles; Infrared spectroscopy. Dichrolam. (Chemistry- -Or$anic, TT, v. 6. no. 1$ 61-14967 L Volchek, & Z IL Roberman, 72L N. 77i Korshak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., armi Lebedeva, A. S. HETFRO-CHAIN POLYESTERS. Fr. 28. A MUDY OF SOME RELATIONSMS GOVERNING INTER- FACIAL POLYESTERIFICATION. [196015p. Order from ATS $7.75 ATS-86M45R Tram. of VysokomolekulYarnyye Soyedincmiya QJSSR) 1960, v. 2, no. 8. p. 1162-1166. '14 61-12091 1. Esters - -Polymerization 2. Title: PolYesterification I - Korshak, V. V. 11 Vinogradova, S. V. III Lebedeva. A. S. IV. Title: Study... V - ATS-86M45R VI . Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. 20 (Cbemigtry--Organic, TT. v. 5. no. 2) Offic..f T-&-1_1 S-ic.. 62-13767 Shanrarovich, P. S. and Wyapnikova, 1. A. POLWHRIZAMN OF CYCLOHEXADIENE- [1961] 1. _cJmntarovich, P. S. [7]p. 3 refs. it. Shlyapnikova, 1. A. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-13767 1 Ill. Translations, New York Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya (USSR) 1960, v. 2, no. 8, p. 1171-1175. DESCRIVrORS: *Cyclohexadienes, Polymerization, Heat of reaction, Peroxides, Reaction Kinetics. The polymerization of cyclohexadiene is described for the case when the reaction is initiated by heat and by peroxide. It was established that in thermal initiation the original centers of polymerization are produced as the result of a birnalecular reaction involving the formation of a diradica-L The reaction has an ex - vxemely low frequency factor. 'rbe diradical center vanishes during rlie'aurosururation and cyclization reaction (provided there are no sieric hindrances offic. of T-W.A S-1... (Cherniscry--Organic~ TT. v. 7. no. 11) (over) Tsvetkov; V. N. and Boytnm&, N. N. STEREOREGULARITY AND OFrICAL ANISOTROPY IN POLY(METHYL METWACRYLATE) MOLECULES. 119CO) 12p. Order from ATS $17.70 ATS-IBN48R Trans. -of_Yymak=dRjlf. Uenir USSR) 19K v. 2, no. 8. P. I (Chemistry- -Organic. Tr. V. 5, no. 8) 1. Methyl scrylate-- Molecular structure 2. Methyl acrylate-- Optical propertlem 3. Stereochemistry 1. Tavetkov. V. N. Boytsova, N. N. Ill. ATS-IBN48R IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East 0 ,N* J* CEA-tr-R-1388 Uncl. INTERACTION DU SOUFRE ET DU CAOUTCHOUC NATUREL SOUS LIACTION DE RAYONNENENTS IONISANTS. (Interaction of Sulfur and Natural Rubber Under the Action of lon3*.z'n Radiations) Z. N. Tarasova, M. Ya. (Ia.~ Kaplunov, V: T. Kozlov, N. A. Klauzen, and B. A. Dogadkin. Translated into French from Vysokomolekulvarnve Sqedineniya 1--t _., 2: Chemistry; Radiation Effects; Translations MC-40 6 C-40 NP NSA Dep.(m&); $1.00(fs), $0.80(mf) N-8 JCL o4pTS 62-13833 Zabolotskaya, E. If., Gantmakher, A. R., and Medvedev, S. S. 1. Zabolotskaya, E. V. POLYMERIZATTON OF STYRENE BY THE ACTION 11. Gantmakher. A. It. OF COMPLEX CATALYSTS. [1961] [121p. 15 refs. III. Medvedev. S. S. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62- BK3 IV. Translations, New York Trans. of Vvsokomolekulyartiye Soedineniya (USSR.) 1960, v. 2 [no. 8j p. 1213-1220. DESCRIPTORS: *Styrenes, Volyrnerization, Catalysts, Titanium compounds, Chlorides, Alurninum'com- pounds, Alkyl radicals. Benzenes, Polymers. A study was made of the kinetics of styrene polymar- ization by the action of titanium trichloride and an alkyl aluminum in benzene. The rate of polymerization is proportional to the concentrations of the monomer and the titanium trichloride. The activation energy of the styrene polymerization process is 11 Kcal/mol. The (Chemi9Lry- -Organic, Tr, v. 7, no. 11) (over) Offl-F T-61-1 S-1... The Role of Oxygen in the Palymerization of Vinyl- idene Chloride, by G. A. Razuvayev, K. S. Minsker, 15 1:1P. RUSSIAN, per, Vysok Soedine-aiya, Vol II, No 8, ig6o, lip K-H lo6iO a Sc:L-Mein Apri 1 64 61-12078 Fedotova, 0. Ya. and Mao, Bin-tsyuan. SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF POLYANTIDOUREAS. 1. Urea derivatives -Synthesis [1960] 7p. 2. Amide polymers - -Syntfies -is Order from ATS $10.15 ATS-87M45R I . Pedotava, 0. Ya. 11 . Mao. B. Trans. of Vysokornolelmlyarnyye Soyedinenlya (USSR) Ill. ATS-87M45R 1960, v. 2, no. 8, p. 1255-1260. IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc East Orange, - (Chernistry-Organic, TT, v. 5. no. 2) 6t-2D641 Kolesnikov, G. S., Suprun, A. P. and others. CARBOCHAIN POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS. XXVJ 1. Kolesnikov, G. S. POLYMERIZATION, AND COPOLYMERIZATION OF 11. Suprun, A. P. l,l,2-T,RlCHLOR09LrrADlENE-i,3. [196114p. 111. Title. Polymerization (3 figs. omitted) I t*ef. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-20W Trans. of Vysokomolckulvarnye Soedineniya (USSR) 1960, v. 2 [no. 81 p. 1266-1269. DESCRIJ?TORS: *Chloroprenes, *Polymers, Poly- merization, Copolymerization. Polymers of 1, 1, 2-trichlorobutadiene-1, 3 were ob- tained and the dependence of thermomechanical prop- erties on molecular weight was determined. Copoly- mers of 1, 1, 2-trichlarobutadiene-1, 3 with styrene and methylmethacry late ~vexe studied and the dependence of thermomerhanical properties of the copolymers an (Chentiscry--Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 7) (over) el 7.40PIC01 3~1c.. K.'Fln, V. A.. Bikeyev. N. F. andothers. ELECTRON-MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF CRYSTAL 1. Styrene polymers- STRUCTURES OF POLYSTYRENE AND POLYPRO- Crystal structure -PYLENE. JIM) 4p. 2. Propene polymers- Order from ATS $5. 25 ATS - 17.114 8 R Crystal structure 3. Electron microscopy-- Trans. of V sokoM9,#kul),ar SoycdlMn1~jjjjSSR), Y Mj ig(A v. Applications 1. Kargin, V. A. 11. Bakeyev. N. F. 111. ATS-17N48R IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Enot Orange. N. e-T 3 OE~, Office of Tectmical Some- (Chem Ist ry- -Organic. TT, v. 5, no. 10) 61-12061 Alil:haylcri N V Gorbacheva, V. 0. and others. 6~ THE STRUCTURE OF POLY- 1. Amide polymers-- AMIDES PREPARED BY INTERFACIAL POLYCONDEN- Molecular structure SAT1ON'. [1960] 5p. 2. Condensation reactions Order from ATS $6.65 ATS-S&%14511 1. Mikhaylov, N. V. H . Gorbachava, V. 0. qI So Ld' (USSR) Trans--cf-llyrLQ); ek-ulalLn1je ineniva -01- III . ATS-SSM45R 1960, v. 2, no. 8, p. 1283-128i? IV . Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange, N. PTJ Offi-IF T-Wic.l S-i... Spagskly. S. S.. Mat*kovs, M. Ye., and Toltarev. A. V. COPOLYMERIZATION OF, UNSATURATED ESTERS WITH VINYL MONOMERS. VI. THERMOMECIIANI- CAL STUDY OF COPOLYMERS OF UNSATURATED POLY ESrBR$ AND VINYL, MONOMERS. 119611 Sp. 6 refs. Order frorn LC or SLA mi$l. 84 ph$l. 80 61-IMBS Tram of V rn- R~dkumlv MR) 196(0X w. no; 9 p. 12W-13= (Chemistry-Orgenic. TT, v. 5, no. 12) 1. Copolymerization 2. F-sters-Polymerizstion Vinyl compounds- Polynierization 1. Sposakly. S. S, H .Mat'kart, M. Ye. M. Toicarev. A. V. W. 71t1= 7bermornechanicel. 4 5 3 DWI- .1 UaWd Dynamic Properties of Viscoelastic Materials During Anharmonic Loading, by L. S. Priss. RUSSIAN, per, Vysokomolekulyarnyye. Soyedineniya, No 9, 1960, P.P 1309-1319. *ATIC MCL 8w/i Sci Chem 2 Feb 61 61-10994 Spassidy. S. S. and MolchanGV2. T. V. COPOLYMERIZATION OF UNSATURATED POLY- 1. spassidy. S. S. ESTERS %1TH VINYL MONOMERS. X. THERMO- it. Michanova. T. V_ MECHANICAL Sl-UDY OF COPOLYMERS OF THREE- 111. Title: Thermornechanical... COMPONENT SYSTEMS. (196118p. 13 graphs ornitted] . 12 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-10984 Trans. of yylokornolekulyarnyye Soyedinenlya (USSR) 1960. . 2'Ino. 9Fp-._M2G-1323- DESCRIPTORS: *Copolymerization, Polymers. 'Eaters. *Vinyl radicals. *Ethylenes. Glycols. Styrenes. Acetates. hlethyl radicals, Furnaric acida. Adipic acids. (Chemistry- -Orpnic. TT. Y. 6. no. 2) Oft-4 1-i- lom-stigation of the Strergth ChErar-nar-Rx-tien: of PolynorB at Higb,Deformtior. Rates, by IT. 19. Gua F-wo-Sin'r Par., v 'k Mo ulyartwe Soyed, Vol YI: No -.11 3w ~LVIT) -.-- ~L-- -- NXIM, lqu Sal - - Chem AT,w 62 62-13768 Men*]ik, Z. SOME COW433NTSON IM CRYGrAL STRUCrURE 1. Mench1k. Z. OF POLYACRYLa4jTMLIL [19611 151p. 6 refs. U. Translations. Now York Order from OTS or UA $1. 10 62-13768 Trans, of sokornol*ul C S"Mmenlya (USSR) 1960, 1. rlno-~P- DESCRIMRS: OAcrylonitriles, Polymers, *Cryjt&I structLwej Diffraction, Density. According to the literature polyacrylonitrile, is solid to have unit rells ot hexaSond structure. Ithasheeties- tablished that a hengonal unit can must be'rejectiO for sevarnl reasons. owing to the poorly defined tftf- fraction p2ttern (all the equatorial reflections are ex- tremely week, except for two, vdth blurred diftramlon spots or. the other la~ar U=)6 the unit diffraction cell cannot be described with cartalinty.. The observed par- (Chemistry-Organic, = Y. 7. no. 10) (over) Offi- ~f T-W-1 S.-i... Preparation and Polynerlzation of Umsaturated Ccnqpoimdr. ContaIning Metals, by M. M. Noton, T. M. Kaseleva, F. S. Florlndkiy, 8 rp. Fwal", pw, r%,e Boyedineuiyu.. Vol 11, NO 11., 1960, pp A/Z Z fi-d awym XX-3.049 NOT P2LUBANA TO FMOR NATIONALB Sci - Chem sap 61 / 6 & 2, 0 0 57'6 USIB .:.Mn%MM = CM Lanovsl.aya, L_ M., Gantmakher, A. R., and Medvedcv, S. S. POLYMERIZATION OF ETHYLENE WITH THE COMPLEX CATALYSTA-TiC13-AIR3 IN THE PRES- ENCE OF VARIOUS MONOMERS. H. SOME ASPECTS OF THE MECHANISM OF POLYMERIZATION IN THE PRESENCE OF COMPLEX CATALYSTS. [1961.1 [51p. 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-13B38 Trans, of Vvsol mo leku ne (USSR) 1960. , t1no.II I p., 1655-1 58. DESCRIPTORS: *Hthylenes, 'Polymerization, *Cata- lysts, Butudienes, Isoprenes, Styrenes, *Titanium compounds, Chlorides, *Aluminurn compounds. (Clieniiswy- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 11) (over) 62-13839 1. Lanovskaya, L. M. 11. Gantmakher, A. R. Ill. Medvedev, S. S. IV . Title: Some ... V. Translations, New York rqT_S Offi- of T.6.1c.1 S~1..& mumm.-MUN-1 min Losev- p., Smirnma; o. v. -and otbers.- tNvEmGATiON OF 114THRIFACIAL POLYESTR81PI- CATION. 11960161). Order from ATS $9. W ATS-35144SR Trans. of_yy-ko_M.. _SoyedI-fjJjp-(VSSR)' 19f.M V. Z--=--Tl. P. 1659-1 (Chernintry-Organic.~'TT. V. 3. no. 8) , I. Eatera-pol yrneri ion 2. Title: Polyesterifl ation I .Looev. 1. P. Srl... 0, V. ATS-35N49B ly. Aseoclaxed Techni. Services. Inc., orange. N. 007 of".* *1 I..)-.1cj R-771-N Adhesion of Polymers, VII Adhesion of Carboxyl-Containing CopolyToers to Various Substitutes, by S. S. V05rutskiy, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Vysekemolekilarnye Soyedineniya, ~S7 Vol II, No 11, pp 1 ~1- *JPRS for Picatinny Arsenal Sci - Pbys 13 oct 61 Into camin"'ImIg, aft"Gon in iw~ygwr md ?cAut mid Va- ~krro Ts AVS Jr z2baml oft"am" in owupipa Ime no-wiawba imboft at abMWAS labood ebreswo in F61ymv and. P94n%, and Undeb a lw JL 1. vga nt so novt TV MOWN* MW 63 6'2 - -13--9- 8 -9 - - - Konstantinopol'skaya. M. B., Berstneva, Z. Ya., and Kargin, V. A. : HELICAL STRUCTURES OF POLYETHYLENE. [1961] [5jp. 5 refs. Order from O"I'S or SLA $1. 10 62-13989 Trans. of Vysokomolckulyarnye Soedineniya (USSR) 1960, v. 2 [no. I I] p. 17,14-1716. . X DESCRIPTORS: 'Ethylenes, *Polymers. Micro- analysis, Nlicrostrdcture, Electron microscopy. Secondary structures o r polyethylene, exhibiting a helical structure, have been obtained. (Author) (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 11) 1. Konstantinopol'skaya, M. B. 11. BLrstne,,-a, Z. Ya. Ill. Kargin, V. A. IV. Translations, New York PIS MI.. .1 T..W..I S.M... Kolesnikov. G. S. andTezen. Khan-mln. CARBON-CHAW POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS. XXV111. PREPARATION OF CRAFT COPOLYMERS BY THE REACTION OF POLY(METHL METHACRY- LATE) AND POLY(ETHYLENE AZELATE). 11960) 6p. Order from ATS $B. 00 ATS-13N49R Tranm. of VyPokomolokulyarn (USSR) Iwo. V. ikiril"m (Cbvm1vtry--Orp~1c. TT. Y. 5. no. 8) -61-12764 k. Polyiners-Syntlicals :1. Copolyrnerization-Analyals 3. Acrylatea-Polyrnerization 4. Ethylenes-Polymerization 51. Title: Graft co~olymera 1. Koleirdkov, G. S. 11. Tsz~n, Khan-n-in 111. ATS~13N,19R IV. Title'- Preparation... V. Ass6riated Technical Servicee. Inc.. East Orange. N. J. office, *1 TI kMesa Zubov. V. P., Kabarkw, V. A. and och-ars. THE INFLUENCE OF PRESSURE ON THE FORMA- TION OF, THE MICROMUCMRE OF MLIIAER CIWNtS DURING POLYMERIZAMON. [196116p. Order from A71S $8. 60 AIS-14IN49R Trane. of VysoL .ppoloku 19M, Y. 2~n4`-lT,-p-.- 172.2-1727. 4,gUSsR) ftT5 61-22008 Lrolymers-Microstructure 2- Polymerization-- Phynical factors 3. Pressure-Phyalcal effe(as 1. Zubov. M. P. 11. Kaba~~. V. A. 111. A-M-14N49R IV. Assoclatc-3 Technical SCrvlcC3' Inc., East Ornnge. N. !L'i 6 8 2 (Chemletry-Orpnic, 'LT. v. 5, no. 10) Tokareva. L. G., Mikhailov. N. V. and otheni. THE PROCESSES AND MFCHANISM OF AGING OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS. It. INVESTIGATIONS OF -THE STABILIZA71ON OF POLYANUDE FIBERS. (19611131). Order from ATS $13.60 ATS-M5IR Trans. oLYysokomoIekuIy3rnye Soedinenlyn (USSR) 1960. v. DESICRiPTORS: *Synthetic fibers, Fibers. *Atwdez. OPolyrners, Aging, Stabi I im [ion, Processing. (Materials --Plastics, TT, Y. 6, no. 4) -61--22931- 1. Tokareva, L. G. 11. Mkhallay, N. V. 111. ATS-971451R. IV. AsSOC12ted Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. 4 7-5 J OD offt" of T&AMICA &"C.B Kororkav, A. A., hfitsengendler, S. P., and Aleev, Y, 10 EFFECT OF DIE'111YLETHER ON T[111 COPOLY- MERIZATIONZ PROC M- OF BUTADIHNE WrM Sl"ME1,1E. [1963] 7p.'10 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-18412 Trans. 0' sokoinolck-ttlygnye ~S~Dod i~nmdi a (USSR). 1960, v. 2~n.~o.l p. P~ Another trans. is available from PP in Polymer Science USSR, v.. 3, no. 3, ~100. OD/year. DESCRIPTORS: M madienes, *Styrenes, *Ethylethers, Vinylradicals, Copolymerization, Addition reactions, Catalysts, *I-iluum compounds, Burylradicals. The effect of diethyl ether on the polymerization kinetics of dlvinyl and styrene in benzene at 30 C and on the composition of the resultant polymers was - z investigated. Addition of 0. 05 mole/1 erber increases the content of styrene units in the copolymer from 13 (hiaterials--Plastics, TT, v. 10, no. 9) 1 1 1 (over) 63-18412 1. Title: Diethyl ether 1. Korotkov, A. A. U. Mitsengendler, S. P. M. Aleev, K. ?vL d 7*d*d SaTkes Karshak, V. V., Sladkorvi A. M. and Kudryavuev, Yu. P. SYN-MUSS OF POLYMERIC ACETTLENIDES. [19611 Sp. . '49R Order from ATS $7.50 ATS-87V Trans. of 1960, 1824-1827. 61-22012 1. Acecylene polyrncrt-- Synthesis 1. Korshak, V. Y. It. Sladkov, A. M. III. Kudryavt-sev, Yu. P. IV. ATS-871449R V. Associatod Tachnic3l Serv- ices, Inc., East Orzngc, N. J. T~/4T- 26 2- (Mmls try- -Orgfinir, TL v. 5, no. 10) Gluzman, M. Kh., Dashevskaya, B. I., and Bodnya, V. M. PREPARATION OF POLYETHYLENE OXIDES BY POLYMERIZATION OF ETHYLENE OXIDE. 11961] [101p. 20refs. I. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-13839 Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya (USSR) 1960, v. 2_Fno7_i2j`-p-rWjr-T99-.' DESCRIPTORS: *EThylene oxide. *Polymers, Preparation, Polymerization, Catalysts. Two methods of preparing polyethylene oxides were developed: by Polymerization of ethylene oxide in an autoclave under pressure and by bubbling gaseous ethylene oxide through alkaline solutions of the glycol in apparatus of the column type. The composition of the polyethylene oxides and their properties are de- termined principally by. the ethylene oxide: water and ethylene oxide : glycol ratios. The molar ratio of (Chemistry- -Organi c, TT, v. 7. no. 11) (over) 62-13839 1. Gluzman, M. Kh. 11. Dashevskaya, B. 1. Ill. Bodnya, V. M. IV. Translations, NewYork Offic-f T-61-1 S.M... 62-13769 Tsen, Khan-min and Kolesnikov, G. S. CARBON CI-IAIN POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS. 1. Title: Graft polymers XXIX. SY1,1THESIS OF DIPHILIC GRAFT COPOI-Y- 1. Tsen, Khan-min MERS. [19611 [91p. 8 refs. If. Kolesnikov. G. S. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-13769 Ill. Title: SvnEhesis ... IV. Translations, New York #Trans. of Nlysok molekulYarnye Soedineniya (USSIR) - 1960, V. ZTn-5i2Fp-7B7U-rr, 4. DESCRIPTOWS: *Polymers, Synthesis. Copolymeriza- tion, Esters, *Acrylic acids. It has been shown that graft copolymers of the di-Ailic type may be produced by heating mixtures of metlia- crylic and W -hydroxypelargonic acids or of media - crylic acid and the polyhydroxyTIcargonate in the presence of p-toluenesulf'onic acid. The properties of the resultant graft copolymers have been investigated. (Chemistry- -Organic, 77, v. 7. It has been shown that spberulites are formed in the no. 11) graft copolymers. (Author) (See also 60-18470, Offic. ~f T-h.1.0 Sw~i... 61-107W, 61-20643) 61-22943 Kr6zeT, S., VAInryb, M.. and Silina. L. - ESTIMATION OF THE MOIY.CIJLAR WRIGHT DIS- 1. Krozer. S. TRIUMON OF POLYCARBONATES BY TIM. MUTMOD It. Vainryb. M. OF TURP1101METHIC TITRATION. 1196116p. Ill. Silina. L. Order frorn ATS $9.75 ATS-20NSZR W. ATS-20N52R . Associated Technical V Trans. of &Fmirn nnIekitivarnve Soedinenlyn (U=) , Services, Inc. , 1960, Y. 2, no. 12, p. 1876-iml. Enat Orange. N. DESCRIPMRS: *Carbonates, Volymers. ONfolecular ivefgt:r, Dtatriburfon. ~Tftratfon. ' u 0 D;k-.f T.A.I.J S-1... (Cbern.latry- -Organic, TT, v. 6. no. 4) by N S Ukhoid-ro, Russll~ per,, V02 2.1 1960 AHC UOL-TV-10009 W-ravue Changes. in tim Older Irradiation, 'Ai~ Halinski Y 300,499 Mel'niko%ra. E. P. Vansheidt, A. A. and others. THE REACTION OF METALUC SODIUM WITH BIS(CHLOROMETHYL) DERIVATIVES OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS. Pt. I of The Use of the Wurtz Re- action for the Synthesis of Polymers of the Polyxylylene Type. [196118p. Order from A71S $15.15 ATS-42N5711 Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedinenlya (MR) 1960, v. 2, no. 9, p, t383-1390. DESCRIFTIORS: OChemical reactions. Olck)dium, *Chlo- rides. Methyl radicals, Synthesis, Polymers. 62-12654 1. Mel'nikova. E. P. U. Vanaheldt, A. A. 111. TItle: Use ... IV, AM-42N57R V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange. N. J. (Chemistry--Organic. Tr, v. 7, no. 10) Offl...f T.cWc.] S.mic.s 61-12372 Lanovakays, L. M.. Gantmakher. A. R., and Medvedev. S. S. 1. Ethylenes- -Polymerization POLYMERIZATION OF ETHYLENE BYTHE COM- 2. Complex compounds-- PLEX G-TIC13-AIR3 CATALYST IN THE PRESENCE. Catalytic properties OF VARIOUS MONWERS. 1. THE INFLUENCE OF & Aluminum compounds VARIOUS MONOMERS ON THE POLYMERIZATION (Organic)- -Catalytic OF ETHYLENE. 119601 Sp. properties Or&r from ATS $12.95 A75-77M46R 4. 73tanlum con pounds (Organic)- -Catalytic Tranc of V~y ~ok yagmWya (USSR) ~ ~ properties 391-1397 ; 196% V. 2. p. 1 1. Lanovskaya, L. M. n -rS _ej - 11. Gantmakher, A. It. P-6 Ill. Medvedev. S. S. IV. ATS-77M4611 V .Associated Tedwical Services. Inr-. East Orange. N. J. VI. 71tle: bMuence... (Cbemistry--Organic, Tr. v. 5. no. 3) omft.f TedweA $.M-. 62-13908 Arbuzova, H. A., Kostlkov, R. R., andFropp, L. N. POLYMERIZA-1710IN OF DIVINIYLBENZAL. [19till 1. Arbuzova. H. A. [5]P. 5 refs. 11. Kostikov, R. R. Order from OTS at SLA $1. 10 62-13908 111. Propp, L. N. IV. Translarions, New York Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya (USSR) 1960, v. 2 [no. 9] p. 1,402-1404 DESCRIPTORS: *Ploymerization, Acid, Benzenes, Catalysts, *Vinyl radicals. Polymerization in the presence of initiators of the radical type yielded a linear polymer of divinylbenzal, whose physical properties and anal~rjcaldara indicated that it had a cyclic structure. (Chen-tistry-Organic, Tr. v. 7, no. 11) OKI- f Swic.. 9*spolkov. Yu. A., Miller, Y. B. and otherik. A S=Y: OF THR COWAR.MVE ZFFECMENHM OF SOWE JAN11OXIDAM. Pt. t of ths 7%errao~- 03ddmiye Dogradatlan of Pob-propylaza. 119621 4p. --)xder from ATS 06.23 ATS-SIN57R Trams. of Vy&akmnoIeku1r&myo SoedinWyx (USSR) 1W, v. .1, no. 9, p. 1409-1412. DESMEPTORS: Prqwaes, OAndo3ddsuts, Effective- WAS, Poll-mers, Meat. 62-12798 1. Shlyapmlkary, Yu~ A. 11. Miller, V. B. Ill. Title% Therma,-04dative IV. ATS-$IN52R V. Associated Techrdcal Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. lChemistry- -Orpzlc. 7T. v. 7. no. 11) OMc* of T"WeM S~1- 61. -.:(M43 Kolonsnikov, G. S., Rodionova. E. F. and cdwre. CARBON-CHAIN: POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS. * 1. KoleaBaikov, G. S. XXVU. THE POLYMERIZATION AND COPOLYME111- 11. Rodlowva. E. F. ZATION OP 'ME DI-N-BUTYL ESM OF VINYI.- Ill. Title: Polymerization PHOSPHINIC ACID. 119611[81p. 7 refs- Order ftom OTS or SLA ~1. 10 61-20643 Trans. of Vy --k!?5 Soedinenlya (IUSSR) 4 1960 -14 v. nv 9~ 1 . i I P. 1432~ DESCRUTORS: %Iytnerization.*Cbpolymerization. Condensation reactions. Polymers, Cyclic compounds. Chlorine compounds, *Phosphlnic acids, *Styrenes. *Vinyl radicals, *Chlorides. *Acetatcs, Thermo- chemistry, Mechanical properties, Eaters, Butyl radicals. The polymerization of the di-n-butyl cater of vinyl- phospWnic acid was studied under different conditions- Offi-I 7-61-1 Sw~lms (Chemlstry--Orgdnic, TT. v. 7. no. 5) (over) I Determination of the Structural Glass Transition Temperature From Experimental Curves, by Yu. A* Gorbatkina. 6p RUSSIAN., per., - Vysoh2La ~3,ekW~jvarnne Soedineni".p Vol 2., No 10) 1960., pp 1456-1450. sTA TT-66-lo656 Sci-M&M Jul 66 3o6,loB 63-17527-3 POLYMER SCIENCE USSR, 196Z VOI_ 3, NO. P. 367-534. ]an 63, Iv. Order from PP $100. 00/year Trans. ofylys2olki ~Iekul~rn ISRI 1960, v. 4 no. 10, p. 1499, 1521-1535; no. 11, p. 1613-1634, 1645-1658. 1678-1687, 1722-1738, 1745; no. lZ p. 1811-1877, 1839-1844,.1860-1869. Abstracts are included of se- lected articles from v. 4, no. 2- DESCRU'MRS: *Polymers, -Chemistry, Condensation reactions , *Chlorlde%; *Pyrocatechol; *AcryUc resins, %ty-n~~, Degradation, *Molecular spectroscopy, *Benzenea, Polymerlmdon. 0opolymerization. *&hyl- enes, A'Propenes, Deformation, Mechanical properties, *Butadienes, *Cheinlcal bonds, *Glycols, *Catalysts, Anisotropy, Tressure, *Anddes, *Flbers(Synthetic), *Vinylradicalr, *13thyLethers, *Sodium (Chemistry--Organic, TT, v. 1% no. 4) (over) 1. Pergamon Press, Inc., New York 61-25723 Azimav, S. A., Usmanov, Kh. U. and others. Y-RAY-INDUCED GRAFTING 017 SOME JAONOME'RS 1. Title: Capron TO NATURAL SILK AND CAPRON. (196114P. 1. Azitnov. S. A. Order from ATS $6.25 ATS-49N55R 11. Usmanov, Kh. U. Ill. ATS-49N55R Trans of Vysokomolekul a, ,nS oedi~ncmnlya (USSR) 'u Y IV. Associated Technical 7 ~ 10. 4 1960, .1 10, p, 14.0 4 Service a. Inc.. Fast Orange. N. Me=PrORS: $\-rays, *Silk. Fibers. Chemical reactions. (Cheml stiy- -Organic, TT, v. 6. no. 12) Offi...f T-W-1 S-0- 61-10980 Spaaskiy, S. S. and Molchanova. T V. -.'HE COPOLYMERrZATION OF POLYESrERS wrrH 1. Spasskiy. S. S. VINYL- ANI) ALLYI-2,10NOMERS. X1. CO1'OLYM`ERl- U. Molchanovs. T. V. ZATION OF POLYDIETHYLENE GLYCOL FUMARATE lil- Title: Copolymerization AI)IFIATE AND LOW MOLECULAR POLYEIIETHYL- ENE GLYCOLS FUMARATE WrM STYRENE. (19611 j8jp. 9 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 6t-10980 Tranz. oLVysokomoleku1yaM!vLe Soyedinenlys (USSR) 1960, v. 2 [no. 101 p. 1491-1435. -- DtSCRIPTORS: Cc-,-',,-nerlzatlon, Polymers, 'Eaters.1 It, wt *Vinyl radicals, *Allyl radicals. *Ethylenes. *Glycols. Styrenes. Fumaric acids. Allpic acids. offi-I T-61-1 S-1-' (Chemistry- -Organic. TT. v. 6. no. 2) 2 -10596 6 Kartin, V. A., Markova G. S.. and Kcvaleva. V. M * INVESIIGATION OF THE SrRUCTURH AND VROP- 1. Kar&, V. A. ERTIES OF ETWLENE AND PROPYLENE CCPOLY- U. Markova. 0. S. MRS. [196117P. (2 figs. omitted) 3 refs. M. Kovaleya, V. P. Order from OTS cr SIA $1. 10 62-10,296 Trans. of [VyjiobcmolekulymmyeSo~.-dinenlyal(lissit) 19W. v. 2, no. 10. p. 1531-1534. IMSCRUTORS. *Ethyleues, *Propenes, M*cbArdcal properties, Molecular wxucrure, Volymers, Cefo7- nistion, CrysTAls, CzystallIntion, Stresses. Testo ghop-ed that with the increase of IrreguW-Ity in the copolymer chains. the perfemitan of cry6ts,11ine regiont fit redwed. Ila diffraction picture of the crystallime regiova in wunwturally aimilar to that cd polye-thyltine ar polypropylene. There axe no inter- medfaij? etructumt or chaWs in the parametars that would aug eirt the arising of at:ressez in the Msta!a. (Ch&znIwry--ny.;Aczl, TT, v. 7. no. 11) lover) i 61-1"65 Terent'yev. A. P.. Rode, V. V., andRukhadze. Ye. G. 1. Chelate compounds- SIUMUS OF CHELATE POLYMERS. 1. SYNTHESIS Synthesis OF OiELATE POLYMERS FROM 3.5'-MH7WYLRNE- 2. Polyrners--Syntbesis bse-SALICYLALDBMDB. 119f01 7p. I - Tereot'yev. A. P. Order from A7`S $13.40 A73-631448H U .Rode. V. V. Trans. ot.Vysokomole kylya yyle Dft jusilt) - ' ' Ill. RWUNWXC. Y& 0. IV. -ntle: Synthesis... 1960. v. 2: SK IV, rl3 V. ATS43NUR VI. Associated Technical Services. bw-. Bast 6 Orange. N. A -1~lMf- Zoo? C"W" of Toclolea swwl"I (Cbernistry-Orpair, TT. V. 5. no. 8) Kozlov, P. V., layleva, M. M. and others. THE SOLUBIUTY OF SOME GRA M-TD COPOLY- MERS. f1961) 10p. (3 figs. ownitteJ) 9 refs. 0;~cr from L.Cor-';LA d$1.80, ph$1.80 61-IOWO Trans. or Vysoko!~ol kul Soyedinerflya "c"U'M 1-0 . We (USSR) 1960~-v-Y[Ir' P; rr8(T--mr"- The state diagrams were sttidied of a series of grafted copolymers of diphilic type (starch-polysty- rene. polyethylene terephthalare-polyncrylic acid) and grafted copolymers containing starting cornponem having common solvents (polyisoburylene-polystyranc, polystyrene-polyvinyl acetate). in all cases ~he grafting causes lessening of the true solubility of the grafted copolymeras compnred with the starting homopolymers. For the graftt-J copolymer from polystyrene and polyvinyl accv;tc the dissolution proc ess is &-scribed by means of thermodynamical func- tions on the basis of data on integral mixing heat with benzcne and hydrogenated monomers. 61-10M 1. Polymers --Solubility 2. Styrene polymers - - Solubility 3. Starch- -Solubility 4. Isobutene polymers-- Solubility 5. Title: Graft copolymers I Kozlov, P. V. It lovleva. M. M. .1 OfR-.f T~-J-A !-I... (Chemistry--Organic. IT, v. 5. no. 11) (over) Tan Machan-Orm of the P,-~renoltic-n Ft-m Porced Elastic to Hishly mastic 25 R=tnare, Iny V. R. G =2 VOI Ilp ND U: 1960s P-PI --Ia&5".A IM/M 1960 Bpi - abom .W 69 A 7T-64-13225 Pdyabw. A- L. Derevkskaya, V. A.. and Repwin. Z. A. 1. PolyLkcw. A. L DMEMGA71ON OF, THE POSSIBILM OF PREPAR- 11. DerevftWmys, V., A. M UNSATURATED COWOUNDS OF CELLULOSE M. Rogwfiv6 Z. A. By pm cmaAEV REACTION IV. CourumWm-?\IL-3655 L affwxmdu, tr. 17 Id 63. Sp 9reft Cmumtulds Mm V. DMR-NLL-I~t -40 lAt. 3WA-, Irsm) mL NL 544a VI. CQurMulds Lr&, Oidw from OTS. SLA, or ETC $1. 10 ' TT-64-13225 Manchester (Em~ Tzwk& of V jgbgg~ej SaedWed (USSR) BOMINA IM V. Z D06 3. P. (Chealistry--Ozgwdr- IT. Y. 1Z =a. 2) Otflm of T~hnlcml Stmic" I j coupon ition squations ~ Of -, Tkume-COCIPPODWt COPOlyucra Part It by A, 1, TeresOV9 RUSSMI wt vyadgmal M, Vol 2v No 119 196~0.0 PP 1601-1607, ATS PJ,,S36$ Sci-Chem June 70 63-17527-1 POLYMER SCIENCE USSR, 1962, VOL. 3, NO. 1. 1. Perganwn Press, Inc., P. 1-210. May 6Z Iv. New York Order from PP $100. 00/year Trans. of_Yysak=Qlckdyarng eni (USSR) -~n!nl~llt _65, 1961, v. 3, no. 1, p. 10-13, 5 -65 , - . -104, 134-143, ~ 150-151, 161-163; no. Z p.. 184-204, 213- 214, 232-236, 290-309; no. 3, p. 363-367,.371-381, 408-414 420-434, 470-47.4. Abstracts are included of selected articles from v. 3, nos. 4-8. DESCRWXORS: *Pblyrners, Chen-astry, Scientific re- searphi: Light. S~matterimg, *Chemdcal bonds, photo- cbendstiry, *AmIdes_NynwrIz&tion, 'Tthylenes, - Radiation cheraistry, *Acrylic acids, Phase studies, tea, fS Des, - El rement, Re- action ldnetics_ *Esters,* Morphology, Winyl, radicals, *Acetates' 0 sion, 0 ' i rnv;j~edcrqsooince_ 'Acrylic resins. coipolymerization, *methanals, ONO d Tod*d ftMm (Ow!nIstry-Organic, TT, v. 10. no. 4) (over) 61-25076 Raf Mov, S. R. and Sorokins, R. A. TFIERMAL-0)[IDATIVE. TRANSFORMA77ONS OP L Rafikov, S. R. POLYAMIDES. Pt. 4 of Chemical Transformation of IL Soroktna, R. A. Polymers. 119611 10p. III. ATS-40NS3R Order from ATS $15.73 ATS-40N53R IV. Title: Chemical... V. Associated Technical Trans' of Vrookornoukulpm" SDedLnenlya (USSR) Services. Inc., 1961. 1. 3, -no7T. -p; 21-". EastOiange, N. DESCRII'TORS- *Amidn. OPulymets. Oxidation, AfL L- Twunstwmations, Tbermochemistry. L A 2 '7116 . (Chsrzzlstry--Orpule~ Tr, v. 6. ack. 6) 61-25176 Geller. B. E. CHANGES IN THE DENSITY OF MOLECULAR 1. Geller. B. E. PACKING IN POLAR CARBON-CHAIN POLYMER& It. ATS-411WR r1961) 4p. Ill. Associated Te&n1caI Order from ATS U. 40 AT'5-4JNS3R ~Sarvlces. Ioc.. East ' ZWang,_ N. komolckulyarnye Soedinentyas (USSR) Trans. of.YXLo 3 ~ 1961. 11.3, no. I., V. DFSCRIPTORS: Volymm. Molecular structure, Drnsity. 19 (Chemistry--Organic, TT, v. 6. no. 7) 1101UUM 1411"au miuwu I Uskov, L A.. Tkirasenka, Yu. G.. andKusnittlyna. T. A. FILLED POLYMERS. IV. COMPOUNDING OF DIS- SOLVED POLYMETHYLMETHACRYLATE WMI FILLERS. 119631 (SIP. 9 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-16595 Trans' of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedinenty-a (USSR) 1961, v- I.:P- JJ-4U. Other translations a- available from ATS $6.2-4, as ATS-94P59R [196214p.; from ICE.In-v. 1, no. 1, $IS. 00/year; an abstract trans. from O'17S or SLA $1. 10 as 61-19866! AID-6.1-44, 10 Apr 61, 2p. DESCRIYI~ORS. *A ;crylic resins, Polymers, *Fitlerg, Methyl radicals. Bemonite- Using modified bentonites and polymethylmethacrylate as an example, a method was worked out for addinga (Materials- -Plastics. 7r. v. 10, no. 7) (over) 63-16595 1. 'ntle: Methyl metbacrylate 1. Uskov, L A. 11. Tarasenko. Yu. G. Ill. Kusnitsyri, T. A. IV. 'ntlez Compounding ... 01r= of Teck*A &"vim Ispravnikova, A.G., Sletkina. L.S. and Rogavin, Z.A. INFLUENCE SPECIFIQUE DES hTr'RATES DE CEL- LULOSE SUR LE PROCIUSSUS DE POLVA9111SATION DF_ CERTAINS MONOMERES VINYLIQUES CATALY- SEE PAR.DES RADICAUX LIBRES (Specific Effect of Cellulose Nitrates an the Process of Radical Poly- merization ofS orne'Vinyl Monomers). 14 . (foreign 111%ble teact included) 4refs. CNRS-VI 7F.- Or er from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1.60 TT-62-29722 Trans. in French of Yysokomole I arnye Soedinen- (USS1UT9bT,-v.3,'1WdlrfPAf1 ians in Enzlish is available from TnS $14.00 as TTIS_iON~_~, 1250 words. DESCRWrORS: *Vinyl plastics. Polymerization. Nitrocellulose, Chemical reactions, 17-62-28722 1. Ispravnikcva, A.G. II. Sletkina, L.S. 111. Rogovin, Z.A. IV. CNRS-VI 704 V. Centre National de ]a Recher- che Scientifique, Paris (Materials--Plastics, Tr, v. 11, no. 9) S- c_~ Karshak. V. V., Vinopadova, S. V. and others. A ST%JDY OF SOME RELATIONSHIPS GOVERNING POLYCONDENSATION OF VICARBOXYUC ACID CHLORIDES WITH DIHYDRIC PHUNOLS IN MGM- BOIUNG SOLVEN17S. Pt. 30 of Hetero-Chain Polyesters. 119611 6p. Order from ATS $12. 00 ATS-42N53R Trans. ot Vysokomolekulyamys Soedluenlya (MR) M. Y. P. no. 1.*7 DI~SCRIPIIORS: O'Carboxylic acids. $Worldss. sPhenols, Condensation reections, Organic Wvtmts. *11alers. Polymerization. 61-250#1 1. Korshak, V. V. 11. VinoVradov&. S. V. M. Title: Hetero-Maln, TV. ATS-42N53R V. Associated TedmIcal Services. lot.. East Orange. N. 7-T/;P T- 2 9 C/ 6 7 1 U_ oMgb 0 TOCNARDI sorlets (Cbemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 6. no. 6) Korshak. V. V.. Vologradov. S. V. and others I JE' IT-ROCHAIN' POLYE91-1-:11S. JXXXIJ. A.SrUEJ OF -ME CHEMICAL PROPERM-S OF POLYARLATFS. I 10611 9p. Order from ATS $14JU ATS-43N53R ,rrans. of ' -sokomolek-uly-arnyc SoLdinrnjy-zL-WSS,R) 1961, v. 3, no. 1. P. 7140. DESCRIFFORS: 'Esters. *Polymers, Chemical proKnie%. b 1 -25177 1. Title- Ilexcrochain p.1yrner-, 2. Tiilv: Pblyarlate!, I .Kor,hak. V. V. I] . Vinolzradov. S. V. III . Title: Study ... IV . AT5-43N53R V . Associated Technica I Services. Inc.. F-ast Orange. N*. J. ),7-- 2 5?? A-731% I n ! Of fi.. 0 T-61-1 (Chemistry-Organic, Tr, v. 6. no. 7)