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V"er Siluriar-i Ural Coals of FamLly XyphophylUdac, by V.,A. SYtova, 39 pp. MMM.. Inpututt-vol-up Imp pp In-155. Library 71shmies Res Bd of Canada B101 Sta. St. Pimraws, JIB oat 6L Caiu'ls Anew Genera and Genotypes); E=erpts From Ordcr7ician and Gotlandiae Faum- of the 1"" ft. Couvsc a Podkamenneya Ttwguskm Rivey4 Its &Qlogy Smd Stratigrephical flignificaudabp by R. D. Soshkins.4 Rmax". perj, TrUdy Pa Instituta - ;Mt Ak Iftuk S~~s Vol L14 195%, pp nB-IaS Dept of Interior qR3 B57 No 32 Sci Biol /0" fi-75Y C&rboniferous Bryozomis rrm tka Middle Doap By 1 - P. VA=zova. HUSSIO., per.. Zrudy Pblooa-to]A)E;IcbwkogD lmtituta,, Vol pp 64;;67, 69--71~ Dapt of Iistarlor 03 Z" Xb 89 SA-1, Aug 62 61-15W2 Sytovs. V. A. MATERIAL ON THE PALEOZOtC FAUNA; UPPER 1. Paleoecology- -USSR SIWRIAN URAL CORALS OF FAMILY KYPHO- 2. Coral--LISSR PHYLUDAE FROM URAL. tr. by G. RaGaWi-sky. 1. Sytovs. V. A, 8 Sep 60. 39p. (Illus. ond"ed). 11. Title: Upper... Order from LC or SLA mJ$3-W. ph$6.30 61-15092 Ill. Geological Survey, Trans A de=77~ WasItIngton. D. C. Nauk SSMLLN Institut t V. 27-133 and 150-155. C7 13 (Earth Sciences- -Geology. TT. w. S. no. 3) Mwcoisba of Monoolla, by K. K. Flezov., ]RUSSIMS peri Trulpr 9:Lchea& lust., vol L)tvns ig5r.. AT P'P' *CFM M! 6T-513W Sci- lbv 66 Tetreradiate Corals From the Lower Carboniferous of the Russian Platform, by T.A. Dobrolyubova. RUSSLAN, per Trudy Paleont. Inst. No. 70, 1956, IILL/Book 1965 Sci. - Aug 67 339-520 Excerpts f rom Lower Carboniferous Cbloniml Tetra- corals of the Russian Platfoxm, by T. Dobrolyubova. A" - US HU113,31AN,-taxt7 Ak Hauk GS Tulcoutologicke- s k0 Last., 0 go L11, 1958- Dept of Interior U3,v E57.- No 3 USSR Econ Sci. oct 6o 61-15956 Chudinova, L L THE DEVONIAN U-IAMNOPORIDAE OF SOUTHERN 1. Title: Thamnoporidae SIBERIA [Devonskie Tamnoporidy Yuzhnoi Sibiril. 1. Chudinova, L L [1961] 213p. (tables figs. omitted). 11. Geological Survey of Order from OTS or SLA $16. 00 61-15956 Canada Trans. of [Akademjya Nauk SSSR. Paleontologi- cheskii Inst:itut- Trudy] 1958, v. 73 [146p. I DESCRIPTORS: Siberia, *Palcoecology, Geology, 'tCoral reefs, *Aquatic animals, Marine biology. This work is based upon the collections that were gathered by E. A. rVANONrA, a senior fellow worker at the Institute, from the Middle- Devonian deposits in the %finusinsk and 'DAinsl. basins as well as upon private collection-,, from the Middle Devonian of the Minusinsk hasin. Furthermore, the collections of (Earth Sciences- -Geology. other fellow t%orkers of The Institute and of some '17, v. 7, no. 8) geolo~nc ~1 insti-.uzons were placed at my disposal. Offi...1 T-64.1 S-1- (Ajzhc-r) E-:!velopment of Fauna of Middle and Upper Carboni- ferous Sea in the Western Part of Moscow Depression in Connection With its History., Book 3. Corals, by E. A. Ivanova. RUSSIAN, bk., _ Fv~-Ad~a~_of --Sciences-af__tli~ USM. T--q y qf t~~Paleontologid~~ InstJ4~jt4,_ vol 1=, Moscow, 1958. 1 Dept of Interior QE30 E57, No 7 USSR 4/7 oct 6o locoarvu FZ%n Vex% -!Irero= cbIon-Il fttr&Caml-- P.LU the ft"lan Matra=, by T- Ao bobralyubmaj B089mo pwo Nak* saffiti Weantolog 3kint4tata, Vbl LXK, Sw im - F-07-- Dapb IRUWICW 16M 257 ED 38 Bel - om~ jbw Bony Fisbas of the Maikop Deposits of the Cauc"uss by P. G, DanilOcheaka. RUSSIAN, bk, TV& Palemtolo cheskago instituas Vol LxXvIll, I")* zoo pp. CFSTI TT 67-51201 Sci - Biol * Jun 66 302,323 63-17713-9 DMERNAMONAL GEMOGY REMEW. VOL. 5 1. Anwrican GeolVcal NO. 9; P. 90-IM Aug63, Iv. Illrefm IwL, WaublaSton, a C. Order ftow AGI $5.00. $55. W/year Trans. of Akademlya Nw& SSSR. PAIDINoxftfficbe" betitulL . 19W. T. $3, P. -Ri"& Mlulest German* 1961, v. St. wD. 2, p, 315- 33D. Moubwokoe Obebcbmm lWynftW Frirody. ByaBetes'. Otftl GoWboche" (USMo 1962. v. 37(67) sm 1. p. 25-42; lzwmftya V7swhM dmit. GeokVya I Razwodke (USSR) US 6', u,o7-. p. 3-2t; no. 9. p. 25-41; CM~Mmi Cbm Gem fjapm* 1960, v. 11, wD. 6, p. 1-= DBSCRWrORS: *GeolM. ftriodca* ftk*oWUW. Goopbysics, Seismograpis, Stn zal gebb", Hcooomic pxft". Groafte. Navival Vs. 00s~ Wen logffia& Ga- c-*e- G-Vbygdcal p-opealn& pevifflus emu d Tech" Servieft (P, Sciencm--GeokW. Tr. v. 10, no. IQ (Wed Ruzhentsev, V. E. THEORY OF PHYUXEMMC sysnDAATICS. Pr. 3 Creorlya Filogeneticheskol Sistemadid). Sep 63, 29p Order from AGI MOD In International Ge*kW Rewlew, v. 5, no. 9. p. 1164-1192 TranB. pa Wt!~ r 196( avairatAie~ --*-' DESCAIPTORS: 0razwomy, ONleastolpff, GcokW, Topics include: interrelationship betvmwu systematics and phylogen]r validity of taxonomic , Les; cbar- acftre of taxonomic cateXorles; problem of transition J systematics; chronologies principle; principle of bomoloU; amogenatic principle; principle of the basic link. (See also 7T-63-17713-8) TT-63-17713-9 (p. 1164-1192) 1. Ruzbents". V. E. n.- twernational Geological inat.. washin", D. C. (Earth Sciences-Goolo". IT, v. 11. an. 4) OIAM ad Techmkw Tr-63-17713-10 Ruzhentsev, V. E. (p. 1308-036) THEORY OF PHYLOGENE-nc SYSrEMA-nCS. Fr. 4 AND BMUOGRAPHY. Patd C. Randau. tr. Oct 63. 29p 1. Ruzbentmev, V. E. 2211reft International Geological Order from AGI $S.W 1B International Geology Review, Inst.. Washington. D. C. v. S. Do. 10. p. 1306-1336. )d Trs=.AA*AdW~j* - 1960. v. 107-13b. (Abstract !n I af DESCRUITORS: OTaxamomy. OPaleoutology. Bibliographies. Geology, Topics Include: equivalence of taxonomic categories in ~WoutolqU and paleontology; the order am a taxonomic category; the family as a taxonomic category. the genum; the spades; taxonomic categories within the species. (See also TT-63-17713-9. p. 1164-1192) offlu 01 7ftMkjI 34rvkn (Earth Sciences--Geology, Tr. v. 11, no. 4) Davoaiaa Bryozoa rrm the Minusinak arA Kuznetsk Betsinsp by I* P. Morosomm. bkr EUSSIM; MMy T=rudy~~Peleon~tlloalo c-beskogo Imstituta Ak Nauk 3 Sm'o Dept of laterior 03 M NOR Sol - Geopbys 911.1 zlf.L Apr 62 Cm-as (JIM Genera and GenotypM), by B.-,D. goshkinsi, 3.6 pp. WWIO,, lor, 2M~y Ak Xw* ml -Y imittv To 14brmy / W, -/f/ rimbulAw Rn Dd at Oanaft Ma ftas St. ArAmm, IM sed 000" ub I 0 6 RD63 gLwa Cbmateristles by Z* A, lvamme RWMOP pw.9 R!MA& Sakd-Nm* - M'- Vol mp vp 57 23-W- = RTS 2518 of Atrnw., SM 1962j, Platee IV., Xn FIV (on IQ= or Pmvlme) Aug 65 286,993 The Changes in the Blood and Urine oP Animals SufferinG From Tick Paralysis, by V~ IV. dusov, Z. K. Po3pelolm., V. 14. Peteshov, 1.5 PP- ' RUSSIMI, per &,Para 47 Ocha ovost' ~61'-eznev r 11 :11L0 0:9 Zoologii, Ak Hauk sk 3 Vol XII, 196, PP 227-235. 9097010 IM 1-34-62 Sci Med Rheological Properties of Bulk Polystyrene in Relation to its Processing, by N. V. Prozorovskaya. RUSSIAN, rpt, Trudy, PererabotIm Plasticheskikh Mass, Vsesoyuznoe Soveschanie Ro Perarabotka i Prlmeneniya Plastlchesklkh Mass v Harodnom Khozyaistve. (no. 1), 1964, pp 26-31- NTC-71-12380-11I Nov 71 PrLuciple of Maximum In the TJaeo3:7 of Optimal Processes., by V. G. Boltyansily., -~ 3 R. V. Gamkrelidze Pervoc- RUSSIAlT., perj, TrudV F*E)y Tst-t~e~~,, ljoscow., 19W. Teoriya Diskretnylda Optimal Inykh i Samonastraivayushikhsya Sistem.,' 1 11., 1961.- PP 457-470- I~t T93-62-i746 Sci - Phys Dee 62 $am PGOsIbIlqtA of 0--! Oujag 917stam vith Variable Pq P~ t Un s, bY J. JbnMftF 2). no MBUMv bko Mm4y -Fm Mhmb -JPO Amemp 27 Jtme Mike 260?*3 Sol - ZOOM# Aw Xmv 62 .21 it 2b& A"24mum et the Xvivalent Tramadealm Fmatim to the D"Up at ftucmjAg ayst~ fcw Oooblftd by 08 WOMA CC -twe p"OUN-7 ---WAEWAzWmo by If. A. ,I S. 3L ftbaws 96 vv. swomo ,~pcja suvatwml F"twmo of the 875tow With v WAtlV2AK CMtlV&v by U. T. ftorove 94 w. WOUNS bkv T - - - - damw 2q laws 97 Ame ME 16*3 3br Additlowl OU tbO P.89C.Krt Of X. V. MaymMs by V. T. Fyn wankiyp 7 pp. Rwarm,p bks, --- IM -0 ad- I~V-Q~s a 0 WN 3 0 0 1111111~ lilt Jay 3960f w 21*413. MO 1&43 ftl - KLeatms 3W 171 ~ 17 Sw 62 go mmmy of ywwtlcnlng cmbra Sptm vith IbW Control Pariwatem by Ta Ku yen# 41 pp. RUSS=* Tmb iy *swvp 27 Jum Jvuly 19608 pp 9210 JM I&A3 Sol - ZLOAMP. Bw 1:71 J%O sov 6a The 2heary cc lowawU013-tty at J PA&Wated and Controlled OPtml* by V. S. Maebakins 95 JV- mussia$ bko Smomp 2T J=9 Lyp l9wo vp MS 10*3 Sal - Mectmot BW Nov 62 Prl=iplas of Mwarlame and the ConcUtions (3f Its M BOVIopmt ln the Cmvuf 14013 Of Tj and Noullmw Syntewiv by B. N. Petrov, 37 Np. =SIAN# bkV *aft himma meow Zmamsa IMWA:Ll p0 1, 1 - avp 27 June ja-Y 1-9~* VIP ~20- M-. OW 26(43 Sol m MACUMP DW Mw 62 catlaw con(mmjngg the Arbia3m ur Ve So Ku2bakinp29 NJ88rMs ]k# AERW Lm~~ A MON a6mill am T Jay JMS 26ft3 Sal - Moatnus BW Sm 62 ;~/7/ 417 Biztlc Amlyals of the NooLUwar System &-A-- as . I Vith TW lka)tftl by A. ig W. RM3UM,p bk* 2nift m(p cov# 27 J=9 JMO 3rA*3 ;o7,-59'/ aw 62 The Relationship between MW&etic Stoms and Atmospbaric CircuUtlotk,, by B. A. Yakarlev., 8 pp. IUSSIM.- per,, Truay E2= pichmy Konferent- SH 92 me"--z MqA- Atmoafery,, 14-3.6 Marta 19b0 ji:61962o pp 142-146. AUVM/HT-23-1473 T Sci-Atmospheric Sai mov 68 366,288 Tbo Qiv"nZ Fa%rj,--Iwrda&l Inauatry -- Maulta ana ftsic Objactlwdo by Wx M. A. Dalln, 6 pp. UMMLAMIFMD =&nop Vero TZlA 3bacbmay Beenly SvvmU Vo Kv N"* pp AF XISWIFO Sel - Cbm jbm~ 58 - USSR Room ft WUMUY XKKXURR WORKS OF THE FIRST CONFEREME ON NEOTECTONICS 114 CHINA,, BY V. N. PAVLINOV, 269 pp. RUSSIAN., 5tty TRUDY PERVOC4) SOVESHOHANIYA PO NEOTEKTONIKE KITAYA, H)SCow, ig6o, Pp 185. JPIRS 19815 FE -CHINA ECON. jui,j 63 233,381 MLydrologlml Calculatlow In the Regaztions of Flow for~.Vsr~zble Txriptional RMImments.. by H. Poftpo~q Russmi bkp Toft Per"lip wmkov % 139- 3- ! Utlowl MVvl=l Lab ids Road Xw Dellbl-12, India fjc:L - uqumwlva# avem Tbu- 'Problem of TicM Curvos or Total Disebarge Cm"ven# by Me A.- Mwtkoyg RMSMS bkr ftuv sovesbcbanlya po ftgalrovau BUM =RS 0j, spovp 187.- IMMM lbtfowl Pb3vlaa Lab R133slAe R*e4 New-D&M-120 India Sal suglus P914 Aug w6 Research and Development In Meteorology, by S. A~. Sapodmikova, 13 pp. RUWAM, per. ses znogo Nauchnozo, =Msl I"b2-.- Yap JPRS. 23235 SCI - Ear SCI Feb 64 250,753 Present DoLy, Metbods in ClimatWapby and the ProspeMs for TWIT Developmem. by S. & SVozbnVEova. hMpl%= 13 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Ig!gy PexyQgq Voes nogo Nauchnogo Muz - Vol TVTIgm MRS 23235 Scl - Ear Sci Fueb 64 250,753 Molecular Weight of Cellulose., by 0. P. rzolova,, 1 pa RWSIANj- bkv Trudy Le= i Vtoroy KDnf Yaokomol S(N L5~j-w - z9$-- -30 - Sci Trans Center Scientific - Chemistry tdex only) 'a DwOsUPUMN in WmncgzupbW far Fishery ParPONwe 300 pp. RMIMO mmof DMU pMWI Vol .169 3.964. Dept or interior Fish and aldlire service BCFv Bul"R11 Of FbrdiOm Plabarlos USSR EDGn Doe 67 346,83A Selection and Study of Carrot.-5 I~ybrids, by A, K. Litvin-ova, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ploday. last. 1. V. Michurina. No 1-1, 1961, pp 65-71. 14LL RTS 3561! (On Lma or Purchase) sci-Agxi Apr 67 324.048 Material for a Quantitative Study of the Bottolm Fauria of the Barents and White Seas, by L. A. Zenkewitsch. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Plov Morsk..Nauk Inst, Vol II, No 4, 1927, XXXX pp 1-64. MIS sci Jan 64 Bolls oZ Arial -Say-aa Rag~loz.. by B & F. 9 P. MWXM., yer.,-2rudy FoahvewVy lust Ak Nw* SSSR., 1952j, Vol XM.- PP 2T-31- 10 --- ------ SIA 59-14%5 Sel CT &. 60 - pt- 1 - reb 6o Vol 2,. No 3.2 mwmvam, m. V. STUDY OF FIELD MOISTURE CAPACITY OF PEAT SOR-S OF THE BSSR WHEN IRRIGATED BY SPRIN- KLING (issledoyanle, Polevok Vlagoernkostl Torfyanykb Plochw BSSR pri Oroshemd Ikh Dozbdevanleo. 1963. 1* 7 refs. PL-490 Agr. Order from OTS $0. 50 63-11019 Trans. oflWarusId Nayukova-Dasladch Imstyrut - "7 L' oc' T __ SSR) 195B, DESCRIPTORS: *SoUs, .*Peat, *Moisture. Potential dwory, Irrigation system, Sprinklers. Measurement. Telsta. 63-11019 1. hiakavskil, M. V. 11. PL-480Agr(63-Il0tq) III. National Science Foundation, Washington. D. C. (Agrlculture--Plaw Cultivation, 7T. Y. 10, no. 3) Ofte of Tech" Servkn Gerasimov. G. P. HUMUS-CARBONATE SOILS OF THE SOCHI DISTRICT AND THEIR TRANSITION TO BROWN FOREST SOILS (Peregnoini)-Karbonatnye Pochvy Sochinskogo Raiona I Perekhod Ikh v Burye Lesnye Pochvy). 1963, 10p. 10 refs. PL-480 Agr. Order from OTS $0.50 63-11078 Trans. of~Akademfya Nauk SSSR]. Pochvennyt Institu". ru Y., 190. DESCRIPTORS: *Organic materials, Carbonates, *Soils, *Soil mechanics, Forestry, Humidity, Climatology. 7-:2 / , .~J / 63-11078 1. Title: Sochi 1. Gerasimov, G. P. H. PL-480 Agr (63-11078) Ill. National Science Foun- dation, Washington, D. C. (Agriculture --Plant Cultivation. TT. v.-10, no. 3) Ofte of Teclinkal Smkes characteristics of the Soil Cover of Baraba.. by B. F. Petrov, 131 pp. ;v 3 Inst 'men, V. V. AUUTM., por,, T Ay Doku. .4 NaWiimr.- UMM-1952, pp 11-105. 9076"3'' m 6o-51W Elci - GeopkWsice Mw 61 pm wo. 198 Soils of the Southern Taiga of the Trms-Ural Region, by JC. N. Ivanova.. 164 pp. RLOSIAN., per.. Tni4_P _jWst Imemi V- V'.- DC3QtQ&AWaV&, Ak-1kok.~M,, Vb-1-2tya-,J, 1954P PP 5-128. 9076592 OTS 60-51173 PL-480 B.-A - GOODbyalca ft 63, PST NO. 195 The React6me of Anion Exabange, by I. P. Serdobbl'skly., 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per# Trud Poobvemago Iust in V,.V. Dokmbaevs, J001 ~4&'Xxiak- asigRa. -no 7* 195~,s pp :�*Wikm%%Qo 67-73. siA a-21h6 Scl Aug 58 B4s and Girls at Work in the USSR, by Alexei Antonov. 94 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trud Podrostkov v SSSR, Na Angliyskom Yazyke. CIA FDD/ X-6204 Novosti Press agency Publishing Hosue USSR/,~~- Apr 67 .321874 4 V. SOLUMON OF AN AXIALLY SNIMMMJIC PROBLI7 1 IN' SPHERICAL COORDINATES, tr. byDonald"C. Rich andGeorgeF. llill. 20]FebUt241p. AOMCTrans. nr 12-62. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 62-23283 Trans. of (Politeklinich,.1-ij (USSR) 1955, no. '17V, P. DESCRIPTORS: *Bodics of revolution, 'Axially s~"rnerric flow, Stresses, Load distribution, *Spheres, Elasticitv, Differendal equations, Integrals, Special functions. (JZ- -Ilildti 6 1. Solyinik-Krassa, K. V. 11. AONICTran.,-12-62 111. Army Ordnance Missile Coinmand, Redstone Argenal, Ala. (Mechanics, 17, v. 9, no. 12) of Ttck*-g Serwket Pavlovskly. M. A. and Makarov. B. N. INFLUFNCE OF A DEEPENING OF THE ARABLE LAM CN 7WE IfYDROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF Pf-.'AT'Y-POI)70LIC SOP.S (Vilyanlye Uglubleniya llakh:cnc~gn Slays na Vod io-fizicheskiye S%-oy-.qt%-a Pochv) it. by M. Slade. 10101 1221P. (furelZn tmt Inctwit-3) 13 re(n. Trann, no. 460~. Order from L(: or SLA miS2- 70. ph$4.80 M-13277 . .IL,~Na u I Poch : Trawi. rf AVadc-ml ~k kennyy Inatitut Trudy. 49. p, 73-83. Tt- ",r"wiy aml d~n~tty of the boll Increared con- mid,rahly (c.111,fly to the 20- to 40-~m layer) In the firct yvar after det-pening nf the stable layer. 'W t!w-- at I 1e la~vr w;.4 t1,.-cfvnvd the water pem lily of (!-- -11 Ity-I-ripcil lx*rcrNibly. epiwc[ally after az:,( Iforative p1mixhing Io 45 Lol. Tbc differences in -lef 1-rm~vnhfl it ) rcrtimined mAiccable in the third -m-at frxvm dt-cp pitmilhing DeeMnInSt of the arable iA. rculture- -Plant Cultivation. T-r- v.5. no.41 (over) 61-13ZT7 1. Sofia-Phypical factors 2. Solls-Phy"Ical propertlell 1. Pavlovskly. .1.1. A. 11. Makarov, B. N. Ill. CSIROTTanot-MA, IV. Commonwealth Scientific and Induptrist Repicarch Organization (Auatralin) c/ 7*6 Inyer by means of ameliorative ploughing Improved the structure of peaty-"Iznllc oollm- the content of water-resistant crumbs was 3 to 6 % higher than after (be ut-ual ploughing. Mepening of the amble horizon of lightly cultivated peaty medium -pndzotic Poll In- crettoed the content of "al and available mol"ture In the 0 to 60 cm layer. The coment of total moisture Increaaes'aharply after ploughing to 45- and 60-cm depth. The increase in the water supply of the planta,l in moisture capacity, pore content. and permeability to water upon deepening of the arable layer In due to the loo4wning Aind rnixing of the tritnaltion. Illuvial. and peaty horizona. (See also 61-15225) .Pis-, 61-13277. 61-15225 MakArov. 8. N. and Frenkel'. E. Yo. GAS E)CMANG14 BETWEEN SOIL AND AT?6VOS- 1. Soils--Chemical properties MIERE IN PEATY-PODZ40LIC SOILS UNDER DIF- 2. Plants- -Biochemistry FERENT CROM AND TIM EFFECT OF A DEEP- 1. Makarov. B. N. ENING OF TIIE ARABLE LAYER ON THIS PROC- 11. Frenkel'. E. Y&. ESS (Gnzoobmen Mr-zhdt Pochvoy I Atmoaferoy to Ill. CSIRO Trans -4806 Ftazlichnykh Ugod'yokh Dernovo-potizolistykh Pbchv I IV. Commonwealth Scientific V11yanlye UglubleMys Pakhotnogo Sloys no etot and Industrial Remmrc;h Protsess)tr- by M. Sladc, 119601[581p. (foreign ten Organization (Australla) IncludeM IS rrfs. Trans. no. 4807. Order from LC or SLA m1$3.60, ph$9.30 M -152Z5 r ~ 4j Tran . of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. A6~chvrnnyy Institut. 1956. V. -,p- Trud ; Investigations In 1951-1953 revealed a correlad be- tween the pa exchange between soil and atmosphere Jacil respiration) and the nature of the vegetation. the enweent cd live rot a and dead plant residue*. the con- OR- .0 7.4." tent of microorganisms In the soiL the soil tempers- (Agr%&Irure--PUntCuItivatkon, Tr. v. 4) (over) Microscopic Determination or Carbonates in Saline Sorils, by I. Peofarova. RMSTAX,, per, Trudy Pochvennogo Instituta Imeni Dokuchaeva, VOET -=, 1958, PP 75-W- OBIRD Tr 4412 Sep 62 Kaganovskaya, S.M. 1937 The walidit-, of estimating length arid rate of growth from sclaes from various saotions of the sardine (Sardincips melenosticita) Biulleten FINRO, 12, VladIT"tok: 115-123. In Russian. Tranal. by Anatole S. Loukashkin, June 1953. 16p., typesoript. Avail. on Loan - BMFS, Wash., D.C. "I W, Kaganovskaya, S.M. 193 ~~z Forphological OlAracteristics of the iwasal-sardine 'Sard 0 melamatiotg Temm. et Schl.) ,1,!.n B1 UernPTHRO, 14, Vladivostok: 45-~4. In Russia,,. Tranal. b., Aratole S. Loulcashkln. Sep. 1953, 36P.. t~,,pesoript. Avail. on LoQn - IMPS, Wash., D.C. ,#,r,- Loriginal Ariicle Chocked. P Nosentzova, T.N. 1939 The seasonal ahanges in the miaroplankton in Barents Sea (Sezormye ixmenenlya mlkropl&nktona v Barentmovom more) Trud~ Polvarnarp nauehno-iseledovatellskogo inatituta morskogo rybnogo k6ziar3tva i okeanografil im. poohetnogo chlena Akadenii nauk SSSR professom N.M. Ya-Lipovichn (PINRO), Mumarzk: 129-147. In Russian. Tranal. by Tranal. Bur., Pgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of See. of State of Canada, for FRBC Arotie Piological Station, Ste. Anne do Bellevue, 1971, an Tranal. Series No. 1832, 33p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - TZIFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checkedlolk Remilts of the bbzktug ot Dmmmmm*l Fishes or the Bwents On Darlug the Pftvlod 1946-1,9350 by NO G. xWetautlDw. R=lui, per.. Mmdr, U ago- zw-bo-VOCOM mmw obahch, No 10j, 19570 vp 78-8T. a& net: 5M-J& 1959 (5,937) (UM) Md - MCI & IW sa aa 63 Hydrologica Investigations in the KajVtm Area,, by H. M. Adrov. RMIMP PW; TMk, I Inot AabiLoy Mmogo Obahchj. No MMNT!q:~ P pp i9841l. ML Ref: 5828.4 3M9 O*M) (low) ftl - Rowth Sa & Astron Jul 63 Matribution and )dgratl= ofxk the Capea In In the Barents Sea Da-ing the Perlod 1945-M2. MUM., yerp Toift PblJwrzW lost Nw"bnoy MwW Ombohp So 10j. 19579 pp 212-229. AM W: 5M-4 1959 bs.934) (UM) - "'. YkULA S-