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Eleatic PrWarties of Glass as a Function of TAMTeVeraturl by Ye, 1. Kozlovskayn, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, bk,.BAgUopbraxnOjT SoetsraniYeA it Ak N~u* SSSR Nwam. IMO pp 3B7-391. 96693S4 ETD-Tr-63-265 SZL-P/m July " .2 351 33 7 :~-Iels3y Stzmtc.3, Vol , 1-0 1. (umts-1--lZed Cry3talliz"It of Gins.;) ,LvIJSSIAi.', mc,no, Steidoobrazno3~e Sostoymade'L_ Vol 111, 1, Moacu..I, '0 pp. *Cb Oct _3 'Flit! Vitr,~ous Statc. issue 1. Catalyzed Crystallization of Glass, 1)), PI. A. Toropov, 196 pp. WSSIAN, bk, Stekloobramomye Sostoyaniye. Vypusk 1. Katalizirovannaya Krisuillizatsiya Stekla, I Aoscow, 1963, pp JP16/IqY-9lN/SPI.:CIAL Ax SCI - Glum JLui 04 "Ile ~P- -Ortrlu 01' 'otausim 611-icato G~Iaza PmO ThOir' Association Uith Its Structure. by T. le. Chetbotarem. MIANI, rpt. ~Leklooby*M --got y-ardye, 1865. pp 207-211. Discumdon, pp 271-2,72. *FTD-i-J-23-355.66 Scl-Hat t;AY 6 8 GLASS FIIBI:.R REINFORCED PLASTICSj, BY BORIS ABRAMOVICH KISELEV, 337 PP. RUSSIAN, EX, STEKLOPLASTIKI, MOSCOW, V1,61, PP 1-24o. JPRS 19V9 SCI - MAT/MET MAY 63 231 , 1019 Fib-or Glass, by A, G, Sorochishin. 171 pp. FOR OfFidAL usE ONLY RUSSIM* rpts, Stoklwl"tiki, )bscow, 1964, pp 3-2SI, 9699763-Y FSTC 381-T-6S-693 Sci - EAS May 66 297.931 I AL L'JD71:'-1 I I A:, FIBERGLASS BUILDING MATERIALS, BY T. M. BARBARINA, M- P. Sulu-IOV., 172 PP. RUSSIAN, BKI STEKLOVOLOKNISTYYE STROITELINYYE I,IA,rE,RIALY, mo8cW, ig6i, PP 1-168. JPRS 18380 SCI - E14GINEERING 0 ANR 63 225,76 The Chonge In the nxyglco~ftclianicaL ana Elsetro-Insulational Properties of Som Compressed Wterials Under the Influence of Temperature amd Other Pactors (Molsturai, Fuels wW Oils)* by V. A. ZsMamv, C. N. Nadezhina, ot NIS 37 pp. RUSSIAN$ bk, Steklatekar -A, Druglys Kon- &11ty stn*ts1ovmy6 nasl~tkt. 1960, lip 139-268. Jun 63 PTD-TT-62-1&Sir Stero.~,trlc Meta.Uxirgy, by S. A,, 4.4aT-y;.'l.-v Got) pp. I missam., -StereometricheEkay&~ motai-lozmf ~ra, .in,.*,S,, 4411 pp. 9672392-V nT mu-905/3. f3cl. .. Fhhynll Min/metal 18 inn 6,,..! Stereoskopiya, by N. A. Valyus. RUSSIAN, bk, Stereookopiya, Moscow, 1962. *NLL it (possibly) Sci - Aug 63 Stimulation of Regeneration of the Cftvbral Oorb= and Its Sigulflosoce is Relation of Blogezd* 2h*zuw of Metal by L. V. Polexhaav and IL No Karnaukh&r&. RWBIWp bk ezt;r,, 52020W-a PISIC"gichulcol tjvq!&!Ii NIwv L Smal EM j%I'shIkh 3~2 ~Udar~li 4 Tn~ Ufghma~ftd Mo.-&A W-- -- - - . Mffi~l, 19.62P pp 86;j~- mu RIS g 59 t Oil Loan or Piw& &so) Aug 65 28foOD6 Exmdmtion of the Effect cf Soditm In the Root COAA1 of Extractod Teeth by F - B. A.-r-aarion$ 6 pp. jr3SM, perg Stomtollogfya.. No 4, 1937s PP 56-56- Sai Tr Cwter W-1301 / 7, zl(o 41 C ieuttf ic - Biology ... 11 -- - - - I 3t cmat- ol r, g. i No 5,, pp 95-99 (1937) Fluorine Content in the Hard Tissues of Healthy and Diseased Tooth, by L. 1. Kausha.nskii 1.0 pp Tyled Trans done by 1141-11, Bethesda, Md. X-31, copy in Lib f ile use or Bullm Fluoride In Cariei),, by F. B. Berenson, e Ipp. RVWAN, V*r,, ftawtolaSoap So .41, 1938. CUAW/X-13 A -r - / ~ "Icuit Sclautific - If, I /Z/, ;~K .001 x Patients With Injuries to the Jaws; Their Splinting In the Hospitals of the Army and Front Rear Are-as, by X. A. Begellman, M. L. Fidid, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, ptx,.$LomuaIag" 1944, pp 24-29. ACSI 1-6211 ID M4056564 SCI - B & M Sci Jan 65 270p398 03i C-D 1=.u nt I ial 1 I I Tab*(! o4 Contents cf Russion "Stom-atology, Irsile. NO 4, '950. 1-- - ~ RUSSIAN, V:)scow. CIA/FDD/X-1253 I card fr-r periodical only T a b 'I e o ', (,, ~:,, 1:,, t !: iii ~: F r ! i i n )'(7 r 1 e d i c -9 ~ "Stoll-litul t~ , " Issue ri 0 1 , 1 '~'j ') I . RUSSIAN, Poscow. LZ CIA/FDD!X-1251; I card for reriodical. only Table of Curitents of RUSSTAN, Per, Stomatology, ISSUE! No '?? 1951 - C~ RUSSIAN, Motcow. CIA,/FDD/"X-1255 '- card for periodical. only 61-13677 Andrtlev, V. V. c S UR LES CAUSES DE FRACTURE DES PROTIMSES . Artifkcial dentures --Fracture DENTAIRES EN RESINE ACRYUQUE HT LA 1. Andreyvv. V. V. POSSIMLITE IYY REMEDIER [On the Causes of Frac - It. Trans -T L- 1602 lure ct Dental Prostheses made of Acrylic Resin. and III. DSIR LLU M.2132 'he Possibility ed Remedying Them]. July 54 (81p. IV. Title- On ... Trans. TL 16W: [DSIR LLUJ K2132. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80. ph$1.80 61-13627 Trans. In French of Stornstologlys (USSR) 1953. no. 3, p. 48-31. t) (Biological scionces--meffical Specialties. IT. T. 5. no. 12) Pedorov. N. S. ERROR$ 114 THE DEAGNOSIS OF CANCER OP THE LOWER UP. 11961) 2p. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-1M, Trans. of Stomstologlys (USSR) 1953, no. 6. p. 32. DESCRUTORS: OlDiaposis, Obleoplasms. *Mouth, Errors, Tmofft, *Cancer. 'Me nature of the error usually consists in clinical diapAmls d non-meoplastic conditions as cancer. It is only In rate cases that cancer Is fnistaken for a non-meoplartic condition. 62-15304 1. Pedorov, N. S. H . Bertrand LAngumgea Inc.. New York (Stalotocal Sciences- -Pathology. TT, Y. 7. no. 7) OM.. .( T-L.1-1 S-ic.. (PY -3mo/.'L ~, XMiel'saa an Hia 7M Bil-tb4zy cad '~OtL 10 Armi,rermary of Therapeatle, Scicmtlf ic a4d Pftjtl.0"08JL- iv--~.klriticjh, 4 pp. RU$SXMI, por, Stomtologlyn, No 4, ral/Aug 3.9,%q, pp 3 -5. JPRS-1971-N Set - Mize USM /0/ 1e9 Biolill ,,, b 1;0,r 59 r)f F;tf-.rjr~tolo~!Jlt` 75 'St W;Ol the 0 of '17 p -79 - P NO irns Mad ;~y 6,C) ui: thu i;la~a 'rotein uy ti~o -1C.Ictrupflowzic Fractiwizutio;l Aathou' ol Oircktic Usecu, cz oi' t.-W -OLIth. by V. il. lu per, :AouatologiYa. 0, 1961, 14-19. X7.) ;lo Hmotransj)'-,~:irits o' Frci:en Cartilage Preserv,-2,i at COL' Tempera.-ture.j, by P. F. Kownlenko, V. A. Emelianoff, 2 pp. RUSSLIU1, per, storkitologiia, Vol IV, 1961, pp 27-2'21. Nary Tr 3175/M3 711 S--i - Yed I -T ~ " j~. - -;. . . -.- jul 62 11M R010 of Nervous Excitation in the Formation of Dental Caries, by A.E. Sharpenak, V. R4 bobyleva, 7 pp. RUSSIMj, per, Stomatol?&,Y& Vol 7, No 3, 1963, PI) 7-10. P100027166 FTD-IT-65-968 Sci/1901 Oct 66 309,496 O~Cjlubillty Ot- beciduowl Jim(i Oo-r-.~ttaticilt Toota, by V. 6. i-urzldi~, 1~. V. Sinitsyll, 10 PI). iU)6"JUAN, per, 6towatolo4iya, ito 4, 196.1, ly 11-15. 9699627 ll'ii-TT-65-1357 Sci - Mol it sci Fab 6C, 296.350 Long Tex7ts Development of Dentistry In Bulgaria, by Ivan Amplov, $ pp. I I-.! I I Bkkj#AWM, per. Stomatologiya. No 6, Nov, Dee 1963, pip -A-Y. JPRS 21.1461 SCI-191ol & Mod max 64 251,633 Contributim to the Knowledge on SO-Called .. Racouis Cysts, by L, Balus et al, 8 pp. 1. 1 ~,7!PWWWMWO Per$, StonatoloAA81L Val Xiv No 4-M49 pp 119M. *Dept of Nmvy1NbIC sci-801 may 66 Comparative Evaluation of Tissue Reaction to Certain Types of Radical Fillings in Skin and Subcutaneous Implants, by la, 1. wtuero 10 pp, RUSSIAN, perI Stowatololgiia,_ ol XLIII, 1964, pp 8-11. Dept of Havy Tr 5164/NNS No IVS Sci=BVI MmT 67 320.351 ,,:'tuiJ:clug AlbuLWi Fractions of the i.)luod by tliu Elwarophoresis MoViod oi (Irmic 21out)i Discasos, by P, N. tvidrianov, 7 pp* RIMAM, per, 50(matoloakil, No .3, 19650 m 29-3S*.- VMVIOLb I-ITI) -1"1'-6s-s3u sci-w4w juig 65 288,541 PCS'.-' ED12ED i-P '7G`4iV2 mn 1:-" GOV"-, Uz3*:, omy sci - 1.1cch &.q)t 64 267, 2.31 ,.iraI-Aiity of Ilulls Wy Culd Finis7i t .1.14. 61" 0-toykckst Valkov Cilistovovo 1,3101(kh%o Pro Mma, 1964-, Sri- Oct 65 Nationa of Socialism and Capitalism in Figureaj, by Ya. A. Yaffe, 108 pp. Puu. trans K MMLOO handbook.. Strom Sotelalizmw i RELPItali v Tsifrakhs Moscow.. IMj, pp X-Me Us Jigs/W Rpt 50 um 9 soon - statistics Gmes of Strategy; Theory and Applicotion, by Melvin Dresher. RUSSIAN, bk, Strateglch*sklye Igry-, Teorii I Prilosheniju, Moscow, 19Q, pp 1-351. *1m CORP. Sei - Fbrjs .Ton 65 cev- and Rconomicat 19 ppe by'k, .1 MUSbl.,M.p 'bky iftzatagiym --I nonmilca,, 1.957, ... 11 1.. - -. Ar 3255470 um, Econ; 111,1 Mr 591 y r, 6 --~ ~-/, do Cox $4. Imawany m fte DMI09mort Of a Systm of Axpammatt 5 ppo by A- 3&awvddy- MUTMO 1*0 1(' IL amawmi Noolom, 1957, AP 105569 me gi At ;~7,6) Nil 41,59 Col A. logwakly an the SpecW Campaigu ;agalast thit lhiammic Setup of the Western Povers, by A~ lawvwuy.t 32 vp - MMZW,. bkj J(3tr&t*&tA L MbDOMik&p VWAVU, 19V AV =ft now Apr $9 STRATKGY i"'~D ECOHC4-liCS,, BY A. H. LAGOVSKIY, 2(20 PP. RUSSIAN, UK, STRATEGIYA I EK01101-:MA, [10 2, t P" 1-264. 0 JPRS 19700 USSR ECON JUN (Sli 234 ) 234 The Strate ;,.y arid Tactics of the Bolslievil:s in -,;lie Three 'Russian. Revolutions.. by I. Zborovski,-, " pp. HUSS.LLII.. pamplilet,, Strate-iya i Taktilia Bollshevil:ov v Trekh Russkildi Revoi.,vurbsiYakh, Moscow, 1950, pp -3-70- MIS DC-21)65 USSR Mil; Pol Aug 55 19,tratifi=tdon of Swds of Trees and ,11irubs, by Z. K. Shumlllma,, 64 pp. 1038U$1, bk,, StmtAtlMtalwi Senym Ibmwim" I WtUMM&vykb Parod, alai - sicki Alpr 62 Intarnatiorml Geology R!vicw, voi- Tt No 21 19591 116 pp. Ta RUSSIAN, mono, Strntigraficheakaya KLassifikataiya i Terudnologiyri, 1956. AGT "'Ict Vol rV, No 2 1wr ()P. (,Vhe Cedars), by V. V. Zare', PUBSTAN, manogra;h., Stratigraficheskoye Znach~:uiye PAli QYU,o, 1957. awym XJ,699 Sc-I - Biol Amg 31 Sab-Grnmls IkLploVlon Kobhne (Super-Species Suln). HITS.cTAIII, wriWaphp StratignXicheakro-c Zmcheniye Pill Qi,=*, 1957. ' C.U/FDD X-4700 &,.-I - Kol Amg 61 14K2 / g -Z Z~ Heavy bimchinegun Fire Against Aerial Targets, 11. P. Bealkolenov, 9 pp ,,, 4 in= . RUSSIM, bk, Streltha it Stankavykh Pulemetoy, moacov, 1955, pp--h-4 ' DWI to :ER-1204-57. ; ~ f ~T ~~ AIDA'eb 57 USSR J/'O (a Mil AiL,!r':La.1 Guanenr. by 0. P. TfichVc, 2-V.- -pp. ("r 54795") j /. FV.I.L tr. RU&I3"XAN,# bk,, Strellbe v Vozduldie~ Mscov,, publ by *kz* State pul"notaWWW6 & tkrelise Litemture, 19532 PP 23j, 24; iv 1A-297. ATIC Sol - Am.,mautles /Y- ;~ 5 go/ Feb IM MS/DEX Firing WUh Rmngefinder, by I., T. Kuznetsov, 47 :pp. - RWSIMs rpts, Strollba s Dallaimprm, 1962. ACSI 1-9946 ID 2204008766 EMR/Mil Jul 66 304,259 RIYIISTAX~ p,,!z,. Stroitel Vol Viii P10 10, 1935 18-25. Dept of Intcricr M Bur of Reclamat"Lor, Tcch I,Ib, D:mver, Col Sc E ErV. Nov 60 /,3/ It XRC Tr-830 An Excavator Shovel with Vibrating Teeth, by Yu. Bernikovskiy, 2 pp. RUSSIAP, per, Stroitel', No 1-1, 1957, P 11- Engr Res Devel Lab E-131 Sci - Engr Dec 58 " ~-05 Y*:r%clCl,3 0-f ~oy . - 1-1 wr c1 V. Aboagmum, 4 ppy Otroltal No 3.1, IL9W, .9 12. R" Dgnral TAb 9-130 scl - mkw DOG Loading Test on Prestressed Concrete Beam for ZnAwtvial Construction In Rt~Lgmrlas 17 PP. RUI98XMj,.per., Strolteletva, Na 3v 1959, pp 1-6. AM T-35 US93 Rw Ite a iia mr 6o ~e (NY-28W/9). Loaml. Ceminting Iftterials in Ccastruction, by A. Shmlxtpetcmr, 3 PP- PM87AN,, lmrp Stroitellp no 10j 1959, p 14. MB4334 j A usm Acca - ox"Struouan Ow 60 // o.~r~ 1~ (Ir.f -2300/10). Long Live Great Octojer, 2 pp. M; RUSSLU?, per, Stroitel', No 11, 1959, P 1. JPRS 2433 USSR Ecoll - Construction may (so (FY-29900/35) O"oustructiou Nsoblnes and *dhsuis=~, 4 pp. AUMIAtf, per$ 8trottell.. go 8.0 1960,, pp 27, 28. JPRO 7737 USSR zou'a joir 61 / All, 7,f7 ',"Y-2c~00/42, ) . New Con5truction Plachines Rnd W~chanismz3, RU3S IZ I I , . per, Stroitell, Oct 1960, p 24. *JPR3 U3SR Econ - Technological - Machine Building 5 i~-.c 6o (DO-47W/11) NOW por 00matims for track Drimrso ty V. ramm) 9 pp. RUOMM'ip qw-J, et=Ltello so 6# UGL.- pp 97-W. 4m ow 14 J,! 0 1 (/ mm Be= 3v 6x In . ,,-, :;L',; t -- - I - .1. ! , I -'K . I.. I -- .., 1 - 11 . I I, ..~ ~ - ! . NT", I. Ow Uterft, r oter BbSI-XV for Mnes., WJBWX w otxvltel*~ Vol vis. Do k1 2962,, JbMpc:~M--rT--- , WL K ON del - xqp rmb 63 Now Methods in Moscow Expeximental Building Work, by G. Pavlov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Stroitel, No 8, 1963, pp 3-6. N" Tr Bulletin Vol VI, No 2,1964 ScA - Engr Apr 6.1 253,fi737 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DISPLAYED AT SOVIET EXHIBIT, 2'2 PP. RUSSiANj PER, IR STROITELI, NO 9, ],-,6',. PP 16, 17, 27--31. JPRS 22-J23 USSR ECO14 DEc 63 243,333 Let its Use the Lump Labor Payment System More Widely, by S-. Mitin, 6 Ipp. RUMIAN, J)er. SnLw-j-, No 12, 1963, pp 27-29. JTPR;S 23454 USSR Econ Mar 64 251,102 ,cowmimetion oi i'dri,orts, oy 4u5 pp. W. 4;troitallstvi) AcrWra,tov, L62: 331 Fl 11 -7-:V 262, 2 1~.- Construction of Prefabricatel Reinforced- Concrete Pityements, by A. A Gerber16 A. S. Osipov. IUJSMM, bk, Scroit;llsrvo AiBrodromov, 16moscow, IRChapter IX, 1963, pp 286-294. ACIC SK,i-Eaftgr April 64 2 5 5, libm PmkAtiori of Bmilding Vateriala to ba in- cmkim".r 8 YP 4 WSIAD, per, Strottallstro I Arkbitakttim, Ro 10:t MAY, 1958, ii"lip: 'P. im 1642-3 UIISR mom J%m 59 (r,TY-2bOO/3). Pro&uce More Building Materials, by A. Patenko, A. Barysh-Tishchen, I P RLOSS1101, per, Stroitel:stvo i-ArKUtgk'twO' No A" Moscmr, 1959, 0 1., 2. *JPRS USSR Econ Jun 59 (11Y-2~300 Pi-e-lv~!rui FLlfJ1.lm2nt uf 7--Yea, ("listract-ion Plan, 2 pl-.-. ITUSSLMI, p2r, Strofte-I 'stvo i No 5, j,'iev, 3-95(,1, p 1, 2. U,3 3 R &-on Cr:!!*-3t-,-"-:t!C)n S.,!p litilldiago la the Auaieab Tm:n ot L-vov, by 1. Prim ikov,. rjailAll, per, Stroitel'atva. i Arkbltekturs, Vol VIS luln 6 j0. 0 'm 4, S93. 1-959, P.1) , -11;, Ct-l-LI r AM Usm Room t .jj-At,roe,uction of Large-Panel HO`r""~! on a W:11.dar Scale, by V. Buznitskiy, 3 PP- Irl.11.331MI, i)er, Stroitel'stvo J. Arkhitekturz~j 2-) 59, i~ --------- JMS-204344 Ulssrt !:mi - Conatruction Dc--~ T*in lrni~hnielal toid Economic ]fffJr--j-encv oC Precast Conorete, by K. Kuch(-.rGiko, pp. ,0 per, Stroitel'st-vo I FVSSIIL7f a Kiev, 1953 , -pp JPRES'--20'~3 -N USSR Econ - ConcLrucLion Dea 59 FL,,Ipl.rq; an I;bo LoetsdixZ n= in c6rwtriction utntj A-Tchittmtwil 041 ftoplols Minas b~r P. Prikbodlitzo. EMIM11 P02',, Stroltel I AZILhitWdU=.* Vol Vno Vo 9x 1959v pp 26-29. (Call No Td4j, S931) AM IM - Chim so= Jan 60 /0 !~- ,-.? .2 a V. The Dnepr Cascade of Hydroelectric Stations IW V, "euko,, M, Tyamto, 10 pp, IOJSSIAN, per,., Stroitel"stvo i Arkliftektura, No 4, IWO, pp 5 8. M IN 229-66 sr-i-Blect May 66 3000816 (NY-2900/29) VOth t1wi, Designers of Constrixtion Machines, 7 PP. RUBSIM, par, Stroitellotro i Arkhitektura,, Eto 4, 1-960, rmp 34, 35~.- - JPPZ 7W* uwu Room Jima 61 /9 7 ~ 9j S-c)vjf2-t Fui-'.L~ers. lloli6ay, by RUSSSIM;, pf~,r, !7,trcitel'stvo i Ar)Ohit-~ktural. I:L-l pp JPRS U-S s i 3 Econ Construction e 1) ", -) )C (DC-4600/5) Tb& Kiev 1~,dropmr Conlexj, loy V. Karpenko, it. Ty"-tOj, 4 pp. WSSIAXO perj, G~trcltel L Arkhttektum., No III 19601 pp 21p 22. ave 8035 USSR 13-0 ~30 Bacm fty 61 Ratirsov. V. B., Kwheryama, G. D. and odiers. THE 1141-311MODYNAMM AND ptrrtwN PROP ERTIES 61-1 PRIN(ArAL CONSTFIVENP, ()I CEMENr DURtNG IMEIR HYDRMION (Terinodina- micheskie I Diffurlonnye lGiarakierifftiki Osnovnykii Soetavly&yuahchft To enmiLa pri Rastvarenii v Vode) tr. by G. I- Cairns. June 62 (121p. IS refs. Lffirury Communication w. 1111. Orderfrom M' or SLA $1.60 62-31611; Trww. of Stroftel'arvo IArkhitekrura U%R) 1961. (T. 9jnD.,*6-.-P.--Mzl4S.- DESCRIPMRS: OCen-wfan, MermMynamics, ODiffusica. Dehydration. Test metbods. (14aterials, Tr, T. 9. no. 11) llattwv, V. B. Kucher-iacva, G. 1). I,C- I I I I DcTAanmvm of Slendflc arO WiLqrial Rcsuarrh (GC. grit.) 11 "YWILVsk, - Nov Region in Cklessa, by A. Dinchcnko, I. Forant, Koleanikov, V. Panfilav, 32 pp. RUSM11, per, Stroitel'stvo v Arkhite'k-tura, Vol 4, 1964, pp 1-21, plus 8 single newspnper articles DU LN 300 - 67 US$P. 341863 ECOM Ncnr 6 7 rSO-J-87e, Creative Exhibit of tube Works of I. I. Kotkov, Y N. Gazbala. RUSSIAN, per, Stroitel i Arkhttektitra, Tio 8, 1964, p 4o. *JM'3 USISR Biog Ncyv 64 CSO-187" In Memory of G. A. Yanovitskiy, by Kharkov Oblast Bd of Dirs of the Union of Arebitectul. (AP RUSSIAN, per, Stroitel i Arkhibektura, No 8, 1964, p ko. *JPRs USSR Blog Nov 64 CSO-1876 M. S. Budiaikov -- 60th Birtyday. (AP RUSSTATI, per, Stroitel i Arkhitektura, No 8, 1,064, p 40. *jws USSR Biog Nov 64 (fly-2900/42) Coostruction Machinery, by To. IW=odcweyp 5 pp. RWSXOp per,, Otrcdtol I ArkbiUkture Xos"y, No 9, 1960, pp as, 9. im 779s) usm Bcom ILZ-) 70d mar 61 -r AVC,/ P-3-13 7--cnc.- j~'c~arj r-lu3ti_c) tly 1117 13 Per, 3 trCitel'StVO j. -a'l'jlitC'l:tUrL con !;o,,,* 60 (Nr-28W/20) A Pwoorful Congtrwtiom Wtiktry for the Ifttlam's Cooltalp bW A* Bt=Wkdsblyauj, 9 pp. RVBMI,, irr,, otro*tel I ArM4 ft 10* lswjl vp 1-6. im 79110 'Um saw /4w/ 71940 61 tia tNY.184o) - 1. REDUCE THE EXPENDITURES ON PREFABRICATED CON- STRUCTIoN, 8 pp. RUSSIAN,, PER,,'STRO I TELISTMO-1-JRMITIEKT-WRA, mosKvy., No 6.. 19 2 PP-2: 3- JPRS 14930 USSR ECON SEP 62 210,294 NCH-200 615 Field 13NI Kukluirenlm. L.: Niatyuklin. L. EXPERIENCE IN THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS FROM 1. Department of Scientific A TRANSPORT HMENI. 1965. 7p. LC-1232; a-nd Industrial Research. NLL-bl.5196. lqlS 15'C- IJ 3 (Gt. Brit.) Order frorn NLL Tr&ns. of Stroltelml%~, I Arkhitekturn Nloskvy (USSR) rl I n5 p10-2 1963. Con.puter Plaming, Organivation me Direction of Construction, by A. Knsbirmicly, Yu. Birin, 20 lvp. RUS31XV, per, StMit:eIva"ro I Arkbitakturn No 11, Ibv 1964, lip 20-25. JPR.IN 2~748 ussu Eami Mw 65 276,715 Silicate Paints Manufactured by B.Zliukov..A.Samburskiy -pp.6 HUSSUN,per. Stroitallstvo i Arkhitektura SrednoX Azii No 5 1964 pp-32-34. Dept of Navy /oNi Tr No 2o56 9699996 SC:E. X & H Apr 66 Fergam Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant Goes on Stream, by 1. Lyaskalo, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, StroftdA Arktiitektura Sredney Azu. No 6, kg~4, -pp ~---7. - --- - -- -- XVA 26358 LWR Econ Sep 64 266,227 Urdc Investment Norms in the 13idIding Materials IndAistry,, 9 pp. RUSSUN, per, Stroirel I ArkhItek Sredney A:~U,, No 6. 1 ---C .964, y.2 14-2 - JTPR9 26046 U&S. Econ Seq) 64 266,127