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Tremsl&ttona From Zarl,,f Dirf=entisl-M of Liftatious Disemes,, IW K. V. Bumin, 189 RUMMO bktp mcws~ 1960s ri-'j;O 3-34j. 84-95..-8142-163 171-949., 253-276 3Mr323.. .333-i", 352,, -46&3Ws J6. ha. jims 16317 BCd - bbd lbv 62 A I ?13 RADAR RANGE CALCULATION, BY K01,13TANTIM VLADIMIROVICH, , r 3 1 o PP. RUSSIAN, N'%, RASCHET DAL-NOSTI CEYSTVIYA RADIOLOKAT- SIONNYKIA STANTSIY, MOSC%I) 19,62, 2o4 PP. JPRS 2113'1~; SC I - ELECTRON I CS Q62 sEp. 63 - -)43,~Iu The Calculation of Alectrical Tolerances in Mactronic BVilment., by V. 111. ausev. Rumi".. bk., Baschat Elektricheakikh ~.Omskoy Radlo-Mektronwi A22511tur3r 1563., 2W pp. SM RM 31450 (On Loan) Aug 65 287,206 Devices and &jstma Yurbwlahj, 12DAT-aW333 Sal - vtws ow 6e DOISIGA Of zineaua -- g - m - 1 1 With lows -low"MA, bF A. P. v. mm. vowduntop 3" 3w. Aju Mt viltrata: ir-s~-1-106~cowl ~Al IP 06U,Ulatloa Oll rlaugQ4,60A joi"46 4-JA Zl&~Q-IJILAW-d WWI G~*a'..~I,.Asvloal Wkfidolfj: bv ML WSSIO,, bk. Pywobat Plantsarju fi2Vdinani-y TnboETOV*do U07 No 3 IM 39 Delft LLV STE 1004 1004. Sol - JUXI 59 FOREIGN DEVELOPMENTS IN MACHINE TRANSLATION AND FORIstATION PROCESSING., BY N. B. POKROVSKIY, 344 pp. MCNEAT-1 I ZMEREN I YE RAZBORCH I VOST I RECI- RUSSIANX BKO P Moscow I- , - - -- 1962,, pp 1-39 JPRS 21885 SCI-MATH (';, DATA PROCYMX65 242P312 Nov,63 Shortwave Antennas, Chapt. V1, Antennas for Powerful Radiobroadcasting Stations, Chap. VIII, Section S. RUSSIAN, bk--Raschet i Konstruirovaniye Antenno-Fidernykh Ustroystv, Chapt. VI, pp 335-378, CF-ap-t-.-Vr-II, pp 424-427. JPRS CSO: SF-4S31 1-290/67 Sci-Electronics Feb 67 318,112 !V of C and RevieW Of DOSIEP 8nd COnst--uC~IiOn of mICIAnea; collect-ion of Articles., rjy Cholymbinaitj 9 PP. WWIM,, bks ROD tm=xmA= statey., mascm., 1957, 93 PP- U-247 H,e_8da LLb Sv ISec: AIr Wo DJL,.r Lib Conoreas T/C book r*YJL*w Caleulatim &W DesJgn of Badlo Zqalpmmtp by D. D. Saobkov,, Ye. K. ZyOUWV 8 pp. RM:EANv 'bt# Rmabot I k=wtvalwaranlyo radiamp- vmfttwyo 1957j, "S rp. MWWp Llb Svp Sm Alr Zero DUP., Llb Cmg AU9 58 Calculationo for lbrUnsar Automatle Systems by 1. 1. Krimtokly, 231 pp. Rusish., bk., Bhachat nallneywkh kvtmat:Lcbsakikh Kievp 3.962, Y'V--i--~~95. 968&M-V P7D-TT-63-125 1) 1// ftv 63 1 , dl~lff Calculations for Shells With Asymnetrical Contour, by B. S. VasilIkov. RUSSIAN, bk, M�.qjvLqj-,Obolochek s Nesimmetrichnym I- ,.Kpl~turom, Moscow, 1962 *PL-480 NASA Sci - Jul 63 calculation of Stap Centripetal Urbino by X. V. MBC)Vj 87 PD. =BSXM,p bko Swdbot ftrbiw, Mbecows 1961# P9 3-63 96M855 rn.w-63-682 &a-mbw mm 63 62-23-,Q4 M, and B,19~a, 1. N. PAP ,ANDLIC CALCULATIONS. 27 Nlar 62 1. Ginzburv, V. 1.1. '~ 2 -, ).p. ~ i, ft, USA~IA Frans. Log. no. INS RR. 11, N-lo-,a. 1. 1,1. Or-- ft'jil, OP- Or SIA $14. 111, tl~~ASIA Frim~-120t, RR JV. It,*-".Il Im", Illp-ricu cf un,)iw. [;~aschct Paraboliclhv,kikh Ailt(~.;ij '%pnc~, Arlirs:*.,-,:-,, "a. l9r-91219P.J. PFS('qIFTCRS: *Parii!),Atc anicrinas, Antennas. -.adia!ion rxitturgs, Mathcrnalical anillys-;, Conlprvt ~, Dt-sign, Flectl ic field., Magnetic livld~. Tht- text disco-w.~ a procedure anJ revults of calcula- lion of radiation juittc-rits of %hidely used paralwAic antLnn.i, with tx-am scanning by displacement of the raJijt,--r fr,~m the focus. The disAinctive featurt of the mcthfx-:,~ duticrilvd In the tcm 1, the use of an cwctr,vic CL.Inputtr (HESM). permittingcomplex i.nd sufficiendv prccisc calculations. The u4c of much rr, %. s, no. s) (ovc.l_ tlye Transient I-rcce3ses cn a Lutj YransiJssicri Lim# by G. I. Smx=cdov, Ve Ee khaevino IW3SIF4i, bk, foschet Pereldx)driyld-i Protessov v Djjg22X lj;n& CLA. X-6777 OCL 68 369,409 Calculation of the Boundary Lzyer at the Electrode of an AID Generator of Variabl(! Cross Section, by A. Ye. Yakubenko. 14 pp. RLUSIAN, rpt, Raschet Pograniduiogo Sloya na Elektrode MGD Generatora Peremermogo Sechenlya SN1--107/163* pp 1- 3-5. AIR/VqU7-llr--24-176-68 sci/physciss may 69 381,100 Creep Calculatiom on Turbine Rotor Baldess by N. N. malinin" RUW.TAN., per, Ramchety n& Procbnost Vol IlIp 195B.- pp 252-286. OTS TT 64-23522 Sept 66 33.1.,263 Vstliwting the Burabd-Uty of Arvetures iubrdtted to Fandom, Loading, by V. Bolotin. llilt3SLAJ. per. IrAqs~~. na. Prm,bnost 1 , 19013, pp 302-326. JILL 9022.09 (424,31) Sol-liech izgr Jul 68 361.617 Therml Bw*IiM of Plates and CtvvW Shells In aqernorAc Gas Flows by V. V. Bolotin, 40 pp, RUSSILRe per, RamgbM ma ProchimmLIA Moscow# No 6, 1960, pp 190-216. JFRS 49331 Sed-lbeh. Indq Civ & Mar SW Doe 69 3969306 Armlysis of a Circular Cylindrical Shell Under Tranaverse Loading, by A. G. Immerman. UNCL RUSSVJ, bk, Raschet Prostranstvegam Konstrukta~i, Moscow, Govat;0lizdat, 1955, PP 323-373. 0 DSIR LLU RTS 1070 (Special price - L3.0s. Feb 6o c o: Imastigations ca the Tioory of 71a=-Ible 1-14ates =d IKLalls (M Covering the Period From 194-1. lqT[*,,~ by A. S. Vol'wlr, 45,pp. Rarachat ProxtranntvanrVkh Konst VPA51475- 921438�. AABA TT r-180 /-!z cl Dn'T 4%-s a r4l Staldlity of :`einforccd Circulac ,y!i..q,.jcaj ~~'heli- Su'cjec'~ to Compression and Pirc BenciinLI., by K. ii. 'Nrkin. ~~Ussiplli) bk, -~aschet Pcostraristvcnii~,k'h Konst-ii:c-fts-ii, I Moscow, Vol IV) 195E~) SM" PP OW 477-496- *NASA TP F-1181 Sci Aug 1'13 CI- 'c 1 "') -"i-ooic C"r1i I I o--ice. I S', i-I-Is -1v C. F. L,--ii -U S,3Dd-l, pp l,c)cl-52'-'. T:1 !V: Tf Aug 'S3 Stability Criteria of Shells, by ~,. S. Vol',-.-,ir, 21 pp. RWSIANp per,, Raschet Prostmustvennykh Kon- struktoV. bbornik Statey. 17,~I-vo Literatury 22 stroitelletvu, No 9,, 19648 pp 117-329. P100339667 FTD-HT-66-3w sci-physics Jan 6B 346,,48o Calcitletic-a oe ?ruc-2cs3s ;Ln th.- "- 'livid'Allut-, und Boolals of a Uquid-Propellatn Pnelml., Da,-t--D, by A. V. Bag%raltiy, 116 pp. RUEISIM~ bkj,_Eo~toqW,.IW a0eagy v KgWre Sgpraniym _- t , t L Sopla Zhidlootcogo fla~t~o D~(ptelya, Nbscowl ATYC 7-TS-9547/V Sol - 441mautics Itav 59 ZY Calculatim and Design of Pulso Devices in Trwmistorst by A. M. Tishenko,, B. M. Lebodev,, RLISSIANs bk, Raschet L Pro yektirovaniya I pulosnykh UstMstv-na Tran&Lstarakh, 1964, pp 1-566. *FrD-W-66-146 Sci-Electr Aug 67 Elosigning Radar '11'racking Systews With R--ndom Disturbances Taken into ACCO%MtA by V.K Parov, 19S pp. RUSSIAN, bks Wrjhcj-BAdLQI"- awnykh Slr,~a;tt Sistem Afthgtpp!_~Sltmh~skh PTO-TT-62-623 Doe 62 OV Calculation of Equilibrium Gas Flow in SWersonic Nozzles, by 0. N. Katskova. RUSSIAU. rpt, Raschat Ravnoncisnkh Techeniz Gaza v SvOrkhxVWo-vykh S221 ik, 1964, pp 1-99. *I-TD-JIT-23-617-67 Sci - Elect & Elec Engr N)r 67 (PDD 18507) Calculating the Charges for open Hearth Smelting, by V. Ya. Zbarikov# 61 pp, RUSSM, bk,-AAsc et-ShIkbt D13g Martenovoko Plavki, pp 2-45 . . ..... CIA,/FDD/0-5319 USSR Sci - mi"rale/metals Jan 54 - - . ... - - .. - - .. - - - -- - - ~rl I? Desigi Calculatims fto rlh-ti ixticulated Slal on im Faastic RAxidatm, ljy 1~. V. Sarebi, .Ianyy. CMULTIRIM UM aqLy FWSUN,, Utp Waschet I.LAx*iUi S!2Eai-~ecL~ Plit na Ul--T-Ugclr osrxmaniy 1 2, ill 1-65. SeFt 68 -67,083 .&,dio Relzy SYmte-',l A,"esiM, by A. 22LI p-*,* AN lWiurelq , ! k,, itaschet Traps iga4 2 7p 1-2147 uni Z5 ji,js ,,',,,575 F2 ~Isft 2'1 u' 5 DOGI&21ng SanWah PanoU; liar A. Ya. A~ko_!Z7,=f-3MV,, Le !~. PAWRkerp et alt. JW pp, BMWs tki BwQhqLZ-MWA,-,UWWkli F.-vnoliky,, 296Ds V,- , 96rrs* rm-TT-62-m6 oul - Mgr Jul 62 a a -All-I Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes, by R. R. Chugayev. RUSSIAN, bk,, Raschet Ustoichivosti Zenlyanykh Otkosav po Metodu Plosk:Lkh Pove:rkhnosti Sdviga. Grunta 19P,, pp 1-147. -E~ 66-S1049 Sci-Ear Sci Feb 67 318,287 7 51, clilcuiatic4i of Uiarjas i~iria,: ias!;ivu LvIosions for Thrawin~,--out. by k.. 1. PokroVSkiy, A, A. UtOnkit;OVSJdy Mj p I) a lu4slANS bk, Raschat Zarradov pri Mwtsovyldl Vzryvwi lia Vybros 6'loscow, ToMir, pp 1-88. IM)-.I-rr-64-253 6cl - liatit G bata Proc Apr 65 278,34o CAMPuting ~Alscillating System for Stability With the Aid of CoWlex Coordinates, by A. H. Obmarsh6v, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, agaghply Detaley I ~%MwAz=v TAdMALfXMwM- rMudanty"noys Hauchno- TAkh Izd I Litaratur- "--"dz. MSCOM" I pp 39-49. 968S093 FTD-IT-63-329 ScLuphys Aug 63 alc-,"-tions nnd Pikysical fn*r Mr!~rtvft .,-arlcas~, b.,,-* T. 1.5, Bmahta; 761 pr- "jSOXAN, atj. I M=txui%t1j; i Sv-mlot- 1,c Table of Contents and Review o-f: Calculation and Design of Special Tools for Metal Cutting; Forming, Form-Milling- and Hobbing Cutters, Used in Machining Geared Parts, by I. A. Frayfel'd, ll pp. RUSSIA11.9 bkl, Raschety i%Konstiaktsii Spetsial'- nogo Metallorezhushchego Insti-Limenta; Fasonnyye Reztsy, Fasonnyye Frezy, Chervyachnyye Frezy Dlya Zub -1. chatn)rldi Detaley, Moscow, 1957, 195 P, B-231 Ifead, Lib Sv See Air Info Div Lib of Congress Idto Usear Theory of Hlesticity md Stability In Ow Cm* of Large Vsflect- tomm& by V's V* soletin* RLSSIANO pews M*Cbesg ma, PINOCbmat AID So mgo WMU.04. 6ILL RTS 3024' Set-Ph" July 66 30403SIl -~,Jt W~iCjk)115 .~Cjiitill, tU tl;L: Lik .li'truts illuer Cuaditiuas of Iy Is'. Gluslikov and .,. 1'. %ali!-.hviliv .!WAA;, -cr, i%aschety jja Proc~uio~.t, .. u '.) 0 1963, iii) 27U-27!). :IILL iM~ 2793 (un Lucui or, Purchase) sci-I'llys Apr 0 521,625 Investig-tLtion of Force and Streso Distri~ution in th'~ Fir-Tree Fastening of Moving Blades in Aircraft Gao Turbines With the Nmt*rUa in the Elastic State, by V. S. v1synahcheyp t perp Chat..30-piw1bapst Element= KqB- RUBStO ftruktpu, Cbelyabinsk PolJLtakh-5it~j.-,-Ib'~m-j.-Kkswlz, pp 59-79. ATS RJ-1741- Sci - TO Jul 59 Strengtih, Calculations of a Fir-Tree FasWaing of an Aircraft Gaa Tuzbine Moving Blade Under Conditions of Creepp by V. S. Visyashchev. HU39LU[j, parp N!R~-ZA-ft - - jtMgjt&ji-S.rwh~TyabI=k Po tekh rXia".. No 11. 1957., pp M-XO2. AM W-1742 Sci - Jul 59 29 Straa;Zth Cacial-ictlan of the CoZ==-j in n Pro",, by S. 1. B2"rAntk,, 37 pps, (AIP-666972). q Mmeatm -Alt -C v ol AM MS-100381T sai - aw d- fr Doe 56 77, AO 0 cu- WJ- edClXU'a' LiTill! 03~;. Pr ORDER FROM NTC rIInalysse of Dodo Elenumts Under D~Tamic Load* (Section M by V. V. Bolwb4 71 pp. RUSSIAN. bk, rochrawl, Tooretichesby !!!gm nap I EksDertmenw9me LumleaDvamila Prochnostl bmey, NO lug LV004 PP zu-mu. FMIT-U-522 Sci - pb7s Aug 63 284.384 (FjlD 12MD 'L cc;;- 'tc.~Utlou for C42joebabaWaVa 405 PP-* ,VMSWp bk WM mbWcwp =AMD U-8793 USSR soon - was" oat 96 Ilesults ox, i:-;014 1061., by P- V. Samnov: 7 PP. RU3SIJM, par, Rashchita Ranterdy Ot Vrediteley Z- _ i--- Boloemey., no , 1q62.,-p-p--3-V--'4-6~.- JMS 15295 Sci - DIO.I. , Oct 62 -2,1-2- Rasteniye Fiziol Full translation - 1956 (6 issues) Consultants PiLreau $95-00 A I - I /? I -: llt-~ IL -./ J f Des:~Plng Alroxuft for StreAgUts by a. U. OLno Z. A. SV&TdIM,, 424 pp. RMSIAN.. bk$ samoleft na Prochncmt,, is"., 289 pp. , , R"~, . ..~ V, il A= I P-W-9905/V mi - swo 11 utba My 60 --7 -~r/ 7 C&UuIoUm of Tberml Streams in Nuclear R tore# tV 1. 1. Goldenblxt, 1. A. Riko3menko* 8416 RUDBTMS 10=06 Bashm- wMao XMI11W&CAU v xpg2EMgA MV" ~Clvjp laws 25UP. ca 267v 972 Sel - MW3 Selene" & Tech ihi 64 Computations of Elastic Tensomtric Elements, by G. F. HalAkov. RUSSIAN. bk, Raschety Wrugikh Tenzometrich- eskikh Elementov, 1964, 192 pp. 14ASA TT P513 Sci-Phys Dec 67 347,S67 zk4emalturas for CoWal =d CUltaral vm auto WAwtv Ow MuWbook)v by 0. 1 93 POR =Ina In Mx CXA*Aft CZAAID Tr 728 the Secrets of the Humn FmWohet IV P. 1. b3iff 57 pp* RUSSIAN* pwo finjumm pwilem" 4aawwo IL9649 47 pp. P1003673197 FTD-HT-66-294 34d/B & M Jan 68 348027 J-2527 Decline of the Colonial System of Imperialism, by V. K. Fedinin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, monograph, Raspad Kolonia:Llnoy Sistemy Imperia- lizma, Series III, No 6, Moscow, 1957, PP 3-38. ciA/FDD Dc-i.2!34 USSR Pol Aerotlort Air 14 Schedule far Sumaer 1957 Contaftim Domatto mad Intexuatlawl 71184tas 232 Vp- an="$ bkA,.ftpam!mk NO is, Mo Zfti to IR IT"s AV=-M. AIP 118%31 J-AJ,1-6 (o USUR --- - fton - ion (CIVILI (Air tmnspwt) sop 57 !~.eroflot Flight Scbedules From Moscov, for 195601957, 3 pp. RUBSTAN, bk,, qw-letov 'z vloakva, MOSCMR.Re", xnC1 to IR-"3~39`-~7, AVOIN- AID/APr 57 USSR - F.COUOM:Lc Sci - Aeronautics M 57 Ax~g of t-he civil Air !~IeQt -Q""~fl, na."Auzu publ ltn to v3t 7 1955 AF 659241. u 5;~ R ,Icori; Yol ~ T:? 1950 Schedule PI-0-1, I 1.104,1cou Idl-1101-to RUSSIAR., bk.. Raspisai-iye Passuzhirskikh Poyezdov Zhelexr,ykh D6i7o-Eo-'USSR, pp 1'(2-173. AF 50358'1 Treavure Island Abstracting USM - Eco:~Omic Transportation - Air, rail cf fUjSSjjl!l, bk, jf-lis L"o6-1 Sci - BI-clogy oat 62 Sterilizing Action c I -',zu N. lludko, 8 pp. bh., Baspret t i Ra cNo-a--k-t-Iv-ny--k-h--Tz-o 0 1,60 C- CQ A pp j 1-, Sci -- C-Immistry el i n - -I %.~~ S -,7, -1 -o z Of tthu Atmonphen:,, bk, Ras-pro-&-i 21Q ~17 7,~~-yzVviye i Migrateiyu Radicaktivnykh 190 JPRS 15,367 Oct 6-2 Or I -1-11"t.;! 1-'.Ovemenz 0 Ryich,,v, 12 -pi) ~a t~ai y I.,id t', S!, P icc 31 bl.--, Rac- rode leni ve Biol 09' Cl-l lq~;J., pp 314- 3~1 9 Jp~; Sci -- :C;Iology b,t Oct. 62 THE ACCUMULATION OF STRONTIUM-90 BY YOUNG LEUCASPIUS AND CARP.. BY G. D.%.LE13EDEVA, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, BK,, RASPR-W.~LWJI-E.,PLqLOGICHESKOYE DEYSTVIYE I 14-1-GRATSLY& -. 'TN-YKR-l f6f&OV, -RAPILDAKUTT.- lqwc-071-196-11 -PP 3-19-322. JPRS i5o67 SCI BIOLOGY NOV 62 216,2-58 THE DISTRIBUTION, ELIMINATION AND COEFFICIENTS OF ACCU14ULATION OF STRONTIUM-90, CESIUM-137 AND PHOSPHORUS-32 IN FISH, BY,,D. 1. WIN, YU. 1. MOSKALEVp 8 PP. ., _YE..Bl,9Lf?Gl9iESKOYE RUSSIAN., BK, DEYSTVIYE I MIGRATSIYA RADIOAKTIVNYKH IZOTOPOV. jpRs i5o67 SCI BIOLOGY NOV 62 216 Exparinents on the Distribution of the I;Zadiupj!- Thorimtp-l Isotope, by Yu. I. I-ioskalev. nwsml. rpt, E~aspred Biol Deisty i_~jsk 'V,:vved HadipaRt Isotopov. lipsearv, 1964, pp 29-34. 41LUIL I : 8132 (1259) Aug &9 361.323 PP Distribution of the Trume Radiants of Meteoric Bodies Up to the Limit of the Kass , by B. Yu. Levin, Invest igat ions of Ionosphere and Meteors, if RUSSIAN, rpt,.,Raspredeleniye Istinnykh Radiantov Mqteorny1th Tel do-Opredelennogo -Prede-16 Hass Y' IGY iiro--r'am, Sect V, No 2, 1960, PP 54-60. ~'NASA -F7--- F - Sci se-o 61 Stress DisizIbution in Comp=anar llaev-- Din.-ing VitmtAon, Iry 1. 1. Mayarovi-ebp 10,c, IT.. RUSSIAN., bl,,, &jjAvdaloniye lb;rywZanly v EDMwessewnVich lAmatkakh pri MoIxudye-lo, 19,61" YP 1-107- 4~0865 7TD-Tf-62-740 sai-I -5 mw Phr j .:z -Z 3 e- 21 Distribution of Some Radioactive Elements in the Animal Organism: Poloniun-210, Radiothoriura-229, Plutonium-239 and Strontium-90 and Atlas, By E. V. Erleksova. 156 pp. RUSSIPI,I, bk, aMredelenie Nekotculdi Radio aktivnYkh Elementov v Or,-anizme Shivotnykh -11oloin 90 and Atlass 196U, CFSTI IT 69-55018 UC-48 AEC-tr-6982 Sci/lIFTI-I Nov 69 pp, r)k ll~!- sci lloc DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOISOTOPES IN BASIC COMPONENTS OF FRESH-VIATER BODIES, BY YELENA ALEKSANDROVNA TIMOFEYEVA-RESOVSKAYA, 102 PP RUSSIANO BKj RASPREDELENIYE RADIOIZOTOPOV PO OSNOVNYM KOMPONENTAM PRESNOVODN)'KH VODOYEMOV, NO 30, 1963, PP 1-79. JPRS 21k~A6 SCI - BIOL & MED SCI NOv 63 242,072 Distribution of Marine Boroxvi In the Sees or the UWR, by P. 1. P*vbdWXov, 27M pp. MWIM, monoVmrh, :ftvv*tq*tA4QwT v 1957, 'vp 1-229. SIA 6D-23M Sol Fdb 62 Wave Fropaotion In a Turbulent Atmosphereg br V, 1. Tatarskil, RU3SWg bko "Mmrostins" ISIA I 19dRUDID91 A&IMfm A NO *cIF3TI TT 68-504& Sol/Atmos Sol mw 68 7 ,peptiLon Mparecteristics of Louj~ and Ultr!~,-'.CICS ro P Radio Wmves in ApplicatiOn tO Radii)-Wavig"'Otl systemj, $3 by V. D. ftstryakov, 20 pp. brif Oro lilanykh i Hussimp swp Ra - straueniye D SvwrkhdLjnnykh Radiovolup 261. im 7~78 Sci - Hiectron Feb 61 Ginzburg, V. L. PROPAGATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN PLASMA. t961, approx. 900p. Order from GB $38. 00 Trans. of [Rasprostronente Elektromagnitnykh Voln v Plazme. Moscow, l9fO. 552p. I. DESCRIPTORS: *Plasma physics, *Electromagnetic waves, Propaption, *Radiowaves. Reflection, Elec- tromagnetic fields, Teztbooks. USSR f,2-12lk36 I. Ginzburg. V. L. 11 - Gordan and Breach Publishers. Inc. New York (Physics--Wave Propaption, TT. v. 7. no. 2) MI.. f 7_61-1 S"... L-eipunskil, 0. L INavozhilov, IL V. . and Sakharow. V. N. 1 PROPA&TION OF GAMMA QUANTA IN MATTHR. 1963. 230p order from Scripts Techadca. Inc.. 1000 Vermont Am. N. W.. WxsWngton, 5, D. C. Trans. ofmaw. [Ras vrostranenie Gsmma-Kvsnwv v Ve,shchestve, Mae6b;ii. tM,.M7'01.*""-"-" DESCRIPTORS, *PropeptlOF6 OGamma rays, *Quantum mechanics, Gamma ray scsttn-lq9. Bat-dery layer, ArDmmdon, OShIddlM Absorption, Gam-2- ray spectra. 63-22650 1. Leipan", (I L n. Nwrozbilov. B. v. III. &W-row. V. N. IV. Scripta Techdca, bv- wal"ngton. D. C. (Physics- -71vauretical, TT. V. 10, CW6 1:4 Propaf-,alt.-ion. of Planmoldo in a Fie'-d--Tl-~,-e by K. D. Stnea'ndkov, B. G. Safronov, et al, 23 !.)P. RUSSIAN, bk, Rnsprostranenie Plazraenykh ggur;tkc;v v Svoboclnom ot Polei Prostran5tva, 196o. 76.7 ?4 /,~, ABC Tr-4728 Sci - MD Feb 62 / 1, 2, . ...... . ...... . The Geophysics and Astroheliophysics of the Xonwpbere,p by V. NO KesSM11rho 58 PRO IWSSW* Up -- --- gaan,#. 1952j, MUP XVIS PP A= IP-M-3LOM/V Sci - Nuatronue -I var 57 Reference to Russian I,, 'Radio Wave PropalptionY. by Is, L. Al'pert, -., . L. Ginzburg, R. L. Feinberg, yp. WtC%'dSIMD NUSSIANO bk 'ka mauf rw iovoln., L Lit#& Moscow,, 1953. 144477 Air Res and Dev Comand Jan 55 CTS Icientific - Plectronice Various MotbmM of Treating the ProbleMa of Radiowave ProMftlou for_* PlAwmjp RowgeneDuo INbM Earth, Pt 1., Cbap VrrI# bar Ya.,L. Allport,, V. L. Ginsburg, E. L. al. - 19 Vp. Felub rg, MMIMp bk,, Rauproutrvammie Rodlovoln, YAAcovj, 1953 p vP M-183. '-, --.1 -XI-1- '3-e" 4 7 3r Bel. Tr Center BT-3571 SC4 irle - Physics Ztm 56/dox Field Over a Perfectly Reflecting Surfacet Pt I, Chap Vj, by Ys, L. Allpoft,, V. L. AG1wbvrg,; E~ L~ Feinberg., 30 PP - RUSSIA$# bkp 1953p pp 3.05-225. T6, e srd' Scl Tr 0-anter RT-3573 Scientific - Physics := ~6/dex Field Ovsr an Inb=ogonsous Plem ELrth6 by la, L~ Allpart, V. L Ginabwalo & L. 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Feinberg, 15 pp. RUSStW& bkv 4qMKo9q=qAjq jk4o WMho 1408cov., A 1953.. 1;9 670-M - 7 o/ t 1) Y'6 Sci Tr Center RT-3575 Sclentific - PbWalco Mm 56/dox RAMOWK" Velmliq brya. 1'. ~ ja0part I V. L. aosbvftt 36 Le Allivai. pp. Rummo bk. 1, pi- III$ FOI*A moocovo &d Tr Ce*ar IT - 35% fIV49