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A Converter Shop At the Zhdanov MetalturgLcal Plant, by G. Podutoyp 6 pp. RUSMAN, per, Prom Strottel i lnzhenerMt~o 4 No 5, Sept-Oct, 1963,-~jFl--3. JJPRS 23017 USSR Econ Feb 64 248,087 i:eavy ltmaller.,!; Carrying, NVIcads Uroater than 150 Lrj Ya Gellfeaboyn, Prom Arditelt-tw, i Innh~-jnernye Sooruheyliya. ;o 4. i9,1,', P-P'5" 61. IL T! Faiss-imi - c.-7t.. for. Type an arl--inal and 4 carLon copiev. Paste rip Original orLly. 'lake c!.ivar Shoot jr-tih It-mnnlastion ,,? YII-T&,.%-5e~ "VE- of Da7:;cv for 2110 L2, Lgl"o, 3-3-- DIZIL't LIU Eugr i'ca- Uu !at I "~Ilc L!r Cla oz t.Y r"- V~ 2trol.1-:1 Tlo cran e b 0 J-PRO 1.119b USSR 7 Ncon Doe 61 Comb.ined UGe of Pulsed Markera in Interference Protected Multij)le --Call S~gnals, b~ Ya. Tonifel~ RUSSLU, b1c., 4Mffm Al~ NaW: SSSR, moscow, 1960, pp 'im - T T 5 2 Sci Electron May UK Remote XMItor1% and Control, Apparatus gbr System Vith Dispersed Objects.. by YeL V. Babicbm.. 99 PD. aumAx, tk Promyshelmnue" Telamekbmike# 1960S VP EQii. -- --wr= rn'4~-20w! acd - 21*0tave Jan 63 4;2 P /;J '- q A rnmpm*t&tIM =a MoMtrla D"alogmat In the Soriet Nor*$ by & V. SMAWfts 163 VV- MWXAVs bkp 05"PospLa v 0 im 2&36 um NOW xbr 62 .2 11; 4 ~;.-a tn.r Fkonomlchcoj~ogo 'Rayons, ChaD J~ 'PIrl -IMS 11092 61 Air Separation by Deop Cooling (Section 'Nro). 326 pp. RLSSIAN, per, PromWshlennyye UsImnovkd, I-Sashin- noye i VsPowRatellno Oborudovan tazde I YO iYe. I War%. K=zessomZZe i ~Rmshiritellnyye Mashiny. Vol Zj, 1964, pp IU4-345, AII,I/r-I'DAIT-23-1245-67 Sci/Mechim Engr Feb 69 375.462 Armored Troopa: The ULgbty Striking Force of the Soviet Army. RWSTAN, perp Pro"-MFAMUAA-A9LUdt-Wj No 15P 2me CTA/FM Ili= MD 3 31 7,61105", USSO Military s-634/6i 0 , of Disinfection and Insect and Sirq)1est 1,ietliods Rodent Dztenaination, b,,,, V. I. Va:;hkov, (DC-6309) PUSSIJJI, booklet, Prosteishiye Srosoby Dezinfe)ftsii L~--zimselftsii i Deratizatsii, 1960, pp 1-40. *JprG lei - Biol 6ep 61 SkVlcwt Wixim and RLnim 1. P. Hatamon. FUSSTAN, bk,, 14'k D.C. Hosth Co.,, Pabl. 2B5 Columbuo Ave Bwton 16p Aasa per New: NSP 16 Dee 60 SiMPIC ShOlters for Protection Aj_s,.Lnst Weapana of Iftso Watntctions by Ae Do Gorclmkov, Yki. A. &iWtov, L. I. KoeAelev, No A., Hosma and A. :... Khom-ko, 104 pp. 1AMUS, b1l., Proiismua w-Inmixg. P-lzm- Za84-ChIty-ot OrazlAys kWqwo,;p Poratheniya, 1';;C4, pp. 1-100. USSR mil may 65 Fw-IJ 20H, IMi, IFE ~1%11 LF I'll ESEN TATION OF THE ANGUL kit DISTRI- T10\ OF DECAY PROUCTS FROM A COMPOVIND CIA't S AFTLH .% DIRECT NUCLEAR REAc Tl()N. T t. !,, E. K- V, MP. F ~b 65. 12p. ANL-T~an~-- 15,, ,-r-Jer I rcm CFSTI tir ETC: HC51.00, NIFSO.50 as " N L-Trazs- 15. Tr in- of mono. (PreprLnt IAE-733) PC2!!2t_2Vjjr.~ L &)G%*,!jo It Y.,drj 11o.41 Moscou. 19-bT~. -12111. iLt A7, ,;Icctrualc -ioLjiuas ul-, culjtrullilj~~- ulc -~ttajitv k,,' :~patiul structures in Prc- ~-abricatiz" i,.euxiorcec; Concretc, by AW61j"Ll', i"or, Prostrwistvol-alye KollstruLEsi v SSi,, 1904, pp 60-73. "LL 1"I" S411 I, I o , (Uit Lowi .-jr Ilurcli-se) 6ci-flIect.r Ai. r 6 7 321 4 , J 75 %""I mm-staticamy Mbtlow of Solid "mum with swa ww"., by A. 0. B&DI07W* 2fA VP- WSWM* blLs IMMOORUR a twways' vbuml" 6 abc 63 Three Dimensional Flow of Ideal, Gas Past Smooth Bodies* by K. 1. babeako, at a1.517 pp. RUSSIANs, lok, Prostranstvaunge ObaekaniLe Gladkikh Tel T&-arru` CMOs, 11164. YZ31812--v RMX TT Meo n ~' if , -~ Sci-natbL Date Processing Jun 66 300,9-,13 Spc.ce Problems of the xW Theor-y of Elasticit~-, by A. I. Lurlye, HUSSWI, monograph, Pros trans tvexuv"l! Zadachi K Thorii U-prLwosti, 1955 9L *Interscience Publishers, Inc. 250 Fifth Ave, New York, N. Y. Sci A% 61 OTS , Vol V, ITO 9 Lithuanian ScientLflc Institutiona cand Sci- entiftc Cadmaj, 23 pp. Russua., rptx Prou"Olichenw i k-uletum Lltqm~coy SSR - Stattaticheala sbornik 1964., pp 131-140. im -#~~ 3 11 i-7 C MSR Ecom How 65 291.563 (A) A Review Of Fluacian Emigree Politics, 22 pp. 1b) A Review of the Dovnfall of the Council for the Liberation of the Paeoples of Russia (60HR), 11 pl). (C) An Officiel Report or the state Dept on the Golidadariats Movement (ITS)'6 pp; (D) An Account of the Solidariat viovemntj Written by Colideristo Themselve5; A Detailed Report an the Activities of This Group, Sabotage, etc. 8 pp. UNCLASSUFM RMIAN,, per,, , New 'rork 1952,, pp 15-26o 33-39, 7 -81P 81-65. G-2. GSUSA. G-l936 USSR / ejl,() V t/ Political - Propaganda cratim Volune and Boundary Diffusion of Tungsten in Holybdenum, by S. Z, Bokshtei.m, Mo U. Bromfln, S. T. Kishkin. RUSSIAN, xpt, PM~essX Diffuxii, Strt*tura i Svoislva Metal. lTo-rnik Statey. 1961. pp 2SMS. )MO ItT 23-887-67 sci-pilys Jun 67 S- 15~)6 btrLlCture Features and Diffusion Mobility in Titanium Alloys in Difierent Phase States, by S. N. Bokslitcyn, 'I. A. Yemellyanova, S.T. Kishkin, and L. f.1. Mirsidy, pp 117-132. RUSSIAN, per, Protsessy Diifuzii, StrUktUrU i Svoystva .kictallov, Moacow, "Mashinostroveniye, 19b4. Russiaii SWA2taijur os R) S-1586 Thernioniechanical Treatment of beta-Titaniun Alloys, by S.Z. 6okslitcyn, S. G. Glazunov, T.A. Yemellyanova, Yu. N. Kabanov, S.T. Kislikin, L.M. Mirskiy, pp 177-182 RUSSIAN, per, Protessy Diffuzii, Struktura i Svoystva Metallov, 'Moscow, "mashinostroveidye, 1964. *JP16/DC-ll9Uj*mMMhIW Russian Sci/11-letallurgy Mar 65 CERTAIN PHYSIOLOGICAL DATA At-:D PREREQUISITES FOR THE DEVELOP1,1ENT OF A BIOELECTRIC PROSTHES!iS OF THE FEMUR., BY YA. L. SLAVUTSI(IY) 13 PF'. RUSSIAI;,',"PER, PROTEZIROVANIYE I PROTEZOSTROMAYE, 1~1627 PP 5-13. MRS 2UIO'3 SCI - LIOL .,- 14ED JUL 63 ELECTRD-NO'-:~iLAPHIC INIVESTICATI011115 OF THIE MUSCLES OF THE SHIN' AND FOOT UNDER VARIOUS CONDITID~'--43 OF STATICS, BY A. N'. ZHILITSOV, ~ PP., PlusslAlil, PER, PROTEZIROVAIIIYE I PROTEZOSTROYEI-AYE, i io 6., c-62, PP 113-119. w JPRS 2010.3 SCI - DIOL - NED JUL (53 231.1470 CbMUM12Ad UoGr ZXtrMdV , ML- C. a. D*dpj J62 pp. -p;m; t2;m w " Wi tzmmvlqj-p m -1 1 '-pa-t- - nowt PsVi - 0=01k -- -50 20 tj^)* wk; ... p ccmrmm 324s.366 EkM - SUa & NO& Apr 6T 61-13622 Mak,jr(w. P. V. KRMK DER 7.YTOLOGISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN DER 1. Makarov, P. V. "CHROMOSOMENTHEORIE DER VERERSUNG" It. DSIR LLU M-2127 (KrItlks Tattologicheselfth Oanov "Khromosomney Teorli Nasledewyennood"). [1961128p. 60 refs. IDSIR LLUJ M2127 (text in German). Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-13622 Tranr,. In German of mono. Mendellzma-Morganinns. n*. p., n. d. (printed in I soehe~- tirwissenschattliche lBeitrage (Weat Germany) 195L, v. 4, no. 2. p. 1167]-194). DESCRIVMRS: *CytolM. OChrornovolnes, Celle (Biology) 05permatogenesis. 6-5-61 (Biological Sciences- -General, TT, v. 7, no, 1) Offi-f T..h.i-i S-i- r-na Anticb.-mical Def,:Wo, by I. I- Ov rarcUalum V, 4 r. . iSs . U;,,CLNLC.*,glr, IEP SVXj, bts tivev zdusmalm R UB ---CbmLl? Ts, 11#1 ~ct.t Y=COVJ, 2.952. -71 -OS -C1- I Ill aw 13) GSUSA 0-174 us= cbemiczl Mtaircratl outiebomicalip warf=e Feb 53 C-riS/M IT,Z-1176 iintiatomic# AntichemiCalo Antibactcriological J~rotcctjon of the Soldier in Combat, by B. V. ll~-Ckcnalr, 328jpp. UNCUASSIFIRD RUSSIM, U, Frotivoatomaarya, Prot ---Zj -1 - - krotivobakteriol Lmm Bajo, ho5cav, 1957, PP 1-127. US JFRS/IsY-~JI5 :~3UR Ml - CM Defenne Apr 58 ,A.r.ti -Bac -I a2ial !,P:-.iuni-*U-y a nd I 3a 6io- R ozis , 'L,y i IT . -vi. nemoa::%~'kaya, 14. V. Paycva, c t al. RUSSY,d~, bk, Protivobakteriynyy Lnnunitct Radioustoiclaivost', Moscow, 1~163, ll'~' PP. *r- TD-,.PT-6--,-933 Sci - Biol 9: Yed Sci 25 Sep 63~ Raftirtim pmftot"n Boaftooks 137 L. A- Tlvwv,p Go A, VkAX'YW# Ot 920 05 W-D RUPOWO tka ftativaustwm emwwm 3beftm # 3Ms -, ~,, ., j ii golob, v - I AW W-mm " a r4" ; 21 /,. 7, , 4/0 ;? ~ ~ ftt a Actiradiation Apents, by 4 Ao Tiunov, Go A. Vasil9yev, et al. 338 ppi =-ISIAN, bk, Prativoluchevye Srodstva, 1964, pp 1-218. ACSI 1-7357 ID 2213110465 sci-N. sci Aug 66 3089"D Lirugs for Radiation Protection, by L. A. Tiunov, G. A. Vasillyev, et al. 581 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Protivoludievyye SrIdstva .p 1964. 9700463-V ITD-TT-65-556 Sci/Nuclear Sci Jun 606 3022553 1,jitiradiation Propertics of ArVlaLi.des alid ;~.r,--ri--aLrazide of Thiocarbo,-Wl i c Acids, it. Goradetsldy, 0. Pellkis, 13 I)P- LVqD-tva I~u6sIkl'j b1c) Fl-oti~V~01-1,0~e .5 0l lju.QVi -az gidx Idev, 106 101-105, L12. JPI~t; 27.5,44 5ci - Chem J an 6 5 271c,)89 Present Day Ideas Concerning Mechanisms of Protection Against Radiation, by A. X. Gorodetaldy, V-. G. Baraboy, 9 pp. RLMSUN, hk, Protivoqlukchev -ye S voystva Gallatov. - - L 1963, Kiev, Fj; SZ:12. JPRS 23834 Sci - Med Mar 64 253,061 Pxotective Action of GaUntes.During Experimental Acute Radiation Sickneas, by X. k. Gorodetskiy, V-.,k. Baraboy, 27 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Zrotiyaluchqm~~Jjv-oysjy!~ C lLat Kiev, 1963, pp 41-65. !~_ _9,y, JPRS 23834 Scl - Med Mar 64 253,062 Theraupeutic Action of Gallates, by A. A. Garodetskiy, V. X. Baraboy, 25 pp. RUSSIANO bk, Protivoluchevvye Svoysrva GaUlqqv, Kiev, 1963, W6-5-86-.----'- - JPRS 23834 Sci - Med Mar 64 253,063 Aati4War Comterawasuroo, by A. N. Volzhin, V. A. Yarovicht M pp. RMSTAN.. bk, Protivoredialokattilys, 1960.. 132 pp. 909790 1 &I . . Vmr 62 . Ii) q.", 4u* i L~ rotlvut~i;l v t:-:. t- l'-! L: k: 1-194 1 7u 7-'. u7 bv PP. Pro ~I-v 0 7? M 2246-274 P-r. 614 Anti-Aircraft Defense of Ships, b-y K. V. Morosov. RUSS=I, Ilk, Pr.otivovozduzh Nays. Obozona, .-~ashchita, Korabley. - *Navy/ONI X&axx USSR Yd I oct 63 C L. A. :~,IL~~anzoq, .370 bl~, Protodl= Llanatocinatty uov,.::atichcskikh Priborov il-outrolya LYpr:v-loniya, ll~oscw,, 1961, 2,16 91-08764-V Phys Prot4gyW in Relation to Funatioral, HaIS Ster.111tV in H*II&vthn9 Anrw L.j bjF & Lasarmb pp, RUSSIA , per# Fratembdn' nel. Akadadi Nagdu- 39IMmi, Val 16# Ho 196% ipp 309-3U. *CSFTI TT 68-,q*31 SWB & m Feb 68 prat,oVlamzdg Strimulngg by No Xavd~mo RMSUNp PWp ~ --- - Vol 53, NO 4, 1961j, pp 600-614. -- YM-69-AA",QW-06C SOI-Bw sept 69 391#122 Acad=W og Algricatural Ecicnaaz 11amca After V. I. Lonln an Diamses of Agrievai7"al Ardr-v-*-, bW 0 L. m. =- RUMXAN,, btp ProtM b" O"'81mbb SboriAk Bzbab Vdm Alc 6.1liXAhos rhiva".., cu 2biVot (uQ= i mwrrdzW~~ 1C.-aw 1455's 9.9 2271 2274. 0-71 A. Fl. kmimal-s".. by S. H. hxti~W3 i u -- c: Dul b.6 '..~-m-P)s Sbcma= 1=t-&ep2,axum W-L scima 2 VE-;-ZL oraem Taulkm Ak Bal#oU*hcm "Uts "tow; 3-95~., CIA 9OD(*.'* Diffusion Processes in A119ys, 17 L. v,. *A.,-trakjy, 24 p .p. 0 RUSSUE, bk.. Protsessy, mMazil v ftlavakh, 1959, 122 Iffi.- -96707(b PMC -MM459/1 Sol - ban/get jui 61 159,,60T Volmm Lma Boundary Dirfusion cf Tungsten in Molybdenum, by S. Z. Bokshteyn and M. B. Bronfin., 32 pp - RMTM,, per,, Protoefigy-Diffuzii, Struktura. i SvWLva-V&taUov- Sbornik Stat4j; 174, Vp 25-35. F:L00e54968-V FTD-HT-23-W7-67 Sci-Physics 134 Oct CO Structure Features and Diffuaim MobiUty in TitarAutm ALloys in Dif ferent Moe Statow., by, So Z. lk4whtsyn, To A. Temellywma, So To Kiblikins Le Mo, RUvkiys 11 pp. RUSSUNp 'bk, Protseagg funal, StruktUra i, 92!d~bvv l9t4s PP 117--232a JFM RY30.5 Sci-Mat & Not YA r 6.5 zn.,350 Thermomedmima Treatment Of Buta-fttanium A12xpja, by S. Z. BolwhteWn, S. 0. Glas=ov, To Ao, Yeawl'yanava, Yu, N. labsiov, So To Klahkin., Lo, no Mirawyj 6 ppe fMw4ASM,p bkp Protmou J.&.Lilidi, struktura i 2wtva lbualdv-p 1"132 pp ITT-ItZe im 29305 fti-Mat & not Mw 65 27?,351 Thu Procej~sea of Sedimnt FbrmaAv-ion in t~-ie Wuthern rod Control Parts of the Msaimn 04,N=p IW A. 0. Usitsyn. RMLSIMI,, rpt., ProtsgsgZ obx-azovani-,4 v MI.iaMX & Tucatrallnoy Ckuwt3mkh 7xd&yAwim Ckeanal ~4~umm_m 0894ki I&IM2 i Okannoy lbsoov,, 1961. pp 1~6-172. Dupt of Ikvy 4389/WO 225 Scl-R. Sci and Mtro sanov 66 3120184 The AppUcation of the Theory of True-Stress Curves to Various Temperature Conditionsm of Deformatinon, by V. Ya. Shekhter, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Protsessy Shtampovki i lkh Teklmologicheskiye Parametry, 1959, pp 146-154. X29692298 FTD-TT-63-76B Sci - Phys May 64 2267,665 Melting of Snow Cover, by P. P. Ku7.'m:Ln, 290 pp. BUSSIAN, bk, Protsess Tayaniya Shi2,.bnogo pokrova 1961. HTIS Tr 71-50095 2::oceocza u~: VrictiorA in the Briakes of Aircratc Colec-1.1cal uZ Wrictional Fairn, ivy 1, V. Wmgvluiu~r G. Yo. Clluplllto, A. V. Cldchl dze, 187 PPo (AF =LASSIEPUD RUSSUNp bkA PrMortloemay Tren v Tormozakh Aviakolea, Podbor Frlktnionnykh ftrp ATIC F-TB-~*7/v Sci - Aeronautlco 17,2 Fab 58 T of C and rveviw of ProceLince of lligla-Temperstur:! Matal Fleduction, b~ P. V. Galla, 0. A. Yanin, 15 PP. KVSIMj bkj, Pro~ oLemwinturnoi-P Vosatanov UP llyy.-- 11-306 Hand,, Ub Sv Ecc Air In:fb Div Lib Congress Axiticoirmlmmts Used in the Tmatment of Convulsive Seizures, by V. G. Zapadxomk, 43 PP- UKRAIMM, bk, PrOSEMEA rostmi EnmarmIx, 1965, PF- 3-6, T-W, 296-303j, 3&-305 im 35151 USSR Sci-B/K ifty 66 299,,838 Induced Caisson Manifestations in Animals and Altitude, by P. M. GrawniUkiy, A. A* Savich, 11 pp. EWSIM, vp . Provokatsiia Kess,amykh lavlenii u Zhivotay M PO!Y IS-VC Ihenn2ao I DRY14011a's Puten P03104 - - Podwena. 1JM- na WY30tu. Pp 35-42. Electric Resistance Wire Strain Gages and Their Practical Application, by A. M. Turichin, 2XX30DOXx P. V. Novitskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Provolochn-yye Preobrazovateli i Ikh ZM Tekhnichesko-fe Primeneniye Gosudatstvennoye Energeticheskoye Izdatel'stvo, Moscow, 1957, PP 1-171. *FTD-TT-63-729 Sci - Engr jul 63 Gost 2246-60 Steel Welding Wire, 11 pp. RUSSULN, rpt, Provoloka Stalsnaya Svarochnaya, Moscow, 1961, pp 1-8. 9695059 FTD-TT-64-378 sci - M/M Nov 64 269,315 DESIGNING DIRECT-CURRENT MOTORS AND GENERATORS FOR AIRCRAFT, BY A. 1. BERTINOV, G. A. RIZNIK, XXA 121 PP. RUSSIAN.. BK, PR *KTIRCVANIYE AVIATSIONNYKH ELEKTRICHESKIKH mAsHiN-PosToRNNcW-fo-KAiq58. PP_'_f6;l 3~.,-*85;85,,-26t;;2-7-8-j,-3-16:~3-56.--16'65- FTD-TT-62-173 SCI - AERO AUG 6_2 207,991 Teohnical Characteristics of 3oviet Aircraft Direct Current Machines and the Haterialn Uved fcw Their Gon3tructiorn, by A. 1. bertinov, 0. A. Riznik, 17 PP. UNCL RUSSIAlft bILO Proyektirov4rdye Avigitsionaykh ElektrUhasklih *whin Postoyannogo Toka, Moscow, 1.958, Map T, X, vp 5-8, 10-12, IIL9-146, 407-409, 399- AF 1255952 Soi . Aero; Rngr Sep 59 R-2011./ 053 The Planning of Highways: Part II. Dc-8658, qff RUSSIAN, bk, Proyektirovaniye Avtmobil'nykh Dorog: Chast'vtoraya, pp 9649-653. 1:1/ *JPRS -5i~lt , * Iqt USSR Scon' jun 63 a an.1 Uz il I T- 1 7,-7 at r7oncentrctins p. r, RUSS1.1""? I-)!-, l1roZektirovaniyc 1 tv Obogatitel'n--Ifi F-abl-11,7- lc,("o CIY,1FDD Econ I lar 62 Design of Structural ELements of Airplanes and Helicoptevs) by V. No Dalin. 116 ppe RUSSIAN, rptt ProvektJxavan:Lve Mementoy-Konst -70 2., pp Aug 71 T of C and. Revlaw of PIGMIJWI mid Desiga of Relio,,)pters, ".)y I. P* Bratukldn., 10 pp, RUSSIM,j bk.. nmr.~nirov a i iconntrwctaii Vertoletovp moacowj, 1955j. 3--.,D PP- B-41 Read., Lib Sv Sec Alr lufb Div Llb Congresa -T, RUSSIAN.. bej-_Provektirovaniye i P*e-l-nz;tru!--tSi4- ATic r--Ts-S-6r,)e2/v Sci - A-2ro Doc u~cl 16r Designing I-ULgnetio Elements and Dovices of Electronic Computers, by Ye. P. &LUshov, 264 pp. RWSIAN, bk, Proyektirovanive Magnitnykh Elemento 1964, pp 1-291. M-12-66-71 Sci-Elee Aug 68 361.798 Fund=entsls of PInnnin and Designing.. by V. A. Astakhov, 10 pp. ~e i montazh wdoxwoft RUSSIAN, manusl,, ProyektAppyanly ustanovok kontrolya I avtozatiki v ve-ftepwwabatywaymhobey proxViblemosU (Tbe Planning and Assembly of Control. and Automatization Units for the Petroleum and Gas Refining Industry, Pd& Mosoow/Leningradp 1952j, pp 7-34j, Encl to 3:R-495;-55, AFOIN-lAl. CIA D 3D(5561 AV 684695 USSR Econonde - Petroleum Industry Doe 55 CTS/M P L.A!:[, 1;':! AND ORGAN I ZAT I ON OF OPERAT I fotl OF QUARRY AUTia-10TIVE TMISPORT, BY V. E.. KHOKHRYAKOV, 2 1 PP. RUSSIAN, EK, PROYEKTIROVAI.IIYE: I C)R:lAl'flZAT51YA RA'.30TY KARIYERM01"10 AVTOTRANSPORTA, .ioscow) I ~~, ~63, i:,p 14-26. JPRS 202~, USSR ECOI,: J U L 235,El' L.ftLx-) 1jesign of Radio Engineering Instruments by V. F. Harken, V. K. Zhdanove 625 ppo RUSSIAN, bk, Proyckti-rovaniye Radiatekliniefieskika ustroystv, 1963, Sig pp: 11T 66-265 Sci-Electroui and Electrical Engineering 1,W 67 324,973 plauMnS, the Pacovery of Voltidle Solvents Hith eatch-Oporated Adsoibers, by K,. N. Rikolsevskii, 21 pp. MMSIMO bko Pronik Rokuperatail Letuchim ImatV Ire zm_ Periodicheskago PWstyi)m, Moscow, 1961s ~0-13-16ao M-234. IM 9683116 PrDAT-62-1948 Am 63 Ilbe DesiGu of Aircraft,, by H. A. rc=im., 44-1 pp. bh: F-=yckUrov=iyc -Sam'c-xv -'Vvbor w-~ Ve ~nov pi m-TT-6?-913 'Tun 64 -3 6 General Information an Railroad Tai3k Cara. Time 3Amits for Mading and Unloading Petroleum Products, by U. I. Cheralkin, 12 pp. VUSSUN.,~#,, Proyektirovenlyes sooxuzboniye I eksploatatelya neftebas, 1949, pp 2-7-38v 67V 68. Encl to 1A1-104-54. TMR Econowdo - Petrol*um Industry April CTS/D= CIA 2510225 11on-Metallic IS"torage Tanks, by V. 1. Chornikbin, 9 pp. IMCLASSIFIED TZUSSIATT., bUy-PronktirovanlyR, Soo=-7.beniyq i Ekeploatatmiya Tieftebaz., publ by Gostoptekbisdat State Sci and Wch Publ Bouse of Petroleum and Mineral Fuel Literature,, 1949,, pp 256-261t 272-275v Encl to IAI-398-53. AF 605798 USSR '"Couomic - Petroleum.. starase tanks '50 e1 Ocb6ntlf Ic - ftels CIA2306402 Mar 54 Planning aud Construction of Helicopter Stwtionsp by L. 1. Goretakiy., 271 pp. HJSUU,, bkp - i Stroitel I - e-bvo Vertoletmikh StantedLy. 19 W- -1-263- JVIS 35863 USSR fti?.EW jum 66 303,026 T of C and Heview of Decit-ga and Laycmt of Preclsioa It-vestzumt. CnStinG Foundricvj b~r Ho li. Golo%ykw,,-, Pp RUSSIA4, bk., Proycktirovaniye! Tookliov To&-nohlo Ut -237 pp - B-312 Read,, Lib Sv Stic Air Info Div Ub Congress Id. C60: 0 467/71 w 2 --0 Plc~&se translate captions wider t1lose diagrajaE w.hich relate -'U-o stcel i.)roductioii. 1.o interest in dial-Mus rclated to other tDq)cs of Parciculaxly intercsted in the "open hearth" -p-roccEs. M I oscow, Proyel~ftirovaniyc zdaui~ i sDoxizhci-Ay ;uctalluri-Achesh-Uji zavodov, 11.),)3. ecial LAot publicii - tranclatorc da-aft )Ius One co"~'. E-172/0- 2 XX On ll-k.,thoclu caid. Slysteris o-L" Lrabor Prod-act-ivit.y,, by Vidrevicla, (-Z-224~) EVESM, b1:, PAzvoditel'no3t' Trada v Tc~'-:stcil'-noy i IF-,E;l:oy Promy3lLlennosLi T~sl,', -196'rij, pp, lIP-122. 4jl3Rs USSR Econ - Labor mw y 62 Prosorine, Eserinev and Dibazol and Their Administration in Neuropathology (Selected Chapters) by H. N. Anosov. M. A. Rozin. 84 pp. WSSIAN, bk, Prozerin, Bzerin, Dibazol i Prinenenio v Library of Practicaa medicine, Woftiz, Leniumd,, 1956, pp 7-.33, SO-81, 102-108a 177-196. 9667901 FTD-TT-62-1303 Soi-Mod Mar 63 S!~Rvch)ight Beau, In the Atnos-jinrr~~ by V, RUSS11",14, bk, I'TozbektoKpy'f--!~~01 Moscow, 1?60, pp 93-23B. AID sci _C4 62 n ; The Searchlight Beam in the Atmosphere, by G. V. Rozenberg, S pp. RUSSIAIN, bk,-LrQzhekto~y h v Atmosfere, 1960, 243 pp. (Ta ble of Contents biily) ~0'7dn Amer Meteorol Soc NI-RTC-39 ~,( A ",-' .'(-' -zU- :" ~D / Sci - Geophys 17 Oct 62 62- 3 1 ~61 G. V. 1HE SHAf1ChLIC;i*I IIHAM IN THE ATMOSPHERE 1. ikozct.tx~rg, G. V. DNvES,IIC;AFIU'-~ IF AP,1-JSPHERIC OiTICSJ: 11. "Metso-~ M-RTC-31) iABI-;--' 0F CC!~: rJ~1~; 1.1-~O 111. Al)-~ 24 1 An MetSoc %9. 1%1. Ameri.:art Mt~teorologlcai Socwt,,, Soston, Mass. 6~:- s-1 ~6 i V . Coizt: ac i AF 1,)(604)61 1'1 VI . Title: Invesligationg... Pai :1-1i I -a hek [0, n) I Luch v AUI:UtilvLe ~ernoi ~)nkej hf-0,-iC( A, 1960, 2,31" DESCRIPTORS: Atrrosybe:Ics, *Optics. *Search- lights, *Atmospheric sounding. tFq3-P,3? -A' D (- R - I -~-& (EarEb Sciences-AutioRphere, i r, v. 8, no. 10) 1 Wit- .1 T-6.k.l Gradshiciii. L S. DIRFCI' AND (:ON%'I:I;Sl.' '111F I Lt.- SIENTS OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC. IML-111-Itioll,11 ILTI- 11. 1 1-1, ol Nloriogra[Ai.~ mi Putt and Applivd Niatlivoi.ii ic,. v. 27. Nfavt)2, )r)Dp. Order from PI, J:j. :;I I Trans. of frionct. JJ'r.yaina~a j Obrama).) TIOICJIJ~': I-Icnivitiv Algt-bry Iogiki, M cd. Moscow, 1959, 12 '17 P. 1. DESCRIVIURS: Mallit.-M.AtiCS, 'Mattwmatical logic, Algebra, Them-%. offic, of T*CWCGI S-i-v TT-65-12276 Field 20H, 20G Erozolimsui, B. G.; %lostavoi. Yu. A.; Obinyakov. B. A. A DIRECT METHOD OF NIEASU14ING THE IULARIZATION OF A BEAM OF SLOW ELECTRONS. 6p. 5refs. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12278 Trans. of mono. Puc 0 It an -vM-K'~ hka %I iTIrmuy. n.p. n. Bp. '-:perianatal Uniflow Stem Superhwtting Reactor nxtalLstion ar the Fl-rst Atomic Power ?-lant, ~~y V. V. DalSov., et &1, 22 pp. iMSIMI bko RM-Mmotochvn= laax~p~=atullnrya Vmcowj 1961j pp 1-20. WtG,2~34 PT;6-TT-61-34-0 7 lai - Nuclear Phys pazijot Moomsp by Me V. Sondaryukj S. M. Wyashcmtc~q 431 PP. MM RMSIAXs. bkj. Pry&WtoohM* VOZdUbMJD-Re&kUvnM D.VL*tAr# IL95a*- 393 PP- AM F-W-500/V ftl - Rw my 60 'a-Z / 44 f V/ Direct Geochtemicul Methods 01' PrOSPCCting l'or Petroieum and Gas, by B. P. Yasenev. RUSSIAN, bk, Rrya Lhimicheshie Metody Poiskov _qDrq GeolU - - -- - . -- Nefti i Gaza,-Z62. *ATS Sci - Chem, Oct x 62