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Bernshtain. L. U. TIDAL ENERGY MR ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS. Tr. t~r A. Baruch; Collections an Planning Hydro Developments. Series 4. Hydroelectric Fower Plants, Designs mid Materials. 1965. 393p, 303refs. SFCSI Int (TT-64-11028). Order from CFSTI HC$7.00 as TT-64-11028 1. Bernahtsin. L. B. U. Title: Collections ... M. Title: Hydroelectric ... IV. SFCSI-Int (TT-64-11028) V~ National Science Foundation, Washingion. D. C. Trans. of mono. ~-rjlt=yC Igictrostantatt v Sovremennol Energett mosorw/Leningre . t/3 760 Assembly C.L U 7.62) 9 mm, and 14.5 inm Caliber Cartridges, qpf-I RUSSIPGi-, 'bk,, Prilozheniye k "Rukov(xLpU-u Goda, 1951, Pi) AM= 14-17. ksi i-6oo4-A iD 2216521 USSR Mil 14 izov 62 Dril I -Da=r fland Grenade "URG"., ial,214c., RUSSIAN, bk.,j~xilozheniVe k "RudkoirodsM po Strelkov 1 11 Uchebn ym Priboram IzdEm:Lya 1951 Goda, 4csi i-6oo4-B ID 21 2216521 LTSSR ~ Lu 14 nov 62 KbcvamkU, A. N. THE APPUCATION OF COWMED PRACnONS AND"MMR GENERALMATIONS 7D PROBLE2AS M APM'O)M4AnON TXEOKY P. W"u. tr. 244p. Or&,r from St, I -L tUfter Service Agency Inc., 31 FAtst IM St., Hm York 3 Trwm. of woma. (Prilmhente Tsepnuikh DrobLI 1 lkh ObabobcbeaM k Vae. bkocow. 19%, 20 7T-64-22748 1. Kbtov~kfi. A. N. 11 - Nowdbtff (P.) LA&. Gromiagm (Nedwrlam") rr. v. 1Z. no. 7) The Use of Agrowas to contra F-west, Pestse tly I. V, Txvyft* borib" RUSSWj. bks WOME"-Aln"IMLAn JEA led&* - MOSIM, - - 0 i VP* Irf 66-50364 soilRyth & Equip Feb 68 ApplicatiOrL of Aerial Methods in GrN:)und Water Studies, by N. G. Kell, 287 pp. RUSSIAII, bl:, Primenenie Aerometodov Dlya Izucheniya MIS TT 70--57236 Jan 72 Utilization of aerial photograpIV for the geo- grafic study of the deserto of Central Asia. Petrwr, M.P. RMLINS part Primonenle Aerwetodov ~ gablif turw 16812ITLa-ailm KH !a ,9619 pp. 220-131. =zEj, AD-693 A7 403#330 Control. of Forest Posts by Acresois, by 1. V. Tropin. RUSSIAN, bk, Prinemenile Aerozoley d1ya Bor'by s VredT-tolZaml Los&, 1962, 61 pp. CFSTI TT 68-50364 Sci-801 Apr 69 380.29S Appl.j4gtL*u of Awmwtboft COW bl-exuawti= of tAq oom,4 I* V. G. 14finWilCh & 1:0 ve ..-~ 9 661 pp. RIMUNO bko -- loolaft- dw--ZM LISWON" Rmw 19630 po5ww-v FTD4ff-64-3w swmw SOL & 00mag rob 68 349078 Alplications of Alumimun, Uloya in BujjelnS Stmaturoa (Selootod Sections) by T.- 'IT. Moraldievakky., 27 PP - MUSSIAIr, b1c, Primonaniye 1111ZgElume lZil Sp airov V strolre-ifmildi Konativukts :11-11 Ada -- Uroltollatva 1 ArklUtektum llogulcm. 3.959, P U PIW,204765-_v r."LD-11:V-67-3346 A SCI-I'latarials 364:,172 Sep 68 (BY-200) IRM of for the PromervatIm af Food pro&aauo ty 0. D. bdkvwat 3 W. swull 1 ftm- & PS SMI - Cbm mar 62 -=:T,g /,&U" Dubrova, G. B. THE USE OF ANI*iaio'rICS FOR THE PRESHRVA- 71014 OF FOOD FRODUCTS D. M. Kesm, tr. 1963 It4tip) 116refs 0j-,J.i- frou) OTS, SLA, or ETC$11.00 TT-63-24441 Tra.4s. of mono. Primenenje Andbiodkov dlya Sokliranr-niya Piutx:hevykh Produktov. Moscow, 1961 [87PI- A partial trana. (;~. 82-84) is available from OTS $0.30 as TT-62-1 1233, JPRS-12829, 2 Mar 62, 3p. DMKIMRS- OF'ood. Prevervatlim, *Antibiotics, Storage. rr-63-24441 1. Dubrov . G. B. 11. Natlowd LzDdft Library for Science and Tecbriology, lloston Spa (Food, T-T, v. 11, no. 9) om. .1 S-6- Applica,~iozn of Atomic Enginea In Avlation, by G. Nesterenko, A. Sobolev, Yu. Sashkov, 188 pp, (AF 110769). - RUSSULN, bk.. Pr-i=ntyc A )6 1957, pp 1-166.- ATICI-F-TS-9383/V Sel - Aeronautlcs Apr 58 (p Employment of Aircraft in Fighthng ForesE-Fires, by M. G. Chervonnyy. RUSSIA N, bkZrijm - Laii i Okhrane Lesov , Leningrad, 1961. (table of contents). qjR&QhAr-qv ID 2213732364 (1111A) USSR Econ Jim 65 270,768 Phosplwtic Bacterial. Fertilizer, by E. F. Bemmova, L. M. Dorooinakiy, G. V. Lopatina, R. A. N. M. Lazarev .~e Bakter:bxl'nykh UdobreaVe.,. RUSSUE, bk,, PjjEne~2 Mmeows publ. by 56du-cI-Uddtd1"ANA'sk6khoz Ut, 1955, Irp 122-14o. CIA D 4ooq(~~ UM~A 31,760 W5-GR Sci - Inc&oa Nwr 56 CM/IbiM Z,,,:cerptci on Inoculations in leptoopirovisq by Im. R. Lo-mlerilso., 6 pp. F Ul tmwlatiou. HUSSIM., bkj, Pr*wuenie Biologicbeskikb i XhImlotera- v2vtichaskiMi -Vi4~aw v Veterinckrii,# W-Gcov, 1951. USDA Tr USSR Scientifia - Ybdicine o7$/= 3 ? 7--5' llUt-il:L=tlo:t ar Biol%ical and Chemlaotherk-5c-ut PL-cparationo in Veterinary Modicine," by Ia. R. loavulenko,, 5 pp. Full translation. HMIAH,p UL,. Pr:L=peAio BioloGiebou'rikh L Khiml ira- pevticbeckLkh 9v v noxii" yoscaws 1951, W UWA Tr tj a Trosa Scchentific: Nediaine CTS/M ftm&W 1BruceUvby&"a7mte,, by U. R. %Draonko,, RUM101, bk$, fttmtwml Waogidb"kiM i XhUdcrt4wa --& I "" RITS Ptopwatav v Vaterlmwilk mone.ows, I ip pp 6o.&. UEKDA '61446 ? / Sc iont1l.11c - aotemw y Brucalloeir. Agglutinative Serusip by In, R, / -KoyalcDkop UN 5 VI3D RUSSUR., bit* Prime_UIAIjLBioIoeLch"kJkh L XhImUtwAk skM Prepail4ov T yeterinarid/I Moscom." 1951p Vp 61-Q. - L Scientific - &~ky / r/ 6 69 54 Tism-ceUouls Antiasn for Ccmplownt Fl=tioa - Eozttl4no by Yes Be Novaletkop MILULOIFIF-D RUSSTJM# bkm, Privemule Blol I XhImicterapw*T T mormoul umccrip 19510 pp 62-43. am X/d/d 9 A, /4 5ftlautme '140-015- ,,a--o .. Dispools of Brucallools In Mump and Goats witb the Ald of Vlov bmc*llob,,jdrolymtemd lkmcellyute., by Ta. Be Kovalviko., UfiCLAsSnPIMD RUSSIAN# bks Prlmg!n 4rapov HaT __Ala I Khimlot Preparatov T To MCI 1, YABCOWS, 19510 pp 157-159. uM)A Scientific - Iftdiclue MnSnouis of Brucellosis In CaLttle vith the Aid of Abartlaj, by U. R, Bovalenko,, UNCIASSIP33D K RUBSIASO bk.. I XhImiaterapsy Preparstov v Votorinarilp scovo 1951,0 p3? i5g-16o. USDA Sciatitific - Modidine / fl (o 3 0 Utilization of Biological and Chmniecrtherapoutic I"- pamtioup in Veterinag Nedicim, by Ia. R. lCovalenho.. 24 pp. Full tranalation. EIJSSIO.. t(k. PrImenenie Riologlchcolcil,h iMAniotem- pertichostlkh Preparat9v v Oterluu-11., Mose~ov,, 1951., 247.~- C /,q UMA Tr )V 0 IISSR Scientific - Nedidium 7 Use of Diesel Oils With Additives, by Gheorgid Andreavich ~~rozov, 110 pp, RUSSIAN, bk, Primenenie Dizcilnyh Masel S Prisadkamk-a / V-4 -, -~~ / -//--? Navy Tr 360SJ'BuShips 824 p r D - 7- 7- -14 3 - --~ c -1!5' 6 94 d 9~ y3,/ Sci - Fuels 4 Prop Nov 63 '2 -3:5Y "to Use cC Additives to Conbat Electrification L of Patrcam= Produ&A. TWSSIMS, NCO Re r..%f ir. z -A.--A - ;p it Ag-A adlamaeop Ipp 0 icept Or 14LVY ITIC Sevchma Jan 69 Academy of Sciences. jipplication of Drainage in Utilizat.-ton of Saliniz.!d Lands, loft!= RUSSIAN, bk, Primeneni e Drenazhs Pri Osvoyeniy ze-qt~' 19r am 6o-51.191 PL-48o Sci - Geophys Apr 61 146,246 PST No 102 Use of Elecbric Current for the Purpose of Preparing Oil Shale Layers for Underground Strip I-line Gasification, by B. Kh. Brodskaya, 28 pp. RUSSIA11, rpt,, Frimenenie Elektricheskogo Toka 3 Tsellyu Gazifikatsky, 1959. NTIS TT 70-53o98 Sept 71 (FW MiA) A Brief History of the DCV*IOP=mt ct r-Imtrification in ASKcwjtwap by P. N. Ll8t*v* 22 rp. ROW10j, bko ftImBaln Ewrtriob"kOy * v GeVskam -- - I- mucavp IV53.. pp -2tS Ras"W* l1k Qpulstrys by L. A. ELyumenfelvd., V. V. Voyevodskiy$ 411 pp. RWSZAN,v bli;s Frimemnlys Blektronwip p 1962j, gltt_D_DM Reamms v MU!p pp 1-240. PlOOD70667-Y M%4gZ6&-306 Sol - KLoot & Mee PAg ~-61' 32D.,065 ,k. M. Bonch-BxiVevich the in Experimental Pbysics" Book, "The Use of Electron Primaneniye Elektrcnnykh Lamp v 10caperimentallnoy Fizike, 06 Pp (F~D 478584) ILJ S-f 5 101 / f/ 47 T kd-,o Um cKr %Mmwd A* So Or2DV- RUBBIMAS Mad ah 30M Use of Goma-Bay ajmubw~ itt lualySIM RadimaMmitar in Xu4m 4drobia,*Ximl Samp2sag bF Zo A. Arshmma & A. IP, Fodcrurg 8 ppe Rmump ripts h4malwal" Ammuns --11,111:26ftm = tv 2364 selAl-W* I*W 68 336,685 Herbicides in Agricultture (Conference Proceedings), PIMKX236 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Primenenie Gerbluddov v Sellskom Khozyaisrve~ Moscow, 1962. OTS 64-11077 PL-480 Sci - Ag;ri Jan 65 270,4% The Use of a Deep-Water Gamma. Radiometer for the Measurement of Radioactivity in the Ocea:-.i, by L. M. Khitrov and K. A. Kotlyarov. RUSSIAN, blk, Primeneniye Glubokovodnogo Gamma-Radiometradyla lzmereni.ya Radioaktivnosti =veane, 1964, pp 176-182f;77575-66 #4 9699972. [Tipt 2120 5 Sci-Elec Apr 66 The Use! of Oxygen in the Electra-Metallurgy of Steel, by G. M. Borodulin. RUSISIXI) bk, Primeneniye Kisloroda v Elektro- metaLlurgii Stali., Metallu-rgizdii-t-, -M6s-db)W--- 1959-.?---*;Ll---84--P-P--'----"' *pp Sci - Min/Met Dee 60 2b* tKA11=aSAM at *Iwo= in the Couverter pre"ttlau at st"Iv by 1. P. Iftran, a. 0. At*m"7*vp X. N. M~ Z. D. Irghteft. moulip W4 ftol"O"twe Staus Mosemo, pip Organizatton of Production of Xlectric Steel by Duplexing, by S. P.,~aneral. bk RUSSMI, pax, PIrIm Kis Metall, 1957, PP 173-175. nB 4836 Sci - Emgr oct 6o / -2- 9, Id Praductimi of Steel From Basic Iron in ConveXrtE.,-- by OKyge.a Top Blowing, by S. G. fi.Xanas I yev. RUSSW4, per, Wmenenie Ki8lorods. v Metallu i.1 rz :v Moscov, 1957, PP 31-40. HB 4328 Sci - MIX/Met oct 60 9~he in" of awsoo 1, tba COPPu-Sm'tlu6 .- I w Iff, P. Diev- UA yetallumo -Arp - lossimi, b ;.;2=e 1960, im Ily NJ, 14 3962 141P 3~ O?JIL Gai - Wit yeb 63 (DC-5 ~07% Ex,=rj,a=e Lu the AUlicatim cif Oxygen ir- ucnfarraw VbtmLbArjW,0 by V. L. Smirnov, 4 pp. IMBIAII, AMMI.- PMVM bk PrlwzwxtrLjLaj9=dft-n&- UraU,,-~s im U)7-JUD- JPPB 8538 um ,um soon ja 61 w sba t.-Furnmee smelting of McIdItAICI Nicluo-I oxes on an ObWgeu-Rulahed MAstp bW L. L. cbermk,4 6 Im. R=IO, bk,, PriamumUs KLslwola na .Metallil PsedpriiiaYW& unu 1960o ps, UI-W. um no= Jul 61 ON me Ll V. 1. Kurz*-dK-- ARM (W-671,S) Bmw Aspects of the Develqyment of Mkthewt- icaLl logo and Its Relation to Tacbmiml Amilleaftoms, by S. A. TancreWe. 15 99. RUEOXANO bk, lad ki v jkWe IMP Sol - Nkth Doe 61 The Value of the Axiomatic WI;hod in Studying Directions of Change in Living Systems, by Yu. V. Petrov, 35 pp. RUSSIAN, per, PrImeneIgge Logiki v Nauke i Ttkinijw, 1966., PP 17 JM 11523 Sal - Ebys /VY JELn 62 ;Ikyf The AppUestion of a JWW-Valumd Logic to the MmOr7 of RelmW CIrcW.tsp by T. ID. ftstrova,, 23. pp. MUM., bk.. W~k~ v Nauke ,ke JPRS U039 set - phys Doe 6,1 .2- ory-of 'Sense, by B. V. Birjukov- RUSSIAN., bk, Primenen-1ye Logiki v Nauk i TechnikeY Moscow, IS60 Y pp by D. Reidel Publishine Co. Dordrecht, Holland per letter to JPRS dated Nov 16, 1962 from T. M. Williams, 5 Colonial Vil-lage Drive, Arlington.$ Mass,, included in this will be Two Soviet Studies on Frege, translated and edited by Nov 28, 62 Ignacio Angelelli with the Publ. C0- Me Use of eordIng,. by A. 71. RJOSM., bko &"*,M jkqmltoay zopuil, 399%~ * i VP 99-103 - 967350 sm~4M.".84 ad - amotan 2 mkr 62 I.P4, .21,6 Mathematical Yode" of 41damics, by B. S. 13888MOrtr47* 11 PPe RMIXI. rpL. p4mmgAn fttemtj~cbeskikh Metaday v %2bjgLi. lmdngr*d, .1960, pp 3-10-3-17- im r7YC6 sa-B and M Feb 69 374,614 TbirdlConflerence on the Use of Mathematics in Biology, by P. V. Terentlyev, 9 pp. RUSSLAN. bk, Primenenlye Matematich-esldkh Metodov v Biologit:11, Leningrad, 1963, pp 5-11. MRS 23M sci-Biol Feb 64 250,434 statiaticia verm"non of the cowitft *,method of quantitalive Andysis of Planicton Samples, by S. R. Veikdre, 10 pp. RUSSUN, bk, Primeneniye Matematir-hesldkb Metodov v BtkologR U. Leningrad, 1963. pp 124-VIII. JPRS 23244 SCI-BIOI Feb 64 250,435 Statistiva Rogularity In the Behavior ojl Fish, by A. 1. Zoripv*, V V. Gulln, 8 pp. RUISSFAN: bk, Primenenlye Matematia-saUkh Metodov v Blologlill, Leningrad. 1963~ pp 140-145. -TPRS 232" SCI-Biol Fab 64 250,436 *nlo Investigation of Riological Systems with Many Variable Characteristics , by L. K, Vykhmdue I RLISSIMI, per., Primemenie Hatenstichaskikh Noteam v SiolLogyo, VOIL 30, L96 -, pp IM27 n"M 2NIL Sci-Bul Ju 1y 156 3040,349 PaVvMeterS, Ch&raCteriZing the Level CC Energy Metabolimn of AT4mmls, by V. S. IvIev, 8 pp. RUSSWI& bk, PrImenenlye MatemattchesidM Metodov v BiologU U, Leningrad, 1963, pp 146-151. JPRS 23244 sci-siol Feb 64 250,433 Mathematical Theory of Malwking, by 01. M. Kalinin, 12 pp. RUSMAN, bk, Primeneno#dye MatematichesIdkb Metodov ) Biologit 1:1, Leningrad, 1963, pp 161-169. JTPRS 232,14 Sci-Biol Feb 64 250,437 xx Aerial Countftg of Moose In the MOSCOW Oblast xd and Verification of the Remdw by the Methcds of Mathematical Statisticit, by Yu. A. Gerasimov, 7 pp. RUSSIANP bk, Primeneaiye MatemadebeWdIth MetOdOV v Biologii TI, LentngraO, 19630 pp 234-230. JPILS 23214 Sci-Biol Feb 64 250#439 L V by the 113-12hod C:' A TI. gv, pp; .1'r~-caanie I'lochen-y1fa A T T, 1955, 7,:-7k; 6 qT, Uce of Radioactive Indicata7a in the ,c I- s-pn-rattion of Q%-.rl. b, --~,. i, ~ I -I'.,- - - . ltyabcbikov, 14. M. SCa~i-.:67.r MI. I%%, Primenq~y M2chcaykh- Atomov Aaal ZSSR, IDS tGeqk)~-' Pr- ~d 'IcraoAskogo, 1955, PP 93-100'. CUT-8733, cham P~c 59 Deceleration of a Relativistic Particle in a Plasma, by A. I. Alekseyev. RUSSIM, bk, Primeneniye Metodov Kvantovoy Teorii Polya k Zadacham Unogikh Tel, 1963, pp 65&82. *FTD-MT-64-435 Sci Oct 64 Radiation of a High Temperature: Plasma, by A. 1. Alekseyev. M. A. Troitski.y. RUSSIAN, bk, Primeneniye Metodov Kvantovoy Teorii Polya k Zadachmam Nlnogikh Tel, 1963, pp 83-93. *FTD-MT-64-435 Sci Oct b4 THE USE OF MOTOR FUELS AT LOW TDPEFATURES, BY B. A. ENGLIN, 108 PP. RUSSIAN, 6K.j PRIMENENIYE MOTqNYKH-X0eLl-V-f?Rl.-,- NIZKIKH TDlPEfatUTUM'-1-9-G-1-,- PP 2-100. 9678193 p FTD-TT-62-499 SCI - FUELS 11 OCT 62 212,320 Use of New Kinds of Fertilizers of Petroleum OrIgIN by D. M. Guseynav, 65 pp. RUSSLKN, bk, Primeneaye Novyl:h Vidov Udobr o Prois, - Rd-effily-a, Mosoow, 1W,-'pp 3-64. JFRS 25348 Sci - Agri. Chem Jul 64 263,604 Ostroumov, F- A.- TliE APPLICA'nG.14 OF ORGANIC BASES IN ANALY-n CAL CliEMISTRY. tr. by 1). A. Peterson. 1967, 159p. Order rrom MACN! $7. 75 Trans. of mono. Frimemenle organicheskikh Osnovanii v AnaUtjc%eskoi K3taill-'MMct)W;-195q.- DESCRIPTORS: OCTpnic compounds, *Cheinicalanaly- sis. Chemirtry. 63-12791 1. 0stroumov, E. A. 11. Perganion ITess, Inc., New York 1.11. Macmillan Co., NewYork (Chemistry-Aunlytical. v. 9, no. 8) Oaks W I W swvk., The Use of Foam Concrete in Refrigeration Plants, by P. 1. Pirog. RUSSIAliv bkp Prinenenie Penobetona, na Kholod- ilnikh-akh, 1964, 83 pp. HM R. -JM4 Sci-Enjjr June (36 301,462 Organosilicon. Heat Resistant Anticorrosion Coatings, by A. P. 14oiseyev. RUSSIAN, coUection., Fri:meneniye-T-qLime=x v Antikorrozio Qy Mekhnike, Moscow,, mashgiz, 1962, ~-- 1 - ~ p ~- p FTD-mr-63-54 Sci - Mat & Met Apr 63 AppUcatiou of ALU Smicanduct= Goucraters to Autmatlonj. by A, P. Pluskerp 10~wo f EMS=., rpt, ;~Fjp"=$n PAW;Pvodalkovykb Oenwatom 1961 I-moili~4- i6a,~6 n-i.39-w cuwuoa., czftb, 8 m" v ig-62. ACSI 1-280T m PA05625 Sol - lawr Nov 63 um- air i3mmimAletars in Mwtruiukat Dwdr4w Tn!=- eatIcima e ak Cmrere=ej, br N. Z. Chf-vtya-trrm, 31.11 rp, MM RMUARp Vto ftImemal 0 Rdupmvo&dkov Pribm~ atrouawL Tk,~~ 14"Sf ATM HOL-106/V Sol - pbralas # 4, --~ 4 Agr 60 i TT- 64 - 10996 Taul,man, ~,_ R. I'd YcretGkii. A F, I THF T*,TLU-r:bx_-F OF A SOLID DISPFRSE PHASE CIN, I Taubman, A. S. HE - MULSIFIC kl'l(:)N AND M Nit ILSIFICATIC-Ax' If !_orflakli, A. F. .1 LUM rSGf'U,-rS. t1963', 81, TH Till- Vuesoyuznoe fT or, CI'S. S1.21. OT FTC $ 1. W TT - 6,4 - 1 (006 Tnins. of mono. PrImenerde PovvrkhnOstno-Aktlvny_l14~ lestv v llrcqy~le-nnoati (_Yvesc u--noe SoveBhchaniv I~rlrnenenjyu PoverifirjGarn6-.AldlvfiyU VeihCheliti VI~etyaniil PtdrbylhlannWt t Ub--- PrcA nodal - F) 19S7.- Trudy --Moscow. 1961, (EngineeTing-CAmmical, TT. v. It. no. 11) om- a r.c%,s,,t %-i- rT - ~q -I V)97 DETERGEN'T', A~ EMULSION BRFAKERS DURING 1. TITF PREPARATI(~'.,,,' OF OIL FOR FV)CESSING. 11 Title: 119631 16p Qrcfs Order from (Y"IS, oT 'F I-C S I ~ 60 -rT-(j4-IC)997 Trana. of mcno. Primc P1)VerVJ:nct~R~,--AWyaykh Veshchefftv v I eft pa Veshch !qKM-jqff~vA!!of Prmnyshlennamf I 1kh Prof zvodstyu (no. I)Saku, 1957. Trudy)hfoscaw, 19151, p. 112-125. (Engineering- -Chentical, TT, Y. 11, no. 11) Offic, I T-h--J S-,- The Application of the Teaching of Program- ing in Schoo13 for the Blind Whereby Special Toaching Machines are Used, by 0. L. Aleksayev, RUSSIAN, rpt., Piimwwnie ProAlrawairovannogo Obucheniya v Shkolakh Slepykh s spo sovanism 5 atsiainykjt ObuchryMchikh Mashin. 19 2-p- P ft 9 SLA 7IT-66-21813 Sci-.Beh & Soc Sci Jun 67 327,040 Alz~,;ItM-12-cu Of Rcdi0act:tvc Ts,a~~,-o TO -tileor 1~useaxscch, by 11. V. T, is S TAN; -per. PriMneDIO 2.962;: - 9203233 -,j -,r - 52 5 sai - liucl scl & Wc:h gAr 63 Use of Rdelioactive Isotopes for the Study of Flotation Processes, by I. N. Plaskin, I S r).~, RUSSIM, bk, Primenenie Racliaktivnykli lzo-Gpov Dlya issledovwiiya Flotatsionnyk ProtseS50V, ~-I'j ~~ 1160 *OMW 17fAEC- -Tr - 16 Nov 60 63-22623 vexkhovs)LU, & IL MIE USE OF RJU)SCLAMWE ISOTUPES FOR 1. Verkhovakii. B. 1. CRECIM4C PRODUClION PROCESSES. 1963, 84P U. PLvgamon Press. Inc Order frou PP $3.75 New York IYUS. of wom [ftrl~c RadioaWvnykb botopav dlya X%=Iyu.PTC"( -s emykh PicitsesBov. hloscow, DESCR]YMRS: @Radioactive Isotopes. Industrial .radiography, RaWAtion weasurement system con4KNOMM6 Pmetradon. Scamerbc, loni=ti0n, Neumver. Sourceit, ONuclaar Indusm-W applications, Qbdear Physics- -Nudcar Engineering, Tr, v. io, afte 81 7ed0kal serden no. 12) 1 Use of Radloactive Isotopes in lbr&raulic Construction, by 14. P. Belikov, V. A. Emel I ianov. t i. ~~f RUSSIAN, bk, Primenenie RacLioaktivnykh Izotopov v Gid-rotekhriicheskom Stroitellstvc, I-loscow, 1961, 163 pp. *aus 64-ii= PL-48o Sci eb ') 64 F %tat. ne IV - I ' 'ZT Gj ALPC -Tt~ - Table of Contents of: Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes and Emanations in the Petroleum Industry, 3 PP- UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, rpt, Primeneniye Radiokkti.vnykh Izotopov i Izlucheniy v geft Prom, 1957, Encl to IR-1280-56, AFCIN-lAl. AF iri1296 May 58 s-622/63 The Use., of Radioactive Isotopes in the Study of Processes of the Absorption, Distribution, and Eli-mimition of Certain Insecticides From the Animal Organism, by G. V. Filatov, P. A. Kartanov, et &I. (Ily-7734) RUSSIA4, manuscript, Primeniye Radioaktivaykh Izotop3v v Izuchenii Protsessov Vsasyvaniya, Raspreleleniya i Vydeleniyzi it'Zhivotnogo Organi ma NekotorilL Insektntsidov, PP 1-7, 1-8. *JPRS bei - Biol/Med Sci jui 63 7.-e use of smdjolsotopec; in cunical and 1!~Q-arLmen lavestigatLaus, edited by V. K. ~belestav, 2:L6 pp. RUBSIAN, bk,, Primuenlye RsMoaktiiwJ&b Izotopov v Y'lairlieakikJa i MkiTerlmentallmykh Icaledovaniyakli 1958. oTs 6o-51178 PL-48o Sei - Med 7 7 oat 61 1-7 Zc pp. l:!'-`=clliC Radioaktivnykh Izotopov XYDIM, Z55-P-M&SCow. AEC Tr 3iOO 5 9' The Use of Radioactive lootor*s in Met,&Uurgy, by X, S. Mailcov, 1. A. POPOv, 325 P-D. NMI".% V.Ks PrIm =~p_ ~yiWkh Izotopov v 19 gm ip-TS-94191V So. - mectron4cs, wtou/mInexuls am 1---pplications of Radioisolbopes in .1nimpal Busbi-iiCir.-I" and 'Veterinary Science, by A. A. ~miryavtsev, A. I. Ve2-t,..u--,ov. RUSSIAN, rpt, Primenerdye Radioizotopov v ZhvotnovodoLve i Veterinarii, presented at Con-feronce on Applications of Radioisotopes in Ani-rial Dio!oL;-y and in l'.!(--dical Sciences, T-lexico City, I Dec 1001, 30 pp - Sci ',E!d 31 jan 62 Use of X-Rays in the Investipaiorm of MaterialN 235 pp. RUSSLAN, bk, Primeneniye RentogenovYkh Luchey k Issledovaniyu Matertalov, 1959, pp 3-127. 9692024-V FTD-TT- 3-671 sci - M/M SIMOW 64 252,995 Applicwtion of Sugar Tbst for the Evaluation of the Coronary Circulation, by E. A. Ibuke E. L. Xilinskly. 12 pp. RVSSIAIIO kpt, PrIbmemenis Sakhmnoi ProbZ dlia OtsenkL Sost;Gmmm I GOV imhchealia. pp 57-93. - MR of R W 47!3/NMC No 10112 ScL-B&14 Jun 66 303, 081 Ole Use of Rxecast Bollworm& ccacrou In HydrmuIle I%tr4ctvzes,, by A. A. BerazinsIdy., 236 pp. MBSM., bkv v 1959P ACM Io-345& ID 9L.C)JLM Scd - NAE;r 14 may 62 'Use of F~zeccmt Reinforced Conuiv:te, in the conatruct- of vowdatio" for High-IftmLon Timnamlasiou T-overs 4 pp. Wv',ld4FXlj7XZD RUSSTfi-Wj !!It,. Prinnnenlye I;iy V-PTFM AMD/Dec 57 T-10 NO Be= Set - Zae;Lme-rix43 6/1 .--)pllcatlon of a Coopnting Whohine in Pr~essing ILZ V;izv-oa Stuatlaticz of h*tmeo=., by I. T. Zotkins RIJSBUNO Pw.- Vruxne" SdmtmW Mahlay Dlya O'WabotkilizuMlIlow atmftotikjL Note()=To so 30 (57)" *GGM.j, iqdg" vp 4-52. ACM Gui - Astron, t4 41 Fob 63 The Utilization of Punched-card Calculating MachInes for Standard Accounting Purposes., by T. Valebak. RUMIAN,, bk.. PrImenenie Schetno-verforstsio Mhahin Fri Normativnow Uohftpj l(A3, Pp 110. KL RTS 31191 (on Timim) Aug 65 287,188 U058 of Beismoscoustic metho" in Mining, by M. S. Antayferov. HUMAN$ bk.. PrImenenie SeJAnoabisticheskUrh Metodoy v Gornom Dele., 1969., 187 PPO INLL R-38169 sc-d-sw mq 66 299p771 Use of Snov, lost and Fkamen Qmnmd in rortitic4lanjpA7 A. We Cbmbotillos 29 PP. RWSWIv 1*0 1 LUk I Mors;lcqp :"Wmvm=.tOwa0v 1%3. Sol Tr Ontar RT-2070 sol4atula - - AIM 51, a" ,PW fp;~' go / TM-ATING AM) DRYING TRELiS ON THL Feb61. iv. Ord,ur from CB $12.50 TranH. cd mono. [Y.mesienic So;zushchei Si1v Krvii (11ya Suskhi i ~Sd.Y&Fcw' 1959: 44p. DESCRIPTORS: *Forestry, *Trees, Dehydration. 63 - 123771 il. Zakharov. P. S. El. ConsultanES Bureau Enterprises. Inc.. Nes-York 'r1', v. 9. no. 3) Mix d TwbWco 8108 Savlat Applimtion of Modern (XmWatara to Economic AwJ,vsims by N. X. Nobrinskys 20 pp. RUSSI"s bko cu/nD Tr 657 Um . f 3, lo J Y' Raw - Production, meabanizations tacbnolmgical sop 57