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Photosynthesis and the Theory of Obtaining High Crop Yields, by A. A. Nichiporovich. RUSSIAV, bk, Fotosintez i Teoriya Polucheniya V3Tokikh Urozhaev, 1956. AIBS NLL T3C Sci jan 61! 135,915 -ilia Growth of viants in Artifical Cuaditioas az a lkiothod of iievealing 'llieir Potential Productivity, by B. S. Woshkov, 11 .8 pe pprosv Priud I Was I k I rp Fotosilitez i U- k- timosti ite~s-en-:Ly =ASSSII,, 1963, NU, RTS 1459 (On Loan or Purchase) Sci-A,ari Ap, r 6 7 324,049 PhomiryrWiede B=erja, L;y L-. ro, KandraEveva. RUSSIAN, bk, FoWLI ~eArtrAtsixide bakte-di 1963. pp 243. CFSII AEC-tr-6203 usm SWO&M itd 65 1 282,411 Photosynthesizing Bacteria, by Ye. N. Kondrattyeva, 140 pp. RUSSUN, bk, Fotosinteziruyushchlye Bakter:U, Moscow, 1963, pp JPRS 24319 Sel - Med May 64 254j, 462 using and 191 pp. cov!.vtar, A. V-j tel DOY pp 102,57 sci 6-604/64 Fourth AU-UnAm Conftrmm on the GU=y &we - Themem of the Rqpoztm# by L. V. Yevorova. (SF-3M) RUSSIAN, Mr, IV Vwwwyu=Me "bveshchanlye Po Stddoc#razwmy SommaWyu Te:sisy Vo&bdov, 1964, TpLqs scl - Chow " 64 The Effect of Micro-Elements on the Germination Viability of Seeds and Somo,Oiochentical Processes in Plants, by A. J. Kranja. RUSSIAN, per, Fr a-ad Naul, Lato SSSR, No 9, 1958, pp 195-216. *PL-480 USUX Sci= Jun 63 Table c,f contents) 2j,:.px 2 y Gcsud o Astron ObserV'Olt,.7,:.u-. -'JUSS110, -PICT) ILILTTJ~-o Tin lallar-2 NO Vo 27, 1953. c-jA/FDD x-2i76 Table of Contents-, PIUSSItill, rer, Frank~ Astron Observatoriy,G -- 1 -1 - .. L, - ~S,_s ud - U n-iv- 'IV -~.G l6cl[ 1 ov-Tsi Z;lrx, lic . , " . No 28, 1954. CIA/FDD X-2176 Table of Contents RUSSLUI, per, Franko Lvov Gosud U Astron Papers, Vol 11, 1954. CIA/FDD X 2090 Table (.-)f Contents. RUSSIAN, per, Franko Lvov Gosud Astron Ob Tsirk, -1 ~------ No 29, 1955. CIA/FDD X 2090 I I - L~ Table C)f Ccl"';-A-l s RUSSIful, i--;,er. Franl~o LIVOV State jilliv. Obs. Ts-ir, 11,10 30, 1 ". - -951 CIA,,~FDD/Y-10,~~,'5 j - I I i-c"U" /,L", s -cdcral Republic: -1; of IMPCCI-i--Iis~ I.' lic Eopio-iw-c, 1:1. 1. a mov) -10 Z;..! i 11 YIUSSV,~!, 'oh., FRG - Giic:~do Diipcriali3ticl~.cskoLp shpioi-enha, -1,10scow, 1902, pp 1-19". PC- /0 0 Fol Frunze is Capital of the Kirghiz SSR, by S-. 9. Ryazantsev, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, ze - Stolit k, SSR 1950, ,rpt., Zan - 'r pa I ii-rff- pp 16-41. (Call No DIM M Cr r Army Map Service USSR Geog Nov 64 269,190 Function and Gross Morphology in Fish, by Yu. G. Aleev, 268 pp. RUSSXAN, bk, FunktsionaPny-e Osnovy Vheslmego stroeniXa !~XbX, 1963. CFSTI TT 67 51391 Sai/bam May 70 Voskrogo*oyas, A. K* m=m, vmov"3~# *PL 4w Or:s 6) -2~ / ") /-,)- mm lbr 61 Neuro-Muscular Function in Insects., by A. K. Voskresenskaya.,-248 pp. RUSSIAN, mono, Funktsionallnye l3voistva Nevro- 1-trsbLechnogo kribora Nasekomykh, 1959, 187 PP- iuz boston Spa Ehgladd Jul 66 305.P445 Ametiou or a OCKPux varA~~ andL BOW Of Their 4k*uaatftms by B- A. puchm,* B. V. iMabet; 389 PP- JWSUM.9 bkp ftMkksg I%xemwlovo ' Nekotoxwkb Uft PZIIbOSDU- Hinawtm PubUWMM OUP MOM sa , mom Feb 63 ) (~ ( - .7310 '014'.7 q j Green Func tions and Matrices in Operatol.- Theor-, , by A. V. Ivanov. RUSSTIAK, mono, Fu ~.,,tsiy atsiomom Ischislenily, Minsk, - - zz. *Holden -Deo.,(Fali i~q'-"~4) Sci-Biol & Mled Sci De c 6,:, Functions of the organism in Corditions of the Alternating Gas Medium, 248 pp. RMSUMN, bk k or Uvlqv~ra~h P..FUD t9i )~,RMWY- Iz i~-t weaq _'a4 ~Vpy~q edy., Il~ Noscowp 195 . =.0y 155 "'PP 1,4 ATIC ML-202/7 8cl - Phys Aug 6o Fuucylu-jomi oAt tba orgAn:Lsm in AlUlm-.1. C,:Ireolis RUSE;1.411,1 'bX; Fun.L~sil Orgmnizaui %r lzmnlnamm~y vozr Sredy, ?S3Gkc)-J/Le-nirj,-,ra-d, 1955. 1,07 " AF 1256V~3 sci - W. 'Rine Dac 59 'Alo, i;;J.-Tect of tile GiLn "'baiur., kulki, Pros-,-urc (III Iody Functions, by ."UkAJV,I, bk# FtUUktsl.Y 2EI~,anizLlla v usloviy~il;!l luonemioi Gazovoi 6'redy, 3, 1964, 290 pp. 1-4 1.'-365 d--L) T'7 f ~:FSTI Tr 65-50136 WZAI I~ar 6-6 296,316 FLIPICTIO1113 OF T-IIE Dl,.'IESTI\IE ORGA1,2 11.1 A HOT CLWATE., EY. A. W. YUHUSOV, G. F. KOROTIDO, 12 PP. D RUSSIAl': EK, FUINK-Is ORGANOV PISHCHEVAii-RD'IYA V ZHAPIU.1 KLii,!.,tk,rE 7AzriEt,-'T, 1~),!)'2, PP 11-4-26~7,, 223, 2214. JPRS 2147~ ~,IED Distribution Functions of the Mement and Mineral Gontents of Igneous Rockso by D. A. BodioDov,, RUSSMNj, bk, Fwfts& Raspredelepiya Soderzhaniy XLementay i Hineralov v Imrzblnnykh Gorpykh PbrodakJi 1964., loo pp. OB NOV 66 t-n tho 4~ ractical Value of Agglutination and tho Intradernal Reaction in the Diagnosis of ~.andida Inf ections, by U. 13. Lostia. RUSSIAD, per, G IAtt virol 11,tam, Vol 53, 1~0 ll/ 129 is6o, 4 9' id!'~i-.Nili 3.1-M. 7 ~ic:I-L' and Jan 34-6. 9Y+ Dia M~Ostic -t'alue of -Soma Irmviobiolo,!ical In- dicos for tho otudy of Candidiasia . by I,* A. scla~o, RUSSIAIJ, pol-, G ]AI Infott, Vol 111, 1939, pp 115-2-19. ia;w-4rlIIH 3.1-5-67 bei-Ij and jan 68 346.931 Tba Ga2wry, by G. X. Idlis. rlulf;-~, Ift., amlakt."- . ACIC Sci - ydvr~h F,2j. & A.St.."Ou z7an A .:I V (. If 3 .2 .7- Gallium: Its Geochemistry and 14-ineralo.-,y, Vershkors!Kaya, et al. RUSSIAR, mono, Ga-lliyj_. Metody Issleovanii, Ras pros tranenie v ',-~h i Mineral alk, Tipy Mestorozhdenii , Moscow, lc,),"-)C), !46 pp. *Geochem Soc Sci Aug iulauy6, by "'.14. Tl* 'LIT G.U aUcht"~Al~!-!~Vg- 'U. ATic w% k,64/i Gw=-Radiatlon or an Atomic Explosion, by 0. 1. Leip-ws'dY, 167 ipt b1zo Gamm-Ulachanie AtOW1090 lftxrra, 1.959. ABC Tr-45i6 Sol - Iflac Phys 17, Oct 61 List 60 CaLn:--i-a I-ri El i~- Ti-i-Ge,-i-cietinn ipazlt lic-,ii-tronG and Atanic Nuclel, b:f V. D. IINTE~~'-Zdov, It. P. PopOV, Yu. S. Ye-ZVitl3kiy, 18 pp. 2-vtrykh 11 9 Atomnjmi Yj~Ori-mi. Vzairodeystvii -&5-15-9-ul 1 9 50 2 AEC Tr-4718, Sci RWs, Chera 'ry-c 61 Gamma Radiation of Radioactive Bodles and Dundementals of Calculating PIoteetion Against ieAiationp by G. V. Gorsbkov.. 3U pp. RaSSIMp b1sp tel.l. elemea~ty rasebeta zashchity ot iz3mb=iya. ACSI Z-6748 Sci - Mad Jun 61 Y-Rays at the Capture and Inelastic Scat- te-king of Neutrons, by V. S. Allnokov, A. 1. Lashuk, et al. 9 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Gamma-Luchi Pri Zakhvate i Neu- prugom RasseyaM Neit;;-m , 1964. AEC ML-tr-178 Sci/Nuclear Sci Jun 66 301,101 pv-,~ --vo jain i cheskovo Primen- eni-a. eron i 0 t,.- A. L. Ibldziao-yan, (Editor). 0 RUSSLUT, 'Lk.. 1059. *NIH per Maly) 6 8 Feb 196o Ca;paratlve Study of the Action of Somli uSlUmic Blocking Agents Upon theiSympatbatic d Pamayrwathatic Gangllzo by Ya. ZMM Shuster, PP./ 7,wlmp MOM nQ10117= - RRQXR (0"91101ytics IlAa-ffokking Agents c w SymWes) Lezdagmdo XMI 19581, PP 50-63- sm 62-13290 msy 62 62-13585 &Utrofanov, is- 1. EPHEDRINE AS AN ANTAGONIST OF CHOLINO- 1. Title: Tetamon LY'19CS. [19611 [12]p. 19 refs. 2. Title: Paramyon Order from ars or SLA $1.60 62-13595 1. Mitrofanov. A. 1. 11. Title- Gangliolytics ... 'Trans. of niono. CAizg)LqLitiki I-Mokatory Nervnom- Ill. Translations, New York yshchechny1t.pinap,spy (diijff6lytics a-nTUD-mmi A-gall;'& Neuromuscular Synapses). Leningrad, 1958, p. 130-140. DESCRIPTORS: *Epihedrine, Inhibition. *Cholines, Acetylcholines, *Autonornic nervous systern, *Neurornuscular transmissions, Nerves, *Ganglia, Pharmacology, Hexonium. Ephedrine Increases conductivity, Increases lahiltty, and reinforces the electrical activity of the superior cervical gangLion in the cat (results of sharp experi- ments). Ephedrine in sniall doses and H-cholinolytics (Tetamon-I and Hexonium) are antagonists in their Offic. of T-61-1 Servic-5 (Biological Sciences --Pharmacology, TT, v. 8, no. 1) ver (o ) Hvl~ LA)-bm. HARMOMC- ANALYSIS OF FtJNC`nOHS OF SEVERAL COWILEX VARIABLES IN TM CLASSIC DOMAINS I- Edow *W A. Keranyi, trs. 1963. 164p Order &vm AW $6. 90 ' I Tr~. of maoo. [GArmcokbeskil Analft Funkt~U mmogm Kowle'sany K~- . v Xbumicbe*kM adastyamb. mamcow, 1959. 1 7T-64-22429 1. Hua, La-Keft 11. AwAricas Mathenutical society. Proridence, R. I. (N%tbemmUce, Tr, Y. 12, no. 7) Principles and Practice of the Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete, by 0. R. Pflaumer. RUSSIAN, per, Gastroiizdat Moscow, 1962, pp 20-40 NU/ 5196 1965 1293 Sci - Aug 67 (FM 25WO Soviet Sevapapm--A Poverftl Weep0m of the Partyp by S. Novilump 27 pp. RDWIANO Ah"O - or~ Part".. Moscows'2954p pp :;15." CIA/M Tr 529 a A4,i~eo um Pal sot - Prok" Pavlov# et al. 5 Uj,~SLAJ, bl:, Ga%,,,Jdratn)-i Protsess .14orskol. Voti, 1966. *Aff- "'CiP .(-Charl I:nl,-r Apr 67 P, IDT- 6 7 - 8 Clan I>yawidas aad M&Edas or Ckohistlon; .168 pp. FAMMN., bk., GazodlucaDca L CoisaaWv-js WM.TT-Fqq riot Jar. 6.3 Gasdynamics of Combustion, by K - 1. Shchelkin, Ya. K. Troshin, 365 pp. RUSMAN, bk, Gazodinamika Gorenlya, Ulzoacow, 1963, 255 pp. NASA TT F-231 Sci-phys Nov 64 268,534 Mathods of Determining Gas F.'Yj-.hmge Throulluli the aitlra Surface of the Sltbi, by 11. 7.1. Patrun'. 12 ppo RUSSIAN$ bk, Gazoobmn cherez kozlw I Xe&o machenIn dlZa 2rAantzmachp-loveka, 1960, pp 6-27. .YPRS 29142 Scl-Biol & Red Mar 65 276,821 ,~LPIIM I 'N"! -I]"" i;ruziiij, "lundauta and Its Alloys, by S. Lotsi.,.anov, 3.2 pp. iWSSIAN, bk, Gazoplamennaya ObrcCootka ilictallov, 1957, 19 pp. --I - DC-11137 65 q .3 S- Gas Flame Brazing of Metals, by Gw-. k. Asinovskaya, 115 pp. RUSSUN, bk, Gazg"ennaya "a ka metdigy, 1963, bfoscow;-~Jp- 1-128. XPRS 24345 SCI - M/M May 64 254,455 GAS SUPPLY OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS.. BY 1. 13OKSEWAN.. 30 PP. RUW I AN$ "Kj, GA3~01N~~MIWIIQ KHOZYAYSTVA EKHNICHESKIY PROGRESS, 1961,, ACSI 1-1313 ID 2196122 USSR ECON 13 AUG 62 2o6,?-66 Combustion of Powder Fuel in Open and Closed-Cycle Plants~, by G. Predtecheaskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Gazotur Binn-vye Ustanovki, 1957.- pp 55-58. Dept of Interior TN7P E57) No 330 Sci - Fuels oat 6o 4/0 I "46- Stavropol-Mwcov gas Plpellrv 1, 3 -pp. 7110 1 . ]RUWlMy per, Wa, ft j No 21, 19%# pp 19-22, Sucl to 33-170w9o:. " ft~," AID/Sep 1956 LUM Economic 44e2l 6 e, 't- Prae;'Ical EiTerience Twitin the wind-j)uven C'ex-,n(vtors Used by the Cathodic ProtectionStatiom of the Daslwva-glev Natural fts Pipeline, by 1. S. Gerenrot, L. 11. v 6 pp. RMVW mD per,, Mm- -a"909ma No 3.. 1956# pp 32-j4# MWI to IR 1006-57.p Al?l)]M-IAI. AF 10TI263 USSR /'Os SCJL - En rIM,' fW418 Fab 195T CTS Urgent Taska Connected With The Expansion of The Gas Industa-y in Ematern Areas of The USMP 5 Pp. Russma p Gazo Igo 4, 1956o pp. I ew, L vaya 72, Incl to SIR-2jM',-WM ~IAJ.~ AID/Jan 57 Econ :~~ a d 9, :-.*~z-~-,-i~,.'L&'Ii;.-TeclarAical. conference on the U&L11iA-atIcw of Oil Well rassea in the BashkirsMya and Tatarskays ABE;-R,, by k4o At Y"msp 6 ppo RUSSIAV,, perj, Gmzqvav&-ft2mp-M 4s 1,956.s pp 37-40P -3acl to 3R-1043-57P AVOIN-M4 24 Jm3L 107- U. AF 1071M USSR Sci - Sconomic GarAlfication of CM1. Frcm the Mw,~z'iw lRegion Uging a Steam-Oxygen Mixture under Pressure., by R. S. ftlta; 7 PP. RUSSIAN, mo per., flazomam Rnmu-110 5, 1956., PP 10-131 Baal to IR 23-51-57., AFOIN-3-Al- 1098545 sci - chemistry Jun 57 praftettom of - - , tt~ MmImUm Of Alr - to W. ow6damrs 3 rp. 0 mmmi, Pori, calm"s P=14 * Tv :L9%o p 29, -1 gsA an'llsk AW Tr 3UP3 gwi Avg 50 IP45 0 ow 61-14928 Viodavets, M. L. and Byk, S. Sh. nic EFFECT OF HYDROCARBON GASPS ON TIIE 1. Viodavets, M. L. ACTIVITY OF SOLID INDUSTRIAL DESICCANTS 11. Byk, S. Sh. jVhyaniyc Uglevodorodnykh Gazov na Aktivnost' Tverdykh Promyshlennykh Osusltiteley). (19611191p. 3 refs. Order from (TI*S or SLA $ 1. 10 61-14928 Trans. ofGaz(!KUa P~omyshlennost' (USSR) 1,956 - 37. [no. 51 p. 35- DESCRIPTORS* ODLsiceants. Moisture content, Gases. Hydrocarbons, Adsorption, Mixtures, Catalysts. 0 Polymerization, Resins, Polymers, Dehydration. Active alumina, bauxite, calcined carrier, active aluminum oxide, and silica-alumino gel were studied. Divinyl and cyclopentodiene (dicne hydrocarbons) poly- merizc on the desiccants and decrease their dynamic moisture capacity, while the mositure content of the *f T*CWCV1 $dm~ (Engineering--Chernical, TT, v. 6. no. 8) (over) o"Mcatton OtAm Toopmtwo owl COM In -a Wamdvg Pn&v**r vith QWtM DIOXIGO-OWSM -andL stems-ampa Ma"s bw 1. T. MLUQIWV. pwv,Oo=waya ftmp Ad moso IV a-lh! AIL ftl Avg 59 Z 7~, haturb)]. Gasollnep a Valuable Raw Miteria". for tim Cmudcal ln&=Uyp by V. 0. Nikola;Yeve~,t ct el; 7 iT - rMS-15MI'lip per,, GasovW P;5MAj4--QMa I# No 7., 1956, pp 37-40, Enal'to M-1606-57.. AFC339-lAl. Ar U34131 U&CM Boon - Industry rj Sai - Chemistry Oct 57 The Liqaefaction of Natural Gaa., by Yu. 1. Bokser-man, R. P. Polyanskiy, 9 pp. RUSSIANp mo perj, G&Mz_EEqLLjo 0., 1956, pp 19-25,, M41 to M 1535-577MR-1-111. sci - Fuele USSR Ecan - Gas Industry Aug 57 Al? lU4556 4- ?/ D -- 7-; -'~e W"~ 'F .1 Ponomarev, G.V. CALCUL DE I A PRESSION DANS LE FORAGE D'EX- PLOITATIO'N 6'.ApIlls LA PRESSION STATK~ITE MESURr-EA L'ORIFICE DLI TROLI (Computation of Red Pressures in Gas Wells from the Value of the Static Pressure Measured at the Mouth of the Well). 14p. 4refs. CNRS-XXV 30L Order from_QM ETC or CNRS $1.15 '1711-62-26363 ,rrans crencli-I)i Gazovaya Promyshlenn.ost.(LISSR) 1956, ~0-. . - DESCRIPTORS: *Mineral oils, 'Pressure, Measurement, TF-62-26363 1. Ponomarev, G.V. 11. CNRS-XXV 301 111. Centre National tie ]a Recher- che Scientifique, Piris OR.. 0 T-hnl,.l S-i- (EngiIICCI-111g, TT,\. 11, no. 6) C..". Prepar.ation of Crude 011 and Raluml Gas Ref Ining Applied cm an industris.1 Scale In the Eastern Regiono of the LIM., by N. D. Grintsev, A. 1. Vereshebmaln, a pp. RVOSUN mo per,,-QAz9mImL2=x6-NO 10, 1956.. pp 3D-34, Rool to IR .13Q-57$ AMIN-MI. AF 1100028 .2- --To;e WOR Hemomic JUL 57 loproveMout In Bff Icloney Of MAUts MWitylOg Solld ftsU st 210 Pressureop by S. U. I *man. rl 1 , x HUMUM, -per# "W- remit M 120 29%0 pp 7-9. wn um (Imtk) AL410 set - awl FWU -7-.7- VfV If The Econmimil Advantagoo of US Use of Natural Gan In Industrya by 1. TA* Form". UNCLAGazym. RUM") Per# fts- So S., 1957p Ipp 21-25. ODWTM :107 Usm Co-W Tr lkgwn 5T3 soon Nov 58 V020 0,27 Combu-ation of Lean 04sep, by L. D. fixetis~mnts., -at al. MICL mssum, par, Gas Proms No 4,t'1957i, PP 22-27- co-op Tr sotmim 644 12. 8e. Oa. In U.N. L3. 126. 0d. elsewhere Bel - Foole sop 59 $L" ()yj oil' St V. F. Yudia. RWSIAIT, per, Gazovaya Prom, Vol V, Moscow, 1957, pp io-i6. Dept of Interior BucfMiuea Contra-.1 Exper Sta Pittalrurgh,.Fa. Tr 516 Sol. ., ph~m. licmt of I~Loa -=Zamttaroo, by V. T. Vdavielanwo 5 Pp. 6# per,* a"j~7~ .957, PP 21-13 wwrim D. Meamm V I $2.50 bbr 59 Gas 'Ve]-l s, v~t 1. D. U:i-rilLhin, 21 pp, RLISBIAR, par, Gaz i~rom, 1~0 9, 1957. M&B Sci - Eagr Nov 6o CIA/FDD X-4475 lu-SIB DTITERNAL USE ONMY [Jmrikhine, I.D. EXAMEN, SUR NIODELES DE COUCHES, DU RtTA- BLISSEMENT DE LA i1RESSION DANS LES PUFFS DE GAZ (Bed Model Examination of the Pressure Re-Esta- blishment in Gas Wells). 15p. 5refs. CNRS-XXV 291. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1.20 1-r-62-26365 TransAin French)of Gazovaya Proinvshiennost (USSR) 1957, pr-!5-.------7- DESCRIPTORS: *Gases, Mineral oils, Pressure, Mining engineering. Well drilUng. M'-62_26365 1. Umrikhinc, I.D. -1. CNRS-XX%7 201 1-1. Centre National de la Becher- che Scientifique, Paris (Engineering, YI'. v. 11, no. 6) Hydraulic ric-i-istwice of Fouled PackiiiL,,-, b.i Em-Me.-Den, et al. RUSSIAN,, perj GazoY~,Ya-Pramx-ffo 9. 1957; pp 35-37. ... ATS RJ-128, ,9ci - Engr Apr 6o )V/-,/ -~~ ~~ GwIftea"(,lem of Carbon With Steel', in t%,Q Presanea of Oatal~wft, by V. 2. IMSHM. RUNYAN, par, !!i-"Ta rres, No 10.- 195T, PP 7-Vt - D"s cc lot YJB 1mr or KLVAS. P4;PSIBsblsu ZU' BU morgantmn, W I's. Sol - ymp, Apr $9 Krasnoyarski, X,.\r. tTABLISSE~IFNT DE PROJETS DES INSTALLATIONS DE PROTOCTION (':nNTRE LA CORROSION DES CA- NALISATIONS SOLITLRRAINES (Designing of Devices for the Protection (if Underground Pipelines from Corrosion). 24p. 10refr. CNRS-XXV 209. Order from OTS. ETC, or CNIIS $1.60 TT-62-26366 Trans.' 2a nmy:5bleTinont (LISSR) iIX I"r bf (4~ 19.57, v - no. 0, p.i24- . DESCRIPTORS: Pipes, "Corrosion inhibition, Under- ground structures, *Pipelines. 'i-r-62-26366 1. Krasn(ryarski, V.V. 11. C.NRS-XXV 209 M. Centre National de In Recher- che Scientifique, Paris E~. 7-6~. C~ (Metallurgy-Corrosion, TT. v. 11, no. 6) P=tial of, .-U--tharrie-Pro-pano b,-,.f 0". F. Gadkov, 'il. P. Pedulova. RUSSIAIT) por, Gazo-irg-,ni-Prom, No 10, ).1957, pp 32-39. Ims. -Rj-1183 SCi - ChOT11 Apr 60 // ~/ 'q I/ RVarience With Removal of Hydra&fi-5u-3XIau---k ft~aefs UsIxig the kroadc-Boda ffethod, by Y. 1. PaX.OlEOVSkii, T- 1. ECIII ILOVQ- RUSSW,, 1958,, Ym_ 19-V. AOM-3M4R AS-1507 SOL ftY 59 A 'SItady ol.* the CO Conversion Reiwtlou During SIA!,am- Ormificatior., by N. V. La;rmv, Greben- shchIkova. RUSSTAII, per., Gaz Prom, No 1, 1,R58, n, 20-25. DL-Dt of interior Bj~ of VInes Central Exper Sta Pitteburgh, I-L.. Tr r,,o6 Sci - Cht,.tm sl-. The Gma Industry of Polaxid, by A. Up,14jteyn, 12 pp. RUSSUN, mo per, Gas Prom,, No 2, Moscow, Feb 195B.- PP 49-53. -------- US JM/DC-L-428 Mur - Poland Neon - Gas Industry 0 /V,, t~s j,:-Or pvoduc-;:jOa Of. G20el-, Nyf.~r"-joll Of [TydrocFAfD0riS - L con - jkrt-yl~kbo%r, 13 RP- .kii;, pL m7 6o 10/ f-3' 7 .Vol ") ,lio Research into t1a Process of Gasifying Antb=aIta and Colm Breeze WLth Steam-Air Blastp by Me At pg2jstujgj% V. F. Yxndln. U,,Vl, M.81". perp Gaz Fromp So Sp 1958, pp 8.12. Sol - rMIG Now Ratmmi %,voilnee and Their Uses., by V. S. Urav*tzkOp V. 1. Poptw# A. L. KW 4 p 8 Vp. UNCL RUSSW* jars. G" PrCup No 8# 1955l VP 43-47. - AP LIM49 um Icon Fab 59 006 ;7~, d- V R -900 - (Br--VOO/2) Antialpated Gas RessEves of the USMO by V. 0. Vasil lyev, N. D. Ygin, 6 pp. RMIMS per, -G" -prcu, No 11 ~ -ft Ts' PP 1-4. JPM -183,9 -N usm Bacm - Techaaogiaa - Industry Aug 59 OX5 The Use of Eigb Pressures in Fluid Bed Gas Generators., by G. Secbenov, V. IS. Altshuler. RUSSIAN, per, Qazavoyaj~om, No 11, 1958, pp 12-18. ITLL(LOAN)Ref: 9022.606 19063 (2189) Sci-Chem April 64 Pokonov, N. Z. NEW AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRIVE FOR COM- PRESSOR STATIONS. (196115p. Order from ATS $8. 30 ATS-86N55R Trans. of Gazovaya Prom[yehiennost'] (USSR) 1958. v. 3. no. 11, P. 43-46. DESCHWMRS: *Compressors, Automatic, Electrical equipment. 62-12160 1. Title: Electric drive 1. Pokonov, N. Z. 11. ATS-86N55R Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc. , East Orange, N. J. (EagWeering-Electrical, TT. v. 7. no. 4) offl~ of Tothoical S"c*s TQObZlCMl V4'GV3-%rl OZ Sterres of Enturml a,= im Rcstro;za D~Vmi~ta.o by J. F=zcrovvki,, W. lolodslo.1, 12 pp. 1m.51, R(MVVil.. par., Gas Pvqmp Vol IVI No 1. Doaaccry; 1959., JM 1391-0 3~ MIT - ftinom &-con - vltwls., wwr Aslir 59 7 Production of HiCJaly Disperse TherrarLl Ccarbon Black ead Hydvogoa in an Inductrial. I'Turnace, by A. K. Ivnaov. RUSSTAN, per, Gaz Pramp_ Vol IV, NO 2j, 1959, mp 43-49. ATS Mr-1975 Sol - Eap ion 6o - 7e5'11 Fro6uation of Nietures of Cmrbon Mortexide nnd Hydroaen 7.Prcm Matuml "a by Conversion With O.Vgam Uuftr Frans=c. MOM RMSIM10 per* Gaz Prcmo 10 3s 1!7,i9., pp 34-39. DBIR IM RIB 1292 (32s. 6d. Sol - FMU Apr 60 -on o~ t-hc catal--,~,-i u Of 'Yrl-,pwinc~ With the Introduction of fydroG~m into the Reactica Zonc, by V. N. 1. Vinnikova, MUSIAN, per, Gazovaya Prom, Vol IV, lio 1959, pp 36-41. AM PJ-2075 Sci - Chm -T S mi*, 6o r .*ternimtion of the Purauters of a Reservoir Froa Preammo Dilld-Up Carves for Ma Wells., by E. U. Minskiy, Tix~ P. -Mnvrt&awv,, 0. A. Zotw, 8 pp. wwrms per, fts Promp Val IVj* No 5) 1959, PP 4-7- A20 9%35R ju-_ 60 i'" in, (r., - 3 coahl) - Tranda la tha Developa=t of the gas aQpply for Merin, by V. A Oal'perln) 9 Z. fULullaskaya, R. S. Plalta, L. I. Ulitakly, 15 pp. RUSSUN, per, On Prom.. Do 5., 1959, lip 20-26. ipp.0-19%;-N Usm Rcon/q.sech - industry HOV 59 aw'Ga lhasowsd ic Dwoamn md (O'art*ni-j.'er4;LlL! xatersuitua wwtera ja Vae Volija RegLam,, by 1. X. Zaahaul=,)v.* Dopt of Interior THT, E5,T., No Out N MOT ZsD 59 bo 61-10730 Rezdel, L. S. and Teodorovich, V. P. INVEMGATION ON C02 AND If2S AMRPTION 1. Methanol- -Absorptive RATES BY METVANOL IN MWER-CLIRRENT properties COUAIN, AT LOW TEMPERARIRES. (19601 [Op. Z. Carbon dioxide--Absorption Order from LC or SLA tni$ 1. 80. ph$1. 80 61-10730 3. flydrogen sulfidcs-- Absorption ryotVyah ennost' (USSR) 1959. Trans. of G#_uw&Va 4. Cases- -Purification _ no. 7. p. 1�-33. 1. Bczdci, L. S. I.I. Teodoravich. V. P. Carbon dioxide absorption rate from a gas mixture by methanol under I atm and 15 atin pressures was 0. 15 to 0. 4 ml/hr at -300C and 0. 6 to 1.0 m2/hT at -500C. 51836 Hydrogen sulfide absortition rates at -300 were 2 to 4 m2/hr. Methanol washing of city ps at -300 and -500 resulted In a 70 to 95% extraction of organic sulfur compounds. (Author) Whennintry, TT, v. S. no. 9) WSW of TGA"W SWOD" Namiat, A. Yu. MANGES IN COMMSMON OP GAS IN OIL AND GAS ACCUMULATIONS AS A RESULT OP T[fE SOLLITION OF GASES IN WATER (lzmeniyeGazoV Sostava Ncftyanykh I Gazovykh Zalezhey v Resultate Raarvoreniya Gazov v Vode). Feb 61 191p. 12 refs. RTS 1721. Order from LC or SLA ml $ 1. 80, ph$l. 80 - 61 -15931 Trans. of Va4avajaL romyshlentwxat' (USSIO 1959. 8, p. - M ---- v. 4. no. _V Another translation to available from ATS $11.65 an ATS-95M39R (19W) lip. 1.51995 A77!;/R,T--25YY (Ch=i &try- -Physical, IT. v. 5. no. 9) . 61-15931 1. Gases- -Solubility 2. Petrolearn--Atwlysis 1. Narniot, A. Yu. It. RTS-1721 Ill. Department Of Scientific and industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) 000 of TeAdw IN I Wjment; Design for a Procoas to Obtatn Acetylene tV the Oxidative PyrDlysis of Methane b5r V. 1. Balyta, Z. X. Zel I mmyl, et alo A 179. MOM., pw Gaz Prom, Vol IV,, no q.? 1959,, 1w 36-iiF-- c1l ATBA3N39,R ,A -TSIR:Y - Z Sa MW 62 6 5? Va IV.. w0 e Utilization of the Heat From Nucluar Reactora for Producing Synthesis Gae and Hydrogen, by ID. Yu. Gamburg. M M.IAN.* per,, Gaz Prom V01 IV.- NO 10., 1959,, pp 17-20. NaB A.iB6B R.1891 Sci 0 '- - - Aug 61 List No 41