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S - 9 -f -2/ 64 On the Mechanism of the Curareform Action of Paramion, by V. E. Mayevskiy. (Sr-3348) RUSSIAN., per, Farmak i T&sik., Vol =I, No 2, 1964, pp lB4-186. AIRS _1 6 1-7 /7 Sci - Chem sept 64 Anesthetizing Activity. of New Aqyl Derivatives of Phewthiazine, by Ye. A. Spalva, 5 pp. RUSSMN, per, Farmakol, i Tokaftol, Vol XXVH, No 2, 1964, pp 189-1193--.- JPRS 26717 Sci - Chem Oct 64 267,881 Antiul -)mv,-,oIAc of ~-ome of Tionzylic ana Diphenylar-e tic kc ids, by t'"alecov, 7 pp. -er i Toksikolof Vol 1117., ';T.o 3j, 1964j, pp 262-287. J --:; P.S) 2 86 B I I; S ~~ i f, I ,~'Cj ]JO r,,eb 65 275.25b is~,. asi-jo die Action of Substituto-i --l'ye-dic .!~.nylllydrazidesjy by V. E. Kolle. and. 7. G. Vubov,a:, 8 P,;,)* .1 ~: PeIrs FarialcoloAza i Vol 27, ::o 3, 3.964., pp, 2,U7--292. LT;-;Rs V U-111 IJF~"R B-ci-L'do P, 1:ed ' Sel 2750255 Svar6tm; I'Cor iiew Tranquilizers iii ivniiiopyra7ule Series, by A. N. Kudrin, L. G. Pulevoy, ot al., -0 J)F- IZUSSIM, 1,01, FaMakolcgiya i I.okqdkoloijyapF Vol XXVIIP No 3, M4, pp Z915-37M., JPRS 2aGSIL USSR I ci-IACI ~ Uad Sci S r-ob (4 275,256 Analgesic Properties of "Iixt-ures of Quinino, Pmi3Ddol,, and Chlor,pron, a-zinc. RUSSUN', per, Fani--dwl I TolLsikol, Vol 270 11o 4, 1063, p1) 429-4,52. NLI 6-42-65 &Ci/aQm Jul 05 28:59734 Airbi~3!--as-;vdic Action DIC SOME of .i- .illemylawtic I~eid and TtAl J)er.'VIUVO8j, by r . Z, -t-m S Liber, 9 p. TRUS -arrnmkalof Ya i Toksikolof~l per, -y 11 o 1 17%, pp Mir -(",0. .. .~~ o 63 j'~;,Rn 0681 USSRN Sci-Dlo & 1-,'~ed "ci rieb 65 2 -15., 2" ?'7 '-[p-InI.AcrzII---',.~j J:ctucen Chernical ',Phar~:ac-.-Iogical Acti-.Lty in ted A-,j twtbies,, by G. ~'-. hratyurKvan, vii-el L. F. !".10slitbina., 9 pp. Vol 21, z1b 6s 1964,9 [v 97",t"76. Sci-;1.1o Z~ `4kd Sci Feb 65 275,258 Efl,'actz- of ('.;artain 'fortiaxy a;-.U' C-purtlarizary quinuctiuLws aiLd Polatocs Coupounds on tiie Choliio- reactive Sy.Tst"- oi the Organism, by K. A. Zaytsova, !1. U, 1),41slikovskly, Ot -.11" 6 pp. I Firmawlogiya i Tokusikolol OUSISMS I)ol.** _,,iya 0l , I I V Xxv is No u, 19U4, pp 686-690.. ipiks ZL661 Lissi-I., Sci-itio %'4- uad !~ci Feb 65 2759259 Pharacological Characteristics of Hemicholinium as in Inhibitor of Acetylcholine Susnthesis, by S. N. Golikov and S. I. Loktionov., 7 p. RUSSIAN, Fer, Farmakologiya i Tok.,;ikologiya, Vol XXVII, No 6, 1964, pp 690-692. CFST1 TT 66-60304 Sci-B&M Jtm 66 303.698 Evaluation of Therapeutic Properties of Sulfon- amides by Their Distribution in Tissue Mcro- structures, by G. A. Gurtivio, 7 j?. RUSSIAN, per, Farmakologiya i Toksiko-log-i-ya, Vol XXVII, No 6, 1964, pp 729-732. CFSTI TT 66-60303 Sci-B&M Jun 66 303,697 y;.-i"ItIrocc Of [~-Cr "p, Oil llil-v a4" '?issue Sulfftydryl ri-If 'a; is (-,,-r1 the !"echvm2iem ("bvierning tbe ActIvity of by Y. A. rea-erg',Ay and T101 27" E'O 6, 19Wtv 'Pp 732-',-35. USSR Sci-Dt.j 19. "'.ed Sci Yeb 65 275.,2W of C-ertain UvLsions of the rervwui SyiAwa in ithe ilcchaaism of Actim of I liamarvilogical Agento of tLe xcitory and ive Ty,,es., by Ya. heNuzov and T. pp. "WS rer,, Fanrakoloj,,&:3 i Toksiloloviya, ,)p WA 't, Val 2.17,1 ~Fo b.. l9bli,q ,PT6 2a6BI Sel-Kilo ~~ '.,'ed :~:ci Feb 65 275.,261 Optic4fl Iso-merism and 'Puiarnacolor-ical 1,cild- of ',~icvcral ST;be-6.ances Tfavi-g ll-edia~.or T I T -po Act iVityp by P. ZatCCq3~-Ilj, 10 PP - HiSS-IMI., Per., Far-alcologia i Toksilooo~:Iya,, Vol 27, IN:5 6.9 1964j, pp 750-756. 'T~,its 26LIa U BE SM Sci-M, ek .',cd Sci Fab 65 275,262 Pharmacological Research in Rt-gh-Molecular Anticoagulants, by N. V. Petryayevskaya, A. V. Valdman, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Farmakol I TokslKol., Vol XXVM, ~- 34. No 3, 1964. pp 31-d--'- JPRS 26645 Sci - Chem Nov 64 269,551 on the Effect of Anesthesia on tho Reaction of Hypophyso-Adrenal System to Stress, by E. R. BaWamyan, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Farmakol t ToksilLol,-Vol XXVIH, No 3, 1964, pp S -33 . J-PRS 26645 Scl - B & M Nov 64 269,552 ForMS: of Adrenal Morphophysiological Reorganization From the Effect of Strong Stressor and Iligh Acth Doses, by V. 1. Prilutskiy, 7 pp. RUSSLAN per, Farmakol i Toksikol. Vol XXVIII, No 3, R4 pp 33W--J47.--- JPRS 96645 .S,xkci - B & M Nov 64 269,553 Pharmacological Characteristics of Terramethyl- eystamine, by Yu. E. Streltnikov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN ,,,per, Farmakol i Toksilwl, Vol XXVIII, No 3, . pp JPRS 26645 Sci - B & M Nov 64, 269,554 Distribution and Removal a A13-Merc-apto- propylamine and Tagged S From the Organism of Mice, by G. V. Kallstratov, Ye. F. Raomantsev, 6 pp.., RUSSIANO per, Parmakol i ToksiI.A-Kol XXVIIJ, No 3, 1964, pplg~4--207--- JPRS 26645 Sci - B &- M Nov 64 269,555 W-5802 ) Mmrmcolcgy ani Toxicolo" of Organophosphorus CompouMs, by S. N. Golikov, V. I. RGzangart, 106 pp. RUWUN., bkj, Ear~.akqlo a nufarorsanicheakikh Sqyedii~eniyL 1960, pp 1-112. JPRS T835 Sci - Mod may 61 Of tile Corm,-ti-y Circulatical, I)y v. .4.. Kaverina, 202 pilo 1.Jj;Lk;V--6Io bk. FarL~akologiya Koronampgo Krovo- ubrasiLdWIdya, XJSCO;9, 1963- 'PY F-33G Sui - LI ~ L4 Uct 65 Uti$372 (-mz ,!65,3n-) Conmarning the Che=dma Sensitivity of Intero=ptarD, by U. L. Wlen klyj, 9 py RWSTM,t bk Raqu iakm- VP CIA/MMIV.-Q-065 WNW Sal - Had. Aw 5 6 (FW 2W3) The Street or Ptdwm laterforins 'With RespIratory Phosphwyl&tbm cc the Functlm od' 1-btar Dame ings.. loy V. M. Xw"ik., 29 pp. M83=: bkj. auskeftaWkim XAkwmt=MaLhl lmad*o"A 19531 pp 15X-IbT- CIA/m/0-8066 us= Ekd - Noftelm Apr 56 ((Pw P.65M) The Clwliuowemsitlzing and Tnolinixlytic Wfects of proati,pinao, IW N. L. B*goyRvjenWm*s., 8 pp. RU=M.. bk ft"N"RAM &Me lekanLiogge IMIMS L.PWXVM# J-9:i3a IV IW-IT-- CWnD/0-8067 USSR Sci - XM. AVv 56 Phmx=cology or New Sedative Materials and TheLr Clinical Ume, by S. V. Antebim, 199 pp. EMM, b1c, g~~~ogtyu..Novykb-Zeqqtiva Sredstv L M 1311W 2~~~e PrImmeniye pp -m'PA No I to IN 694-te, 22 Ucit 1962., 51 18. ACSI 1-2226 ID 22n667 63 iacc,L ;)- ~;, iizw,&iook ior Vota-rinazi 34. "- J). 1. Ye. 11.0ZL7,ove 1106 pl~. voustvc. ldya I~c prillawilyi'll V'racimy i~uskvu, IDOIV 6.64 Ffb-llf-US-974 66 bil"I'65 Excerpts from "Farmakoterapiya Posobiye dlya Vrachev, by A. I. Cherkes, 24 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Farmakoterapiya Popobiye dlya Vrachev,.- Kiev, 1955, Encl to IR-1547-565,v,7: . , -:~, , - .- AF 1916,994 USSR Sci - Medicine S-2196 by A. I. Cherkes. RUSSIAN., bk, Larrp . ,kQterap~y~.~o.sobiye !4ya Vra Kiev, 1955, pp 310-11. 2/4/57 '. . '. -, I I'll Extraction Under the Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations, by L. A. Shunyanl-skiy. RUSSIM, per: Farmatsevticheskiy Zhur-, Vol H# 1959 pp 27- . - 2B- NLL [ITS 2483 (loan copy) Jul 64 Reviev of Certain Pbarmceutical journmiap by M. M. TU-13MVIch., I. R. M. Pimlomzkop I. R. Gnidets., 7 PP. UKRAIRM per, FarmtesvUebin :2m~Vbl XV., No 1, 1960, yp 65-87. JPRS W-33 Sci - Red Aug 61 (De-4446) Drugs for the Treatment of Naligcaut Tmors., by S. V. Mikolayeva., 8 pp. RUSSM., part FarmatcerbychW Zhart Vol XIV., go 6,, 1960, pp ITI, - JPPZ 6283 SOL - Ned / -~rg Nov 60 (NY-h-686) Preparations for the Therapy of Maligmant Tumors, by 0. V. Vladzimirs'lca, 10 pp. U.KRUNM, per, Zhur, Vol XV, No 3, 14aY/Jun 1960, pp 8-1'-:'). JM 561B Sci - Med ;7, Sep 60 . I I ~] - I ~ -. - - - - - - - - - Extraction by the Effect of Ultrasonic Waves, by L. A. Shinyans'kiy. RUSSIAN, per, Fannatsevticheskiy Zhur, No 5, 1960, pp 48-49. NLL RTS :2562 (loan) Sep 64 Makin Erbracts by Mmm of Ultrasound., by N. Ya. Aynkmas et al. . Zhurnal RU3SIO., per. Farmtseyticheskly ===w 19153~, val 16; No 4a 1546. ML WS 2W0 (On Lom or Parabase) e, 1--s r r #f -,/, 41 - / ~ ~ 4 ~, - Aug 65 288,gUl I I'.,,-,. - - "!-.I BJnding of Alkaloids With Protein Materials., by V. P. Kramarenko., 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Farmatseytychnyi Zhurnal, 1961, vol 16., no 4., pp 16-20. SrA TT 64-18354 jui 66 30%.413 Preparation and Properties of Ithyl Cleate., by V. Pe Ousyalcov and F. A. Zhoglo. RUSSIM., per, Farmatsevtydmi:L Zti-umal, No 3., 1962., pp 28-3h7.- NTC 71-1476o-,o6o Feb 72 Some Phanaaoeutical Compounds Incompatible idth Dimedrol md Spasrwlybin., by M. I. Pechmyi. IWSSIAN, per, FanmtsevtvdhrxU 2hurnal Vol 17., No 5,, 1962., pp 33-38. NTO 71-14762-.o6o Feb 72 Compatibility of Papaverine Hydroohloride Vith jUali-Reactive Subatances in Liquid Drug Formal by 0. 0. Ryabukhina. RUSSIAN, per, Fagmateeytyahail Zhurnalp Vol 17# No 6, 1962, pp 48--54 NTO 72-11427-060 June 72 Synbbftsm at 9109Y AeUve Antl3deroblal =a no nabon Dwtnkuvqwo 1w 0. ve Aw4k- 1. VMIIOVskap 22 jV. pui M a =amp vcaml 30 36 IMP 10-22- =lt%VM33 3069BB Scd - IRS*3*d=l =A IbUml Satenas Aur 6T Use of Ultrasound for Producing Tinctures from Alkaloid and Glucoside Plant Material, by Go A, Vaismm, at al, RIBSIMI, per, F=m Zhurnal, VC1 XVIII, No 4, 1963. pp 61-65~-. NLL RTS 3898 On DO= Only Sci-Bal Jul 67 3300602 Broad-leaved Groundsel and thc~ Sarracim.: Alkaloid, by D. 1.1uraviova. RUSSIAN, pur, Farinatsevt. Zhurn;llj Vol 19, No 2., 1964, pp 29-'31. CSIRO/ITO. 7327 Sci - jui 67 334"T89 alstrotdw Work at the UkrW'nj Scientific Society for the yew 1963.o iw m. x. DA*&an,. u)p. U""W.m I*rj. rou- Zb-s Vol 19P 19~p Ipp 72-T4. Dept of am 4&3/= MW sci-am Oct C6 310AU ()romdxwum cc mwua Cam for the Romberg. 6p., peopus IV U" I vmrj, ram. ta. Vol. Igj, 296h... 3p 0 so m0 Dept of Xwy MWIJM 20.96 Sol-,Am oet 66 310j,40 MmMrOved PbarAMY Ota=,, Iv A. :Eu. Cuts. 49. UVAIXMP imro Z!M- Zh- Vbl 3~1)v 1964, pp a D*b cc Buy 4W./m 200T r sel-M oat 66 33-0j460 of -*-,Ii(! Acuuj~iul tion of nin in a L, - a C) Sana,tonin (,;antonica) worri-wocwi, I,( - - ~~!atsiy IL a i L 1 11 r7 IIISDOC/1'a-f- :T- 275- Sci 27 july I 331-);L Sbepanov. A. V. and Mul, V. K, MEDICINAL COWKKWDS: GLUCOSIVES OP I - Stepenov, A. V. NMO(MN OONTAMM WWANCHS. 1. nM H. Shtal, V. K. GIAX)OSM OF URRA. 1196114p. 13 raft. III - Title: Ghwooldes Order from OTS w SLA $1. 10 61-20732 IV Title: Gloooside ... Trans. ot!armatody j(USSR) IM, no. 11, p. 16-19. DESCRIPMRS: *Ursa, Ursa derivatives, *0lueosjdsm6 Synthesis, Diuretics. *Me glucoside of urea can be owdly obt"ned in water. aleabol MA&vm in the presence of a small quantity of HCI. In We way well-formed crystab we obtained d a high degree of purity. The reactisat can also be cuTied out to addifted 93% aftl de", homar. in view or the pow solt"Ilty of wtuenm& in &~ than metbod has no advantaips. (AW) (BiolosicaIF4ewos--PbuTmecdop,Tr, offi~.l 7.6.1c.1 sw~,C.% chamica " rodoAaLul bw M6 V* Teows Upe Rupm Pws MERAILVP Val 6s no 60 1"39 2642- an a=3L sai 333,p OIL A& 67 on Mif k,*"q Of S,9w-,:*vle4 not", tuoU A T* t0ossk~ M!'t fl*~ftft -.-Ass eve 14 INTRICATE IWVEST14ENT CAST I NG, 13Y V M. KOROLEV, U V. M, STEPANOV, 170 PP. RUSSIAN, DKj Wio ~IOYE~LLtYF;,_PO VYPLAVLYAYEt.Ml MODELY41, MOSCOW, 1962, PP 1-15~ JPRS 2250., SCI-MAT u,-MET JAN 64 245,111 Fauna and Biological Productivity of the Sea, by L. A. Zenkevich. BUSSIAN, b1c, Fauna i Biologicheskaya Produktivnost' -More-i-,.Severnye Moria,_ R*kx Chap I~ Table of Contents, 1947, PP 7-35. t7vlavy Tr No 1436/H0 439 Sci - Biology Jan 1957 CTS/dex Tl,c"s Sl~-Iallest Parrots, by S. PILISSI.PuN., bk, Fauna och Flora No 5 1961, -pp 161-173. --''t-1--1- .9 p CSIRO/No 5832 Sci Fab G3 Fauna and Flora of the Bay of Naples, by Adolf Naef, 292 pp. FAUNA UND FLORA DES GOLFES VON NEAPEL L714D DER ANGRENZENDEN NEE-RES-ABSCM=E, Monograph No 35, Cephalopoda, Berlin, 1921/1923, Pt 1, Vol 1, Fascicle I. NTIS TT 68-50343/1 Feb 73 Fauna and Flora of the Bay of Naples,. by Adolf Naef, 917 pp - FAUNA E FLORA DEL GOLFO DI NAPOLI, Monograph No 35, Cephalopoda (Systematics), Berlin 19223. Pt 1, Vol 1, Fas.2. ims TT 68-50343/2 Feb 73 Fauna of I~wsia aadAdjacent Couitries; L'dunccennata; Ed~oidea,, by A. JI.I. D'yakmav. 265 A?. UWIN4,, bk, Eama Rossii i Sct)n!del nyk-h Strail; la4sm1maF. f,=Lzhi, vol 1, 170 10 1923. 1969. CrS'.U Tr 68-60345 sci/b md iii apr 69 380,013 AradMidea) scorploriss by RUSSIAN bk* Vot-ann Rcm;dl StonjajW- TT 64-11115 'm sa/BIL mity 65 A.A. BydynitSkU-13irulYa- Vol 1, 14o 1, 1917. 154 pp. 279,469 limect Lepidopteras Vol Is .',Io 1. ~ No 20 by N, Ya. guznetsov, 385 ps RLESIA3, bk, Fauna Hossii Sizircdolpylh Stran. Vol L, No 1, Danaidaim. Potrogari, 1915, 336 p 0 ; Vol 1, NO 2, Ascii-Jac (Danaidae) -p 337-S85, 1929, 49 p. '-~CPSTI IT 66-511,12 USSR sci/DFUI~i Flab 66 Nikol'sldl, A. M. FAUNA OF RUSSIA AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES: AMPHIBIANS, tr. by F. Par. 1962, 225p. refs. PL-480 Smi. Order from OTS $ 2. 25 60-21813 Trans. of mono. Fauna Rossil I Sopredel'nykh Stran: Zemnovodnye, Petrograd, 1918 [314p. DESCRUTOILS: *Amphibians, Classification, Morphology, Anatomy, Distribution. Ecology. Bibliography. 60-21813 1. Nikol'sldl, A. M. 11. Title: Amphibians Ill. Title: Zemnovodnye IV - PL-480 Smi (60-21813) V. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. (Biological Sciences --Zoology, TT. v. 8, no. 11) office of ve"Col Some*$ Faura or ths U'S.S.R.9 lopldoptesse RUSSUNO parip Eamum M& bmk=gM Cbembm- kryle Val 40 No 20 Part 29 1964,, CMI TT 67-31342 S .ocdjWxc Nov 68 -71r00281 61-19189 Luk'yaooidct4 F. K. and Ter-Minasynn. M. E. [GRAIN BEETLES) (BRUCMDAR). 111. BRUCHINAE. 1. Title: Bruchidae tr. by R. Ericson. 7 Aug 58. 2p. (Hp. refs. omitted). 1. Luk'yanovich. F. K. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-19189 11. Ter-Minsayan, M. E. 1,11. Title, Bruchinae Trans. o( Fa-UP11-S.&S.1- jNovaya Serlyal 1957, Y. 24, xo& f.-p. 31-33 and 143-144. DESCRIPTORS: *Cereals, "Coleoptera, Reproduction, Seeds, Ta=nomy, Plants (Botany). Insects, Ecology. (Biological Sciences- -Zoology. IT. v. 9, no. 12) Office of Techtdc3d Services Makarav, V. V. CRUSTACHA, VOL. X, NO. 3, ANONIURA (Ral:oo- braznyc)tr. by F. D. Por. 1962. 283p. PL-48OSmi. Order from OTS $3. 00 60-21822 Trans. of Fauna SEZ311. [Novaya Seriyal [19381 v. 16 [337p. J. DESCRIMRS. *Ciustacea, Aquatic animals, Marine biology, Shellfish *Classification 60-21822 I.Tide: Anomura 1. Makarov, V. V. 11. PL-480 Smi (60-21822 Ill. National Science Foundation, Washington. D. C. This volume deals with One Of the large taxonon-dc divisions of the Decapoda. Niz.. the Anomura. the hermi i c nih- ln Lbe introduction, a short anatomo- morphological outLine and also very succinct data are given on the biology and zoogeography of the Anomura. Owing to its specific character, the data on thetan-Lily Paguridae are preceded by a special Introduction, In ittiantaoill) Is examined in greater detail, while Offi- T-W-1 S-i- (Biolo~ical Sciences- -Roology. TT, v. 8. no. 8') (ovcr) Svetovidov, A. N. FISHES~ VOL. K NO. obraznye) cr. by Walter 1962, 304p. 150 refs. Or&r from ars $3. 00 63-11071 4: GADIFORMES (Ryby. Tresko 1. Sverovidov. A. N. 1. Walters %%ritll Vh1dimir Walters. It. PL-480 Smi (63-11071) PL-480 Smi. 111. National Science Founda- 63-1.1071 tion. Washington. D. C. I 11V. Title- Gadtformes Trans. of Zau~~ S. SjjR, [Novaya Sertyal 1948, v. 34 [221p. 1. DESCRIPTORS, OFishes, Classification, Distribution. Morphology, *Anatomy, Ecology, Geography, Paleo- ecology, *Cod, *Marine biology. A monographic survey of the gadolds of the world. Special attention is given an osteologically based morphology. taxonomy to the species level, and world- wide distribution patterms. Notes are also included an such topics as the lower taxonomic levels, commercial Importance, Biology, and synonymy of the group. (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, TT. v. 9, no. 4) Ofte of Tedwkal SerAces Rylov, V. M. CRUSTACEA, VOL. III, NO. 3: FRENHWATER CYCLOPOIDA (Rakoobraznye: Cyclopolda PresnylJ) %'od) rr. by A. Mercado. t963, 314p. 292 refs. PL-480 Snil. Order from M $3. 25 63-11163 Trans. of Pauna SSSR. [Novaya Serlya] 1948, v. 35 [320p. DESCRUIMM *Crustacea. Rivers. "Shellfish, Taxonomy, nUxine biology. Aquatic animals. 63-11163 1. Title: Cyclopodla I .Rylov, V. M. 11. Title- I, reshwater ... Ill. Title: Cyclopoida ... IV. PL-480 Smi (63-11163) V. National Science Foundation, Washington. D. C. (Biological Sciences --Zoology, TT, V. 10, no. 8) office ad TWO" servim Some Characteristics of the Sub-Family Cantantopinve by L. L. Mischchenko. RMSM, per, Fcuna SSSR - Nesekoinye rriuao-rylye No 2, lc,~52, pp 24-31 NZDIA sc-.; - Jul 67 334,216 Svetovidov, A. N. FISHES, VOL. 2, NO. 1: CLLTFEIDAE (THE HER- RINGS) (Ryby, v. 2. no. 1: Clupeidae (Sel'devye) tr. by Z. Krauthamer and E. Roifer. 1963, 428p. PL-480 Smi Order from OTS $ 4. 25 61-11435 Trans. of Fauna S. S. S. R. Novaya Seriya, 1952, v. 48. DESCRIVrORS: *Fishes, *Taxonomy, *Clupeidae, Morphology, *Anatomy, Ecology, Distribution. 61-11435 I. Svetovidov. A. N. U. PL-48OSmi (61-11435) PL-480-PST-126 111 . National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. IV. Title: Clupeldae (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, TT, v. 10, no. 6) low d IrMAN" swwk" Aradimoidect, by A. A. Zac-,Iinatldz. RWOM, WL, FW-,PU Of thO UWE, NCkl VI, lk, 1. I - -1- ...... -- NIH RM, JUn 60 Sauciullda' by B. 1. 4--cm- xUatzov. IV& i SIAM, W-., riaum of Uxe- URCRj, Vol IV, No '2. Dili RMT Jun 60 L. L. Mi.shcher-ko. P,USS!All, blir~, F~~na SS,9R-j- 1952, Vol LIV, " 10 Pp- *PL-430 S(-- i Jul '-S 3 E. V. Borutskiy, 396 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Fauna of U.S.S.R., 'Vol 111, No 4, Motscow, 1952. OTS 64-11026 PL-480 Sci - Diol & Med Sci Jan 65 270,503 Fauna of the U.S.8,R. (Coleoptera),, : Families - Amphizoidae, Wgrobiidae., Haliplidae,, Dytiscidae, Gy-rinidae., Vol IV, by F. A. Zayitsev, 401 pp. RMIAN,, bk., Fame SSBR. (NazekomWe ZhesUdkrylye), (Plavunts= i Vertyaebki,, Vol IV,, 1953. NTIS TT 70-50174 APr 72 ---.--Uzutp va % ib 4s prawafto: -- '- -' 40d Aeutblmwv bw li. A* TAIDN4 30be RVWVI36 paro Fama S'S.S.R. Novae L. ..Va 96- 305% Agpo aw-"665-9WO5 333j, 6.52 ml ja 67 Novikov, G. A. CARNIVOROUS MAMMALS (Kftishchnyeh4lekop1ta- yushchie) tr. by A. HiTron and Z. S. Cole. 1962. 294p. refs. PL-480 Int. Order from LITS $3. 00 ft-ii4w Trans. of Fauna S. S. S. R. [Novaya Seriyal 1956, v. 62. DESCRIVMRS: *Mammals, *Classification, *Anatomy *Ecology, Economics. Bones, Skull, Teeth, Growth, Age, Body, Measurement, Fur. Agriculture. 61-11403 1. Novikov, G. A. 11. PL-480 Int (61-11403) 111. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. The preBCnt volume Is an attempt to provide the readtm first of all, with a practical aid In Identifying predatory animals and, secondly, with basic data on their mor- phology. distribution and biology, to familiarize the reader with this subject. and at the same time to en- courage him to acknowledge the as yet unsolved prob- lemg on which attention Must be focused. To facilitate offi" .1 T_Niml IW~4_5 (Biological Sciences --Zoology. IT. v. 7. no. 7) (over) Irvesbintor CyaoMida.. by V. X. Fgaov.. 314 pp. MOSUM b1n, ., . Ifol XlIo Do 3j, 1948.- pp 1.3140 PIO-W an 63-"3 Sol - 13101 & lbd &A PH a; 466 Due 6.3 mop Fresh Water Vyvlopoids, by V. M. Rylo,%r. RUSSIAE, bk, Fauna SSSR, 1950, Vol x UXV, 23 '220 pp. -------- *PL-48o Sci - Jill -~-)3 Seal, ~alton, Parasites and Protection, by it. Vi k. f 0)~~ oil RUSSIAN, bk, ~!o 2. 1959, pp 91-96. GB/241/570 Sci-Biol 4 Had Sci Mar 63 -).:~ 5~ -.1 ~1, I- V 77- Fama of U38R; Musk Doe and Dosr., by L K. Flwm, RUSSUM., bXp Fame OM HlekopitsWusbabie Margi i oloolp 1952V 020 60-2U56 MAW POT 323 fud - Blal Doe 60 Some Characteristics of tuhE! Sub-Fami2,,r Catantopinae, by L.L. Misclicheriko. RUSSIAN, per, Fauna SSSR - Nasekonkye priamokrylye, No. 2, 1952, pp 24-31. NZDIA Sci - Aug 67 335-976 Table for the Determination of IKfkKX Species of Pognophora by their tubes. RWSIAN, bk, Pau a SSSR. Novaia Serii-, No 75, pp ~263, 1960, NZDIA Sci-Biol Med Sci 2 -5' Mar 63 1. hawv, A. V. POGONOPHORA (Pogoodlory) D.& Carli" tr. 1963. trom API or" Trsns~'of I" SSSR bimays"Stzl3s, 19K am 73, 271p]. 7T-64-126" 1. brawy, A. V. X1. Academic Press, I=, New York Scimices-Bmany. TT, v. 12. om 4) 1 ffl.. 0 T..h.l..l $.,,I ... E__Y a"1941-01L. 2, No. 3, CHARADRIIFORMES SU60RDER ALCAE. (Ptitsy, tom 2. vyp. 3, 117bankoobrazny-e Potiotryad Chistikovye) tr. by R. rttinger- fr~~c 61 Ij 14Dp. 80 refs. PL-480 Smi. Order from OTS $1. 50 60-21815 Trans. of Fauna S.S. S. !,~~riya, !961, v. 65. DESCRIPTORS: *,3irds, *Age, *Aaatomy. Feathers, Underwater navigation, Ecology, 'ClassJication. *Skeleton. Sird navigation. Like the four preceding parts (published between 1937 and 1947 and devoted to the ~wdy of Inid-) the present volum,! la ba.,ed mainly an investigations of collected material kept at the 7oological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of i 1:~~R. Attention Is paid to functional- morphological ana~,,,~is as well as to an elaborate (Biological Sciences --Zoology, TT. v. 7. no. 4) (over) 60-21815 1. Title: Charadrilformes 1. Kozlova, r. V. 11. PL-480 Smi (60-M15) 111. National Science Foundation. Washin6ton, D. C. 0111- f T-WcO 5-1-. I p f. 41i /4+ A) S c -1 fl i El c, v 3 1 IV/ b- L. Fauna USSR. Orthoptera, by G. Yu. Bei-Beinko. RUSSIAN, bk, Fauna SSSR. Pryamok.rylye, Vol II, 1954, 385 pp. *PL-480 OTS 65-50014 Sci Sept 64 ftum of the am* ASOKUM* CSUWt&Mj, by ve Vb volowov* FXNMO am*# -6 ~* un fthwupur 0 Vol X1, so -0 ~i rfl, 60 ow Fauna of USSR. Crustacea. Anomuz,a, by V. V. ~%karov, 22 283 PP. RUSSIAN, bk, Fauna SSSR- RakoobrazVe, Vol X, No 3, 1938. oTs 6o-218pp FL-48o Sci - Biol Nov 62 PST 225 r,' Ih '~ / i ~ it Z Freshwa3mer Iscpods, by Ya. A. Birsteyn, 148 pp. RUSSIAN,, bk, Fauria SSR, LRakoobraznye, Vol V11, No 5, 1%51. OTS 64-HO25 PL-480 Sci - Biol & Med Sci Jun 64 260,387 Ciupolftc,p 1:Qr A. Mb Bmtovidovp 428 pp. RUSSU . IN., bkj, Vol 11., fro J., 1952~p ITP 1--428. PLAW ovs 61-U435 sol *- Biga & Ned set 4:jkl % 14 6? Doe 63 Sv*tovidov. A.N. 1952 (Clupoidso) Soldevye (Clupe:Ldae)) Founa 33SR, Hybyj g(l) (-.ool. inst. Akad. nauk SSSR, Novala sop ia. (48)), lad. Akad. nauk SSSR, Moscow, 331P. in Russian. Tranal. by IPST for HSF and Smithsonian Inst., 1963 428p.. monog. Avail. HTIS as TT 61-11435, price $3.00. Iwo tran3l., one excerpt of pp. 73, "Fish behavior in an electrical rield," and other of section 11 Sarinops, Sgrdinops Sar,ax and S'P'r'o a ax malanostigta," both by Anatole I P L S. Loukauhki OT "End ov. 195:$.,rirst 2p.. 3econd 16p., typescriet. Another transI. of pp. 145-166. "Clupos harenaaa 2�11451.1 1959, avail. Dr. Norman D. Wilimovsky, In3t. for Fish. Res., Univ. of British Columi a, Vancouver. Avail. on Loan - MPS, Wash.. D.C. Original Article CheckedO 63-15156 Brodskii, K. A., ed. THE COPEPOD FAUNA (CALANOIDA) AND ZOOGEO- 1. Brodskil, K. A. GRAPHICAL DIV12ONS OF THE NORTH PACI14C AM ill. Fish and Wildlife Service, ADJOINING WATERS; SELECTLD PARTS, tr. by Washington, D. C. Donald A. 'I'homson. 1961 [79] p. 297 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $7.60 63-15156 Partial trams. of rmno. DEXIRIPTORS: *Crustacca, *Marine biology. Plaalmon, *Pacific ocean, Analysis, Geography, Distribution, Oceanography. A new method of zoogeographical analysis of the poorly studied grotpa is presented In which Calanida are (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, TT, v. 9. no. 9) (Over) office of Tededud Se"Ices seramte or metal 14 zim ana Zlm QcUWv by Be Be MulAtormvv and V. S. yomlmwm MMBMNj, Up PhWr" Madftskly Anal4s Rudl I mainaMp pp 95-99. Dept CC Mwy W Tram OD 2TI9 sa4brbs2lals ion 69 369pW W-22643 Palatnih, I- S. abS Landau, A. L PHASE HQUILMRIA Eki MULTICOhRIONMqT SYS- i. 'noe., muivc(x,,pcm3trt TMAS. IM3, 42Dp . aystemc, Order frcm S;.-dpea TerWc&, Mr-, IODD Vermont1 1. palawk, L. Am, N. A., VVU-.Ut;gtm, 5, D, C. n. Lan&u, A. L % 01. Scriptu Techrdeg, Tmw. ofatcom I i:gjwyq.k lys v hinogokocit- %kashir~ggtxi. D. C.. DESCRIPTORS:- 71wrmodyu&Wcs, *Ph&" "tudies, madsmalatiall anallska- O%yxlc&--IUrmodyn&mk:s, rr, v. 10, no. 1:4 Offmo ef lecL-dc2l Smkes