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i.;3LIfe' Littp-l t "0 .'il:, --V41 ;-~J)r, K~m&cm,. Irlstitut 6* 1968,73,5M2. 333-69 42~/el,- Ct~ rol Xi cs 404rS31 Q~' The Clinical Pictle and Difignosis of Late Radionercrovis of the Brain,, by V.I. Samaylov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per Vop Neirokbir, Vol 33, No 6, 19690 pp 10-i67. ACSI-K-1122 Feb 72 Tunpamture Facdes of Hatasamiltes In Carboratito IntmaLms In EasUmn SIberlat by V* as sawyuw. RMSUNO Fw# M Ak Houk �Wo, Val 188t No 6t 1969* PP 13684RU AGI July 70 SRMO--ALC)V Evolution of the ChIngis wd Arikalyk AnUclinoriao Eastern Kazukb tons In Late Qu6rian to Middle Ordowlelan Timl by S. G. SavWgIn. RUISSIANP pwo Dek Ak Hw* -S=s Val 1886 No 28 19699 pp 417-40a AGI jwx 70 G-, S J~ 1,4 -f C-s- ( #4 Mfg of "olto, nipe, 13 ina-il~ snstitut TEE-1-cm -I- v op. , anSUCT 2 -rr , ~10 ~4 I:h 7111 00 Wtv go-# FF 398*715 (bc (19 nm ormwawal,~~ gbabowl, wtu"U wMawbus in umau"s ty V. WA It SIA/M ----~AWM aw 70 sarroylov, et aj~. 13 pp, Lv.-rg tlzika i VhL-ixa I:brd)otki mV G") 397#142 The Coefficient of Partition of Iron Pictue-ou Coexisting Pietite and Pyroxeme as a Ftniction of Alkalinity amd Tem1mrature, by V. S. Sancylov. RUSSIM9, per, Ook Ak Nauk SSSR Vo-I 185, No 5, 1969, !pp 1141-1134. AGI V. A? rk7 0 L) V Jain 70 400,003 Computing tha Static Characteristics of Combined Propulsion Installations, i~y V. P. Yeankow, Yu. S. Samoylov. FIDP OrVICIAL USE ONLY RUSSIAN, per, Sudostro, GALY0. Uo 3, 1968, PP 40-42. m DIA/AP/621-2-1-68 Jan 69 373,230 lbe, .4vUltmaw Lif UltraviQlvt .'aaiatiw kni t~w Vuclato Acid Cuituat b4 P-mruwakm Unklatk" I& lastit" Tsirvlalli, Av ~;Ci/;.hlclear Wc 60 ftatlK ft *At you"" WA, ft,01 lee- Lffect of it Pulsed Electric Field on the Fornation of tho Latent Photosmphic Image. by D. M. Samoylovich RUSSIAR, per, Dok Ak Mauk SSSR, Vol 184, Nic 2, Jan iqr)q,, 1,,,, 3727-0. The Ain Inst of Phys Vol 14s No 1. July 1969 r-D, M. Aug 69 389,905 Space Vehicle Rendezvous-lior a constant Dirogtion of the Relative range Vector, by G. V. Samoilovich. RUSSIAN, per, Rosmich Issled, Vol 6, No 6, 1968, PP 947-831. CIA X-70it --7/ L Hay 69 392,301 Unsteady Flow Around and Aeroelastic Vibration in Tuxbomachine Cascades, by G. S. Smoylovich. 526 pp. RUSSIM, per, flestatsionarnoye Obaekaniye I aeroupru Koleban~ye Reshoto-K Turbomashin 1969, pp 1-144. ~. ~ . ~C~'"Il- may 71 moutwobips betmen P2084M)o 23 pr - SIA vow4ty in Agpomm nolatlm *P S*dIm ard potemalm a4wifto by 1^ At Ift"WiWicho top Ao xhlotowiave RMIMp Wo tok JA as 9m& vox 2bas No 62 39A pp Aal L - A , -Sq fn oLf L o \1 ;Q- 14 *w 69 3n#7" vmmgiowt oT amml CtnArucUoa lvmvedo ba III* Swzvlmqtebt 6 ppo per* Moww- NO 60 11"Ast jpp 13-n- I Pit Jj' 46SQ33 ~~k . WSR tI:cm Nov 69 3939950 How StUts VA"emem In BOMMW nct Aitkgola, by MAO Sonoday 5 pp, FMCIAO ops 1a.9 auts, 26, Nov 1968. p 38 .od AF-MW2a Eom Jan 6.9 372 ra 19 lor !$n, calcuLaLicrk ci Intx=ial --'~aflectiaks LA.Irbiki iualjsL~; of idic llx~.rticj o-C a, j~L--a4[4.jabjB E'ilterp j;py ZI. 9 ~' '3aESal. ~4.rf ixklwy m iW1,3P, Vc.1 IL2p no 5, 1.962, 713-775. .r,aii/I-%nD/x0-23-477-69 398o739 Trausforoation of "eneration Uiannals =d ~Jirzlaneous Generation of Two Fmquencies in Four Level S)rstci~s, by A.M. Slimsca, R.A. Kar=.nliyov. IUMMO per,, 7-hurpal Prikladn= SI)ektroskq)ii Vol 8, No 2, 1968t pp 227-237. is Jan 69 373.538 Calm,laticul 04' al 4~cajl 'IL"qtua iuiarator [Lai.~erl 1-dth a ii~amlzbLoa sautlxarr by A, 1,110 Sa-.ntqmr K, 140 ll&~~Cll, et aL 13 ~00.13~M* imr, 4hurnal Prik.lachory Vol .5o ilio 4v Irbi;, W, 4;A-4-50. A,E !jlPiW! 26-2 4- 32 4-6 7 sci/j~aYc5icz 69 377,888 Dopostdonce of Wor Single-pulso Qhia~mctfte on 00 ActL.Vf Red Lengtho by A. 9, Samoa, RUSSLAN. pier. ZIPAftal :5JAkAgMaiv Gpekt Vol So NO 6# 19ft. pp 715---M. ScUphysics US 67 quampim L-RINEWIMM AW ~-CALfc-titiitiam ~tf iia-rmcwistics tof a Laser With Ouladisible Filtorg by A, He Simionj, at *I, RussiANS, Pat# zhurnal PtIkIn4am: Spoktrosk22iilir Vol s,,: No 4j, 19m, FP 442-430, Nov 67 MirUmtlMg the SVG*trsl Width of Rmloslon of Boxid-state Lasnu Opemtlw!wAer Nowtetica- ma7 CCOUUMMS, by A- M- Bg=tXko 7 PP- HMTM., per, AN MR. Dokladr, Vol 100 No 8$ pp, Now 366ye" I'q. P, - Uls,:Vs, by SaLpz%)II. .Vo f"k-5 ro 1 36-44. Pl"I j0%1 t~s 349,776 o9l ljii~crSin~gla- u ~se L~Imra ~a-~ en Activa ikod LaRAII, IDY A, 14, Samson, WSSIM I ~ior, Zhurgal Prikladn% 3aktroskWii, Val So NO 62 49040 pp 718-723. Al Al It Fob 69 374,414 ",Lki;, por, idol- hi~ aug Vol 1XV ~Ivt 4~ U.- t-n P) t-1, ~~scnla Vv A4 A~r,, WL Ak flltatk L~avmu;~~,vk pp !T-75'bo ~d .uavi 46'17A4WklU 1% 24u.-mWS S p"m s, 0 r,~ - --------- A-$ t"CLEI-D, tiLle i~ifth j-ja1ul,-.GU& by iL. z-acasoa, Ii 1--P. I I ~ - -L'bicli" per. alugnische rieckbiad. i)p 2 7~s 1. AL- CIA-'i L-Tr-055-7U /j, ~-)'U scilulem Nov 7,~) OWtal Mothod of CvU=l Prmemsing of fadar 51gnoU# tW S. Vo SammenWo 28.15 pp.,p RUSSIV. 1, bit, .9 I'm sin 2900 Aq wo im .5 V. -9 Apr 69 SIODas ladth Varlatao Pmlm 1w 3, vq 3"Nonodws 2000 sussm, bk. ho2lou ko -TOM ftabotil - Aff- III - - IM rv acd-slact & MO*t PAW 7 72 /~F/ o me iv kc) Gunn cool ftw)~rm w Is ftky "a Im SF prqmirtles of blib-tooembwe luboAsor materIaLs based an no=WWUc ld*-Mltg* OONPWAUft# IW G.T. gwmmvvs TOVO Ail~ ot 01, 11~16L' A(BN'WL-tr,-78) 1INVESTIGATION OF THE ESCAPE OF FISSION FRAGMENTS FROM CERAMIC NUCLEAR FUEL. GSamsonov B- V.-, Frey, A. K. 10Translateel for Battelle Pacific NorthivesT~WE~ Richland, Wash., from RUEISIan Preprint. 2019p. 24Dep. NTIS. 21reactor fuel; translationB 118J 28MN-80 qP NSA 0 -T ~, alatics or mmim-rusont Tuad Dwlng chompo Of rmctcw pbows, tq B. V. somoawv. swan,, zVtt smu P-W,, 2968. "M ,6. V. sol.FWD rw 60 nwtt= TJo83A fx,= 13inSU- CrSaWa U%, by B- V- S~MMXWV-' Bwwt 10til WARX p-26$ 1968.. *AM SAMSONOV, G.V. Physic al- chem ical properties of the productimi of powder mettLIlurgical'products with pre-set, properties. Europ.Symp.Powder Metall, Pnd, Stuttgart, 1968. Vol. 1. 1 (CRL/T. 3984x) C', 812011846 -71 1~ . Jv , ""4 9 March 1973 Thermophysical Properties -of High-Temperature Electrical Insulator Materials, by G. V. Samsonov 8 pp. 4y C4 V. V. K?, Y-",rAA-nov. S.I~ zVpaim 480 lip. AB "i"IN, tkv Macpidy 197L Plmr.v.i Pmas S4 Im 0m 7D f "~J-' t'. High Temperature Inorganic Compounds, by G. V. Samsonov, 624 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Vysokotemperaturnye Neorganicheskiye Soyedineniya, 1965 AEC-Tr-6873 Jan 72 vAgLiAlon - - or aermtwy Commmdos I I/-- bV 0. V, SOMMOMWO L A. podft 0 lam=# MENEM me" 305S 3969s, 043-wo jd-m~~~ --; ~ ,Of ,L, ad-ap ibb 70 vasm A3k 1- nctl t~t- et AL 5 )ILL111;P1.11, derv lzv, IJTM !I;zj, Ro 6, 1-3.680 pr 103-105a V. 70 404,506 6 V. sameonai Effect of Alloying Elements on the Boration of Refractory Metals, by G.V.Sansonov. RUSSIAN, per,Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka. Retallov, no.11, , pp.32-5-t NTC 70-16940-11F J" Contact Intenctles Debmen SLILL-M md *ad TheLt (*qewWls wLth LUpid Ifttalep G. V. saw"Oev* Ot &I. . . IM"t pere 290".A.M 30.2p ft 5s Ipp 468-471 a ISM3 sai-Mat juns 70 ~T' - '~A , Som Carbifte by C16i 1969, The connootion betom Work 04put enrl Sam t7o I Fwalftl -3 1 - - air Tranaltim metalss, by S*MDOW74 mwzis* Eb 6p 2968" VP 737 fte Radiation Coefficient of Refractory Corq~ounds, by G.V. Gamsomov, I.A. Podcharniaeva & V.S. rlomenko. No. 5 (77), 6 43-510. CIA 9-7094 Sept 69 391, 375 103 The Physical-Cheuical propertiell of Vie Productiun of Powder lietallurgical Products vitJi Pro-Set Pr%iortits, by G. V. Samsonave, GERAWNP rrite Second vuropem) Symposium on Powder Aetallurgys stuttprts Vol 1. &___10 May 19fiB, 17 plis US I M04 q m 57 d aa K _s, May 69 382,477 Physiml ll.'lpfAAtj4s ef CertAln Sulfides Uf T-Twisiticil ;fetal-;-. . by C. V. smemov. Vx;lVM4tLli, -,;er, E~,:jvvidi Mi MrS.6-R. Zjo 10, 19650 Erl' LU7-1321. r CIA 'is-74 &. V- SCXYV-'- 50 NOV Sel,t 68 3668410 Qrx~A,~kl, 4y G. V. :4~idlo;lll vDr* ji-patAp-o p Vvl ~ki# Ato 7j, k-,)04i# ~:p SJ-34. P'. ~d- ' ',: -7 380 I.P. Tile ;i,.4tvfde Jc0la-)OOR-P by G. V- ScVIDO`ov* :,?UssI;!I" ~Ik, ii 1960. u C,31,PR--RM P~ij!YS1111" COP" D C --49 ?1 511 FPO Nitridest PY 0, V- SONWAw ABUZ r _. 5imatma-m- mcm, toc*,t uma&.- RUM&O"Am= 1569 $ rp C*"IVa'jWl' ATH.MT.,gT-&-62-70 ~. 16C e(~ a-~ W WA .. vow 70 avemmic stsucta= =d r-mertles V.~, Of Tran"Alun !,;~*talso by G, V* sansonav LAKRAININIg PEMV iftlduskil DOAclwskil pluir Via xxxts rms pp, 4 335-. 51 s I z cq C, j C. El"a Wro 65 24Y,1,912 ior Owtal 'H'Wuj?0rutums* by 41 VITO.--wiraLica Qi Ti" Zro VA) WI-A ia '~~Cjj A Study of Their MySleal PmimmicS, iiy c. IJOL S4LkSCftoV$ V, ti, PVdo'IMO* por" 1%v Akkul qq%lk !;SS4.* J= '66 294o539 murulatow tw AhumAnum P*4&Frvb&w Lm-qnm W. ... L%i ; lit-IR 2 0b 964, Va s. rn SC~ A-) 0 USSOL W, 4w M" as G. \11 sapam jar: 69 C'. Rio TMMture lwrgmic CoqKpmdsj by G. V. SamwnO7j. 624 pp. RMOTANt bkq Wxdkqteww*twW i9W. Pic-tr-6873 tv-4 Sept 71 7-3 RoUoou $*two= 4jerdiardsoosts and Micrebrittle-w ne;os,of Refroctoxy Coomponds with Their Elec- tvk6~, G. V. Samomove, RwotMg, part Pomho Wtoo, Vol VI# 19669 PP! Nm* TT F.:10*935 Jul 67 Prepamution ond Sove Properties; of Pwe FurVa Phosphides,, by G. V. Smmonov, L. L. Vereykina, RMSMM. jmr. Ukr Khim Zh* Vol 52, 1966, Pv AIC MU-4mus-10222 C, \/. sc,,-~n 501,4 ov- Sci-chem July 68 357,422 W-7 An Imostloation of the Aystmowdmi natwo Of NsUa-Like MA NormatallU Ifth-WUng Com- paarAm bF +ASO matikod, tv 00 V* Samponove 20 pp, itu$suot ITto, 4~-L.-A-AL- r- tl ME91macka ttA. oa istr9mmm'. Dakmet -PP 59-71. M0168365-4 Ava 363o053 u P R PROPERTIES OF ALLOYS OF ZIRCONIUM AND NIOBIUM CARBIDES IN THEIR HOMOGENEITY POROSHKOVAYA t4ETALLURGIYA NO 2 1971 PP 85-88 FSTC-HT-23- 1558-72 Physica-Chemical bases of the Production of Powder Metallurgical Products with PrescriW rilroperties, by G. V, Samsanov. GEMAN, rpt, Secmd European SzMFOSUM on Powder Matallur~X, Stuttgart Vol 1, WAY 1968. Mil 7004 V, ShrngOhOV' Apr OR Itesca-mb cen the Nature of the Chezdcal TxwW in Aluminides of Cartsfin TranaLtion Mtalm* by C-.V. Swacrow, atod V.S. SimllnLkova, 1-4 pp. RUMM, per, Neorgnifts LXg 9 Vol. I., Yoscov, Ito. 7, 1965, pp.. 1071- 10718* JPRS 4$,385 Scl-Chm=Utry May 68 357,836 than"assivity ChavacterisCLcs of Trausion bletals and Their Cojqmunds, by G, Vo Samonow, Yu, Be PaAkwnop Ot at,, It pp. UK40AXNIMg per* %E$ "iftsok ?isychnu mgmal Vol I no 60 M5, pp 6ZZ-629. Fro HT 178 ~~-c AEC, 1-ta;r 67 320 -7mSfj G % G . v . 's tg~ J" tD A) Z) a of Pams Aaoomdlmg to Size in Ion- Exdmnm p4mimss IV G, Ve saaamov RUSSIOD mmo 2&MAM 1 k ISSULbom kh T _ mis"g1j: 1%8.p pp VO-3.?2 HM 71-160247D mr 72 III gL..~rj:t~ajrature 4.*nmtallic normocoW.Jes and 7 ~ sileatlist iw Gricody valtatinal4ch Somanov. MMIANO bko Feb. 1967a 145 pp, Consultants Itu"au scillflaterials lifar 66 M50993 16-t~Wl,~t4 Of 51$ft PUYSICbI PVWp*VU*S of Trausitlea Wul Culthildes 404 ultrAdva Lu the 92ago of 11heir Rwm)%wwLty, by A, Va. K*Zbm, G, W. Sommin* AMSIANO per* Is Ak UWA 35sa v*&Ua"Ch Nato Vol 11* list ale pp &VWQ-&w7qm MSA V F-WmM 0 ri V Sic - Ift"Stals 67 326007$ PhysioG-Owudcal Methods of Research Analysis and FractimaUzation of Biopolymersi, by G. V, Samcnov, RUSSIAN, per, Osn= Nolokul moi Diologi. *Plenum Plvss sci- btay 67 --G--V The ChwaLstry of ]!L-ryindes, by - -,t 02 pp '! MWIAN., per., UM2kU Kbf mil, Vol 35Y N-) 5# 1966p Iv. 77940-t JPM 37222 G. ~. 5CAV,,So00Q MMR sci-Man sopt 66 31OvL>93 tk!~rj Sa ur V, Icnn J:i Awat.S -Al~f a11 . -1- r 69 Thermd ftlesian Comactorlst"s of Tim"ities ftcals =d tbels, CaVounds,, ' by it. Yo, Samowvp Tu as pv4erao. AN RIJSSI per* a, kyy FAUe= Zhurml V61 1 No 66 pp 63Z-6200 0 IT-66- 00 ftthamtrLical ~bdmning of Gw Tu3bine Soperchar;g-ing, In WItIcylinder rour-L)rclo ftimea, by L. A. Sanowv,, 21 pp. RUM100 pert 30 99 1967, 3VP, 19-M - MOMMT-23-3w,48-70 ~ - A. SA m So 0 o V ScIlMmeb, ?kK, 70 ~,valuwtimg Combat [twdimes of by 6 p-pw MISIAR, np, ',O.M_MM -I%gg_4 196SIS IP 20 JEW 4M2 Rocket -,kdt, Mzsom, 21 bee psi Feb 69 374o71? -V.-5,4m- -S-c>-14-Ov - - -- - - - Guidowe Control Officer, by Ve Sammovs 5 PPR .1dat Ammme 18 Jon 19?2* RUWIM I Upt IMMMM.2to p 2-t ~ JPRS 0326 I Map 72 L~ Teeb#*cda 1~3qArbLw IN)wt=t t4i Rockat Comandars tv yo swm~*Ws 3 IV* Russaut Fwo gmmm &At& 115 jumlWI, p Zv- im 460093 r, USSR Na Aug 6e1 :3621?28 Pap"tagiml KffooU of Sumpnee AlArts EVoloatod. tV Ve S&NOMM& 5 PP* RIASSIM . 3V*, MEMO Nufto momomp 2D Ang 1969~ p 2o JERS wm usm V. 43- OL~-Y~Z~-t~w- on 0469 3W9687 Anticorrosive Plastic Coatlj*sp Irr V, Go B&mnov,p Ve Go Mxwakbash ist Alpo 60 pp* RUWWO bk3.ets . . . . . .ALOAM pl"t- B.*nmn X465,w Vas 35452 V, um SOL-wbi Jim 66 301p666 ul-uniou conference of sociologists Jon fiTAb=j, by YUw V. Sardsonov.. 15 pp. AUSSIM, per# M=Oay rilosaf No. 10& 1967.. pp. 1,64--172. jPRS 44,753 AISSR SOCLOI. Idarch 63 352,867 TT_ .4 Tal. Ah, Poo. 7: NN W 1 7 oat fll a] lowAlkpUm. a or AUWS 0-0 tho UQV-QVftW Sjwtftl~ tW P. S. BOOM& U. 5- ORMOWM- famm : Ak awk smt,99"du lb 9wv w aokx-a:*- 7). 77 wi-ator4ato ftt 69 395a,627 Ordar wid Disorder in the Axwwgoumt of Sodius and Potassium Atms in the Wepholifte Str=tura, by No So SAMOnovae RWSUV40 part Dok A Nauk MR2 Vol 187v No 6, 19690 PP AGI Z) rj C, v P may 406,938 r 0--7 SC) Ald Y CL, of physio Logical optics. VoZurte 15: Plijaiology of vLcion zmder nor-nal and extrem condLtianc by V. G. Smiusonova, A. -T. Bogos7ovskiy. 222 pp. jeUSSIAW., bk., Problmty !-.Moto,? C"Im42JI a~tvt , Torn 15,, Piziv4giya praniya itornal r7kykh i ekstramallnykh Vs7OvLvaTdi,, 1969. dASA TT P 650 apr ?21 Ind=ed Itihibition of ConUgwas Neurons in rrog Visuga CtnUr on Photic Stinkliations, by Vss G& Eknusonam IUSBL43 ., per,, Dak Ak Sauk SM. Vol 177,, No 6.. Dee 3,96TO pp 1497:zw. CB ,.4 M 8 D fJ 0 V19 V- Aug 6B 362P363 Changes in Acuity of Visual DiscAmination During Interaction of a Sequence of Conditioned Reactions Successively Elaborated in an Adult Man Report 3 Effect of Verbalization of Complex Stimuli on Acuity of 'nicir Perception, by V. G. Sansonova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, b1c, Trudy Instituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyateltnosti Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958, OTS 61-3101.9 PL-480 Sci - Nov 62 PST 540 F904U*a at,%Ml* SOMMO ot The VUO or lbo~ to mot*" sa the ~* r,wlxoo .174, J6; 19634, AI.L as 310 l4bW I*MtL= ot Salswit and X. 6L, Saw 44 I - 1; . -.1 , I - -. . . - - ~ I -~ . ~ : . BENGTSSOND,:Kv and SAmVELSON, E.G. Sterilized frui flavoured milk - EL Aluarp.Livsmedelstekn.Forskningsinst.Sartryck (1l)-.1-4 (1969) (NRC/C. 8303) , LILLE I Otor, VIP- II Cytoplasmic Stmctwm in PtsaUt with Disturbed Meqpbtie HatAotious by F. 0. SamLlov. RUSSIAX, pmrp Dak Ak !!p MR. somm SCL, ge Vol 1649 No 29 Web 19699 pp 4811-492. ca F. b . s a m tA:,L o \/ .186 11 chartalas in the &Aarptic State of Plants with Uormpted Phosphoma ButritLoup by F. o', SSWLIOV. IEUSSTM, rare D* Ak -Nack SSU,2, Roton SeLp Vol Ift, No 1, 3ou 1969, pp 220-241. CD F. C~ - -S 4 M44-* 1-c- V JON 71