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a4w for roza -1~1actrii'Catilms .Apr Ada$ Cation NBodadi, lag Alo ip 4 A r 10 19210,p 1063V 210, LIZ$ Davabialment emd Prospects of Swiat Pover Engineei-ingg by P. G. Raporozbniy, 11 pp. ROOM,, _wrp TepjppnqrgetLjmv no 6, June 1966j -IV. 2-5. JPFS 37623 0 Oct 66 332P379 Ttie llanaling of Viater Itasaia-ws by the IlinietzJ of Power and ElectrIfication., by P. S. Ilopm,021mily.. 5 pp* WSSIM, per, Gidmtekbzdc!2ea= Stroitellstyp no. 9, i966., pp. 1-3. JI?M 3FIBU USSR Econ Dw 66 Nk:qo 0, D -z-k) n 314,413 S. Minister Surveys Soviet Thermal Power Enaineerinc7, by P.S. Neporozhniv, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, TeDloenergetika, Moscow, Nlo 1, Jan 1973, DD 2-4. JPRS 58439 Mar 7 3 stat.lims soveyed, b y P* S, pr- Marot ~l beLl- - StrolteVAvo I'loveasts 12, Dec IM pp 1--21% im's $W3 I w--t PP& No ago Imlo PP Jplls 58095 ----------------------------------- (Wlnlv'~Xdscusse QMIs land do- ?4mmr D9lpp'mDVto $UAi by, P* S. Imparoidwdy. 6 Tj_p. RUSMNP jvr3, GamoUn Mosocrieg .1140 321 1 July I'M. p 20. JM.5vm Powdip ii1dast-air SPWCO CIA* wtkv2d PlUll-AL104 0411P6 H"Ccw, iio 79 ......... . .. - ------ - -- Soltonvolv. Com ("to-bap) I%X Ame lip NOV ID=CX-.LC F*r'-V Of OlUMCIMUM Of ElMtrlCz-~ Po%mr StaU= OonsWaetioa, by P. S. 11-eyorash- nl*,r,* 7 PPw MEW, ver, Om~r~~~ Istraitellotmo so U,. Jbir JKW A/epo/C usaft BOW m) 66 '4950525 Establishaent of a Sirgle Power Systeai in the Europe-am Sector of the USSPI azW Large Inter- comected Pc4fm Systems in the East of the Country, by Pe S, lieporozhniy, RUSSIM, bk, filectrification of the USSR 1917. 1967t rn 347-364. nIT"hoil: !M22*01.4 (4948) kn;y sci-Elec Mar 69 3-n:, 0 6 r3 Power Systcra Olvratimi, by il, lb~, RUSSIX4, lik, Electrification of the USSR 1917- 1967. 1967, Ini ZOS-417. =N. Ref: 9022.09 (49.17) v S, N-,?- ~ 74 Apr COMWAgt Vj.CW of SM]'Ig ZbdJUVI-Sized alainM099 w plerim war=, 14 PPO fw.-=4 par* COMM a am COMMMi Ow- Paris* Jim IL"S pp MAIS 48531 POI Aug 69 3BBo995 Pp. lk'MEMA.H. VVal. lUcm. ft Be Ave 19?1* pp NMI LIU or; AA-,C La- - 'y 3-97,292 169 Z.-q L RGvut, V; -'-,opt Soil Plftysics, by S. V. *~Id;e-rpill RUSSIRI.J. P,,,ono, Plzika Poch!r-z, 1967 'T *CFSTI Ir 70-57144 Sci/ear sci Mar 70 S . ki - -) t- The Gaucby Problen For a Second-Order Ilypex%. bolia Eqaation Degenerating oil tba Initia-_l Ilyperp3amp by A. 13. Nerswjan. Russimis narbs D& Ak Houk spsap Vol 1010 Do 4a 19n-- 4 W79T.M. An FAth Society Vol 9., Ub 4p 1968 A) Z~7 k s C S,~ /q Nj Jan 6.9 3712253 In tba; rzw-x mmun OLI To La r IMUMIIWI~c 1')Cro DOIC AU -%, m.Tr WS17- AOT AppUcation of ftooMition Theorg i othods for the statlatlea smaratIca of Wa3low amd Deep lmLb- qmkev from Dpaide Ctomaterisuce of Fooordso bY 1, L. IOWBOMW# ljo F, Pinrmkos 1.3 pp. MWIPWO bk* lbsmw, V968o Pp 6344. a rw 4?96,7 C--5 I-Ay 69 3M9613 ~77-17 uLr !q ige, I ---7 Uydrodyawdc C=WLtious and Thair Influence on the/-3 Gas Content and Coaftetivity o2 (AlusLum ReJaction C%11) glectrolyte, by V. V. Nexubashebanko. EUSSIM, part %vat Metals Vol 400 Uo 4v 1967g pp 53-S7. AT$ 9J-S449 Sci-Cbem jum 70 Investigation of Um Hffectivemwe of Ultrasonic Vibratioam of tha Toot Wben Hachinimg Beat- Rwistaut aW ManiUM Alto", by so go getubey,? ILS ff ~. WSUMS, parp mm Mumma. &jviats j2M-Instt No 181, 1963j pp 15-27- ALRAFMALT-24-162-70 911 , ~. Sei-44&t ~~47 Doe 70 Ma ;OSUW gISMOU& VWsM aabalax= and UJUROWGdo at aNSUMADS W IL A. swedw- fift M5 71 Tuenal uJiative Transiur iiA ittc4iic Oxylieis Line 4i~ar o3u, ijy G. A, P. iierushov, 10 p,~. "WzAN:~, per, 1-izika 111,Lwosiurf i uLuuna Val 4, 1969. i),,) 473-479. o"Ci/Phy july 69 56-6 664 lhe Cuiddituticip Of SLiall voses al' Viucristine wit'i Large Doses uf t-;ethotrcxuta ir. the Trcatrcat of :~Oliul Tutiors, by C. i"Urvi. ITALIAN, por, Tunori. Vol 55, No 2, 1969, pl) 103-111. HEW NIN 12-10-69 f'J I;ci/B&I' Feb 70 401,863 The EXIG-et of k1lasticiciZers ruid Ad~tivcs cm tlhe gesistonce of Plasticized PVC Against Fungal ~Gruwth, by Alired Nmnz, Oretislay Dolozcj . 10 pp. 0.)VEM IONIT ME C-11ILY CERIMN, JICTV 9=StStOffft, Vol 570 tic !;, 19670 01 FSTC/lIff-2.3-434-70 Z- F-CiP,ut Apr 70 405,564 imificattim ~~wcUwbw im-bxcbmser Mtwo at the VK-50 Atowle -zleArIA iow" Plante by A* .4. sudelf P. It, IZ&9hlwvv 6 RD. RMS101, Pa", Wlemomo"' 110"IM6 40 3# lay 1972* VP 1-1-15, JM 56M June ?2 MUI ;i UJIM IMM".1 J, Electi6phyiical Properties and Chemical Characteristics of~Che~nicai,Bonds in Conpoinds of Beryllium with 0 ~ or n,! and tarbon, by V. S. Neshpor. B IWS4AN p4, Izv Akad Hauk SSSR,, Neorg Mater, No 7,! 1;71:0 pp, 50-55.. *AEC/IAS L.. Apr.i 171 '11IM14IMa- 1 i H. Ififili HIM "1101,114 WHIII IN II;, 'I.!, W A I T130 arcrtth of the northem Pose-Colored Mirfmp IL., Skagens%,, by K. it. rtmis,, 11, S. Sabolc=D 10 pp. xwrm,, per$, PM-.- Vol 32j, 1%00 pp IC5-lcrj. ITAY/HW/Tran-45N-70 Gwvt 70 Methods of Elemmtoporgainic Chemistry, Vol 1, The Organic Compounds of Born, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and Thallium, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, R. A. SokoUk. RUSSIM, bk, 1967, 628 pp. NLL (Norht-liolland Publishing Co, Amsterdam) Sept 67 341,296 Procipitaximi by C--.u vilottiv"' urid tile llotbw- OxC corr=L- iti, ti-te Pmeigitation Total, I~y 1. IN. N"nov. 'C: a B. - S; L' k., er. nidy T;n Clav. Goofix. Observ.. 7 Vol IWO 1965 i 1 1%66 (361 '1) U Ref; 41)(121,11,551D N __:,, ~ , e. a, V ~"Ci-Atfawphcric Sci iutj-'~ Mo 509,174 L't- I v.-tv I mv I I f-Ilm A I v p5in D; I u wilum,; It awl II -I I I T!mr.f.ivmipu.t of 1^4=1 Pq)ulation Standards,, by t-P.-Itavi :.Iiesbov, n Pn,-, MUTTAKPUAllts. Perv "Irovo ITrame, Sofia, Fab Iv I pp 3!6! 2. I ~ Apr: 7.1 i'lar, Ull"Iruirts QJ17, Vol I U.S.? 112-119. 'a v jG tv .ffiarent ABAIzue. cn T~*UVA=l ;,~~mltcxn -1; :U3.30 Illstitut 'IwnIC,4 i ~tl:soxix.erm. Teolo-- f-.*assdb7vcni v _cGt-jakh llbskva 1%.9, up 257-264, 1.5: V F 157 11 4-356--ss Cartaln Feeft= of tho CadmatiMl Or 00090a metau-to arbau", w L. Va. nesawarov- 8 V-0. =sun, per, lay m yo=, s W-ua M2 I 261mb no VS. -296TV sp 65-69- 3MVPIW4*-513-68 tbv 69 3961T39 ll-j~ I :Irv. r. U I I I ~ If!) I I 301111F, HIM V I 'I 14 ! It;] I I w "!-11 r -:5, V a"rtws coment on iroamt soci&l. iii ammnlat ahina, by ArLl Norghow and Rmcho Grossw# 6 ppe B"AGAIRM-10 Pa's so 50 iW 1967* wo 31o-314 JPRS Ff.-Oldna I~Dl Aug 67 The Purther Development and Strengthening of the Cooperative System In Fatral Areas, by Slavi Neshevs 12 ppe BMAKLqO 'per, Planowo MIgL)EMWO i statistika, No- 5 (MMY) 1�67T PP- 3-14- jPw tiW S'L A IV./ Ale 9 A ZZ-Bulgarla FcM Aug 67 331,4110 Pqgric-Atural Production PlarxAno at a :IiE;4er Scientific Level, by Sla7i NeShavy 5 Pj*)* BJMIaUM,, perj. LJNRLrat-,Vr-o zemagiells, W-3 7., ju4 3.966 pp. 4~-6. Tpis 3763~ e V. Oct 312,37a PlsWUk4 bV aU=-l Heabovi, -W JV- No 6;t Imr 3,%5.0 VD, 15i-a- MRS 3W79 S L V now Vd ,,~ruotibamv and ozongi tloahmvo We B.'rE)'3nMPI, por, 1.k-na Fab 'W-I7. pp. %;~39-0 GEORG,l IVESHOV .:.ii. T Electrophysical Properties and Nature of the Ch6mil,*cal Bond in Compounds of Beryllium with Boron and Carbon, by V. S. Neshpor, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, 'Per, Izv AkaH Nauk SSSR, Neorg blater, No 710 19710 pp 50-55, AEC/,LA-Tr?.71-30 May'71 UW1114414111 M 11111111H 3111, 1*1 1. 1 Godle Proportim of the Pyrolytic Carbine and Nitrides of GrcW IV Metals, by V, S, Neshpar, IRUSSIAN, perv PcrwhkTmLa metallmlya Vol V110 Feb 1967. pp 6S-69. *NASA TT r-11,130 Scift4ceb Jul 67 Vol 7. 2, 1967, caS-')9. 1 8- 3-12 0 Diroction -fo Fix4ing Met by 5potter -Air- craft to the Schools of FishO by M. A. Nesimo PLUSSIMM, per, Wbaos Kb%,, Vol 41, No 9, 196S, pp 4S-4'/. xwpt Of interior Fish and Wildlife Sevvice IBCF.w Buirmum of Foreign Fisheries AC6`5 sci Aig 67 C. A. F's-Spor. '-suds i ia, Voi ik;, 7, 1;"p Pit A/10 iA.3c-cielloses arid Ldmulss of boilthos Of tno blegion, by 4. N. Nosis, 7.5 'ryu 1965, p,) 453-C%~-e Ijiterior jk-35/Jum 70INo 7 On Sc-ifEur Sci A-pr 70 404,ZSt Pattiehing:.'Catfle with- Catton, Feeds Supplenanted with, Phlordn, a, by P.M. Neskobo, 7 pp. RUSSIMI, ~~. %hivot-n&vodstvo, ro 1, 1970, pp 37-39,, ACSI-K-1317 Feb 72 mm primspim or planwwg OVA Prhm or nab L) proatmos bw P. XMNW~o YMUM, ww, ROM ymmmAlftc~ no 3j, 7; Val rot ot %*%MAW muft wAa MUM ow"m ims, boom at VWNAAP rubms" Oct *39135 ArtiAara iand Symntbatic Food,, by A. Ne=ejEmwq 8 PP4 ebritt mna Ports Vol 21, Iffo 11971i~ 5P,35 I pp 72 'aI4.4mcrao Cal&tilon o: rll;?~ro=,bon ooodewca:-~3 ~' in a tj'c=oa StatA., by V. V. Ibumlm. vWxAllo p*ro Mdn 1 1. -~Cvav i lb=ult v.ol 20 -rTo 229M. - AV~ai 3* lg*s PV U3Q5- i Q-!, :j- ;, - i " - Sol Dft 60 30AM A. 14. Nesmeyranov T Ihe reaction of chlormthyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl with sai-,C nucleopldlic reagents. AKADDIIYA NAUK SSSR. DOI=Y, Vol 162, pp 112- 1.15, 1965. NTC 72-15162-07C (uji lowi) mar 73 i-ha 5t;,w-aticu ot Ebrvacum-% Exativativr-ni, by '-Alo~~Va, at al" 6 1--p. aVRI"PA40 V=-, Abhaac-Ittp-n tbr Lautsalm tetadvlio &ir iuOwittaa zu BerUn, IR9,, _a,.~, 265-2P. V W-e~ .. aAfO sci/ciuzaistr.7 70 ATtificial atid Sytitbetic Foodp Oy A. 2 '17" r. I - . RUSSIAd;, VostniL Al,;sderdiy '.auk SSSR, ;,cp 1, 1969, '17-44, hj C's V jz!r. 7(s 398,944 of tba Eavotrame Effeau MIM Cbod4rjoftjm In n-SaboUtuted all.- I-S-- Fbw*U%w and hideft or 2 N ft Ma by Iftooft "ki and loft&Vd is t by A. IL 94109,6194, smam's Dws, ak Ak Vbx I&., s* 40 Auom*s CD PJ 0-7 C- V Iftr 377v615 !.-,I FOrrOCO;-i't. ;~OUCti4A*11 O~ bik*~C- -*Kr00UzICL Wit;i ;%,iwj;aAc POE. by A. ~,as I " lix,tvalkiv 4mil A0 zt 01j, Ii- T4. i t'~ ltk '10,Lky MILA~'a N;4,~41,4 U Vol C 5 7 5 Sci-chm-2 -Nui, 66 of Elommto-Organic Chw4stvyo Vol 2a 'rhe cuanic coapumds Of Maposium, scrylilwa Calcimmo S%Tmtium =4 SwLu4 by So T* lof-foo A. N. Nesmynkav.. RMSIM, bk,* M78, 73S ppo MLL (NoTth-[-.ollwW PubUsUng Co. Amsterdam) Sept 67 340,278 V. pp. !'L Vol PeFf I-A 4 iN ~i6zi jtd fit, A,!~ Op :~7 U jan yar i-,,! 50 t~& tillt-,I!;Liw, lu'w 4P 016 and Arsontvr., O~to, I-F 5. A. Heore3movs V. M. and ~~. A. Ileutor, :~~ -W. iMr,UM,, par,, ~"~arwl qxT4v4WajLvM kIAzll,, Vol P,., no 6. 16 oct-1965.. - P-P. 9402-940'. t,wm A/e so) e /ap-) Wort [Act-Mm act 6c, liandbook-of R-acliochemical- Exercises-0 by1-5-7 An. N. Nesneyanov, et &I. RUSSIM;-Sw.-Im. - Pargamon Press Sci-Chem May 66 301,1264 9. e s rn i p9 tj o v i a Sere-w-Ulke SiAucture of Coronal Rwp by i A, T. Wamdwbo~vlob, Simi lm~~~ShRm Tairimuar.- ivo a 657, Sept t2 'I':.'lf'4eA!fPTWll I T, Ilv-H I --" I' j IJO S M;,V AJOV; 0 A Faleti'm Itatametry of the Solar Corona on SeptlPb~r 22; 1%8, by A. T. 'ffe=l=ovidh. TWOVE 0 per, AskM2gebewx Vevtzdki Vol 5., No I., 11971.9 -10 ORO* S 0 P t 72. Uic PbsolbilitioB af IVrov-lng the Vrla-Vlasina fkvdro- electric Pover Systemp by Bozidar Ifesovic,, 13 PP. CROM Vol XIX, No 2, Feb 1965, UIMI, per, Tzmmwa PPS 19-24. MS 3U78 EE-Yugoslwr.ta Rean Jul 65 283.,755