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6.11 4n 1. vl:Gtr~uk--, imp- 2, hib-1, Ywo 1-36u sciA c-diaa eri.-.;r Z~k; 1, 70 404,51) - ---- ------ Distribut ion In the Mmar lawerarsiblO pol,wonfLemation Processes Aamwommlied lig Bide Eni Bear-tiortal, 2Rauma'07. NZA 1:5113SIRL RIZ '!,bfP-. 203 mss=ij par, Wk Ali 3 IgD il-crr,2., -vP135k---7T3-5T- CB Dee :70 mh 1410 ~Umaw fin ft=lne, Atli by U 1w-. hakmwo .5 -PPO -im mom lk~ 11 Oki Miltipp! ON ".I R!Mr! ,I-,, -,. :I-2 1 Uses of ReTractory Gmaretes in Indilstr7s, bY K. D. liekrasovs A. F. 1-navanovt 9 pp. RUSSIAR, p~-P, Betcn i Zhelezobeton, ~~Iscow, No 2* Feb 19721 1?15 I;c- JFIFS 55838 I-Ay 72 , rimciency Improved. tri Lasl ~Daq :1. Lqvhins 6 prj* po S X Tad, Civil hbgr 67 A3.542 1 laximr strdatum or anorqg"t cralm, lopectml ft op ot ana4yws of 'in *ad In Md AdM=Vtlars Neebmism y or UoLr F, ndli~-* Le Ze M*kramw, 12 pp. Pwo Ta 22# 3b 9# 2967a 9": n* alam 65 systera% by rpt, lgc,-3 fjzw43 V, C AJC P.L-Yr-IM Ale X4622 7---~ vIoa4-jj,Dar Ltief"ative I%sigtp-nces lased on Dielectric-? Fuze, L-y 1-6. 11. G. I. Boadmis 7 r-P. Rusi-MU., N4 An amrr-. FaLugmv!& Tik-~-S I ~~001~oktro~nikao. 1966& pp 99-105. 'FLOOV15,5566-V ITD-Xr-24-135-67 ?,Pgr Sept 68 364.93D i~assummnt Ce aml aud Z=TIZA17 karts O~v IupD4W= of Zomiccomductor Dvvioos at iagh FrequanvIois, by 13. R. Nokm9ovv V. 9, Osadchualt, 3 PN RQS!:,iTAN. lic, An UkrM. Pau To klzika I ft* 1966s pp r-100185568,Ar PT N!'OT-24-135-67 sai/Li'lloct A- Elect Rngr' RU$OTANI. 19rAtl P 4~tg ORO 0346 FiX Hmew* 15 Aug IgtWsRw*W Cat ~72 Ib4 Wff~ Pam OD pp ilrobli-mm of Distribution of lmi.mtry ljatlluc~.4" by We Nekraskw,, 20 pp. jussm, per, V2=3.y M'ZDMV.A'kiO No. 9, Sept 1966.0 Ppe 3-14. XOM 39339 USSR BcOm Jan 67 :316,153 Distribution of Productive Fo=s in the USSFIj, by IN. Nekraaav, 5 PP. WSSIM, up, DWds 19661 p 9 2 * JPFO 35963 A 19 Apr Al- JV Ale-k"K a ~; 0 L/ Usm ECOU Jun 66 3D3tl9l liegional Beonmdesjo by No Nakraaws 6 pp. I - HUNIM, Ver, zkmkmd Gaze No* 250 jum 1967v pp- 31-32-~ MRS 42133 /V . Al e A-le 9 0 q 0 USSR ram Sept 67 339.,076 j, I I Science and. the Develop-nent of the Pew Rayons, / by 114 Nolcrasov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravdao Z3 jun 1967, P- 2- JMS 41899 /V /V e A~ /~ 4 -Sol/ - USSR Ecion II Aug 67 332-.793 AE'011- ED 27 julyi 72 J1 Ulf p2wachove n ppe rd Mpacow# Juno aris, 7ar ~-aot, In4iotry ~sMftn to abL bj, PU No Holmasm, 6 ppo 2-5oscow, 24 Sept M-451AN, 19690 p -5 49232 keon liov 69 V-6 -tidy of jz-i- -aL2 i~aatauy of Us` ;:=Ca 3,rc)dLictive i,orcoss bY No-lia ]~~ekrasovv 6 pp. part Vonrwr lllo. 2, :~Fab 6e.. pp. 147-149. Jf -:ts 44 959 April 3,5.467 scosoffic FMWAstimg or the DL~~ or PiegLons RlsW Saturabed with Natural Piewources., 'by'&- Iff- ftkramr.- 13 PP. TOOMMO wr.. YAMMM Abeftedi So& MRP Vol 37P ]b 7v JUXY 19bTs PIP 29-39-! JPFA 43M Sal-Bara Salome L Nw 67 -*4.9 088 inarausinf: V)a '"'Tricienc-Or of DOCA&I ----Ot'u~~ttian and, of -capital invasVimts `~jndar the '!w1 vive-yeax 7-lan. by 0. ;~'ekrawr. '19 pp. per. Vaproag Mmm-Akl. 9. Sapt 14EKRASOV USSR !!,eon Feit.) 67 3151295 ,jbg, B3vmeh Principle for WAaWjVg Lub, U7 OwA T_-d=dCaj Frog%*msp bV -12 ppo 19M.Mv. per., LOOM -k-It No U, Bov 196% JVF 3-13- JPBS 34136 V Fob 66 295,9755 Ike! =Pots by V, IRMS111 No apt# p am ?090 pp,~ Lt'M gy .5 Sept 1972a I '%Ipraeticoo in CmArueUm IndustrT ultods by P~ ~ 6, &Cove 9 pp. RWSLNi, par,, Hoacow, No 2o 19690 pp 323-125. J;-F3 4?902 V, 7j, t/&4ao-c~ Sci-Afth &ty Bow -69 3819464 1 StwxlardiwA Praftatim of Conamto *owe tv V. fiwk3~9 5 PP. Russual. rip& -SUMLW!RM 11 svt 1968# p 3p irm 149" . V. A)EI~PUSC)v Molds L'- ~ vZoomy Sol-1590ho Lndg Civ & MW Env POO M. , OWI-4 -A - r M=Umr Arm StlU /V xe)m*s*Vt 6 vot t==V~ smmmdia:L M&- mwvw.. VWJ, wxo-rmms A- No It 14-M 1966; -2 ~-- - W~- 103'. aPiS 35379 \J, we k r0- sov um *a 3CMAW im 66 'i7r;.'ales of Iiradiums, -,-Y 4A il,7,rrlo, Vol 45, 446 rq--540-07 70 P-evision of the Species of pecapterms found in the Indiau Ocean, by V. V. Hekrasov. PIUSSLAM, per, lkhtialogiy, Vol 9, No 2, yo p~ 1969, pp 211- 00., Dept of 111testor KT/OFF A-374birch 1970-Ho 108 On U)SM A) re- Sci-BW jam 70 Differimms bi Lead-Zinc flijoeralizatim in Differomt Pocks of the Sudon District, by Ye. M. Nekrasov' RUSSIAN, 1)*r, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 167, No 6, 1969, pp 1357-:1359. AGI Ci e- . rn - A" ti L-1 .0- j3 _S '~) V ;.%y 70 406,822 ;-Magneto4mt~Ac Investigatio" of Pellets from Russian Mining4oneficiation platubl? by Z. I... Ndk*asov, RUSSIIX, per. Metall!arrgich i Gornorudn Prom., Vol 11, No 50 Of pp 1-3. HB 8480 of a=ad sintor r~U~Z:AU04, pt-ir, -o 5. 1967v pp 132. B7 1 6157 351-9% 70-13458-060 NtkEa,~~a,A. A.; Lant6erg, L. A. ROLE OF RENAL PROSTAGLANDINS IN THE 'PATHOGENESIS OF HYPERTENSION. Kardiologiya, v. 9. m. 6. p. 86-93, 1969. ,.A,dcr from NTC as 70-123458-060: HC~.~ 7.60, MF 5. SO.. Effect of Carbon on Texture Formation and the Magnetic Properties of Cold-Rolled Transformer Steels by Mt_l. Nekramova, L. N. Tipikina. RUSSLAN, per, Fizika Hetallov i Hetallovedeniye, Vol 28, No 1, July 1969, pp 190-192. FTD HT SpecLal 390-70 Sci-mat Dec 70 SI-leaLauzed Training ~~aChiXV2 (T5CKhl 1) ijy -krasova,, et aL 7 pp. !dY:,SM,J, rpt, dovosibirsk, Elektrorekhaicheskiy Institut. Proct'rCmTuravamove Cbuchenive. Cbud-iavush- ETD !4-717 41-?6-69 july 09 384,288 MW F=tuxft In the vems TOZ Sovikim Directom and P%mft&VtGUv by 0* liekovaeovat lco Kadmtlyew amd A* NBI$kbOv., 7 P9, lLqmmj, par,, so 7.0 Jul 1965,0 Ipps 7147bo JM 33137 C, Ma 292,535 tR :Aw a.- ik' pilal~j;-g~ jlti, ;lid Ccmrpositi-on of izre Earths in Kiriberlite by R. A. hehrasova and V. V, Camyaninu. HUSSULN, pero DOL Ah ~SSIR, Vol 182, %'o -2, 1968, lip 449-4-52, PIC, I (2-A- Al" 69 384,422 Effect of Z-Jrowth Stimulators and Inhibitors on Root Poivation of Lemon Cutt3.ngs, by T, V, flelcmsova RUSSIANP por, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Bot Sci,, Vol 182, 'No 1960, vp M-224, C13 -r- \1 . IQ e k a 4 :s a V )4 QOt 70 '-~- a - /-/ V?"~ The Chlorination of Phenol, by Ve Ae Nekrasova* RUSSIAN9 perp Prikladnoi Khimiit Vol 38p 1965t pp 1407-1409 KTC 72-60247-07A July 72 WOSAm- pioh~ ct-lueftedo bv pp. loo Jan ItZ Sorption Isotliems and Hcata of Wetting of POlyuadecanamide, by R. NckrFach, Z. S=chenko. JIUMM, per, Q11PIg 2b, Vol 27, No 6. 1965, PP11-850 csM/Wo. 8164 -,-~ - /)/,p Kk q 4 c 1', SOL - Sep 67 40.208 A.,am'm-de for Tapo t by !a. 1 . .~.dtreAvv, 8 p . P. RTUISSLU!, k-or, g~-torgavt he., Ro 20 19688, pp 2p."a* 2 JFM 43767 P. -r, 7 /0 &- Aw, 61 361,925 L Gj*njhesIv of Optimal and Quasloptizal Aut6lnatio Control Systems& by 1* A* R63.eplu. par& 2gh -Ak-_u Mx---s Vol, 201: No I#g December 1971' PP An Inst; of pbyv, v01, 16p,, w6 12,v June 1972 JluZy, 72~1 Of i rmt ~ 11. A. Nisloydn, Pp. $c Control, b7 I soup. VA;2 140 pp JH4 $~~52:.f Feb 72 Rucluer Hydcophyc4cs, by B.,A. Vw-lepol, "I'sid IF. 1. Lcmmovs 5 Pp. UUSSlil'A. per. PbSnAl i PriboEX &Lo- 1*;Gle- dw,qnjyA. p"iSlIer-kikh rmtsessorw -v Okowie, kiarjrw Hydrophyvical Insmitute, Vol. 36., 1966, pp. 26-30'. of Havy WO tr 277 A, sci. wet otodnasv*ty lr*v-Doe 67a 3-5-1,523 ~0' p. . .... .... .. auw of di=ond ba-M -4n s Iwo j) Is 70 2-74 TF 07-C9 Diffusion of In and Ca in ZnS Single Crystals, by H. Nelkawaki. am=,. per, z rur NxtUr*rOr8&=,q Vol 243 1969j. vp 13(e,1306, *IMS/MS TT 111-55308 Available M Wy A'/ - AJ &- L k-' o Lj S k, ; July 71 Cwtiminatica of iisserviars of the volga swd Saxam Dises at by P, D, Nelovkiu, RUSSIM,, per,, GidrabiologlAwkiX Zhurn!ll. Vol III* No 22 AWO pp 35-44, *Wpt of Interior Pish md MildUfs Service -Ikawm of Cmmrcial Fisheries Daita SCIMB414 May 67 VP* .1 Tole. MM ~,b -A,-~grg-70 Am- 71 Goverml ant by llarl,6 tllejz-on. Santos, 3r HA .......... . P:kaoe~~; rb!L* iiamoding Two Wor& into a Tlorn"f.r Coidl3id Wora* by C eLrl IT. Valson, 'r. 9 ppit S-STIMA-71 0zVb Glorm= patant P 10 23 lilmy 7.2o JPIRS 563&74., 1-11elson, K. V. Study of the Nature of the Vulcanization Network of Garb oxv 1-Con tain:Lng Rubbers by the Method of Infrared Spectroscopy. VSESOYUZNYI NAUCWIO-ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT SI.NnTICELESKOGO KAUCUUKA. TIWDY, pp 108-126, 1965. NTC-72-14959-IIJ Feb 73 Study of the Process of Pyrolysis of Gas Coal and Xts Microcomponentop by B. V. Velyubin, G. Ve Alay"-~ 12 pp,~ MUSSEM. Par, WaLva ftrdc!e Topliva No 1, 1969, pp 44-SO. ALRYPMM-23-636-69 -~-- ~~ f, ~ //'Lj Sci-pbro- Jana 70 (M the Propagation of spft4al SIMk ~Avos in tbo bvurAs biy " lkastov, BMIANS jrvro AMd rauk M&da~aj 5SR, Itiam " ~~2* !*'f*-iv- ~* LALUJ~v . , of A&vy/A.PL/JHU I Y 0-4 o v, DW 67 Y16,:O 00 1 . Ot A - 80=0 so mm"d4 CL W* anual. VbL 338 3966~ VWP 1903OWT W-36W E. Nembach NOW set - awmd~ ass 61 Ale. b 7 L3~'Iljllll PITI fUll"m, IT. NOW Serpiew life: of parts mmposed to repeated heat and Id PP. CZECH,, ~per, tt Vot 21, No 1., 1971, pp 3-7 DYSTIIMWrXOIY. LZMWD TO V.S, GOVY AWYC= 03LY NEMCHENKO, N.M. and others. Apparatus for the non- destructive strength testing of wood-fibre board. Derev.Prom. 16(l):11-12 (1967) (GB 397/3597) MrItaba Problem in the Iflatioml Utiliza,- tica of! Soviot Labor Fosmuv", ty V. rrap- ;~!~ 3 vp,~ FKM=us per, MMM exonmucif no 90 ftvt IM-j ppe 54-61. 4PPS 33337 UBBR Econ Dft 65 292s530 I'v'r Better wrimr Tminlas., by V. Henclienklo,x 8 TP. HMMN* up.. 3j2!& 9 I%b 1W., p. 2. JPW !,*1)68 Y, Ale,1726kAlle. USSR Scon Apr 66 299,,3D8 Eleci~icat 'Resistivity of the Hydrides of the Transition:Aetals, by V. F. Nenchenko, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, pier, Metallofizika, No 29, 1970, pp 125-130. AEC/SC-T-713082 Jan 72 F7jF . 1= Aj Ti alp =4 1. V. Xmbimov Screbbftg~.Gf a surr.we EvapDrating Unftr the Effecit PC! 7mmr Realatton,; 'With TemTersturs and jmjm~tjcm NomequMbrium. I R=UNS. ~*rffi 2bulm A Telrbl V-L=m No 59 19710 pp 35-45 -12748 NX 72 1.6 3 sept 72 Umorlical CmImilatsm pmr, -,ebo !W.,Scn rAjd lptac-, H*atUV of a Mama lbmod WrIng a Durat o,* Ab~pttan in Vapmo of a D*Ud,, tv 0. 0. vilowbom 1. V. sambsnov. Mja,-~Jmp POL"s mama DD Go mil vp 3-290 W-4 OC Mom, APVJW WWR rArt sals.0,4,13UM mouam or a coo smud kW UOD. 094mmum BELUASM at czal3mom spoetvans bV 9. IL MrAv I- V- UNDIMM- =DMO "to, a Iva "ft V, /VC~y"jc,/),/VOV 9"6. I . ,,r. ti-c 1,3;, ijf iu = tiy V. !.-kr, L!211 l'i. C IA X-UM , c 4 " I f. CA. -v i Ian ~, ":,LuNi ; , ;, , i.. ica-dratlyev. 1. V. r-leLil i litAb riz, ",%~ 41, h;,,,Q.* -f -. ~./ f! e C- lf,~ i f- % 0 V 14-,v 63 354,07,~ -T u c d I thi Liumul Priljadno)7 'L-J.. aniLi i &.`~ L, a=. - UM . W- It" talut icllesL oy, F~ao 374 T) Invostigation of w" - sparailim of lastimtsubously isuated Materiml 4144 of tho ftia-Illating Impulse at cilovil coacastrouqua Loss Than the !test, Of EVQJMMtmo UY A* Ae Kaloyk*Vo I a Ve Noccblrwvs 13 pp, RUSSIAN, per, FrUl hekh i Takh Pis, so 69 1966, CIA/FIM -L /Ve- m c. L~jo Phys Nair 67 INA OFFICIAL WE ONLY SZOOSS7 -Pa_nlgae4d& Subotano"j, IW J. Haman. FOR GOVASUMM =a OWZ Gows Inv# VJ& lbabnqlr- Vol 23, go 2, 1%8. AWJ"=IUv~2j-z3u-w j-. t~ E M C 0 \1 A ftl/mm Uff 68 354P052 Umwrl=l AUOUSU CC the H&UM and OWADS, by Mow ambetto% of m Plam Balm P mn In an AbsomwUm Ame In Vamms at * SoUdo IW a.. go -.S- - X. V. NOWAd=Wo jam=s Spbo jyAw 7 I S*A6 ta., no 6,0 loace IPP 3-39 agog TO 3o!L'L restixg:- in z;ocialiot unint-riast by Acbll 3 tOA4-,fU;;!alT U&2; OZY, S-MVAK. 1)4vr-p Amm2h-mil, ib 3v llar 1967, PP~, 75-75. t Gw 2W5 ITP.ts /~C4,, / F c E.F.-j"lovok Sci-Agri Jun 67 323. NO, kropagatiou of vati8ue craciz, ijaftgcts iu I-letal earts, by J. G"-'CU. per, Strajireastyl. Va p1) 691-u-94. .6isi U222 froia Suptarficlal iial:0-1c. . 19. ~iu 11, 19G9, A0V 7u ina afecu of Impact on cue imchunical Pruj4artbao / 0 ; of " W21 Tool Steel, 4y !~. 1"oluk, J. Lie"-a. CZL,X..i, Prot, x';qvQv'A Vol 7, uo 1, 1969, Vp 74--bE~. I ~'L - I uL41 76210 sci-alat Juuu 70 Rest~r- chp:'Prospeetive Development of Tfech- 1A ril Sch`~ ols Outlined, by Zaroslav Nemec, .5 pj~.'' GOT~'7Rlin-fr-In USE wILY C7.T!,;Clr, per, asoka Skcla, Prague, No Doe 71 PIP Feb 72 I'M Nil i I lil I IMIE I I I iIIIIII I 11111,11w I up I; I Ifew Labqratol-d~ methods Detexvm:,niatiml~ Of B203 oontent in Butall g&ass using the absorption imthod of infrared speatroscopy. 13 pp. MCAU SiZibit4 Vol 25, go 2, 1972, pp 205-222 AIRIM-11C-23-986-72 U.S. 00VFT USE ONLY, COPYRIGUT MFORAMT1011 nov 72 swim 2-02040CI2 bw 4* smouft, 16 W.P. am Vbj 20S, ND gbm Age 79 protlem of tbsao MA Its mrawt an Hoorine, by r. Slmwp J. Bemwk. 35 pp. rl %Iklm 9!Nasmwia C29M. Dwo at Vbl ITS w ILI 19wo W 13-n- ACl3j-J-7W ID 2a3NXU470 V- Sol-Bui F49b 73 431160 XLnetics and Wchanism of the Thermal De- Ccoposition of Iron Sulphates, by J. Hemeeek, P. Pekarek. CZECH, per.Chcmis~x Prun. vol. i5/4o.. 1965, pp 134-137 CM 1187w2D35/J -S. /, J e /)~7C C; e k sci - Aug 6T 337-13T V. Nemecek Ilyushin IL-18. 6 pp. MONOMFIE, Vol 17, 1972, pp 27-29 AIRIFTD-HC-23-1717-72 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY COPYRIGHT INFOMIATION. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFFERRED TO FTS mar 28 73 The ra" 1 19. .74 ppo; czucflj, zloieotvi Xvfvw=iti!~E? 29?2a pp 20-22 and back oaver of.doc=ent. A-rRIFPD,ftff C-23-0855-72 Tu-VO4. supersonic Traxisport Described, by Vaelsm Nemecelt, 5 pp- GOVERMENT USE ONLY Cz~v-,Cn, per, teteetvi Xomnonautika, Prague, No 1p 1972, F 35; X-PRIS/L 4072 Mar 72 ! 11 Prelouk-emia Chmges., by N* -14. IN-amenova, - - -"/& ~ RUSSLAHO par@ Pzvbl= Gonat-ologix Pareli- vania scmi VOT X. No 12, 19656 PI) UFSTI Tr 6b 1999 W. $Ci.bgvi Jon 67 3270984 -j: A 1-tudy 0.4,- thlo food alltw e- Auld &Y4 - lip-S0113, A by lu. lelsmsn*va, G. j. 1,13 III ICA?$ VP 73-75* *,-*pt of lz&.erlor BdrOalL Of C mmmarcUa Asberles Bramll of Scl.*P- and 1q, s- or 68 kkl~ Ire, o PoVo2opinC in 'by letvan Womenyll Vftllbsga, Iludspeat, -.,;'o 9, lip$ jamm-ffl 7; M,snoxyl c~ lnvostmwt VotLcy !.-urina the, Trau-si- tional !~orizd of tLe Lcoaoodc Refc-o=, by V'r. I-stvam "Immayl, 15 pp. wmGA&if.%9* part tgaz~oi ser-mie, No. io, 3uexpeat, C Oct 67, pp. 807-8V3. JPr-.5 44016 r,i;(Uur 6--ary) Lcculcwtc inn 65 347,961 Improve-emsts of Efficiency of Large Ketal Catting Machines, by leAm Never- Nor$ PrelmEtell, m9suonshusuchlkh StAm- Now* mb, ZU3 pa J, Stiou" may " lunetigatiors of Opefttion of latomatic Rsvimtory Valvaa6 bar L. T. Namerovzldy. 12 vp rem, now CO 356.257 lavestigttiom of the VorlE or belr-Fva~tlng Pmoplmtory VaIvul bQr L.I. Nemmukly. MW", per, ftalgLualm mmablepagat Swn' -No. 9, 1965, 13-19, Aug 67 basis for the Pulsophonographic lalethod of Examipatlam, by L. 1, Nemeravskiyo 1k pp. RIJSSLIU-i,* par* mWitslaskaya Pro= MR* gas 6'D 1966, lip 2247. JPRS 37956 sci - 8/its 311*395 OCT 66 1 -161, Cpgfll Car the on by 11 0020S.3 RP. ii - -7 1 7 xv,.. czachoslovakia's U-raest Yetroleut: r. Frantisek lienes, 10 pp. USPI ONLY C2,140, per, ikologicu Pru I've-gua, Jan 63, pp. 7-10. IFILS GUO 2758 $ci-Zartlt Sci. and Oceanography lpril 6113 3 5 5 , 5 --'2 Fidelity to Principles, Reality, Patience, by Janos Nemas..7 pp. HUNGARIAN, np, Nepszabadsag, 19 Aug 66. 40 J-389/67 Aug 66 308,992