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IL--, 111111141 HIM [lilt IN 11111 lm-w- .. 1 1;694 :PI --, \1 \\- . \-\ II& "1XV& J*b ilammt B=ftu L-Ascussedo by Kv ftdoshilinao 6 ppp mpo, jr.MAp mmetwo 29 Jan 1972& p 2. im '55257 Feb 72 4:;acAta*jAgl*, specuuttis an 4MOMM cm To ft-010. A0AjlrO&jtrow* by .!6 Naftwaame .5 Ppo 20 Jmo-1971, p 3. MrSHINe 41H W.UnCtumlaw. 23: aam x5rio. 2" The DeteritUnation of Turbulent Fluxes Fro.m Gradient Measurements, by Ye. D. Nadezhina, V. V. Dimonov. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Glavnaya Geofizich- eukaya Obser, No 265. 1967, pp 39-4J. Jan 69 373,281 The S"imatutior. Factor im. the Evolutim rjf StrixtuTes im the AhawWah-Chishry Troufli, by A. 0. Under1kin. RMSIM, por, Dek Ak Nsuk SSSR, Vol 187, Ya~, I, 1969, pp 149-IS2. AGI i N 'p, . t~:, - K;, ft j C-: 2 /-~ k , , may 70 406,792 NADINr V. RU SHOULDEk-FIRED ANTITANK WEAPONS VCJYENI\IYYE ZNANIYA, NO. 111 1971, PP 3C-31 FSTC-HT-23-2508-72 li 4 D I N V. --, R u NARRATION ABOUT MORTARS VOYEN14YYE ZNANIYAj =2, 1972, PP. 44-45 FSTC-HT-23-2341-72 NADIN 'N GF SCIVIET ANTITANIK RIFLE MILIIAERTECHNIK 1972 VOL 12 NO 2 P 86 FSTC-HT-23-6452-73 Scientific iinctearob- Pmgravis w-o-I InsUta-tes in Africa Discusised. by Madir. 5 PPT FREFCil, per, lei 1TAfft-quas T'o '409 -Apr VY-57. Pp. ~v,k~ Wo-34 Jun 67 323. r-73 42 by NvKMr 11, 8 p1pis YRILA"ho I'Tjto Aet=UU-. Wgieroa 23-29 .',-ar 19699 pp 26s 2?0 "-.'upplament. 381,678 ;;'r:jblen of ormkzenmesc In !.onin~~-rau ana !?r:)- -,Dmals for ContrAlln.,; It, witii Yu. G. lk,-'LsoL-Ip 5 pit F R JSSIA7i,, np, ZL4., 10 July 1966, p. 2. JPRS 33326 C, N1,9 LO S`6 IY' USSR Soc NDv 66 312s665 I-V "LbL~diiyp C tA al. 3G A~r, j0 Li-Cor. 7U 399,783 ta L, x ;j Y, ri--%-.i~'--C~~ Li ..x!rp ~erWv 454-476 4-L30-69 b-I ~;Ci/eLatn=oiic jzu-l 10 : d~ 3-Y9,r7a4 l1rinciplen og Construction. of iiallistic I'alch-nuetni -systwus, by Bo-27. 11-taidWchiy and VD.IcIA. Lobashava, 16 -pp. P.U.33VIN, book, zierofimic"hoshue :Essle. Zomv- TIM dovanix-a Sverm, IlDscow-LarArigrad, Sauka Publialhing Enu-se, 1967, pp. 198-209 zrf,Rs sci-Ohysics k'Surch 68 352,57S A F4udV of the Mact or Reba SMC= nnd MUUuu an the Oaddatim or TitanUm at TwomtUnwa, tv Go P-lbAntealMs, So A, Gaebus9W. MMWO pwo ah I aplAnw- via& ewfessbamLV16 3LW*j, Vp IW-254. XD 92W56367 ftl4AOoxA&U Dec 67 3b6,,3Bo ,kaBrUs an the CbaUw or vbrlab]AW ,Oclsl propw or Us Say@ CeUv by V MOUM na*mxmlkv 1b is V%a czwiis vnlr~ pp 49-1hr- ACU J-M:L7 ID 220%M5967 jam 69 In the 1, 3L965* 3690509 Th"m Avy2w to boum 'Jtdollm* 37 v0 r-A~~ to W* pp IRS wpow 3 Q D P- to VL rim Vol r T, ran, ds Of, Utlinpld,~ bY Robert I'ladVD21nik., za 7 pps GOI7F,FITfi.'W,.T.IvSE iD'I'My SLOVAK., pe',~* A~ O'hemia; Brat-101avas, U'O 9, Sop '~2$ P.7) 21".-730-0 JPRS DID -7 y jumm"SwKM at the ream 6.10tiam of D Moo"m jecaumomr at mmoums -Ath fte"W or 5 ftr;p IW Ve A. V'#VvUtWA Md A. X' XxWblu& . . i'' -1, ! ~ ftt,4gnlmw ftl & %sob Aft 63 0#737 M. $~. t.~ Pr 4 7- ~ Pt R- 0 *NJ V~ Ox the Nature of the Radieftl Formed During the RadLolysls of Glueosaulue in Frosos Aqueous Solutionsp by M. A* Eadshafovae RUSSIAN& per# BM QkM, , Val 2020 No 11, Jax 1972, pp 128-131. CB Aug 72 A onto of klyslas Institute with Atwda Coatm Tramda by Georg fia~ovv Uo= AnftWoldno 15 ppq BUIJUARW# per* LU 1-mme-beft 0 Sof2at Vol 12 Ho 40 oat-Doc 1%9,p pp Jaw -V"3 (9 e- p- c1 -z- k g le o V Sai--,Ma Sel & Tooh Jw% ?D Pwtuative Actim or -mollyl Gaustoo Ju tho BMUOIYBU Of A2=C= SOlUtlOD of UIA,, by findab j.. M. T. AnddalWOMP V. A. sborpatv RWMP pwo a* Ak ftut S=s. Vol 282s lb 6,9 act$ xq6sp pp F, N) P, j -z- aw 69 384076 ftwaWkMa and Canmndm oC aWcoU In rr=&a Agwaft Smb*A*ZMg SbWC6 VmIW tbo ACUM oC the C/ aws Of bv V. A. malpataj, & TO a aumuo* VMS aNk a=s va Ifts no 3$ JUIF,P low# w tv.--wjT. COD /Z) fi d d " 10 C) \J A vow 3ffo6lo Formation and Trnn formation of Radicals in Frozen Aqueous Solutions of Monosaccharides, V-. M. T. Nladzhiiaiddinova, V. A. Sharpatyi. RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak Nauk PM , Vol 190 , No 4 , June, 1968, pp 909-912. CB 1q. - lbl~ '12 ~ I' W) I I J. c C, " -h 0 v c>- Jan 69 373-339 1. A in Prozen Aqueous Solutions, by V.11t. -14iarpztyi, V. T. N'adzhiiaiddinovu. -tier, Vok AL Nu SSSIR Vol 180, NO 2, IZU-SSIIILRJ UL ~~tay, 1908, 1.1.). 412-Z S. cl; T- rv Ck Li jai) Gt). 37Zv-325 Toluidine Blue Staining During the Differentiation of Young Fams of Basophtmil Zmcowtes, by S. T. N&dzbi:mitdinc7. IMSTMp par,, Tr Tsent Inst Usoversh Vrad2et.,, No 1P-1, 109 PP 384-3W. AACSI K-0900 Oct 71 FOrMaticn. Of PtWt`0tOXIG Pire-atutfs by Pasaria of the IjagUrala group, b7 S. Reef-Both, H. Kern. GEMN- Per- MARMSU I Vol 53. go 1. 1965. PP 45-64 CUM190 7789 -S . Alq &.4-- R 1~ T-17 gel - Aus 34o,i68 r:f k-,- Y- -Y- T'he fundamentals of the Piz iron--scalc-- process for the production of iron powder, by G. Ilaeser, et al. GrPNMIAN, per, Stahl Eisen, Vol 68, pp 3116-3 53. 13ISI 9887 dec 72 Oy 4.p 1969,, 7821 69 388,-El 621 ";L a 1.~ f L- ;r = -. , v. - . ~;- .. - - . . - -.. L, V U -1 40, 3, 1969, 251--262. 399,922 Dooftu 02 CommOW" PLdwrlm Of LUIAO- *lp awelm ridmolAw A-3Naiw W*.Ib u Cb to= .-r, pa-pp I r W! ". p bA A Close look at Recawle PmbU=.* 1W rbbrahim Naft'l 0 5 V-9- AMJC.. rVp 25 Jul 1967s, 1?- 5- PIS 42"3 ,::: - b A ,z 4 f, 0.1 IVO ~d-/ 4 w4w" 19008 Oct 67 --e -1 3h2j,832 EcozwAa Px9b2am Before and After Aggressions by Owabla -%ft* 6 pp. M=0 "PA. sk 27 July 1967m. v- 5- JFM %2(43 lEkRaAl'In Na~e- 041apt p4= Oct 67 3h2v836 412.4 Apr 141,973., P,9* "Ale cwrency P*amvefif InT.Orted Loods Uscuesede -2 (i by ibrahim I'Afil. 9 pp. AitAoic, np, ak4~~&_m, C&tro,, 15 ~-- ~- 196:4 P 3* 14 ll~L; 49129 f*.;-UAR i~oon Nov 69 T 8 2 72~ 4 1, rn f\) R i-- *, .393,751 P110141011911309" 1441-11ARIM11, ARM IIIIIIN III, The Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient of Cases, by Ye. M. Nafikov, A. G. Usmanov. RUSSIM, per, Inzhonerno-Fiz Zhurnil, Vol 17, No 3, 1969, 171, 53;D434. Dept of Navy APL/JIIU T-2390 rn 0 v Sci/Phys Mar 70 404,255 omidexsUom RoadIna tbD SPOCIM I-f I prooWISTU of malumm" by I. Ham- MXKMWs JWP HUrqbUaQdA, V*2.12y NO 2p 296% pp 20340---- HMO an 146-69 - , A) n F-tP -L SOL/Am 3M686 Aw 69 -- by T. Ime J. va 98, gw 9*r T. Naga 321P635 6T Integral Theorems for large Deviations ilhan the Qramer Cond1t1on i-s Uolated. by A. V. Nagaev, RUSSW, per, Dok Ak Nauk lim, Vol 1800 No 2t 1968P pp 617-619, The A I-lath Soc Vol 9* Do 3, 1968- V, N,4 4 E Sci/Math Oct 68 366t883 JAIIJU&SL, ~,er, J. Japan ItIst. 32, 1968, pp. 1216-1221. TT 70-57967 u c, 7 0 Lor" :'a. ZA ,4LL IT'Mr =J- J H. Nagai Lc m-milia. ion i: itc-9 ic Determination of TSMOD jAmounis at cgiacium lu stvaiLt by 11. lhida, and K. *14ad .j&1, JAP.40, lass, paro Tats*-to-Haq;A!k, vol 56, 11910j, -pp IL280-152M. ,as 42).97 I li "- 0a tba Txwzmrm sumaw of 01 Tmftm um Si4e SftUeoMh by R. HWMWt9h \%A JAMM* PIFr. Baum M.O.On.-h-d Vib.2xow9. zz ftf - 9wza55-(3W) sa/mmeb ftw lY\.VZrVYJA3b 405,.TTI kw To on the stme Arouna slat lbub Is PsovIded --~tmdjm] A - "Wamb ftunsvww to pow * Web*, by It* smakiwOo and T* TMWX93L# JAPAIM# pm. Selbu ZM~WWL- KWIWP va Wr Fab 1"F uma&r: goo.o65 (3103) scoweh mg ho%vo93 Nor 70 I II Hill .7 Rhe~i6gicuiq:"havior Of P"-PVAe Block and Craft :4YM Compa erisl ,:by: M. Nagano* JAPMIESE , per, Kabunshi Kag4u, Val 28, No 310, 9 1 127. ~ATS-JS-317 April 72: tue., y oC Rheologictil 11ahavior of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibers Grafted with Styrene, by M. Nagano. JAPMESE, poi, Kob,,--shi 1.,agaku, Vol 26, No 286, 1969 pp 111-117. AT-9-.IS-295 June 72 ,-/?I . ~'-"J Investifations Concerning the Melt-Spinning of Metal Fibers, by M. Nagano. JAMNESE, per, Sen - i - Gakkaishi ., vol. 24, no. 4, 1968, pp. 278-2-59. NTC 71-12823-IIE V- 19? / Imstallatim of a Sub-Lames In the L-D Converter. by Y. illlssrs~i JAPANDSMs p~i. Vol Sfis No 60 1970, pp 807412s; SIST I IM:2 3 Oct 72 Installation of aD Auxiliary Lance on the Basic 11-3 Oxygen ftcaace, by Y. daganow et at. JAPAXIME, per, Tqtsu-to:mMQQ, Val 55, No 3$ tacture 89, 19691, p 989. HD 7837 Sci4lat Jume 70 k--7 \ ,'Ws~ Chaza"I Properties or a Virus Inhibiting Paotor. by Y. magam, Y. Kajima. JAPANESE, per J*gMlo LqBMW -9-f Mxperlmntal - I%dlqip&. Vol. 35. Vo. 2. pp 133-140, 1965 OB 39/Pham 130 y A 14 "~ , sci - Sap 67 339-778 lzms OLM V41 42, ao gir 1990, pp or fllp~ill pnot l*p6ho-ap" ft~ ,I Z,~.f qlorvzo I I TIOOC~w 34 7.9 Pil / C> t-1 an the Strength of a (largo Limr In Bwwftep by 9- UsaWavap JMAMSp pwip Zoom EMMI V03. 219.p 1966., 1v 938- = wi M-00 (2493) ,q. VAG- k-S,,9 W A &A-macumdeal xw- Avg 68 3620178 vf~~ 01 wtor perfoasmw UJT). Me s&eo*4~: ipf Zongfltudtnta vih=Uan or. maeNon tirme, I.=u4rf:OOntkvi6 md pp. .TAPA-,7=.v :IPM. *15 27262,60 -A,uCtriAytic 'of .4'iiIC k~xlde Layer witil, Wri -"v-jU0OU3 Uilorl(Ile, by' Per, Vol VI, .",;c 2# pv 8-1-51 S. Nagashima .3z-1,7fa D.i~,,iiicificatior, ilzate in ~ rilloys in Vacuun-a at lic', ij:V, i~,. l4agaski. jiumiIii's-a. J. Japan Inst..I.letala, 1969, LIP- 1224-1227. TT 70-57774 "'er 33, S'ci/matur ;4%.k-j 70 mizing of Highly Viscous Non-Newtonian Llqiidvo~ -by Be Ragatne per* zaaaku 19gakup Vol 33,p 1971~r p0 794-800 HTC!72.60218-07A Juxy 72, :I rl~.* C~- :I "~f 4reat:-of Texperature an UpId Dildatlon Catalyzed by Mackerel llsoski4v: by Fi. Nagaymma* TAP A It 11r,"s perp 1112220 tutu an--Qpkkt=P Tal 3,1-' no 59 19719 pp 415-418 Nin 7240180-06A auno 72 w - - - - - - - - - - - Ef Z6 of~ .Uality of ftirosiifton upon Oxide 2 In s olnO in Step. by Ii. Magayaaaa W JAP SSE pier Tatsu-to-Hagana, Vol 56, 110 11, Lecture 83, 1;70, p S83. RD $455 ija1mvior of Oxide inclusions in Top.- Poured Low-Alloy Steel During Steekmaking, Part V11, of Hineral-Chemical Studins of Oxide Inclusions in Steol, by H. IN&gavaza, JAPANESE, Der. Tatnau-to-11agana, Vol 5-5, r-.0 11, 1964, Lecture 140, F97530. U11A 8 2 19 Sci/mat Sep 70 lxqpoldtiom of Imact SCM3 a14 cocide Inclusims An Bottom-I.Poured Plain C~ Steels by 1,0 jiusaya=. per., ~~ To I'logms Vol 55s No 11:0 196,,:,.p Lecture 140., Pw S530. INS 3285 salkat 7U 003.0mite (melting-Furnace) Hsa~tbvi as R-olated to. OzIde rMbalusions in the Magayama. 201OU jig LaRsma UO&Mra saxUlLi Vol 572 -No 40 1971s p 370s A" 724660035-13H May 72 (SHIMM, l.'IV MkVW AWAWQM~ww gattcm af Amp RUSSUNO pollo y4walz.,o No 9, JFR$ 57351 Cie -Approach to- DJ76ebi- tw vlm~ V. 21dwirv, 8 TV-* UALi St*g6 Of 1)VVOIOPAIDXt, RSRCIkOd bY NUCIOnr Folier Stit,103~v With Pressuriand Water aesiciarm; in the capitedist countries, b '" 0 - 'Affs, Oerj, Ker-Apang-to Val 13& No 120 197O.P pp- 369-37,6,. CEGB Trans 2139 mar~:72 .C!"A i~wiajry .0 Md 1000 i-'evo Z fur pIly-sik. Vol CL jqp '3ci i4r o. wft~e-L Materlal Ewlump Surrams emd Imra DissIpstim Dowltles as a BaloctIm CrItarla for Gm/tlquld ftacto". Pwt 1. Wn MsUwJAa ExcbmSm Surfae" In Wffwmt Clas/Uq"d RmwUws m FuneUcm at the Opera*Sng ParmmwUwsp, by 0. ftWI. ]xmopm* pwp MML*-ZW m -T*Wmdk, Vca 44j, 1972p PP X 367--N3- WC 72-14431-07A JAn T% 171 Tito Equilibrium setween razoous and Uquid MUGS W 4,41ticooponent lIkIlixtunis, by C4 Nagel, 1R. Sinn, GERM;,. pers, Clonie In Techn, Vol XXXVIII, 1966. pp 26 -274. Moto Trans 5V K6 2831 SCI-Mon o- .a--9-c' ~wr 67 320,902 W1 ~~,,,fpicqtido Atrl"kan IMP tv ol~ i-~--h.!ratic I -,Id -U" parr 1-."vwtiiya 112~iLU~h W-,aan~,kh za g, !Fl.zikal 1~3 98 1967t t:V, 6Cr-T2& G9 U-1 t937 gulm- LA: N Trus:Hos't's of Aspidoganter lima-COMOS Disoing .1834 (Trwmtodes, Aspidofastres), by,-16 Fe" Nagibinse RUBSIAJIO~ part V-P_% Ak NRUIE- Ue -BiOX-Seles Vol: i'200~ No 3v September 1971v pp 742-7"t ca Ms.0 72 -------------- 1-15m, by Z NILa,023bq 74 PP4 Ajj2ILmMlLx4 Non'trola; V03. 16 Vo pp'169-472. AXV/rTlD-10-2!3-3G4-71 sly, fi . VOM 04 . vadow *doom ~4wo a Rafining the Concentrates of Ural Pyrite Ores. By F. I. 11agirnyak, 12 pp. r-wSS11U4, p!ar, Obogashchanie Rud, No. 3, 1965, pp. 3-6. CFSTI W 68-50632 Sci/ear sci Dec 69 397,538 32inc a yl ts- -T v t I L~~m - . fo 9 2he mnoa a Swr~ft OLUWtf.4r ca~ thii Linked De-V4r*Mar,&tM= ILexaL41= of 14. F. Na-qiyev,. D DX AME I - ~R2 14M =' Lo Vol 205, Ro 1, July 1972, qsp pp M-Ub. 0 Yeb 73 Winona -to: -41 Ir. nivntofi.~-O,.v Hit T14133A !I,~t m"no3th No ll,~o T1.93o 'T110 f 4he Vbxi lip 1!7d vo, A k t-TAUL. Zsam J-,hys viol Dparaic Frogranatis ar the Relative Y3,03.42 OrAL QW0140A, Plant, by M* F* U&S170v IRTUSSIANI VCM Dok Alc ftUk~~ SSSR Cbm TOOU, Vol iA is ~ A ... #'~ I UP Mi-893- bb M - P - K3 A~_~; ~ r- V Nov 70 00 --nabanger . MMMIM of HegLt B Optual Pr sy.gtms 9. b7 11- F- vast7av SMA-%lon RUMIAN, per ' I Ic I Mach Vol 163, '0 s -"-v U' on, r,A . F - t~') 1~1 _5 " LA e 'j Hoir 70 Force Effect of a Uniform E cc Field on a Single-Fiber, by A* T. Uatji- zada. RUSSIAN, per, lxvestiXa VUZ Rlektro- Mekhallika, No 1, 1967, pp 21-28. A: E -1,7PITD/RT-24-71-68 AD 679 677 7- sci-mat Feb 69 372,931 Eff I~Ct 6~-Hodlfiestlon of Tyroslue and T ~tophiau Residueson Some of the ry Prooortlem of Lactosomstotrophic and Lactogenle Bonioneigg by Lq Ve Nagornayao RUSSIANg.perip Dqk Ak --- munk- asSIR.0 -810013M., Vol'200&:: -No 4v October 19711, pp 983-985. CD xay:72 milli -Pd. -/ [o-q,,& ~~l (am Reditume tD Idth AddlWaft V* so pop" 414 MUMS pwo ! Amembe wow cc ALUWD of ~- Ammental tv p4 Le Ufammys 7 ppe Jay 71 '~ , v Need t.0 EmLiclks ~01~"M-in smialist com- petition Diseussed, by Ve FagorrWs, 5 pp. RUSSIAR, np, Kr&gFna-vg Lverds. Flosew, 1 Feb 1972, P 20 im 55n0 Apr 72 V - A)!4- ,3 Oe.4J yy indoctrination of Ofacer Cadros. by V. Nagornyyp 5 pp. rMiSIM, np, xmvmva zxozd , 1-bSeowl, 19 Jim ,-A 19?20 p 2. iples 55326 YAr 72 Contribations of Young lUsne Ufficers Dis- cuasku bv W. -Racamys 5 pp. RUSSW* np* K=w2asa Zvesda Mmov, 13 Nm 1969#'P 2. JERS *9462 Jan 70 399.268 Invariant Coverings of Subgroupaq by V, To, -- 4, RUSSUNO perlp Dak Ak.llauk SSMv V03. 172o no 1, 1967* pp W3-2- - Am Math Soo Vol 81, No 10 196? "J, 1, Np3(ZE,6EQKl,l bov 68 3701,291