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solid-sme E-loctmaic circuit Hlomnts,, Part 111m by A* Moscheitzer, r-, Kohler, GRIMM-p per# Nechrichtentedmik, No Sg 19651, pp 94-99s *MT6HT-2 '00,1100-67 11005C, )10 sci-Blectr Aug: 67 Moschetto, Y. Antigenic Properties of Keratins. ACADEME DES SIENCES, PARIS,_COMPTES RENDUS, Vol 265, pp 1004-1006, 1967 CSIRO-Trans-10997 NTC-72-14713-06A Jan 73 sb; Lis A. MosebwUmwo L. Kohler* 9 pp. awmav per# ~40 pp /:z ep- 6a 19639 3640815 fikAid-state Mectr=le Circuit Memutsy by A. Moschultzer and N. Kohler, 14 pp. GMIM.p Parp Machrichtentectmika. No 3j, 1965s pp 94-W. AVV'P=/HF,e,3-3100-67 Sol-Electronics Nov 68 366o,298 C CLe- ku_p e All pp. per, VC4 XV& 1,-~a 4, lim,-6 tv iaA-137. F1.15rc M-T65-304 ,~,Cal-W6 10 21M)ANS,,45 Ld - Elbe Feb 66 29504A4 IVMVC---ent of (;,()thing* -.00twar .,dtcs urecoo by We=la lbsc-Icka, 8 pp. - I 'I'Llsfie npo =2 -ems2eAmm, 1,Arewo 3 Aue 1,0699 p 6. -j r-s 4866,-,1 a 0 XV9728 Butu or the or the 1014sive by Smrt DL290900j, by F* so mashu"Uhs Ro T*-- nub"* va ro Somwoko wSops, ""I A&W susubsolm b9mum Zoo 13 331P WT sca - MOM J" Gr la 1 120- I Pralille7lo olf tile rl ~'or I,tw imrfat lmauatxxw~, by IiDkscicka, 6 vrp. per, ma. 3, Aug, 196-C., ppr ~0- cl 8 o-- Q, lo~- con irov 66 322,,924 --- Ilan ul Praflulbillu ban Gal ftpdr comut bv VPT pwil sma. No 23s 5 7,"e 6 3W o s )c CL-/ 66 308,034 .1 iIIIIINIU11,01 fl"111111 ! 1:111W 11"il I ! P 1!1 1 NT- -7 ?It/(;? 10 LAW W* VM Me COWU=t " We WIU &me"t b7 "Ut"184M Gave"s 5bacwp 3 Aw"""r 1966- ,Tf P-51 4^pccr4L 2, As A NO 32& 3 Ipp I - , .... ... :" 9 LEGAT, A. and Atp.5EA, A. Effect of microstructure on hardness and toughness of structural steels. H"Art- tech. Mitt. 23:10-14 (1968) (CRL/T. 3925x 21 tha Effect of Alloy Blemats on nardenvbMtv. & by 4 H*fterv, u IAsau GEAU414 pwo Na auft aiadd6p. ?b 132, 1967* 3ZI-332* *R= AJO C- --,), ", ~ L Wftt - Aft 68 zMat of A23xwum slameaw on by,ol. 1bgeir *ad A, rAest,, GMMRp L*ro Dwa- m4m. -non Ap Vol U20 400 -PP-3a--m B331 -656T sellitat Vza~ Apr 70 405a,792 Effect of Idicrostructure on itarduess atul Toughness of Stnwtural Steels, by A* Legat, Avo bloserw GERM, per, IWrt.-Tcan,_?4itt,pI Vol 23, Aj-,ril 19689 pp 10-117--~ BISI Sci-Idut. 11ay 69 582,435 e. ExPeTLOnees wd Modern Knowlefte of Waste Gas PurLftamtion ror Aluminum Iloetrolyids, by E. Moser. =MW,, per.. Zeit fbar EM bau und MetaMuettenv- 1-*Ed_ *s*wn vol. 22., no. T, 1969,, PP- 322-326. nte TI-10915-127 August Tl L-AtAIV Znbeed at-posit 'Iota Ll 0 .1, 310 1,5703 b9 51 r; 51-0 Piro 9 1-51tod"kal 1,12V tr= or Tbmsooz= Um ter r... n'rmurp CTIMY TOO MOSER J G~% SKYGUARD - FIRE CONTROL DEVICE FLUGWEHK UND TECHNIK MAY-JUN 71 NO 3 VOL 33 P P 59-60 FSTC-HT-23-2503-72 jq~ Labeling Water Sources by the Natural Dissolved Ions in the Timavo Xarst Aquifer by Fer%'QCCiO Mosettl, 7 pp. ITALIAN., p*C, L'Acqua, vol 45, no 4, July-August i9C7, pp. 97-in. *CPSTI rr 70-S9131 sel/Chem may " Lafein of I'latoaa lueenuvos cn Prodti-cuon Told. pp. scow., J~..o ]..D,T 1, PP NM70V.11~400*7 ~ i~ . . i Constractim in 14osIwrfsIwqa Oblast Must Be Placed an a Scientific Basis, by A. jkgLobevitinp 5 pp- H=Tmj, np., izvea___ 29 Aug 1965, p.4. JPFZ 32708 USSR Beon Nov 65 292..160 iynarkics of Pulse Waves of the Intracranial Pre- -4sura During Tramverse Accelerations (m, to 40G) by Yu., E* Moskalenkov Do G. Gazenko,, et al. RUSSIAN, per, 12yestLys m SSSSR serixg Biolo- 41chemk!ZAP, -3T-- '- M* L9670, pp 396-403. *FT04FT-24-244-67 Aug 67 IrL ------- I'm -F in It'j!"14 F,31q.01111L A Pnblw- in the Thsoxy of rinits Automata, by V. A. mehah~y* 3.4 pp. RMTM* pcw&, It Ak Nw* SSSR (Wn. Tckh M It Jan/Feb IWO p-p. 70-78 MIS 35073 V MOA 6v) Mytth 3030392 atio t 1-:13co or FmasiAn vinace Wsm-Vbod. by A. mloithcho%dting 5 IV, 2 m m Whae 6 1 mva IttusuN, pars j=er 32- ipp's C, s H & V IT Svi/15su-hs b4ok Civ. 8-- Mar Eu~ ims 68 3620908 In# 5 PP4, ,, vionm t lun 71, C C (m,maq1t, a ion P~.OZ-arlnn Party Congmus, by POL pplo GITRIvi i,,*, t4~., v 61kastl=o, Vionnal, 13 ;-::raY 71, . .3. .p &-as: t40= and 211tratlan, in Ao~ br:; sale ongim m an a normotor stond O-q wave rllfractior, i~y 'b4c, li.'Iliptic cylinders.1 Eky !:. A. xvanov, A. V. 331ashinskii PUS31A-%, lf~,er, IZV. AN BSSR, Ser. Piz. - .1 -~ -jit --U7f- -- -at,wm. I'mak. X6. 1969 i. f ~q . 41 a?-) Gi~ 397.488 On Plane Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Two Parallel Radially Inhomogeneous Anisotrapic Plasma Cylinders. Du A. V. Mloshinskii 11M=-4, per, Xxv, AN SSSR, Ser. Piz. Matem. Nauk, 110. 4, 1969, pp. 12--TO. CIA X-7133 Dow 69 397,487 ,L -dial nrma-pa-a a ii.,Paattlamnt r~--serva 'Liat is j Vital to the ExistancC and Security of tne 113, . tate, by David Njoshlov, 6 pp. 20 Jan 1. 2Lvar 967j, pp- 3-9- itow 4o2o4 L~~L~ ljzw 67 32o,943 Ip Tko ftUmvlo= of B== =d Occlum D=-M* the Matlng of Steel ard MaIr Influem an Sam Piwertles of Stataoss Staclo by N. I. Nmg*evlcbp at u1j, msmo, per. Abed. ft* s= I=t. Not. A.A* BmihDv Fin* ... 141im. onnow PZOUV. staus MTO IV :E, %-- -~~ Q -qeAAAst bur 70 ho4,o56 rpt, Ae." Alaik. InA. "at. ~-Jaillwv fiz. nav, =12A* 7570 nabraxial- 714~~ TIN p ML A. IWO z mrs) -T ~ A--- ~A o S-k J6 NIR Stable Equilibria in the System Nap Xg 11 Cl MO., - B20 at 250C and Pco2 I atM, by 1. .1. Hol3bkina. A WSR. - Pb" Cbgm. a RMSIAN.. parj, Dok A & Vol 202j, No 52, Fab 1972s, pp 1131-1134 CD Sept 72 A. "loshkov - Investigation of friction sur-faces of pozvw iron-baued materiaZa. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, 1-1;atalZokeravrlcheakiye materiaZv i izdeZilLa 1969, pp 228-232 A-rRIF.TD-HC-23-107-72 sept 72 8. S - f-A o s k V- C-- ,/ Dlffft-Onm IA Light P"Mm" Altalng the Mark Ph&" of tbilb ! 4.1 Alvd- DOWSOr *r NyetopKIle aud MY % -,- b-bla Plu*aj, by a. S .. Mmbkov,. =SUN* vws D* A *auk SM Dot Sol.$ Vol 203JI. No I wwoh IM Pp 'all-7:16 - c5 Jan 7a T. tie Putcatial Productivity of Plants, 1,,, b. S. Ytishkov. RUSSIAN, per, SeIskokhqzyaistveDnaLa hiolosj"', Vol 4. 1967, 1 540-550. (ACB-Tr 257 sci/b&VI Jun 69 384,494 ol UIQ cmstructicn Model of a "Biological ClockI by B. S. moskuav, at &I. RUSSIAHm, pbra Dal A Nauk SSSR, Val CLXVII,, No 4 1966 1, pp NASA TT F-10*107 0-~ Jet 66 3049279 Electric Analogs of Problem of Vibrations of Structures in Flulfts by L. V. Mosbkor. ZMAN, bk. Elaktridbaskie v Zadachakh o Kolebenlyakh Xmptruktall v Zhidkoeti, 1967. 1WIRS =I/BR FT 71-53057 AveDA-Cle ER ODIY L - \\j - rn o % ~ Ie 0 \/ ,Ame n The ZEpltJLW of MOO&VIOMp by P- B. ~bvl ~kobp A. 1. lbalmakly. NWZRM.* vwp Ook Ak ftn'k Vol IB2j, Ho 4, Oat* 19* VP 9 CB r- . 8 - /-).) C) ~~,4 /,-, C, ,, ;' Q // NOW 69 381.,062 Boacums in a J*Qmw or T%am .. ~ r tq 111W jXem3vtyi=D* I~g F. B. A. L Boalovokly. mmin.t Wo Jbk Ah Book S.Mt V03L IMi, Bo 3j, awto v6BO ip 60-Mv. m /7- 6 - M & -5 14 1~ ov I! C-- H low 6.4 V04826 levelopwnt of tiain Tret0z; in Z-bahkovskly, et al., in the USSR, by Sh, P. 32 pp. RUSSLNA,, per, .Wjtq&agW& BaraUtoloptiga MrrsMtLrr= SoIg"t. Vol. :16, No. 6. ibv-Dac 67, pp. 643-663. JM 45.338 May 68 357,746 SO OAK" I VA A .4ff . ;Pit Our. WAM STY-- 4, M-74, wilb th* AiLl ti' Scrie-m Inte~irittjr.-, by L. It. A. F. ~~40sllvvyshslly, Its i-,--r anlye, l2w- 4, l!ib7, hsitivustroy, C, q tj -- 3199-947 GMrjlcjayt*r,kU In A?,'ttbG ikXAMS'-St bY t.oslaEAjiso -;M~'Ikllis part REgUl SiwAt ;Io 8, 196C. Jan 371.?29 "alokl* lbr. VOWMI5z, it t'=* v by- lltswt, jt,. ';4-utwft~. nu, 1~~w r-.449 w ti;n mwar tmvm Ata=UX4 ~~o -1,36 ev& K a & : 7 .... I I R ;A by Georg 1750.sig,, 9 pp. Wo6j, 1971. s ept 1-2 meaallization of Cold Forging in Universal Castilmowly Reciprocating Prossese by F, V, ILUMMIs At Wkhamizatsir.4 KhaLodnoi 5htsmahil Lq"O 19.9 P. NEC R TOM9 Jul 66 4074,526 t _- - - ~',. i _;,_ .1 1 ~; I 1~ ~m :. ; I I , i li i ; snph " : i 11 I I I . 1. .. - A GlmWw Path of SUagg)A for Peace and 0 soolauslis by L. MOBIDO 12 pp. RUSSXA Pori Esawalk6 YAODOW, NO j?, Now l9a - inn ?9-4380 IJM4?9 55V L, M o5 i -yi M-SR Feb 69 373,,932 0-I, -thit~ Clasuile-21 -c-f ti-e. i4witmac-"imial Fra-Im, by ftwaalm z~i~d M.Z. I'Wakal. W.cSMAII, T.-ar, Pat Mr I~~A SSSR, Vrl IUS X0 6v 150, Yhe Aim Iflatit qat 1w 1969 3$:-5-Izd ',am 171; I I : .1 i i I I ;, I . :i ! c r ti i "I --------------------- tat#m OX 1~1~ tv VIP, 3 clet ~a. long= IPMEmosimmmmmumm M IN by Go Ilowleve As, 14 ppo im"flitra-0 LIP* L-TIN Kim* Wil 9 Ow 496% ims, 4%Z2 ul SSR POI Jan 70 tal Al fille Muiv,,mk7,r WA E* at tbawanko" 57 M. WW=it b4 91 AMA ammalu x fia3m Jug, 66, Cq~jjcctlva A-greement abd the Entorprize, by G. M:b*alanko, 5 pp. M51i'01, nv4"Per, jl_ud, riav&-w, 23 Jia-i 65, P. 2. JFRS amo latittua Fob 69 3 5 1 , -^-4 G. P4 lbskatenko ~04eoawvj on LjOw optiviat dit.-i-simt of a point of variabZe PIUS44 4 rpt; Teorem, ob optimaZ nom dctmU tochlci ~Report Fi-850 19721, 22 MI 2V F 14,345 sa'.n POOUU6~aliw of the flight of flyii;g appaxatus in vt~~,0,41i;WM Qf'p?4CMOt8 , 7 i eta X ovobmzwa = Vol StandiairdLzed SerLes of ConverterS2 by G. V. Moskalemko, G. H. Sabayev. 11 pp. MISMAN, rpt, StvwUtva Aualggg= i Analogo.- Tsiftevo 1968, pp 226-233. ,Z Vlgchisl TakhnikLp rlR/FM/W-24-45-70 V. Sci-sloc jam 70 lactOT7 ~bz YOU 140 nwecwv 22,Omo 197,16a Xy 22 Marshal lkmimlanko Domorlb" Ubwation of -7 Usvg by K. ldo*aw*os 6 ]ppo Rmimis, mpg, aM& soq~4, 4 now 19W# 0 3* Mit, 460975 K., M , -S kq L E A) k- ~, USSR AWL ,r~w 68 3"9703 b,gdvemry at Owmn DeAsto bor -no so yeaftlonma RUMIAlls porlp 20miew DRALTUAt 9 I-11W 1967s Rp 1-20 i M. 4.3206 was R ku r.ov 6? Al~ 14 1 30551 cmd Po3porizationza Ak 'Vol 196, 142.,144. CB Oct I Ami 72 CatchIM FJaet Requi"s qptim= DmIapmnt fliany bW Me Pe bcNWQQVkO# 10 PPp Itusslut pwo WAM 025MENW& lia go 19w$ pp. 87-90. JFRS 47*096 Sci-ifAmbe Ind* Civ & aftr EW Jan 69 ///, I-lathowtical PmUew el. PlannIng In the Fleb lndwtwo tv M. P. MoOM140ko. RW,5,Mo Pelt# adm ma&Vdn Val 429 go 8, JL9660 pp &5*W. Dept of IAWicr FUb 4nd KIdLift SOVIDO Bal, ammu Of Fores4an Flahmile Jan 346o886 no MUSSUM of M.UMMUcal I.,*tbods as a SOLMUna D"M ftW Flnudag the Lmg-Tsm Dnvu;ada Of the nabift M*du*AW* by M. PO ftabLlAakow~ MSUMS Imr WD"Aw-SOMAMO Vol 428 no so 19660 pp 9;:kl r4pt of interim fuh sad USIALUO SOMA06 Ba. 0 MwSM 0t Favaieft Flabules =a EOM Not 3"o50? f5 Sko, 1-z n lPzelwwln Live NWISDOU In FaVosuble FftsVerm- tump IW N. 1. ftabsumo. mwmunp IWIP am = 0 lejp so go MNWO w T3-7b* Bost lot ft"dw st ftwup ndwrim 6T 343o]63 wo, ,"ala, cal Probl"S of planning in the Fish- Ingoladustvy., by H, P, M"kalwfto, RMSIANO, per,, !,!Mot Khoz. No 8, 1966# OP $086. *ftt *f. Interior FLA and Wildlife SOMICO Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 10 SCL-Eav Sci Hey 67 was um or Nougms as -a sclenti- fu basim at 06 Dwalop- am* Foa *Us* In the ftstlag Mftartqo by U. P. WwkKIsMkqv RMSZA% PW# ad= Mob Ib 60 3-966. pp 78-Vt *&vt ar utauw nwh a" RUAlue sarrsAm Du4ma of Cownweba Plabori" o Sol-lor Sol 67 fullumll"wiLuct I -to I Ni 403 -i Gost A4c=rtivz frodimuon, Russmo pw* F lio 5, 19689 loom USSM22 ins 415-951 Ve, A) WSR Loon Aug 68 yz. -1 uattiaar Yo-'p 1--arLid-suz. 15 Uva =I,-, lawl INg v I'M, j,: 75t F Wkovv,,.~ .ILr--r-iEaov i Ormall,"'i .-aistallw, 19665, yl Randon Vibrations of Multispan Plates, by V. IN. Moskslanko. RUSSIAN. per. Iuzh Zh Mckh Tverdogo Tela, No 4, 1968, pp 79-84. CIA X-6901 227 -7C_.- (, q -/_2 17 -~'g - Fab 69 37S,36S t:,.,2 t r.~ of V. 4;,olotill, --r, Z.wrnal Priilarlvc- Apr Z-9 ~^Oeam- Imam. M~ di. lyl; i ~ 7M 'D.3, Stp !A. M os 4~ Y9 L EA) i,--' C) 343,152 oy 1:jIlf--i~ )Jes Cli LTC4xza-,~ ~Ll:i to Vl.~a I~tudl C";: i-c-,ulatial of 'a IntrILcta:az Yc-! kL ?~Mshut ri, at aL 54, la ~.~ac 69 3.47,421 re= 7 ~lc OfFill )ROW lit lWill! P!, M I: I gibe IwO14MMM ;:Artlftc5Aa I:lm*tivztim of AtUntic Sal -.n In t.)ae IV A. - A* Ykabaer. per q%noe Vmz., Vol It,% No 5., .197213 VW SVXj Ipp 3Derb oj~ slam. -ftadirrtiixi Uttmtion md Action Of Troops, by L-, Als De Moskaleve 81 PPJW Rtw1jul, bk, Radiataimmgza Obstmovka i ~ms Vize 1966, pp 2-104. PIDUZS4167-1," Sep -67 339*560 I y B. 10 iffook4uv CaCYWI~P With C hOllOW OaMO&. 102 pp. RIEVAD ag: MM am- .1p I pp &-17,0 22-84,0 122-2.=j, 1960 A(AEC-tr-7387) 5REMOTE AFTEREFFECTS OF RA _ , (ed.). 10Translation of jy DIATION DAMAGE. GMoBWev, Yu I Otdalennye Posledstylya Luebevykh Porazhenil, Atomizdat, T11_0s-c0_-,11_,_B~. 2Q574_p_.__24_D.P_.N_T1S. 26radloblology; translations 2T06R 21STD-48 20P NSA REVISED CARD 0 it;TLI.Cal t*U-.,JVratU= UiF-tTjL'UtjACn ill a 1:.-e i its Values at the ~iurfacv of th,e i~arth are SL-lecifieda by ie r. imUskaieva. 16 If.. per, i!2~ Kascow. Nauclmo-lssledo vatellskiz Institut Acroklimatolm No 35, 11. 066, pp 31-42, Aun./irm/11IT-24-124-68 .sci/atinosplieric scl mar 69 376,949 NCH-200 229 Field 13C, 20K Moskslev, N. S. A STUDY OF CAUSES OF FAILURE IN %kTLDED 1. National Lending Library LATTICE GtRDERS SUPPORTING TRAVELLING for Science and Technology, CRANES (Issledovanle Pr1chin Ran-mabenlya Boston Spa (England) Svarnykh Podkranovykb ferm). Mir 65, 57p, Iref. RTS-2454. Order from NLL: 40s as RTS-2454 Trans. of Moscow. Inthenerno-Strottelnyi institut. Sbornik Trudov, v22 p59-89 1958. Jacentic ScrAces F.-ist Be I-ade Availeble -&,~ U-i-a Rural Populcitionj, by i- Moskale-fy 5 'Pr-- mmsnn, np, Trvi, 15 Wow 1966. -r,- 2- 39J. 9 V. 14oskalev Pcon Jan 671 316.,134