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0 - ~talr, I, ba 42 I.1 Lk 1" I&rections In soviatTim j,*rWuct:Lmq by i. iswasm, a pp. P" &mm~q 0 , . No 60 Veb 19690'pp 47710 Apr 69 3779.046 A - The 0/,. 7el:I Characturi8tics CC DuraidU~Yct Turbine M.adw, by L. V. Nolosove 15 pp. HUSSIM, pw, -1 4 Td---At-- Altat- mlamykh Tm -23-37- 1 NO 5,v 196=97, wimpp 91-102. R AAW SaPt 71 bub:SIANO Liv,'VUZ Chern._Ilelt., Vol 11, MI I U), ~W, lip ~-P 7637 C) Zlci.,W~knt 377,746 A.,~rfii to ve -S~~Cv* ll~arowwe 6 ppo BEIss"No Ivir SODOM* 10 Jan 376*OW Ad Ure a or ex Boundary Layer, by M.G. Norozov, 7 pp. 'RUSSIAN, per. Inzbenerno-Fizicheskiv Zhurnal, Vol 20, May 1971, pp 903-9-ff-.- ,a.CSS-K- 2690 FSTC-HT-23-2077-72 On the Unifo= ApproxLmtion of FUnctions by PoAtive Lblow Opmtwsp ty me I. 15MOSOV. RUSSTAij per Dok Ak Nauk SM Vol 1?29 110 4. 1W. ;OW7P ~-~ Am Math So& Vol 80 No 11, 1967 m ; -/- . m o 0- o ~2~ C, V Now 68 370,332 6-i or A a-bol 1-ilmoRamdry Im -the Row 11V6., PION, MV MA mi Bo 14. A%19 pp 7X Nonlinear Vibrations of Thin Plates with A3.1mance for Rotatiorml Inertia# tV N. F. blorozov, R=Mlip p%v Oak Ak Nank SWR, Vol. 176v No 3p L967* 5~525* Am Huth -Skm Vol 8# No 5p 1967 10.F. MOP,0-2-0\1 Hav 68 3540282 Aanular i5rooves,, by 14. 1G. karozov. RUSMN, pur, Vest ~Wk Univ, Ser Hat i No 6 105.113. $. 19600 pp *9apt of Navy/APL/XfU Jo999 0 PhYS Jul 67 v~vuw Aratuame Of 4ulura !or .Qlt-6 1"tallatieSS& by J~* IV Luivys:.& NO 44 maratava a EAU ikkab zoved A", AN& 4mvo In V Roar'latim. "~Va 19650 pp M, 6. /M 6)Q6 Z 6 V Scl - alect 4 ulac ensr YOU 67 -'IaU LUZt Ci. z--bmzov and 1~7 supwsoaU FIM P"t BodleD Of ROVOIntiOn with An=LIW ROOD""s tF M. G. MoNMAW & Yu. V. Sayebm. Russuse pwo If-..10..MMU44 Utdv. ItINJ&, SWIL lip lie 966v pp 108-U3- rat.-l" -41 Upt of Fowl mim To 2X-Tly+ swu~s Fab 68 "953.5 "... -....... il- ;, A-'j:L)Ljj;cT-iup PractiLus Usou" ua ~11 Gi,j6j-Viiaiu A"~ni tratiou pi Guodcsy tuld Ea-togrophy/Wta-schrients, by 11, '4. "lorozove ULUSIAN, per, Coodoz i KartogrxC, No Cj 1965f pr, 73-76. ACSI 1-83,96 I W" s R Goog M I ar 66 29 7 C-42 d (bov=- by Vlo 40, 4 loaft 197-t# JLO,& 4im 72 'A-'-, Livostodlc Breeding Needs Full I nents, by 7-11. 110rozov, 7 1--p. RUSSLUit -oer, M,-unov7Jcbe9'XWa Gazeta, Mo. 7, Mscow, Feb 68, p. 2!~ JPM 44, SS2 oci/x"gri. P, -01 March 66 355, i68 MAIN Cksdbet with Alr And SPWO TurPtst by P. V. morowv- 98 Im. WMIM,, Waborlbe Vp A3Xf .68 P, -(f. 'h-) "cir WMtWy 394t241 Oct U) Itill f I If -It fill I It H tin I I Coobatim TanoU o btV F. I YAMBOV 40 pp. RW&UHo Up IXW*ta a VpSd"bao-gpggqbWk1 196n 2 97ve Le afw MIA'$ A m Fob 68 3490099 Ln :-xAplara cc (arwLtso by R. No 31 JAI,$ Sol Lloo I='mutnatins Lanints, Decrees* tw S. 1;1 PI)4, b lWSSUu. W, LOMINalot VA)30mt lio 171 NOV 1969v r..p 75-M- ims 496?9 Pal F ab T. 0 J/& - ~~on-Stvttioaary ation, by S. F. 8 RUSSIM, 1:or. IVUZ, I-lath., No 1, 1969, lip 26-31. ALC/ AN L-T Ar- 4c30 6=70 Juil 70 Faults in the Pre-Devonian Bavly Deposits of Bashkiria, by �. _Q,-Mgwzov, G. M. Sadykov. RUSSL4N, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol CLIII, No 1-6, Nov, Dec 1968, pp Arrer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 -r4 'I'!t'viv, cn- !&6.~ kiaUiodoluay in alitary Af fairs, by Col. V. I-L-mozov and Lt* Col& Ye. --Rybktn, 10 pp. 1=1M., per., Kb=Lmist VoanM2nqyk,1i Silp 1b. It., Fab 15057, pp. 91-95* am W462 v /T USSR 11LU Apr 3-2 Is 3"12 ove r for A. r Y and A. nanivs, -,ennvve U; Vo rob 68, pp. 26-271. JP.~t5 45,130 i I i tw- L C,"- 5 5 , 77 2, M. 1 part part 66 3134,516 Bas-*;s ~:f Sucess, by Lt FOR C"T"OiCIAL USE ONLY RUSSDUf, p~~r, Voyennyy ACSI i-6474-D iD 22okoo2o65-V C-,l V. I.' -,---,-v r-_ IL -'' :) PP. Vestnih, a 4, 1965. jul 65 Alvonwt :Pro L-vzAL!M.aLa=.-- za o", m0 v-0, lieu morozov* V. voloshimskilm 6plid, RUSSIAN* per, Tolhatka v SaPskou Xhooystve, No 8,P Aug 3PRS 39"0 USSR sci-ftric Feb 67 318,918 ppe anis !)low 'j& L-calallzt liatims, i4ono,4,- tDr V. Eorc-wr, 11 rmswr lqj0lD:p MoiZr,2-'OV Choice Of Parameter for the Solution of Functional Fquations by the Regularization Method, bV V. A. florozov. RUSSUM, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRv Vol 1750 No 6v 1967, pp M-5-12W. Am Math Soo V63. B. No 4. 1967 V. '~ - Al 0 P'. C'-Z 0 \/ A S-table I'Inhod for Cw:--putativj) Of the Values Of Unbomded Ui.,.-crators, by V, A. '-,orazov, pltji~~S lilt" -,per, Dak Ak Nauk 6SSR, *Vol 195, irlo 2, 1969, 267-270. The Am t.'ath '~',cc Vol 10, '~'* 2, Mer-ApT 196F) V 0 2- \j -let (19 L 394,135 vc-1 12, ic~ 196 0 , P.;) 413--4,164 G9 .1-40dal stuftes of stmas astriwtim in slope-Bs, tw #. J). Idworwo 6 pp. RUM Mie rpto Vm*�gzjjzw gm Mmxafibv&Yt 5tb. le Z-Vnftp 1966s UJIMA pp -445-"3. plool?y3buv FTIWIT-24-Vi"? V .qoi/PbW* Aug 68 364,804 rimatiolsigmwmt to f..v 'm iliomffa ar 4,kal- *VIKPOUC *DRP*r-0MtMUAUG ro.-,04p Ubjlocts 9~w. tha VgslxKU*2 17 Vo I* Vbwww imd R. ICO ler"'Wmar 7 OP- T 4mmm,y Dwa, vemblik MV/J,IJL,L- iqc6o w. 29~-33. Imm -~km twil 2U5*932 A j,L,jj_G-apftaty Hojogr&ph_tc Hmo--yj by V. 31 1-brozov. MGM per, Pr1rada Ito 32.9 3.969, pp 6r,-66,, Dept or Ifevv A~h35 V - NJ - r)) o I?- o -7- o V Bel/Debaw .3 u ly 70 N-, ROPCUUM-1 RKU Of Mals of Dolphins as a Fmvbion of Distance to Targeti, bY V. P. morm", A. I. &.0pung 10 pp. RUSSMI-0 parg Bi0fizi-ke" MOSCOW. Vol 17, No I$ 1972. pp 139-1 JMS .55729 APr 72 coatIllwousAl Cast Slobs.0 by Yu, M. ChIshikov* Ve V* umosavo RUSAMIAN, .4mr., StatallM Vol 11, No 40 1967* ,2 pp ZS*26. 20 Avg 67 1389S$4 mcec,7-0\1 f SaubiUty of So3ld Carbon Dioxids in lfitror,-en 'and lVdrqpng by V. S. 1-bxvwv Russwqt pare GP!2=A IDRMsUennost, Vol 12, 110 7. 1�0 P-P' 43-45 IM 714W~3Z7D feb 72 Qvbwwm4ca* tw alft # name Ho 296 3 0 P, o7- 0 An 1'.ztcrt,-,y Condition 6or the Grouth of Cracks in ~'.Iastoplastic Bodies, by Ve. M. ~~orozov. t RUSSLAIA,"I,ocr, Uok A kLauk ISSSlt, Vol 187, N'o i, July l9cq, pp 57-60* T-he &i Inst of Phys Vol 24. Re 7. Jan 1970 c , t-,q , 0-) 0 e C, z c J Feb 70 401,406 CQIQ.-Inling the- Analytic Criteria at the Ehd of a Crad,,, J~or Ye. I-.f .7-brozov. RWSI&J, j?er, IrWll,--M]3iyy Miurnal, ff.Wd-Lanik-a ,rmnpgo rLbla, No 6, 1968, pp 147-1.52. EW 1-.Wf 569-69 &--c 69 -M v -,-. a,-), - )5-) -", 0-7' -~ 398,561 IT L~ 4jaM T-jWW AD a* U.V Vo M-Nmohm n!L 00 IN" & vomp no OR vo- WWAP loom ano ZU6335 Oil ~pf --,Rad&=vaa PefUcted flvm Vw -.1,Pw *.Oro ,a ISP, M? JUI-Aug 4,974 pp Straighteidn,q r-ibre in an Electrostatic Fiolcl, Uly Z, ~~jrozov. RUSSIAN, per, Tekst Pr No 2, 1968, pp 19-22. CSIM/No 9594 - a. /-" I sci/Mech July 69 386-834 of Tin Tetrachloride and ;Tbotr~ BOILS: in Reactiona Involving :Rupiare of the Aaetal Bond, by morozova. &bk Nallk SSSR PhXg ~Qhem ~*J, Vol 1999 No 30 July 1971" ipp 654-656. Feb;72 Lo" 1AWIxeclik' I oristyi,41 i VolcknistvMl I Jtrih:tur i "In-tarialm, 19155, 1,J67, 509-514. I" 4.j., 70 404*389 Chomical Activity of FOlymer Fibas Prodwed by DUrUptiOn of the A&SaiMn Bcnd With the Solid Su , bstrate, by R. A. Xrotava,, L. P. Ybroz=. RUSSIMN's, % A sssa, .mr,v Rigau i NM VOIL 177s Ro 3s NOV 3,967a DO 636-639. CD L P- -Z~ C' oot 68 363s320 -.1 '14 lit P BII i VI I I r 1.1 :111fil''l.j. III MU Eta!! -26, ID acav; ;Ultmviolut ";!.~Cctral -hur auch i Prik Vato Mt pert 4 i i'ans# Vol X& No It IftS. Vi, 22-27. Jiu F".11tilu, DASSLA Sci DOC 6$ WIB Lkw a-21Y N1.912 i;L7 P 'Yol X's 4;0 I,j~ 41,5 2 3!) InvestUptlon of Spootral Propertios of Photographic Hatezials Within the Vactnim Ultraviolet Spectral Region by N.G. Morozova. G.P. Startsev. HUSSLIU1, per 2L._W .UjL_WAja. Votga. Kinera. Vol. 10, no. 1, 1965, pp 22-27 OB 131/T 4-744 Sai - N, C- - --;7 7ee t, z~ c' 'C,2130- Aug 67 339-671 e't41-2. Nov Reactions for Detecting and Identifying Amino-Acids on Chromatogramov by R. P. Morosova. RUSSIANp pars U j;:1 &kUxL2k2A= Abux"Ir Vol 37, No 2s 1995, pp, 290-299. NTC 72-11236-07C May 72 i;,ier, AS 1xv, -~vr bliujcaiti:skaya. I S St IbIA or Sclamtifle and web"cal Libraries in Uf0motum Activivp by Ye" X* tbrozom# "t vp * LUMNS verp ft9hu.. Infor- 9v "0 UWR SC144AP air 66 296$OUt axivorters, by "orazov- Pcstmsi; xy. RUSSIN-41, per., 1. pp 94. -IcS, 1968, lameritelInaya TeMnika, Jail 69 375,561 Boadin-proparty -of stm)- -Piate* by F. mommi. '7'-S JAPAIROSEs Wj, Toon Itep NjM Mai, 110144t 1960, VP 61-72. *DIU Sys.-a oqz-~ SeL41f&t Doc 70 -a( Pro -Bob f Hibliji!~~93 Ik on Evolution and' or , i~, t J4 R'O pp -en t~.Olut i6it Vult, uur~ Am- sterdarm Noli -NOV 127 ff 3 JPP-S 063.1 Man L= Fath to !~oo~~ by rp* 4,0_14"-SAt=# i4o 50 4y 196% Aug 68 363s,990 -~ S, Lxlowsbn cp criualms Gamment of ammmass bw Jow pArrime 9 pp- amils For4 Egita" QANM &=top&=@ it Now l9we IPP W13-ow. ipm 4?o2DI /av7a BE-Indmos" 1~01 4m 69 372VW2 hirmt1ma; Opentiorn I~cilipso. by j.1 iorriset, M-461.11, per, Air ot ODsms, Vol 4, ~b 171, 29 oct '19662 IWO SE 7- Sal..Astxonony Doo 66 kvudn'Mm: -0,b-amiftom !;,- ur. n=Tjoet, .i G-MlIMM-IT USM = Emcilt Not mrot as Vol lj~ Uo "I j Z? OaUjam J.~X*p IV irm WD Llwe~ J. morriset VS-PAVEM sal-Aa v4 a I ~ 11" 313,931 IL;l 44A C oy j, rpt, E.- Ju cia ~tiiltzrjt~~ ia GTio-ut-r-.1 =5 M M44WAN" .H. mm Im3ction of Overlmad Line rt Crossarms. jiVT Vol. 70, No 10, 10 May 1971 9 2b9 flAressing of Overhead Conductor W&res 2--parlence uy to the Present and its Theoretical Significance, by H. Mors. Gexuanx per Elekt* wirim, Vol 670 Nor-Ajpr lqtoqs pp 271-M. MOB 04A. Mor TO Serial no 1~;.I-Sis al: taQ ~Viecllanical besii-Ill 01, i-ab.". Tt:115iua 915 Oteriscad Liau:~. .*iod aisU icc Louuilij.5 oil ~~wr- lictau-i Lines, uy 1i. ll~iors. per, lilalctrizitatswirtschaft, No 26, sci-on~, 3UL 09 39U,Ijb ~ie.uht cbmvomitim or ravasm (Exosi= ravusa)., by N. MWWIMM6 RWBZA36 PW.4 Kboa~,p 1b 6s 19615s Ipp OOW. *Dtwt. at, n& sma wll4uft serviloe 9MMOSU of OatomMalal Fisbarlm Sol-ftr Sol JkY 67 4W"ViN :a amtrlgpra~ Clad at the Imp; i'volgi the Teaboo2ba of Atlantic S&Uou NM~4tn -- -. - -.- -- -- - -1-~---l-.-. -- - Fv-:--7v - . ipmiwio nj--f Ell WIN I F-W shorip LO PP* by 2-9& JK5 MOP, S/.-fj 363 6nw P.-Amd, in the Eyes of a Gervan., 'c,,Yr lluhr.;-'red Martan, 7 lrxj-.o POLIS11, per,, Raltum Ha 2':il.* 5 June 1966, P I.D ! l.- '-, 7 JTP Wo 36846 Scme Chamettwistirs of the Behmior of Soft-Dftiatmt Alloys 70w QN-Ucally GoogWa Tavact-s- v by V. 1. Pz*ffvlrii4 V* D. Mwtlk*wg, 7 IV. ZwrAxp Us RWxatjn- and aMalldi"- of Heft Boolstan V . b. M D a ~_, 'I )~ D \1 A* 73. Considerations and For-inulas for Gravity Reduction, by 1-1. .4-11ortiz, 13 pp, GOVEIRNMENT USE ONLY GEPMN, Aus der Geodatischen Lehre und Forschur %: PestscRri t zum 70. Geburtitag von Prof. Walter Grossmann, Verlag Konrad Wittwer, StuttS art, pp 47-55, 1967. -ACIC-TC-1675 Au*i 71 Ji'. 11 C Isaiezil ~"v L-P UPS 1 4526 C4 294,655j Wear of Basic Bricks In the Regene=tor Checker- vork of Mass Purances and Siemwdbrtin rurnaces, by G. Nortlj W. Zednieck. GEIMS.9 Radex-Rundacheu,.Vol 1j, IL965y pp 406-417- CSIMA107-17M .. 6, I;V7 C) r, 7-4. Sel - flue 67 335,P806 Wear of Baslo Bridm In Regenerator ftcklrigs In Glans Tanlw And Opea Hearth FUrnaces, by 0. l(brti, V. Zednloek. GERMH,. per, Rudex Mzc_b. , No 1. 1965, pp 4D6- M17. IGB 139/646) OR T-L Boi Sep 67 340,008 Chrone Ore-Containing "Simultansinter" Bricl-B of Rigb Mechanical Strength, by G. MDrtl. QMM, per, Radex. Rdsch, No. 4., 1965;p pp 559-576 GB 42/4526 - 2oos G - /77 a ,q 7'~_ sci - Aug 6T 337-190 CX4-.,D-Vao et alo Zilwi Tm-Naid=--ijjl -NaLk :,o 1, 1967, 60-64. Td -., -,VFrD1 W-2 4-2 19-6 F.; C, 1- - M 0 4 s e, vck-, sci/,-q-lysics r4ir 69 361,125 F~dlaa C&t-mAtGp bV A* 0-MUCInip 23~'- w IAW Zi bU* ! 'job 15-5.1 V2*9W .z. fi - 1-,k-) --,a a 7;' MORVAI IMRE HU DEXIC"N-SALGO -SMALL CONTAINLR - UP-TC-DATE MEA NS OF PALLETISING ANYAGNIOZGATAS-CSOMAGOLAS 1972 VUL 17 NO 3 PP 83-84 FSTC.--HI-23-'426-7'l Acro-D-ater-dnatim of Uuorine in 1:-luoro-urg,-nic Ca-i.,)oLnds by Cmductcrmtric Titraticn,, by I. !.-I -',bry&,:ilia. 4 I.V. MMIANI, per, AN SSSRI Sibroeftow acbhalya, lzves!~i Sepiya MAmchesk:Ud-i Naik No 6, 1967 .Ia. pp 125-127. 17M 5-744 333-69 .-3;1-7 33Y C7 ',Uslitatj tit tive Mm-L -Cteristtca j, ~va 0-ild UAtL a 2~~DplafflLtan of the Cuban Bench. ~I~ryalwv and A. lt=pos, Ll pp. IUMSSIAN,, per, LssLgMl_ov=iyA TfiG-.AVll'tLlaL No. 1, Kiev, 19-C.G, pp. 92- 100. an 45,173 Sci-bio. and Med.Scis April fie 355,86-6 PoUsh PlIctat ActivitUs In Czeeboslom~dA Ropmtedst '~y ftWd*Utr A=70s 5 ppo PoLjsat par* poldas" wareme 6 Oct 19680 pjp M-13., JFRS 44801 M/Found POI S"tbesis of Polymen by PolyaMtLon ReactLons, 77 aod the Uae of Ditsocyawtess by Vo Base ROMMAN, per, Ind Upparat Tot IS, No 12, 19681, pp 745-751, ATS 911-5359 V- SCL-Cbm jum 70 -~-- -~ \"%"% Havam'b)aan Criticizes GDR in Interview Swediab Journalist,, by J'an Mosander, SWEDISHp per,, 721 pp 20-21, J?RS 5.5150 gareason,, Stookholn,, With 6 pp. 20 Jan 14ar 72 Pro4uctio'n of Lower Olefins bv Medium fren~oeriture Pyrolysim *It High--!.Boiling ftOoaftO61onsp by Rp Nosberserv voli i430 1971'P -pp 13 1-139 11% 72"1 2089-07A 7Z. Juno I. ............... --l. Gf.ovanrLd Hosea's PAport at the General Council or the CGIL., by Giova=i Omp& 16 pp. rAmm, np., Avanti 2B im 1966., p. S. JPRS 34195 WE-:Eta3,v poi mr 66 295p948 Ths CWarrills Novement in A."Mcit,,So Illbscatop 14 -pp. IT,U-Ii!Aj per, La 34niptirAl, pqt. 22-24. JEUR 44,306 ColoWbia, by Roamet Nov-Voc 67, 1,,-.(ColcwbLs) Political Feb 6-0 350,168 - -- , "A ,.~/ -z 7z-~- - - A CondItion fOr SF6 Breakdown in the Slightly Non-Uniform Fieldt by W. Mosch. MWMH, pors. Intsmatbal �xMMLW on UO Id&W TMOMManzo Z22baba gavervityt *M2b Nar 1972,, vp 371-376 A.R. Tr-,623 "pt 72