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7he ~~tp~r SuMV ftO2e= ot AUters, by iflasm Htftdw4 10 PPI Ifts 18 July 196TS meow P~- t4o 21 July 1967S P, 8; ip. 3; 19 ;WWOMIP ik 22 44Y Ws V! I-Oo JM $opt 339P310 V " Organization, Problem p Success of p-Av Dlaeussed$ by Casimir-Aino Mokondo, 6 pp. FRENCHO por, Zaire., Kinshasha,, 10 Jan 72.. Ap 26-317. J~FsS 55082 Feb 72 :~;Imlk u1ffsat MA Its knPUMMMSO 1.7 V* Po rwonfAms uo "V4, "'wCe"Wo 29 4a",~41NO1, pore amwun U4211 fto 91w. Va 2. No 1969. jk Elect .4AW 69 386*1W ,2-- Proper Use of Authority In Administratim of Inditatmial Enterprises., by P. N*e lk 6 pp. I~av I IMSIAN, np:l Elmqmd&LSMm Gazeta Vo 2,, 13 Jan 1965, P 10. MRS 29613 UWEI Ecoft Apr 65 278,948 . Ccof erfmce 0q IW.-.b&Acv, RP- '~o 33, 68 Lf Zomecfttvgi~4 awaa Saw a oprAra Soixeir tv I. ?L.;. IwAdiv mpsV4 rpb, Lo aq I%C,. 1XV4 or lkw istr !~~Q*Vab4p Tr 3b 1036 Lial-ftm ft er 3afltam -17 P-~iotodissociation of C2 i'olecula5 in comet Atmosphere, by D. P. 11oklmach. I OSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Uauk. SSSR, Vol 100, M No 4, 1968, pp b"1-820. 1,11,~.c,'/GSr.C/ST-CG~.-I-OA-10740-6o8 P910268068-V Available CFSTI .o - F. Sci-Astran Jume fig 384,105 i~' L, K HLI V G ~~ 0 i-, u 12 U)\ ~ q I N u i ~ F f- I N i -. y S y S f t ISI I r, I- " ;', L t I ~: L "', 1 4-, Z- I i i K 4 A C' : -. .., L I . -S P E ~-~ S i\ Y & h S I -'- I L- t' I V Y P U S K 'K I YE VSK I Y UN1 VL,~ 3 1 TL T ' K I tV 1'~7 ~, PP 7 FS I C-t~,T- 2 :j- I -12 Ito r-Tfteen-Year P3= of Amcow University.. by N- I-P lbkhDv and Yee M. serge7w., 7 Pz), FMSDS., per.. YgEtak V.VDBLmShkO:w No 2., 1966j. pp. 313-24, JPM8 365h4 ~kov UOSR Sm Auls 66 307P113 ~-axLorinCh -in *oy.' --lo-plovo7ve JU17 IIJ -;ew 5 P-Po JUU15SIArt# per, NO 61, 1965, ty 26. 4M, 41670 1~ MWL pal FICL 63 3679945 fil. Twill Symmetry Groups, by V. A. Nfakievskiy. RUSSIAH, Isono , Problemy Kristallokbialy A1410ralov i EU(jogannogo ffra-eraiobrazo: vallf- .0 PP Y-a- 70 NTC 69-10851-0&G -Z/ a_ Sci-Bar Sci May 69 382,540 till Itll! r 1- LaLbw ProaactivitY lmPrwss at -ShcbckiDON bW A. .9&lrjv 10 PP- par# Moncovo 'aa 2;6 I;ov 1969v pp 14-2D. 49641 ~,z F" M Jan 70 Coral Reefs of loiamsLa-.1 by 0. B. Mokiyiw- 9,5 skiyp 6 pp! RJESLA, mmographp -Rawlti-ve Mortddkb POdVOd- am a 196% ppj 15-20. JUS 40526 0, x ~~O 4" I,y 6 v5 k ) . WSR I y SCL-WAO Jum 67 31,-3j,4.35 Jam- gombi Diommmo all" Reglow b5r M*dw4oota* 5 pp. ,FR=34 pw~ 20-27 Sept 19694 pip 20 am 49D43 * A:r-Cmgo (Ell Pal oot 6c1 Amly'"Is (yr ftaw. COMMMAcations Gosts teig. kpj I.Abvials "okosovs. 15 Wo CM110 per, cookorgiaMpke -;Do i4seme Apr 1969, pp ipf"s 48191 11),1c)eosov,1q Lew July 69 383,833 The Um!, of ttm frocbmats of Photo*mtthasis La tbD Grmith i-voceswoup by A* T. ~P*I=onovovq 7 PP& itussito, rpt, I'Lli SSSR. ~~~ Smt lm i'00-akwicy l1rcaema 1-1-votgaijitez" Fotosintezl- iliFg~ s =do= V-vsggZ Prod*tivnosti IS66. P100263468-V fi-T ZI; CJJ413ri CI,,ccj-,ja;- Ttxhnical Cmditiunr, Ioi Turbt.~Jot Engines operatiuzz. by !,. ~.Okrzyszczak. I I 1? 1' "ier, WojsWwy Przcglad Lotniczy ,.'o 12, 0 S4-60. 1!,1660 111 Aiii/FTWEIT-23-443-69 Sci/Prop ii fuels Nay 70 407,738 ~-t,,UAent Gas 7ipeline U! atrAllbitim r -4 i;rikroiwomq I%* Tvlbaymsp 9 pq-). per-$ 6 1,~~ sop tIm-t-diptina"On of thlo:Diffuslon paramoterefor Chroutim. ~Jilhon VaCrOUM CbroniUM Platinji LOW Car- I~oxi: Sltieel-~~ :by R.P.*RokroV, P.M. ZakhilroV, R u sis ON 1xv., VVZ Choxm-mat-, no 2, 1971, DiSt 0376,, MOORE 11111 fln S11"I WIN 111HR almum. uccuixtional Brealadom of 1970 rLeasus Described, bzy Ho tl-~oksbantsava. pp. per, 4oscowt Nov J Hs- 5a41 Aat APj- 70 406,095 Ail A13j; of sippolyaurs with tho "oil, of a Mm Kighly 3multive Photoelectric by V. -fa. Aleksayovi, Us 16 NAUUMrs fist 410, 6 r-F& 11MLAU'p pox, Uaft VGA Xs 40 30, IMP 347-349. Jua fil 11-4 lm--~ 4s3mf I'lir knel"Icat 4wormum I IscluGMICZ2 br.~7 Jo-tZe- Ighriqt-m ~4~Mdafto Gob."lal -Alawt, 25 raja 24 1"469, lyp 3050 C- a, 0 16L Al 0,, A 1. dim Au 3a;-lvz?$ t~opcnxt on (irmth of il"gpxcar iniversity, by J. ~IJDISZN:~, AIXICA, 9 pp, fU hCHO pfjr* _Cooper 6ept-Lat 1969s pp 13-20* 495% Ak-.l*IsCnsy- Rep kduc Jan 70 WO,526 Gawssial-,. Stritiolla-,K7. PCOCesses with Asr"ptotic Power Spectrum, by G.LI, mo!"n, ju.j. Golosav. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS5r,, Vol 1840 No 5, 1-469, ixp S46-545, 7he Am Math fo-- Vol 10, No 1, 1969 A June 69 Unitom Asymptotics of Linear Systwas, by A, He libleanave RUSSUN, part Dak Ak Nauk SSSRO Val 1739 No 3g 1967, pp 5196-5M. Am Math Boo Vol 80, No 2, 1967 ,~. /77 ~ mo L e.,4 A) o V Now 68 3700396 A=Qosm of the Plandma FQM=2a f*V lbvwaggdA-- by V. P. NDICBWV- mmu 0 pwp Uk Ak fjla M& Val 281, 5* go VMP IV bm;dr Ab fte VOL .9" ]b Or zw ~, F " M DL (2,9 r0 D \) sm 69 376#450 fbvlot Coppor ltxbZtl7, tq A. A. ilbi*MOV, "2' PP. 49 ~%?q ppe JPRlj 20,299 USU? f"Oon Jul 0? 3M.676 Feb: 73 par, Izv. V01. '4" illa lp. (7771 IMM'" U ital: T77.3,743 L'tGri Axt~~. -i's oilV Inf ~Ct' I I;z~' -'ato of Crystallization of ContinuouGly- cast Carbon Steel Billets, by P.. P. -m-loldhanov, 1. A. Rudrin. IRUSSINO, r.~ar, Izv VUZ Cherr. !;".et, Vol 12, No 1, 1969, pp 41-43. ub 7770 Sci-Mat June 69 383,257 -Auiral.Description or Speechlike Signals (110eful:PO.Yeboacountic Signs) Con- ae*aln~~fte Functional Model or the b1fichanAi3m of SO.Smentation of a Flowing 6t~-Oam!~~ir Signalap by A. P. Holchanov- RvIssrP ~ part: I*4A'-Lz2jLv-:gL-fiRqAC-h Wl'th m U 100-104) Ai4e 72 ixhar:~Lmic i-*~.-uaticii, ZA lr]oldiemov. 7 ta i3atmatia-Mu A~&,, pp 30-6-311, i,ar 70 404,p375; on avabotus or a 85000 BWxddms by 1. H. mb2dbwmo OW Ap NO 40 BMW* pwv awsm a IS692 vp 310-33L0 CM jaw 69 .1:0:1111171c, -!A J 11 llagg F4.vwazwt Reviewude b,7 id, .5 PP.-. 4'M I~Ipoamino-AOId Compounds of Plaotide Dulrinig!~Llgot-lnduaed Fornation of Vitraoiiuatures of Corn Chloroplastap Moleb*an-ov. ROSSIAIRv~ Perv OLQk -A SSR, Biochemej, #dil 19 9p:, No 5j, August 19719 pp 1196-1199. mair 72' ,~yj)thesis in Vivo of L=c1laT Proteill Durini~ Furifl:ation uIr .Ntracture of Corti Chloruplasts on Lxpcsure to Lil,~,ht, by *11. 1. 'Molchanov. I" ISslAb, ror, Duk ',,k Ntuk SSSII, Vol 10, ~lo 4, Aug 1!1) Cb A.) 0 Kar 70 403.962 I.-aellac Proteins *f Chloroplasts, by M. L. HolebaDov, w8sx"s pery Vok Ak Book ssm.-BLochm. Vol 178, No 2, Jan 1968, pp 475-477. call M - --Z . M o L c- ~ 4 Q C, j Dav 70 Intercalioralim't /t01 Lv mhouw molbh~,p 5 ppf RMWIP up-* U!2mk.=j= M.M.Yist law 1966, pi, JPZS 39W um pol Jun 66 /I/,' A A 1v a Ll 303A51. 15t,actLon of Extexua Respiration CL-ICUIUMMY DUPJffICLCaCY., by H. S. M-Sol- lc:bmw vad V. V. Modvedd7., 7 pp. TIUSSM.. per., Tem"m Ue!,gu Arkbiv vol XMMP 110 8.- 19b5o IV- 3-d- apm-s ky IV o ion 66 291,662 ;,.hauwloey, by L. !,,*Ichawv, 12 63 RlybijklOuv ~'rjr6t pp 22'.210. i f at,; 4 of8 A) -S , M c) L /V 0 V' cep A Soviet Viev on Ccmumist, Internationalism,, by Mkolwj Itlahmow ___ 4 5 pp - H=IAN,j np., LiteotMMM MMt a 1 My 1966, pt .4t JPRS 35W um POI Jup 66 303s05-~ -- /--1[A-4 Dcurridwy IM-ecry ror Sms of Indepeadlent, Idwt'cri'lly Dl.ste,buted Random Vartables,, by 3* A. Mlchsnov. IMIIUIl IMITS Ve$tnik WOk Uhiy-lk Mat., tselmen., DO 6, 1~~:j pp 3-10. Derpt of Xwj7 AFL/JHU/ M13-3 T-621 o L o- o, ii Bei/Mat-h June '10 Scattering Gf Ions by Crystals as a Function of Initial Ion Energyk by V. A. Molchanov. RUSICIAN, ver, Dok Ak- Nauk ' Vol 184, No 1, Jar, 1969,0 p1l 74-77.- - SSSP The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No ls July 1969 V, ~ , [10 L 6? 14 Iq AJ 0 V Aug 69 389,900 lawrg~ Ustributiazis of Light Ions Scattered bk Aurfaces of Solids , By E. S. "Iashkova, V, A, Polchanov. RUSSIAN per,, Vok A Nquk_5SSRA Vol 181, 2110 1" July, 1968, pp 49-52, Au Inst Phys Vol 13 , Na 7, Jam, M9 0 _Y1 FCb 69 374-117 U*erimntal lumtigatioa of tba Famatiort OR Ilydrmarboin f ram Solid Organic Substane", by v0 to Hoichasm. JUSUMI, per, Dok Ak Rauk SSSR, Sar Sei, Vol 189, No 21, 1969, pp 397-399. Act ~/- --(2 ~ / Jan 71 50dimentaticim ar,41 Free ,Iydrogen, by V. 1. -"olchanov. RUSSIAN, rcr, Dok Ak NauL Vul 182, 1--c. 2, 1968, rp 445-448. AGI motc4t,lov V. (, Jun 69 394,421 I%a Str"ft" of-lbe FmvvV SpOCUrm of Imm scatt9nd by ill "nals CW*tals by Too so ofas"Ovao Vo A* voleb"Ovs, 5 ppo RUSSIANS 'Pere a" Ak go" s5sA ser F134 I V61 CUVIO Nil 20 PP javo3me lrJuua9 SCL - 109 30SV614 MWmp by ,,t&W O:r Gas-tafbiW ng stresood To. I. Y.Oubswvj, V. P. ft-obacbwn. 6 pp. no 4.4 Awl.* fti-prop a Am" Ibv 69 395xM5 11 11111 M 17;1~ I H T I ~I i I I I I I;! I 6~-'!~ I 111114116"I's- - - - Physical ihnd 12-tchanical Properties o.L-' Glass- Reiaforced Plastics, by Yu, M, Molchanov, 277 lip. RusSIAN, bk, lizichas - e i liokhanichesk~ye sv2x..Stva StoUqUaStIkov, 19ra!). AFV4/FZTC/2iTft23a660-70 LA tz 0 Dec 70 EIT*at of too-raten"ity mftft~ Rmustion on the Doay, by To. 0. 3blebawvl, 5 pp. MWIM's I*r* GIgLyM Truda: Adpievang-val ll-qwk IV 4b-45. jwl- , . s . m o L o 4 s; AJ o -/ Iftreft 71 Fbwe Diagram of Titanium Alloys., Ily E. X. Holobimova. 296 pp. EUWW., bkj, Israel Progm for Scientific Tromalpticne., Jerusn1mv 1965. /psi- Apr 66 299j.777 ?9* taUcjj~j Qxw ot Updrut, by -Pbysical and Mechanical Propertiam of Fiber-Glasa