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Meet of filabl= ana VaraU= an the Stivature aW ProperUm of Lwo-PearUts Stmax Ulled by -Ojjxd=p IV L. MOW* ot 91-P GMARS per. Stau Mwn, Vol Zgs Oct 1969, VP 1235-10$96 BISI TWT A/mat Apr To 406,6T4 prajp&*Wj!~ oand Mxdw~ LiTw-%t Ckl Bautlm* Mallayodatea, W L- I'mrlr,6 0t jqjob&= lu* uwmial2k ut& 46. jm'i967, a U.Lmm * pw db U-0mbMI4, 4 pp *Ml 5aso solplyet t~~l 07~~ tw 67 Cozp"dson of the zXfeet of Eldbium of Vartsxlm of tbo 4'-T~OrUW of fiat ixAlvd 'Ado Arip !-&do Irce Alwdmwi~.4nad StGa CWWMAS About 0.06j;; and O.-30)k-m, by L. 1-;jnw. Q -~Wl I, per, _~J;P~IZSA i Val W 4 Apr 1968, pp 309-A6. *Ela ja 68 DLssolutiov, Precipitation and Harden- ing Effect of Niobium in Carbon Sto&l, by L. Meyer. GERMAN, per, Zelt Metallk, Vol 58. May 1967, pp 334-339. BIST 6009 sti-mat Mar 64 376,288 lU of an proprtw of Um PSWUte Stmas UUod as by Im Iftowo *t #a* by AUNdW vole9s, Oct. 30, ig6go L SIM pp 1235- *Ml 7907 mw TO 737 S9 3 C, . ryl t- ~ Gel Pommation. Ca=omatA%raj9W in Organic Solvents, by G. Meyerboff Euflopawil #WipjM!gSft-B limewt mosom- - - ptlvw&!UNft 2MMU, Borl9ld2s 'Vol 69v 3-9659 pp 866-874 wx n-1567?.-07D fob 72 OW*Adu AMP"%* at as U" cc umv iu P*WddA*Wv br C, NkWW�4! FSMCHO Me"I Am nkmolmog- adIA no Vol 20* No -N =X~ = ~- 190m, yp 63w53. VTO 71-4hO34W Ftb 72 I ,. icet 1.2 -1 ,=Maaa um-domw and Diutributed, Le-ariliibg af,Animals of Two Different Genetic Line~; In the Pvocess of Adaptation. to Altitude fxypoxia, b,,)r. F.Z. -I.Qyerson, 12 pp. RUSS1101, V-'er. Zhumal Vysshey Nervacy Deyatell- nostil~ Vol: 21,-7I=-o;--U7-1---p-p 470-477. jul 72 COndit3~'.0TI(Bd'Reflexes in Massive and Distrubited Learning of Animals of Two Different Genetic Linw, 'inthe: Process of Adaptation to Altitude Hypoicia, b.~r F.Z. Meyerson, Pussvl'~"%" per'Zh VySshey Nervnov Deyalellnosti Vol 21, 14a: 21 1971, pp -470-477. *ACSI-I~-2Li'36 Apr'72 ressing off getal Isostatic ?I has? c..,L, gaorsOar r-lolable DDS Izv. VUZ TaVet Met, r 'Z' --~ per* 17y-. 1969, 9P 116- *Blsl C,. scj/-.l'iat C, c,, t 7 Ou '51 FropClUr DRS'00 by K. AWW- 0 20 401,'tf,VWM y fen,, Vol als K com. IU& par# F96, 296.0.8 95- yy .01;5 (3118) . , Iref.- 17022 9. ~b,)Jvde- vct-,~/waah aU9 70 TwU vith. the UG lAtUVI MUVStW# by Y" H%Me MA so aftinniv OMIOP VW. Sckd U. Vol 9Dt No up 19% pp 747-M AM ftt-. 9mv..0" (3m) eel/me& ftw \~\, % ftr 70 40P770 ChoMes In Mwties Cmaod by Rur1romwnt2 bY 00 C. M. V. mqysavbug~ 32 pp. GERM., iper,, Werlwtoffe und Xcrrosson. Vol 18s, Too 50 n,67, pp 43-1-4119. vAV/nc/T-r=-304P-'f0 -S e- tj b L4 Set/list JuDe YO Themodynomic Study Of Si02-FQO-MOO Slags, by / C13 N- NO-7080a, Ao RLeto FRMH, parg Rev Not Val 66, Fab 1969, pp JIS-117. DWI 7769 Sci- May 70 '~~ , \'~\v n Ci.CC*f 25, 12, Mil is 69 Trion" in the Uffaqpxwt, or Canstructimal Fle]AS for TnWtaMp IW H- G. Mouth r_at,, Papw pmftzftd st the C.N.C.A. Stml C*mWmm 25-Zr October 19W.. 32 pp- Mao ?4f*. 9mg I (6T/153) d, C,. c4 -1-H ftl4hwh=sLCAl A-as 63 36~jlm Ago -or tag Outne fblte of the VA the Q=twpmxta at tie nmxwlan in the aVoat4s O:r nWtbM holv4 by 8- V- "874b- BUSS=* VOL 1w, go 4,P 3.966p zo s . \4 . ry) 6 ~ F- t,~ Var 69 375p= The Problow or SMS From a stwoml Faint or ~ L) Vlarr bw A. U"ws R. VMv 6 IM. ammus PWO R00= ilbeb -adwl:ftp v" u0 m MM& " 4"-~- A= ;-w63;; -it =0%00" ,q . Me ~ e-P, ad/*M jww TO IzWL CmaeotmItion Im tba Vlainity ar a lv%w Aatlm, IV G. Bolemck, S. 13*ar. Gm-mm, , par* I'M V, 4-,.Az. Val -10. 2-956. lt:'J, NO -- V-kV-.c9 (4632) m Are, i(LIB/Tran&-458) ~MECHANISATION AND AUTOMA- TION OF WELDING BEAM TESTING BY ULTRASONIC WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO THICK WALLED CONTAINERS. Nleyer, H. J. 10Translated by U. Engelbert (Australian Atomic Eii-eigy Mommission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights),, from aPro- ceedings of the Ist Colloquium. Welding In the Nuclear Technology, Frankfurt/Matn, 12-13 November 1970. 2020p. ZI(CONF-701144-:L). 2ADep. NTIS (U. S. SaJes Only). 26engineering; methods and equipment; translations 2713, 14 28MN-38 9NP NSA On the Informational Value of Ultrasonic Tests with Respect to Evaluating Defects and to the Serviceability of Turbine Rotors, by H. J. bleyer, GEPMMI, per. Materialprufung, Vol 9, No 1, 1969, pp 1-14. *BISI 9010 Mar 71 \\ Construction and Testing of Thick DepletedSurface barrier Counters, by 0. Meyer, H. J. Langmann. SOURCE, per, Instruments and ~methods, Vol XXXIX, 1966, pp 113-124. *AEC EDC Mar 8, 1966 Sci-Engr 0. Meyer Feb 66 7-7 M15 -LA,) 'Mt fiWility of "ilet" Blectruns and Their Influ4m enco m tite Use Tim~ of the Pulsims of SwAm- Canducur Camters Fro%'&-SLUcw,, by 06 ~byvr, Q-01mv Parr NUCIS Instrum. Methodso, Vol 340 196s, pp 77-970 9252734 ABC MLIOU-1951 ww"Im" Carba~l Val: 26, MC11M., 0e t 72 ef A 7kv mokha,hw lboulmota the parmrsm. hoo Lit Im2mitive -DIMAtIvo ftlimts., rova~olmny 7 um and Do AUqM In PMW M"LbWUP W R. NoWwv 22;pp- GXMRWW =8 QWZ Amom V03~v 00% , Uo 192j 1965,, _MMEO~Arl,~dlm ppu,s--M- jWjjgC-jkw*4106-W P . 1-Y) C-- I e P- SOIA&t 386043 Jay 0 -1(1,77~ T 1 T .-,av 67 A Mobile Installaim for Om Low-Tempsrsturs separation Of Gas* by A. G. b"rp Ot 6 OP, RMIAN. per, Gazavoys Doles HavchuctoUnickeskly Sbornik. Ao 60 IM55j, pp .1.3-17. =1 mg ID 2204039366 j Sci-Phyro Aug 66 3(?6pS4l Mobile Low-Temperature fGas Separation Plant by S. G. bleyer, at al. RUSSIAN, part Gazovoxe Delo. Nauchno- Tekhnickeskiy Sbornlk,s NO 6, 1vb5' pp 13-17. *ACSI J-0389 ID 2204039366 Sci- Jul 416 ftsba on the or rav o2 BuU VXIob Flub SbUnenU by V. mayor. 2T pp. OEM", per, lo pp 9-16. Dept or m*arlw swrom or coongrala Plaborift Ofrice Of Famign Plabul" A-32-ftb 19-49-ao Im on Idun V, Sal4loob fte 69 vri Pgaugging BoUs by 2p LW 1969.. 398,543 A vrop=*Ues 'A'c~ml-04mbas Af tw i.-4jAam li-ast.41%atvAnts by A*. ~wor* ll!xr~, MIP The ULUMtM of Cobfg=t P"KISPItAtIM in Auetwdto m tto Owba"Ite --%=I atd fw*on at an Tova-Ydaka-AIMM104M All-tWo tw E. ftrnbqpma W. AO t"w. Gv-;DlAti# pwo ip vol "go 396N ML net 9w 64 (we?) M E Ll E 19- inn 69 V4657 e r ;,;otull", Vol 56. No 7. 196-7, APR 1969 ziectron-Y-lemn w1olding at Var-lous uas Prowwres, by W. U. ~'-Ieyer, L. Dorn. GLMT-1AU, per, Schweissen und Schneider., Vol 20, 3-Zo 6, 1�68, pp -17-26f, !M 7649 e A. 17' Sci--!,.at June 69 383,275 R-) 3 3 1~ Z-Y) ) q TU'W 7 Title: 1, whot'a Now in convf~y or at tie Hamover Fair? 2. ~IoDr-Level Convey ~~r Protected against -Explosion .Iuattwrt 1. Not indLeated 2* 149yarc~-.%rdt .G,~urce: I%ot indicated Lauewge r German Imstructionas Please trwiLelate V,,.e M 811 x 10 1/211 p1min bond, aiWe-r;j:ac&d. Tra-zalation page No. &i:iiald be entered at bntl-om- (--,f IAC,* in the -.,~,nter. Ebammcnt may bo cut. PlEYERCORCT A GE ~CAP', CUSHI,~jNING I.IATERIAL SCF.AUjv,ST0FFPOLST T TEL VEkPACKUNC-S kUNLjzCHAU 7 IS72 PP 8510-653 F-STL-HT-23-J5,~,"t-73 11"111111 lift IwIl 1111 fl I i 111,11, N "'Vi I;,." 72- No-valtics of the Magi-Track Uftifts Tochubpas by so Aloy*rCordto GERM mortiatimales Aavbiv Fur s p r~~ r1k -re r"im. t INS. pp 9T:D. WMI 1-9669 ID 22640232oft Oll sct-ftsr Apr 66 Jiuu-%, tt2 1~' Gal Chromatographyp the Possibilities of Different Separating Materials, by G. Heyerhoff. G-TrRMANp per, Angevandta Makromolekulare Chemles Vol 4/5, 1968t pp 268-278 IITC 72-11501-07D June 72 Gel Permeation Chromatography in Organic Solvents, by G. Meyerhoff. GERHAN. per Berichte der Sunsongesellsch- aft, Vol 60: 1965. pp 866-874. WMI; Ref: 5629.4F (7261) Sci-Chew Mar 69 377,484 -rra3.nLw, oft Fneineor Cadre for tim Asbinc- L-,ftstx7 - the B-ComAe ljocounting. by A, L. ~Ioormvo vol RUSSUN, P-,Wrs 35~~ pp P-5-3-7- *Dvt of lutoriOr puroue of Co-nmeTI-11 !-,ranch of F-,OML~M Fisheries Icon ,-~.p4r C-6 Hardening and Tempering Forgings From Forging Heat. By 11. Meyer-Nolkemper GERDMN, per, Werkstattstechnik, Vol 59 (2) 1969, pp. 53-95 BISI 75S3 Afo Ik z~rnp e Sci/Mat 396,087 1"Tov 69 Forging in thkelosed Dies (Flush-Free ftmaina) aa i1vaUiftiou of the Uteraure, by it* GERHOW Tor,* Warkstatatothaft Vol SS, No 3. 1%S pp 399050 11D 67S4 Ad 66 3040382 Title Unknoim, by M. V. 1,*yeron. RUSSIAN, rpt, Third all-Union Conf an Automatic Control, 1965. p 112. ;NASA TT ?71-0.994 Sci May 6 7 -ide"My- 66 The Prabbm of q*bdmtng Cowl z-Mlttply Comaected LSVV SY*tecw* bV Me V* MoYarove Be Lo Lttn*o 3 Fp* Russamit pmro Bias& Ak SSSF* w9ma 14* 1-bacKwo Vol No % 1969# pp 1009-lou. JFW 49052 -p7 ,Rd--C;ybw=Uco Oct 69 ' 494*?BD r1w., j-i 381 v, 41-435 124. AU04,uwa om*ituw of 0 5 VP- IL aml 7"Oettoup by X- T- IliA-29gaL 000194 wr. gwos& No - 7"0 'M- Va 10 ID it 01 VP- jmw M, v d),reoll, gem sa4ww1w kW 66 vppoft 'feuvoratum field in rlwtiluyor systw4s With ' Variable 17torm%+.ysicul Pvjportios3. by 1, G" Royfarovich, HUSSIM, porp Zhimial* Vol 12. Eu 4. U97" . ~p Z=40. k--fASA Tr F-110302 sci-pskys Jon Ots Operatimg Experience ualer New C:-inaitiorts, by L. tLayerairich., 5 Pl,)? Ze Ivao2ya- HUSSTAIJ npj, LleBovo 4., 1966, pp. 66-6)? JPIRS 37140 USSR Bcon aept 66 310,04) ApDrcrjd=, tion Wthod of t1,& Deternination of fr~equewles of Natuna VibratiOns of Cylir-drical, Conical., and Toroidal ShelU.. by I.I.Mayerovich, 30 VP- TUB-sla, bk, Prochnost' I Dinumikq AviutslealdLh DApteley lzd-vo 1965 - pp 1413-172. AIR/FTD/JaNe4-0"7 sci-physies Myr 68 3661.257 AVXtWlr-mte fbtbod for tW Datera-driation Qr the IketmVI onciuation Fz*qmew;tes of cyllm&i=aj' Cmlc-p aud 0=014a Owns, bV 1. .1. VUpwovlch. 1108mmit ITto bn!mm* D19M Avl9ft D4Mt r~# W 140-,172. imIrT.iLoon Simi-u. sai Dee 66 33 f6p459 O A c - cAma ju; 3 2, 7'~ 17 C-- 1; 5 11; 1 L. co a ws Ot~-c Orgmization of Autorm-nus Financing of Yain AdAyMatrntlarts of nwdstries. by A., C;al"-..&v W L. Vignmravich, 7 ppq ROXIAN, pw, ;~O 6, Jun 1967. PP, 5654-P ins, 4192,9 Aug 67 ,Wg.t pay,,mts bW jutrpriseo asoussede IV V. F-Awalmo-cht 9 pp', ljo 12, Doc lt(Bsl&,Iq p0,,# Alim 1968. -pp 45-49- JPIM 47523 WSR BOW 37499M iAr 69 ,4*m &fIc-Imey in plant RWmmts Iloodeds by V. H%M--.OVLcho 10 PP. RUSS= PGT',, 12LN"36 S!~a& H*Wow* Doo 19690 4t --Z_ PP 43-390 JPRS 4M3 v LWR EOM kV 65~ 379,0N 3 jkxhU4andj: A Sm Wear-i-Rastaient Daposit 9br latexua Cocb=tlod RagUo Caq?ments, 1w a. fter-ft"wr momp lor.. IAWS-. No 296T# pp 22-3b. uL art 9W.4 (67/A6) m A ahly 36DOS" eupbri2slital sto"es ce the carietheropy of iukaor4w. Inftaimss by J* UWMIS and Jo Rayorovabso Mlaufix por., Halt ACRI 1-973S Aux 66 Magbinability of FarAtic Chrouium Steel Produced by 0ifferent Fur"Atce Practices, by D. FAIderso R. N&YOW-Rhotert. GZIRNO., per.DW-Technische Berichte. Vol so No 20 pp SS-64*- H8 6631 Ray 66 H; I HOW Effoct of Toot toxic *a tho We 4=4 Tool 190aw Uf dislh simati st"I Turain TWIS Durims tho TwMiss-Of &wtsftitic sud fwrltic StevAss by Va RaWars, H.,. ~*Yax- thatart, CaRkma, pars am X! ~dm- baro Val 5* Iftso pr 415-1240 US" 4"S Julie! Go Testing )bthad for the Aavaum Datemimticc tbe 28--tmy stanamra strengm or owent or in 5 Hotwup by A. Wayars Vol 18,0 1965v 574-T-- SU T2-66-10927 ftl - Hach 67 Via the I't,;~-.7 Aumomm in Vw LJ6A labor bo, Ctlaerrogn l,'ayers. 14 pp. jkB,-S 41941?9 ii I -'. ro f Zbb 70 399.534- m e- -~ep- S 0- tj vynaw&eo or Prat"a SyntJmmlo In the Nwarms and G21A or the Am" V=434 AdqftA*lm U RLab-Altituds Itripop", t7 r* Z& 14 WMIS imsano pwj, D* Ak DAuk SOU, Ka $a.,, Vol 20117 No I Mw 191V#~PP 7W-7m- ca rob 73 ".414"ga in tn~e ik4maamicv ijf com-altiono"'a Eleflowe QmI vzmor~rj, by F* 4z~w Me4vlvoa and 1"o I* Kr?ATUkov, 2"t ppo RMIAM~, per, Zbrjrml =Lbe2 DeMno toI9 p S- M-1 1 1. po pavlcff 0 Vol* XvIJ, Fbq, 2j, Lv~ 21-(4.eglt jp.w3 Vasil OrA-Im" ud-- U7 317o279 Hw to lkmu-ove the VarieV of Standaxd Dagdps of B*mlq~p by D-JftMrKm-y 6 pp. RMI.Mll 0 limitallpaya Gazeta" so 105.1 5 Sept 1,99. p- 3- JPW 327CS New Nov 65 292..166 Ind, civil, I QV L6 '121a nol-D of Syntiacals ar "jUaloic ACIda mid Proteins In the liyooarditm in Adaptation of the Heart to the PxrolonGod Action of IliSh-AltItude Ilypoxia and the Tine of TLUz Adaptation For Proventing Acute Cat4isc Pailure, by Ps Meyerson RUSSIAN, pw, rok Ak Sci., ftuk SSSR, Biol Vol 184v f-To 2o 19b9, PP 500-5034 CB ~j oat 770 Grem-toT Us--v 0i i"lotAll-urz-v UizW, by C t U6, por, I chosin -asm 9 i5mcovq No 411 ttt IgGal, p 40a jkii'ta 46910 soi-~Iat 353,,,*62 f I I PIF- III i(THN) U !N, "flU ~01 II -_I I laostatic Compacting of Metal Powdsm in G" Elastic bushings, by G. A. Meerson, RUSSI&N, Per. lxvestixa VUZ Tsvetn. Met, Vol 12, EW 6, 1969, pp 116-1200 Sep 70 t~trrj.,I,itD &irid i.-arthmss of Alloys .C as Vurictloi~s of Unuperature. by S. Ilauciv, G. A. Ncvurson.7 py, WiL. WiLY RUSS11M. 1R 2 704 0634. S1 Oct.-Ober 1968, .,lept 69 46V -71 i -An6; cd 2Avcmj= Larl4,,Ljo,, ;V AG 4~1 am 362*62.5 Effect of Lubrication on the CoMaction of Briquets in The Process of Isostatic Hatrusion of Metal Pow- ders In Mastic Sleeves, by Go Ao Meyerson., elt al . 8 pp. RUBUms rspi, X221-Onam xOntment 0 E2E2d*MU NOWIMM - - 9th, Riots, I . Materialy,, 196B pp 969- d&w-qm &ML-vall-m- - ~9 - . ALWYM-HT-23-531-70 NaTute of Photogr4hic Sensitivity and the Fo=ation of'Photogzaphic Latent Image, by P. V. Meyklyar, 29 pli. RU$SXAN,~peT, Uspekhi Haucbmi Fotografii Vol IS, 1970,' pp 23-39. CIA-7m. OD-B"424/10261-72 CTS USE ONLY NO FURTHER DISSEM may, 72 i ix "All ex- 73 pcr, 6".1jur fiauv; 25ra- pcit(-, CUO.M~ SX-1759 E6 WIll use Qlly z-,cviet 't-'Qrk mi the Effect of Lildit on Silvex 2*1alide Cruias and Photographic E&u1sions and Concernim-, Cie Nature of Light Sensitivity uf C, Photog _,ra-vhic ~~.terizils, by P. V. Neyhlyar. Foto idnenatp, .IUSSIAN, per, Zh Nauch i PriL VIA I.,,;& 5, 1967, pp 368-379. UL i'lef: SEMAP 15327) P C- Sci/Meth & Equip Vcc (19 398,272 ~~orci. ef ~;oviet Scientists :AivjyinjL the Lff-*cct of Light on Silver ~'alide Crystals and Photograt,hic Emulsions; and the Ilalattre oi Light Sensitivity of Photogra,hic Emulsions, by P. V. Veyklyzr. RUSSIAN A Af:er, Zii Nauch i Pril. Foto i Kiner=t, Vol 13, NO 1, 1968, Pp b9~-77. AL kof: S828.4F (M 13321) Sci/M.Oth & Equip flee 69 398,273 Yeo Z* ! !E~y lilalov. ZqlraUmiL. Fizilwo ac, 3, 19bb, pi) aL/I ~~Ic P -LIYS2.CS n-zx 69 377l,&)6 Experimental and -Theoreti cal- Obsurvatioas. on the Scule Effect with Model Propellor Experiments, by K. Meyme. GERMAN, per, Schiffstachnik, Vol 15, No 77. 1969, XU, Ref: 5809.95 (T.6115) K Sci-mech Ray 69 390,784 Use of Pro-Reduaed Felleto in a Blawt Furnace, by N. Neyeson. FRENCH# per 11 ReTue 40 jurrie. Vol 62j 19650 pp 1161-1179. RTC 72-10101-117 _Y0151 if -M Apr 72 Thooradral Calculaden of Cue Dea.,ddation of Liquid Steel by Bubbling of Methane, by NaftAwup 13 pp. FRENCH per, R de blemll 1965, pp Ei-70. CILA/17DD XX-1729 NO FOREIGN M%MM 615'.-6-t q-0 A-f -5 -1- C, / -7e SCA - M/m Aug 65 284.M1 (-r) '? Presea State of Theoretical Knowledge of Red Fxum,,by N, ~Wssou, T. Ualdmstrom, FkUWI,o WO C13S Ci= Vol 25m, No 121, 19688, pp 2663-2673. DISI 7458 M , IT) e- ~ s _,Z~ C.) III s4/(%en May 70 4060763 Use of Pro-keduced Pellets in the Mast Emmace, Graphical Study, by W. waysson, FW!NCHO pert 24M. Met*,, Vol 62g Doe, 1965, pp 1161-1179. SIS1 4796 ~, R) 5 S Sci-Moch Industrial Civil Mmrlno Engr Sept 66 310*366 vLY 10, t4 A3 Deteraination of Reaction RateS Of.COM- plox Reactions, by R. Mazaki. JAPANESE, per, Kagaku Kogaku, Vol 32. No 9, 1968, pp 868-870. #NASA TT F-12,269 Sci-Chem Nur 69 utm-G o--' Juter !w LW-Irw Algl,&M, 2 Ct np, pp 10 3. 5' 31,~~i 3 3 Dowilromn'lifto, T"Im of To-jolang rmte~rica ~',Otallodp bir Ctabor No-twel, 10 pp, FITAIR V"bz2okodeal 'Fos'lor47, -7' nuftwjgst 90 lb,'V-eray r"pp To "'.. 10, TPR3 Aug mudorn WiLly Haintenance Systom of Diesel Raod Locom-=Ives, by Istvan Anei, 9 pp~ HUGGARIM, iper, Vasut Vol XV,, tie 100, 196S, DIA W-563-66--U-3 tj Z- f-- Am 67 327vOIS 'Me mav operation of the T-334 CzachoslavAk L c- vatativs,, by Istvan Maxei, 5 pp. 11MGARIAN, perp Vasut Val XV4, No 8, 196S, pp 27-280 DIA IN-563-66-J-1 Jun 67 327,020 N, P. vIezenev The Extarnal, Factors on the Attacking Auti#ty or Ho9quitoes and Its Daily Rhythm in ~the iv~tlc, RmbTAH, PwmzMkaln Vol 5j, No 3p 1971 j, pp,2-!%,-260 Sept:12 liaterial and Tdehnical SaPPIY in Onto NaritZ-,~e ,*!eat, by G. Nezentsevq 12 pp. RUSSIM, journal* I'U')jgbgj!ea&ye, Moscow, HD. 2, 1968, pp. 3-15. HTIS 45,193 Sci-Mmcb.,Ind.,CIviI and Z-mgineertng .-4mil 66 355,918 .115trati. Ar-r vo Un 17 i~or, JArklaitaktura, Alcl 9. 19"'s AII 7-20.0 Du 242-65