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Double and Triple Ingot Rolling m! bilig Mill, 1)y ".I. Kapuatina, RUSSIAN, per. Stall, Wo 2, 1971, BISI 9375 Aug 71. I rLwanocia ~,;Jyu4y i "I(-0 Wlt&ttlLtLkUl 1AP U CV- 'Zov GG Folymwisation of Kano=" In th# soud Phase mxkr cmdiu0no of HIO ftesome and swmrjN; Strosws# by Ve Me UPOStPut At A# ZboftW4 RMTA q per* Dak & Nauk M& Vol 1790 No 30 Nor 1968# pp 627--&Wo CB V. m . khp Q s *t y 14 A/ sai/moth & Evip Now 68 3Mo263 JI1151flM III, IN I I I I P 1 Ifl 1111411.111V11 1~ I I HOW, IV P LmUar leamdaxy lAyer Jjj a Rl Sp"d Gn PIWv by S. M. Lw"Oftolilys =Mims to, Tmjg Leal!a MI'mw "at In. ih 1. logimm no TWO -pp M46 *Dot Of wavyifAwim 1 60 MW 66 Cno-mrametar 31olifton of Vatlaw of t4nmlWiar BOAWAry iAyer In W flW of lano ~,ipuxlz IdUh tbo lzwxit3. not Equa to "Uri 14? pp "Y_M *'~6"7 loag 63 Omp, by ;4, Ile 9wmatyloalful-Ay'll iJ zplf.~it ivr, 1nz"-P!gs YALur, Vol Vito 14v fit Ithiia i,,,j =774. Y.-Sau? Fiji ;C-~LCL,&L WL; WO zw j-c r Luuiiy,, floli'vPCI Zj!) V,"t'. 31"1 ICIAL itil AAMY N - -~,/ - '), 'h 4 -,~ , e~614 ,1k Nov Perovskitess by A, Go Kapywhey, RUSSIAN# perp Wasutzebuk pao$* Doklgdy. Vol 167, 1966p pp 654-665, NTC 72-11098-20B May 72 w 4 V. V. larlumee of en tin prahtautdiw and PoInbona of bukdm"lr ~ 1w Z-- A,& ]UuvbonMo mou"s pwp D* AIL Awk Val 9036 lb 2j, Haft WMp lp 4M-W. ca Zan 71 .... ....... IGIVW MAW Md - VMMMn COO" 14MILIF 4;3 bgr To Fymbl" so sanbowt SO-wo wmwo pme low No ugatus, Him vp tongoo /4 C, ~- ct- b c>- rah fq of Us cmtv*L of lplift VO%t&UW& %W A* As %Obo$W sod V41 Kwatows h3e W* SUMUAVS SIMWA Vt# 7, iv "3* XMI JSA* 0, k" 7 ftt 6? Alszk --hotoolectric .iuldiN: :~~stmra 4ma Aim wiverAitcah -.stanz -of the AZI-15 and "1-16 ielmvr-~opq. bi fA7 bk, 1966, PP 158-271- AL61 J-" ~-iTc-.21-23-190-W rec 68 EPA Field LogamthWc Ph4cwterfur PI*OqxJIWUW pAdisat Fka necordblm, by Go So LaIr4ashevo RMIAM, p*rs 2~mqloIILAO Vol Vila *0 it, D671, pp M-146, *Dept of Interior Fish and x1mlift sendge Uureau of Cameweial Fisheries May 67 7~c 0 Trade with nsoula umw, A*Vtoot t* by A. P. Usibawo 6 Mpo RMSIxio par* Ian l1q, JAM - 1"Gb 19?10 ji'%; 53cm zlectrmic-camrAwr Teckmiqw we vie AftilaUtratiox Of mm&nrtrys. by V. KeEgMp 6 vp mmims up* 3 HAr 65m, P go am 29663 USSR zom Apr 65 OT60015 ........ --ULM41141111 $V1111 Igo mpu-.%~ -- - ------- A-10-year not jlAnerw4so tons, by eArabakove U. fjp. P-;. r pp 3-10. 54514 71 . 1111 .. I I ; I I I - I tmj.~-, v . i,-' /~ ~e ,? b e- k,/ c , .1 Olon ji" 20 -issiw in zoonotto 9WOr's PP* mr.%Im. per. onz~L L. "oat, mWou's 140 1969. pp "-U- Jess WSW V. eo p-o-b&kov rViO2 PM 69 The nag of creat in soda Poodwumo IIV V* Kumboume 13 ypo No 104, 1",; Rmus. pwo 0014 1 W" pp 3b400 jppz W76 V, usm som i= 68 YAWS* soma ChatutatUtLes ot lmkW Loom 4"LO-Amo I a-- 5~ by *a Vo Grevtowo V. 00 ad"balove st at 0 14 VON, WSSIAR' pwo 11-41k2 - L adwa gkoAmaj -ImIdlowt MP go 6, 19689 99 t3-2Jo AIR/F=Aa-24-37-70 v '~' K, ", b U40 v SCL- June 70 I : i,iA4#1- , :lf. : ::! 11,11 :1111 11 , 1 P I, , I I - I JTJLI,V ?_2 '.*I* in 5044 mamov'llailtu pp* -p; a r MO~~ ~454 0 LS, AM" o rL imgarv4 9 Fbraign Tlrads Reflected Ln thm Third F'tva-Yftr by Jew Kanommyw 13 lip* WRIGARIM, per, Kolwas"SAA jilmlo, m0 E. Jan 1967, PPO Immll.% JP.%' 39964 tqo je EZ-fbw=7 reon mar 67 --- - -- ---- - - -- --- ---: - -, '_ _- - j--- _- . I - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . 1 111 7 i - i i - I i_ 7- i - I I . I I! ~ .1 11 ; ! i. i : I I II I I I I . . "7 / V/ ~ J42 It on Triammo emes by A. A. MW&Gub&* IMIANp ver4. lbk. Ak. Xwk O.Mo Vol 189,0 so IV 2969s, PP 31-34- ANS Vol 100 No 60 2969 '~\,\ a--, MW 70 I Jul TO .,i I Pt ~ A, . k< A. R A C.~Q,!E; : ,~I) I i I i I ~ Character SurLs " Primitive Roots in Fir4te Fieldsl, by A. A. Ks=cubs. RUSSMI, per, Dok Ak Unuk SSSR -Vol 16o. No 6. 1968. PP 755-757- The Amer math see Vol 9, No 3, 1968. ,4,4. ~,qki9O-Qll'q Sci/Aath Oct 68 366,918 Tzranini, v.-olilets 1.) awl rotv,t- lurilical IndustrLias, by Iarin I(AradshOlY, 13 r:,. per, Trud i Toont, Soft&, Mo. I# 451361 11- joUhM -AMD* UM i*kl (7401AW U60000190, tW D, LWOW* fie 6 pp. itussw. pore mHown auldo Ud6smio Sept 19690 pr VAN ORS 49252 /,,- usm km 39603a "M 69 com, laslon C ontrol/Va-alt in,- ,~ Raj)orb, bNl !It 711kit: 22 An, r 711. 71 Synthesis and Investigation of Sulfoindaten of Several Rare Zartb Elements of TRInS3 Types by Z, Sh. Karieve RUSSIAN., perp ukraigmkii Khj&iph;" Zhurnalt Vol 33# No 8# 19679 pp 797-799 NTC 72-12358-07B July 72 A-A- A J, Jan T" Faww" #A Ilk Zme (A Hatoo,fad microscopic to em)v by Yaw 1. gums* Ov# 22 p9 SWIM* lm&rp AvWv Anate"ll aftelOW A a brielogile Vat U"l me 3,0 AM* PP IWO CJWl TT 46-Oul y e1 Sci-SAW JUN ealicies, Goals of G*Xftm 0600jast ~*Ajjji,: IW RU3:,)Ixi , pare mb*mv ago MMI~ A I Apr 19?2.9 PP I S ji!r-6 52918 2 . Apr 7 Sept .............. ............... Tbwa or vit4k lotok U3 atime &VANIM I so IP* warm"Way- 4AIk - MNL*S,o pwil mom o"166VAINSO ftl lap ib 90 Moo .;,dar ',iiotor%:svv--a it ;A J a un tfi!~ Lusers Inc; Pi.otolurainescast Devices. by Karai,ear-ly-Alkalayov, it. Yu Loydeln4ing 12 ;JUSSIXIi. -er, Celiateklmika, No 2, 1966, 1:p !A-17. Yl Jci/Phy NOV 69 - -. . -~ .: ~ ~I~~: it -- -- P.M. k)4p-4 - fit OV, Instability or the Valforn StOg State of a Semiconductor Due to Thermal DeCormatlan of Ito r*rb Band# by Po K* Caragoorgil-Alka RUSSIAN, parp al - . PArk-GALAMILk m Urt the -1-homy a Unatia a lit lkwd- CaDduater9o by F, K* A A. XM* L614W=n. Fis W=UN* VdI 9v lio at 1967a Dept Ayr 68 Oumllt.[, ive 411vid, quirontlitoltOo Oft 60*01.1clon t~ "1 14 rkw 069111111W 04 rl, ks;e^ Role of Phospholipide is Aotiwi Oau! and Retardation of Blood clat%~.,O:v by K, Go garagetyano RUSSIANp perp Rok. Ak go k- Vol 201p No 2# November 1911 pp 486-469 CB go Juno 72 kA(e Phosphollpid Metaboliam or thi of Dogs (Arteriovenoom Diff*'ro in Insulin Rypoglyeamlso by 1. 0. Xaregmsyano RUSSIAN, perg, Ilk no, Vol 201p No I# November 1971g pp 238-241 CB 0 June 72 ...... .... .. ......- Effsots of Sthanolaulas and 41* Phosphatidea on Individuol $tso,~I'j of the Blood-Clotting Systeav .03 K. G. laregazymao RUSSIAN, parp Vol 201y No 3v November 1971j. pp 733-736 CB June 72 Aboo&lptL*n wW BlIaLuattou at PhospbolipUs by Ithe Do& firsisk After VuLlatorml, Rwavol at ths lftpeOlLmr Cervical SMatb&tLe GaftlLoup by to Go Karop yang Lo go Owespyame WSSIMp par# pok A IM &Mp Vol 1800 Ila 1# 1969, pp 293-255. CD '~, , Q7 , SLI V~- may 70 D-oc 7? jhnaL7=ant and tile New PlAwatig Systemis by D:Lm&ULr V9611IM41,41cOvs. 5 pp- BUrALOWN per# Sawagam MAWAAMMW Ito 4t my 19669 pp. 6-8. jPBS 36600 /V) I~ct )Q oz a v RE-Bulgaria Econ Aus 66 307,161 AM md VMASWWDt 14 UA SMUMOX SOMMIP 14 DOW MASU'lAd &A*nO%WWjp OW XLXIEI14W ma" ma amitur ftrwolmwv 6 W. omaARMP Pk** agamm KIM INLISO No 6j, Aug L96% VV* "s L4 now 66 Hrl..D%Wmatl Afffalt*o pel ,!In '111 ! -- - - - "'i, \ I ~ -,-- " - tN), ma w-of- RAW= uws~ Aubw TWO Milk- the people# coaxwOmm Iw rvm Xbrab'"Mms 6 - "~O-Ntwq- ELK~- 90mr.. 1b f4 911mr own am 65 EV 'a-~sti on of Errors of an n e r,l-*,I, & I Covtstrurte~l on thr, ll,mrls. ifl' JL C' ' F_T~ '40 '17:! -I,-, ConstrucUon of Prefab CcmereU OwksaUcims, b~- A4 A* ftrak"byano I* I* Sbabmg 6 pp* RWSIM# parg AB49! sagmalt MOSCOMPIO No ZO Fab 19?29 pp 24-250 JPRS 55838 MAY 72 Una= ~GW&nwU4 VladUdr ippa SERLO-QUATWO PWO Wpofto 7 'Softo pp W-M ins WX3 L A c~ jf':~ Oat 72 ...... ..... .. on the question of Errors or, an t. 42 System Constructed an the Basis o ri,11,61'ri iJ,,;[~ by V. A. Karakash4cv, 5 pp. rUSSIAM, per 1-Y. VIIZ PriUqxG*t=Ev%WR4, 'Vol 1, 11, No 4, 1972, ;p X-7630 Julu 72 and P*Oto*tlm ADAMO WHIP" sw @Mimi 13111,- r IL I. ma Ir* Of svp to agoWs Up Ob OSWAOAM md" 830-W- juiy 69 1-j" talx~kijt"* Olt -Itle ~Ajr, IZVw ViiV. OdOZI-1, 'Ltt,,t ~1#0 6ip JUAGo 122-12 7, ii..-;l 6G:0 (2 a ,;c:i/ ~'ZlOxiarj C'Ct (b 314,p183 -I-nzjt~-~Ln i;'!- V :1 - 4. Owl -.Al ro rima K16 ,her ':4~' at Kce CL KARAKOLEV, V. Btj 4% 14 NFW BULGARIAN PSLOPED kHOMBS ANTENNA VOENNA TFKHNIKAv NO. 39 19729 Po 14 FS TC-HT-23-0923- 73 D. ZarakoZova Light parlite-grog ineuZating rej'2-aetoriae vith Cr , specific weight under I g/amJ. 6 pp. BULGARIAN, Rudodobiv i lmetaZurg& 'La. VoZ 24, No 1l,,, 1969, Im, 52-54 1,IRIFTD-I]C-23-207-72 sept 72 Cratiry ilficiemy or yeo D* Farakaw:ivo U&M440 I-erv koAxm k3vxp Vol 45,j 1969# pp 37-38# *Dept of Interjor &we= of Lbn*=ial 14Awiet) Office of Ebreisim i1sherlas Jec, sci-EW1 jwQ 69 Thevrotical ausis of the Lzi,loitatim vi I~Asl, Stock, by Ye. D. Karakotskiyo 10 ppo kUSSIM, per,, Rybnae Kho2ysistvo, Vol 44,0 No 7, 196S, pp 22-2t. Dept of Interior CCF/IDFF A-36-Feb 1970-No 34 on um P- fA s may 70 'The ~t&.znisn of Joint Fonwtiua la SvliU-~StAtcl ~talding of Al=ijam O)dde Carmdes Kith lAcibiur.), by Te. S. Karakozzov, A. 5, Kotallkin, 13 IV* RM,SIAN, per, Flzlka i khiviLa Obrabotki Wjttarl.ml4w. Tic 3, 19680 -1, 123:179. Dept of Navy hRL Tr J.197, 70 40S,574 The ~',ccliauisrt of Joint Forwalcm in scli~i*:Ajatu Leldin- of Aluvinun Oxide Ceractics with ilviolbluro by Ye, S. ~arakuzov, A. S. Kotalkin. RUSSIAVI, cbrabaki tiaturialvV, No 3, 1968p pr 123-129. Dept of Navy 14PL 1197 k,9 k 4 v sci/Mat Mar 70 404,0337 man" st1we Tabom Awdxwt as Nat awart" XnEaddow memmme 2a ma am* an j4 00 'VUV qhm- at Soviet adap tw L K. ammkimp To. JL V=d=* 6 W- It III AN Ban=# am"% .Pak 306~~ 3b E6 IW# tq'354r--'- AWjlw/=F"-UT-m ~,j A fz 4 k i-i L ci Ift-A 69 3waft -T7 -A, VL. At L 53-57. 3ji.r.0 uwrl sci-Dm. jua 65 --------- - --- - ---- Foral,-~m ':"rGAG rOV SlXth VIVO In: Sterck fAK*IAOV# "oviarizod, by !~TIFAA91TAC't qpp f ".WW sof ia, 26 Kay ITP IPPS 53637 nov 72 LV#aX*" by Bidd Kay&Ul% 8 ppe W-BANU 0 PWO MM 0 awtsAop Tifewt IS"t 1%89 pp 49-55.v JFRS 479134 Jan 69 3MO33V lon (;hari,,ilw, La :ar.&"x4 fW 3* ---, faral faik, . POA aswul Ilosshm ibmrilzu 'Vol lir ;io LO# 19f-60 pp 1148-1V9. *i,-,-D-w-23.464-68c Juno w The Charge on Ions 1U MaUg&U*80 50101k1doO, I -- by S. M. Karallnik, 0, 1. Oikav. UXRAINIAN,, Par, UkraXimskry Fit Zhurtial, Vol 11, No 10, 1 , pp 1148-1140. AIR/FTO/ilT-23-464-68 4 S. M. Karillnik Sci-Phys Apr 68 37100847 ,7 ism It I ..-- '', - 111 11 : ,_-- i I ~ I Sai-lba Sai & Tocb wpt 70 $operation of Ur&uluu M) aW Ucantiam (IV) in sulfa-c4tlau &%UWWv&,C*ftt4AUfins Martalm Amxwto of Divin7l ROMISM9, by ZA. ItaraLlOV4, at *1, 5 pp* MSIAM, VmT, gMMI ftgll&gbl%Wm 111.3-131j" Moscow, Vol XX11t, Mareb 66, pp. 43504457. JrRS 45,458 3 , A~' /, t-fk- sal-aw"stiry May 68 354,030 Apsrl&n,ln&M8trUl CaqAmx AINItPWO bV V, KAMIFUno It FP* amr"t pers g4p, ftr 196979-pp- U.;,19* JPRS 4ml v , 4~ I P-,) L ~ L. r~_) USSR sow YAW 69 361005 ti va 4,F1 lluirw j im,~ IF; i 6 4.m440!-u-. f4uu rati cu ui 6,.;t; ! ro iwud es Lit l,our :,wev I ;,Y'staus A.~ .;U~IIAA~14, 1:cro A"3"rual '-*rlklbopy ~~paktrosko I'Vol go ..v 21 Dfi-Q, ky Jan 64 3714,#M~ i,jbjm&IVQS of 500=d P*M-UW nim Illsomlodj tw i:owaiqw Foofte Admu ImmodsJ4 5 list* flvt~q pwo llm palm- forwrim4wo A-ft Jul 1"g Vp 46-We ims 4M5 ol-~ 1~aA~~~ AF-C&nMr*M E41XD ftpt 69 3996w - IRT Al'ill-Al"iw .01 , I ,J=O VIC: ,~ d~ I dE )((~ laip ap ('f A .1ji-Laultancow inspection of Um Structurm Stressax of Ferrmapatic materials by 111mimm of Magnetic Tests, by Antomi fiarmamme POU&Ig, per, Polska Akad N&NS z"SVIZ Colobi Nauki Polskie o 61, IMm Irp 340o3"0 Scl-41ateriaLs May 67 1965 WOM Ronooted on Dowium c**vuftt3xosw bCr MsbMt ZM=o)v*k"Qt It V.P* SERWPMQATIUv Pkrq WWgft lium t9wq yp 305-393. JFRS 46*0?6 Es Two Eow Aug 68 Organospectific Antigen of the ill human 'Immmary Gland Caj-icer Hetastasis, by L.R. Karamova, RUSSIAN, per. VOP Onkol. , 13, ACSI-K-2311 'Wminmry rl"Iand ante Its 10 ),)rp. 1967, 1)A,; ? 97-103. Jul 7 2 Participation of the Telencopheloui-of ------- Tateostei in the Performance of C01spUz Conditioned-Reflex and Behavioral Ike- actions, by A. 1. Karaayan. 1. yukova. RUSSIAN, bk Povede"iyo i petseptoly 1967, pp 10;-113. *Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Branch of Foreign Fisheries Scl-fifim Mar 69 A. 1. Kanogan ParticipatLan of the Tolemeowlan or BMW Fl*h in the AccoWUsbaMt of ComplAm Cmdltioned- Reflex and General-Behavlow P48atlfts. RUBSTAN, per$ MMM& I WLta"& &to 1%7o pp 109-11,4 INTC 72-12532-0W Sept 72 KARAMYAN, S.A. and SHVKAROV, Yu. Chl3micill analysi method of large angle scattering of heavy Ions AtoMic Energy USSR 20:56-7 (1966) (AAHC L113/TRANS 14616 X-A-11 fumi Imotrucuon Projoats W033, Exp*00-toolit A. Karev"bove I- TOtsIdle 5 PP* RUSUM 0 par* &&tqt4t. rfowom. wo 20. t A 1960o pp ho, -bb. jpr;s 47069 Jan 69 aud Le Tairowp 5 ""C" 20 Jazk . npp 9960, P020 JPIRS 345W USSR zwn mar 66 296,4" an Al- A pp 6, jums j.-,-Rs 46200 USSR 68 Smiat flistorlm Clul Plao Tw-tul*46 AMU- t2s zoonomism calvalso Mmusam Ilawafty In ChLillalf by V- Karonyo-hav.. 6 pp. rip, pawl-t2f 25 I?4(b 1,?67p JPFO hwil f7 FZ-CftineL fbc APr 67 by 'V. ara-yeher and A* "'Jh* 5 pp. Per, *aWL422gstms 00 1), 1.9filf" pp. 10.1e. jii-t; )9195 V. P. k'A R A 1A uisi Sol.Agri* Fab 67 L ~j V Ll 47 OxidAiacL Frocomm In the tmp of RAM FoUoidng PaL*wAvg vfth EWy22J= OOMOumb.. by N. x. Kwmslm and I. V. PvAovam "Usama pars a4 A ~I WdAL L CC &&AEMAUO Val 100 No go 19wip WC 71-14152-06T V P- s 3 7G 5,:7,& Feb 72 A Ul I(VIII tCU4 "*A luj,t 0~, Cow 'A,uti-~Awl i;uMau 0i .~"Livrw"rtls (~,ii Luin) 4~" AlcoLolic Intoxication, by Ll 1. )~. K.-rar-icyav, 14 pli. Sudotma Uodkkoecrt, IU# ll.Utk7, 5-6, 50A,t of INAVYP"Iti 1517 (04, ,Jlclu~:ioal -,-UjzAica--, cz, Uzapiraravl 9 t,tZia, ki,, ence (1.11.3%0) 4t-n. 'ta-xuzaia. 7-9 MI 047 .1967# 1-15. iUW-7LIW~i'-t'-23-1644-67 ici/buiavorial isid JC .jr .ixir 69 -Ammw=l IMG- It I na assmx-cbo tv Ko Ve skrmm%w end Go mWila. baroWp JM 30M um Oel,~W & A am 65 Monic ?%spectu of Autcxwtry, by Kararldoyev, ot a I , 12 pp. USSILAR, par , AytomUtZA, Nowasiblvolko Sapp-Oct 67. pp. 119-128. JPXS 45,444 ,,(~ - 31 r 41 'e.- Sci-Zloctronlc* WW glectrical Sagimor Ing flay 68