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air WjkUW# bF PO xm* Knsob- is FO y4a 7 RUSSUMV ypto AN Me ]*",b no= Hal - t I. -1~ I h bulio 19M6 JIM 69 'rho Relatic.4ship flotwoom SAO structurlas of the -AuJificatious of Platinum nnd Copper and sove Udoro Derivatives, 0y Be 411; jLIq GLIAN, par, Ze KrIst Vol 12Z. 1965. pp ~4415-21160. ATI'I Sci - Chem Aug. 07 f I. I 1 -1 -4 1 f PI I , -,I , I I., Illullit I I Ip !1vill Illia .-I flit ;N,ripll i. It wou, p Analysis of Games in Steel*# by 14', Hauls& F-* JAWON, FREAGIV per mV Not's Vol 628 J:mm, w r""' pp 9131 4712 /y) SCI-Matertals S"A 66 A'Alysis of Oss" In St#*2sp by X. MWI%j IL ilxodft. W=CR* p*lr_RjM-K*t441. No. 2, 1965q 11V 37-115 "tLVV. 2510 //7 / ~ sal - Aug 67 )J90414 ............. .. -~? JJ -i,- Doteraination of boublo DemAela fthylons- Propylone Torpolymor lubberso 'by a. man 0 GIMMAN: pore IN-tell-k I" "map Vol Is 1965v pp 295-2", STC 72-10540-11J Apr 72 -tddoUfte Work at QUVNVAUW MW%M&Wo bW laftsuv Asdo 1. 9 polo GC;VSRKHM M (ALI C&Mo pwo T-21-110 ow Vol 19.* X0170 ja 2.9670 JM GUO 250 tot 62 In tpba SWU NOW Twool- ') cc IT&rdgvAd fh. 1 0 1 Lim Jet ftQA is NU*b 14 - I-lw Aft4r Md - AMAUG So lok Gem -- - 9 19W aq Hewn go He Jo I . . omma wo no 81-91 Mau Salo" JAU 71 New Infocuation on the Suctom GrUdbig, of i$mmb" Steel*$ by a- and** as wwkwom. VM=, pace MM ftj Ape 069p pp 291-31)2. i~~ 9131 8030 6r SCL-ftt Jet 70 Intmait4v " Lattift CM*tW%t juWaft"UmIts CD k*rbKWit* and Auxtwdtoo bor E, gWmko# G. Ziegler. (altwo Iwo julso wal no 1,%?$ IV 296-30 z fiLL flefs 9022.4 68136) E - 1~4 n) q E 41 I(d-fttI Jan 69 X2660 cr - -.10 --au3'c!%l1-4cjCr :ArenSth of a QuanchoU Tool S Acel, by E. flanke rRENC", par. Rav. Met., 1969, pp 527-KSW-. BISI 8368 Effect to ll;tucl~) um, and D. 1-nill4mamm, Vbl 66, JNd/Amogt, scip-lat Jan 71 1- :-7,A Design (Lind OptWzat1*a ofM Tait Reat il~ O~toita Reactorl, Part 1. ATMMMM MERCTE, Vol 18, pp 61-69, 29M NX 73-1,0281-18T T Mar 73 _i _TFI -i_ U. 4A= U: CesIv end ftII.ImftatIm of a Fast Home, Pttpe Reactor. rart U. ATOTI=MF.RGTr., Vol 18, pp 143-150, 197)1.. 1CC 73-10280-18t ~,_ , , ,I - i-Ills' ~C' In a Llast Furnace,, by J. iiwiLe, CUCII, i~er, iiutn. Listy, Vol 23, No 6, 11168, rip 391-395, *B151 6978 Hp m Arr 69 i A ivr* 6taill Liam val as, -L.3I 422U LfftCt Of Ft"JMI i-&tj&VA lljr= tb* ACrt!klrk-ty IJV Blood"Sorm -'~ .0 - S* tv Jams$ lkrAno POLLUS We S AIM- Val Vo 01144 W 128-133. DR)t or ft" sic tr 2544 SCIIB & K Determination of the Work HeqmLremeilkiz 02 u Pa"ruing Oold Holling tmin, bV J. builm. GENW; per. �&gU Ron, Vol. 135P 190.1 pp 24 CM 4V=22D - 1%/ -Z. 14 A #VY-e- sci - Aug 6T 335-619 /Y Aw laftstrba V" or Amor-ftstatooll; AlApIr by-a. WMIN "DAM" va 3.38 lots Vp 65-W* UL ftrt 9WA (67AM) M. l4vi Ang 6B TIm Indastrial Uoe of weas-RAmLoUnt AILItMy Cast Imns. b7 M. Rmnke GSRKA!.'. Pm. gleawralisELM9 Vol 23W 19G?, pp. 6j..67. OBIZU 55711h S4 . PleduTdola Aug 67 wxdm lMport&Wo of SCCJALJ*t PASS I%diA ;b%altflAWd, bV Hol=t H&*oro Winfr2md schabortv 12 rimuW6., pm, banw& "A ilwluo Iva '111)01 PP 1"3-1474. JMS 4%?6 I?ob 70 Development and Prospects of Ow"go-atinwicr-y in Ifungary, by Dr, GorA 14w*o, 8 Fljj+ HUIIG-%RIAN, pal, ftgg*2414 10 1(4~t2=jjfto Budapest, So. 1, 1968, pp. 40-43. JPRS 45,163 Set-Urth Sci. wW Oceanography April 68 --------- -- NOV 72 Means of Uquidsp GIRSS R114orIA14, and Crystals# by We 11SUIS, at ale MWiMv per,, Zivilschutz, Ho 1" 1967, 11110 IS4,41. *ACST J-504S ID 22OUSS567 Aug 07 DOSUOUT by HOW* of 14*44sjp OUms admomaso =1 Crystas, by Vo XWOU 444 A* DGWOMMMp 1304, 02MIN& VP 4-"f AM J-3065 XD "003"6y dp ty le ftrreaccustic ftseame Le kag"04 3441a, by X. A. UV"Mboo vo V., UWAO 16 W4. ut"Imims P03ro uk3mrinflokyy fix Zbmi# VOL A* XG So ads, op "607146 FIVIIIJISM, SCA - rhys rob 67 'i-~ "-', Practical Calculation of the Potmmtial of a Circular Double-Layorg by L. Hannak". GEMN" p r,, Arabiv ruRz naktrgladu"s Vol 51p N: .49 1967v pp 247-254 XTO 72-12427-200 July 72 am Mvision of Leber# Collo&,o TadniNq: StroisliWig by Go L%j~~ ppe "PAhv pwv AbLimm Apir 19689 vp 7--tio im 45*92D /4,07 -41-6 jr4A t Sam Aug 68 36Z*66!i ---!I LA. Ai J, j. A U, Jrn3so ot ale ~,Vodio -- -to Vol 90 )w Ito k] i'r 335-343, 12,931 ik r 75 i rc r a in,ines, by MetAir ;f4mbou, JJG )er 1=1 (ajut. 1 9,#o Uer. Vol No 2v 1969v prp 335-3436 =.-A 7T 1-1-12931 sci/materials aul 70 aici .,.tCAJI" ald J.-I Z*,toa'j~ jAjqj .7 ur, 'Utdiat9dia flaridito Ilitil 9.F Jar ITT F 12#932 Ila, Vlvew ~#-iCl z:tx-bL,; so UM of "--- OtoaU MA AUOIPM In- Bt~ and a- -- 1 - - t i out 1w V. ft- tom " Po Safts "&- bw* vta ="No vw. m 9* 3"o l1w WAL ftf: gme"NaMsume) go&/Xscb sw %, AW 70 40,01or This AppliewtIM of Uftb-Swistott J%t*rjgjX Ul Alreraft PcFWr P2MU, by M Uumm 4wA IL Imbesiust w & ON M!gh-.Bm-* Vol 9,p 1900 IOVM"335*-;3- ALL W-0 9m. W1 (7k6.=) sa/"Kh EW % - 10*116a kW TO -. lit-All :,; U!i j U.- lt~.ArU - I J-Tlio,- .":I I A.I.AJti--it -tLCI-113 ZM,` UO 4 .141 ill * luibitw- iktii.-Ag by lAotar liminai. 22 ilp* r -1. 1-ar,, TT f6.12932 7D In lanumm at aw pmodsoulau ftoo"Ol 00 V Sol" Us Bnos# bW IL 2604010o 1="N,p vwo ab lbi "go lb 60 2964 vp M3-UlJ6 Cbm tft= or ArO R. Hannesm 301630 Scd - "Mrso" now 67 Analog CocVutw CalottlatIm of the Atutime Control of the Nesmucs"'ar Stab=Uood VIOD-1 sat"Utey by F. 16 BUMI. GMMP xvtp "Us/mmi, jb 62,t Oct 2967. *NO at ftv APVAU J-IM Ow 69 rnfluer"o - af r,:'64.vx* Il ti. Trado T'Fjjjo,,,jSi, L7 0 Tj Mgj~ tilljOwl lilli t In 4=jtij~#, ,) noo 00 t 73 D*onnl Czljds *f findsh G., Mecoamto lt4r Owl fAmInan't 5 W* fliaLubw We AWWAM909 iAQAdnk!ko 6 IlNay 1969# p 5, ariis 48309 C ~j I--- wommulana iol - At% AM -7 Intanal CAmde of Ilmloh 1~., lIftlumado, tw (Uvl twolume 3 mg limusiie apt 4r-uw.,-tk*kw4 I*Ixwd,o it, aully, 191690 p 5q jrvs 465W _ptV I )-I J1 td,!,'~j E ~ C L j 35- WB-Flnlwjd ia Avg 69 30t"7 outzoll%M the Sulowr Cwtant oC;gtwa I* Ulm L/D FAAt Of COCkeAU-OUVft4ftVfl4WM *13 Sendv& by L. am== emd Po COMV* FEMM 0=0 Cam. OUV410 im 7/80 IA9- *Bwl bIA4- Apr 70 &ID -Psov3doom slit SW"149 OOMMIMSUM CLC OXWqW SoglIndUap by 16 3bWM 4" P. D"Wo lb 7/8, 2969P so 3-TuAlso- mums* Of am Lr &4 TO Frodm& hiewsmon ROPOW" Bolas Hold tw MJWIt L&O010 tw 01W HumetemNe 5 Sp. GOVARKWAI US9 ova FRUC4 mve IA pariume 6 ion 1900 p 5* JPRS CmUO 2965 . p, -.. .. I M-Left pa Nor 69 MOM Report"s Ten of aaft ftthot Laos a pylsol"MM4 'w chw Ha=wteau4 a pp. OMMUT On 0= FIWRXo app Awls* 3 Jon 1090 v 30 MOIS GOD G Lt I'A'a r4 tq Cl -e cj~ Lk * I I "I~o Pal Apr 69 3P%231 coatimaty w1a F-lexiallty of E-lectrimity In Fiw3ce, by Andm Hamotblmat 6 lip., GOVEFMWW USE MY FfWCHj, npj, Le Mmle MV]Mtiqqe.- Val 13,t Ila 150, sep~ -19-6T,- p. 130 JPFS GUO 2179 U13-France Scl-Slectronics noy 66 ,3;kgp6n. Pepiurts ire Cermetaiicatiors: Thv iiannever 'Ffl,r fl. 1969, by Grothenns EtTmover, 7 CISE CtriLY CIWAN, por, Zeltschrifr -fur Vol 940 '-"0 70 19054, pp, 261-M. Ai~t,/FSTk:/u'T-2_7-444_70 C)t- sci/.Zlect Ar, r 7 0 Defects La Omb"d TirovalLog Crmas aW Thsic Ufactso by a. 0. Hasamost. GWOO, pets Stobt BL*#b Val 89, war* 1900 pp 1300-13069 *RISt S2S? ScL4iWt7k&j- may 70 ~\ . Q) - \V,~~ t-~) -w,- udy Currvnts in Thin Conducting Plot*$ elmls-ed by 1-bving Conductors which &Te trmrsad -Iyl(- Electric Current, by Ludwig Hamakm, 33 j1p. GEWWA, per, 61*ktrotach. 36 A,g 1106.514, pp 242-231o AEC-SC-7-69.151S M162769-V 357gl4f) 99 SciAlectrwics July 68 r AU&IYSiS Of a MSAISMSS 0XV bY I-RUY F3410VOW039146 StandardiSSUOA Of th4b N*thCd Ft" SYM-10441C mixtures* by J, "anon$, Pe namod FRENCH, per, Rev, Not, ~Lqb Sag jan't, jigiss, IV411 62 pp 45-4 IMP S292 4 Sci July 67 .... ....... A=aysft Ot On by %4kw - of NoOkod nuamosamo IRWIN qmu~ a. Ifto Syntbo"a mittamp by J- MOM ViAlMdo s vooL 61ko lim 39" pairs ftv yAt..*M.- JM 2965s vp WW-- *B= 5*2 j. Hanon an 6T Ze sougmac Efftets of twtopm asquanAl, Cow duated by the ViSOV MMdAa Plfnt AWIIAIIW*ds 'INr LoMU BM=er and JGM Bwomms 31 lip* PMMO,, P"s -p-mmma-assimcp Vol h6lt goo hilt Apr 2,967s. iVq, 2091-=o JM 41792 TCAKY Z94hamA Sam AUg 6T . . 1. . ~ - - ~ -, .: ~ -- I - -. ! - ~1.1 ~- - 1- !-H- i ii i! I : 11 ~ 11 : I e~ 0 9 Ot- 4' 0 t). KI ~.Il I t umlvil luy 7; Austrian -Civil I)efenso is Drasm Up, by Jumf 11W11110 CiERVAR, pev, Ziviler ftvolkerung,ssfwtz Poic MWo pp 4.9. *ACSI J-8216 ID 2204006270 Ap r 70 Ailatria's C!v-11 Defense la GaInEng - Pdrt 10 by Jocef Hanes 15 pp. GUGM, per, 'Zivtller n69t Pl? h-(~. ACST J- Wl ID 2POhOO62--'o A tj S MW 70 RevolutioniziM Teachers Roluires A S7&Un I,vhweby Party IdeDlogy is the S*1o ldmolmS7, bY Han Sam-bmg. 7 pp. WREAN, np. SMM Sinmon 27 May 1967, g4 2* JPRS 41728 MKoroa S*C Aug 67 W. lialincil Gas-['Gwf~cr WOW Surfacing, b/ W. Aansch GERWUN, pez, Praktiker, Vol 19, No 8, 19670 pp 182-184 11B 9795 Noy 72 ma To d- Acmdol P"*U":LIA ew IN - bom of awodso motooftow at gamy rl"t is to fto~ 4e moo**" Bowl rimmomi, IW R. Nowd0k. G~$ vw SM BLOW :L96T,v v. FA. M jim-2rJO-06B Investigation into the jangth of S*comdoy. contraction Cavities in KIII04 steel InvoIll Cast sy the syphow method In taxot Moulft T"ring Upward& sud 11"ing P"dor "084sp IbV W. Hanse 1. poLISIJ,p pers. Outalks X* Ilp 19",g pp 46*461. RISI S62s. sci - Pat Aug. 67 30 1*72 ;AectrD6,ap*~ Lim of 4AMz=k and iuWallbAllcyp With a ',.4 ow to Incraolng hardummWe tW AMMIll.* MuFAGARMNs 2m-.As %Mitt_lp , 11AIM -A= D aeou ~& NLL Rof G. 4 - U-ec Ana 68 V. ;. Divtreatnient of Titemi= for cuboequent ol4v~atro- deposition of metal. 27 pp. a~;;avl L"iqerwchg' ivid awandwi-I hochaah-rualmill .1 ton und roJtivor motane, 15-18 Fab A , , oc t 7"1 04~ tT Immary Cwtraction Cavity of Killed 5tool 1"gol" botle. tcom Cast In a Bit. End Down Incat Muld 1111th W1111" Top, by W* flan"19 PULLSH, per,, llutmik No Ild, 1%6, pp 456,461* ealsl S62S VI/ Scl/gaterLals Jun 67 i i 0~' t' i S E L '~'4 ; i N ~~- G h HHL)-(~ENtKATLJK - PROVIDING LNERGY FUP TGMG"F4F',lJW SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS I.P,P.- M.Aotoo L9 71 FSTC-HT-23-2516-72 J, Jj C9,vt,4A-*j Dielestrio Resonators - Methods of Calculstlos and Tosbuisal Applioatloosp by To Basses. ionizorANp Per, 2 No 12p 19660 pp 1-5 XTO 72-12368-20A July 72 t4styibuxiwa -iTi--tT-se - avam- Q.-V all Llectron Gun with & SInS20-CryStal Sp~kOjrl- cal Cathode, by K. J. Ilanszen. GERM&4, per, Zelt fur Naturferschuiag, Val 24A, 1969, pp'IU-1190-1 -'*"'-0-- *NASA TT F-12,S59 Scl-Phys Aug 69 latiou wd ft*ctlc^l Aw""tum be aemau rrm x&bw&taj7 od ill". I. MiOwtka of cn%" semole. tw W. mu*Akiv a. ROUNWI.- omwj, part vbl 361, m 9141g2j, pp 328-338- Quvhf . 1786 V. I-Jlq4lsl--16-1 5997 333AM aw1w Teobulqwp bw a. P. -1,1310 11=6 Dwo M am *A- lb 10.95S J.9b9p IV 4406-409- 044 Of Matwur B094M or 04009901" plakul" arfim or F~ nakwum A-384vt 2960-ft UV on SCUM am 69 Wyto Actiom N&OdOd Oil soculiAltutoll --I- is"If ar el"m ANIM 5 DNMM,p pft~ Wdft vta 061 so go ppo 282-1J,6o ipre 33M mil-vanut fte D" 65 &JOOWM -)m-m7.-Aot Inpresalm of V** ;11 ~re! k;on~~ress of VA CKM, by I!Aij Fsnapam,, 611-pp. per, V% 1966# vo.~ '11l. l I -% Tn. 21 ------------ cmt 64t 3120111:10 rim vm ftdo" ft tio 'Iml! swum Woomom ow a- ---w loom"", IV a. ammuft #as so ammoom PWI dmkbdwm "I arm me, * & N%V--O-o ~mm -)7 "1 \- I . iii *~ G "-kM V*r, St"I Usoulk Vol SS. Al Feb. ms, ;p HISI 4729 sci/w Apr Suctum ugttalms for Caupecrtar Ivrt Vol 440A 1070 AUq ICIO. 191 Al mar 73 ... ..... ... . ..... for the Preparotlea of Poly marization Products, by 0. Ususimn. GERWO, Patent 324 690 HTC 69-1107-07Z 0 sci-Chem July 69 366,621 Me AUSAUC SoloW JA GM40"I kJaUIV), 141? PMA lboodus amum# yers lb 5iip 1966s, INI 153-Miiz- mpt or mmwr:lor nab and WIUMUS Sarwift muraw of ammmwcw nobarles My 67 - - - ..... ... -- --- ... ... I !I i 11: 1! i 1!: 1 7 PoLLL -TQs;o I E . Ail J~ Aji is; "4 ~ I - . 1.) Jure 71 _1 t W 4t LCOA wultuMi bisor'Jos'o ~i, lAiallillcuo ics Vol ILJIJli,llj,o, lp't 1 1,1165 417-425* tZ.Obt :;107 72 t 17 IV JapasUv Perial- Arl Adomp 9 Ipp, Came UP* HOODO&ON" kalm hmowo mm 19690 7 im 4w Oat 69 I P 4f ill Ill! IlUl"ll 9- VINAll, U=ine-Aminopeptide" train BoftuO X" ZMWO,Mt Cvpta=zetian, Pvqportl" MVA OPUMMIL ACCIMMY Conditl of the RazyMej, by R. ROZOM, GWWI, per, ffM jgyAalf zektsohvol. Fur Ebyslolaxische MusAis-6- Vol 3W., Ilb 3f.6; IRi.. pp 25-IOT CSIBID/No T%4 Sci - jui 67 33koO99 4xw lrvft~r Itmim 7*"Ummkw", - TmnqwL 41,06 rAnaing Bq4lpontv bV Go. ilmosooo, SAIll" GZRXM~pw ftwm adAblas V*l 110 0,0 1906 ;vToe, ACSI J-4893 OTCA-W-23-57-M &. HaNssmixti scib*th a Lqmip Aug 66 3610332 Hovobloel.n im Pediatritiv. A 10ijort on Clialcal Experience* WL U. sit Barely Umod Antibiotic# by R. sanseler. r GERXAM, parp 2AIIIII01m if d 4, . 4 A'I A6 Uj,, Vol 96#, 1971omoo o r,1 L iuilkitiu~. i; I IV ~t! o~t!W:Xll in tnu CL',r ?4--i" -,-tturfc4rtai* 2111o !uh, 1969, T! J, A e,,y C L r,: - I i 404041" IF FLimproof FinlebIng of Tomttlet. GUMAM,, par,, --- Vol 60 1,9jjrj,, pp 637-643 RTC 72-13402-119 f'P-- Oct 72 Aw- ft - i- A tkiftl=m VAN I WWW& ANG2010- tV 46 almoswo I* IW IIA OMMEMUL %A~ ftl - mks aw 67 4;;., d6 T k pw all VM33 , Z-,(,/ "i 4-f,elt-d ftl W'Ibft 16W er 3W402 come in skm or spohm Suv 36 0. ISOM44 44-r-A IV wo nwass"p 'a "..Aw &w7w= r'- 7.1 10 'i'llie Lhe-,Astr/ and Tcdw4ui~j,(jy of Orei, Critique imid i4buttal, oy jlwluso GEA"11A.-J, rpt, Zur Chemie wif Todmolo$ .S der ilarnstiEffiarza. Mchrift und L i3mrtal,j,". 9 pp. Uept of :zodern Languages N. C. zitate Univ at Rajeil~i Hanus ;yr 67 u2,4ws AGUM of A Iftaft 8 kV m as Ow *"Ug; Cupwkwp by No Nmag U ygo GMUA6 pffs -- - V" 33# 2m# pr iheo. palw7w - -1 - I Taw !.=c ovw the vanw, bV U , J - UMNIIv j "!."/ 7 ppo ilo 20 C'mm, PWO XIAMMKO 1%0# IPP 1# 2. - DU ta 2"9 /I, .~l :2, 1~ - - ~ - . SG$As-w ast 68 %coo White Book &I aw-jpwwaocu Fro-LUMSIM tly P*tor "Wasoho 3 pp* GERWO, pwo Vim=$ ROV-1ba pp 1s# 190 "As 476447 &"'.6 -,e-e-k, - ~. , R"wWb "I Fab 69 3maig 191W=tdAWfI* Ows. por, 1-to G.15 saw Ax- 65 fill" H It MINE I 1111112"ImIdlitun -T semiconeucter Radiative Owtoctowl; Wad;d ~m LZeChosleVakia. br 014rich Gilar, ,ftwl i.lauslix. CZECIt. per, J&4*rso s"Orlio, No 7, 1947, pp 269-274. Jiri Ilanzlik scl-Phys Apr 69