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of 'Imij Ow ;Lu.,ijjt FlrL~ Stzuaid of tLe :~aw Zealjou! ll~~arty, By V. G. ;Alcox, U, X 21 AE4.-, 1964, p-,) 1-41. je-9f, 28336 E-r~ur--~;ew lizr 65 0-1 by P01=16, bbwwftcjli; No 4,1964, JPRS2=0 RE-Pdood Avg 64 1n'A,---3ti,jatiw-s Of Ula PliecaLpticaof -amigo-I (A-M ll~A (Dasoxyribose Nucleic jAcid) by tht! Lyr.jimaltes Ln Xltro, by Tdcbusz Uilczak, et aL 5 pp. POI-TSII, per, Prze-qlad Lekarski (I.bdical lbvia.,7), No 9, 1964, pp 4r-417. FTD S-751 358-69 july 69 337t342. trpecializzation and !32LToirt, W machines in the Polish LonG-Tbrm Plms by Fqazard Wnczeirsld. IWZM, perj, It Przeglad Tc-e~wwjp a, Nov 1961., p 5. FM Sim 3454 Mar - FO1w2d r2can I-lar 62 AP 7 1 ,, 7Z,:~- (NY-6493/14) Develol=ent of Yz4hlw-Bmilding Industryp by Byezard WUczewskIL-47 Pp- POLISH, per., Go4~4~ 1101 X71o ND 3o 1961, pp 20-25. Ezur - polmA 161 Boon Aug 61 jIL-1 60 SMEE (VY-3630) Study of the StTucture of the Demand for Capital Equipment, Ryozard Wilazewski,, 21 pp. POLISH, per., Gospodarka Planovav Vol XIVs No 10, Warsaw, 1959, pp 28-36. JPM 2M EEur - Poland Econ - Marlufactt%ring UNA IMPIMMEN7 IN THE WIFT UVLOVWNt IN-MX IN vaimnwa Imayffp BY avsziw WILummis 7 PP. POL13up PER# GOWMAM ftANOW# NO W# l*'o pp ". im t7ft am a PCLAND VCW - akckm AM 63 . F--,0 'I'lic transamiDase activity in j.3olated celi ~~tructure of nornT--! rat liver, by T. pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol VITI, No 1, IS41. ars 6U-2156t..-i PL-48o Feb 62 Calculation of Forces in Fault Limiting Reactors, by X. Wilczynski. P4UBN, per* Prs~gUd MAkbrotechalewV# Vol MM12 1955, vp 3.56-165. BILL U. 3216 Sci - Bw Apr 62 P/? NCH-200 547 Field 20K WilezInaki, A. ON CERTAV; GENERALISATION OF HUBER CRITERION APPLIED IN ANALYSIS CREEP (0 Pownym Uogolniontu Hubarowaide) Hipotoxy Wytexantawe) w Zastosowantu do Badni Petzanta). 1965, 10p (forelp text Included) 4refe. NEL-Tr&no-IS68. Order from NLL Tr*nns vF Pro-sl*d M-h.Me..i jPwlQiAl 41 .00 V410-4 2963. 1. National Engineering Lab.. East Kltbrtda (Sootiand) /2-11 1-,17 p a 0 V t*.L I Continuoua Sulfonevirm of Mplithalean) OMMI, sono, Vorlauflge Mittellung Ubar die Kontinuierliche SulficrumS von Baphtalinj Ilochat, 14 Apr 37, n 58 725. SLA 59-1T143 sci Apr 60 Vol 13:1, Wo 2 The Removability of Scale From Steel latis* Plate$j by Raedeker., Wild. UNCLASSIFIED GERYAN, per., Stahl u Risen, Vol Amon* LUWMO 23 Jan 1958t PP 100-103. Co-op Tr Schene Tr 888 Sel - Min/Metals Apr 58 X'O News Concerning the Spectroscopic E=IrAtion of Minerals lk. bY Wild* Q,0. WA Klems R.s 3 P. Sa6pure- GEMN, per, Zentr MIMralog Geolog u FoUentolog A.,, go 9p 1925t p 273. SIA Tr 3181 Scl im 58 '00/ of a Ec!w D~lz-,tfa, [)y --H. Wild, 0. Huber, 34 pp. (-T'RJ'-!U!, pe-", Felv Ph,-,ts Acta, Vol XN-Y,.. 3957, r AEC tr--3828 loci - FLY:, Jan 60 a17 The Wild BalUstic Camara$ by ff. WJ2dp 16 pp, UNMASSIMIED OEFWAN# Issued by Surve7lng Instruments Supp3;y CO. Ltd. Reerbruggp ftltzerlaudo -pi* H.A.Z. Pexaborough Tr Scientific - Fbysice / 7, V tf 6:1 MS/M -- of H, Fordft seeds : "T40= 49 4". by AL WnL GMMUC7pW* ATWW ftK vat XXIN, No 1% 1"3, pp 933MIL arm 36A stemi 14" Puol- Too-" ` lji3valoye,l 6. #'L Q.L 11; 1 . Altloy St%-!e-';,. by I~WA Wild., 30 = !'~ N, 2 - V ., pea r W"la wia Mactao Vol MN- 110 13: js~:- , pp 940-9V3. SIA 6o-16e3~~ Sci 1101 IV; NO 7 iiav 62 Almimn AVAUCSIM.- ft. n. 14MMI1044 W, a ftml*u&wwt-rw aftur tv U. alswo"Ju 0, Irufto O~w MMP prize rw MA IT-04446560 301 - new imu 67 The Calorific Efficieacy of Bitumincrun Coal Hydrogmation., by Wilde., SchaPPO."to 17 PP- Vo jourmal cited. SIA Tr 2694 Sci - C13emistry., fuels Oct 57 lel,4--41 kmMweAtiom on the orovul- and of %*V4XwAwr" IV R. wilft, amu's vars Ta amas. 1962o~ so 109-2NO MM IT U. a. Gowan= USE a= Dw 66 3161,4a Process and A-utcuatic Machine for Producing Plastic Vatakaal Cextrldgea., Espacially Explosive Curtridgue, by Paul R Do Naft,Wllde. Georges Hargueruto 7 PP. MCB., patent no 1,103:117. US Dept of Co=erce Patent Office Sci Lib (gift) Sci - Engr Apr 58 Attempts at Improving the Size Consist orf Unvashed Machanically-Wou Coal at the Fwat Leopold-Baldur Pitj, by G. Wilde. GMYMN, per, Gluckauft Vol XCV1, No 14, 2 Jul 1960p PP 853-M3. NaB -A -1873, "P-541 Sci Aug 61 Ig 3, ~-~oZ List No 41 G. Stahl und eisen, vol. 60, 1940, pp. 322 324; 3 figures, 2 tables, 1850 word5. Properties of Coke as Affect-ed by Hoating to High Temperatures in Blast Furnace. 319-Itcher 'I'rans, Order No. 2256, ~3.25. Variable Sweep Frequencies in Oscillating Circuitrj by R. Feldtkeller, H. Wilde, 22 pp. GMMN, per, Telegrapben u Fernsprech-Technik.* Vol xxxt so 12, lghlor pp 347-3~2- S IA Tr %J-1480 Sci - Physics Oct 57 An Accelerometer on the BaWs of Msgwta*tdctIon,, by Hans WIlde, Ervin Elule, 33 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer wandte.P IL No L, b3aL 1949p pp 339-366* 9=801.5 AF.C-UC.1L-Tr-117M) Sd-phys .t%pr 65 2790428 The Blood supply of the Talus, by E, Vildenauer, 5 pp. GERM., per,, Z fuer Anat und Ratwick, Vol CXV., 1950j, pp 32-36. vm Tr 6-39 Be i - Biology Jul 57 ;7 < Z- Rev I&thod of Direct Determination of Ox3iWn Applied gspscle.Uy to Coalsp by.R. V11denstain. FRMM, per, Chaleur et Indv Vol Mal, No 315, 1951, rp M-3-298. - Proken Mal Prop Co Ltd (CM/T.138) Sci - Min/~Fxt A;r 6 2 On a Mw Illdnelpla for the ftcductlon of IMO%or Voltaeas,q by S. Wildarba. Fau GMM., per.. Arebly ftr R&VVL!d2Lms$ '706 21p 1928S pp 30JOS " ABC TV 2237 scientific - m2aftialty A TT-63 16344 W(Mack. R. 00LCEMME AND MYLERAN IN IM TREATMENT 1. Title: Dernecolcine OF CHRONIC MYELOSIS (Colcernid und Myleran in 2. Title: Goicemide der Behandlung der Chronlicben Myelos4 Mmr 63, 1. Wildhack, R. 13p. 31 refs. ~" 0 r.* TT-63-16344 Order from SLA $1. 60 Trans. of D[eultsch[el Med[Utnischel W(ochen1schrlift] (West Germany) 1957, v. 82, p. 342-346. DESCRIPTORS. *AntineWlastic agents, Drugs, *Lm&emW lberapy, OWleran. (Biological Sciences -Pharmacology, TT, v. 11, no. 1) of T'.01JC31 st-cts Gauging of Ro2l Forge and Torque in Not4tolling .and Calculation of CaVresalve Strangth,, by W. D&U.. S. Wilds&ubzp J. Langer. GMUM, per, Archiv fuer lisenbuttewftn, en,, Vol XXXU,, AVr 1961., I?p 213-elg. B1812782 Sol - MW Jul 6e Ilat 136 Ij~.ic 7 ItEaTic,,l, nt?, Kol ii Jim 1,061o p 4-, JPPS 1214,97 mi /A - xwraeT :20i !,~eb ISRAELI C%fAUNISTS OPPOSE ENTRY INTO COMMON MARKET, BY ESTER WILENS=10L 7 PPO HEBREW, NPI KOL HAAM, 7 OCT 1962, PP 2: 5. JPRS 16525 ME - ISRAEL POL,. DEC 62 218.,107 A Sober Look at the Cairo Conference, by Esther Wilenska, 7 pp, AEBRE-1,11, np, Kol Ilaam, 16 Oct 64, p 2. JPRS 27592 NE/A-Africa Pol Jan 65 272,068 (Dc-38o I I' WORKERS' CAMPAIGNS IN ISRAEL AND ABROAD STIMULATE CLASS STRUGGLE, BY ESTHER WILENSKAj, 6 pp. NP HEBREW., W., KOL HAAM., 12 JUN 1962, P 2. jpRs A..428 MIDDLE EAST - ISRAEL POL JUL 62 2o2p926 4-i c rtic-G of Ca(j;'dj.*' c Ilror Gn the i'~'Iloto-Llc 'c 0y G. 1--lilerick, T) 11 5b, P per, i~nn Phys, Vo' - P llu--;IDOC Sci Apr 59 Ue-~n:m6Li on the Streneub ond R-Jr.ddi by K. Wilfert E. Fiala, 47 PP. GM4U, per, AW Automobiltechnische Z, Vol IXI, No 9, 1959, PP 237-24,6. wA 6o-14498 sci Apr 61 a 3, 21 1-5 "'0 OTS, Vol !II, No 12 Tramverse SprIng Suspemion in Motor 'Vehicleup by X. Wilfert S. Fiala 10 pp. GBMW,p per, Autmobiltecbzdaebe Z. Val LVII., No 5, 1955, PP 135-142. c.TA/FDD xx-893 NOr RZLX&ZAWA To FORNMR VMORUS Sci, - ftgr sap 6o USIB WrIMAL UBS ONLY /0 0sciii-IduArig Affle A=ungem-~-n-b for Motor, b,y 1;0~xl W:Llfpzt, Bela Barenyi, 6 pp. C-EMA-121) patent NO 9210.,109. Z- -,Z" 11~!P"- of Cor Patent Office Sci Lib Sai Engineering Sep 6o *t upgrading of Frinting PaPare COutaluing LL"Ound Wood 'Ath the F"-lp Of a SiZO -'Fregl3j bY H. MMMI, -per, wcchenblatt ftw Papierfebrikationy Vol MMV, Wo 18., 1957, vr# 695-704- Sci - Engr Aug 6Q TT-65-13718 Field 11L Wiffinzer. H. PROCESS FOR PAPER Fl','ISIID;G. 7p. Order from SLA: SLIO as TT-65-13718 Trans. of Patent (Germany) 758 570. Patented by 1. G. Farbenindustrie, granted 2 Mar 53. NIB 663 (vr-4on) Bxchangc of Expzriemce Botwen Operations Sectlo~w of I!ihz M Tramformer and X-PLay Vorka.- Dreadem, and the TOM "Karl LiebknucUl' Transform-ex Worlka,, by Wil-fling, 3 PP. GMVA.H,, par; FaleL-t-rico Vol M18 Ito l1,, 1959, U-115. 5 8 5 3. Germsny 90-7 6o The Influence of larlous Chemical Auxi' liary Products in the Manufacture of Printing Papers., by H. !LIELnger .j _: 9 pp. GERM,, per,, Dan Popler., Vol XI, No 14?., Jan 1957., pp 196. SIA Tr 5T-635 Sci - Chem sep 57 (31Y-4465) Production of HUh-Power Transf ormers La gut Germnyp by Poers., We, Wilf Ungj, U pp. GEMN.. peri, Blektries, Vol XIV# No 5., Berlin., 1960# PP 33-36. JM 5756 Zftw - Gtrmany Noon 1.2 Oct 6o Preparation of "Wet Streng~h" Papara by Addiltion of Synthetic Boeing to Paper Pulp,, by He Wilfingerp 26pp. -A-~ GERMMj, per,, Angew Chesde., Vol LXII., No 171 1956j. PP 405-409- SU Tr 840/1955 sci. - Chem 1//0 6 Jul 57 TT-65-13718 Field IIL %vilfinaer-H. PROCESS FOR PAPER FlINISHING. 7p. Order from SLA: S1.10 as TT-65-13718 Trans. of Patent (Germany) 758 570. Patented by 1. G. Farbenindustrie. granted 2 Mar 53. INIR 663 TT-65-14509 Field III, Wiffinger, If. THE PREPAHATION OF WET NESISTAINT PAPER THROUGH ADDITION TO THE HOLLANDER WITH SPECIAL CONSIDER- ATION OF THE EFFECTS OF POLYETHYLENIMINE. 20p, l3refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-14509 Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) v2 n 15/16 p265-75 194S. MR 689 ri%a Daterminntion of Tborlum on the O'LillWerogram Scolop by E. Pleciottv, S. Wilgal 11 v0. i Ag""4 GIRXMj, per, ftal CWLm -Acta,, Vol XVI, i9570 vp 530-540. AM 3483 Bel - Chem Jan 59 7 flo 761 Water Courses mad Th Jr Tadeusz Wih7at 47 PP, y-tTbjSh, per, Y-rzeglad Georraficzr~y) Vol (Call. lgc~ 01 P97,71ne, Trrins) F,o p-p P5-70. AxrLtr I~ap Scrvice aci ';Coplxys Z) aac 62 Draft Studies - XI, by A. Wilhelxnj, R. Schon. OMM., parj, Textil-MMORtaxims, No 10., 1057P pp 971-975. CSIRO Eta - mw 1-,?6 Jun 62 ftaluation of Replies to a QueotionwLfxv on the Life of' Rolle In Special Steel RoUU4,, NXIler b7 E. Wilhelm. GEMN=.. per* Stahl und Eisen, I Sep 1c,160, PP BISI 1963 har 61. 117'tlj ?3PS 67 Auto!:' aiL~ of -Zoart and Itueociated D--tcriQration oIC tti FIV-Vor of Bearo by n-. WiDriarmn. 6 pp, GZDPI~W,, peerp A13.gem Br.-uer- u Hopfenztg,, Vol XCI., 11-0 45, 'RI-311'veru., 33-953&o PP 57-59c Assoc Toch Berw 78vubm A cacpar-atAVID E260tron optioca Ezwdmts.m 6f tho Substantla Cavaota of tft nu#wmlo or um .Zia in lWma,% StrantUn PoondamabitU orA T'laebitic Rats and In a Rachitle Chl-2d Ito Ilad Med,of TetwWs b7 0. ViMmi2m# 0. 14VOrt- O-OVIRMISIrl uss ^11"I'M WIWI# par* .2mtlsgw Aw '7o1 n0.9 1%2 pp 217mQ20. TWA TT r-az JIM Sal I Dw 63 371s,173 comparative Testing of 14'Producto with Cyiostatic Ac- tivity on 7 Animal Tumors, by H. Oettelj 0. Wilhelm, 59 PP- SMAR., per, Arch exper Path u Pharmkol,, Vol CCIOM, 1957, PP 559-593. IM Tr 5-15 Sci - Med May 58 X 170/ 0 .II il I 1: . :=, 777 w i -,, t 11 ~-7 . - MI. IF i rf--! VFT I i1~ 4411 i-~~ 7]-Jr,~ Diecovery and Use of the Vitamin T Complexp bY Goetsch welhalm, 10 P. GEMM,, Naturwissensebafatche Rundschau., 1948) Vol I., No 3., PP 115-UB- SIA 59-172M Sci Doe 59 o12 'I xo 6 Stahl Und Eisen, vol. 56, pp. 1423-1429, 4 graphs; 1930. Production of Lovi Carbon Steel in Basic Open Hearth Furnace from Scrap and without Z4anganese Additi(.ns. Frute"ier Trans, Oridnr No, 510, t;1.30 alho Precioul3-Mtel, UighZgead RaUark by Ho Wilhelxij, G. Braumignn, 5 pp. GLWN, per, Siewns ZA Vol XVa, 110 4,p 1957m PP 17q-]&-. ATS 5eX28D Sci-~-Electria Jun 59 0m I 1 10 f: er? '70 & V 0 ~u ,Con il o 1594, -0.,E5 viatit)a of ttj icod-,ustion. by 'ti. Ii, v u"1 ter-Im 0 iier, &-r, Vol 36j, NO L~a, 9230734 :~:-TIC Ty. ,w, 1663 N FdJ 66 294,0573 -A*it-raj;e at-is - ---- -1-;. Ut Vo I i V, p1. l:A)9llAT7 fli~-17-65-57S V-qa 66 411 77Z The Theory of Probes in Electronelptive Gases,, by Jobannes Wilhelm. 8 ipp. GERMAN, per, Annalen der Phyelk,, Vol XII., No 7/8, 1953., PP 401-409. A~~.S. Harwell Tr 461 Sci ionizattan of poes 96d The Con8truction of the Big I.W!*,e Dam., ,lur . tria., byJ111helm) Steli*oeck. GMM., per.. Zemnt und Baton.. No Tp 1954.5o -gp 1-6. Dept of Interior TC623 A358 go 390 Engr ~2 Sep u2 Sex,--,I -Vareed lftolljq by n)eltzncr Wilhelm., (WIMAN., Patent No 83TpO8& V33 Dept of Commerce mtent =ice Bei lx) (strt) Sci - Dagineering Nov 58 ,7 The Chaeto6natha, Their Anatomy, Systematics and Developmental History, by Oskar Hertwig5 .~~ August Os kar - GEWIAN - Dept of Interior SE211 E62 No 31.2 Sci - Biol Feb 62 The VAsm for Preparft Fooft In the IUMv by I .R. WIlbelm 20 ppp (ID 202paq5). Rem do oratenftnee mutmtreil so 3% RP 90-U*- ADS# It G-M WSW - Fmce Nov 56m Interface Phenomena in the System Water-Bituminous Binders and t"heir Importance In Fload Building, by R. Wilbelmis GEMNI per, Bitumenj, Teere, Aspbaltt Peche u Vervandte Stoffe,, Vol V, No 4, 1954p PP 103-107; Vol VI,, go 1., pp 12-20. ASLIB-GB29 Sci Aug 58 Bath for rl*~~ IW SlactivdaVOM11001 Hiab uwtAw O=Mim cmuzo &w 063A 2vU%cbvo=aU fttbop b7 ampndwf umbelo$ 4 W. GEMMRS Patent ro. 241060M D e.AM P tl\) " J ~h d M Kogj Sol/Rathoft and ftulpunft Jim 6B 3h%910 ges Ir. ti7.a k1j.- Mee, by Zelt fter Xnobafavischup-,,r~, :,,:.X 195'1.~ pp 673-678. 7-9 Bel - Aug 59 61-10208 _yajbelML_&._and Schulze, K. EFFECT OF WATER ON ADHESION OF BINDERS I .Bitum"noun coatinzs-- TO SOLIDS. Pr. 2 of Boundary Surface Processes in Adhesion 'A'ater-Oltuminous Binder Systems and their Importance 2. Adhesion- -Analysis in Construction Practice. 119601 3-4p. (23 figs. omitted) I .Willieln-li, R. 8 refs. It. SchuI2 e, K. Order from S LA mi$ 3. 00, ph$ 6. 30 61-10208 if. Title: Boundary... V. Title: Bituminous... Trans. of Bitumen. Teere, Asphalre, Pecbe fund Verwandte Striffel (West Germany) 1955, v. 6 [no. 1) p. 12-20. The process of rupture of the closed binder Min tj~,n immersion in water has been observed under the microscope. First water penetrates through the closed binder film to the solid body, where it collects In the form of minute bubblers. In some binders, the thinner film over such a bubbler then ruptures, thus giving the water direct access to the solid. Then only is there visible binder displacement (pushing aside), to a Offic. of Toich.ical S-it.. - lesser extent depending on the binder. areater oi Waterials. TT, v. 5, no. 5) (over) Binders that are greatly displaced (pushed aside) need not however manifest the poorcar adhesion. Binders were tested In which adhesion vanished completely, i.e. which were easily detachable and where compara- tively large bubblets were formed between binder coating and the solid body, but where the film of binder would not rupture and withdraw from the solid surface even after very prolonged immersion. (Author PB_ 61-10208 an I II 4w 63 :r .. I . 0 Studies on The Atomic Nucleus Structure with Reactor "EWA7, by Z. Wilhelmi, 13 PI). POLISH, per, Tft&leonika, Vol V, Vo 7-8, 196o, pp 467-48o. Aw Tr-4162 Sci Jan 63 220,589 Cross Sections of Huc:LeI for n., pp Beset-ion,, by Z. Wilbalmi, POLM., paper,, P/945,s Prowedings of International Conference on PeacefU Uses of Atomic I~wrgy, Held at Geneva 8-2D Aug 1955,0 Val 11. Internati Coof -- UN Sci - Nuclear Pb7sics CrA 1-60.9.162 d v ~ It the Reaction of tho Skin to LOug-WEva X-my and,. Cathode Radiation, by Be WLlbs3zWj- UNCLASSIF ... ........ ........ ............. .... =WAII., per.. Strahlentheraplev Vol LVs 1936s PP 498-523. 5 !-.A TPN TPA3/T3:B T 4279' .~4"A-4i Scientific - Mdlcinejp -,~~r PlaU Cowt rjes,, by lksbort iYiIhal my. Wilholia kohmderv 499 pp. CC-W4M$. rptv, Die La Plate-Lamdorp, 19430 pp I&$-tSs, 264-2720 315-S1 3. DIA LN 237-65 Apr 66 298"610 - - nuuctin of - tLe - information center cm itiuclear -- -f/ Data* by Elvar Ko Willpo RUSSIAN, port Byull InAmm Tsentim YeAs-In I Dawyna, No 1& 094. pp 3-M. RT-Mtr-166 ( I tz-k~ Sci - Phys Sept 67 3420277 Wilk, M. SEWCONDUCrOR PROPERTIES OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS. [19601 Up. Order from ATS $14.60 ATS-2SN48G Trans. of Z[eitschrift fUr I Elektrocbemle (West Germany) 1960, v. 64. no. 7, p. 930-936. 61-128M 1. Hydrocarbons- -Electrical prMwrties 2. Semiconductors- -Materials 1. Wilk, M. U. ATS-2514480 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Physics--Solid State, TT, v. 5, no. 8) (OC4700) AUTQMTION IN PEWOMM CrI.OtTATIONs, BY ZDZI SLAW WI LKs 6 pp. POLISH'r PER,* NAFTAP VOL XVIIIS ND 5s 10* PP 125-127- EEUR - POLAND ECON - SCI 4. MIWMET SEP 62 Nev Mthoda In the Manufacture of Carbon Disulphideg by A. Wilke. GM:aM,p perL* Faaerforach u Textiltech# Vol MIP sep 1955j. pp 341-3509, ASLM -ml: a, Sci 711 C/o (0 / Aug 5B Mc 61-10216 __Wilke, Artur. lffif-Mlq=ONS OF THE AMBIENT AIR IN 1. Cellulose- -Proces sing VISCOSE PROCESSING. June 60 [231p. 11 refs. 2. Air-Contaminarion Order from SLA mi$2.70, ph$4.80 61 ~ 10216 3. Sanitary engineering 1. Wilkc-, A. Trans. of Faserforschung und Textilrechnik (Germany) 1959, v. 10, no. 7, p. 297-308. Office of T"hulcol S~lc*s (Engineering- Sanitation, T-r, v. 5, no. 4) Wfte_ G. and KrWer, K SYNTHESIS OF CYCLODODECATRIENE AND ARO- MA71C COheLEXE& (19621 Ip. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16744 Trans. of article from an unidentified source, n. d. DESCRIPTORS: *Complex compounds, Benzenes, Chromium catalysts, Aluminum compounds. Chlo- rides, Chemical reactims. During the reaction of aluminum triathyl with chrornyl chloride in absolute benzene, very finely divided suspensions of low-valency chromium compounds were formed In a mixture with aluminum-organic com- pounds. When butadlene Is added to such a suspensim with vigorous stirrin and at 400C and normal pros - sure. a mixture of 40% trans, trans, cis -cyclo- dodecatriene-(1, 5,9) (Fp-180C) and 60z &U-trans- (Chemistry- - Organic, TT, v. 8, 1 K) (over) 62-16744 1. Wilke. 0. U. Krbner. K ;!~ i ~ : . i i~ ~ i'~j I I I ~ I . - I , - 7: i - ; [*., k. ~ cyclododecatrlene~(I. 5. 9) (Fp+UOC) is forma& The primary step of this cyclcdodecatrlene synthesis consists of the formation at a -70-alectran complex of three butadiene molecules with the transition metal atom of the catalyst. In this complm the three now C-C bonds are formed. 7be cyclododecatriena de- taches Itself subsequently from the chromium atom so that new buEadiene molecules may approach. A sim- ilar but stable '5-(-*Iactroa complex was obtained with the chroodum atom of our cyclization catalyst. Six butine-(2) molecules Interacted with each chromium atom of the cycll:zatlon catalyst. to din two aromatic systems were formed. Which. In statu nascendL led to the stable aromatic complex. 61-10789 Wilke, G. NEW DATA ON CYCLIC BUTADIENE OLIGOMERS. 1. Cyclododecatrltne- [19611 3p. 3 refs. Synthesis Order from SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-1D789 2. Butsdienes-Chernical reactions Trans. of Angewfandte) Chengle] (West Cermany) 3. Nickel compounds (Or, 1960, v, 72, no. 16, p. 581-582. Chemical reactions 4. Title: OllgomerB I. W 111M. 0. 0F0- of 'reewca sw'l~# (Chemistry-Organic, TT, v. 5, no. 9) investigation of Adrenaline Secretion from the Suprarenal Glauds, by Gerhard IfIlke. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY GERMAN, per, Arch Exptl Pathol Phavuakol, Vol 203, 1943, pp 178-187. NASA TT F-11,469 Sci-H&M Apr 69 3799s01 Wilke, Gunther and Muller. Herbert. REACTiONS OF ORGANOALUMINUM COMPOUNDS WITH ACETYLENE. Pt. 39 of Metalloorganic Corn- pounds. 119611 25p. IS refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-20468 Trans. of Oustual Ueblga Ann[alen der Chemle) (West Germany) 1960, v. 629 [no. 1/31 p. 222-240. 61-2D468 1. Wilke. 0. a. Mullet. H. 111 - Title: Metalloorganic. DESCRIPTORS: Metalorganic compounds, *Aluminum compounds, *Alkyl radicals, *Acetylenes, Chemical reactions. 184270 See also 61-2D462 I- (Chemistry- -Orpnic, Tr. Y. 7. no. 1) 1 offl.9 of t*jmicj UwAtes 63-12T39 1VIlke K.-T. T WAnop~ OF CRYSTALS. [Feb 6315p. 1. Wilke. K.-T. Order frwine. '~S SC.C3 ATS-25P66G It. ATS-251`66G lit. A F. soclared Techtdca Trans. of Z[eitschrift f4r] PhysiklaUschel Chernfie I.-ervices, Inc.. Leipzig (East Germany) L955, v. 205, p. 73-77. East Orange, N. J. DESCRIPTORS: Crystals, *Cadmiurn compounds, 6- Sulfides. (Physics--Solid State, TT, v. 9, no. 7) Offl" c# TeChAkal SMICes of C i I Grown, stuao 19415;' by Th". Wilke., 97 P-D, GMMZ, per, Fortawhrltte der MinexulogLe., )0=,. No 2., 1956.p pp 85-150. srA 6o-165V.L Vol IV., NO 8 2 Ju n 6 e2 all rm iq aw momw VAN 9. im 63 4PO -#9w 1. I I. i li :1 . ''. lp~ Vol I I#:; TESTING ENGINES FOR DETERMINING TIJE KNOCK VALUE OF FUELS: =0 MOTOR FUELS [AND] DIESEL MUTOR FUELS. 15 Feb 39 1291p. Order from SLA $2.60 63-10431 Trans. of Vjerelnj Djeutscherl tingenieurel. -, (Germany) 1938, v. 82, no. 39, p. It35-tI42. DESCRIPTORS: *Knocking, *Internal combustion engine noise, *Fuels, Combustion, Tests, *Test equipment, Design, Fuel oll, Antiknock. 63-10431 1. Wilke, V.. 11. Title: Otto ... Ill. Title: Diesel ... (Materials --Fuels, TT, v. 9, no. 12) Me d Talatg Smkts 63-10438 AND THE OBJECT OF TTIE LIQUIFIC THE A- 1. Wilke. W. TION OF COAL. 24 Dec 301291p. Available an loan from SLA 63-10438 Trans. of Brennstoff - und WArmewirtachaft (Germany) 1929 [v. 121 Nov. p. 427-435. DESCRIPTORS: *Coal, Coal gas, 'Fuel oil, Lubricants, *Benzine, Synthesis, Decomposition, Distillation. Hydrogenation, Hydrocarbons, Organic materials, *Petroleum, Petroleum Industry. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 9, no. 6) Ofto d Ted2" Sayins TT-64-14897 Wilke. W. LEADED GASOLINES WrM ADDMVES. [19641 19p 1. Wilke, W. (figs omitted) 24refs Order from SLA $L. 60 TT-64-L4897 Trans. of ATZ; Automoblitechnische ZeltachrIft (West Germany) 195t Y. 56, am 7. p. 169-173. 6 0' .5 TS (MAterialo-Puels. TT, v. 11, m 11) Contrast rhenamm of D191matlan Pubv In Mckel-Alumbw AUOP with a CoMnat Pnciip- itation of Or4ev" fttamm,, by m# fdJah"s mr4 89 Horabop% 18 Vq# Ow"s vwj, !Me ago ad Ilb pp 557-50* ;ZS3~AO AW IM-Trow-69 Noy 67 344,,20e cm C14, s. t:3 by -.1ilkons. Physicst Status sroli4i. V(PI 2. low" 692-W, .1,11172G66 ;P-1 -14.4 W /< e, Ai Jail wil"", 14 aw Maier, F. rr-64-16579 MSLDCA71ON CON77AST WOM ON X-RAY FELA L WilkeniN M. I BP Igrefs IL Mdw. P. Ordw trwi SLA $1.60 rf%-64-16579 7k~w. o( Zeftechrift fUr Naturfmochuag (WoK Germany 1963. v. lk Inm IL p. 26-31. (Physics--Solid State, 7r, v. 12, no. 3) OMM *1 TOO6010M Ow'j.