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0-*AI~,tI`-'I*-- ~-41NCt t)-- ic . I '-'I - W!UIC, Of H~-methyl Diplumban-a and 2!;.--ethyl 'CiLetarmane. by G. A. Rp-zuvcmv. N. S. Vv-aZfhrAIn. 0. A 7 PP- I Z.,'-'.SIIAX, per., Z-h, Mahch XU=y Vol X=, Ro 1960, P,) 2493-2505. CB Tbar=a Brwum of Tetraotbxnaaa arA Rwaotbtyl- diplumbana in t2w LIVId Phawo by 0. A. Mm R"Uvayovv N. S. V"RN-Amf No X. Vyvblnaldqo 9 pp. mmams per$ Mar ObdMh Khlms Vol =, No Up 1959., pp 3662-3671. CD sai / g q., 4 P**7- Noy 60 The Reactious of Orgenowercury Compounds Witla Ae.Mea of ratty AcIdog by G. A. Psazwaev val W, a. tj~mmjjjWo 3 PP. Full translation RMW,, mo per 2b Vol xnl,, Ira 4P UWHj, Apr 19520) couzulta"3 BUZVQM Scientific - Chemistry DOC 53 CTS Hydrodimerization of Acryloni*ilet by 1. L. Knimyanta, N. S. VyazauL-4-n., 7 pp. RUS-S'IAN-elz Ak Hauk SSSR Otdel'Khim Nauk, No 29 pp 236-240, 1957. SIA RW;1595 Sci - Chem Aug 58 Thermal D~:compos:"' tion of Tetraethyl-Leacl, Hexaethylftnlumbane and Their Analops. V. Decoum,,sitio and Disorr-Portionation Reaction of by 0. A. Pazuvayev., N. S. Vyazankin.. A PT). RUISSIV, per, Zhur Obshch MAmy Vol Mip 1-10 5 lgf-J.. PP -IJWA&-- sci Mar 62 7.- L- CD -4- - ZO of by T. i". Hors'n-unnav, Yu- r (Y-1 iyazannisin, A, .-:, 1-~- 6 K n V) V 0 1 17' ,pp -19591*) L 1369 -7 Consultants Dareau sci iian 6o 7, 3 The R"ction of Some Compo=" Wilik Succini-Idep by G. A. v,, Tu. A. Oldiekopp and !. S. Vyaunkin,, 4 pp IfMIM# =a per Mur Obelyft Milm, Vol x3a, No 7 WSR, Jul 19510 PP IWFWT~- Cowultasts Bureau Vol 21 ha 1951 2 6 o Reaction of Uitrosoacetanill&- with oc_,je Chlorides., by N. S. Shchepetkova, 4 pp. -RUSS-10, per, Zhur Obshch nim, Njol. %,y- 1960,~ PP 3417-3420. CB Sci Oct 61 Roaction 4achanism Studies ort the Disprcq~ortianat ion of 1'1cxaethyldistwmaw3, by G. A. Razuvayev, M. S. Vyazaakin, 6 ppo RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 11, 1961, pp 3762-3768. CB Sci 215.1c4r, Aug 62 T "hermal Decompwition of Tetraethyllead mud Hexaatb~rl- tlip3mmbauef 11. Decompmiticm of Mixblm of' Tetraetbylleads Hm thyldiplualmm, and Dietb7.Ueado by G. A. Fazuvayw, N. S, YpzQnktR2 No N. vyab:Lnskiy" 5 pp. MIMIM: Pwf Mm' Obshch Kblmp Vol XXXj, Ito 3j, 19601 pp 967-971- CB Apr 61 Reductive Dimerization of Derivativea of O~E~- Unsaturated Acids., by I, Im J%unyantsp N. S. Vyazankin.. 4 pp. 146-1 RUSSIAlij, peri. Doa Ak Itauk S=j, voi anis no i,, pp 112-115- CoumUtantG Bureau Sci - Chem Aur & . 58 8--L'atillation mothad in audimatry) by V. Q. vy=Gmwd.,f,-I- 1. Lawn0aw, at al, 4ai pp. -- EUMIMp bkp Stsintillyatelcuoyi MOAd v Padlomstril,, moscovjp 9 AEC-Tr-52" Sol - Electr j= 63 -~ 3-2/ 1~ 10 Single-Chanmel Differential Discriminator for Coincidence Circid 'us With Scintillation Counter, by V. 0. Vyazemskiy, A. N. 11i sarev ski:/, 3 Pp. -JUSSZAZ I il, per, Pribory i Tek-h Eics-per, 1-40 4, 196A, pp 64-65- ISA Sci Jim- C'.2 193,843 Co*aW-;ir-S Loccas in- Multichannel PUIG,* Analyzers Using Periodic K?mory UnitB, by IV. 0. vyanemaidy., 6 pp. RUSSIM., por., Prib=7 i 976.-tkh Ekz-,er,, No 1958o PP 35-39. L=tru Soo of Amer Sci Apr 60 'ating Of -LQzIV A. Nli~ Y11, Ye- 2 T W3; rar, Pribo--Y i Tek!=i~'= 1;,t:,,rc=I-Tnnta NO 1959; =( - USAISIA SC-59ff/59 Sc! - Electronics Apr 6o A Del"Atxon Scalar, by V. 0. V. Drapchiaskly_, A. M. Pimwevs ff.-y-; V. V. 'I.1-trow.-, E. I. Firsov2 5 PP. RUSSM, ~mr., P--Ibo--y i Tiumth EkWr.. Yo 6~p iq~,B, ipp 76-81. I=tzix Soo o9 Amer sci /,/ ~Y, ee~, -;, Apr 6o .3 Nonovarloading Amplifier with Widia-Cluumpi by V. 0. jpvvM.44,j L. V,, Drapchimkiyj A. H. Fjsarsva).!Jy, V. V. Ty,,*fyocjavq E. I. rl.-baovs 4 pp. AWD.Na yer Pribory i Tolth Moper., No 1958, pp ho:fa~. 11HAM 800 of A=Oir Soi V Aq-. 11 Poasible Con-atraction of c. High Spead AaVJA- ftio A='It'sor, by Va 0. pp. RUESIAR, per, &adiotnkh i hieXtron., VenA XX,, M 4, i5-,rj, pp 5OT-509. Pargamon Inst Sol - n1cerorAcm NOV 'V 'conductor Snall-size ',-ulti- Se-ia. il i 6-tannel Pulse Height Analyzer, by V. 0. Vyazemskiy A. N. Pegoyev, et al. pp 144-162. No Other Information *FTD-'17-65-316 Sci/Electronics Sep 65 (1M-5330) 1-:1elegraph Emebange Bvitcbbowd for Conactimg Limes of Dintant Subscribers, by V. F. Vyazinkivip 9 pp. RIESIAN, pers, Vestnik Svyazi,, No 89 1954. JAM 7112 SCTA IOLO sci '~~eb 61 Cz. xr i t i ve v t, , f~ rotent 1~,4f-trica I r. Lyasrca' a , Ye. A. VyazV*vot. iiviyu I Tell-1; Topllva 1 43 19 C 4 n 6 2 f) S . I1 -7 t.1 - C- En7l Lcn-E-acicto, -rTn BJLTSL~TS,.-.4~ "V01 1D.71"l-s NO sal Tr Center P,rg-4172 U& z Econ - AS---*c Ulture, Oct -19,,~G r,.Ts/d= v:faz'mensk-I S. P. STABfLfff DEILA FORCE REcTiLIGNE D'9QUILMRE ULINE TIGE tLASTIQUE CONIPRDA9E ET TORDUE (On Stabiliry of Rectilinear Form of a Bar Subject to Compression and Torsion in the Elastic Range) 15p. 6refs. CNRS-XV 127. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $0. 80 TT-62-28127 Trans. in French of [Akademlya Nauk SSSR. hmtltut Mekluanikil. Inzhenernyi Sbornik, 1959, v. 25, p. 164-173. DESCRIProRs: *Rods-, *Beams, *Elasticity, Stability, Pressure, Torsion bars, *Equations, Stresses. W-62-28177 1. Vyaz'InenSw' S. P. 11. CNRS-XV IV TH. Centre National de la Recherche Sclentifique, Marts (Mechanics, TT, v. 11, no. 6) Offke 0 T..h k.1 S"A.- KMOMOIAUJ (Noubw 4f Yotmg Commdat 14"w) ft an ftwip2a In ftslaing and Swriosp t7 A, Vjm.zakav3, I pe . It - . . I. RUSSW#Mddnn AfIAM No aw OF144 Pact MTIMP 4=5qLs OWJPW Nmmw) 29 mv 1949. ow TV qw 2L49 poutiftl um 52 am 18-8 Steel With Increased Carbon Combent and Titanium or Beryllium Addition*,, by M. Vya%u1h*v& E. Andreyeva. . ...... --.- . I RUS&ZAR, perp Netallurgo Vol X111p No* 7p 8o 1935. Bruteber Tr 635 Scientific - Mintl*tals Al, TO 2 ~L " III -!'!' fi.1 i-i I'll" 1- W. C=b=izing of Cbroridum Stainlear, Stoelj by "N. F. yyaznikov, S. S. Fimakovs go Do Soldatoveto RUSSUM, per, Metallov i Tum Obwab Vmtai32ovp No 3., ig6o., pp 11-13- HB 5324 Acta MetaUurgica sci ; Mn/Met MV 2 7 ; f I : I I r I I 1 11 : ; ;I Alloyed Steel and Its Heat 5~ia Treatment, by 11. F. Vyaznik-ov. RUSSIAN, bk, 1951, 213 Pi). PergEimon Press R.320 Sci - MinXMet Apr 61 Residual Stresses Is Carburized and Quenched Cmseoj, by N. F. Vy"alkov; S. S. ZruOnv.. ..,LMSTANS perj, Metal Tem Obre Notallow., zro 6p 1959., pp 41-45. a 4746 3ci - Mix/met kpr 61 her pcajzt:!13ca by i (- mg, v N, pup 11 tal tbrabot !-.L- tilT!p RU-SKAN ig5a, pp 60- 1. .,utcher Tr 1609 Tir $2.00 S~:i munllmmt Jill 58 r1 Z VY 0- 0- /V' /* Al 'ii 01 Cf Cl=o,-:~c 'L"radiatiozl cii itntibodic-s In 1-1-flitc RLto. '.V)V 0. N. 3 Pr- 1,b -1; 1959f pq 50-52. S 7.1ay 00 Certain O*wtions of Mummology of ImbryoMme3lit, by 0. Ye. V~azovv L. S. Volkovs; 19 pp. MMTMO pws v"% Ak Ned ff"k SMs voi xnz, ft US 1900 Im 30-414 JPRG L-665-5 Sol-Ned Jkr 59 yr-2,, Pxtnmy Rebat"r owA Im lilm" - p-modo Rai% 0 Y, .- ' Z WAOMOO Vd Wo . No :12:IrN Lft a M ~ 7 APN82mn Ed - Ind law " .281, 4H The Action of . Immin Bam on - the GrOvth CKr the Heart and Crystalline IAM Of Milak R*rym, by 0. R. Vyazov., Yu. S. Boobarov) 4 pp, RMIAN, per, Avul Mwper B101 i Red, Vbl XLV21, RO P.P 83-85- CwOultauts Bu"au Aug 59 .913 Jr A Camillat-y Mcrom.-sthod for t-ha Prccipitmbion 'I'saction in ALmr, S. ovj B. V. lComlij, -- -_ 4 1IMSIM, lmr, Byul Ukupor Bio Hod, 1959, Vol 7=11, Za 5, sq) 117-119. CID sai j= 6o lb,-~ atudy of the 1=,unoIQQr of hmbryagenesis, Ibt, Ii :,-=gocytcsic of the Red Oalls of Chick rkmibx-yoc. In.%- Lcuko--jtes of Adult Fbvl, by X. V. lysogarov, 0. R. --Imcff, 3 --ap - II.jssl-kU; per, Byul Eksper niol i im, Vol XV111'. No 12, 1959, pp 100-102. CB sci - Jul 60 /j -io-Dialcip- cal Study ot the U hegeneration in Trii;crl UY j~ M. V. Sazhina. RUSSIMI, per, Zhur Obslichey Diol, Vol 1961, Po -4do5-',;:LO. 9()n"C)2-L2 USDA Tr A-l--';'T3 sci - Diol 4. 1, Secondary Immunological Reactivity in Invertebrate Animalso by 0. E. Vyazov., Le So Volkovap 3 PP* I------------- UJ551A' N$ perp Byul Eksper Biol 1 Kedp Vol L,, No 12., 1960~ pp 62-6h. CB Sci Jul 61 16 -?, .1'240 Normal AntibocUes During Re~pneratjon in Invertebmte Anj=a1s. Coawndcation.7.1. Nor=31 Antibodies Agodnert Regenerating Tissne in the pAy or Astemdam Rubens, by o. z. y"sor-j A. x. murseham, 3 w. =WIMP pwP pp, MOW B101 I MIDd.? Vol J) go 2p 1961j. pp 100-M CD 14 Op z -~/.p sci .0 iwp 61 1- 01 :166IC711;iil,~~ INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE IMMUNOLOGY OF EMBRYOGENESIS, BY 0. YE._fAZOVj 23 PP. RUSSIAN, PERs USPEKHI SOVREMENNOY 010LOG111 VOL XXXIII, No 1. 1962y pp 47-63. JPRS 16425 SCI MED DEC 62 217ji63 1144UNOLOGY OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT, BY OLX. XX YE.- _VYA~OV, 12 PP. RUSSIAN, BK, PROBLEMY SOV'REMENNOY EMBRIOLOGII.. LENINGRAD, 1956, PP 311-317- JPRS 16392 SCI - MED DEC 62 217,204 Changes in tbia OcColytio ftqWtLSX.(Kf the Serum of Rate v:Lt*h GuarIn4a Ouvlaam Undergoing Treatment with 88rcO2Pimj, by 0. 1. VYqsMM, 4 pp. RtWIn,p paro Ryta zksper Mal i VAdv Vol XLVMO NO go imo pp 105-=- asulunts BWO&U mar 6o The Relationship Between the Concentrations of Thyrotropic Hormone in the Hypophysis and the Peripheral Blood, by R. D. ~~(A;pqjtq4,qya - V. Mamina, h pp- . _t."V RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol XLIXv No 2, 1960, PP 36-40. CB Sci oct 6o z~ i" J-~~ RIO TechmiquG off th* Oaco3~ysis Reactim, 'by_o. missvilli, ArA mmpmr Dial i ghd3, VCLI- XLUTTJ r,o 49 1959, PP 323-- cwsultalmU an Scl Dec 59 (PO 16284 ) Directive.for Commercial Cbntacts With Important Dollar-Sterling Arcaa (Czechoslowitia),' by Wdek Vybiral, 4 pp. CZECH, no per, 7-branieni Obchad, Prag"O Rov .1952. CIA/FJDD/U-4762 EEur - Czechoslovakia Economic - Foreign trade Jan 54 R RMwV*WWk by V. RUSSIAN, per, VeW SWANt" NO to 1944 134M Pas istal USSR Econ Dec 63 ~jsucoiiosisr in itein"waor., vfbar.'ri-0, 0. S. Petukhova. r,,u-saL4a) pear, Vaterinariya., Vol XXMIj, No 1; 196ot pp 31%, 31. CIA 9048336 6-0 The k--lem or Gxxabiaod 1==ization With Live Vsccine~; "l-.7 P,. I* Xletat Ra S. Koleohik,, Ye, P. FOtaPOvas 0- K. Is Wmta) 3 PP9 RMIAN.. perp Zhurnal -:!'K-rdbiolcgii.. 4idemiologii, i lmz=biologii, VOI XMj, :7,- 10,, Nov 3958., P SIR NO sai - ria(ucine Dee 1958 71' 196 Potash Sulfate Pilp, by Yu. N. Nizponin, L. If. Tjbo:rmova, 9 VP- . . .... -1 ... .... 1-11, RUSSIMI, per, aur Prik Khim, Vol XXXII, No 6, 1959, pp 1332-1339. CB sci jul 6o I // d1(v 3-luability Mechanism of Free Films of Solutions of Surface-Active Substances$ by B. V. Deryagin, A. S. -litiyevskaya., V. Kh. Vybortlovay 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, Kolloid Zhurt V01 XXIII No 44 1960, 398-402- CB -C' c i Jun 61 C2eC-aO5IO-qa.k EXDCrIC=C WW2 the USe Of A(,'Rriedde Dust AjW"st the L-wden Ricimus 'Ack, by VlarlInIx Cerny, Kvetoslav KadliceLf", Jan 8 pp. OFFICiAL ME ONLY .1--.- . .. .... CZ=Rp per, Ea. 4idemiologie, WArologic, 1=0110sle., Vol X, No 1, 1961, pp 62-66. im 10090 Sci - Biology Sep 61 J-476o New Features of the Liberation 14ovement and Problems of Arab Unity, by Frantiseck Vychodi Prague, E1,11GLISH to ARABIC, per, Nova Mysl, llo 8,/1959. *JPRS/Special Uia Pol 20/11/59 jAic i2R -- Pbr Exporty by J~n Vycbodskyo 3 PP. / ) I - 11 " ./ " ~, - ~,- /,; =cm., per., Krala vlastip No 3j, .1957io PP 741 75- ACSS Ii, q-8m ftl - mIrm.-- a /-' - "I' (" '~ - Apr 57 CM V 7, '91,7S lo --: ~, -7 1 (W-1452) The Sixtieth Year of Academician Eduard Cech,, by Jo Novak, Pr Vycichlo, R. Zelinka,, 21--pV, UNCLASSIFIED CZWH, qu. per., Caeopis pro Pestovani, Natemtiky,, Vol =CMI.. No 2, Prague, 29 Jun 1953, PP 183- 194. US JM/IqY-L-211 Sci - Miscellaneous EEur - Czechoslovakia Biogmphic L loi de-- reactifs organIques pmar la titratloia Em Apperamtrique de puelpuca corps alMlea rarea, by F. =IL,,dm, 12 pp. CZECII to FEMCH,, per.. Chemlalm Ll-sty, Val LVI;, zio 4., 1962~, PP 3722-375- 9214744 CEA-X-515 10- VEM MAMMA= r Sci iiov 63 IUC DETEAMNA-riON OF C, [1961) 4p. Or-4- from ATS ~6.75 ATS-"N57C Trtc;. a..'=Ictc Usty (Czc-chojlav-.k1&) 1960. Y. 15. ro. 6, p. 476-:77. 62-12364 1. v7drs, F. 11. PrU.11. R.' Ill. AT5-Q-'N57C IV. Au3oC2tcdT-9c1-m1c&I lzx-. Eact 1, DUSCRLMRS. *Steel. *Cobalt. Dctcrmlwz1on. r% 0,'=ULwV--Fcrrcu& Metals, 7T, v. 7. no. 5) offi...) T-W,.! 3-1... Density of Aluminate-Alkali Solutions, by E. Z. Vydrevich, N1. A. Xxi Zaitseva, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II, No 6, 1961, pp 55-58. PS A Sci Aug 62 209,850 Certain Equilibirium Riases in the System Na2O-A'20 3- CaO-SiO*2-H20, by E. Z. X-Vydrevich, E. L. Gallperin, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXIV, No 9, 1961, pp 1971-1978. CB Sci jui 62 202,672 laotbarmal SecUon of the %O-Al.03-CaO-5102- E20 system Of 250 2500. by E. Z. VZdrjid&k 7 IV, =sin., W. zhur Prik MAz.* Vol =Vs No 3.2.. 1962, Vp 2612-263.9. CB Sci / -~ q 9 Nov 63 7p Iltn,'I The Mqwavw3ent of the Aydrocbmical Al.kaU Method of Proccasing NelphOlim ROchb to Obtain Alwdna., by X. B. Bmirnov, E. Z. vy&mvio' RMSUN, par, Tsvetm" YAta% Vol m , ?b 39,, 39Wv IV 39 9OW152 OIS 6O-5U38 N14M sci - min/Not Apr 62 Xf f, -Z~y The Influence of Technical Alumina Dispersion on the Sintering of Corundum Body, by G. A. 4 d ' , 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVI, No 9, 1959, pp 35-38. 10, CB Sci Aug 62 209,776 -IF " I ~ ~ t " ! ~ , - ;- ~ , - . ". , ~ - '. '. . . Blip Moistening of Plastic Ceramic Bodiea, u~ G. A._yYdrik, A- I. Saratova, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo I Keramika, Vol XV,, No 4., 1960, PP 38-41. CB ~7>e i Oct 6o /J~/ ;5-lj / AGFIVITICS OF WWMAV 401 om"m smizatowo or RMUH# PON. Imam" I swm~~k'wo lo., 1963* PP lip R* im USSRAM MY 63 Distribution of Spresel la I;be Def OrmatiOn ZOne, by V. N. V~jr:"- RUSSM" bY,- -Obrabotka YAtallov Davlenien, No 4, Hetallurgizdat., 1956. Bzsz 194o Sci - Min/Metals a ~;~ Sep 61 12739 AT-1 VYDRIN S. F. Magnetic dehardening of water Magnetische Wasserenthlirtung Energetik No. 1 (1960) Die Press der Sowjetunion, No. 34, p. 733 (1960) Ch, 1960/61, No. 140 - German Euratom Testing Periclase-Spinel Brick in the Roofs of Open-Hearth Furnaces, by Zh. A. Vydrina, A. P.Panarin, et al, 5 Pp. RLWIM, per, Ogmupory, No 5-6, 1963, pp 2o6-m. CB may 64 lo,pid SinUring of the Wev Bottm In larp-Cq?aoity open-Mearth Furasceso IV 2h. A. Vydrina.. F. V. sj=raej9W, be Tpq RIMBIAN, perj MetmU=S., go Uj, 1999p pp 20-M. Acta Metabuzica Sci Apr 63- pl""ej Tewtin~-%qf Sij'lic-- .E,~ckz With Cn B;)Ml j,-1 the -Roof a of '0. H. Fumwca, by A. P. Myuclierov, Zh. A~ Yy9ma-- RUSSIAN, mum, rer, Ogaellpory, vol XMI, 1958,, p 476. CSIRO Sci - Magr 9, S-4 7 jun 6o UY n~~l 1 ~ ZA icvro,)at I~sihllivllt i,orsak-ov, Vol 64, io 6, 1964, 65 2au,903 I ~ f 1! . I . ~ ;I i "I !. lle,ws in the 6tudy of Cosmic Rays, by S. Vyi-nnioL A. Clui(3akov, 6 pp. UNCL RUSSIAIT. np, Pravda, 6 Mar 1959. CIA/FIDD X-3525 Sci - Space Res may 59 t The Study of Sort CCmPonento of . comic 'R~ Beyzza tb.- Limits of Atawpbara', by S- N - VYG=Gvx P. V. Vakul*v., 2. V O.Oc A"u'Vo tga~~b~ Y.---r~ ahmmdw:wLogm-j=vo A- H. Chadal=71 3.6 rp. rp:~ 1 4 RUSSINj C-) (" 9 0 Ll, Jet Propiaslan Lmb JPTAX/TFW No 2 7w X-31M Nov 59 6? 7.3;- C-ud,7 of the - t, - -'c Anatoxtus. Report AnaeroDj- E-ffectivenes-3 Of e Y oi 1-21 - - - I ination - by 'Y' A. G V L.-x de C.-Telev. T: ~. I'arina, S'o- -a r-pidemi0l i Per) I mmmdbiol, Vol 7mxil, ljo T, 1961, PP '111-17 usm, -Tr,, sai /Pd P ob '_2 EKpwimental Study of Associated Anaerobic Twroids. communication IV. A Study of Dsmologloal Rftect- Iveness of Octa-T=oids in Hanote RevaccluatIon, by 0. V. Vygodebikov., A. A. Voroblyev,, et al. RUSSIM, per,, Zhur XWdbiolt SpIdemial I I==dbiol,, Vol XL.. go Is 1963m ff In-132- 92U321 USM Tr V-1834 Sci - Bidl & Ned Bel Aug 63 -~Oe. ty ;g. v. n Tzza Yod Apr 50, Pathogenesis arid Inmunology of Twiriours, by G. V. V4~llodch-ik-ov. RUSSLAN, bk Pergwiion Press Mar 60 tFactors in Active Tmunity to Gao Gare7.,eme 0Ruu!,r! by Clostridium Perfringaus Under R4perimmatal Conditionso by G. V. Vygodchikav, Z. M. Vollco-ra, S. A. ?al-minskaya., IQ--A-.-UkI&6j, 6 pp. RUSSLAN. per, Zhtw Mikroblol Epidemiol i Y)mnimobiol, Vol Xxvill, NO-10, 1957, PP 220-125. Pergama but clti - ;L-d Dec 58. '' .11 . . r -, ! V -, r, , , , ;., 91 '1 '1", 'V,- Wlo~-k of- the DL-lrevu of U--o~- Da rlO-=,=,.t of P. a and .10 of Scientific 13-cucarch Ins titut'irJus of til the Dopiz.:!~-~-v:cmt- in -Mlle Liel~C. 07-- thZ lie uolutiurl "I ()J" T~,L-nty-S-acozd Congress of t-qc CPSV, by G,, IP MSSIAN, -,.-eat Al,- Med Hauk ssm., no 5, i96L,~) ita 118-la~ JFRS 1-523:1:~ Sci -- 'Med -~-, //" / The Bi-Olog-rice-, Factors in RefAsUance of Fuactions of the Oreanism to Procecses of Extinctica, 9 pp. by G. V. Yygodchilwv. Rij-55TAH,. per, Veal; Ak Ylaa IJa7,Lk SSSR-, 110 5, 19,,-;-," F~) I GD-115. JFRS 152319 Sci - Ned ~z /~// ~-i- 62 G. V. 1,-Jss!M., pary My nil=b:Lol.. Epidev-,joi J. Dmux,--bioi~ Vol YMVII., No 51, 1957Y PP 3-8. pe--Zmmon Mmj3titute Set - V.-dicina ii! -1 5 ZIC6 Study of the Immunogenic Propertie;3 of Combined Anaerobic To:.-.oids.--I. Study of the Immunological Effectiveness of Hexavalent Toxoid in Initial Immunization of Animals, by G. V. _V.~god2hikov, A. A. Voroblyev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Irmunobiol, Vol XXXII, No 1, 1961. pp Sci may 62 194,802 loy Go Vygodr 0 pp RUSSYAITI~, per, 'Toprosy rd:onomVdp Vol 1, No 7, 10," 5fjt PP 20-32, InternatL Arts and Sci 1.1reso usm Be= mc ~!* ! ~ I I'l I; I ;1 11. !:"~ - 'u* Fever in the ul-als., by B. M. aar&mmkiy., M. 10VUnskiy: A. P. VyGov-Wkiyj, 1. F. B,-rdu-'Inov, 5 PP. MMSIMI , m per, 101=biol, Epidewdol. i TT-m InI ; Vol XMnll, ITO 3; 3.957- Pergwm- Press Sci - Medicine '~-gj Y617" Oct 57 Higher Mathematics Handbook, by M.,Y.a. Vygodskiy, RUSSIAN, bk. *Pergamon Press Aug 59 lliought and Language,. by L. S. Vygotsky. RUSSIAN# bk, 1962, 168 ppo 14LL (M.I.T. Press, 14assacliusetts) cly Sept 67 340,963 p1sorders of t1he Clotting Syut= of the Mood .ir, the lrmv-,rbocytopenJc Syndrom, by Ya. I. 13 pp parp llAroblaW Gc"Ttolo i I Kn',mL., N-61 V., No 8p 1959p PP 8-13- Pergw.on Press Scl A Disak for the VAUMMIM and "I =Mwut Of Voics.lyreqmmW Meaa%b OMMala (8a)v by S. 1. vj~~ am T. I. Ropopmto 7 pp. Russm, -wrs vestnik avyazi., so 6, 1963j. pp 12- 13. JM 22245 ftl - ELM Oct 63 2-141- 2.0? (NY-5073) More Effective Use of Pre.210-Band Telephone Ovannels Employed for Voice-Frequezey Telograp4y, by - B. Rablmovichv S. L Vygovskly; Xt V. Aleahina, -pp. I RUSSIAN, per, VesUlk Svpzij, No hp MB* JPRS low sci r1 Nor 61 Sepumtion and AnaLysia of Rixturen of Chlorinated Metbans Derivatives by a thwmogmp~ic MmthW~ by D* A. h~ !" E. Reallitakovas pp, f=SUNj, perj, Zhur Prik KUm,. Vol XM,, 140 5,, 1958,, pp &)2-W4. Consultants SuzVou Scl - Chem Jun 59 The Investigatica Of HJQIQgiCal Sy$te.LqS with Mmy Variable Chuvictorlstics, by Lo K* Vykhmdu -- n-& - RMSIMS P .* 4 Uats"Otboskikk ~btodov v 810, 0- pp SM. NEE I 2583L v- -A July 66 304,U9 C~Iposed Activity in the Firat and Becond Sipal Systems, by G. F. Vykbodov, 5 pp. RIMM, per, Zhur Vy.-ishey Werv De,,mtel imerd I. P. Pavimm, Vol IX, 17a 4, 1959, pp 532-537. pp Sci ,, --4/ reb 62 '/ ~., , Tmk =d LocowUve Slowl Olsten for Ulsbm- BWd Tr&MU# IW V. V. VYAbo&Aevp A. V. sums= -A vat 457173: IWOUS mp 140,43 mebt FWWL and ACUMM7 zqtdp itzbe 67 (SF/2278) APPLICATION OF TELE-lYPE EQUIPMENT FOR READING IN DATA IN DIGITAL COMPUTERS, BY V. 1. VYKHO VANETS, YU. L. IVAS'KIv, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, AVTOMATIKA I PRIBOROSTROYENIYE, NO Z., APR-JuN 1962, PP 43-45. 1 JpRs 14899 SCI - ELECTRONICS 208.91 AdUtion Rmctious (x? Perrluoroolefins. C~-,Tmmicaticn 4. Reaction of Vinylidene Fluoride Witb SMS~rr Cblorldes and With Allmnesulfenyl Cb1orideo., by 1. L. Kaunyantsy E. Go 6 pp. ,er x Ak Nmg-- SM OWel MLIm b Se P/O~j =IM r 1955 .9 S j, pp 852 59 Consultento Buream Sci - Chmistry Aug 56 RUMAH*Nrjo ZI r IRRIX s - Ft BOMW T-M "43m" phVIL ism A c;t!io~d of Naking Local Gas Analyscs ok" the i.-Vtal in Welded Joints,. by V. J.. Udkomsjdv, I's per, Avtomat Svarka, No 9* 1%1~ pp 41-46., i;, RA zici 210"604 Scip, G2