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Tvp Experic-,ciaal Investigation of the Sv~ccific volutics of Carbvii Dioxide at Tenporatums irc- 200-750% find Pressures 1113 to 600 kg/Cmi2 by M. P. VUL-alovich. RUSSIA:J, T~er, Teplocner~:otika, Vol 9, ;4> 5, 1962, pp 56-62 NILL Ref:9022.0; wig) ~ici-[-hys 0 376,813 me r-Tmtloa of State for I-later., Based an Exper1ment r,~,ta ~ w. p. vukajovich., v. N. Zubare) 6 pp. bj Russ=, per, Tx~pioenergetika, wo 4, 1961, :pp 76-81. Interntl Physical Index Power n7moo Vol I., No 2 Sci - bhth., Pbys ;2 e 61, j= 62 ~Nh Water md Rhw Aw baw" aft ~wm 01 Wam jlglgumw by JC SERSO-CMMIUM .I=r cerfir 9 6. mmi, mp 7-0. OUWX60 PL-w wd & mw S.4 PO 64 MAN - 7.. ... .mm .C. 611:L L; 0 cl- ,5M-- O-CROO-TIO., per, Arbiv sa Report on Vu)oianovic Speech at Plenum of Centin, 1 Trade Union Council, YUGOSLAV, ap, Borba, Jan 31, 1960 FBID Daily Review Mar 60 Coo,"pration With the Socialist and vrGqveeii:Lvrv Havaments of the Latin Awricau Cc=4.rIcux by Vulmawvie. SMMMALW, np, Borba, 10 Nov 1959. ACV16W LA = - Nov 59 Spacch at Trade Union Plew=,, by Vulamnovic. SMWIAN., np, Barba, 110 Nov 1959, FBID Daily ftvlcw BE - Yugoslavia Econ Say 59 lel / d; IR Z Production, Isimae Distribution mid ,7orkers I .-.Zna,;ciaent in Farmili- Enterprises, by SvoLozar -Vukmanovic. 14 pp. SERBINNS Pors socijalizwa, NQ 10, Oct 1964, pp 1239- 1254. JPRS 27,07 LEur-Yu--oslavia L "Coll ; Veb 65 272PFJ08 Om Effect of the Watem at Matrlhxt4m and PlamAng on Ecanmla MovemanU and PioduoUca DmmlaSment., by ByaUzar Vubmwvlop 41 pp. CMAMM, per, Nua ftvwmosts No 6$ ISCX2., pp 6n-614. ipas 130a mur - YUS082exia EC(M .2 11 U-P 9/0 Oat W TX-nA C:21 4- Perty (On -"-,--he i-qc-r_Mrj Of the Advoint Of C radc Tito ao of the Contwil C=aittlea cf t-ho lp CXERLDII." b:;z;O NO 119, I~r 'Wl" 15 1957, Dalgra-de, D 1 Cl_A,(PDV Tr 686 le'Em- - yuggow"a-via Pol .ILI J zV (h-y-6*j1!;66 /1) The Organization of Service in Economic 6 pp. the Commearcial-Pimr.-ciai Ent4urprises, by Petar CROATIAN, perg Telmlka,, Vol Mt, No 4, 1961p pp 749-7~1- JPM qk04 5 '/J7~ PIP my.ur - Yugoslavia Econ jui 61 Tcowliz IN 7w PIAMUM of im WIWTURlt w YK VLMMUV VOCUM IN 195m.19606 ov LEOPOLOWWOM."os, 56 FPO* CMWIANj, P04 00MISTO, W0,14,0 I*,,, PP im 19* W - YUGOLAUM cm . MAY 63 on the Edge of Life, by S. Kovalev, V. Vukolov.0 7 pp. poLj&i,, per,, Skraydlata Polska,, No 4# 1963n pp 12t 13. 9669396 FTo-TT-63-227 ZEEur-czech military July 63 , -.74 a ~;'/O .2.. / On the Edge of Life, by 5, Kovalev, V. Vukolov, 7 pp. POUSH, per,, Skrzydlata Polskag No 4, 1963v pp 12, 13. 9669396 FTD-Tr-63-227 XHHUT-Czech military July 63 a :~;-6 F i ft. t- o T,~ ~ c. n t y -* -1: iFtTh: (tbe M oscow Air Rcute)) by V. Vuholov. RUSSLO, np, I;raznaya Zvezda, No 93; 21. Apr pp 1-2, ATIC, WSR Econ SCI Jun 60 Telecom 41487 New Outstanding Flight by Soviet Pilots., by V. Vukolov 1 p. UNCL RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, No 228, 27 Sep 1959, p 4. AF 1931473 Sci - Space Res Nov 59 NO so Loft vp MAN SOVEREIGNS OF ROCKET THUNDER, BY V. .-Mm~qvj_ - PP. RUSS I ANY IT, KRASNIAYA ZVEZDA, 21 APR I c,'jb"2, P 3. JPRS 15380 USSR 1-11 L I TARY OCT 62 213,505 A Plarke in Refueled on a Night Plightj, cy V. A. Vultolov,, 3 PP- RUSSW., per.. Test Mt., No S., IM,, Vp 40-42 645394 kci - Aero Dhy 59 ATIC Y7 931 MU-4600/3) Electrical Sw1ting af Corundum From Agglomrated Bauxite., by Te. A. Vukolovap at al; 3 pp. RUSSITM.. per, Prom Ewrgetika, Ro 10, 1960, pp 16-18. USSR JPM 6718 /'~O' -~e'/ Hoon, Feb 61 Syrybhesis of-AZO Dyes Based on 4,,4,-Dieminodi- phon~lurea., by D. A. fUtePov.. Z. G. Vukolovaj, 2 pp. I RUSSIf -M, pc,-, Zhur (Yb3hch Ehim, Vol 27, Ira I., 1957, pp 200-201. Conoultanto Bureau Sci - Chem Jun 58 Synthesis of p-Nitro-o-anisidine via Diaryluma and Its Dinitro Derivative b7 D. F. Kutspov; Z. G. Vukolova, 4 pp. Y-1 Pu]d translation. RUSSIO, w perp ZIM Ob-gWb Vol XXXV., Ito 4, 1954, pp 698-7o1. CIA D 151347 consultants nm-mau Scientific - Chemdotry AnQ,vnes of torrential streams in the Valika Morava viver basin, by R, Vukotig,, 8 pp, SFRBO-CWATIMs per,, -9E~.g Vol IXp 100 239 ,1962. cra 6za9470/,-d S Jun 63 w 6v jpm soft 63 MI-16"s Ir - dft. . , ,,N . ME ROLE OF VEC"M AND 1. V*wl L DEXTRAN IN THE FILTRATION OF SUGAR FACTORY JUICES. [1963)[19kk. Order from SLA $L 60 63-IM6 Treat. of [Acta ChImics Otunpry) 1957. Y. M p. 71-81~ DESCRIPMRS. tPoctins. Meman. sCarbabydrues. l , 0 *UquidfLkers, L.Ulldds. Viscosity, Adsaqdm 1 A a The ftheralAlIty of model sol-ons w4h a given pro- ciplaue and filter cloth, umdor coustant conditions (M" dackness of constant beisdit air pressure I --, 100PC.)vaseumInsd. It was above that dissolved Pectin substAWAS tnaden" Dkr&Uou rue only slUgWy Cby increasing the v1samity of dve mobialook ftkwabWq. however. decreases cousideirably when pecids substamms are pretax in the precIpitsom. Destrams I f"we- Now d Tudidut WANS (Food. Tr. v. 106 mm I Of F I U SEEST New Schools in Next school Year (1960-196i) in Bosnia and Hercegovina, by D. VukovR) j PP CROATIAN, np, Borba, Vol XXIV, No 178, lr,6o, p 6. EEur-Yugaslavia JPRS Sociological 23 Aug 6o T I tic Devehipment- NoccaGazy In -Transporuidmi and the Automotive Muwxy in Yugoslavia Daveim 1964 and 1970, by Predrag nadivoJevic, Ivan YW=14 47 pp. SUOMI , ProdukUnvost, No 5, 19w, pp 336-W7 JPRS 25685 EE-Yugoalayla Econ Aug 64 264,360 Filtration Towards a Drain Systews, by A. Boroli, M'.-Vukovir,,, 12 ppe SEIWO-CROATINI, pox, Saopstenja,, Vol IX, No 22, 1962, 9201374 O-IS 62-19470/1 (PL-460) JW1 63 aac' JQI I The [Wdiarge oi Aquifers From Rivar iiaters, by N. Bureli, M Vukovic, 10 pp. SI-IWC-CROATIX4,, per$ Sappstenja, Vol IX, No 22, 19629 221 9201374 M 62-19470/k X(PL-480) Jan 63 3 117 U-- Timmis to VAwt Noosr*4 by b0ofts Nor*% , V I, sa"al-CMm- wa, s"Nalk u 16 No 06 . M" 018 634143M PL-40 gnu& - Yfouftvt& 0 MUM64 "Um The FMM smand Domodeftmow,vow vaucts ftbmy,&,b^- ub"4 w36 P966""m 0 MaL, I Nove 44*03"..m. ru EU,Yvsnbmft 94(m 1 Ang 44 2K3" j: 4;4 ji~ 4 Fe I t-.p -I The Solubility Differences of Atomic ana Molecular Hydrogen In Niobium, by V. M...-V-uk V. M. Milutinovic, So So HaloIcs 3 PP. FMCH, per, C=pteo Rendus, Vol CC=p 19551 pp 1298-1299. SIA 57-18W may 58 Vuks, M. F. and laffe, V. A. DIFF6SION SPECTRA OF TVO_CONIjY)NENT SIL- ICATE GLASSES (Spektry Rasseyamiya -1621 DVuklikomponentnykh Silikarnykh Stekol). [15 [191p. (foreign EeXt included) 5 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-16465 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. [Otdelenie Tekhnicheskikh Nauk]. Izvestiya, 1938, no. 3, p. 61-69. DESCRIPTORS: *Spectrographic analysis, *Glass, *Silicates, Ramon spectroscopy, Sodium, Lead. 62-16405- 1. Vuks, hi. F. It - 10ffe, V. A. (Materials --Ceramics, T-r, V. 8, no. 11) Office of Toc6i eel Services Determination of the Orientation Rel=atiou "Lima of Some Liquids by the Widths of Scattered Lines,, by H. F, Wks., A. Ko AtakhodzhaYev., 3 FP. RUSSIAN, pars Dok Ak NELuk SSSR, Pbys Sec.,Vol CIX, No 5. Jul-Aug 1956, -pp 9P-6- Amer Inat of Pbys Sov Pbys "Dok]Me Vol is, NO 4 Sc i - Ova Aug 57 Determination of the Optical AnjeotrQpy and thtt J?Qrm of Bome Arom3tic Hydrocarbon Molecules From Light Scattering In Solutions . by H. F. Vuks' 1. A. Bogdonov, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, bimo per, Iz Ak Houk 168R, Ser Fiz, vol xviii, No 6, 1954, pp 667-668. CIA C 40664 Columbia Tech Tr bcientific - Physics 311, 7 610 Feb 56 cTs/DEX _Vuks, M.F., Bogdanov, I.A. and Elfimov, V.I. DISPERSION DE LA LUr%lItRE DANS LES SOLUTIONS ET D~TE13NIINATION DE L'ANISOTROPIE OPTIQUE DES MOLECULES (Rasseyanie Svera v Rasrvorakh 1 OprLdelenie Opticheskoi Anizorropii hlolekul) (Scat- tering of Light in Solutions and the Determination of the Optical Anisotrophy of Molecules). 20p. (foreign text included) 3refs. CNRS-VIII his 209. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $0.80 '1T-62-28271 Trans. in French of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. 17vestiya. Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1953, v.17, no.5, p.531-537. DESCRIPTORS: Molecules, *Optics, Solutions, Light, Scattering, 'Nitrobenzenes, "Anilines, *Flienols. TT-62-28M 1. Vuks, M.F. 11. Bogdanov, I.A. 111. Elfimov, V.I. IV. CN`RS-VIII his 209 V. Centre National tie la Recher- die SclentifiCiLIC, Iaris, (Ghemistrv- -Organic, '17, v. 11, no. E..p... T .... C.M,. itolamtim of OMA Additimal AbooptLan of Ultmound In SdatUmme by NT, F, Wks & L* I* I RUMUNO PW* ulmse"m t vftaW%ft&*w- Vol pp ZN-wo Fab 6e 3149.643 2-,c Naenitude of tho Optical Anisotropy ot tIb3 )7~enzena and Carbon Disulfide Molecules gia Determined by Light Scatt,6rin- in Solutioaa, !Ly Ht V!~~F~ V. 1. Yelf imov. RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Neuk SSSH Vol XCII, 1-10 1, 1953,P p 29. CI k~ asp Tr 175 7- USSR .:.ciontif ic - Physica -Tan 54 CTS TT45-29259 Field 7D Vuks, M. F.; Chernyavskaya, L A. TEMPS DE RELAXATION DIPOLAIRE ET ENERGIE 1. Centre Natienal de la D'ACTIVATION DES DERIVES BROMES OBTENUS Recherche Scientifique. P..%.R SPECTROSCOPIE. 5p. Srefs. CNRS-.XXVM-164. Paris (France) Order from ETC; $1.10 as TT-65-29259 Trans. In French of.A"demlyaNauk SSSR. Doklady. v145 n3 p549-50 1962. Also available from CNRS as CNRS-.XX%'111-164. European Tranalations Centre AddiUvity of the --A t.V TMA" awl PoUrizablUtlea of fftidat bY V* F* VOkme i"Wsw, pwo 1- 4 Spear" 20 VP "iLL M-5 3,gal Pror 67 B-3075 (DC-1932) /e-, loo3ation of Coxiells Bm-mti from StablrAlCmt, by L. Mold et all 8 Vpo CROATIAN., mo perl Rlgljons,, Vol TEXT., No It, Sol- gradel 1956, pp 240-245. Us JM/DC-L-530 Scientific - medialm (Dr.-5046) su*lemeat to the Medical Geogmpby ef Q--fk--ver in Yugoslavia, by Ljo Vuksic, 15 PPo jMBO-CROMM., pery RiglSenaj. Vol XT-T, So 2-3., L960, PP 165-177- JEW 69T7 IZA? '7/5-0' Sci - Mad I Wy lpr 61 n-, Ionization anti Tuzamal Effect- in by r, - m. vul, 6 pp RMIAN, per, Fiz TVardogo Tela., Vol III No 11, 1 pp 29611-296T. AT6P sov Pbys - solid. Ratm vol n.. rio uL Sci ,T,-m 61 5- f" -7 ~q 5' 11 11'.ie r-Sfect of 0--m-.a 'adiation on 'U"ie Llectrical Conduc- Avity of I-r;ulaters., by B, F1, Vul; T pp, RqSS14N, per3 Fiz Tiverdop Tela., Vol Ill., i1o 5, 19(,J., J?. 22.64 - 2274 AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol U1.2 ilo Sci / ? ~-, TMQry of p-n Amations in Semiconductors-, by B. M., Vulp B- I- Segal# 9 pp PAWW,, per,, Zhur Tekh Fizq Vol XMIX., no 4, 1958, pp 681-6M. Amer Xnst of Phys Sov Pbp - Tech Pbys Vol %lit No 4 Sci - Phys,, Electron 17 0-6 Jan 59 Z 0.0 Lklyau Voltage of Germanium 92Jm RD at Low )cnaturesa by B. M Vul p 5 pp. j S. 1. Uvaritakoom. ;YM., y=., Piz Twwdqp TbU.. Vol To No 4.p 1963, r-13-13 pp. Imer mwt of Pbya saw pbp - oo.Ud state Vol V, NO 4 63 00 Cl On the Tranaformti of O-Particlo Energies to ElectriceA Ener;F-In Germnium Crystals with P-n Junotions, by B.IL Vulj_V.S. Vdvilov, LoSo-Smirnart GvN, Galkin, V';Ko- PateRevich, 6*pp. As V. Spitsyn, RUSSW,. per, Atomaya Energ:Lya,, Vol TZ., go 6, 1957, PP. 533-537. Consultants Bureau Sci - Nw Phys Jun 58 The Imparity Conductivity of Germanium at Low Temperatures, by B. M.-Vul, Ye. I. Zavaritakaya, L. V. KeldYsh, 3 PP- RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol cmv.. no 61 1960, PP 1358-1360. AIP Sov Pbys - Dok vol v,, No 6 Jun 61 1,5`61 J ~z On Dielectric FrWerties of Transition La3mrs in Semiconductorop by 4. M. Y14, 11 ppo. RUSSLAN., mo perp Zhur Takh Piz Vol XXV., No lp 1955, V 3- J/h q,93 ; vIK Xorris D Priedwo $5.50 V-) Scientific - Physics M 69/jun 55 Gaorgly Yvanovich 8kamvij, by B. M. Va., R. A. Konoram, A- I. Demsb4nap 3 RUBSIM, per.. Uspekh Piz Dailki Vol Mat i*1 pp 681-685. ATP Soviet Pbys U*ekh Vol III, No ulsm Biog 17~4 61 Influence of Conditions of Polarization FA on Piezo- Properties of BaAum Titwmtej, by S. V. Bogdanov, B. R. Ia. Razbash,, 4 pp. RUSSIANj mo per.. Zhur TWch Fiz.. SSM., Vol XXVI., No 5,v 1956, pp 958-962. American Inst of Pbysics Vol I., No 5j Soviet Physics Technicel Physics Sci - Physics -3 -4-7 Jun 57 The Dielectric Strength of Titanateo of 11.elt:als of the Second Cro lp of 1.'endeleyev's Table, by M. Vul, E. 3-1. Q-1qL1- Gol'dT.=, R. Ya. '.qa2;hbash. 7- RUSSIAK, no per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fin, vol XXI NO 5) 1950, PP W5 -:70. AEC Tr 401 Scientific - P*h~ ysics PA 16OT98 A~ril 1.051 CTS ITITT.- B. M, GOLIDIMPT, I. M. New Variety of Barium Titanate. DOKLADY -LKADE14II NA4 SSSR, vol 60, 1949) pp 41-3; 1000 words. ff, (,-., ') Brutcher No 2469, S ;)-, Z) 0 I ~) .~ ) J+ "' Relation Between the Dielectric, Piezoelectric and ElAstie Properties of PolyarystaLUm cerude an(I Those o:C a Single Crystal,, by Be V. Bogdanovo Be Me Val# A. Me Timoning 5 pp. MWIAN, per* Iz Ak N=k SSOp Ser FLz,, voi ma.. No 3.- 19571 PP IMEOX 374-378- Columbia Teely Sai - Physics ju 58 J p-a Junctions at Low Temperatures., by B. M. VUlp 4 DP., RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk 3SSRq Vol CXXrX,, Ho I,, 1959s pp 61-,b3. mmr Inst of Pbya Sov fts-Doklady Vol rv.. No 6 Sci jul 6o -n jnj n by D ~ 1-1. VVOI S-al ra -v --itu pp RUSSIM, per) Zhur Eimper i Tooret Fiz,, Vol. XK-XIIVIII, i-i,,:) 1) 196o, ELI) :V. 10-17- Amer Inut of Phys Sov Phys - JMT Vol xi, NO 1 S-A Aug 60 Vul, B.M. and SkaMvi. G.I. CONDENSATEURS CERAMIQUES DE HAUTE rRIt QUENCE (Keramicheskie Vysokochastotnye Kon- densatory) (Ceramic High-Frequency Condensers). 14p. (foreign text Included) 4refs. CNRS-X 120. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1.60 TT-62-29122 Trans. in French of A kaderniva Nauk SSSR. Izves- tiya. Seriya Fizicheskaya, 19114, Y.8, no.4, p. 194-199. DESCRIPTORS: *Cerarnic capacitors, High frequen- cy. (Engineering - -Electronic, IT, v. 11, no. It) TT-02-21)122 1. vul, B.M. 11. Skanavi, G.I. Ill. cNits-Y 120 IV. Centre Natiomil de h Recherche Scientifique, Paris Offi-I T-h."l S-- E-P .. T-dst-1 C..I'~ Nonlinear Properties of Ferraelectrics,, by B. M Vap 3 pp. MMSIANj, perp Iz Ak Nauk SMp Ber Fixf Vol XXIP No 3s, 1957P pp 379-381. Columbia Teab SOL - pbysird Jul 58 Edge Breakdown of p-n Junctions in Germaniump by B - M. Vul_, _ A. P. Shotov, 6 pp.. RLISSLAN.. per.. Zhur Tekh Fizp Vol XXVII, No 10.4 1957 pp 21P9 -2194 Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys-Tech RWe Vol 2,, No 10 Sci-Phya JIM 58 4SO IVC~, of Tram-o"kh-4-M by 2a~~Li2 Pp. 17tussTiul-0 Lio parp Ziwlx Ton Fiz., Vol MI., ED 11., uov 1956., P.P M' 3- Amr Mmt of rbyo Gov Phys., 1113ch Rkys 21 sci - pbYsics j 7:1.;,7 r,7, :gp Amer Irmt of Phys tva 6o `hz- Jniquurr~!E-E of th~! CIT ;3['7'e II - L) - c - - .11asoe5 of Positive Definite GeneraliLed Functions, jy E. B._Iul. 4 pp. 0, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXXVI, 1961, zP 534-537. Amr Path Sac 5ci ,j,u 1 6 1 Methodological Instractiono for Treatmat, by Ionized JUz I-Ph=py., by E. 0. Bmra=va,, P. X. VuleLt*vg L. L. Vasillysvp 44 ppe UNCLASEUIPM MMSIM; pempblato publ H=ce of MmUcal Liteminue,, *dgiz.. lmdngmd Section, 1957- Hwy mg/Owl m Sci - Medicine Feb 61 //.~; 'F % 'F e me' cooft"Mm Om the stmAutlaing Of Paakixl& bY Dkdtur Grateva ILIP Vadwv,, 4 pp. SMARIA19 pwo asud. -Uqato4a I - timtouat 3b lo XqQ* PP 36-38. AM Z-1689-P ID gmm Eaw - Balmau -2 1.5;,30e I= 23 Out 62 (DC-5*9 Planned Economic Development and the WorKM 3ocialist System., by Nikola VuIW,, 13 dUGARIM, per,. Planovo Stopanstvo L 3tatistika., Vol XVI, No 3) 1961,t PP 3-17. JPBS 8732 Our kon 3ep 61 ('PDD 2BOW Lft-ti-m-al Ymccm by 71. VUl 25 Vol vmy sawARM, m0 Imp p3anovo stap"t - ---- -- - - "~w NOV 19756-'Vp V j;.0 t The Effect of Ternary I.Ieta:Uic Compound B(A]CMg) on Ileat-Resistance of Aluminum Alloys, by B. K. II'Vu:L'f, Id. IT. Chernov, 6 pp. RUSSIAIT, per, Zhur ITeorgan kaAm, Vol 1, 210 1, 1,)56, pp 158-162. AEC-tr-4582 PL-48o Sci Aug L') 2 2o6j, 420 :PI ST . N I , F I M 1 t 1 1 . , ,1, 1 !i . v i z It ! I ~11 !It ;if' ~- i - - , - , " i, , I Met-alliu, Compounds 1. Kornikov, B. E.. Vul ',f-, 38 PP- RUSSLUI., per, Uspekhi Khim, Vol )D.VIII, 19.1), pp AEC Tr-ItOQ,7 Sci - chem Aug 60 Ae The Effect of Ternary Intermetallic Compoundi3 on ',Jie ,Heat Resistance of Deformed Aluminum Alloys, by B. K. Vullf, M. N. Chernov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zavr-,dp T5vat ZMetall, No 2, ig6o, pp 147-152. JPRS 2953 sci - Plip-Axat Jul 60 Ternary Intermtal-lic Compomdop by B. K. VuIrf,, 12 pp. MMUN, wp Uq*ja Mda., No 6j, 19601 pp 774--795. Mesver-R=e P"ss Poodbly *A= =,-T24/1 Sol Apr 61 1,419 8'7d PRINUMIS OF TK DIUMMOR V*Mo ISY B. IC. VULIF K. P. RWADINs 10 PP, 14-M1 MSIAN* No MIAISIOMM 'Yes, !1*8, 1 ~ PP 125-133. im glop sclacm sw- 63 343o77,4 THE DIRECT CONVERSION OF THERMAL INTO_ ELECTRICAL ENERGY, BY 1. K. VUL-FELIDI,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, PATENTP NO 1W,560,, (631-[~V21[)., 15 DEC ig6o. c677347 FTD-TT-62-12 I I . SCI-PHYS, ENGR 10 JUL 062 202.1244 Me Relative Position of the]? Pole of T1.1-undnation wid the Center of the Cyclic Curve, by B. A. Vullfovich 3 pp. 1 RLZSIAIT, per, Geodez i Karto-, No 8, 1S?61, ?,P 47-153- AGU Sci jim 62 193,653 Tha Dieckmann Reaction, VM, Cyclization of the Diethyl Ester of a4letbyl-a-Carbethozypimlic Acidp by V. 1. Zarat&#O 1, S, Vulfaong h pp. R I rl: C, M, Zhur Obshch Kbim,, Vol X-,In,, No. 2, 1963.. _per PP CB Sci mar 62 Inventigatica of the imttmtor-COLIS arightum"a uk' Pulse Disobarge in Incef, 00-6.0CI.."IK. I. Sh. Libla, F. A. Chamwa, 3 yp. FuU tranWatim. RMSDA, b1m parp Iz Ak Nmik, Bar Fiz, Vol XIX, No 1y 1935o pp 61-63. cu c 4W53 Colimbla Tech Tr mw 56 cTS/d= VULF-SON, K. S. Spark Discharge in Inert Gases. RUSSIAN., Elektrichestvo,, No 11., 19461 pp 16 - 23. Sci Mus Lib 51/2653 / I j~,5 9 9- d Sperk Diach=ge in Inert Gescap by K. S. V149solip per,, BlektrlcMotvo,,(li),, 1946 16-23, A New YAthod of Meastwing the Velocity of Light., by K. S. Vialfs,oal 2 pp. RUSSIANo per Dak Ak Nauk ssaR,, phys Saco Vol CIxo NO 4 5s Jul-Aug 19561 pp 929- Amer Inst of Phya Sov Pbys "Doklady" Vol I. No 4 Sci- Fhys Aug 57 An Absolute Method of Measuring the Temperature of A BlacL Body, by Vullfson, K.S; RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretiches- "0' koy Fiziki, 1951, Vol 21, PP 507-509. A CN -!--" "' j 'Sci MuBeum Lib Ho 52/0423 vzjl#zrklll, O'u, "JA -Jim MOVOr"M Of V8VOUVIng 0=3= OVAD b47 I floono ArtffJcfAAv Created Om OarreAsi, by U. I. %d L. H. lovin. MM=.. pwj, M* At Rm& MM Val 1&6 go 4,j 19ft pp 035~MW AGI A),-, OuL'-Vsok) Aw 69 37%700 Study of Convective Notions in a Free Atwepherap by N. 1. VUllfsont 262 ppe RUSSIANp perj, Tmdy Mat Prlk Geofiz Ak rim* SSSR., 1961. *on 64"U017 PL-10 Sai m1w 64 Study of Convective lbtiono In a rree At=phere., by R. 1. Vullfsout 2 L. D r-- te. 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