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A Short oatilm of the mmm of ma--t= Nubian in Semi-Canftetor, by Milan Valuwk,$ 14 pp. USCL CZEN,o Rer., SlabWMW Cbzorj, Val M., No 10j, 1960m pp 596-6m. AGOI 3-891X ID 216W5 may 61 (IqY - 64. 0) SowinG of Autumn Wheat,, by Gh. Valuta 9 pp. IMM-LAH, per, Frobleme Agricole, Vol xiii, RO 9, 1961.. pp 76-82. JPRS 3-1823 E~,E - -Rimmmia Econ Jan 62 / m /%A SETEE ( A Important Crops for National Economy, by Gheor&e Valuta. RUMANTAN,AT), Rominia Libera, Bucharest, 10 Jan 19- p 2. *us JPRS EEur - Rumania Econ - Agriculture Jan 59 ~Vortmt crops tv the Natuml ammwwo by, Gb=lrgbt !oil ppw Buabinstil 10 Jan 1959# py 2- aw mar 59 (DC-4485) Corn, by Gh. 1~~ buts., 0. Berb.acelp 21 pp. RMWIU,t bk., Zonarea Ecologies a Plantelor Agricola in M., 1960, pp 41-54. - JPRS 6545 f3ur - Rwania ~ .17 'ii 7 2-;9 Raon 1. jan 61 (DC-W5) Working Principles and Methods.. by 0. Berbacell Gh. yalutA~,_q pp- RUWJWp bk,, Zonarea Ecologic& a Plantelor Agricole in RMv 1960# pp 13m, 14T~ JPRS 6545 BRUX - Rumnia Ecou jan 61 (DC-W5) Oats, by Gh. Valuta., 0. Berbecel,, Virginia Steroiu, 7 pi.- RUMANIABp bk, Zowrea Scologloa a Plantelor Agricole in Rm, 196o, pp 96-loo, JPRS 6545 Econ jan 61 ,7 Hit "Pn-qvlv~g Ifil Illi?f ilml,villujIll Rill 1111;!J110.11111 I-I (DC-W,85) Winter Wheat., by 0. Berbecel, ::Oh. NaluUs. 19 PP. RUMAKM, bk, Zomrsa 90010gica a P3AD"l0r Agricols In RFRP 1960,v VP 72-84- im 6545 - BE= - Rumaula Boon Jan 61 (2197-1;tb) Xarnal loSaminoun PImnts Uded to Proceft Autwm idimt; by M. Valuts.0 A3.4m Tw,wcu,v 10 ppo RLMMOs rers Problm AVLcolms, Vol X, Zo Ot Buebamtp 1958P PP 2T-34- JM 2284-31 Elur - Fi=smla ftr 59 g~e ",gs (FDD 26"0) Cbapter 1. The Structure amd Content of the Boot- keeping Balame Sheet - ftvm "Tba. Balxwe abeet of a KataUurgical Pla~mt and It'a hmLlyalms" by A. 1. valuYev's 84 9P. RMMU# MDUOgMph. Ba]A= M&taUur&lcbwkoV ravoda i Yego Z Arml Is, Moscov# 1954', PP 10055. CIA/FW/U-7683 USSR Beon - Bookkeep mathods 2r77 Neutron, Yield From PhotodiciuteGration of Uramiua and Thorium., by L. H. Lazaravas B. I. GaVrilOvs B. H, Valuyev: G. N. Zatzapinag V. S* StravinsL-jp 15- -pp. --, Full translation. RUSSIAH2 bkv Conference of the Acad of Sci of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of At=Ic Enereyp 1-5 Jul 1955, Session of the Div of Ph7aico-4WuheMUcU1 Sciencesp 3s-j 3.97 %%eagatants iBMT11au GPO 2597kbb~tih Btt X*V*York lMv'."4xAy,- Sci - Nuclear Physics *87 rPts for $350-00 Mtrasonft Detection of Plava In Forgings,, b7 Do Po Valvqev at &I@ Or-10 - RMSM, pars Vast Masho Vol ima =Ivp No no 1954, pp 63-m - aroubar so 3w $2.6o set - mialmu" -o~ /0 /0 S .1 -1 1 7 . . 7 ; I I I I II . II I I I I - . 111111 1 1 . I -I ~ I - . ~ I I I - I ~ . - . . - - ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I - I - -- - , I ~' I I I I- - -I - . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - METHOD OF INVESTIGATING THE HARDNESS OF TITANIUM- AND CHROMIUM-CARBIDE - BASE CERMETS AT NORMAL AND ELEVATED,.TEMPERATURES, BY N. 1. VALUYEV, 9 PP. --------- RUSSIAN, PER, IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY MASHINOSTROYENIYE, No 6, 1962, PP 124-12k JPRS 17o4o scl m/m JAN 63 219,602 (SF-1850) A MISSILE ENGINEER GOES TO A CHAST" BY P. VALUYEV, 3 PP. -r- RUSSIAN, NP, KRASNAYAXA$#MA, LO MAR 1962, P 2. zvr~- o1-\) JPRS 13715 USSR M I L mAy 62 194, 621 Some PeadfArldes of man's Vbhj5Miy-arw- kmlunuLry EmodoW Reactiom by P. V. %wmvo M. N. Val A412M RUSSIAWN.I~p~eTr. VYsM Nown RUM& A~ ;4 191A, Pp ZU4-21U., Vol 20~, m JPRS Scl - B & M Oct 64 267,476 The AlVlication of PW~rathylene Tab-.mj for, Angiostomy Using Lond=ls lbthod, by T. K. Valwwm, 3 pp. MIA-TAITM., jerp Fizial Zhur., Vol Ta., No 5, 1961, pp 709-710. "TM 11906 Sci - Had /,P(0 lan 62 h -1 tte far 'i- .eally yn, vsa~xajyev. RT?- -,g Wo 4, 196, .0 p_u P-46-2-11-~ - Kul ipi-o 10062) Changes in the Mactrocardiogmm after Bi.lateral AdrevajectmW in Dogs,, by - A. G. FiUppova, 6 pp. RWSIU,, pers Byul Usper B101 t Mod-+ Vol XMITIS No 80 1959.. PP 33-38- Consultants Bureau Sci /// -7 ~~ mkLr 6o Basic Parametters of~ �pray Proceasing of the and-MUte lbtion Pi6ture Pilm in Photorr----'---' Solutio-;. !~y B. V. VaIW&-4y, 11- -w-p. R 11 USSIM, per, ToldmVm Kim i Telcvideulya., Vol XT, No 5, 1960, pp 44-511 czAlFm roc-1043 NOT RXEMAN9 TO FORMN UTIOMALS e- asep 61 USIB IREMUM USE ONLY f 3-331/6-0 i1a aTerimental Evaluation of the Disi ecting Action of B;JV-ZOP &-ictericidal Lamps on Smrfaccj in Relatiou to Vegatatti,.m Forms of Illcrourganiarmsj by N. --,. V!4~~~ , It. H. RudeMEo, 3 PP. RUSSIALI; per, Gig i San, No 2, 196o, pp 92.,94. im 2603 Sci - Med, bacteriology may 6o 11-7 ,, An Institutional Outbreak of Bo3rd-Novgorodakays III Dysentery, Y/jj. by N!_I._fi Va~lvnchem and 13, 0. Ro- manov., 5 pp. MOSIAN.. per# Zhur Mikrobiol,, Npidemiol I Vol XMI,, No 5, 1957, pp 53-57. -%rgamn Institute Sci - Ned ,TU1 58 4~ ~/ Wv&ssori. A.. SartAri. G.. and CWmwML F. HOM7COOL-Y&MR17ATION OF 1. 5-HEXADIENE AND ITS COPOLYMEREZATION WITH ETHYLENE. ]an 63. 3700 wm , 23 refs. Order frcxn CTS(chem) $14. So CTS(Cham)-312 subseque= copies $2.50/c&. Trans. of [Is] Chimica c P'>dustrla (italy) 1962, v. 44 [W. 10] P6 1095-1100. DESCRWrORS. *Dienes, Polymerization. 013thylenes, Copolymerization Chemical analysis, Catalysts. 63-1.2657 1. valwassori, A. U. Sartori. G. M. cjAmpelu. P. W - C-MChern)-312 V. Cbendcal Translating ScrvIcc6 Palo Alto, Calif. !5 (ChemIstry-Organir, TT, v. 9, no. 6) afte ol Ttch" Sent" vajvassor~ . and Sartori, G. TERPOLYMERIZATION OF ETHYLFNE-PROPYLENE- I-BLrrENE- Ian 63, 2200 words, IS refs. Order from CTS(Chem) $8.80 CTS(Chem)-311 subsequent copies $1.50/ea. Trans. of [1a] Chimica e [I'llrdusuia (Italy) 1962, v. 44. no. 10. p. 1091-1094. DESCRIPTORS; *EEhylcnes, 'Propenes, *BUEenes, Polymerization. Reaction kineclC3, Elasticity, Chemical analysis. 63-12650 1. Valvassori, A. 11. Sartori, G. ill. CTS(Cbem)-311 IV. Chemical Translating Service, PaloAlto, Calif. Zill (Cheniistry- -Organic, Tr, v. 9. rL 6) Offto DI TecWa! Senim Alpha-Olefins - II. Ztbylme mA ZBOW Tropylene Reactivity Ration In Copolymaization with Catalysts Dert"d Fran Vamdi%m Oxythlarlde and Alkyl Alumimm,. by 0. Y"untio A. V!-&!!5Tb Go Pa"OWO., nALTANj, per,, . I& ChImIm.* I'Wmtria.. Vol No 9, 1957.- PP 743-08 - su ft~ru*T3 CmS Vol 5 No 6 A: Copolymerit9tion of Ethylene witli Aliphatic a. -Clefins. V. Ethylene-Pmpylane Capolymn.-rIzatIon by Means of Titanium 11alMe Catalysts, by. G. khttn, A. Valvassori, at al., PP 17 PP. IMM, per-, ChImice e VIndustria, Vol IL, No 11, 1958,-pp e96-905. Anso Tech Serv 631261 Sci - Chem OTS 1, 9 Jun 59 Copolymerization of bthjrlene vith Aliphatic a_-01efin3. Ill. Mylene-Propylene Copolymeriza- tion with Catalysts Obtained from Vanoduim Tetra- chloride., by G. Viazzanti, A. Valvammori., G. Pajara, 23 pp. ITALIAN, per, Chimica 9 l'Induatria, Vol XXXIX, No 10, 1957, PP 825-831- Research Infarnzation Service Rept 96963 Sei - Chem. OTS 1, 9 Jun 59 .11omopolymerization of I,S-Ilexadleacc and 1~17 Its Copolymerization with Ethylone, by A. Valvassorl, C. Sartori. ITAGMi,per, Chimica a 111ndustria, Vol 44, No 10, 1962, pp 1095-1100. NTC 69-11478-07C Sti-Chera JUY69 387,067 Et.hyleac-Propylena-l-autane Torpoly- merization, by N. Valvassori, G. Sartori.- ITALIAN, per, Chimica e 111ndustria, Vol 44, No 10, 196J--Fp---109I-I0Y4. Y NTC 69-11479-07C V P; L V I" S ~S 6 sci-chem July 69 387,066 Antli-United Statea Speech Hade in the Legialative AsseEdo'y of the Hatima). Congress, 8 Jwa& 195%, by Enrique Oregon Valvorda, 19 pp. M11011ASSUMM SPAMR, np, la Republics, 9 June 1959, pp 1, 4" 20$~ Encl to DOOP No '653P 24 ime 1939. Dept o-' State 4283445 IA - Coota Rica Pol 154~5 Aug 59 x I: irspective Plan of the Gas Supply of Budapest, I, f Per-one Valy, 24 pp. j;'jyjCTtI'RTAN, per, Energia es Atomtechni.ka, Vo' MI 3.1)60, Budapeat, pp 101-10~,. JPRS 5456 Fcon - Fuels - Power &I '3p 60 Notes on the Problem of Heating a Coxundum Chargej, by Ee G. Valyasbkop e'c,,- al. RUSSIAV,p pers Trudy Instituta. KristaIlograftij, No 8,, 1953v VP 77-W- Coop Trans Schme Tr 182' L4.i6a, (12s.0d) Sci -.Minerals/metalB.. cheMISU7 ju2. 1956 '111~ 62-20297 Val a hko M. G. METHOD-UP DErERMINATION OF THE ORIGIN OF 1. Valyashko, 16L G. POTASSIUM ROCKS BY THEIR CHEMICAL COM- POSITION, AND ITS APPLICATION TO FORMATIONS IN THE CARPATHIAN FOOTHILLS (Metod ' Oprodelenlya Genezisa KaWnykh Porad po Ikh Khiml- cheskomu Sostavu I Ego Primenerde k Mestorozhdeniyam Predkarpat'ya). 1196211371p. (foreign text Included) 12 refs. Order from OrIS or SLA $3.60 62-3D297 A( Trans. of Voprosy Mineralogli O"doctmykh Obrazovanil I 4 (USSR) 1956, Y. 3/4, p. L2-265. DESCRIPTORS: Sources, *Rock (GeologyL 'Potassium, Chemical analysis. Minerals, Salts, Mountatne, Geogony. (Earth Sciences -Mineralogy, 7T, Y. 9r am 12) MIS d Tedwild ~W*u 61-13083 ValyR~4ko,_M. G. VOLAJME 1ILLATIONS OF LIQUID AND SOLID 1. Sea water- - Vaporizat ion PHASE IN EVAPORATING SEA WATER, tr. by 1. Valyashko, M. G. S[tefan] Dobrianskyj. (1960] 7p. 7 refs. Trans. U. CRL/T-302 no. CRL.T/302; M1751. 111. Central Research Labs., Order frcxn LC or SLA mi$ 1. 80. ph$ 1. 80 61-13083 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Lxd. (Australia) Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1951, IV. DSIR LW M. t751 v. 77, no. 6, p. 1055-1058. Offi.. of Twch.kal St-1-s (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 5, no. 2) _Valyashko, M.G. GEOC14ENUSTRY OF DEPOSITS OF POTASSIUM SALTS. [1960152p. 45refe. Order from LC or SLA mi$3.60, ph$9.30 60-18927 Trans. of unidentified mono. pub. by Akad. Nauk SSSR. Otdel. Geologo-Geografichesldkh Nauk, 1956, p. 182-207. A literature survey, based mainly on Soviet sources. (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT. v. 5, no. 2) 60-16927 1. Potassium salts- -Properties 2. Geocbemistry 1. Valyashko, M. G. 001- # T.J.4-1 5-,1- C;orrclatica of the Forai of Borates Sc-parating frcm Soluti=a with the pH, by M. G. VaLlyashk G. K. Gode, 7 PP- RUSS=, per, Zhur Noorg%n Khim, Vol V, No 6, 1960, pp, 10-1328. Cleaver-Eme Pros% Sci Apr 61 OTY-64'74--1~4 Hikolay Semenovich Kv=akcv, and tle Sigmfif 4 canen of his Work for Geochamistry (On the Centennial. of his Birth)., by M. G. Valyeahko, 35 pp. MWTAN., per, Gecwkaudya' wo T, 1960j, vp 65.J-66o. j M, 9926 USSR & Biographic .AAIS 61 DilffurLngg in Danoity Poims hodw wiO. '!-.)Yti A. 1, poli"nuavaj 17 yo. MisslMri I*r; GCOI&IM., No 3., 1963. S=iptu Tedmicm scl jan 64 V41 ?,2 IM, Me of the - Chmical- -Ccc-.i o3 ition of ~c- a ,r Water on the Campos Ition of Ground Water ta In Sedl=ntary Strata.. by M. G- ValYnsbko, 7 P--O. RUSIP14, lxw.. Geokhlml4ay Ito -L', ~19 2~ M Geodbem Soc S.--! i= ft 63 233.,863 The GGo4b of Urc=4 In &Iagewsla Proo- eamm ana the Use of Broalm content as a Oomtla azd Prospactift Criterlon,, by M. G._Xetl MMWN.. per, aaoWdulp., No 6,'1956P PP 3348- Dept of MA Us aw of lulws Petrolam I* fta TAb lmrtlegyme" so 40 got Geopbys d 7-j 71-0~ Absorption Spectra and Structure of Benzene Derivatives. 2Z XX. Spectrographic Investigation of p-ArAinobemene- milfonic Acid cmd its Derivatives# by N. A. IX Vml~msbko, It. P. Romamnovich, 8 pp. RUSSIAN.. mo per, Zhur Obshch Dim,, Vol MMj, No 9j, Sep 1956) pp 2509-2515. Conmatmts Bureau Sci - Ch=istry Feb 58 Absorption Spectra and Structure of Be=e:%e )~---r:Nnatj~vr~ XXI. p-Dimethylaminobenzenemafonia Acid and its Mothyl Ester# by V. A. V F'o-'raz=Vich., a pp. ~!~qhk~o F. P. Cheahko, .H. P. v RUSSIAN., mo per, Zhur Obshch Kh1m, Vol XUIj No 9, SOP 1956s pp 2516,2523- Clonuataats Bureau Sci, - Chemistry Feb 58 Abscrptico Spectra and 6,t~ucture of Bewaue Derivatives. M. 2.5-DifiYaroxyacetapbonow aW Its MOtbYl MwBo by N. A. Valyodhko and N. VW4*nbkop 20 pp. Full jm pw Mar Obnbch MAu., Vol XMp R 2 PP CIA WM= C R_ X dongultots Bweau Scl-- Chemistry Dec 56 mm ew 111)667 Absorption Spectra flud StIveture Of Bamene D,-1vatives. =. 2#5- cay=8tophazlone aW i:tv Metby). Stbare # by 1. At Val4aebkc arld N. N. lglp= Valpablgo,, ID PP. FUU tr RtusiANq mo Vow Zhur Obzhch M # Vol Xmv No 21 lwv VP OIA 900M Q He el'No 64. 01-IL dowultante Dweau Z/j / Sci.- chmistry -r7) .0,6 7 Dec 56 = cTs Abeorption spaeua ana structiwo of DG=cna Derivevives. VIng - 3,4-Di4ydroVaceZorh=,-.*-.~ ~, and Its FstW.L Ethers, ty H. A. Valyumhko, N. 117. Valypanbbo., 8 rp. Pau tr RUSSIAN, mo pers Zinw Obahch Mxin,, Vol MEM., F* I., 1956; pp 146-152. CIA- 9OW1,04 0, Reel Ho 23. Conmatanta Sci - ChauiBtx7 Sep 56 M " & 4-T VPLYASHKO, 1J. A., and DE-PESIIKO,, I. T., Lab o' Phar- Wi-ac-e-u-t-i-e-dl'--Cllemistry, Kharkov Pharmaceutical Inst Absorption tectra and Structures o- Antipyretic Derivatives of Fheny1hydrazine. I. 13-1-,cyl Derivative of Pheny1hydrazine -'-A Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XX, No 1., 1950 (Aar), pp jV- ,5~~ 7 ') 6 Consultants Dureau Translation E-Lectur a a- e c- at:--ves Of 7r Derivat!~Ve-, Of Sti7actrxt~~ of lr.,7araT, nc jonrnal of Genera~ Ch mistr-- c e u , ce7 -)p !V20 - 1759 ocr.-Sulta-Itf- Yorl- us USSR/S 0 1/(;Iiem/-kbsorp-u ion Spgot'ra/ Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of N-phenyl Derivatives of Pyrazolone. III. by_L~_~~~ and V. L. Bliznlruk-ov. Uff eiksal-t--lift RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XI, No 1, 1941. V-,/I).2 3 AEC 23~ C J une (;,IS Absorption Spectra and Structures of Benzene Deriva- tives XV. 3-Hydroxy- and 3-Methoxyacetophenone, by N. A. Val ashko and A. E. Lutsky, 20 pp. RUSSIANY mo per, Zhur Obshch Ehim Vol XXI, No 5 USSR, May 1951, pp 939-959 Consultants.*.Bureau Vol 21 1951 A, qj6(e) r Absorption Spectra and Structures of Local- Anestbetic Derivatives of Pyrazollnep by N. A. Val7wbkov I. T. Depwhkop 7 pp. r RUSST.ANp mo perv Zhur Obsbeh Milmj, Vol No 2p 1953P VP 320-30- Consultants Bureau Scientific - ChemLstry CTSAM /00/46.0 The Absorption Spectra and Structures of Benzene Derivatives, XVI. 3,5-Dihydroxy and 3, 5-dimehhoxy- acetophenone, by N. A. Valyashko and A. E. Lutsky 22 pp RUSSIAN mo per Zhur IObshch Khim, Vol XXI, No 6 USSR, Jun 1951., )?P 1069---1o91 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 The Absorption Spectra and Structures of Benzene Derivatives. XVII. 2J.6-Dihydroxyacetophenone and its Methyl Esters. by N. A. Valyashko and A. E. Lutsky, 26 pp RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Obshch Khim., Vol XXI, No 6 USSRY Jun 1951 Pp 1091-1118 Consultahts Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 1' -11/ ill 1/11 - J r, a, Msorpticm Spectra and Stwetu"s of gevjz*nq Derivatives, #IV, Polarographic and Potentio- metric jurostigations of Aestophenam and Its Derivatives* by N. A& Valyasbkos Yu. So Rezuma RUSSM,, per, Zh, Obshch.-Whir-o Vol IS# go 4s 1948, pp 710-127.. NLL 5828.4F (11702) e X Sci - Chem Sept. 67 34001SO A7baorption SpGotra amd Structure of Bensent' Darivatives. IVIIII- - 3,,4-DilWd:rvXWatop!ioi2ans and Its Habbarl Ethera, by H. A. Val7ashboj, N. N. V437aabkov 8 pp. Fun tr RUSSIM, so per$ Zhw ObWwh KUM, Vol XMI NO I., 19,56: m.P 146-152- OTA 9000404 0, Rsol No M. COMMItanto RM-eau SOi *- ChsmiA27 sap 56 M 61-12671 .Val ashko, Ye. G. and Grurn-Grzhiniaylo, S. V. y THE COWR OF CORUNDUM AND METHODS USED 1. Corundum- -Color IN ITS STUDY. [1960] 17p. 2. Corunduin--Test methods Order irom ATS, $23.95 ATS-60N147R 1. Valvashko yc~ G'. 11. Grum- GrAilataylo, 5. V. Trans. of Akad[einiyal Nauk SSSR. InsElitut) 111. ATS-60M47R Krisi[allografiij. Trudy, 1953, V. 9, no. S. p. 111- 12% ted Technical Inc. , East Orange, N. 1. Wfi.. of T.,h.kA S-;... (Physics- -Solld Ftate, TT, v. 5, no. 7) T'Ite Forging Dam of fleat-Resisting Steel Tn4r.otF.;, Ov ~_, ~!-- V~alyavk~in. RU-I;ST-A:-7,, per, Kuznechno-Shtmmpo7ochnOyc Proiz, Ho 7, 1960, pp 8-13- BIBI 2281 Sci - HQSr /74 oct 61 Table of contents of the i"book an the Duration of the .-forking Day and Furloughts of Work- ors Employed in the Public Health Service, by K. N. !alyayeva, 7 pp. PWISSIXII, bk, Spravoeftnik o Rabocho'go Dnya i Otpuskaidi rancniya, 1063, pp 190-194. Prodolzldtollnosti R~otnikov ZdravaaWi- JPRS 27222 sci-Mise USSR See Jan 65 271,233 New Technology Should be Introduced at a Faster Rate, by 14.,-Ya13mxg3mL.4 pp. RUSSLO, per. Narod Khoz Kazakh,, 11o 4p iq~oj pp 88, 89. 9693 USSR ECOU Aug 61 he PoBitloas of the Poles During the Terbiax7 Period a Detexulned Frm the Rammment Magnetization of ,looks in Nortbem Fergma by A. A. TO-;;MYS 3 PP. ASSIAN,O per* Tz Ak Nauk WWr Bar Geof:tz., No 61 .190., pp 2213-221.5. set Apr 61 AQU 141:11*1,f3 d Baeory of Spit-Lattice P.Wdrupole Rolovatlot In Liquid BolutiOrm of 7-MmosagmUc Salts,, by K. A. -*Valyevs 6 pp- WJWIA'ff., per,, Zhw Ekswr I Te*ret Piz,, Val XXMI(lo), .,~$ pp jp~117, NO 1 (7)] 1 q6.- "i Azar I=% of Ftwx Gov Pb" - JEW sci -veb 6o la 9..* a 3 V/ Effect of the Shape of Molecules on the Magnetic Relaxation Rate in Liquids, by K. A. Valy ev. M. M. Zaripov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLII, No 2, 1962, pp 503-510. AIP Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV, No 2 Sci Sep 62 211.,663 Spin-lattlee Re2a=tloa and ftcUw INtgairtic Rescomwe of Rsre Surth Saltsj by :K.^,e Valy"s, Rosslas pers via met I Ketauaws Val v1s, so gv 1958o P 1,93. Navy gem/r-wo Sei - Min/met Sep 59 Oia the Theory. of LoCaltWIMa RelaXIMLOU of ftXa- WA ticISelt Solutimas by a. A. A3L'tshalar,, X. A - ygm pp. RUBSIMp per# Sur Va"r 1 Tom% FU# Tol MWa so 4 (IO)o 2."8f pp W709". AMM, Ust *--rdp &M My$ - am Tbl TM (35),P so it Sol - ph" Apr 59 K. A. vajyev~, 6 pp. per, Min.- E-Imper i Teoret FIXI., PIUSSP31, No 6, 195-9, PP 1711-3-1?49. Amr lr3t o" Jam La by "L'I. K. A. .RUEWQ, pcr, n-ur Nhmpt= i Tmomt 2it. do 3(9), 1958, ipp 678-684. kmar MlAt sov Myu V01 VIII(35), No 3 Apr 59 (FDD 20879) New Method for the Biological Detection of Agento Produced by Micro-organisms,, by T. Valyi-lagy,, I. Szilagyij, 0. Szabo,, 10 pp. HMARIAN, wo per, YAger1gleg Qmwtoomq " Vol V, No 4, Budapest, Jul 1953, pp 285-288. ciA/nD/u-6m EEur - Hungary Sci - Nedp Diol, microbiology N--t,bylation Throue# Plant rind Aniriai Tiesuez), by T. Valyi-Nagy,,16 pp. Z-- ~!"ull translation. CMI-110; per., IrIzeeAechrift fur Vitam -, Hormonund Vermentforechutkg~ Vol it No 3-4s PP 217-227- C-V%/IMDfX-?92 ~3cientific - Biology, plants, animal Mt % Y 5 3 0 MI- / f7~ (FDD 29246) liew BioloZical Methoi for De-Itecting the Eff-ective Agents Prmluced by 111croorgani8msjp )~ by Tibor. V . Imre Sz-nanri, Gabor Szabo, 3.0 VI). MNGARIANp - bimo per, Kulculep2ccmt a Kiserletes Orvostudcmai3v, Vol V, Ro 4, Budapest, f�~3, CIA/FDD U-9212 Mur - Hungary Sci - 14--dicine Rov 10,56/CTS (NY-1374) The Diagnostic and Therapeutic I W rtance of WiOactive IsOtOPeS in the Hospital of Internal Diseaseso by Z. M- Val ki )T~84-17 Pp RUSSIM., per., VOYennO Medit-Zhurj, No 3, 1960. JPRS 5280 Sci - Med Sep 60 A iligh-Spead Photoncorder vith Filatmut optics and an Electra-Wcal Ccaverterp by X* A. Vatlyus, Go So Arush=av* IWSIA.4v pers, AN SSSR. Xonissita PQ N&uchn2E rotaqxafiy Kinenal rotunfiYa Val IX9 1964,p Vp 33-36 P100218967 5ci-,tthvd Equip Aug 67 Chapter XVI. The Raster Heacuring Instrummot, by N. A. Valyus j 20 PP. RUSSIANj bk,, Raitrovays Optiks (Ruter Optics).* moscow, 1949, pp 366-379. CUbW/X-1574 USSR ScLeatif Lc - Moice / f lif% 0.0 ow 66/mr 1955 0g F/ the ContimLous RNMUM Movement of the F13.mj,- (Communication 121) ~y- N. A. Vdlyusp 4 pp. UNCWBIFM. RusSUN., per, Trudy NMI, No 10, 1947p pp 77# 78. CU/-vM/X-142P- Scientific - Physics 17mr Principle of pramc:Leas 14otion-Ficture Reprodu ation.9 (do-amnacation 125)s by M. A. Va 5 UrMASSIFIX RUSSIM, per, Trudy R No 10P 1947, P.P 105-109,t aA/%rw/x-1421 Scientific - Physics (DC-2800/31). Igrxored Standards Lead to an Accident (Aircraft 1.4jaintenancc ead inspection, by V. Valyuzheulch, 3 PP. RUSSLAN, np; Sov--t3l-.aya Avlatsiya, 26 jun i.96o, P 3. JMS 3997 USSR Mil Oct 60 004875) LOWIM VE COST OF PROIXXTION IN GGX LIVEPOCK RAISIMS BY YE. VALWMIOij, 9 PP, MMIAN,, PER* K04"ISTS, NO 9iv LAS PP ". 4. ," 1%580 usm ECON JUL 62 2406%6 A FULLY TPAWfSTQRlgeD IWATRIAL TGAVIS101 MSUN* BY KAML OP. oww4m.fa UK OP& CZE.Cnjv KN MUDWO TCMlrA* VOL X# 010- 10o 10,0 pp 3680370. SO t&WOOMICS wa 63 MOOR Thermal ine-jign of Ferrite -Zesuna"ce isolnl.ors~^ ,-j V Vamber, )~iv- T, V, ,,helulchina. d, 7 RZ,':-ij.0t.0,7hn4I-a, Vol XITI, NO ATE E mar 62 Cp R ,0- a 11 jelaution of' a ibbed Gr -Ixi I fji- Js V.,:tffcc!7*'dY, 13 Py- -per, 6, 1960, pp 9330-937. Pill /,~a 33 3/ Automatic Equipment for Calibrating Platinum-Platin- orhodium Thermocouples, by Vambo Pak, Yu. 1). Krinskiy, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel Tekh, No 1, 1962, pp 29-32. ISA Sci 213,671 Aug 62 Xlero-kri-sewimater, 'oy 1,%. Preuudi, A. Vamoo. G-Lnj,-*U,.U,p par., Erdo-al und Kohles Vol VII3:,, No 3-0p 1955.1 PP 895-898- A '~d? I Tech and Cc= Tr 3 I'd.0 $48.00 Scientific - Fue"j-rwVe&w; ragineering DMIAPumt Trends Of the Paper WiwLry in Hungp-xy,, by Qyorgy Vbwa,, 3.5 y9o MMUMN., ]per$ Kozgnd=WL szemac, Ifo Vno 19(e; pp 868-M. am 3=9 BE - HumepW --;~ / 5,~ ~1.7 9, r4m Oct 6P- SHAMANISM, BY B. y&wiLov. RK 8 pp. PPift2E. R' NAUKA I RELIGIYA, NO 7, L962, JPRS 15674 USSR soc OCT 62 215,oo56 Russian Game Reports - Vol II. Muskrat, 1951-1955. Increase of Food Production and Improvement of Nesting and Shelter Conditions in Muskrat Habitat in the Selenga Delta (Fast B~tilml District), by V. N. Vampilov. RUSSIAIT, perY Voprosy Biologii rushnykh Zverey i Tekhniki Okhotnich'yego Promysia (USSR), Vol X1- XIV, 10151-1955. 6rder from Queen's Printer, Canada Sci - Biol Jul 59 OTS 1, 12 by Sam %*01400 Vol X16 czuraf two a loalf-W, . " ~ Ona I f'olymuclear Heterocyrlic CcoDounds. V1. 4,6-Mpbeayl- 2,3(CO)-'R--azoy:Lenepyrindine., by 0. Ya. Vanag., G. ya. Ozola., 7 PP. - MUSSIMi. par., Zbw OWhch Xhlmp Val XXMt no 42 !962.. Ka ~" 51-U58. CB Sai J~m 63 232P863 Plocculation of Slurry-Containing Wat-er iii Collieriae, by E, Leclerc, F. Edeline, R. Van Achter. FPJMCH,p per, Chemie et Industriep Vol LXXXI, No 4., 1959, pp 509-514. im Aa849 8 .823 wzur - rrance Econ Aug 61 Liet No 41 7~ TLV Ftmotua at mmuntma B%U%w U OWWWAC cbe=i#tx7.. tV J. ven AlVbm. GMWP PWS 0 v" 534 I%Bv pp 17-2410 mm Tram 8v ma J. van Alphen 392203 &d . cbedow ftr 6T Fock Self6-Consistent FieN for the Vasitive Ion of Carbono by V. Ve V=agas and to to Glembatsklyt at at# WSSIAN, per. Trudi Ataftella Nuk Utuskoi SSR, Ser B. Val 1110 1935s pp 4-r. Two= MM T-A-SO6 v scl~ Sept 66 310jS7S TT-65-12251 Fietd 7C ~Vanaze- G.; Lode, A. EXPERIMENTS ON NMMYDRIN PREPARATION FROM 2-NITRO-INDANDIONE-1.3. 7p. 12refs. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12251 Trans. of Chemiscbe Berichte (Germany) v71 p1267-72 1938. 1. Vanags. G. It. Lode, A. NIR 628 TT-65-12250 Field 7C Vanags, G. fH-E 2-,,aTRO-INDAN'DIONE-1.3 AND ITS SALTS. 9p. 18refs. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12250 Trans. of Chemische Berichte (Germany) v69 p1066-74. 19360 1. Vanags, G. NIB 628 Closure Cap of Elastic Plastic, by Paul S. Van Fwarri, 8 pp. DUTCH, Patent bb, 103,W9. Dept of Comm Patent Office USSIL Scl-Engr Aug 65 288,072 *tau Gras arid Long-,' by G, IN, 3-6 i960, Roks F. lolimi 0 cc!-a Tar Rcn AGsoc Nov i)Y a. van c4ordi;, J., Adawp Is. W PA-mmues MML Vol lxvt Of mvy Tr INT/Ruc 65 b51- ~W. Gl;a"iu-,~: ;'iff-tisiWI, 1.), r~~t, S*Clli. Jcv. Ret., Ati-C Van craeynesf, -`i2270$1~, VA i~'J, 219.2 P671 vaIt, :tQv New Gor=lc Ultrasonic Transductor3 snd Their Coupling to a Liquid, by C. I'1. VWI~B~ur. MOM, rpt, Intemntional Cr-egress on Acoustics 3rd, Proc,, ZEMM pp IM-1221 INSDOC/T.5198 SCA-P-hys Aug 63 -0el / 5-~I 7