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pro&WUOU of 9.Vinyl Pyftdlwt by L. D- GluzaUls R. M. Taln, 4 PV- RUSSM,, per* Koko 1 031m# NO -11, !961. CIBA .I w1 jui 62 204.o3W mamO-~6vttre of: Industrial Fyrene, by L. D. Gluzm=p A. G. Rikitenko, R. K. Tsln~ 4 pp. XiUSSD , per, Kau I Miim,. No is 1961, 1*, 52-55. cm _z-- Sci / K 1~ '~ 4-1~ S--2-1 Aug 61 BEIRG, Zavodskaya laboratoriya, vol. 6, 450 words.; 1937. Determination of Titaniur, and Titaniiun i)j,o:dde in Acid H-3s'Lstinl- ZAeels. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 1.287, ~P'1-00. 1,,7 The Tanwxy System From Lithium and SodItim Prcpionates ana Hitrates, by N. X. Tdin&-iR' N. M. Sokolov, 6 pp. RUSS7M,, per,, Zhur Mahch Khim, Vol XXVIII, No 5, 1958, PP 1404-1409- Consultants Bureau Sci - Mem Jul 59 '~~ 3 .3 '-) 3 Y Ternary Conjuaste Syntem of Lithium and Sodium Bytyrates and Nittetesp by V. M.- To,1Ddr.1kj 9. M. Sokolov$ 6 pp - RUSSIAN., per# Zhur Obshch Xhim,, Vol XMTXj, No 7,, 1958s pp 1728-1732. conglultanu B1w sai - Chem Sep 59 41a, r44 Layering in Ternary Reciprocal Systems of Salts of OrEnnic and Inorganic Acids, by A. 14. Sokolov, N. M. Taindrik, 0. 1. Dmitrevskaya, 3 ppo 1~ T351A,,, per, Zhur Obsheb Kh1m, Vol XXK1, ho 4, 1961, PP. 1051 - 1055 C13 sai .Apr 6-? Terna::-j Reciprocal System of UtUum arr'l ScdJ.-v.-.a Forun-tes and Witrates, by N. H. Taindrjkt-j- vi-,. RUSSLARp per.. Zhur %shch Rhim, Vol XXVIII, ro 31 1958p PP 830-834- '.'~%Ttaultsnts Bureau Sci - Chem 'MMY 59 e Accumulation of Sugara in Wheat Lgiavas Und.'Er the Influence of X-Hey irradiation.. by 1. P.. Vauillyev, H - D. WbaVxa, To in SM-Yun, 3 -pp - RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauh. SSSR, Vol CMX, No 1L; 1958., pp 62--64. A=r Inst of Phys Soy Pbys - Doklady Vol In, No 2 Sci - Phys .Jul 59 17 -9 / --w- 1 '13 The TUstcch-m!ical ChareateristiaG of Prc).,a-. Of by W. V. TsinZer, V. A. Poddiftsya-Arr-ol'd..~.. Dck Ak Nauk ESS M-, Vol aVIII., '-TO 3, 1958, pp 60-(-. I=er L-~St of B101 Scl Sci - Biol ju 59 1121- 2 /6 1 Histochemical Data Characterizing Physiological Functi of Membranes of Pollens, by N. V. Tsincrer, T. P. Petrovskaya, RUSSIAN, bk, I Konferentsiya po Voprosam Tsito- Gisto'khimii. Doklady, Dekabrya 1960 goda, 1960, pp 49-51. JPRS 71 Sci - Med 9 Mar 61 ~-! vl~ I [IM-1;mI .~ T-, (DC-3000) Tae Educet,,jonsi- Fj= for Elementary Toacber Lmtitixtes Since 196o.. by Teodosi Tsingiliov5, 9 _MP a BULGARUN., per., Narodna Prosvetaj Vol XVIIp no ii., ig6i., pp 91-96. ipw im6 EL'ux - Bul6arla soc ]Feb ea 7ae 1rens IniTt.--nee a2 Lhe lffydroxo-Group in D~''Lllatinum(IV) Isomers, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, W. ff. Zhellgovskays, V. A. Tsingister, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim Vol V, No 12, 1~j6o, pp 2690-2699. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci jan 62 Raise the Level of the Technical SXPI(Atatima Rad4C) Relay Contera, by 1. A. TcluGa*mutov, A. C., Lordhipanifte, 5 PP. RM0,13SAIN, per,. Vestnik Svyazi. No q.. 107, rP 15. JFRS 6,250 Sci Dec 60 TaInItov, M. hZbILK FOR THE INCREASE IN PRoDucTION AND INCOME FROM THE DAIRY. [19631 [20p) Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 60 IT-64-10333 Trans. of fffkon-ika Sel'skogo Khozyalstval (USSR) 1953 [v. 241 no. I I. p. 27-3& DESCRIPTORS: industrial production, @Milk, oBovines, Money, OAgriculture, Economics. Tr-64-10353 1. Tainkov. M. (Agriculture--Animal Husbandry, TT.Y. Lt. no. 0) OM- f T-h.1-1 S.-I- The Green and Bra= Colors of Synthetic Quwtz Cx7stals by L. I. TaInobers L. 0. Obanteova,, A. A. Shtiernburg, 5 Im-. RUSSM, Rost Erlatauov.. Vol TI.- 1959.- pp 61-0, CIA 0 ,56 3.9509 Cmsultente Buradu acl 0 U, ~( ;.I Apr 60 .2 of bi L. I. Tsinc~oqz') Iu. G. Cbruntso-va, RUSSIAri, par, Kristallograftya, Vol lIT, 633..635- IMF T-i4i 9093175 ,SC4 On the Growth of SorbitoMexacetate Ynnocryst-ols, by 14'. IS, Roza L. -A. Taindber. RIJ3133101,9 bk, Roat Kristanov.# 1957,, pp 287-293. ATIC F-;I-,9-q447/V Sci - Chem Oct, 59 KM OF IM YUMMOWAYA VAWS WtUt A 00XV1Y OF 4400AW Wx BT Is L* 'MILVW * M M mmlool mo "EMCKNIVE STO"141 ~o 4: AMC 1263v 00 84 1 - I im $080 1.1 um EMN SW 63 rzop-a~---tjes of 1111o'k-1horychlor =d ClUorophon" Aea-oso'ls, by G. S. Tsin.-*tadzoj E. V. Shnoicb:var, 1-Br, 211-ar 1-1-jkr-obiol, Epi!!=-.~! i limaunoMWL, 'Vol )=,, '"'o 6. 1959, pp 52-57. sci Aug- 6o T! II I "---l 111- 1, ArIm-roo--jr, for Colorations, 1,y 2 D~G 0l .Mu--M~ -pore !~Vnll' lli~,Cd, "'ol 195-1.o PPP 122.p 123- comnull=ts k4~ N.T a_ Oct jul HistUL-d Of D, 8" ufuc; -a" uy Ll:~E~sc of, R 1P.c.:3S.'alaGers in thr-, Uon Cb,--lfoL-.cG aj)d A-ppaya-tus usea on tiiz-- D-=Lng thz: Cholera Epidenic of iL3e:-Ij~,:-,;~ by 'S. IC,)-Laadze LuA G. G~ RUSSIAIII: per, Zilur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Immunobiol, -voi m, rw 6, 1.959, PP 87-90d pp Sci Aug 6o ell Interaction of an Icn Beau With a IT plC D. G. Li ainad-ze, ,S,:I- i. L. Tsint u :111, - RUSSI-plil, i)er, Zhur Teldi Fiz, Vol =I, il'o D AIP Sov Plays Te ch Plays v o1 VI) Sci 11 jr, n 2- log,o46 On the Ibeory of InteracUon of Wwmo sin a Plea=, by I* A* Dmudlyas, lit Le Zo-~taa~"j RUSSMp perj, Iz Vyonh Ucbeb Zwred., f1mUoVap Vol vals, No I, 1964o JPRS 25168 sai jun 64 MACRO" 261J. Nile T ongritudinal Vibra'" on u of Mectron-T on Beam t3 P by R. V~ Polovin, 17. L. Tsintsadze., pp. RUSS-11"N' per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVTI, No 11, 1997;~ pp 2615-2623~ Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phys Vol II, No II Sci - Physics Jul 58 Mbtion of a Charged Fazticle% and a Charged Disc ThrouGh an Electron-Ion We=; by 'N. L Tuinties4zop 6 pp. IMMIM, p,-*rt 2hur Wifa Piz.* Vol XxKP Ifo 8p 3%960.0 pp 913-919. Alp say Mrs-Tech Rwa Vol V. no 8 sci - 7 Apr 61 R. V. i;o1ovizip IN. L. Tsintsad,,ea ',,, pp. RUSSIO, per,. Zhur Ek-aper i Teoret Fin, No 3,o !(~58, pp 637--642. Amir 'Ainst, of Phys Sov Phyc - JEWP Vol VIT (34), No 2z:,.* Cet 58 cerenkov Generation of k6romaguetic and Magnetoacmwtic Waves In a Rarefied Anisotropic Plamm., by K. L. Tainteaze, A. D. Fataraya,, 9 pp. MISSIM, per, Zhur Takh Fiz, Vol MM,, lo 10,, 1960p PP 1178-1185. Alp 807 Pbys-%Dh Pbys Vol V, No 10 Sci .k-pr 61 Simple Uavo3 in thu Chaw-Gold-borgar;-Loxy Approxirutiou,, by I. A. Akbyazorj. R. V. Polovin, N. L. Taintandto., 3 pp. RUSSM, per,, Zhur Rhoper i Tmwat Fizo Vol =11, No 3(9),. 1959P PP 756-759- Amer I=t of M." Soy Pb3m -J=, Vol XKKVII(lo)" r0 3 Sai Apr 6o Determimtion of a Relativistic Electron Beam Sbape, by H. L. TwIntsadze., 3 pp. RUSSIM3 per, Zhur Tekb Fiz, Vol XXIX, go 1, 1959j, pp 24-26. Amer Inst of RM gov FAYN - Tech Fh'yu Vol IV, No I Aug 59 On Small Oscillations of an Electron Beamo by R. V. Polovin, N. L. TsIntsadzes 8 ppe IMSIMp per,, Zhur Takh TIzp Vol XXVII, No 7,, 1957P pp 1466-1473- Amer Imat of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phys, Vol II s, No 7 Sci - Phys MY 58 LOCAL APPLICATION OF COLD IN CASES OF INFLMIATORY HYPERBilAj BY V. V. TSINTSADZE, 9 PP. RUSSIAN, PERy SOOBSHCHENIYA AK NAUK GRUZINSKOY SSSR.. VOL XXIX; NO 2, AUG 1962, PP 229-234. JPRS 16459 SCI MED DEC 62 218,062 Gf the Behavior of Cu:-,ip'Lex Compaundu of pC, ;;rid Gadiaiuxi in Amanitm. Garbor ato Soliations. ai~ jlesins~ by P, Alimarin. P Duriaka:, 3 pp F~ Tjt,,~ Vol V; 110 1. 1.9~ZQ: A 1.23 U 'nstru Snc Of t7,cr ContairdrC, Hydraiiiialic At:.-A-d. -T- P. 17 L. T, lil.117.olayovaq, Pr-l w166 L~i4' -Iron No 2, 1959, If kla Its ;iz Kbirn, N Pro IMI T I,6 90,93 Sci Tov 61 -f I b lon-EXCASlZe S Cmtaining Hydrogren Halido, e SolutiM icls, 14UM by Ye. P. P. Allmarl , L. 1. Ililmlaevas 7 PP- RUSSIM, perp Vest Moolm Us YAtematilm) pxekhanika., Astronomia; Fizika, IllmiieL:. 110 23 19591 PP 189-1-97- mw T-146 sci - jui 61 ;;70 C&I and its. Substitutes as Todmoloalmd 19LIVIA=ts ill the &Ttravjw of Light AUayss 1w 1. P. TdnUlin, 16 pp. -,tmsiu, Part kg-dwagiga AzbDvkI7 it Do .57# 19630 FIW16816-a- Liapt TT-65-26909 Field 7C Knunyants. I L ; T-Ln-Yun C.,. Gambaryan, N. P. A-N' Wi.~"Lft=i~CETON NIET VER- REACTIE V 1. Centre Beige de Traductions, BD:DD;GE',' DIE ACTIEVE METHYLEENGROFPEN Brussels (Belgium) BEVATTEN. Tr. by G. Verbandt. 31). CBT-HI-198 . Order from CBT as CBT-IB-198 Trans. In Dutch of %'Seso)-uznoe Khimicheskoe Ob- shchestvo. Zhurnal (USSR) v5 n1 p112-3 1960. Another trans. is available in English from ATS $3.50 as ATS-961,'55R, 1961, 3p. European Translations Centre a- 6-t c6 The Coxwse of Exparimantal CamUdKianis (HouRlasis) of the Luna Following X-Irradiation, by A. V. Taluzzerlingi, 5 PP. 'ITMIM, per, Ybdit Radiol, Vol VI, A FO 3, 1961. JIM 11242 Sci - B53d /7 -/ -Z Dee 61 ' 161 The Effect of Chlortetracycline on the CauTaa of Expevir,,nt-al Candidomycosis of the Lungs in Maite Rais. Co=unication U. Experiments With Prelirm-Inary Administrntion of Cblortetracycllre, by A. V. Tsinzerling, 3 PP. CB Sci Jun 61 /5-~/ &/) Tha Effect of C!2-lortetremleline on the Courlie al~ Exper-Imirtal CandideWcosis of the Lungs in White Rats. Commanication 1. Experimntip in Which,vaayclino lien Injeeted SinwltanevuOy vith Infection by a Culture of qM4LdA Ajjiq4Da4 zy RWBIM,, per.. Bya VL*er Blol I Reds Vol XFAM-Lt No 6j 1959P PP 33-37- Consultant 16 Bumau 40 7'r 7' Sci,, rob 60 Tile Difluence of U, ula. Ge, jU hiipurities on the lh~j.nn:Ln- of Artuif-icial Q~iartz, by E. V. Tsinze-Ijuv- 5 rip - RUSSWIT, per, Kri-stallor-raf, Vol IX., No 1, J-an, Feb 1964, pp 69-73. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Plrjs-CxTstal Vol IX, 1", 0 1 sci Sep 6h, Artificial Stabilization of the Q=rtz Lattice., by E. V. 6 pp. r 19JESLO, per, Doklady Akad Na4h SM, Vol XV, 7 No 3, 1954, PP 5297 530- su, Tr R-90 Sci - Chemistry WX 58 62- 1642(, Tsinzerlivj, E. V. ~r 0 N 0 F - r I i E H A. A NO 1, Twirmir., FRAGILrn' OF GR~%IINVL_;~R AND 1. T~in7.~!rlinv, 1:1 SECTORLNL COMTOSITION bY INIPRESSION METHOD~ (19621 6p. 3 refc~. Ord~~r from OTS or SLA $I. 10 CQ-16426 Trans. of AkadQmiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1948, v. 60, no. 6, p. 1033-1030. DESCRIFrORS: *Quartz crystals, Trans format I ons, Hardness, NI,_,cbanic3l prop,.~rties, Fracture (Mechanics), Crvstal structure, Colors, Illumination, X-ravs. C 102 #2 3 1 .5 Dark-colored and similar components of quartz crys- tals, colored by X-rays aru subjected with difficulty to the twinning Process under beta passes over to allim (Physics- -Solid Sra~e, passes over to beta tra ns formation; they differ by 'FT, v. 8, no. 8) smaller micro-ftardness and greatcr heterogeneity and fragility from the colorless a;~.,! ii,:ti7 -)],! -t components. (Author) Residual Stresses in Glass and quartz., by E. V* TOsinexerling, 4 pp. RUSSIM., per.. ?Iuisu V-0 Mineral Obahch QMR 0 M 2nd series, pt. 79. No 3) 195 . pp W3 Sci Museum Lib Do 51/2155 - London F~ 0- '1'1 Outside the Earth (Beyond the Planet Earth), by K. Tsiolkovsky, RUSSIAN, bk. *Pergamon Press Aug 59 .1 lav,aaa Uj-_--ition of Cuter Smc-- by Jet by FU SMY11-1j, bkl Sobraulya Sochlucaiy ReaL-Umya WtatollKie A-Dpllauty.,~ 1701 il" 195'1'-.. vp ATTC Sai - tormuWcAcs Dee c 6 .0 Collected Works Of K-N~,._Tslo~"skiya by Prof it., ij.. KosmodemOyanskiy, 30,--PP.- RUBSIM,, bk'q SobrannM Sochinenjy& K. g,, Tsiolkov- skogo# 1954, i ~ ;' : j -- _? a, CIA/FM UT-6994 USSR ice ; Rocket dynwAcqd, metetorojor Sci - Aeronaut y DO nor PUT IN ems 421 The Influence of the Nature of -the Cations rnnd Ar.,,c)!i,-- OM thc Solubilitty of Titanium Tetrachl=idc I lielts, by L. A. Taiovkina, 14. V. Smirno-T. RUSSIAN, per$ Zhur Reorgan Khim, Vol IV., 110 1, 19"19, pp 158-162. The Cleaver-Hume FrCa3 Ltd Sci - Chem jan 6o concerning the Paper by V. V. Kafarov., L. A. Gordievsky "ftzie Principles of the Choise of a Solvent for the Sepwation of Aseotropic System by the Extractive I= DistillaticM Method".. by I.N. Telvarle. RUSSIAN., perj, Zhur Prit Xhiza, Vol XXIX, No 8, Aug 1956, PP 1301, 1302. ConsultantaBiarea, Se i - Chem Jul 57 I I I'.. - ... - - -.-I.....,"..".... I.- ... .... Measurement of Fligh-Frequemy Fields in by S. P. Kapitsa, Yu. M. TEd nip-21 pp. IIUSSW,!, rpt, I-JILt Po - --I-- LWOW% 1963. 9226337 AEC-SLAC-Tr-10 SCI-Eic= Feb 65 274.260 A WrLvarsal Plnv,;-, for tlit~~ Automatic G- -s- Shielded Arc 14'elding, of Rotatable joints In Small Diameter Tabular by V~ S. Sali=n, !a, 1. T5:ipenV4ik~ A. V. it pp: RUSSLAH, per, Avtoulmat jrkal~'Nc 11, 1960, P-.0 57-6.1, Sep 0-1. The I'dkaline Phospilatuse Activity of the Tiosurer, EU-1d the Prim--dial Germ Cells DurinE; the Daby-yonic Develop,ment of the Mouse, by S. M. Tsiper, 3 PP~ tmmm., per, Byal Zksper Biol i Mcdc, Vol ~MVIII~ No 10, 1959, PP 85-89- CB Sci ju 6o i 62-33270 I'sipcroii-h ~) S. ind LoWva, A~ L. j G,-,C)L;PS IN -111E NL~CROSTRUC- 1. T-1per0vich, U. T1,TRE OF i-,CTEIN. [1961-1 [131p. 2S refc, A. 1- Cl "S 0- 51-A $1. 60 62-:3270 Ill. F;-~*n;]-~rions, Nex ',',Drk 'Trans. uf Bioklumidinvi Yhurr,.ai 1960 [,,-. 321 no. D E: 1 iTOR ': 'A-ines, qrrucu:re, "ro- M1,15, *P1,15;T12 ~rCECIJIS, Biodlemistv, 'I'rypsmn, (Biolollical Ff, v. 9, no. t,) Office cf Ttc.N,:cz! Transient- Pb=omm In Mae Mmdtsp by:K. T RUWWs,--ZWa to Alr -Imtra Ufo ftt IR-985-51, AA Paris. AAF 35W Scientific - Aercoantloo CIA COrtrol-NO. I-= Supple cansmom awol" am Stvity orf StaXe Culture of Heart of hkcnoa Cynomolgu,B in Experimentg on Rats$ by A. P. Savinov, L. B. Tsipkin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Voprosy Onkol,, Vol V1, no 3., 1960,'pp 27-34.. pp SOL '5 xw 6o Density of state& of Conduction Elaeuvwj In Ferro- magnetic Waterialo* by A, V. bokelor, S. M.'Ttripiej 3 pp. RUSSTAN., Bi-.o per, Zhur Fasper L Teoret. F;Lz, Vol MIII,- Mar 1955p pp .321-395. ciA c 406 , American Inat of Physics 57 East 55 St. Rev YorL., 22, V. Y. Scientific - Phyaics '? I,6 'q ry An EVertment In Caladad% the Wig Raniolaze of the Populadon an the Musk-1 Computer, 1w V. Shurakov, Yik* Tgnp, 10 M RU-SSL%N, pero StagW. No 2, 1964, pp, 6.11-72. JPRS 24373 USSR Ecan May 64 257,091 'I Blec"'zor-a&c.cuon of Vctivc-?,u at the I.L-rcuz-y Cathode in VfecUa with Different pU VfOaxesy by F. V. ZObovy V. A. Taiplyukwta.. 3 PP- vUS-SLAN~ pex-, Mar Obohc-h- n1m, Vol M, No 5j 1960, pp A-17-1419. CB Sci jul 61 The Adsorption Klwtlcs and rateractlan of Hydrown amd Cumen an Platimm.. by P. K. WSW; V. A. Talplyakma, 5-Pp. - RUSISIM, Per., M= PIZ Mdm.. No 6, 1960, PP U53-1160. Cleaver-Hure Pmas Sci kmr 61 - I'LIA74, -47-77 14 Some Fivblews of Stamping 5intered Alimilmun Powdca:~z Shee4 by G. S. Sakharov, 1, P. ~~i'l et dd. 8 Aw. oc RUSSIAN, per, Kuznechno-ShtawLovodi PEglza NR) 7, 1964. pp 16-18. JPRS 27004 scl - MA I Nov 64 268,98 Bie 'Fherml C=ducti-vity and Uscosity a Zircmium and Hafnium Tetrachloride Vapors Over the Temperature Interval 30D-70-00C. by V. 1. Tsiml Inik L. 17. EmIssarom., 3 pp. -- !i!s~ RMSIANO per, DA A Mwk SSSRj, Vol CXXXU, no 6, 1961, W 1389-1391. CB j= 6e Angular Distribution of - Annihilation of Positrons, Tsirellsonp UNCLASSIFIED. quanta Formed during the N. A. Vlasov, E. A. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LIX, No 5, pp 879 - 882, 194T.- Sci - Nuclear Physics Navy Tr 429/NRL 370 oct 1951 CTS 0 ...... ...... Relation Between Microseismic Fluctuatlans aid tbe Position of Cyclones Over Ocems., by Ye. F. Clavaremaldy, m .L a Ap Pmakiryakova,, V. G. ZM 10 pp. RUSSimy bimo per, Met I Gid~ !lo 6., Leningrad,, Nc*fNc 3.955j, pp 3.3-3B,, CTA/nD U-8280 usn' Sci - Geophysica 'AV 56/d--x .,,(-(.U-,'-CUorophonothiazyl)-Proploriia Synthesia of J' A-A01. nad Its barivatives and r---rivatlves o,-9' 41-H-Th-sno- thiazzy1propionic Acidj by N. V. Savitakaya, Yu. S. '.Tsirin, m. -n. 6 np. ITLISSIM., mo per, Zhur Obahch Xhim,. Vol No 10., octu 19.,,z66, pp 29oo-29o4. ConmItatrits Rirepra Sci - Chemistrv bhr 58 Of Of Gcme Neu i1niticholine ;"S'M-~Sy by iC, G. v Blo' V!~.,a, vol n:- Ho 8, PP 75-80- naii 58 The Mechanism in the Pj_wtensive EffeCt Df Mercaptox=thines.. by R. S. Tairkin, 6 pp. RMSIAN., per, Fiziol Zhur SSSR imeni I. M Sechenava, Vol XLVI, No 10., ig6o., pp 12ae-1286. pp Sci /0~71790 Apr 61 Modernization of Units of Slabbing Mill Equipment, by Tdirlin. RUSSLIN, mo per, Stal, So 3, 1957, PPI -2~49 USSR Econ Jan 58 The Forcing Operation From Movement by A. Tsirlin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Voyennyy Vostnik, No 10, 1963. ACSI 1-1614-J ID 2201421 sci Jan 64 / ~t 7 An Approximtion to Sp4--i%1 naity-brf-kitv,,,, Polynomials BY Ac MI. Teirlins, V~ 7 RUMAN,, pers Avtmat J Tolemakhp Vol XXIIIj, No I-Ij, 19620 pp. 1546 - 1552 ISA Sol Aug 63 'C'entering of Realizations of Digital Computers Ey Yu L. Klokov and ke 14. of 11andon Processes Ly ijeawi Tsirlin, pp. 5 H-USSIAN. par, Avtomat I Telemekh, Vol XXIVv 110 3., PP. h03 - 407 ISA .50:1 2-qo - q 12. act 63 (D.C-3901/34) (;~msi-Topological Method of Letter Recognition,, 4y V. A. Garmash, V. S. Pereverzov, V. H. Tsl~:Ilu, 6 pp. .RUSSLIN, perk Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdal Tekh Nauk, Emergetika i Avtomat, No 31 1960, pp 180-182. JFRS 6633 Sai - Hisc 1,3 F~ IF 3 J~ Feb 61 A TTacking Scam r., by V. A. IRE Geawah, V. S. Varcverzen-Orlov,~ V. M'L~ixu~mt~ 1m- RMIAN., per, Iz Ak Nauk SOEM.7 GtAal Takh Nauk,, Raermt i Avtomat., No 1, 1961j. NPX7&& pp 166-3-70 ipm 9740 Sol - Electrm 2 Ang 61 16A 0 1 v lwvestigatioa of the Compositions of Vapor- Liquid Equilibrium Phases in the System Furfural- Methanol-Water, by K. P. Andreev and Ya. A. Tsirlin, 9 pp. RUSSLU,'mo per, Zhur Prik Khim Val XXVY-I,, No Apr 1954, pp 402-412. CIA C 36934 Consultanto bizeau Scientific - Chemistry x 71 av'? M 73/00t 55 Lwaineacence Properties of Cesium Iodide Crystals Grown from a SuWheataed Melts by To. A, i3irlia. V. Is StAvUers Lo H, Salfars 3 PP RMSIMp per$ Optika i Spektrop vol vins No 4,, 1960s Rp 537-540 fty 61 S,,Iap,-d oll' the Compton Spectrum of an Organic Fllompl%3r, by Yu., A. Tsirlin, L. N, Shishava, 2 pp~ RUSSLUT, per, Priborl i Tekh Eksper., No 3, 1962, PP 59-61. ISA s let - ol 5~1 141L 63 Studies of Liquid-VeLpor Equilibrium in tho Syet-cm Furfural Water Acatic Acid, by Yu. A. m3irlin.. 7 pp. FMSSIAN, 9 , Zhur PrIk Maim, Vol XXXVj No 2p 1961., pp . .415. CB S c -.3, -un 63 w 233P963 Vapor-Liquid Squilibrim at Elevatead Preor-urea iri the system F=-i!ural-Water., by E. F. Malnilmv, Ya. A. Tsirlin', 4 pp. MSSIMO Mo per., M= Prik Xhim, Vol =: No 9.. sep, 1956., pp :L456-1459. Consultants Dixesu, Sci - chemistry ..4-3 16 ~ SeP 0 57 Concentration of Furfural in the Steam of Self- Evaporating Elydrolyeate Without Consumption of Beat., by ft. V. Chalovil N. P. Hellnikov, Yu. A. T I R. S. Postnikova, -715ZkWll RUSSIAN,, 8 x yr per,'Gid i le-a Prom, Vol IX, Fo 6, 1956, pp 8-10. CIA= 9012873 USDA Sci - Chem Oct 57 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Partial Condensation fcw the System Methanol Furfural-Water-Acetic Acid, by H. F. Malnikov, Yu. A. Tairlin, 6 pp. BUSS=, pvr, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 8, Aug 1956, pp 1159-1163. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem e;4 57 ~7wl Jul 57 X%k DisrArslaa DeatectGra of FaRtu fleutromy by Yi:..- A. -T&irl4-np 9 r(M.3 Zhur Takh Tiz~ Vol'XXIKp NO 40 3.959) r Alp Sw Phys-Tecai Phya Vol IV, No Nov 59