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On Datandulas MagmUe and Aaftric Field* 19(m, Thin, FIbw und sb*uss by to. 4%, Toottliat RLWZAN,p Mj, Zhur Vokb Visp' Vol XXWZZZ), Na 6,# ;VAP sow P40 - IN* ftwo 16 Sci - Phys Fab Converatons of Phosphocreatine in the Drain Tiocue of Rats.,_~y L. A. Toeitlin, 8 pp. RUSSL41T., bL= perp BickW=,, Vol XMI., Ho 3., Ilwcow/ LeninGrad., MY/Jilil 1953o PP 3U-314 CLOMP-5789 LEM Sci - Hod Apr 54 cm On the Frdblem of Anzlyzing the Interaction of mu Electron Beam With a Traveling Wave, by M. B. Tseltlin, B. M. Illina,, RMIANj, per,, Radiotekbniku I Mgktronika, Vol V, No 4, 1960, pp 700-704. Jutemtl Phys Index Electronics Express Vol 3:Ip No 10 Sci - Electronics .1a 6 / 3 Aug 6r) Traveling I'lave Tube, by A.Z1. Kats and 1. B. Tseitlin RUSSIAN, bk, 239 pp. NLL REF: 0678.23F AD 663 875 m I P . 0- k - ~ ~ "I -" j July 69 383,421 Cwtain Prcblems la the Bebsvlpr of PWta Alatamta., by No L. Tsetlin 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, perp DDIt Ak Nauk SMp Vol CXXXIK,, No 4s, 1~61P PP 830-- AIP ,2e'7 gov Dok 190-1 Vol vii, No 8 sci vlar 62 fttrfts Imathod of Maysing-and-SytMwattithe Blantrce-Pulse wA He too by M. L. Tostuno- 9 pp. 9WVjo tbrlc*-uo Verg Dak Ak K&W 880, Vol c"11, no 6,, 1"To vp 979-9ft. - Sol El"troslas Sop 58 (NY-4341) On the Problem of Calibrating Radioastronomic Apparatus, by N. M. Tseitlin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per.. Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, MWO SSSR, Ser Radiofiz,, Vol II, No 5, 1959, PP 677-682- JFHS 5439 Sci Sep 60 1,7,3- 44-;s-za' T-vi Relation Between Configurati-crall Stability of Deoxy.-Libonualeic Acid and Its Molecular Weight (Problems of Radiosensitive and Radio- resistant frows of DNA), by V. S. Tongur, D. M. Spitkovskiy, P. 1. Tseit T P.P. S~~l ~ RUSSZAN, per, Biofiz, Vol v,-r, no 1; 1961. pp Sci '7 -Z jan 62 rat All-Union Conference on Nucleic Acids and Nucleorproteins,* by V. S. Tbngur, P. 1. ~Nplxt-iipf JSSIAIIT, per., Bysokmolelmlyarnyye Boyedineniyap Vol 5.p 1960, PP 817-822- JPRS 5387 ::I. - Hue Pbys -P 60 102 j 'n f, - '13bj,- tj .1 W. .- ~~ - A-- - ". , "-., ~ onu 0 a.-Id 1--opeottiAris P-1- Too, -AA" d: b~ Nlilmovp T.D. Sol-,01017aq 5 pp. -RU.SS-,AV, ps:-, BinkhImp Vol XXVIi 110 1.~ 1960J pp 129-1~4. CD v o v Some Effects Caused by the Two Coafigurationo of VWAj- by D. M. Spitkovkiy, P. I. Tseitlia,.V. S. Tongur, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biofizika, Val V, No 1) 1960, PP 3-15- pp Sci Aug 6A A0 % / -? //' z~/ Relation BeWem Holaftl" VArjh*10a Or Userc- molecules of Dwzkyribomaclela Aeld and 7b*Ir Phdimeasitivity. (probim of ths i" and Radloreslatant F of M&)v by P- I. .Teeitiluj, D, M. ftp:LUwwUy., W. P. 100dwakov IRMSIM, per, BI*M,# Vol Vp'la ka IL9Wx pp 393-397. Sol D-ateraination by a Viscoalmtric Rathod of itawa Folecmlw Weight of Deowjribosenucleoproteim and of the Moxyr1bosawaalelve- AcId Contaiumd In it* D. IL Mt"kiy, P. I- Iseitlin, 3 PP- IWSSXAX,v pwj, Blarlap Vbl =p No 3p 1958# PP 369-370- -pergum. Mut Sal-Ned Mar 59 Zoe I The TX f act o f bonucleJ c Aci d on tha Radlosensitivity of a(-Chymatr7psln In an Ax- tificial TAM -W -Chymotrypain Complex., by To Yuo Ugarovra, Po To Tseltling 3 PP F -IJSSTANg per. Ryul Eksper Biol I Med) Vol LO No 7j, 1960y pp 5.4-57. CB Sci 6(a IT ar 61 NxIernized NxIel of Electrophoresis Apparatua of the Experlmental Factory of the AcadmW of WdIcal Sciences, ~ USSR,. by M. P. Mnkeviah, N. M. Bardler, P. I. Tseitlin$ I p. RUSSM., per., Byul Mmper Blol. i Ned,, Vol XLI., No 4,, Apr 1956,p P 77- Consultants Bureau Oci - Medicine AW 57 CTS The Pole of Interruptions in Lonp,--Term-Stvength Taste, by I. I. Trunin. V. A. Tscitlinj G. I. Zeitm an, 5 rP- MSSIAN. rer. Zavad Lab. Vol MWII, No 1. 1961, ~6 - 70 ISA /gz J Sci Arr 62 Tempemture Depwdence of the MagDatostriction ---of -7erramgnetic AUoys,, by D. 1. VdIkoy_o V. 1. Cheebeernikov and T. B. Teeitlin, 10 pp. MBSIM, per, Mloskov Unlv Yeatnik, No 2, 1956s VP 21-28. SrA B-2324 eel e'~aj 4~ ) 1 Aug 58 1 magnetrostriction Tanerature DePend*nce Of rerrO- magnetic Alloys., by Do Io VOIXOV* V- 1. Cheabaraikovp V. B. T!a~it 10 PP. mjssnN.P ParrIVentn rv&klby 904001 vm4v"ww# No 21 1956t vp 21-Me 7d,5&0'LYY Nwris Do lPrieamn $5.00 Sci. - Pbyscis J,44 Dee 56 CTS Turbo-Platon Mthod for YAnsuring the Mss Flaw and Menalty cd Uqutdap by Ve G. Teeitlln,, 5 pp. -------------- RUSSIM, perp lzmeritel Tekh., No 20 :L964.p pp 34-36. IM Sal - oat 614 Flatation Imtr=ont for Ywaourims the man a:? r- Liquid, by K. I. ftrchikbin., V. G. Taoitlin's 4 pp. RTISSIM,, par, lzmritel Takh, Wo % 3.95S.. P") 26-213. lastru Soc of Amer sai Ayr 60 //I 14-P // Langzeitige Ausscheidungshaertung Einer Eisen-Chrw- Hickel-Kobalt-Legieru'ng, by V. S. Tseitlin, Me A. Filatovs. (unpubl tr) RUSSIAN to MM, per., Mataiiov obra mat, No 1, 1956j, pp 3.2 -18. Im 642 Inatitut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetaunganachveis Berlin, We 8 Unter den Unden 8 Apr 6o Tseldin. V. 7_ Filatova, M. A. and others. HEAT-RESISTING ALLOY (El7f5) FOR TRANSPOI AND STATIONARY GAS TURBINES. Sep UX 181p. (2 figs. omitted). [DSIR LLUI M3146. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27522 Trans. of Issledlovaniyaj po 2baroprochlnym) (USSR) 1959, v. 5, p. 173-178. DESCRIPTORS- *Heat resistant alloys. *Cda turbines. Chemical analysis, Phase studies, Mechanical prop- erties, Machining, Thermal stresses, Rest treatment. FArdneen, Forging. Ruptum Aluminum. Titanium. Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, Molybdenum, Tung- sten, Boron compounds, Oxides By increasing The AI/ri ratio from about 1 to about- 2. It was possible to reduce the precipitation of TI from the a'-phase during prolonged heating and formation of (Metallurgy, TT, v. 7, no. 5) (over) 61-27522 1. Tseitlln, V. Z. U. Filatava. M. A. Ill. DSIR LLU)A.3146 IV. International Nickel Co. (Mond) Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) "49 3j 0 Rest Resisting Ancy (m765) f or Tremaport ana StttlomrY Cleo Turbines, by V. Z. Toettlin. RMSIAN, bkj ImUdovanLya po Zharoprdabmym Splavam A Net* SM.. Vol Vj, 1959$ pp 173-3-78. r I M It. 3146 Sci - milm?vAtals Apr 62 Changes in Properties of Ni-Cr Alloy E41765 for Stationary and Propulsion Turbines During Heat:W- For Up to 10j,000 Hours, by V. Z. Teeitlim, G. G. Florozovs. ----------- RUBSTAN, pw, Metal i Obra Metallov, No 1, 1958, mo 30-35- EB 4121 sci - mu/mt, Ew Jun 61 Ferramgnetic Phaw In Austealtio 14/14 Beat-Resisting Steelop by V. Zo Tooltlin.9 RMSUN& per, Piz Metal I 2-dotsup Vol ll~ no Ip 3.9ro.? PP 37-43- Farg== lwt Scl - min/yot Ilov 58 The Effect of Molybdenum on Relaxation Creel) in Low- Carbon Pearlitic Steels for Steam Pipeline.~, by V. Z. Tseitlin. RUSSIAIT, bk, The Testing and Properties of Heat Resisting Materials, 1957, pp 81-86. NLL m. 4136 Sci May 62 Tacitlin V Z. Filatova, M. A. and others. HET'r-_'I,~NG ALLOY (13176) FOR TRANSPORT AND STATIONARY GAS TUFZlNES- Sep 6M [81p. (2 f10. omitted). [DSIR LLUI M3146. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27522 Trans. of Isaledlovani)al po ZharoprochInym) Splavarn (USSR) 1959, v. 5. p. 173-178. DESCRIPTORS: 'Hea-t resistant alloys. *Gas turbines. Chemical analysis. Phase studies, Mechanical prop- ertics, MachIning, Thernial stresses. Heat treatment, Hardness, Forging. Rupture, Aluminum. Titanium, Iron. Nickel. Cobalt. Chromium. Molybdenum, Tung- sten, Boron compounds, Oxides By Increasing the A11171 ratio from about I to about Z it was possible to reduce the precipitation of Ti from the Q'-phase during prolonged heating and formation of (Metallurgy, TT, v. 7. no. 5) (over) 61-27522 I - Tseltlin. V. Z. 11. Filatova. M. A. Ill. D31R LLU*M.3146 IV. international Nickel Co. (Mond) Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) .4 0 Offi- f T-6.1-1 $-,4-. Structural Condition and Rout Resist4me of AUcWsp by I*L* Mxidn., and V*Z,-Toeitkln,, 5 pp, MWIUjs parp 2 Metal L Obra, Ystallw.. Igo, 1-2.p i961., pp 2-1o. Acta NetsUmutes SCI YAy 64 258,52-5 On the Determination of the Rapture Plastielty of Heat-Resisting Alloys,, by V. Z. Tceitlim.--3..PP- RUSSIAN., perj, Zavod Lab,, Vol XXV., No I., 55,, pp 87-89- 10 0 Instru. Soc of Amer Sci Apr 6o 7 1 Dynauic Characteristics of Seicmic Waves in Real Media in the Presence of a Fault, by Ten Tsei-wen, 6 pp. RUSSIP21, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, OSer Geofiz, 110 3, 1964, PP 339-348. Amer Geophys Union Sci Aug 64 264,81o T-141 On Problems Concerning the Legal Status of U Outer Space, by L. Tse-jung. ---- *RAND Sci Jun 61 Tho Analoa Be~ C Coi-tain Properties of Dcariva- tives of Z-Pyridiaaau~amide and za-Witrot~enzeze.. aulfamide, by E. Yu. TaekbanoVie .2~ 1. Ya. PoOtcrvt-P--" L~2~ sky and V. F. Des-vax4v: 0 JV~ MWTAl-R., zo per., Zhur Obahch M32-m.. Vol IOCV., xo 6,v 1955, YP 1162-3-169 conaultmts 'Bux-Mu Scientific - Chemistry ~Z/ Experience in the Uce of Cmdwtim Anesthesia in Operationg on the Handi, by t~R RUSSIAN mo per, Vo,-Y-anno Had zhlx., 11D 5.. Moseowo May 1958, PD 76-77 US JPRS/fly ~7113 vtt-zl - ti~/' a.c.t 'T g, Y-"~ . -.V/ Dissolutic'n of Solid Acids in Binary Liquid in the Critical Region, by 1. R. Krichevskly, Yu. Tsekhapqj~UA, 8 Pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Piz Xhim, Vol XXXIII; No 10p 1959s pp 2331-233A. Cleaver-Hume Press sci Aug 60 !~hc;:,aomeaa in the Hexwcthy1crwi:r,,- I-later System. 1. The Boundary Curve for the Liguld-LiVid Equilibrium Near the Critical Point, 'Z A. *Y i. lche-vrakiy, 17. E. Mazanava, 'Ia. V. r0chnn L - R. Linshits a 3 m-D - RUMAH, per,, Zhur Fiz lChim, Vol M111; No 7j i959, -pp 1484.1491. Cleaver-M~ne Press Sci Avuilable Br 5 Library 0-7 ,;z May 60 .'L . . - L, ~,y -~' C in tLle Coa'Lamiria-tion of 3teel b-v Now.- Nfe"allic Inclusions, by M. 1. Tbchhm-wkf calf fu_ Rus-:.31A-11' jgav, Vol pp 82-. *HB DSIR LLu ma167 (loan) Sci - Min/Met Aug 60 On the Structure of the S Matrix in the Theory of Elastic and Inelastic Scatteting of Wori- relativistic Particles# by Tu.V. Teakhudstrenkop 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per Zhar Eksper i Teoret Flag Vol xxxm:r,q No 19602 pp 12371244. Aip Sov Pbys - JZTP Vol x1p No 4 Sci / 3. ~j f-97 mc AppilcatUons In Sc a 7 c the 'Notiacd of $=no-tjGu or tho 2,13im Felmm=" I -fa by a IATS Par, Zaur Mwper i Zborot Pit, Bol MDT.X%9)x Rb 5., 3,9591 P.9 15-46-1549A P-mar 7MI'l OX rzy!' sov Glasses of the System Ha20-- - if ~ ask the Basis of Enamels on Almitl7V 'k vi. Vargin,, T. S. Tackhouskaya, 12 pp. RUSSIM, uper, Zhur Prik Jadm, Val XXXVg No 14 M2. pp 2363-2368. 963SO66 FTD-TT-63-464 Sci-Chem Aug 65 Glasses of the X&20-ZnO-A3-203-F2O 5 Systom as a Basis of miamls for AlZudm= By T, V. Vargin md T. S. pakhmakan pp-, 6 RTJSSL4N,, per, Zhur PrIk Mimo Vol XXT. Ib U, 1962. pp. 2363 - W7 CB set 2q0 - c12.7 On 63 The Prevadon of Funcdonial Dia=bances in, Appl" DxdM Storfteo by L. V. MaUtddy, V. M. tm-a~i~v~mm 13 pp. AW4" El 1 ftah"m No 4, 19158, pp 42-50. OTS 63-nM PL-M Sa - 1314 & Wd Sa Jun 64 260.M5 T!ie Fature of F-b-piolo'gnic-n! Dicc3ccc of Appless I)y L, Ve Ketlitakiyp 1. X* Taala=- a- 4 pp. RUSMN,, per, Dok Ak ITauk SMO Vol CXMp No 5s 1958,, PP 663-M.- Awr Inst of Biol Sol Sol - Diol APr 59 Fuwtioml DIsorders of ApplAs During Stonge and Counter-limasuross by Lf Ve jotlltauy* v4 M. HUBUMs pajo KokbUOa PWwi Qmftftys No 41 los VP AQ-Ar. DBMS Liu (IMU) K.443 act - siol Avg 59 9 i v i~,I 72 1- 1 t I Oil! V1,44 I I I'll UnI'1F!P,1'H1;4Wt1'W4 b-,.hvjcTbl;,y ET cq%triwMr,.% DE LA PEUICULE UFS I..cnurcNatimal -Iola. (;r,km.i)EssABLEsouAicrzm-_ CNRS-O/R-4 ,A87; J10C Hhu.,~:Iajutfhrjt. OmSO-030. (Irr&ct~. .:Ordar figum C;14RS SLi G/it-4887 Triq6 In F. a of Kara Vyvtft1vimkyt-p .MR) OpI93-312 TT-65-28095 Field 8G TaekbomnkLi. A. AS. ST-RUMCMWET-MIPOSMON DE LA PELLIGULE DES 1. Centre National du ta GRADO DES SABLES QUARTZEUX. CNRS-G/R-4887; Rechorche Scientilique, Org.80-4530. 111tria (Frwice) Order tram CNRS as G/Ft-4887 I Trans. In Fremb of Kars Vyvetrivanlya PJSM) v3 p293-312 1960. Eurupeav, Translations Centre Stady of the Structure of Based on Iron Oxides By G.O. Karapetvanj, V.A. Semiconductor Glesses TsekhomO~,PP5 RUSSIAN,, per,, Fit Tverdogo Tela.9 Vol V1, No 25, 1963.9 pp627-633 Amer Inst of Phys Sov PiWa - Solid State Vol Vq No 2 Sci sop 63 QwmUtatlye Detendnation of Sow b%wilAes In Titanium Tetrachlarlds br Zatrand OgeatmwWj, by Do L TeekboVaeskopp to A* ZWWitdV*p 4 yps RMSZMj, pwp Ebw Anal XhImp Vol XVlj, No 3j, 1961., 19 623-"- ca Bel jui 62 Application of latramd Spectroacaff to AnWvaiie of Tlt~pium Totracbloridop 1;y. JD--.L,,.TBskh - A. T Z&VAritakewap G. Sj)vnisov,. V. H. Chulznmkl~r, k pp. RUNUB.. W., ZAVodskays Laboratoriya,, No 3, 1959., PY 300-302. Awl H-5708 PR*3tm or AMR., Mkitowicsi IN WRISTO -PP Ilk A" lam 61-14985 Tsekov, V. L AN INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR RESISTANCE 1. Tsekov, V. 1. OF CAPRONE AS USED IN FRICTION PAIRS. [19611 [41p. (3 figs. omitted). Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-14985 Trans. of Vestnik Mashinostroyenlya (USSR) 1960 [v. 401 no. 5, p. 35-36. DESCRIPTORS: *Bearings, *Journal bearings, Friction, Hardness- Ketones, Pentyl radicals. Investigations confirmed the possibility of an extensive replacement of bronze with caprone in friction pairs. Caprone bearings and sleeves can be successfully used with a lubricant and bearings and sleeves made of caprone with 5% graphite added can be used in friction joints with poor lubrication. The temperature of fric- tion pairs operating with a lubricant should not exceed Office of Technical S"c*s 801. (Machinery- -Machine Parts, TT, v. 6, no. 3) (DC-4669) Using Selenium Rectitiers in Ilectro-Drainage Shield Installations, by V. S. U11maj, N. A. Tookun.p 7 Pp. HUSSIM, per,, Vastaft Svyazil, No 8., 1952j, pp U., ;.5. JPI:6 6602 Sai reb 61 4.3 'F 4 tl/ ~/ Idght Dispersion in the Exciton Absorption in Cubic Crystals, b~ B. E. Tsekyeva, 8 pp. - RUSSTAN, per, Fizi-ka Tverdogo Tala, Vol I11j 17o 4, 1961, pp u64-1175- AIP Sov FbyG-Solid. coMte Vol ino No It Sci / 7.2-, 2'R~- 2be Dispersion Of 144;bt In Exciton-Absorptlogi IWgions In Cuble Crystals as Affected bV the Anisotrogy of the Effeatil" Jim" odr the Mcaltono by S. 1. Pakmr, S. E. Trkwara 10 pp. j_. HMIAN,, per,, FIz TwozftW Solas, Vol=,'t So 2,$ 1960.% iv 261"Me AV saw a6"-Soud State Bel k Yr.-Aton Absorpt--ioll R60'.Ciri i" ~t-J'AU Caee of UK-f-jole-Forbidden Transitiorw. BY B- E--292!S!~ 7, RUSSIAN,, por. Fiz Tverdogo Te3.a,, Vol IV, No 2, 1->-42. no 501 - 509 Amer 1r--4 of Phys gov Pby~ - Solid State Vol 17" No Jun 63 Generalized Fxe=41 EquatiMs fOr the SUrfaCS Of a Crystal Taking Accoupt of hAmYtropy., In the Effective Excitdn YAms' *;"*.,by B. B. 'P~f, 7 PP. =010., perp F:Lz Tr~~ Telaj, Vol = No 3,, 196D, pp 482-W8. AIP Sm Pb"-Solld StaU Sal Feb 61 Total Gastrectomy for Cancer of the Stomach, by E. A. Tsel'., 5 PP- RUSSWT, per, Voprosy Onkolog, Vol VII,, 110 5, 1961, Elsevier Pub Co. Sci may 62 1195,684 PrOcOodings of the Ord sessiaa of lie t,'Yf 10 sts of Laning--ad and Q) 3 December 1,059, 'tv pi. assi W USSTAN; per, Voprosy OnIcol, Vol VTj, ?qo pp 119-122. PF Sci Mar 61 S,,,-vival of Firee Sk--In Graf-,,s IMder Clinical and E2mer-Imental Conditions,, by V. F. Well X 4.pp. RMSUNp porp Byul Eksper Biol i Hed,, Val MII, No 2plg5gp pp 121-123. Consult=ts Bureau Sci SePt 59 3 6 (DO-5903) Patura Dovelopmnt of SociaUst Trwlep IV N* Tselhaa.9 8 pp* NDMM=o rips 0=9 14 Nov 1961.. P 3- JM 22327 Asia - NongoLU Eam /", Fab 62 Tv.,,e cjorir-ktion of Atan:i-u-i-contalntnE,, siass, by I. 1"Ir. Tp~lilz~ iT. S. Ulzalkle. -RUSS-TiYu. per, Irav-ct,-,yya i4etally, No 9, 1955:11 49-c3. DSIR R .221 5 Soviet Metal Tn.:~h Vol 11, 110 41, 1.999 Sci - Icir-/I-,Iet oct 6o 2-13 -2 S%mration Of Grolve Of XLeallts 1w Z= udmv. zv* JR"Onts of Malyuca orow nr,, by D. K. V PreO'O=zb=Leklj, V. P. ,X; .5 M"10s per., FAdjakh1m, Vol Jr, na~ 1, 1960, IV 73-7T. AW,-tr-4576 PLAW Bed Jul 62 90504W Par 565 !~nu Mill for tba Menuf acture of Welded TuIpj ts !-!-, 1 be a R-olical Suan, byT!~t41*9vi SZ-7!YC T. .X'20X~01-7, Icr, Btral., No 9, 1955s. PP 815-&?0- British iron and Steal Ind M (L4.0.0) Mn/Mat Nam, Influence of Outer Zw*s on Widening and D15tri- bution of Spoeda and Stresses Across the Width of a Strip During Rolling, by Taelikowei.. RUBSIAN,, bk.. Problew of Metallurgy.. 1953., PP 392-4o6. Sci - Env Jan 58 (2\3 /,05,0 Cpiling and Uncoiling of Hot-Ronad Plates of up to 12 M Thickness,, by Tsellkov,, Sonina, RUSSTAN, mo per, Stal, No 4, 1957t P'37ti+ 'L Ti'631 Sci ENM Jan now A4: 710 (HY-3000) 02e AU-ttioa SciemUfic Research and Pis iM-Design Tmetituft of Mwtal- im-gical Khobim DuU"o by A. pp. RMSUR, ap, Bkonadebaskaya Cb"tAL,, 4 Dee 196L, VP 26-27. JM 13169 Tim Now Alw 62 VY-3000 Concerning the "4200" Thick-Sheet Rolling Mill for Novo-Lipstak Metallurgical Plant.. b.F 'velikov, 6 pp. A . RUSSIM, np., Isvestl7a, 7 Fab 61., im 1,11019 USSR Econ march 62 (BY-3000) Concerning a RollLng Jdll: Great ftvinW to the State, by A. Tselikov, 3 PP. EMSMR, my., UvestLyaj, 27 Sep 1961. im i2o6i Uum p4= /,P/, ?-// jan 62 (ITZ-3000/31) Caution? No - Conservatism, by A. Tsclik 8 pp. RUSSIAN, up, Pravda, 29 Aug 3.960. JPRS 7882 Ecou - Seven-Year Plan Yhr 61 /'~//z ;7GO 6 j Now Technology of RoIllak of PvvLodIc Pro,41,es' and the Economy of'Ketal"$yA. Tselgwv utV. Anialfarov, 2 pp. RUSSUR., per,, Za Ekon Hater No.5. 1952,, pp 24-30 AF 552804 USSR Economic ca 22o3756 Dex only cal"MUSK XAWM V"wrXAwjxa 44 A MMAU~ APs PRVAAp- 1.9 SM $964 p IL SO WN APR 4 IT' (F-DI: 264o6) Pressure Processing of Metal,,by A. Tmelikov. RUSSIAN, per, Partiynaya Zhi=,, No 15, hug 1955, PP 44, 45. CIA/FDD Sum 739 U1 SR Econ Technological, rachine bui-ming IL 1311 Milt 11IM-01 111M.11mr III jujimultilivi [WINIFEMW Basic Problems of the I-bdern 1heoTy of Ill wme Deformation, by A.L. Tselikov. GIER~L424, per, KBS Mitteilungen, Vol 4, Specira Issue, 1960, pp 15-36i. SCi/ July 69 ZA NEW TECHNIQUE FOR PROSUCING BILLETS FOR HOLLOW RAILWAY AXLES, BY A-. 1. TSELIKOVp S. P. GRANOVSKIY, V. 1. EFANOV. RUSSIAN, PER, KUZNECHNO-SHTAMPOVOCHNOE PROIZI NO 5, 1961, PP 4, 5. - E31 S 1 2889 SCI - ENGR AUG 62 LIST 144 207,144 Main Trendz In the Rimuilag Planning of Rolling and Tube Mills in the WSR, by A. 1. Tselikov, 6 pp. RUS-SD.fT, per, Stal, No 10, 1961, pp 908-916. BiSS. Sci /,P.2 , ~71-3- Feb 62 The rBieory of Treansverse Cold RollinG t in Three-Roll Mills, by A. I. Tselikov V. 1.1. Lf&O= Lugovski, ei al, 5 PP - 'RUSSIA11, per, Vest kiashinastroy., Vol XLI, lio 7., la6l, pp 49-M 53 - Sci 22 jun 62 200,039 (NY-7008) NOVOKUBYSHEVSK CIVIL AND RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, BY A. I..TSELIKOV, A. P. SLOBODYYANIK, 9 PP. RUSSIAN, BK, NOVOKNYBYSHEVSK ZHILISCHNO- GRAZHDANSKOY STROITELISTvo, i961. JPRS 13643 SCI - ENGR MAY 62 193,31MMA Departures in Metal Rol-ling, by A. I. Tselikov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved MVP USSR Mashinestroenie, 1958, pp 521-522. HB 4366 Sci - Aug 63 The Dc-.,c,.lc-c:I:,snt of the Prcductiom oi-, RO~1-2-ca ~e-t.aj y r,"5, by I - 1. Tselikolt, E. R. Shor, 178 pp. RUSSTAIM, bk, moseowl. 1960. Jms 11544 USSR Econ c c 6 i lip, XI Influence of Outer Zone:3 on Widening and Distribution of Speeds and Stresses Across the Width of a Strip During Rolling, by A. I. Tselikcyv. RUSSIM, bk, Problemy Metallurgli., 1"3. Moacow.. PP 392-406. BISI 632 Sci - Engr Sep 61 list 11.1 --Tbe--Precise-Det~!ri~iti4tLati-of - the-*6mriate-- Deformation During Rolling., by A. 1. Tselikov. RUSSIO, per, Stalll. Dee 1954. BISI 1939 So i - Lou 14 f 5?6 / Sep 61 Mille Constructed by TeKBMH With Now Rolling Techniques: Combination Mill for Cold Rolling of Thin Strip; Plenetaxy Mills for Tube Rolling; Millz for RoUingSbeet and T-Sections of Variable Cross-Section, by A. I.-Tselikov. RUSSIAN, bk, Sovremenaye FrdblaW Metallurgii, Moscow,, Ak Nauk SSSR, 1958, pp 475-48o, 481, h93-499. BISI 1849 Sci - Min/Met *CB Th~~ P~~ncnt Position of the Theory of DbttU P4-massura Upon the Rolle in LondituAimal by A. 1. ileelikary 19 pp,. MISSIM,, per.. Stal.. no 5. 1958., pp 434-441. Fab 59 Pr; M A/. Y Automtion of Naw RolUag Killsp by A. Is TOO3.Uov, at als UNCLASMIED RUSSIM.. per,, ManUpostrolUl I * So 2j, 1957p Vp 1-11 - ODSIOM 107 sci - Ew co-op 2* Bohan %7 Nov 58 f,2144 Zf New Production Processes as a Basis for AutomAtioll 6n the Plastic Working of MetalB, by A. 1. Tselikov. RUSSIAIT, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekb Nauk, Met Toplivo., No 5, 1959, PP 3-10- Im 4062 Sci - Engr oct 6o Y lsg- Waholeal DeveloWat #ad Aut*WAIG* In St"I MIU ComOrMtIfts by A. 1. 11 pp. V= mwux, vwv was mob# no ul mls vv W-W reft"My 3."9 um soon Apr (v OWS-D) 0600=1 Directials of the 1b or the pzOd.-Famm- or Hollsa zm Five in Ulm CWIM Varp by A* to ~bWW $170. nmnxp VMS swat Vbl Zmv No Up Omma WO ]m lm-~Uu* - OM 0 Moscow amon Zen 59 Effect of Heat Treating on Temperature vs. impact Strength Curvet by V. X. Tsellkov.' IVJBSIM, per, Metal i obra Notallov, Qcts, 19558, dNo 10, PP 17-22. Bruteber 4390 Sci - Min/get Jun 59 47'o Dispersion Relations for the Production of -17-Yesons, by V. Wallner, pp. 3 RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXXnI) No 1958, PP 838-- Amer last of Bip Sov Pbya - Doklady Vol nil wo 6 Sai - Pbva Jul 59