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JApplicatien of the Witham Them to The latoractlen of a Shock Wave and a Proftle of Sinusoidal Fam, by C, The ry FFMOIO rptq AppLicatim do. I& Theorle de Witham a L'MORCUM, Dwyn* Oade do CkM at dwwk r I* do Fo-r" SUuSeldsla. 7rcGleal 9 ''No T 4(63. ZS F*bzu'*-ry--M3. NASA TT F-10glft Jul 66 306OSS6 UO sw GOVERNWM USE CULY sci-M/M Attzospheric iiefruct-iont"d iiel-lixtiml oi liargl"s Toward the cround, by C. Thery. 19 lip. FRENCH, rpt, Conf Doc PresenteJ at the AGAPW Propulsion and EnergeticsPanel St. Prance. NASA TT F-12.443 Sci-Phys Dec 69 397,352 li~ Lejus, A. -M. and others. THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF ALU- MINATES OF ALKALI METALS. [196215p. Order from ATS $6.60 ATS-II~ZSF Trans. of Soc[i6r6] Cbimfique de) France. Bull[etin] 1961, no. 5, p. 973-975. DESCRIPTORS: Physical properties, Chemical prop- erties, *Aluminates, *ALkali metals. 1. Thery, 11. Lejus, A.-M. 111. Briancon, D. IV. ATS-IIN581-- V. AssociatedTechnicnI Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. t 9 (Chemistry- -1norganic, TT, v. 8, no. 10) OA.. .1 T..kic.l S-i- (8P-1854) The laba Conception or ReaUty, by Th. Thews, 29 pp. FFMM, pw, ZaImp VU lVj. NO 1, l9k. JPSB 13328 2 Africa 13?47" &;- 46 3m Apr 62 Actiou of Helix Pomatia L. Diem-stive Juice on Different Urinary Conjugate Steroids by R. Henry., M. Thevenet, 2-6 pp FMICH., pert Thil 3 Soc Chim Biol, voi wav, 11-o go 1952# pp W6-b96. Scientific - Chemistry CTS 70/Jul 55 Thivenard, A. and Berdet, H. 61-10679 REMARKS ON THE HYPERTROPHY OF THE PE- 1. Nerves- -Pathology RIPHERAL NERVES: IMPORTANCE OF THE CLINI- 1. Th4venard, A. CAL EXAMINATION OF THE SUPERFICIAL CERVI- 11. Berder. H. CAL PLEXUS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE 31. Title: Importance... AURICULAR BRANCH AND ITS. HISMLOGIC EXAMI- NA71ON AFTER BIOPSY (Remarques sur I'Hyper- trophie des Nerfs P&Iphirlques. Intigret de I'Explora- tion Clinique du Plexus Cervical Superftcfel en Particuller de as Branche Auriculalre et de am Examen Histologique ApAs Blopsle). [196117p. jf1p. ornitted) 2 refs. Order from SLA mJ$I. 80, ph$ 1. 90 61-10679 Trans. of In Presse M6dlcale (France) 1958, Y. 66 [no. 241 p. 529-530. (Biological Sclences--Neurology, TT. Y. 5. no. 11) channar'=OV-.'r to spocific 'rbaxva~ lu alSh-Pressure B--illor Construction, byrTlusuo-kFTp. OIEP-14-1-17,p PP 521-524. Tr 738 Scl - -vngr Feb 58 J-P r 1 -10652 Tli~venard, A. and Berdet. If. TWO DIAGNOSTIC CASES: AMYOTROPHIA OF 1. Nervous system- CIIARCOT-NIARIE OR HYPERTROPHIC INTERsn- Pathology TIAL NEURITIS? (Deux Cas pour Diagnostic: Amyo- 2. Muscular atrophy-- trophie Chaircot -Marie ou Ntvite Intermitielle Hyper- Pathology irophique?). [19W]7p. t0refs. 1. Th&vcnard, A. Order from SLA mi$l. 80, ph$l. 80 61-10652 11. Berdet, If. Trans. of Revue Neurologique (France) 1958, v. 98, 24 Apr, p. 416-419. ON- of 7-6".A swi-. (Biological Sciences- -Nurology. TT, Y. 5. no. 9) THE IPANSFO"T I Of" ANDROGENS I MO EMOGUIll I N THE HLM4 OFMISMOBY R. UBWO 14. TWMNtT.2 P- LU41vwo 7 PP- FRENCHOPER,v AM4M WENODCRIMOLOGIES VOL XXIA 196o, Pp 5~~k. N I li B-26-62 SCI w MED 0u PRC43LEM OF T Study of the Hydrolyzing Action, of Glucuronidase and of Phanolsul-fatase of Helix Pcmtia L. Digestive Juice on Conjugate Uriw-ry Steroids., by R. Henry., M.,Tbp-Yenet,, P. Jarrige., 5 pp. FRENCH,, perp Th-11 I Soc Chim Biol Vol =V No 9. 1952, pp 897-899- Scientific - Chemistry 1~4 CTS 70/Jul 55 star Finder and Identifier, by Xavier Theurillet, 25 pp. MNMS Navy Tr 1262/0111 A-C& Astronmy 31796 V !:I ;- -~- - - I ! ;, -,*i;:-~ -: The Y'roduction of Appamtus and Equipment in the. Plants of the Ministry of Commicatiow, by B. A. Lfevelev,_O" pp. RUSSIO, perj, Vestnik SvvazIg Do 4, 2.947, pp 3-4, im 669r2 Sci A3 q 31441 Feb 61 FWmarks, on the F4pertraylW of the Peripberal Nerves. ruportance of the C34nical Rminstion of this SITerficial cervical Puma With special Werence to the Auricular Branch and Its Histologic Pardet After Blapa,, by A. IL ., 7 PP- Fjmwm per., L& Pr"" macao,, Vol MI,. UK-ab 26j. 1958, PP 529, 530. NIR 2-36-61 Sci - DW 0044 Apr 63. Two Diagoostic CaOGS: hgOtmola of Cbareat4faxle or Hypertmphic InteroUtIal lourdLtlo?s by A. pxsy!qwx4$ R. Bardet, 7 pp. FrOWN., pers Flavw Nwuro2qgquep Ta XCWI,, 1938, iop 416-419. NIB 2-3"1 Sci - Ned Apr 61 7 Study of a Mthod of Specific Dete tion of Pregaanediol) Pregaame-triol) and 20-.Ketc)- Pregap-nediol, by R. Henry, M. Thevenet, 33 pp, 10 Atch. 10 FRENCH, per, Bull de la Soc de Chimie Biol, Vol XLI, No U, 1959, PP 1391-1425. Nn 11 -6 -6da. Sai - tied -7 q, .5d '02 b~r Rene Thevenin. Flia"CH, bk, 130 PP. WalRel. & Cc (")-z. ;(,)) 1 -.1 -, . Sc-i 13 j-ul b"-;, Tbemml Awa~yais ot Coals,, by R. Tbcvminp 3 ;r .,,Per,, sun. Sm. RIBt- Not. Tbulouxe.. bi "Vii, Im., pp 383-388# (383-386p Putial ;; ; ="p ~)- ~' S.L.A. Tr IB99 Bel - unglaftrim -+z 7 J 57,0 W 57 Na C-cmp't Rencl C,;oczl Bioly Vol Mal%rj,~19370 pp Soi ,uov The Mechanism of the Zlmexm=a Ftwetjoa;, (1935-1960). Preparmtion of i6--(aci-2,4-- Dinitro -Pbmyl j -Amh-wtorme, by 0. Nounhoeffer, K. Whavalt, w. zimainuwm, 5 P.P - aRWNj per, HMe-ftylorlo Z f= PApiol Cbem, Vol C==n., 1961, pp il6-12o. NIH 2-25-62 1q1" -/Iju Sci - Md Apr 62 Tivaing BorcmvlU Given Autlbioti" in 72 Mood and'.41U at 4-loWda Womenp IV W. Thmamser. MO. 0:4W 13 0 MA 96W AM* V40L DoA cc Nm M*o/m n*5 W . The-WO-r I & r- sa-4" Oct 66 3W4416 63-10019 DEFECTS IN DEPOSITION OF ELECTROLYTIC 1. Miews, E. R. COA71NGS WEIR CAUSES AND RENEMES. [196219p. !i refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10019 Trans. of Archly fUr MetalIkunde (Germany) 4949, v. 3, 6o. 12, p. 432-436. DESCRIPTORS: *Electrolysis. Coatings. Nickel, Ccpper, Brass, Cbbalr, Cadndum, Errors,Corrections, *Metal cmtb%s. *Electrodeposition. I i (Metallurgy, T-L v. 9. no. 12) 63- 1 M16 Thews, E R. NT6F)F__-IJN RITINING MFTIIODS FOR i.rIAD SCHAP i. 'nuez flatiiitt AND BABBrm, NIUAL SCRAP. 11962112p. 2- Title: Scrap Order from SLA $1.60 63-11016 1. llsews, E R. Trans. of Metall (West Germany) 1956, v. 10, no. 1/2, p. 16- 20. DESCRIFFORS: *Smelting, *t.cad, Purification, Material ,;cpjraLion, [Wineries. (Metal lu rgy --Nonferrous Metals, TT, v. 10, no. 4) Orke W T i. THFd52 E. R. The Working Up of Nickel Scrap. ISTALLWOCRE, 1936,, No 24, pp 469-471; 2500 words* Brtucher No 3552 $ Y, rD ~ loir-7)) '";-ITSCHR= GESAITE GI.7ZS=PRAYIIS, vol 55, 1934 Utilization of Copper, Bronze, and 3razs Scrap in "V'.-le z.oundry. Brutcher [#14, ~4-80 ~~ I,' !"I' Obeervations on the Deoxid4allm-S and Beftaing Effect Of Pbosphor\power In ibtal-lbltss by S. R. phew � pp. QU=., no perj, Cbm Tech# Val Mp No 5p W 1951s, pp 151-153. ou gm Oct 57 2he Una of Bomm an& Boric AMA as Flumes In the fbtallurgy oze reavy VAtals., bv ,~~X. R. Strowe"r. 9 pp. GMWKj perp Chew Techj, vol n, No ej, Feb 1950j pp 35-39. MA 2326 SOL - MMr&ISjMCt&U ~-w * 6 / Oct 57 % j Thave Edmund R. !�nt~ =NO, now, NotaLUurSische Torurbeitung v Altmtall'ou und Ruckatenden. Bud 1** AltwelamwtaUe, AMich, 19W, PP 66-69: 157-166p 202-2", 272-M. *n,wnt Of IntAriOr I W7 ~F,57 No. 61,73 sci ja63 Other Refining Processes, by R. Edmund ThtlWA. GERMAN, bk, Metallurgische Vararbeitung von Altratallen und Ruckstanden, voi 1, 1948, DD 66-69. Dept of Interior TN7 E57 No 693 Sci-M/M Noy 63 x Other ProceS303 for Re-fining Lead, by Edmund R. Thaws. GERNIAN, bk,, Metallurgische Veraxboitung von Altsetallen und Ruckstomdens, Vol 1, 1048, pp IS7-160. Dept of Interior TH7 B57 No 692 Sci-M/M ;2-,V ;?- , '~ 6 / Noy 63 Battery Scrap, by R. Ed=md -- Thews. GERMN, bk, Metallurgische VeraTheitung x von Altnetallen und Ruckstanden, Vol 1, 1948, pp 161-166. Dept of Interior TH7 E57 No 691 SCI-M/m ;z '/.2/ 11,63 Nov 63 Refining Prooessesp by Fdmmd.-T-hel?-s-- MMAW; per; Mstallux~glsche Vexzrbe:Lt=g voa imd Rickstm2den, Vol Ij. 1948~ pp 66-69. Dept of In't, M B57 no 693 sci - M/m 7!ov 63 Other ()mma., per., metauurpi--ohe Vorauxboitung v---, AltmetaLlen upA I'mokstandenp VC-1 T, 19~,6; pp 157-160. Dept of Int mi7 B57 no 692 Set - 14/m Nov 63 FAmund R. and SUvmeycr. MatLn. 63-14822 OF IM USE OF CHENCAL SALT I. 71ewi% F- R. FUROM IN THE SEPARA71ON OF MCH-MELTM n. Straaw7er, PL AND LOW-MMT=?6fETAI.& 11963119p. Order fn= SU ~1. 60 63-14822 TraimL of Chemlischel Techqikl (EALst Gerauny) 19506 ,r. 2 [nm 51 p. L57-161. D-IMC~M- Memls. *Nkterial separadca. UqEdd memls Powder memls, Hedtb7& OUs. Anthracenes, *Fused materbdji~ OBorm co-p-nds. S&Uj% Furnaces Previous processes for the sepamtEm of hf&b-meltirg and low-ulelthg mccals In the Rlm -oczem aW d=-dm apparmuses ft obtWning ffie whhe meW In the liqAd or pLaverulcat amte; sqnradm by hcaWg TT, Y. 1% no. 4) ta p9xabMN heavy olUls. and andmace= more recem e%Perb3&CMA 00 the DCPgr&tkU Of ffie MeMIS t0 SKU Offka d Tvzb" Swftn Mdons; aW apNmIus nqdrmenL I tho 13-tillmilon of Vich-el Ecrap amd ifestcu 141 GMU,10, par., Oiez3crei, 1939, Val Wil, Bew lrolia Vol Xxl.,.NO 50 pp 121-123. Yxi- 60 voi 2" NO 12 OU t Irpuritica in -m-alau:A, ~1. 9 f) - -.1...-I - I. - a a."Ou", , pz---p Y-A I= 1~1,3 SLA 59-151,71 Sci Jan 6-60 Vol 2., No 5 of White-Flo-tal Scrap and Residues With Special Regard to American Practice, by Richard Thews, ~ 12 pp. e-KRuAN., per, Chemisch4feetallurgische Zeitscrift; dia Metallborse, 1.1611 XXI, No 29, 31, 33; 1c,)31, pp.675-676, 723-724, 771-772. SLA 59-15638 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2, rio 4 eI Alloya., by Edd.-aLmd. Richard --fhe-wj3,t 38 p. GEW-4N. per, Giesserei-Zeltung., 1929., Vol XMI.. so 8, yp 221-224 and 1930., Vol MMIp No 22j, Vp 328-330. STA 59-20480 S*i xur 6o Vol 3j, No 1 YL-uxes for the He3feing of A1=1ril-mi, by Hicb-nxi-I /9EZ,~.d~ - Thel?OP TMAYDAW, perp Chem-Metal Zeit die Fietallborac, 1-931, Val W, lqov)-j PP 2.95-a-96., GIA 59-Mr," Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, No 6 -,,3 -cz ?or i;hc ~ieltlag Of Al=. irai=, bir E~-, A; w.1 R i c b a r d Ths4p. p;.r Zait- dic 1931, '101 Mao No 7) PP 147-1413s SWI 59-1-7~74 Sci Jan 160 o 6 Sa,~s-ratvloa of Sb Whito Fatala, 13Y Theys, 5 P- par, Cheamii3ch-'Metallurgi;3cha ZAt 2. -5-1511-6; Ketallborsa, 1930) Vol No 56., - r T40 58., PPI 1603- SLA 59-172'15 Jan 6.0 Vol 2, -:70 06 F iuxina- and Cover-Media for Bronze and Brass F131ts, by Edmund R. Thaws., 10 pp. GM!mlly per, Chemiker Z, Vol MIV, 1940~ pp 420-423. SLA 50W-10648 Sci - Eng Se,)t 59 Vol 2, No 2 S.-ILM"Ilp A. nrIWS " R. Metallobernache., voi. 2, 2900 words; 1944. Present Statue of Gobalt Plating. Brutcher,j Tram. Order MD. 2205j, $4.90 Iq 16 ;, & 5- Pam nod& sw*bm at Qm an marIC4 br Uwm, Thi . 0 ! . I 3 w VIBINAUMB* aft KM DaN 27 Dair, 1%16 V S. -: . "I I I I IPAS 28613 1 1 ~ R-900 (D C - 2 26) 5 ) A Reform in Business Management to Assure the Mission of Commerce., by Truong Thi, VIETNAMESE, np, Nhan Dan? No 1573, Hanoi, 3 Jul 1958, p 9. *US JP.RS FE - North Vietnam Econ - Trade Oct 58 'i;lc ~`viicy ol:* Airifuiourl L~tatos, ""y Auoudou 134 pp. F 1, !a Politique 2-Itnuigere des Htau iQlcii. rljt, Africains lV6.3. Phoenix liouse Loarim Sci - Ai_,ri A7!r 65 x The P3an of Social and Economic DevelOpwnt of Senegal., by Habib ft.$A, 8 pp FREKH per,-Afrique Magazine, Vol XXIX, May 194, PP 33-36. JPRS 25429 AFRICA-Senegal Soc, Econ jumi 64 263,310 Reorientation of the First Plan and I%UWs for Developing the Secongy by Habib T~~,O 8 pp. FMNCH,, per,, Europe-France Outromw,, Vol =8 1108 414-45, Paris Jul--Aug 649 PP 10-23o -15-17a 22-25v 29--349 41-"v 4547j, 51-52# JPRS 2760a =A poi 2720 ~9 A New Method for Calibrating Vibration Pickups, by P!jan Liang Oei, 19 pp. DUTCH# rpt, TecW*ch Physische Dionst 2zft T.N.0, an T.H.0 No 62*061p Oct 1962, Navy Tr 3607/BuShips 831 sci - Phys Nov 63 X1410 L1,57 The Detemirotion of Very &mU Asounts of M-ANIVE In Room an& xatwmd waters by F. Hecht,, Patsako A. thlarij 40 pp. GWXWO pm, Mlkroshin AaU,, IL"6.* pp W%- 13o6. EM 3-97 Bel - Oeopbys AIW " '74", +"3 14-1 Anol,yaU OZ BlMt FQIMW of AQUOUA CWW Ratooj IV Ch. G* mallwa. memo Pwi, C-440-91;~-J, VOL 160 Mo 9p 1541-2553. BM V323 Ch. G. Thibaut 3*s,W6 ctvixs =a yarim Mor 67 o-- Giroui-17, a 7id t'-r I e Tl~t --'I oa cz~,.-ir; D-fZl bUtiorz-, t)y jean -1~dIve-uld, 27 pp. rp t". Lcuiz da Bro-I ic, Irbyz iclen at C~~ Pemear, 1952, PP 369-384. AEC ucRT,-T-.-arri -6-48 Sci Aug 61 -7 ta c Deflection and SNiciffic ites. Electros ti -i.-rge of the Positive Electron. Study of the '~IiVsical Propertien of the PoGitron, by Jean 2avcaud., 4 pp. -M -r.' CH, per, CMEtes Rendus, Vol CXCM, 1933, ,:P 447-)", 915-917. Assoc Tcch Sv Tr 50E-27-b .cientific - Physics :-a's /Ra / e, e '51~4 X3:izx The Theory of Grotups and the Radioactive DI-stributions, by Jean 7hibaud,?,.16 pp. ., J; rpt.F la 7heorie des Oroupes et les Distribations Radioactives, 1952. 907T348 Aso ucn-Troxw -648 Sai - Phys j= 61 /!;- 2/ 7 3 2- Improvement in the Centering of Extruding Machines, by Rene Thibaudeau, 3 PP- -TRENCHp Patent 865o463, CaVagnie Generale d'Electricite. Dept of Coamerce Patent Office Sci Lib (gift) Sci - Engr Aug 5a L; lute=z-tioiatt'- Standardization of Rem A- - - t, , orts oi Blast-Furns-ce T.-Juls, b- C. G. 01T, Revu,~, d-- Val 1,7U, A) per. X P.P 3T9-33r-,. MY 1895 Bel - Dig jun 61 4;- 4/ I A Comparison of Fi-ve Methods of Mechanical Touting. of Coke, by Ch. G. Thibaut. FRMH,, Publ of the Inst of Res in Iron and Steel Metallurgy (IRSID), Ser A, No 62, Nov 1953, 88 PP. 0 Dept of Interior Bur of 14ines Scl - Fuels APr 58 Development of the Technique of HydrogengAim ol" Solid Fuels and of Their By-Produ*ts,, by Louis Thibaut P-M=j per& ChIple et MU.Striep Vol LUM 19480 PP 548-551. S.L.A. Tr Pool 3,04, / Scientific - Fuels 61-14MS Thlebaut, R. PRINCIPLES AND POSSIIIILITIES OF 7HE "BALMES" 1. COtton twiles --Process fag LONG DRAFT SYS17K [19611[12]p. 2. Title: Lag draft system Order from SLA ml $2. 40. ph $3. 30 61-14035 1. Thlebaur, R. Trans. of l'Industrie Tentle (France) 1948, v. 65, no. 774, P. 333-336. Offi- of T.Cbw..l O&terWs-- Textiles. 7T, v. 5, no. 11) "'I=Iina Solutions Containing Sodium and the Decomposition of the Solutions,, by E. Celvetp H. Thibon A. Mailla"s P. Bolvinet, 11 pp. FBEM, per,, ball Soc 19508 pp I Scl - Chemistry Apr 57 CW/dex Chia WanAlor ,p Vol xvil" AEC Tr 28h3 62-14586 Thlebault. -E-MR-MEMS Amur THE FATIGUE OF SPORTS- 1. Title: Electrotdc MEN AND ITS THERAPY: WORK DONE AT THE rhemorne BATALL10N OF JOINVILL.E. [1962117p. Q figs. 1. Thlebault omitted). Order from SLA $1.60 62-14586 Trans. of Soc[16tg de M6declnej Militaire Frang[alBe Bull fetin I hiena[uel 1[ 19581 v. 52. p. 139-149. DESCRIPTORS: *Farigue(Phaytology), *Recreation. Reaction (Psychology), *Physir-al fitness. (Biological Sclences-4haytology, TT, v. 9. no. 1) offict Cf Teckrksl BtabLUV Canditionz In tho San-Linazx DyU=i(IS of BatoroSaaems Reactoram by H. J. Lipkin., R. Thieber6mr. HMMW, vapor P/775j Procaz&ings of Intmratlaval CourevevAm ou Peaceful Uses of Atcmda Energy ftId at Genna 8-2D Aug 1955; Vol V- - Intox-Asti Um Oci - Nuclear Physics Apr 57 CrA 1-Mg.g.i62 "Iresence in France of Hume lrifemlw~ons of ',;b-- '!l'=SScUC Group (Virus C). Isolation o:f the 'Tirue, ay P. Lepine, S. Viieffry, L. Reinle, V. Sautter, lull tr MICH., per, Ann Inst Pastlur Vol LXXXj 1951s. pp 200-203, CIA/M)/X-74"2 France Scientif ic - W-dicine, Co=ackie Groap, Virus 0 Oct 52 C4/tEx R- Miciency I-Seama-emnts on TIrmsduceva for L!Iquid- Soimd., by H.-Blieffka- T pp. GM-40, per, Aaustlca, Vol Tilli, 1953, pj) 449--453.. 1 IIQVY 9.-- 3431/USM 132 Soi - Met.-tron .Zi 6,q Produc 'I ion of Liquid Urea Resin Glues, A. Thiehl. TTT-T-iO7-7, per, Adhasion, Vol IV, INTo 10, 1960, Pp J111 5i4-517. CSIRO Apr 62 63-2G322 Thiel, A. and Peter, 0. PRMCIPLES AND APPUCATIONS OF ABSOLLITE 1. Thiel. A. COLORDAETRY. COWAUNICATION 12. THE ABSO- U. Peter, 0. UJTB COLORD&-MIC DSTERFAINATION OF MON. M. Title: Absolute... [1963][5pj (figs omitted) 6refa Order from SLA $1. t0 63-2D322 Tram. of Zettachrift Mr Analytische ChenAe (Germany) 1935, Y. 103. p. 161-166. DESCRIPTORS: *Iron, Colorlmetric analysIB, OColadmetry. (CheiWatry- -Analytical, Tr, Y. 10, no. 12) Offics of Tedaiud 34nicts icat', Ughtness and Tightness TostlrAg in Rkic1aar Ingiz-ocring5 by A, 21 pp. Tbl,*3, "roo vol ary., Ito 2., Pp -6-8o. o 4 q ~ -/ I,- ABC Tr 38M Bel - Muc oe. 59 Proonua-c-Diatxibuticn ', 14casuremmto cn a Gtrait~,tt =d on a35 Degree Swept-Bac Taperod Wlnz~. b~r A. Thielj, J. 'Weissinger GMAN, per Deutacbe Vermmhsawtalt fur Luftftbrtp ImUtat aliZw' Apzodymudk, Deuteabo Luft~~cro- chun,r,r', Untercuabungen und Mittel"=*=j, No ;L2%j 29 Sep 1944. I ~Sel-o SILA* Tr lkwl Scientific - Aeronautics CTSAmm am me F- z -ox .'-nt of Dintraic Processes in- G'n)Xsj by -I 1-hiel- G&MRILATIT, per, Vercin Deutscher Ingen�eurc, Zeitschrift, vol xcixx, no 6, 1957, pp 231-237. IERO Sci - Engr m my 6~-*, On the a -PeooH-r.-AlOOR System,, by C. R. Thiel. GRERAN, per, Die Haturwissensebaften No 50, 1963, pp 16-17- CS=Vffo. 6268 Sci - AUg 67 335469 (SIP-1417) YmSolia., by Erich Thiel, 502 pp. m ONLY MM, bk. Die %wSoW,,, IWI IV 3-456; 47o-49p.. JPM 4w CCFTRIM FE - moveolia Coogmehic '/.Z/ 7 42 &'~ j A]pr 61 Geolow MA Gecmm-;hology of the Soviet Far Bastj by Brich rmiel 90 pp. MUM.9 bkp SM SMjet FeMoztp 1953P PAbI bY Ostaurapa Mufttmt Uar Varlagi, pp 27-331 42-~6i 207-300 mmdch. Corps ar MW Mb M 1957 Geosmodc AIM 1957 M/aem Effect of Atmospheric and Wind Pressum on the 'Water = level in the Balticj, by'G. Thiel. GERMAN, per, Doutsebe ME21~m Sche-ZIP Vol VIP He 3, Hamburg, 1953sPP 1ID7-123- NAVY TR U92/HO 229 Scientifte - Geophysics CTS No 71 Creep of Steel ev Room -Temperature =datr Gtt~tic T-ced, by W. J=ichet G. Thiel, 4 yp. per,, Arebiv Rlsebbuttenweaenv Vol 1.4-Up 1950, pp 105-118. (10en com onlY) BIA 57-2620 Sol Aug 58 7 " Y-?6 Mile ElPinming Tunnel of the DVL.,-M~R. Tldcl; A. Huffochmid MMW.9 pero Jahrbuch i2Ltg Deutseben Vol I., P.P 415;43i* N.til Bee Catmall Canada TT 83 ti P 1) Jul M-31M Prico 0. 50 Deame - --- ""fuenz On Straight aW a 35 fc"fPPt-Back TrtLpe6ol 11 0 SPUt,P-IZP., by G. ThU, dal v "C Kith and 111thoUt GERUAR# pel*.. Deutsche IxtMahrtr, B.L.A. Tr mmax Sclentific eromutloo CTSAM '2&3a=e NumWemafts'. I,- Twts OUTWO Tapamt lil~~i . ml,~:Rmftdts at FaU traw.Utlon. tw lo~. JO jv. veri. OrA X-IM 8ci - Awo 11 INK /I- / /I/ 7'>-* Imternp.ticnal Inequalities and General Criteria for Development Aid, by 11. Thei-l$ 22 pp. DUTCH., per: De Economisty Vol CI.- No 11,P 1953., PI) 721-749 - Macmillan & Co Ltd. Interatl Econ Papers,, NO 10 uEur-Nether3ADAS Econ ciA Lib BB 33. a6 vao Jun 63. TPA3/+L'.TB T.913 SciL~ntjfjc tow ad-CUM Ajpr Ar r, Gv by van Tuel. IfFRTICI!i~: Daloun Societe on Pet-l-viogo pp 193-W3. sa Bel pa s,- AUppamw by Carbm Erichr-Iftle ill:l Av,;Swatu~ 0. Weqalmamo vuu Thioi FIE-ME, Jtata T.,wteao Vol N.. No Ix 194, F., NM 5-2h-63 63 Attraction Exerted pn AnopbeUs YkeuUpewdo Atroparm by Cafackli Diozide in an Olfactowterp by P. H. vau.Mxielm FROM, perj Acts TMIcaj, Vol IV.. No 1.. 1947, pp 30-2D. mm Sol - Dialifed, &I JUI 63 0'a t-12e 0 -pe(*ff-c~-AMM *Vtcu, b,7 C. C.4,rj,=, R. mArl. GOMR, PCX, 4e 4 I rIO . 50, 1963 .- " 17 ' va - I, Bel - A - Thie f Aus 67 .1 - Cof won, on Im 3tmrlwAa or CIO ,amotics FOR SCIGU# IVOIWAWg, Ale IU50M;,Ioi WRJ, BY RAIMM THIC6 tf Wo our VP Nr im Xl a 1415C APR 1; of the 'Tractive Force at the me- Ibree-Point Attachment of an Agricultural Tractor by Electrical Methods, by R. IZW 3 PP- GEFI-L417, per, L-andtechnische Forachung, Val VIII) No 5, 1958, PP 132-134. CS:M0 Sci - Electron ~'Tov 61 719'. 3 C-,, Cer=ic Colouring Materials. 1. Spillol C,,)Icu--In,S Bases and Spiwlsj by 0. Krause, F. Thiel --per., Ber., Vol XV., No 3o 1934., PP 101-110- Hat-I Res Council Canada 7T 388 GDR rionomic CTSAM. Investisation. of Television 2ranamitfA s and Rt;:broadcast Routes for Colour-Suitability, by H. Thi-Ack-2. GEEWM-, per, Rundfunktachnische lUtte-1,11, Vol 3" ITO 6, -19-64, PP 0-335 /A) Sci - Aug 67 336..691 Hi.;h-Glaze -'arid Production and X-Ray Crystal Study of "ir Grey-Glaze Carbon, and Lamp Black, by G. Bemhcrer,, B. ThieLu,-13 PP- G -TRYA N .. per, Exuerim Techni" der Phyaik.. Vol W., 110 2: 1956, pp 50-62. SLA 59-10055 sc.? A. Dec 59 Vol 2, No 5 X (26-09-D) Problem in the C=tract Bystan of tho M Stato EhUMV80 by B. Udbleo 6 MUMs. rwo Der Operative DIewts No 10, Berunt 1958s pp.219-M- JPRS D-1563-D Mr 59