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B-Uydroxy and B-Halo Carbonyl Compowids. III. Preparation and Investigation of Some B-Helo Carbonyl Compounds-Analogs of 14co-pentyl Bromide by T . 1. Temnikova IT. i. 0s)-luava, 5 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Vol XXXIII, No 8j 1963, pp 2464-2468. CB Sci jui 64 263,78X3 (SF-1879) Prdblem of the Participation of NeighboArz Groups in Chemical -Proce3ses. Cheadcal Traasfonratiaa of CL Raloketmes.. by T. 1. Twmaova, 15 i7V RUSSIM, U.r., VcTrosy Pueocil Stroenlys OrSmAcheakiYa S~edineniy, 1,060., pq 210-223- JPM 11959 Bel - Chem zgp, reb 62 Reaction of M3tal DsrJ&--ative;s of Compounds with a-Halogenoonides. 1. Reaction oi' the Na and C H CIT (CH ) N Dorivatives of Aceto.- acetic Ester with ;0 a-Brcwoxides of the Isom3ric Batenea. By T. 1. Temnikova., B4 A. Ershov jigu 6 ~EUSSIM, per, Zhur Obabeh Xhim, Vol =LEI, No 8, 1962 pp. 2436-2442 CB Sal Jul 63 U#MM Acetals of Oxyeazbon-jl Compmmda X. YletXvl-Matolides of DimtIql-p-Aniacyl- und Dimthyl-p-021orobMsoylealtinols =& Their Treasfommtiona, by T. 1. Te=ikDvao R. Gissell, Ba As Gantarev., 5 pp. IWSSIM., per, 2Jmi Obahch MAm. Vol No 3) 1960p PP 7VO-780- C-R sci - ATM-- 6-1 iiethylle----~olides of r;L-Oxo Picohols of AUti~romatic Aromatic Aldehydes and Xetonas, by T, I. ~ta-nikova; B. A. Gontarev, R. Gissel', pp. IU.~SLAd?., perj Zhur Obshch Rhim, Vol xxxP NO Sy 1960P 21457-2461. CB 7 61 Chandcal C=varmioas or C -Ralo Eatonew. V-1. Mim Action of Sodium-ftwwlate and Cresalate) on q-Br*rp"Iohe=uam*p by*T.'I-s-,T=mUovaj-. R. A. Oahxqvvd','I%'~ pp RUSSU3i pQr, Zhur Cbmhch Milm, Vol MCTUI, No 22, 1956j. yp 3224-3226 Caumat4ents Bel Feb 60 7he Vc-rXs af S. V. Dpanilmv in tho I?ig)3A o:r leomatic Converoians and Holecula Rearrang4mirbs a.? Carbanyl and ffjd=uycarb*"I Ccamowde wA Carbohjtwetez and Their Theoretical Impartiucep by-T,. X, Tualkoymp A. X. AnIkeyava,, !V. S. Tikhftirovs-9Wr-O-v- ... a""Uh-pp. MMUS, perp 2hur Obehah Xhimp Vol XWTI, go 12, 1958,, PP 3162-3173 00GUAtmam Bwtau sel rob 60 Climate of Northern Caucaous and the Continuous Steppeep by _Temnikova. Natallyaj Sergeyevm. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, bk, 1(limat Severmogo Kavnays. i '; Pr:Llezbash--h:lkh Stepel, 1959. Acsi H-691i ID 2152397 Sci -- Geopb;yaics / S'~~ d thin Fl. !A- 2 of Cyclic A'"'rt:at- a 9Vd=x,vawtO-Vl COMP=ft- V11. PMPUMUM 94A Pro,wrtles of Epoxyactencl Mathyll lActolLde Oxide)., bi T, It TemUkora; ,S. B.. Mmr-okboda7p 4- pp. FUSSIAW, mo par, Zhur Gbahch Yhim, Vol XXV1, No 7, 1954 -.,z Cc I - OLvaiaintry -W-V 57 ZvnM~ Detc--mining Hwo- and Diacatonesoeboc-es vhen Both are Present am4 fteparing Mamwetoue-2, sorboses b~ T. 1. Temmikwa# V. V. "A SkIyaromm., 2 yp. Full translation. RDWIM,p mp perj, Zhur ?A-ik Ibluj, Vol XXVIIp no 10., 1954,, PP 1131-1132. CrA C 41473 Consultants fiwegu Scientiric !~ Miemistry 914 Apr 56 C3*/;ex Anmalow Reactiow of m-Brmo Ketmm. IV. Riew-tion of Sodlunt Phowlate with v.-pxagoetWj ph=Wl Ketwe., IW T. Temikom, S. YyukbWuzdarl, 4 pjp. RMIWp wo per Zhur Obahch Iblas VQI XXIVj 00 16.. 1954j, PP 1819-16. CIA C 4a5T ccusultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 13 J; / .3 J~w Jun 1956/d= (;3mlic Acetv-10- of 11~~oxxycarbanyl Compaur4a. VI. isomerization of the Rethyl lactolides of rt-Meto Alcohols into the Methyl Ethers of the Isomeric -I-Keto Alcohola.9 A- K- mj, S. S. Skorckhoclov,, 10 pp. RUSSUNj, mo pwj ZMw Obrpbch M31m., Vol M,, No 8j, Aug 1955,, pp 1575-1585. CIA C 421%. Coneultants Bweau $ci - Chemistry jun 1956/D= -ImIcotioltion of Cyclic Acotals, of Compounds. V. Methyllactolides mf W;hylb Ierz- oylcarbtuol and blethyl-p-anisoylcarlbinol, by T. 1. Temni!"-ova, IT. I- KIMBUY 3 PP- RIZISIAW, per., Zhur Obs'ach Miln, Vol XA:[IIj 110 9., IMSR., SOP 1953., PP 1498-15008' CIA D 151MI) Consultanto Burmu Scientific - Chemistry CTS 64/Jun 55 124 The Action of Aluminum Amalgam on 3-Chloro-3440tbyl- butyne-1,9 by T. 1. T=nlkwa,# Z - A. Bashovat 4 Ilp's run trawlatIon. RUSSIAN, par$ ZIn Obeh WhImr Val 3M1# No 108 Oct PP 1823-1824. c2T,4 -D ",?,-2,3 C=zuitants Bufteas Aw. q ScientIfIc - Chadstry cr. t-ris 1"Cilocular c'. il a '-ioas of Ilatiql-p-Tolyl toin t4th CQMfOUUdG, lay T. I. Temnikova, L. I . -Pot ll trauslatbn. - 4r' T t - Zhur Obsh nim, Val. Mj, lio 10, Oct 1951, -~tj-ujj. per, Coarm ltants Buresu, I -7 !7- .- -,A -c"Ic,ni--ific- - Chemiatry 33 A of -N-J(eto Alcoliols? :--Z. Foleculrar RtmrrvnVmentG Durin3 Methaucilysis of "sterv of g-'Keto Alcohols, by 3t T. 1. Tempikova Ond E. 1. Kula cbkova -eAito, I b~- ITI qr Obabch Kbir, Vol XXTI, RUSSM, mo y-er,,-7,h -8, Au^, 1952p pp 1~- ~53- Ala Consultants Bureau Cbemistry - Feb r,4 ms A Study in the Field Of CYOUC AcStalG Of wrov caftewl. empowds - Ix Ithyl- lactolides Mid DIstb;y2 Motols of my1housoylantLaol and Provylbomayleaft1w1a by.,T. 1. Tb=I"j '9- N- MMM2WObW# N. r.-WtvWW!k&iiv VI. V. Sklpmva#, 6 pp- RUMUN,, per, Zhur Obsbah XhImp Vol )=j, )b 2v 1959, pp 381-385. comulftnts Bumau sci 60 -7/f Studies in the Field of Cyclic Acetals of Hydroxycar- bonyl Compounds. XII. Reaction of Methyl Lactolides of Methylbenzolyl Carbinol and Nthylbensoyl Carbinol with Sodium Acetoacetic Rater., by T.I. Z~~kqva and B.A. Ershov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Kbiin, Vol xxxill', No 6, 1963j, ipp 173&1742- CB Sci CP. 4L3- 9 3 2K3 may 64 Chemical REactions of 4-Halogen Ketones. VI. Reactions Of c~-BrOMOP=PiOPhene and'~'-Bromobutyropbenom with Sodiem Derivatives of Acetoacetic Rater and Mmedon, by T.I. Temnikova and B.A. Ershorv, 5 PP- RUSSIAN,, per,ZAhur Gbehch Khim, VaLxx=, No 6, 1963) pp 1732-1737. CB Sci t,2 'IS9 W;L may 64 Chemical Trawformt1ork of C(-Hao getonas. V. Aettan of Sodium Arylates ond,-Iraw VaUms ar AIk&rcmtIc Seriess: by T. I. T , G. A. 5 ugolnikM, 0. A. Ift" Rendrma, 20 pp, RMBW.t pw.. assr MMhch RhIM0. Vol MM.L I Ib 9.0 19% pp A91-2500. Conmitsube 9tweau set - Chem Oct 58 ev -Banzyl-idene-Derivativeoi--Containing-1,3-Dio=lans-Itings-, of the hydrate Form of d-K*W-Alcohols,, by T. 1. Tv=qiknva,-B- A. Gonarov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, pw.. Dok Ak NsLuk SM, Vol CXTI, No 3, 1957, Pr 445-- Cousultantis Bureau Sci - Chemistry J~A 58 Resarebas an a-UtMIA Ubms. Ivy T!~ ulsmokm.~ Vo A. DqSebWs, The z6uma at"Gonsma ObsoMw of the YSMS Vol 2XIO 30 3v nw-29%6 imp 555 p -5m)w C-2-A -D ronoulftft'sim tL Em Tcrk Research on- the -Cycllc Acetala- of Ry-droxy Carbonjl-- CovTounds. 111. Transformation o;r Re%byl TActolide of Methylbenzoylcarbinot when Acted upon by Ac1d and Alkaline Reagents,, by Z9 _Te and ;' _p!L E.N. Kropachaves u pp. RUSSIAN, mo pero.Mar Obahch Xblc4 V01 MXj No7v Jul 1952P pp 1150-110. Comultante Bureau USSR Scientific - Chemistry Feb 54 Cre lj.~dk3 EYNIKOVA, T. I. KROPACHEVA, E. N. RESFARCFES ON THE CYCLIC ACETALS OF F-Y-BROXY CARBO11Y-L COMPOUNDS II. THE ACTION OP AN ALKALI UPON I-METEROXY-1- PHMff-LPROPENE-1 OXIDE 4 pages RUSSTAN, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXI, CI-M A ~9 12-2 Jan. 1951 Consultants Bur6au Translation Ano;-aalous Reactions of Alplipi-Bro-moketones. IT' . Research on JNlpha"~Iromo-P-Tolylacetone, by T. I. Temnikova. 1.T. I. Veksler, 7 pp. RUiSIAN, !70 pe-r, Zhur Obsach Khim;. Vol M, 17 7, Jul 1910. 7 CIA/-;'D;-)/X-35, clep cts c ..eseaxc,l on- Isomeric Transformations of Alnh-a Ketonic .Aacohols. The Effect of Chlorine in t1',.e Para Position -,-',ron the Stability of Aliphatic-Axomatic Alpha- ,Kctonic Alcohols.: i.~et':i,.;,l-p-',,I-tl-orol,,cnzoylearbi-no1 y T. I. Temnik E. I. Kulachkova, 11 PP. b, ova, RU-3SIA-l-, mo per, Zhur Obshch Kh=, Vol )aX, 21o 7, jill 1949 r,IA/FDI)/),-358 llesearch on the IL;omerIc Transf&mtions of a-Ketolo. X. Z 'a'. BenVlucetylcarbirol# by T. I. Tewlkovu ard V. A. Kropuchav; 3 PP- E'uIL translation RUSSM.9 mo pe.:,, %bur Obshch Xhim# Vol XXII, 11o r':LW 1952a. PP 813-815. _]~) / F,-I o5 '17 Comultmtu Burcuu S--i - Chem Dec 53 CM 7z7'-j2dF Investigation in the Field of Cyclic Acetalri of Hydroxycarbonyl Compounds. VIII. The Methyl Lactolide of Propylbenzoylcarbinol and its Reactlons, by T. 1. Temnik va WK V.,~. ivanova, 4 pp. HMSM,, per., Zhur Obahch KhIm, Vol XXVII,, No 2.. 1957o PP 340-31% .Z Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 02 0-2 19 Chemical Traverorsattow of ct-Hala Ketones, V32, CMrsateristles of DIcasse DIbrowM* on a Bromination Agist, by T. X._T*wIhxwq, X. A. Odt~aivas, 3,PP* :. 1. Bt6SIAN,, per,, Zhur ObsMh Was Vol X=~p. So 111, M9j, pp 3730-3731. .CD Bei Nov 60 Research on the Isomeric Transformations of o(- Ketols. VIII. The Effect of Methyl in the Para Position of the Phenyl Ring upon the Com- parative Stability of Osomeric Aliphatic-Aromatic cK, -Ketols by T. 1. Temnikova. and L. A. Petrova, 8 pp-. RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Obshch Khim' Vol XXI, No 4, USSR, Apr 1951, Pp 677-685 Consultants Bureau Vol 21, Apr 1951 Performance Tests on Optical-Acoustic Gas by V. Ya. Kozhukh N. Tew nokhud, R. G. Onishchenko, 3 PP. RUSSIAN., per.* Zavod Lab., Vol XXVi, No 2.p 1959) pp 215-217. Instru Boo of Amer Sci Apr 60 continuous control of the composition of Furnace Gazes, by S. T.'Plickano-ru'UY, N- IN- ~~Icb~ud, 3 I?p- W-29IM, liar, MatmUurg, No 10, 1190, 99 7-c0'. Consiatants Da--.-P-u Sci - NWYAt 4AM 59 791 SIr I'--; Pa--,ticles: by V.V. 19AM., 3.~-, pp. I- USSUN , per., Ko-mmicheskAye looladovandyaj, Tro'll - 1,, I:o. 1.. 1963., o,688886-v. rm-w-63-ge Cot F7/-63 -) q)/ Fifq Interaction of Etbyl Acetoacetate vith 9-qitrzostyreness by A.S. SoDova, A.A. Temps pp. ---~ J. RUSSI'l, per, Zhur Oz.ich Khln, Vol MI, No 5 1961, pp If& -lav CB / fl, '?-f -.?-, sci 11-r 62 (SF-1857) PFAMCTX OF REALIMG 7W TPJWdFW AND L0ADlWv4JML0ADtm -nm Fat tq6i-t*r BY 04ARIAN TOMM, 11 PP. POLISHs PER* PRZEGLAD MWAAKY I BWDWNIaW, NO 2,, 1962p PP.9%.Iol. J46 138A EEUR - POLAND ECON , MY 62 0 ft - ---o) MTeriences in Preventive Veterinary Medicine as Applied to Poultry Raising, by E. Tempel, 11 pp. CEM~M, per, Monatshefte fuer Veterinaer- wedizin, Vol XVI, No 11, ig6l, PP 433-437. ims 11.861 Sci - bled /// P /,~ I/ Jan 62 Past and Future Requirements for Automotive Trucks for Transportation of Construction Materials, by J. Tempelhof, 17 pp. POLISH, per, 14otoryzacja, voi vi, n 4, ig6o, P P jcRS 5800 :10ur - Poland ?icon Noy 60 It-aV4 Studios on %be Qwmant" Iwo Mom at Antoanklim I "k, Fortatl=f by -.10OW c 's UwMaWIFM (8o& PQLZSNO per, Tranapevs,, Val $E,, No 5,1 pp Baur - Polwid 7 7 Been - Tma*V*v4mtI*n 671 Doe 58 The Nature of Splnxl.Sbwk. Camunic:ation 211. Us State of the Afferent. Yourcmet br.Q. N. Sorckht:Lnp 0. P. Kinut-ftrokbtlms Yu. B. Twporl 5 pp. ;.,~ ... I.I.- RUSSIM, porp byul Zkq= Biol I YAd,, Vol XLVnlj. No 9, 1959, vp :L6.ig. comultants B=eou sci )//Y/, 3 6y f mar 6o The RAdio ~rmateurfs Handbool- Chanter XIII, ',idio neceivc Of I)OT-lestic Hanufacture, lby I. Iu-. Te V. E. Csherov, Triper 61 T) . IT T(,'T _3S , JE TT RUSSIAII, State Ftfbl~,Ilouse of**- Rcl#dcal Theore.LiCal u Literature. AIM F-T,5-7054-~RE s-O auff cts Atonis of the Respiratory Centre in the Frog, by O.P. Wnut-Sorokhtinap G.N. Sorokhtin., Yu. B. Temper, 6 yp REISSIM., per, Fiziol Mar SSBR, Imerd I e M# Sechenova, Vol UVII No 3P 1960j, PP 22.W-304 Scl ISO oat 6o The Nature of Spinal Shock. Communication I - The State of RAvrpolarizacion in Spinal Shoch., by 0. H. Soro"tin,, Yu. B. Temper,, PP- RUSS=,, per, Byal Eksper Biol i M-d, Vol ;M711, Do 2& 1959, P-13 P-7-31. Consultsmts Baremu sci 5;~. 6 /1--,' Sept 59 Endemia of Goiter and Dental FluorosiB in a Region Ilith a Very Lov Fluorine Content in the Water., by 0. Tempestini., 5 pp. I-. - rMTAN per, Clinim Odontoistricap Vol XII, No 1j. 1957, pp 10-16. NM V 4-28 Sci - Ned May 58 Mect of tb* Iatest am XcUpso on February 152 19 In 0--acm on the Mnod . Thromboolaato- gmphic Studies In a Htathy Babject,, by T. TT~24,$., A. xostkowski, 6 P.P. POIZMI. per., Polokle ArcXvum HadZmyn wom3trmej., Vol -=~ No 7.- 1962P PP 967-M- ms 6p-iw66 PLAW SCi - Blol 8s Yed Sa 7 Doe 63 .0,1~raplaic Determination of Gold on a Rotating Microdise Platinum Electrode,, by M. B. Bardin, V. S. Temyanko, 4 pp. HUSSIM, per,, Zhur Anal Xhim, Vol XIV,, No 6, 1959p pp 677-681. CB sei X, sep 6o The Use of a Ratating Plat!,;.--,,Q Micro-Diso Mao- trode in Polarographic Analysis, 1:-4r Ll- 'R~ Yu. S. lqaUlcov. V. S. T!nwW~auk~oppo RUSSIM, per, Zhur Amal Whim. Vol XIV, go 1, 1959, pp 24-27. CB Sai Sep 61 e,--pr3, &,Kplasivep Incendiaryp and Toxic,, by Palo "Una H. Rebelo VAz Piuto, UNCLAssum 25 o. anslation. Military Engitmer Review,. No 5 p 41P P 197-2WY No 7p PP 359-Op 1952c. 0-9 OWBA 0-70k Jan 53 CTS no 5o p 41; No 6, pp 197-208V No 7m Pp 359-34 1952. 3 1 Q Z.,13 I 1 1-2 C c; T Amnion S; 17~an ?rd Tlh~z Ti~,- 2n~ ;JTCHI, rj~- , U, derlandsch 'Md~-chrift -t.'oor T J. Gances-lual-de, Vol !lC 16 SeD 10154., In p 2 26 5 2:, 5 - 11-TH Dec 61 3-PiTlAr2acatit Acids Ch=lctA- =d plovio- Chemuml Cl,-m,l$LwtazjA 's w V. MAMUO L. 2. TeWadio MUM.p gas Mom Vol 51;p 19b9# IV U03-UfO- IMA TZ-6.5-28225 aa 66 XWn Chromatographic Analysis of Urines of Rate Deficient in Axerophthol (Vitamin A) or In Pyridoxine After Londing With Tryptoplumg by L. T. Teuccul, 6 pp. per. BoU;goc 101 Suer-,, ITALIAN xMP No 4p 1953s P~-~%* 3 3 45-A4 v NZ 310 Scientific - Biology Biochemical Dsmges of Pyri-dordine Defficiency ead Their specificity,, by F. M. Cniancane,# 3. Ginoulhiact L. -T. Tencon. " 12 Ppa ITALM, per., Acta - - call TPI V-11I, No 5P 1954'v pp 209-2136. - RM 35 Scientific - BIo1W . ssj 4 /j Studies on Animal Trypanooomiasis, by J. TLendeiro. FORTUGUESE, per., Boletin Cultural Guine Portuguesa, vol )MVI, 1952, PP 351-357. INSDOC -T1875 Sci Apr 59 91 -Kj ~ ~ca 2 - F3.1ranwdesion. of Coxiella Bmmstl by RhIpice- pbalus Ef Senegalensis (Ewh 1844)* OtW7 01 the Strain in Culture and in Some NxIpwinentmi- Animals.. by Joao. Tendeirp 9 pp, spmsx, per., No& Contemps Vol LXXp No 6.# 19502s. pp 327-332. CIA -0013437 ffm Scientific - Biology CTS/= Bme ragnetic Properties of Present-Day Permanent-Nagnat Materials and Their Cbmm=Jjml Vaesp by go Tandelooe GEMN" per, matelen, Vol xm, no 15, 190, pp 265oM. SmwY Bfttcbw 4505 #6.5o Sci - Blectr" PAY 59 ~Ua C-Or4,vidtatwd ACquired 1410paiMc A-11B Itz,9qLjt, "'j, 13. 1 andlau. M -Amu V*l CLI'ma, pp 46-A-491. V~D~ Set- U& M ,~.Uz 65 i~,cmrnjtal and j`ccjdrc-A ltfiopagAtt by 8. Temusu. 28 Pp. Gj~,',S, DQr, AX6a POth day Vol 9,L)A U. ,pp 4ta 6!i A2,:!,07 (FM 20584) Interaction of the Exteroceptive and luteroceptive Con- ditioned Reflems Under Uorml Conditiona ana on Dlm- turban*e-of Tb~moid FunctUm by Adaduistration of 14--thylthiouraelli, 20 pps RUSSM bk$ YMoa7_TLzi2j2At Interotocptati., Vol it yp it 50-514 CUAM/0-5,339 USSR S'c I Ded.., plWatoloar reLmaj tbyroid alAuds Apr 54 CTS The Son-In-row., by V. Tendrvokav, 80 p .p - IMSSIAN, bk. rour C=tinento Do& CatT 822 Broaftay waw York 3, Vy May 60 L- 0 ~71 " qM ,Fbw~p / .- " -, , vm ~ in t~ ~ '> - " ~Uwy m - wgic-C M SSM 61 ToA IVM mm= O.Wd gEnn= -dd J.1 'tjpua asum At 'rA=SmS V" =;QTM p gwlqoM soWmWoM oWjv4 Action of Blood on the ActIvIty of Ularoorganiams inoculated Into the Peritoneal. Cavity* by Dr Stefano Teneffs 31 vv- XMIANs Verj Arch. Ital. Mr.& Val =Mv go 60 19A, pp 60-714. CTA D 151140 SIR Scientific - Madlelsm 4.1 4A 441 me gralue or the r=mjwjsotrppb=tic Test In the Early Dja~pos:to ox Athavoscle=sisj by 'T. YA-zarczakp S. Tene~--q pp. MS 63-U409 PL-48o Sai - Bia & Ned fti D6o 63 ~ !V31, ~ N Antigania Prn*rties of C-Reaotlve Protain In Variois Dimmes., by Bo_,T~~* 6 pp. POLISH., per., PolWde Archiv= Ift -V71W %nm-LT=jp 1101 ==,p go 2j, 1963v PP 1%-1Q. OTS 63-114,09 PLAW Sci - Biol & Wd sei Dec 65 - -1 dz,( 'i 7 5 .1' 7 7 * Comimsite Radiometric lbrk In Kiningg by 1. 11. M leneilbaum. 3 pp. RbB31AN';, per, Atom Energ., Vol VIII.- NO hp 19609 pp 336-339. C,B Sci Jul 61 jz-)~ a /1*1% The Use of Special APPOrstus for Rapid 9 ArJal3r- sic, or ore Production Through Gems Radiation, by L.R. Posik,, I.K. Tenenbaums.10 bP- HUSSIM,, per.. Atomays. Snersiya, Vol lilt 10 7, 1957v pp-28-35- A Consultants Bureau sci - Nue Phys jun 58 - ------------ - -un-zm-Sta-tic Design of blactropnemutic Transducers Having FGrce Gunpunsatimi by ifeans of the Reaction fron an Air Jet By L. j,. Tenenbaum, ppe ,---M RUSSM,, per Avtomat i Te3smakhv Vol XXIVO No 21, 19632 pp,, 255 - 267 Isk Sol 2- Concerning the Method of Stationari Phase, Icy 1'. 11. Te3aenb , 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol V, ITo 12, 1-C960, pp 19010-1918. u pp Sci i.%y 6 2 194,638 TeMerature Conditions in Tools of Coal cuttirg Machines and Combinses by M. M. Tanenbaum., A. S. Kostromin, N. K. Romanankox 3 RUMIANj per.9 Vest Mashinostroy, Vol XL,, No h, 19602 PP U-13 PERA Scl, Apr 61 1'elig, A Sclerometer for Evaluating JAecbwnloal Proper~-' ties of Metal and Alloy Surface Layers, bv U.M. Tenenbaum, I-,h-pp. RUSSTAN perq Zavod Lab# Vol XM9 No 2js 1960P pp Scl- ftb 63. -Daudotls-nve-Lstt~r Prluber-,-W SmvWeWq-rt, CMM", per,.Imektrote& Z., Yeb 18fts PP 61-63- . U& 57-3539 Sri ja 59 ,47o?, .5'~f e' Voclals of Mama CaUs, by M. ten Hoopon DUTCH., per.. Tljdnelu-ifL- van hot Ivederlmda -Raftegenootsa"; Vol XXMI NO I'l 1.9&.13 .pp 17-32. NWY Tr 3558/APL M Scl - Biol & Yied ~ s/p sop 63 The Chiwoe Communist Navy "Self -Repair" Program., by Teng Chao-heiang., 7 pp. UNCTAMIFIRD- ,Tp-,.m X A Pa. ou CRT npl"i I YAi 1959s Enal to Ser No 269-59, IM USM-09 Hong U-ng, ECC. ftvy/OIU 5071730 n - China Mil 9;0/ Sep 59 P Oduct- Z:-- Jon of Daily Necessities,, by Tcr-,.,c 10 pp. CHUMSE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 11 J~Ar 19611, p JM 8413 China Econ -un 61 v IwI--*'at-~.-izl -Uhe K'Zs Line, Lead the M-Inssoc; Direct Pl-oduclu-ion in P-1-oductic)-1, k:,-; Ten--, Chlen-hoi, CHINIESE, no, Ta-chmig Jih--,)ac) --0 , o 2. JE 19 s FE - Chi na Pol- .5 Do c ') 0 (/V Expand the Production of Light industry Articles for Daily Use, by Teng Chiehl, CHINESE', np, jen-min Jih-pao, 11 14ar 1961; P 7. *JPRS FE - China Econ 31 jAar 61 Thoroughly Realize the Ideology of Mao Tse-tiuig Allov,g the Agricultural Production Front Line, by Teng Chih, CHMEZE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 24 Oct 1,)60, -1 *JPRS FE - China. Pol & Econ 15 Hov 60 (DO-3501-2/2). Advance a Step in StrengUmning wd 6tabilising the Warhor-ftmsaat Allience, MIMSO 'par, 11=43--abli, 'A~lo 112, 16 Jun 1959, pp 30-37. MS-908-D ra - Chi= Pol - Icon Sep 59 ECONOMIC PLA14S AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF PEOPLE'S COMMUNES, BY LI PING-SHUs TENG CHING-CHUNG,, ET ALp . . ........... I.- 502 PP. %. N. CHINESE., BK,, JEN-mMIN KUNG-SHE CHINGwCHI KUEI- HUA YU CHING-CHI,-TI-LI WEN-CHI,, PEIPING., 196o., pp 1-20. .jpRs i -a89 FE CHINA ECO~ GEOG WR-93 221-929 AN OMMUM -W PAIWAL CMITMO am"t GEOWAMpow lm, coulawalmew 130" CHI t~W PM Tfou Wmomo# Vft $Cj 4W so & Aim AM 4 (FDD 24559) The Economic Geography of Southern Hopeh Province, China., by Sun Ching-chih, Tex!g Ching-chung, 43 Pp- CRIME., qu per., Ti-li Urauch-poo., Vol xxy no 2$ Peipingy Jun 1954j- PP IW-170- CIA/FDD Tr 1111-3 FE - China Geo - Topography., general Econ - General Jul 55 Economic GeograplW of the Weet-ern Region of -the Middle Yellow Rivers by Wu Chluan-chuns Sun Chleng- lieb, TLu& Chingnckungs Wang Ming-yeb, 200 pp. UNCLASSIFIED CHnWSE, monograph, Huang-ho Chung-_vu Hot-pu Ifi-chlu Ching-chi Ti$31j, publ by Science Pabitshing Companys Peipings 6ep 1956, 0 1-101. US JPTIS/DC-253 FE - China (DC-1295) E,conj Geog A (SF-1303) Maintain the Mmen Unes Lead the Masses Amm the Nassens Direct Production in Production, by TM Chfou-bal, 8 pp. CM3WRs ups Ta-cb=g Jlh-p&o# 13 Avg 1960, p 2. im 6960 FE - China POI j4gw" 61 elldll ]IPA S-~rkv-- !z--r -u- Better mvililore- Forward in 1960, by Teng, Chen-hsi.. 31 IMP- CEIRM, np., TsIS~Lt~ Jib-Pao, 22 Jan 1960, I?p 2, 4. JPRS 2894 FE - Ecan oct 6o :_ - - , -. 15 97 All-Out Arrangement, Different level Control, by Meng Gaiehl, 6 pp. CHI=!!,v npj Ta-kung Psoj, 12 Feb 1961, P 3- JERS 8415 FE - China Econ Jun 61