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Geological Studies of the Sea Bottom of the Soviet Arctico by V. A. Takarevs 4 pp. RUSSUR, per., Prirodap No 5v 1946. FDD/X-3230 Dee 58 Desulftwization of Pbsnois by B. K. oishi.. 4 pp. APAN=j, patent 2969 (1959) pub. 24 Apr 1959, f iled 10 SO 1956 (pat. spa. DO 3M* C 1906) - ATS-42L37J Sol OTS" Vol LUM NO a Apr 63. Takas*kj. Y. and Tanabe, 0. STUDIES OF TliE ISOMERIZATION OF SUGARS BY BACTERIA. FT. 11. ENZYMATIC PROPERTIES OF GLUCOSE LSONi ERASE. 'Apr 6417p Order Ircen ATS $8.65 ATS-54R74) Trans. of Nihon Nogel-Kagakkai ShJ (Japan) 1962, Y. 36, no. 1;4 p. 10t.1-IOL6. (See also ATS-53R74j) 1. Takso4ki. Y. H. Tanabe. 0. 111. Title- Enzymatic... IV. ATS~54R74) V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., . EastOrange. N. J., 0 Ck (Biological Sciences- -niochentistry. TT, v. It. no. 2) Takasaki, Y. and Tanabe, 0. STUDIES OF THE IISOMERIZATION OF S UGARS BY BACTERIA. PT. 1. IDENTIFICATION OF JSOLATW BACTERIA, CARBON SOURCES IN -11113. CULTURE MEDIUM, THE CULTURING PROCESS, AND ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY. 1Apr 64) 7p Order from ATS $8.35 ATS-531174) Tram.. cd Nihon Nogel-Kagalikal Shl (Japan) t96Z v. 36, i no. 12, p. 10 -----T7-64-12080 1. Takasaki, Y. 11. Tanabe, 0. 111. Title- Identification... IV. ATS-53R74j V. Associated Technical Services. lnc,. Fast Orange, A cH C2 (Biological Sciences- Blochm Istry, TT. v. t 1. no. 2)19"Ift 0 T-hksl 0-1.o. AEC-tr-4482(p.1467-87) Uncl. STUDIES ON RADIOACTIVE LABEIED BACTERI.A. IN THE FIELD OF FOOD SANITATION. Akira Takase and Tomoko Bito. C-23 P NSA i7 N-4 AEC-tr-4482(p.1467-87) 'Uncl. STUDIES ON RADIOACTIVE LABEIED BACTERIA IN THE FIELD OF FOOD SANITATION. Akira.Takase.. and Tomoko Bito. C-23 P NSA ? J N-4 AEC-tr-4482(p.1467-87) Uncl. STUDIES ON RADIOACTIVE IABELED BACTERIA IN THE FIELD OF EOOD SANITATION. Akira T4kasc_ and Tomoko Bito. C-23 P NSA N-4 j ef L. AEC-tr-4482(p.1467-87) Uncl. STUDIES ON RADIOACTIVE LABELED BACTERIA IN THE FIELD OF FOOD SANITATION. Akira Takase and Tomoko Bito. C-23 P NSA z~/-10/ N-4 ''.-eracticn Betveen Antibacterial 5 ulbotuxices,, by Yarnuo Taknobi. Admchi and Tsutom Tada, 7 The Journal of Antibiotics, Vol IV, Supplemen ;o B, Ja-pan, Jul 1.951, pp B49-B50. ciA/FDD x-665 '.ctentific - Chemistry, bacteriology,, YoUcine '--'-ional Institutes of Health, Betbesda, PA. NUIR ~1111 JAPANESE C-Ci4-",UVflST PARTY OPIN11044 ON THE 'ROSTOW THEORY, BY KOTN'li TAKASHI, 5 PP. JAPXANESE, PER, AIMATA, 26) FE13 1'~6~j-, P JPRS 15813 FE - JAPAN POL APP 63 n8' f? Diffusion-type Silicon Controlled Roe- tifiers, by Takashi Nakagawa. JAPMUME, per, rastaba Revue, Vol 16, M 1961, pp 1558-1 62. NASA TT F-12,141 ;~aka7a,,,O- sci-Elec June 69 394,123 Asia iWAESM', per., Tama !a 01 C4 I vw 1963. 33M4 -rpl AIX Research on Pressure Hull Structure: by ~;xlq Takashi Sugimurap 3 PP. U71CIASSIFIED JAPANESE., paper., Nov 1959,, Enci 4 to Ser go 180-60p US KA., Tokyo,, 16 Mar 1960. HavYlONI 5o90485 Sci - Engr, Geophysics may 6o 'Me Soil Freezing 141thod in Engineering Construction by T, Takashi K Matsuura, et al..36 Pp., FOR OFFICIAL hSE"ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE- VaTHIN MIE DEPARDMT OF DEFENSE CNLY JAPANESE, per,, Reito, Vol 37,, No 411, 19620, pp 1-15. Ploorms-V FrD-Frr-67-84 fi Sci/Earth Sci Aug 68 357,362 The Soil-Freezing hathod, by T, Takashi, K. Matsuura, et al, 42 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE WInM THE DEPAMENT OF DEFENSE (HLY JAPANESE,, per, Reito Val 36, N'o 410, 1961, pp 1-20, P100154368-V FrD-liT-67-82 S ci /E arth S ci Aug 68 557#361 Th-a RaUtio=b1p BeWeen lfcat-fttUng azit! T SuoUingj lay Motchiro Tour&.&; -Aktb Koallimor TS=Old Tagrea's 12 P. jAPArvME,. pmr, Zdbunshl Nasaku, 1959j. Vo:L Mp Ito 3.70-1 pp 333-336- MA 60-10447 sai Apr 60 All~ Vol M., 110 3 ousibition of Li%dd-Fbase TolvAne by A14- Under Frecaure (ProduaW Dwmic Acia), by ante. Nobutog TevAm Tabishis 36 pp. JAPAN=.. pwj, Paparts of the Oweiawnt Checdcal Industr1al Resos=b Distitutep Toby% Vol LI, No 5. M JW 1956# pp 109-1900 NO RZLZABAM TO FORIMM IMMOMA 01&/FM ME-29e sai - mmistry My 195T M/dox uc 11204" tu cm Him" Studiz---s r4i liLll'ae "ator convarzion by thm 3, ~4w Waormicas via tht-,t 190but4we aydrate mul its 'mmumAkynaric PMotticsi, by 7akwbi-tAiLlas Vol &I.IX, I!Mft pp U2-3#7. tr-1402 Sci fq*W44 M Int./Saline Vlater (TD ASAP) R-6 W-l-D 18 Aug 67 Studies on Saline Water Conversion by Freezing Method (VI) Crverall Analysis of Direct Contact Freezing Process By.- Takashi Uchida From: Reprinted from Reports of the Govexmment Chemical industrial Research Institute, Tokyo Vol ft No 1 1966:33-42 pp) Japanese - est for vds: Please translate and type 1 original copy. Do not matAlate document. Report of an Investigation of Poisonous Fishes Within the Jurisdiction of the Saipan Branch of tho Govern- ment-General., by Takashi Yasukawa, 12 pp. Pull translation. JAPAN=, loam ~iseaee Rem.In P", Contea imperial =V-., 1934. S.L.A. Aug 55 Takashi, Y.. Aishims. L. Kobayashi, Y. , aw TMEM-Y. A MFMOD FOR POLYMERIZATION OF MONG- OLEFIM. [196317V Orcier from OTS. SLA. or MSL 10 TT-63-20606 Trans. of published Japanese patent 4690J1963, notification 25 Apr 63, [cl. ] 26 B 11 (13 F 1) appl. 29 Oct 60. special appl. 43503/1960, by Asald Kasei Kogto Kabusbiki Kalsba. (Abstract available) DESCRIFTORS: *Polyethylene plastics, Albenes, OPropenes, OPolymerIzAtion, *Ziegler catalysts, *Titanitan compounds, Chlorides, *Antimony com- pounds. OAlumintun compounds. Alkyl radicals, Halides. to the proposed method, a monoolefla Is polymerized in the presence & a catz lyst consisting of titanUm trI - chloride obtained by reduction of titanium tetrachloride (Materials--Plastics, TT, v. 11, no. 3) (ever) IT-63-20606 1. Takashi. Y. H. Alshima, 1. In. Kobayashi. Y. FV. Tounodai y, V. P2tent (Japan) pub. 38-4M Offics d TetMcA Sink-.s A R-OWU f'Or FbjW&PjZ46tIM Ot tv r*tdu Tobudam Itsuw Am$=# YUJI irbbmva3d, Yoddo Twwdso -UMUM4 vAtmut;:q!ft,,LI as IT an 630 ex. 26 B 11# 22a 3/X463 j, AsobS MMI NDGM co BA Code P 346 Sol aw 7 -A pa4mvrimtiom ruucbi Tab3sb4 Itatiho Aldins- ruil W*Wwa., 90 anump S M 10 U02TV1963s 5 JA 63jr a 26=0 SOL. W. 48,jaow, Z3 Dw co, IV AftM good &M* Co. ER Cob P 347 Not MW 67 32%94 A Process For Polymerization of Mono- olefins., ly Yukichi Talmshi., Itmiha Aim:Lma., Yuji Nobayashis Yoshio Tamodal 13PP- JkBU=,p Patent 9,43911963, 27 Jun 63, c1. 26 B 11 appl No. 12,331/19C13., 11 AlIr 61., by Asahi Mwei ro(Wo Co., Ltd. CFSTI SA Code-P---JL-4,. Sci - Materials Mm-r- 47 A Pzocma fbr PolyzerizaUm ce Wmw-ojajcz4 JW Yuklchl ~&0 6JP=g Yol NDIWMblo TMAW TOM414 14 Ammo .. 17 im 63 al 9~ a 26 B us DMA* wo 22 U Ajor Al-L, tv /WAS A I mages, C300 c0 SA coaft P 345 Sel - Tkt mW 67 7T-63-20W Ta . Y., Atshima. L. and Dwxxia, Y. A:-Igkw,OD FOR THE POLYMER17ATION OF MONOOLEFINS. [196319p Order from OTS. U-N or ETC $1. 10 TT-63-20%5 Trims. of published jBpame patent 4639/1963. notification 25 Apr 63 [cL 126 B It (13 F 1) appl. 29 Oct 60, special appl. 1960/43502. by Asahi Kaset Kogyo K&WshIM Wsha. (Abstract available). DESCRIPMRS: *Polyethylene plastics, OPropenes, *Fblyrnerization, *Megler catalysts, "tanlum compounds. Chlorides, *Antimony compounds, *Alumlnum compounds, Alkyl radicals, Halides. The Invention relates to a method far producing poly- propylene containing as much as 90% isocactic phase. 7he caialyst employed consists of a compound of titanium tetrachloride and an organo compound of one (Materials - -Plastics, Tr, Y. 11. no. 3) (over) 1. Takasist, Y. U. Aishims6 L M. -numoda, Y. IV. Sistem ftian)pub. 38-4689 j Gifts ad fbi'g Ud., 6 3 36 7 'Takashi, Y kichl, Aijima, Hayaho and ott, MOLECULAR WEIGHT CONTROLLING PROCESS OF 1. Fakashi, MONOOLEFIN POLYMER. Nov62, lip. " -Aijimi, 11. Order from Sil, $19. 00 5A Code-P-51 I. Nrer.~ pilt'. 37 - I T), IV. SA CWO-P-51 Trans. of published Japanese patent 1592/1962, 9 May62,~ IV. Scizaburo,'.&I (jilmn) c1. 26-B-il (26-B-121) (26-B-012) (13-F-1) appl. no. 11245/1960, 31 Mar 60, by Asahl-Kasel Industrial Co. DESCRIPTORS: Polymers, 'Ethylenes. 01.11olecular weight, Control. Catalysts, Aluminum compounds, Titanium compounds. Halides. Aceric acids. C227616 (Engineering- -Chemical. IT, v. 9, no. 3) Gffici of Ticuicii %jni=s olefizat bv lfuklcu. ItIo2auj, jto,,-W ~N ~rvl J!LJ Yuji lbbegabbip YOGW-o Touno&s 139. maum''t ratmt 9..41439J1963 17 A-A !53,* ~,6 B 2.1 OPPI Ilo. r!#WZ~33 I-I Alpr I-Ap Asabl Khmi ZbWo Co.# Ltd. CFM'll SA Codc-P-J,"' sai - 11Wurn-id-la M. r 13 IT X*Uod Ckf slat rl"s relple" NWAMUA 1w Iddou uk"U., A - ', "jums Jug KOW&SUS ToMe Wooofta P. NO "Mmp ~P sk"WIMP iA* SACod*-MM ?//W,:,~ Z~ -7e;4Z,I fti 3OvWX An 67 63-17679 Takashi, Yuldchi. Aijima, Hayaho and others. - 6 6biAR WEIMIT CONTROLLING PROCESS OF 90 1ER 1. Tak-shf. Y. MONOOLEFIN POLYMER. July 63. 9p. I ref. U. Aljtma. It. Order from SA $19. 00 SA Code-P-57 III .Patent (Jnpan) pub. 37-1593 Trans. of [published) Japanese patent 1593/1962, IV. SA Cadle-P-57 c1. 26-B-1 I (26-B-121) (26-11-00) (13-P-1) appl. V . SeLzsburoAokl (Japan) no. 11246/1960, 31 Mar 60, pub. 9 May 62, by Asahl-Kasef Industrial Co. DESCRlFrORS: *Polyethylene pbumics. Molecular weight. Caot:rol. Ethylenes, Propenes. Butenes, Polymerization. MetakxVWc compounds, *Ziegler catalysts, Titanium compounds. Chlorides, Alitaline metal compotaids, Sodium compovinils, Potassium pounds, Group U elements, Zinc compounds, Ethyl radicals, OChloroacedc acids. (Materials- -Plastics, 'IT. Y. 10, no. 4) afte 01 lecb" sw*m On Paraz-atron C=putcr "M-1", by Z. Kiyaou, S. IMuroga, K. Takasbi . UNCLASSIFIED JAPP-MOSE, per,, Denki TausbIn Gakkai Zaashi, MABIA Tr 9r(2U Scl - Electron c2 Fab 58 System and Logical Design of the Paranw-tron Digital ir,=qAer Musasino-11 by Saburo Muroga, Kanauke.Talmahimi 37 p. JAPANME., per, Dankl Taushin Gaklmi 7=cb:L, 1958, Vol XLlj No U, py U32-U41. SLA 59-17793 Sci Feb 60 Vol 2 , No 9 Engineering Description of the Parmatrom Digitia Computer *waajno-l,.by_.Kensiflw 'W"him, Salpiro Mbroga, U7.uo Riablds, 32 p. JAPAME, p*r,, Denid Taushin Gakkai ZaaahJ.j 1956j, Vol XLI S No us PP 1141-1149. SLA 59-17792 Bei Feb 60 OF 10 Vol 2 , Ito 9 x S? AwIV-ed and StW=lnd Polyolefimp by H. Taksoblm. 4AaUMSE6 ftlent 10-2kv 1962. ATS-M-2W - /7. SCI-Ch~M FAr TO bO3,871 Tat-am- NadchL Tawks. Sanise aDd odwm A FUMME Am srimuz POLYOLEPUI COM- POMM ]Ldy 63. 7p. Oida ftm SA $16. OD SA Ca&-P-122 Txm& ct pubUmbed japLww ps 10567/1962, cL 25-H-311 (25-H-M) (25-A-13) appl- rKi. 22.18/1960 Mad 26 Apr 60, pub. 8 Avg 62. by MkwAAmM Co., DESCRWMR& *Pblywdql-ePUstkw. OC-npowift mateZU14 Pto&bcdo,6 Smbabatk% ParincadON6 Odms, AMdvem. MsmUlcconWmmd- *Sadmcm- ~Alumlnum compourmle, Hydrides.Chloridem. OAKeybda-Plastics. TT. v. 10. am 7) 63-179M 1. Talou~ M a. Tambl. S. m - F= %*- lwo3-67 tv. SA Ondit-F-122 V. Sed-ho-wo A aU Cpwan) A J24 7:7!.7 of Dv~v, ~:ru Shizuo TaLka5himmu c. -~ j r, -.7, 4~;3zl por, 7vo? n lyp 65-66. Delat olf Aug 62 Creation 02 D. 0. P. bastic B~xUes and %beir Foe-movalp by yoshitoshi oyam., Yoichi Takwhim; at oZ - JAP=SE.l per., Filufagsku ICeulVu.-Qao Holokay V01 Mlvj- Sept 1958, Pp 330-3313.- 9204991 sci - Pbwo AEC-sc%-Tr-459 Ap r 6.3 ~A '// 0 c 3 SNOnuan bw 094dft ii AUM Saw"I I am "o=ft gill" *A 6# so 3* IF% 0 Xav=6 AM MW Mr44.9 YoicM TAUSHIM ja 67 Ion &,cchange Separation of Scandilam and L-amthanide Elements, by JUrL Yoshirnu a, Yo-qhimvVju!;,;Aq nt. Hlrohilko Waki, 9 pp. JAPANESE. per, Hippon Kagaku Zasshi, Vol LXXIX, 1958, pp 116g-1172. A-PC UCRL-7-T-540(L) Sci - Chem sep 60 .01 D--terminations of Metal Ais by Hexam-ninecobalt -t!W, (III) Chloride a=.'-'L Godium Fluoridcl' (Firz;t aad Sec=-7 Reports), by josbip -as m-, l'+ -pp JAPmZSS~ per) Wippon Kagaku Z=shi., Vol LXXLX~ 19~8: pp 24n)-248. AEC UCRL Tr-539(L) ivig 60 cz Research Tests on Bulletproof Steel Plates (Report No 1) Bulletproof qmlities of Steel Plates ExPerimenUIXY Manufactured in 1954p by Toshio Saito; Yuklaosuke Takashigia 74 pp, JAPAPIM, rpt, Tecbnical Research Institute of the Japanese Defense Agency, 14 Ocat 1955, Mwl to iR 2o56 -57, 6oo4th AWS. AF 1110M FE - Japan Mon - Research Aug 57 An ExperloWt Of VIDS TMk CMVWtMnIW Of Om Carclerp by K- TWMnhlrO anou zogell JOAMM, per*, 11963s, wz %f: 9022-00 (2528) ?,/. -To X 4 S H I'P, 0 Aug 63 ~fle*lyr Ageing of Vanuam.-Tveated Cold Rolled blgf- Carbon Riwwd Steel bleat, by K. Takasina, S. flarada JAPANESE,, par,, TetsuU 14'ganes Val $20, Ale 44 1966, lip 726.~ff.' RISI S129 sci/Materials Jul 67 Takaugi. Shintaro. k'kOCfM OF REAanvAmON OF TM CATALY7 BODY FOR SYNTHESIS OF VINYL ESTER. July 63. 8p. 3 refs. Order from SA $19. 00 SA Code-P-56 Trans. c( (published] Japanese patent %93/062~ ci. 13-F-5 (16-B-61) additional pat. to 279224, appi. no. 24987/1959, 3 Aug 59. pub. 14 May 67, by Shin'etsu Kagaku Kogyo, Inc. DESCRU,TORS: *Vinyl pl8KICS. Vinyl radicalia. *Esters, Acetates, Synthesia, OCats"s. Activated carbon, 0ZLoc: compounds, Acetates, Merc=T ccxn- pounds, Chlorides, Fluidized solids, Acetylenes, Acetic acids, Towers (Chemistry) 63-17678 I. Tskzxwi. S. 1[. Puma (JapwQ pub. 37-1 M 113. Puent (japan) 279 224, &&L IV - SA Code-P-56 V. SeizatatroAdd (Japan) (Materials- -Plastics, TT. v. 10, no. 4) lletra Terrestrial Pa~ldeuion St---idies, by Dr. T,-&ataj" ImId., e E r7iE T mumoftAh JAPAIESE, Tonoi--u Journal of Experimental ":'ecUcine 19! a .1 ",- AMC f-- r.:;- - 7 Jr CTS The Lift Action of Cb1orine Babbles In Graphite Anode cX a SorlzmtAl VJ2:,-cui7 Cal & mrjj ta 10 ,j by X. Talotn't H JAPAIMMjp lmrj, DoWd NMAkUA Vol 32t No 8p 1964p PP 505-5U9- TC-1050 Sci-Cbew Aug 66 303.v871 Analpft at go D*xo$W cc a ftn'sm" ftuwuoa aftm rw twx amoo tw sommom tu%ws **Aft U944 V mp. a . Wit a& JKP loop JR M-99& we 42% YAsaru TAKATA 35LOW Sol . ptowulasoft a ow" 4.~ ~q - M SSilt~I*tSI 4XIMCMAIDn fiar u-SA Fuel,* by Tomkatsu ~fasaruuTskatu, JAPMESfi, per, Kagaka S[ou!ku 101 26, 1962.. PP 901-3. t % AFIC Sci - Che;4 v cct 67 342,342 Synthasis of Yic~Lsul EX Subztan-pas for Pblyacrylanitrile and Itz Copaymers. r. Pyntheala of Roftl ftibstawas for Fbly~~trlle-l.j by T. Takatna, at at., 18 pD. 1 11111 APARM.. 3er, Wdbwmhl MWJmt Vol Olp lb 2-7: 1959, PV 693-08- MA 60.183W 501 R- Vol IV, F.O 11 itm 62 S.% of Lycoris Alkaloids Report No 3.8 ..udy Structure of Lycorenine (Fart 4)1, by Heisaburo Kondo,, -La~ito ~*daj, 7 PP. JAPArMSE., per,, LALM~- Zaqqbi, Vol TaIv.. No 9/10J. Nov 1945., pp 5j, b. NIH Scientific - Chemistry MAM / 19 1 F02 0~- tad z,,Icexw cd hura, klyda TaklM, 9 Ru FREMIJ, PAtem P$ru IJ74,2Z67- Ckv ce CJAIAM patent oake ATC 65 Currant Serological IrUcromthoft, by C-,yj-l.a .-- Tak&tay., 5 pp. F-MUGARIAN, per, Kiserletes Orvostudonany, Vol 37, 1951, pp 6o-65- Nn 3 -3o -62 / 9 (~' 7 A// Sai - M--d -Am 6 a Takarsuchl, Yukicht, Aijima, Hayaho and others. METH~F COMMOLUNG MOLECULAR WEWHT. July 63, 12p. 5 refs. Order from SA $19.00 SA Code-P-208 Trans. in manuscript of published Japanese patent 13882/1962, cl. 26-B-11 (26-B-121) (13-F-1) appl. no, 20827/1960 filed 15 Apr 60, pub. 13 Sep 62, by Asahi Chemical trxhtstry Co.. Ud. DESCRIPTORS: *Polyethylene plastics, Molecular weight, Control, IrEthylenes, OPropenes. Polymerin- tion, 'Tripheny1methanes, Metalorganic compounds. *Ziegler catalysts, Alkyl radicals, 0'ritardurn com- pounds, Halides. 63-22306 1. Takatsuchf, Y. H. Aijima, H. Ill - Patent (Japan) pub. 37-13882 TV. SA Code-P-209 V. Selzaburo Aoki (Japan) (Materials- -Plaszics. TT, v. 10, no. 9) Offia W TscWed Savim -.w~ fir Uticho Are Their Vi UnIxUlned by 'E;U94a Zalaizo,, 8 pp. aAT-,"Jr-,3Mj imo per., Tairikuo I.Tmdai,, No 16,, Oct lc'52., (excepts It'rom Talmyala boob). MISGAZ 7�950 USSR Politiw2 - Cocuuui=j. propagauda Bloampble - X=., MOMp MIYAX= - ~~4 - -- '0~~-- - a V I Study an the Smztace Makm of Tmgatai PtWsr. Part Up W S., Tdcqvo- JAPANESEj per* U&mgp MLnsOlm gdkdAbi6 Vol 249 No 36 1960,0 pp 142-146. NTC 71-1499-11F Fab 72 L, CrLCle p je -as Amir~.C~ taro Tehaya=~ Rvoji Iwanags, p 2- 643.3 (1951) Filed 14 Feb 1950., FI,fb 17 oct 195p~-. aU 60-i4Lo6 A Yrar 62 FAtc-"Toiytic Treatm9nt of Producta of Protein by Yc)Ghitaxo,Takayam, Matstmo, r-, Ryoji :Llt kv-,anaga,Y3 PP. jA-eA:,E,qE ,-atent 4464, (1950)., Filed 4 jan 190, Dub la DcQ 191110 - su, 60-14"- lfd~ , g11 mar 62 BetandnatJon of Bmizoyl Pera3dde In P!31ymtlWl =71ate.9 ftt- 3- 002=llmtrrp iv -MIJI V!kM% Kinvio lblp 6 pp. jApAiss4 ws, Bmewd xs~pim 0 val 4m, no 62 x955i, pp 349-3530 au 22 &-18550 Y, C, ~ -- /~,~ ~ ja 66 305j,45L Daterwy2gtjon of BOMA pazvxl& -in F021vamtkiel M6.t2w=72atej, Be" 2. Mtm VlolAt AbsorArtIm .Cwatrom bly IWI 2 bqmoip 5 pp- JAPAUM6 W# iid- Kiai-4 19550. Val Its ]b 5A IV 290-9"- %A 22 64-16LIZ & ja 66 305#4-50 Tac Ilb-cration of Chinava and Rucial Problem,. by lamshisemmm. -L-kKA JAPP2M,j mo per,, ME, .0 publ by JCP C4mtml Cu=itteep Apr 1957, PP 34-43. 5OOtb HI By Gp Tr S*M (=C 3D My 57) FE - Okinawa Pol; Mil M67 557 rallm Effect of Isouicotoidic Acid Aydrazirie,, by H. TWmvam,, F. Yor-hicks, TakMxam.. 5 PPO JAPANMj, per,# Tol;;yo Medical Journall, vol m., No 4,, :L953,v pp 19-21. A= 1-3241 ID 2191543 Sci - Mem 5 Apr 62 Kurata, Chlyoko, and Enomoto. Kyoko. DETERMINATION OF SMALL AMOUNT OF METHA- NOL. [19601[13]p. (4 figs. omitted) I ref. Order from SLA miS2.40, ph$3.30 61-10502 Trans. of Bunseki Kagaku (Japan) 19.56, v- 5. p. 449-4S2. 1. Methanol--Determination 1. Takayama, Y. 11. Kurata, C. 111. Enomoto, K. A reaction apparatus Is described for determining methanol in the water-soluble and water- insoluble test samples of acetone, formaIln, chloroform, and methyl- ene chloride. by taldng advantage of diazo-coupling. Especially In the case of water-insoluble samples. analysis is possible by the use of a sur-face-active agent and dioxane. (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. S. no. 7) Offi-I T.A.k.1 D--tA=i-nntion off. Monomer in Polymethyl by Y. Tlekeyama. jAPA =-- , Japan Analyst, M 4., :L9-5.. py. 31617-372. 2 ASLIB-GB39 Sci Aug -1-'? f -3, 5 --2 F z TRIM Mown. ARMM~R PRODUCING ELONGATED MATE- RIAL FROM CRYSTALLIZED taGH MMECULAR 00?.UXXJM Idy 63. Up. I reL O~ ftm SA $19. 00 SA Code-P-132 Tr"& of pubUshod Japanese ps MM/1962. CL 25-N-231.7. appL no. 38184/1960 BW 12 Sep 6% pub. 28 Sw 6z DESCPIMRS: Moadc fthns. *Pfbm (Syndmodc), hatxdm *Pdyethytm pholm EdqWmo. ft- penes. Hear fteaftmetc, Matemial ftmft 63-17916 1. Takayw,44 K 11. Patent ORPNO PWL 37-15 4" M. SA Caft-P-132 IV. Sobsburo Aom (Ppm) 124 7 2 1 S 41 0awrimb-Madm Tr, Y. 1% am 7) W. d I AL Hotewortl-Qr Fact About the Activation of Plasmi-nogens of Various Animl Spwies by Varidame (Lederle), by MWmahi,,_T&kmy Naclmva, shizua, 0 P. JAFAM3p perj Igaku to Seibutsugaku,, 1955,, Vol MY : No 5.t SLA 59-15438 sci Dee 59 Vol 2, No 6 Biochemical Study of Wood-Rofting Fungi., by I Takayoobi Higuchi,, 23. p. JAPANESE, perp Nihon Ringska YjLishi,, Vol XMMI,, No 4, BIA 59-41wrt Sci VAr 60 laf t~;z 7 Vol 2, No U Discrimination of Neutrons From Gamma Rays in the Scintillation Counter, by Fuse TxX Takayoski. JAPANEESE, monograph, pub. by Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo, n.d. JAERI-1015 *AEC 19 Jan 62 ........*.......... A Study of tb* Oclationization PTOCOOS of Nitroollulaim and the ForsatLau 11 of Dyumdte Report No 1,0 by Take s"Unto 11 pp. JAPMESffo lpts, 10 MarCh 050. 97M29 Dept of Navy/ONI Tr 09 scia Phys 14AY 66 2"0693 W-yidehiro; Suzuki. Yutaka and others. ST=ES ON THIC124EM OF PAPER. PT. I: CHANGES OF THICKNESS IN SUPERPOSMON. PT 11: RELATION BETWEEN 1h, AND Htnax OR SMOCITHNE-S S. J~rne 61, 16p. (figs. omitteo to refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20209 Trans. of [Kerrd-pa GUqo-s]A] Lbpan) lty)o, v. 14, p. 731-740. DESCRWMRS: Tests, Thickysess, Vaper, Measure- men, Numerical analysis, fvUcrometers, Electrical properties, Surface properties, Electric Insulation, Capacitors, Materials. 62-20200 T.;dc: SUP.- 1. TakL% y. U. Suzuka, I,. U1. Titj~: Chjjrg(,-. [A'- Titl&: Rejztrj,,jj., d (Materials- -Paper, TT, v. 9. no. 10) yetwCal t~Laimlar Wli NYU-,lastoua; Illistoteavii!3is ai Elearm lUcroscape and ilistachotdaal Studies, by Sliip_eo MWEBAYASHI, JAPMESE, per, Jai) J, Cancer Clin Val 10, 1964, pp 550-5 HEW NMI 10-44-65 (On Lmi) 13f y L"lar 66 296,327 Ra'aLoisotapa soure" by X-Gaaws Ray caimotdoolut Cewtallog Whad. by Tasmki WAWAAbv Narfa JAPMESL, ver - J a sutuid aaky 9 Vol 08, *Jo So May D64S pp ZZ, 7* 9,133W67 ALC NU-tv-41 2 Aut 66 Study or Us t4ordua Is eltrw Orchards virferent only in 2ree Densltwj by q.-_Takwcldp J? pp. JAMMP Pft.* NOSY*-kldb*,* Tat 2Xt No 3-41 IL9%p pp 35-38*' OWL Aug 59 LET US CORRECTLY PROMOTE THE MOVEMENT AGAINST ATOMIC AND HYDROGEN BOMBS, BY UCHINO TAKECHIYOj 12 PP. JAPANESE, NP, AKAHATAI 17 SEP 1962, P 2. JPRS 15882 FE-JAPAN POL OCT 62 215,087 (Dc-38oi ) REPORT ON THE WRLD CONGRESS FOR DISARK~MENT AND PEACE., BY 2SCHM UCHINO, 10 PP. JAPANESE, NP, AKAHATAj, 27 JUL 1962., No 4246, p 2. JPRS 15077 WORLD WIDE - INTERMTIONAL POL 1. SEP 62 21o,,216 (DC-3801 DOES THE STRUGGLE AGAINST US IWERIALISM CONTRADICT OUR NEUTRALITY POLICYJ BY TAKECHIYO UCHINO, 7 PP. JAPANESE, Nqj AKAHATA, No 4oi7, 15 JUN 1962., P 3. JPRS 14594 FE - JAPAN POL' JU L 62 62 205,58 A Method of knal,Ysis for Reactor MLnetics, b-v A. Takeda. JAPAIIIESE, per, Nihon Genshinyoki3t Gakkaishi, Vol 11, 1-10 4, 1960, PP 175-181. AM, Harwell Tr-888 Sci - Phys jul 62 202,257 Study cm the Trcmsfer Functions of ap-em-Inal iidntAj-m --'.n the liualeatr llbe&-,or., by A~ TW da. 23 jTq. TAj-,Ar-MPA ~ px,-r, lUppm Gonsbil ryolm Galdw sbl I Vbl- II, -530 1:50a pp 523 - 9 0 9'_3 ~ AEFG, liarvaU Tr-Br$B EFFCCT OF PLAMC17ER ON THE MOISTURE PERMEABILITY OF POLYVINYL CHLORIDE FILM. Pt. 5 of Absorption, Penetration, and Evap3ration of Moisture. [196219p. Order from ATS $12.75 ATS-68pra3l DESCRIPTORS; *Vinyl chlorides, Films. Plastic films, *Plasticizers, 'Moisture, Permeability. ~.,isorption, Penetration, Evaporation. 63-12026 1. Takieda, B. II. Title: Abgorpdon . . . Ill. ATS-66P631 IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange. N. k- 227,~93 (Ch-e-mistry-Physical, TT, v. 9, no. 2) Office d IV-chak;f 31rlkxt Permeability of Polymer Film to GeAms, by Btinshicbi Tekada, Bumoaake Ye=gachi, 7.113 pp . ..... . JAYANESE, per, K gyo Kagalm Zasshi, Vol L"XIII, No 3= =-, 1959, pp 18974,1904. sLA 6o-i6678 Sci Feb 62 IW16" 6-j4p a tion of 2'Aai at U~ IU M. Thc RtdationsMp Berwe,un Pcxmcability and thi~~ Abso -. ption of Moism. e, by Bunshichl I Ui~ida. JRRANESE, qi~, Remit of the Instittac Of -SM-(Mrltl and Tee 2emlm Vol VI, 19520 pp 2,,5-2-Z2. AEC- CL-T-O~-i-272 Sci-Phys Jul 65 292,476 Takeda, 8. EFFECT OF PLAMC17ER ON THE MOISTURE PERMEABILI'TY OF POLYVINYL CHLORIDE FILM. Pt. 5 of Absorption, Penetration, and Evnronltiro of Moisture. (L96219p. (Jrj--r fromATS $12.75 ATS-68P631 DESCRIPTORS: *Vinyl chlorides, Films, Plastic films, *Plasticizers, *Moisture, Permeability, .4sorption. Penetration, Evaporation. 63-1-M26 1. Tak~da, B. 11. Title: AbsorTtion . . . III. AT`j-6SP63J IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 1. (Chemistry --Physical, TT, v. 9, no. 2) offset 11 T..hkal I'Mm Complete ftsmietry and IwAropia Spin Conservation In the Nanleptoula Decay of Hyperons,, by Gyo Takeft., K. Kato,, 7 pp. RUSSIANj,F.q Atou EMMA Vol V3:0 No 50 11 pp 556-5 . 40 CB Sel -43 3/7 16; 70e Feb 61 SWdy of N-03ddes of Arcmatic RetwocycUe Compoaaft - Part V. lReactim of Dwivatim of PYridintk and'Quim- line 1-Oddes vith Sultior-LiqaU AmmonU Solittoat by K. Mikedajp K* Tblm4pmj 4 ppo JAPAN=, per., J. Pharm Boa Jbp&4 Val LMWJ 1953-V P-0 &O-&2. Pas-3mu sel fts " ?5f' 116 Some Problems on Cancer In Japt From the Viewpoint of Pathological Anatomical Stailsticaj by K. Takedas M. Aizmm, 6 pp. I I Z, I. . JAPAIMB per., a=, (The Japamse Journal of Cancer Researchi., Vol XLVY'No 9/3.- SOP 1954#'PP 457459- 323 Scientific b6adic1ne 33,.rol-3 Tr-64-146M Takeda. Katsuo, Salto, Makoto, ShImpo, Kotfir% Sibojit KiWal, and Ar~4 Tamicto. 1. Takeds, K. MMEMIC GOrrER IN HOKKAM REM 1. 119631 a. Salto. NL [32pl (foreip t- Lnduded) ~ M - Sidnqw~ K. Oider from SLA $3.60 7T-U-14655 IV. SbDji. K. V. Arsk T. Tiam of DkWmddo Zpku Zasdd) ()span) 1%2, Y. 2D. P. 129-142. b 42 3 (NDICOWSCIM1006-PlIdW106Y. 7T. T. 12. @a 1) On +I-nrl PM:174-titial"I M, Ect, -nl_;_ f"'In=ue of the miu-Caw, (J-,Y;zw) ~za:~o olrvo;-iL - by ,, Tatsu '.,*o It-nr-rsi Vr2l =.El- jARAIEM. ver Vb 10, rD 1-355-1357- EB 5599 Dec 6P- Ta _1~~ Masae. ,`THE INFLUENCE OF SEVERAL DRUGS ON THE ACTION OF NICOTINE. [1962] 77p. Order from K-H $96.25 K-H 9477-c Trans. of Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi (Japan) 1958, v. 54, p. 762-790. DESCRUY17ORS: *Drugs, Pharmacology, Mcotine. 62-22785 1. Takeds, &L U. K-H-9477-c III. Kresge-Hooker Wence Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- - Ptwmacology, TT, v. 9, no. 2) Olks d Tack" Senkes 9p. Vot 009486 =042". C=ideratiop ca the Remstalliaing Speed of Austotite Grains AfUr Hot Working, by Ni Takeda. JAPANESE, peri, NiMpum Ungkpo Vol 15, No IZO 19510 pp *BISI 4905 A/ 1,4 kk sa-,M4-11 June 66 303,661