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Concerning vie r-ormation of a Special Surface Structure on 'edras Ileatckl to Incandescenco by DC Current, by D* N. Vasillkvosky, E. Mi- Tafthy4va, 4 pp. RUSSI.-M, Per, Fiz Tvardogo Tela, Vol IV.? No 1, 1962, pp 90-95. Al P Sov Phys - Solid State Vol Iva No I sci 91n AOT " ~j AEC-tr-4482(p.799-812) Uncl. p32 TURNOVER IN TRE LIVER AND THE TUMOR OF A CANCEROUS WHITE RAT. S-. Taechi and S. Ueda. C-23 P NSA c-,z N-4 OU Aque-cus So ruidoms of Potassium Potassiuni kia~te, by 0. Sackur, W. Taeg-oner, 19 pp. Full translation. GMWI$ per, ZGjjFQ= fM glor 193-2, pp 718-724. groghLrAg)., Vol XVITI, S.L.Ao Scientific - Chemistry Aug 55 Aut-N ~-F, 1~;2Pjq a4-jt-C, ~Ly -L.-rjk-j_ -74 f -our, Journal fuer Praktivicho Clitneit-o, Ser 4, Vol ACSI J-6421 ID 2204002269 sci-chas Miay 69 T-.-ie Use of Zener Diodes in Electrical Engineering and Electronics, by W. Taegorj PP. GIEMII, per, Elektronische Rundschau, Vol XIII, Nu 3, 19591 pp 94-96. uamu. sc-249/6o SU - Electronics ect 6o /.0 ~ 6 6~4 New Technical Points of Interest of ifeateim r ,ermmm 17 Sets, by 1,!c=cr Taegar, 10 pp, GERM., per., Radio und Fernsehenj, rzo 10, r.,--:Lpzig., MaY 1959.p~ W 305-308& USIASIA SSC-8M/59 Sci - Electrouics Feb 6o 7, 7 4~9 Y ~Ulg 2~ 17 joay .TPPS ASIA '40!'Za Pol o--t 6--lL 88TIER (EY-3-11-8) - First Standardization Agreewnt BoWeen the Chamber of Technology and the State Plawilng CommUsions by Gartraud Taeubrich, 8 pp. GMLWX., pery Standurdisierung, Val Vj go 9, Berlin, 1959, pp Wo-4po. JWS 2338 Exur - Germany Neon - General Ecoumics Mar 6o Interventricaar Commmication and Pul&omary Arterial Hypartenaionj, by H. Denolin,. J. Loquime, N. Salonikidoo, Fr. Taeymamal 7 Pp. F.IWCH, per, Acta CardM14 Vol Vlnp 1953j, PP 541-545- NIH Scientific - Medicine CM/M 1,318,011 c --.7 - : T -Pz-,-,:k o M. F. Sv-lehchevj, per2 pD P 4 the Malekoa-Baduevskiy Tttf arinorv. Region., by Reft Mhozp Vol XXXMp So 12$ 1-955.p Teel-, and Ccm TT $50.00 n C: T T ny M.:AIT, I,-r, -il- tut , 1,i t t e 11 u-n,,- e n, G Rundfui teel-misches inst.u '101 VIII, 1951, pl) 12-13. CIA/FDD ~a-121 7 "T I,OT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN IIATIOIlli= Sci jul- 62 USSID =11TIM-5211AIL USE ONLY RoductiOz! of Suaclnimld,~c to FT.=lidomou.. by Juliu3 Tafel,, t= Stern, 22 pp. GMWAN', per., RM -dtrgh aLM.."a, Val 33, Part 2,, 1900, pp 2226-2232- S.L.A. Tr 1"/1956 sci - Chem Feb 57 M/dex Y Extraction off Nickel in Water-Soluble Foi'u Frcv., llarL;u German Nickel Ores and Mineraiqj by V. Tafel,, (I. Lawoqia 13 pp GEM, Pdrp 'Ketalwirtsebaft,, Vol XVI, 1937t 1038- 1041. S.L.A. Tr 541156 Sol - MineraU/Xete2s s Aug 1956 straight".4ay llaIlrz for sprm.'Mrzi I'ar t, lau'-p-riy Thosa Dasi~ad f7or Spraying Tma, Bushes, or tin TA-ko,. by Hugo Tafelmler, 5 pp. GKW4N., Pat-ant zzo &*,620. Dept of Canwree Fatsn't Vff ico Sci Lib (glft) Jul 59 (NY.-":Oco N Plastic& -- Material of the Future, by A. 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Moscow. 1960. 102p~ (Engineering- - Electrosic, Tr. Y. L2, a& 7) Tr-64-22503 1. Taft. V. A. U. Flerpmoo Press, Inc.. New York o' J, 4 0f%= of 're.6".04 *~k_ Use c.-.' ".C: Z~O ~c oi Vol Sci - med Air Po-Uu i-0256 R-8588-D ll AuG 67 M)2 Gas Generated in the Combustion Chamber of Coal Burning Boilers By: T. TAGA From: Clean Air and Heat Management , Tokyo Apr 1966 Nol. 15 No 4:5-9 5 pp) Japanese - est, for wds; Please tran late and type 1 original and 2 cox-bon copies. Document can be cut. Study of sylphatizing Roasting of Later- ite. I. Sffect of Steam Added on Sul- piiatizing of Nickel, by S. Tagalut. JAPANESE, per, Nagoya Ro