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On t&e Stability of a Variable-Strueture c=trol B~rftm Whft the SUdftg Cmdftlmg are Vio]Ated,, IV 1. A. WtaWnq V. A. Zabue".. et als 7 pp. awsm, Avtowt I Tel"wWo Vol =Vi No 7., ism z A 1-b0thDd of Simbillzlza 02ix-d-Ozdor C=i=l Syrt-=3 WAA;hl ICWM GaIUS. ll.v by E. A. Boxtmshiqn., 9= Der., Av., t I "Ttlemewap Vol MTj M 5p 2196,31 608-6-14o q set isim 64 On Circular Motions of the Froude Pendulum, by V. A. Tabueva, 5 PP- RUSSMI, per., Prik Matemat i Mekh.. vol xXV, 110 3., 1961. ,r-" Pergamon Press Sci Jul 64 263,670 - Hathed of Stabilizing Third-Ordev. Contr6l Syntam with large Ampliftor Gains. 1. By R, A, Barbashin and V. A. Tabueva- po RUSSIAN, per-Avtomt J Telmakhr Vol XKM, No lop 1962c pp 1290-IM ISA s0i J*eo, 6"q 0 Jul 63 Tabuchi, Takeshi. DEGRADATION OF NICOTINE (2). Pt. 3 of Nlicro- bial Degradation of Nicotine and Nicotinic Acid. (19621 9p. Order from K-H $11.25 K-H 6145 Trans. of article from an unidentified source, n. d. DESCRIPTORS: 'Nicotine, *Nicotinic acid, *Nficroorganisms. See also K-H 9188 b 62-22764 1. Tabachu, T. [1. K-H-6145 III. Kresge-Pookerr Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. IV. Title: Microbial ... (Biological Sciences - - Biochemis try. TT, v. 8, no. 8) it Tabuchi I ... 7~- E-GRADATION OF NIICO-IINE (1). Pt. 2 of.Nljcro- 1. Tabuch". bial Degradition -.1 Nicotme and Nicotinic Acid. [1962) lo. 6D. III. Krtsge-Hooker Sciencf~ Order from K-H $7. 50 K-H 9188 b, Library Assoc-,ales, Derio.E. Mich. Trans. of article from an unidentified source, n. d. IV. Title: Microbial DESCRIPTORS: 'Nicotine, 'Nicotinic acid, *Microorganisms. C 2 02) k3' 3 15 (Biological Sciences - -Biochemis try, TT, v. 8. no. 8) Tabuchi- Takeshi. DtUR-`A5,vnox OF NICOTINE (2). Pt. 3 of Micro- bial Degradation of Nicotine and Nicotinic Acid. [1962] 9p. Order from K-H $11.25 K-H 6145 Trans. of article from an unidentified source, n. d. DESCRIPTORS: *Nicotine, *Nicotinic acid, *Xticroorganisms. See also K-H 9188 b 62-22784 1. Tabuchi, 1'. 11. K-11-6145 Ill. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associares, Derroit. Mich. IV. Title: Microbial ... 3 3 1 G (Biological Scienci:s-Biochemistry, '17r, v. 8, no. 8) r-64"1 1-- Tabuchi, TakeLh- 'Jabuchi, T, DEGRADATION UF NICO'FINE (L). ft. 2 of Micro- bial Degradation :'[ Nicotine and Nicotinic Acid. [1962] 6p. 111. Kressge-Hc-oker SciencL Order from K-H $7.50 K-H 91.88 b Library Asisc-:t3u~-.s. Detroit, Ntch. Trans. of article from an unidentified source, n. d. IV. Title: Microbial DESCRIPTORS: *Nicotine, *Nicotinic acid, *Microorganisms. (Biological '~-AtnicLs--Biocliemistry, TT, v. 8, no. 8) The Chilling, 11equirements of r"tpricot, Peach and Pear Varieties, by P. C. Tahuenca. SPANISH, per, kliales EstacienlixpibTi- mentale do Aula Dei. guragossa, Vol 7. NO 574, 19Z4, PP -113-132. NTC 6D-10961-021) SGi-Agri May 69 592,572 Tabulevichy 4 pp. -7, No per, Iz Ak Ytauk SOSSR, Ser Geofil pp 1694-1698. 40 Some Cases of the Excitation of Microseism in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.$ by V. ff. !~OV 4 pp. _ leyiq)j., RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSH., Vol CXXXLT, No 41 3-960, PP 814-817. AGI / 61 CI ?- Y / Sci Aug 61 Orgaulzation of Production Qim-l4,.ty Cont-b o1& by A. X. Bui;h+V, X. A. _Ab-Puffo Th. L. Lavit 0 P. P. Umkiap L. 1. Urin, H. 1. Razmmkayaj, V. A. Cbarnoua,, 4 PPO RMUN, per., I*tanurg,, 110 31, 1958, rp 32-34,N,72) Cmaultante SuTwu Sol - mn/yat Bee 58 7 Z A/ yo KimberUtes in the Region of the Uvw Luchakans by s. it. Tabumv and Bw G* Lopatin. =a loaasmvtal RUSSUNO per# Sm mmu"ua Geo3o Arkt l9bil, Vbl 125j, 5i 135-159- IMLL I= 5p9 (on Loan or Pwmbwe) OTS TT-c- -64 '1 ro!)311- - Aug 65 268,860 Some Questions of the Motion of Gases in Sit-al:t, '~-,-lrrmces~ by N~ P. Tabunshchikov, 6 pp. r FLUSSIAN. per, Zbur A.-nal Xhlm) Vol Fo pp 710-115. Consult;mpts Biaeat Sci - Chem Aug 58 "I'll MIMMIM-1 Gas Velocity Field in Shaft Lime MIns, by N. P. Tabunshchikovf, 8 pp. RUSSIM, m0 Per, Zhur Prik Xhimp Vol XXIX,, No 1j. 1956,t pp 32-39. CIA C 43286 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chmistry Aug 1956 Polycondons--tion Through Various Reactions. Part V. Formation of Polyimides by tho Adition Cyclizations of Alicyclic Tetra- carboxylic Acids, by 1. Tabushi, M. Tanimura. JAPANESE, per. Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol 67, No 7, 1964, Pp 1084-1086. MTC 69-11488-07C Sci-Chem July 69 387.07S Cl M4 Mooljrj" mpa3 FAIM of armAtsomL cuftIMA compowl" tbo Ar a- S-sommo lw one Ishadd a" sob= Toolumu JAPA=Mk VMv am 2WMhL 19630 "1-0& W-110 IV-17'T-17=- Cbm Avg 66 Solvent Extraction of Scandium, ka Separadon From Yttdum and Ram-Eardh Elements, by T. Sbigematau, M. TppM, at al, 12 pp. JAIYA-NESE, per, mm KNMM ZamehL Vol LJCD", 14)69, pp 263-267. 9219761 AEC-Tr-6239 Sci-mat & met Mar 64 251.= The Conditions for the Watence of Li=it Cyclals,t by B .- A. Baxtashina V. A. Tabtl*mvap 13 pp- FMSLAN,* -parp PrIk lutewt t Makh,, Vol XXIII, No 5j, 1959p pp 826-835. Pftlpmon Fives Elci Apr 60 / / , 1 ?/4 t/;' y j-476o (r-~G) (DIC-31,35-rt) The Biblical Pjth About Jesun (Par-h 11), by Aureli= _a~acho, 4 pp. W316.111MI, per, Viata Studenteasca, Vol W, 1,10 10, Bucharest, p I I. JPrNS-T.-1968-D ErLur - Runnnia Soc D~.-c A~az-. Mialical "Tth X--GLlt IJY Aurall;t. -t T ba F-art :[, kk pp. RUNIMM1.3p per, V:Lmt-- Sttd.-.nt--=ca' Val I!o Dxhareatj. 1959, 9 :10. pu=nla Sm - Religion Dee 59 FOR ADDITIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS IN BUILDING THE SCHOOL OF COMMUNISM, BY ILIYA TACHEFF, 13 PP- BULGARIAN, PER, NARODNA PROSVETA, NO 8, 196217 PP 3-11. JPRS 15947 EEUR-BULGARIAX soc I NOv 62 215,2o6 I achermak. A. amd Unkax. A. SERIAL STUDIES ON BNOCULAR, VISION. V. MAE- OPSIS WrTH L-ITERAL 124CUNATION OF THE HEAD (Fortgepeu!e Scudien Utr Bi-b-l-reclaea. V Mittell. Ober bet Seltlicber Akigmkiles Koptea). 20g (figs rables (mmes omkto4. Order from SUA, $1.60 Tr-61-i4433 Trans. of Pfl~gcr'w Arcblivl fj~rj d(tel Gestamtel Phyaloliogic deo Wleumcben mod der Tterel (Genzmmy) 1924, Y. 205. P. 669-W. Tr-61-14433 1. Tacbermal, A. U. UnkM A. III. T1114'. sterevele (Mologbcal Sociences-Phymbo1w. Tr. v. 12. m 7) a-$.- ot S-enscriall -h-'sion (.4.1-1clotropy, rx a Z~,Sis -0 for St*reoseopy, by A. V. Macbermak-Sey7senegg, 22 PD. 9C-10150 l I ussva - .. Lpt. ATIC MCL--*6/i sci - jrnys jui 61 JT~ S'.a-o ,e AMCO&M dkO i0woommZ4, 60-0- too =M"- 11 rJ--'-3C;C 0) T-,vl-az,d Even Greater Success in tho Ra- organization of School Work Durirg the 7- 3--w 1961-1962 School Yfaar, by 11iya Tachev, 19 pp. BMGART.AN, per, Narodm Pxosveta, NO 8, 1961, P.P 3-90. JM LU28 MAw - Bulgaria soc Dee 61 Application of the Direct Reading Ewlsfid=; Speemmeter in Proem C"Alol, by Y. xvubm- a JAPANESE, peri KdAw MIAL zaawlt, Val L.XI14 NO lip 1964, pp 1744-174U. NASA TT F-9343 Scl-Engr JILVI 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 202,SU AEC-tr-4482(p-59-72) Uncl. THE SCINTI-SCANNER. Y. Tachib,-Ap~a, A. Suematsu, H. Ueyanagi, and S. Nakanishi. C-2-3 P NSA Second japan Conference on ~11'adio jS04- opes, Feb 1950 u li N-6 0 TT-G5-32507 Field 6E Tachmuradov, IN. At. SOME PROBLEMS OF IREANDIATION'. 15 Sep 65, lip. 1. Joint Publications Research JPRS-32013. Service, Washington, D. C. Order from CFM, SLA, or ETC: FICS1.00. NIFSO.50 as TT-65-32507 -1 Trans. of Zdravookhranenie Turlu-nenistana (USSR) v9 n5(65) p5-10 1965. R, 33 Deutsche CnbUhntep-h=,J-k;, Vol 1962; 337-344- jpllS ia42 Germany Econ oct 62 The Gauge-Cbmga V11-heel gatj by It. Taol,4rts * 8 pp. aW-M, per., Der SpurvachseLraftatz,; 19622,v pp U3-11-8-. ACSI 1-1462 ID ZL98%L> Sci - Engr ;t-0 3, j - -7 7 21 oFun 69 (NY-2700) cowLatoN ou samuLE or iwm7mm Pw~eas-- AN ES5El(rIAL MMUM OF TIC IW4ESTHW PLAIll EN ARA 11 T~~Mv 5 PP. RUMIAN.9 P04 COWMaCRL# VOL ZVI, re 6J~6 im 19629 PP is 3- im 151M MM MWNIA U.JM so 6a 210AP Bacterioloa of Intestinal 8yodrames 1xiduced by Antibioticap by H, Buttlauzy A, Twq=tj, 3, Gaudiers 23 PP. FMC11, pars Aroblvies- des Maladies do VAV"rell Digestif at des Iftladf-es de Is MrIfton, Vol XLIV, no 6p 1953.9 bp 99-115. MA 60-1koO Sci OTS, Vol n:Ep No Apr 61 The Bemagglutination Test for tho DizZmoisis of Tuberculosis and Verification of Immunization With BCG, by C. Gernax-Rieuxp A. "Lacquet, 14 pp. PMCH, per, Rev Tuberc,, Vol XIV, No 7/8, 1950j- pp 676-684. SLA W 2539 Sci - Nedicine 4-7, ~2 97 Jam 58 ta Votaitioutatic arri J. T0030sa. ~ ==4 Y"' rago '101 Tt wo Cid M4 Ibm XjL2., P.7 jYj, 7F, el- J. Taaussel 3 Mo T? 9 '.Potojtd-~-. 1b ify Sol - Hatbodo ma t4giamat jan 47 Potentitkilyn'rdc ap"I ,by J, 'raemmol, T.--r Uhir-fo Vpj 7* '-~,o 470 73, 77~0 71), 310 ub, 84. V-1111-.1 T Cet 66 Study of Heat- Shock Resistauce of Wirtain Sintered Ra-fractories, by 14, Taevoriam. - 1~ M-M H, peer, Bull Soa F~?ancais de Cerainiquo, Vol =, 1955, PP 20-40. CSIRO 3169 Sci - Engr / or 91, ANr 62 Dinter Process Situdy by Means of a Special Ra-trac- tometer, by Me Me So Tacvoriam.. Me Levecque, 3 Im.. z r R=11: 1951 ATIC F-TS-8175/11I ScientIftc - Pbysica 706~-,7-, me - 944i7B CIA 2001351 CM/13M( in a Single Phnaev Cmeldwati=9 an the WA9 ar-P Action of Maw Additivasp by Sma Tsevarlanp 5 pp" FEMH,, per, Camptom Remdusp Vol CCXXXITv 1952p pp 2363-2065. 3 ABC15CL-T-236 Bel a Chm &W 59 97-619 R-i984 (DC-1981) Advantagea of UBIZ9 SpeCial ZquilmOut fcxr Tr=4- parting Loose Cemntp-by Frauciazek Tacianowsid..* 6 pp. MCIASSIFIM. POLMIJ, mo p=, Haterialy budculavep XIIj* 190 12p Warsaw# Dee 195T., pp 379# 373- US JPRS/W-L-543 ESur - Poland ECO - Construetion Material$ Studies on Hexamine-Pbanol Resing Part VI. The Decomposition of Trlmtbyl-1#3,,5-Triazo-Cycljh~ihne With Acidq by H. TPAa., 9 pp. JAPAM-Ea Pero KosOYO Naaaku 7-s-qbl, V0.1 MIP .1953# pp W-90. rMIX-3935 ... Sci Dee 59 The Effect of Added Orgaaic Compounds on the Decon- position of Hexamine With Acid., by fl. T!~~.P 3 PP. JAPAME., per, Kogoyo Kagaka Zaaship Vol LVIj. 1953P PP 445- FM/X-3935 Sci Dec 59 Decomposition of lo5-Dinitroaa-axlomethyle3ictat.2*asu- cyclooctane With Acid, by 11. Todav 9 pp. . .......... JAPANME, perp Kogayo Kagaku Zazahi, Vol LVI,, 1953., PP 5o6-508- FDD/X-3935 Sci Dec 59 The J>eoomposition of I.,5-Diace"%,YI-3..7-Bodomatlqlezw Terazc-o~clooctane With Acids by R. Tafts, 7 PP- JAPA=R, perj, Kogoyo Kaffaku ZassIA,, Vol LVI, 1953, pp 603 FMA-3935 Sci Dee 59 The Decomposition of I.,5.Eadamt-bylene-3j,741iaaw]pheDyI Tetrazocyclooctam With Acid and the ftte DetermLnIvS Step of the Decouiposition of Hexardze With iwidp by Tacias 6 pp* JAPARME, per., Kogoyo, Kagaku Zaaship Vol LVIj, 1953,o pp c.,~24. ym/K-3935 Sci Dec 59 DeCOW03itiOn Of la,3j,5-Trinitroso-ftiaweyelobexamt 'With Acids, by R. Tadas, 9 pp. JAMMEs, Pers, K090YO Kagal2& Za-sshi, Vol W11j, 1951~p pp 279. PDD/X-3935 Sci, Dee 59 The I)ecomposition Reaction of Hexamine and its Derivatives XI: Decomposition of He=merthy- I= lene-Tetramine in Buffer Solutimaj. by H. -Tgdg-,-7 PP- jApAv&jE, per., Kogyo lawam Zessbiv Vol LVIIj, 1954., PP 37-$ &65471 4o. pieati=y Arsenal 3T CTIA 3297 Sci - Chem Jul 59 Decomposition Reactions of fla)mmine and its Derivatives XTIII: Reaction Velo-.ity Constant of the Decomposition Reaction of Nexauwthy- Ibne Tetramine and the Neutral Salt Effect, by r1. 5 pp. JAMMU,, per,, MDgyo Kagaka Zasshi., Vol LVII., 1954, yp 369-370- &6539 Picatimw Arsenal 38 OM 3285 'ad z J7 Bel - Chem Jul 59 1600F Inda Hokoji. DECOMPOSITION REACTIONS OF IIEXAMINE AND 1. Tada, 1-1. ITS DERIVATIVES. XIII. REACTION VELOCI"l Y It. PA Trawq-3B CONSTANT OF THE DECOMPOSITION REACTION Ill. a"T-1641 OF HEYANIETHYLENE TETRAMINE AND THE IV. Con sil It ants Custom NEUTRAL SALT EFFECT. May 59 [71, 1p. I I i cats. Ti am, Inc., PicaEinny Arsenal Tranz;. no. Tq;M-r-164). N!-,~ York Order from OTS or Sl--~i .51. 10 59 - 1 Ooos Trans. of Kogyr, Kagaku Zas-Au (jalmn) 1954, v. 57, p. 369-370. DESCRIPTORS: sition, Velocity. *Chemical reactions,, concentration, *Neutralization, Nleth~ I r1di Amines. It is shown zhat th, value of k- obtained for a se""', order mechanisirn is in a proportional relations fHfB. The changvs undCrgonu by k ire f S-1... (Biological Sciences- - Pharmacology, 717, v. S. no- (over) Activation AxislyDia ImM FuDt Neutrocz, by fr---b3zo 1-5ao Paill, et, al., 6 pp. JAWJ WE", rpt, Proccedinga cf the rourth Japan Ca&erenae on F--d-lolsotcy-es, Tokyo., Oct 10-12 1951, 1962, -LV 533-541., M-7696. Sol - Phys Jua 63 TRI-63-1o6 The Activation Analysis of Fast Neutron Bombardment, by K Tada, I. Fujii, T. Adachi. JAPANESE, rpt, Fourth Japan Conference on Radioisotopes Tokyo, held 10-3-2 Oct 1961, pp 538-541, published 1962. *JPRS for AEC Sci - Phys 15 Jan 63 62-2001-4 _,;%O,NYAosNtero. MANRYO'* VINYLON FISH NM AND 1. Tada, Y. R PES. [1962] [171p. 00rder from SLA $1.60 62-20094 Trans. of Sen-I Kai fs1c] 1957. v. 16, Do. 174, P_ 64-68. DESCRIPTORS: *Fibers (Synthetic), *Vinyl plastics, Fishes. *Nets. Cordage, Mechanical properties. Cremona "Manryo" and Cremona -Manryo No. 5" which are Vinylon products. and fishing nets and ropes prepared from them are discussed briefly. their properties and uses are described. It may be pre- dicted that cocton arid Manila hemp will be completely replaced by the synEhetic fibers in the future. and that cotton and hemp will no longer be used in the fishing industry. This use of synthetic fibers Is advantageous (Materials --Textiles, TT, v. 10, no. 2) (over) Dike of TKINkli b"kes 311 Effect of Thiw~p,- L;~- Stem Vob=4 Tleld). Studied in Coajimocticn -Ath tha Ccopetition- Density Effect in the C.-.,zc of Pinus I)emifloru by Y. Tcdaki. JAPXIESE,, per, Bulletin of the Government Forest EXDeriment SUtion No it a8m 1964 WDIA Y. -r1j 1) ,4 Sci - Jul 67 334x528 Recom" of j,",=mw -74=mdo VA"Im t* C:Aanj, by Fuktkda ftmo 13 3W- FOR mmm MY JAPAN=# pmplt.4 Fab 1962,* kt lb RW16P- 500th GO Doc ivag3 DA) .71a~ 4(fl n . Java Em 19 Oct 62 Deco4osition of ffitric sold '%tars md Ifitrow; Acle Esters by L43nthanum HydroxIde and Cerlau Hydroxide Gels,. by TadaWil Ofuji., 4 pp. JAPMMMIZ:~ ile::~, Ka"TA", Vol M., ZO 101i959, pu 47,*-1+74. SLA 60-18533 Sci .7 a"ip~ .2 6 4r j~m 62 Studies on Protective Coatingo VIII. Practical Application to Phexw---.,:Ieutical PrepozatjLons, by Tadao Ida, 8 pp. JAPANESE, per, Ynkugalm Zasshi,, Vol LMX, No 3.- 19592 pp 281-286. sLA 6o-log7o Sci oTs, vol in, No 6 Sep 60 A Population Study on tb- '-'a-Called Makajiki (Striped Marlin) of Botl' =thern and Southern Homispheres of the Paci-f- - 1. Comparison of Expernal Characters,, by ----amimura Tadaot Honma "I-sao. JAPANESE, per, Report of the Nankai Regional FieherieB Research Laboratory, go B. 1958, pp 1-11. Dept of Interior SH211, E82, No 237 3ci - Uol An A Population Study on the So-Called Makajilti (Striped Me.rlin) of Bot-h Forthern and Southern Hemiapheres of t'.'~e Pacific -- U. Fishing Coinditions in tbe Southern Hemisphere, by Honma Mienox Kamimura Tadao. jAPANESE, rptp Report of the Nankai Regional Fisheries ..cBearch Laboratory, No 8, 1958, PP 12-21. Dept of Interior SH211)E82)No 231 3ci - Biol 3ep 6o Studies of the Albacore - V. The Fishing Condition and Size of Albacore Taken in the South Pacific Occean, by Honma Yiieaoj, Kanimura Tadao JAPANESE., per, Report of Nankai Regional Flaherlea Research Laboratory, No 6j, 1957, PP 84-90. Dept of Interior SH211t B82s No 232 Sci - Biol Sep 60 029 SuIride-Ubeze~~ :L Trod Rubber. Report go lap b7MhftIO)OhIt5j amd YOO-L Bbllbm,, run ~ tim"Muon, JAPA~, pers, Joumal of. --,a- ~Socieq of RubbeV in- dMtz7 Of.JaPaRvycl Xn; PP IC-'-1050 A-27C Tr 1259 Scieutific j- Cbemistmy 3 L The Mech=nism o~-7 Fz-~ezing in mi-cro-Or-gan-isms. I 1. Factors ~Lffectin-o- the Survivel of Yeast Calls Subj&ezau- Subm:io Tcmpt-raluxes, by 'T-Adasbi Araki, Tokic, 221 pp. JAPAINESE, per, Low Temperature Science, Ber B, Vol n, 1962, PP 57-67. 9213617 AEC-Tr-5885 Sc-i .- Fbys rov 63 6 Micro-Stz-a-uureo Giabered Uraniuu Dioxide -Pa-Dets, by SlIndcU2.-a Takahashi, Tadashi Kubota, llajimee uchi-koshi, 6 pp. JAPRI-FIESE, per, J Atomic Energy Society Japnn, Vol 11, 196-0, PP 73-77- Am Tr-4246 Sci - Tfuc PIVS Feb 62 EffecEs of Vacuum Sintering AEmospbere an the ProWdes of Skoxed UO,2 PeUAns, by Tadashi Ogura, Imuo KawasaU, et al, 25 pip. M"MME, Per, 'ToUrT14 of the La~m SRO:Psz Of Powder MetaHurgy. Val X, No 6, 1963, pp X4H-256. 92285 5 AEC-1,W-Tr-23 Sci-M/M -Apr 65 279,422 TREATICWT OF LEUK041 A Wi TH 64otwTom I NEt By TAKATOSH 1, MkTMMRAp $A I TO TADASH I ET ALi, 19 PP. JAPANESEy PERp NIPPON NAIKA GAKKAI ZAS%ilj, VOL XVIp NO 3y 19571, PP 295-308- NIH 7-3-Q SCI - MMICINE OCT ~a 213,pOk.9 Studlew on Rmpld ia I'MOZ-60 Scroazzing Tmztis for Anti-T=r Substancez. ?,,& "em"j, "llel ana "PAM" M-0thode - , by Tadmahi Yamamoto, Umxya Hishicka, Akira Cda, X ot al, 6 pp. JAPANWA, per, Ga=, Vbl XLVnl, M 4, 1957, 'op 397-399. WM 7 Sei - Yed Wr 59