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Transportation Insurance Informtion by Jmi Zieleiiiewski and Stmiislaw Szczypiorski POLISR, bk,, Zasady Orga ki 4zacjl Handlu Za&la!acznego 1963 rp 'W-5-716 369-378p JPRS CSO DC 12954 Poland Economc Freb 67 313,125 I "i 41 .--tcorolo,~,-y ,or Aall, !jy uzeslav; Ink, ~-~Oteorlulorzla dIA -r--mratjach. t9C-7. A-,~r 6-S, 351 arl Aircraft Turbbw Euginess Co"tructlan and "ruiono by S, SteseelAskip 463 pp" POLISU* bko Lotoleso Sludu Turbinows Loustrumda I RaMoot*e1a. HAM Tr Fo4" Sei-Aero /angr May 66 ccatrallia& t" Thra3t of Uqoia PUMI ;~XCZOCIUAIS 30 pp, FOUSUO iporp TOL*Qika "Micaso 126~,, op 42-49. PIMMI, Sci - Fuels & prj)p ~ob b7 31m,w Alrcradt Tughlm RoStnee: D04M =a 09030timp by Stefou 0 CZBC16 bJ4 rabdow MUM %Wblg= YAOR strwwia I - - is& Isb5p yp I-qb3. IBM Tr F63L2v4b3 ,Ad,,--, "dty-a~ oea~~~ Bel-PMP & ammu oat 69 392*923. InnUOW-0 Of tbO BINKIO UP CIGOMDW Of on AXW FIM COqPMSGW OU Its PWISMetens by Bursa V -- . 9 pp. CMBM- DWS, TO& latntem I A tym2mistmo, Vol. A, No 4.. 3.9figo Vp 9-IL2* NASA 2T F-12# c2 6~r Jan 70 czI.Culaticc rAtt-xd Aw Gamators and Z~twlmmll. b5~ J. -;FRLA~~b, o1 64, 1967. __~i4 p IASI 62?1 Jul 68 C=idemtions on t!* L=W am~-.G 0g g, nant, by J. -.zaQs&Uwjd. or. Vol 6-4, -kpr e58 sah-At C, ;~ E./v 'C( W!d I' Tile Effects of Sand Grain size an tile custilhi., Properties of Synthetic Sand I'lixes, by J. ~32czeniawsld. POLIS11, per, Prz Wiwi Vol 17j, Jwic IN-7. 177-183. 31-c1 6249 Sci/Materials JUn 69 38-00 070 Xwt-bcdB or ** 71 at not jj.7jjjjjW W J. Szczenlowski MA ftdpo* An 66 IMAO-W ng to the Energy / ~1-2-- 3alance of a Blast Furuace Plant, by J. Szczeniowski. FRENCH, per, Rev Met, Vol 64, Apr 1967, pp 333-348. BISI 6258 j-, S 7c ;z C- Aj " 0 L'-"T A,- I Sci-Mat Aug C-9 389.S31 Obituary Professor Andrzej Soltan, by S. Szczenio,,rski, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Nukleonika, Vol V, 110 3, la.6o, pp -103-108. A,Ec-T.r-4158 Sci Jan 63 220,564 latevto ftture alclame satdpwa /0)/ GiM ~y Azj*mj 9 TUMMW M 10 PP. geg 190 22 ittl JERS 48939 Iwo CIV oat 6Y 392*655 I-Iolish View of Fifteenth Smolon of (MlAs, by Ilieslau Szempaniec. POLBSE., pery Rqnclel Zagraulazayp DD Ij, 1962j, mr) 17-19. pm s= 35o6 m = - PCQ&d r-.con VU- -746Y may 62 Nto.,,O!.It-~7riYL?-'AllrrrHALEMES. VI. S-,UDY OF kZFO'I`RGM ACIMNTS FOR 03TA114LNG FROM COAL TAR. [1961](231p. (2 f!g*.. 3 tabIcs cmirtod) 12 rcfs. Order from SLA $160 61-2OaS4 T=s. cf Przcmysl Cbcmiczny (Poland) 1953. v. 9132JI P. 50-596. MSCIIFTORS. 'C=l tar. *Nzphth3lencs, *Matyl radlIcAls, Fractionation. Separation. Naphtha, Isomars. (Mcmistry-Org3nic. IT, v. 7. no. 7) 61-20654 1. Szczqxaik. R. 7 i'-vval=ts for the Purchase of Pam Prodwta in 1967 in Poi=d, by -Istwdslav Ssezepwitakp 3 pp. P,MWH, per, Now Holnietwo;, Vol 16j, lb 5,, 1-15 Par 196f, -PP- 10-12. JPRS 40M ST,A~JKLNW SZr7EPM~114k EE-Poland FA= June 67 323.PTO Vol. lc, 1 talbe, -t,-u-ztenite Graln SIze of Steel After TTorlcirij~- at Ter ,.-,e_ L 11 c T, _s, Order No. 1271, -an 1. 20, U v W. & t'fo owvt*vctj Fy-~A. o:- Stancialimt by J-- &om2wiLt&~t 30 jvv, par,, 1WItum I Opolooll IVIA van to 4.. .. :7 JIM; 31963 2~ -ey CL ~-l Piquipmnt f or WIW-ng Local Biewdng Cull-S by 'meens of ea Interma Teleghwe Amarattia, by Jerzy SzezePanWd, 23 PP- POMBR., 1ter.. Przes'led hmmmikaay~vy, No 3, 1959, pp 71-77. usAsu H-6834 sci - MactZenics Par 61 / ~//" Sd-SM&MMad NW64 AUS Pfta LY/Awfolo IM,*,FQLAW Em 11 Are 63 I - I. i. q i 0u", 51 :I i I i Me Role of Rhodanase in Metabolic Formation of Thiosulphate, by T. W. Szczq j' 14, pp. .pk 1~i ._ZLU POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol VIII, No 2, 1961. oTs 6o-2156o-2 PL-48o Sci Sep 62 210,101 I-lode! Reactions of the Mechanism o-.L' Rhodanase Action, by T. W. Szczei)kovrsl4, 3 pp. FOLTSH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol VIII, No 2, ig6l. oTs 6o-2156o-2 PL-48o Sci sep 62 2-1o,o54 The Lxt2uwm of Fa I Isation m the Quality and microormal me or Canned b4oven Eggso by sm"Plus wm&. POLISH9 bkv Wvlw P*Stfmgmw* ro AkM I qbMM Mikrobloloid Jejoyal Jan 19,509 pp 21-no OACSZ J-,9077 ID 22D4019068 Doe 68 Bids as indicators of vigor of young Mae,, by Btsrdsl8u BMM=sk:L, wleslaw swzerbimM., P-3 Y.P. POLM2 Par: Romnik Selwji Dandrologlemej PasIdego ft~rvstm Botaniomego,, Vol X., 1955.9 pp W5-304- 5? 0 919 97 oTs 6D.zLM PL-USO Sai - B101 ~.z //, /j ~/ ffe-p 62 Szczerbir-f V.7 and Szymminki, S. Ri:;_r ~1-1t'~~s 6.N' THF IRREGULmariEs w Tim. MORMOLO'=AL STRUCTUPE OF THE YOU11'G SCOTCH ViN".* (;T-US SILVES~I'MS L.) (Rndania nad w MorfoJo,-!qznej Mfljl-~j S:)--ny Fc-3rohtej (Hnw; Silvcs:rk L. )). tr. by Fanny Flamr-- 1961, 47p. 29 refs. PL-480 Agr. Order from OTS 0. 50 60-2122-9 Trans. of Pwnanskic Towarzystwo Przyjnclol t4nuk. ,BulleEln. Scr. B. Sciences, Matheniatlqucs eE I Naturclles) (Poland) 1957, v. 4, no. 2. p. 1-66. DESCRIPrORS: 'Pine, Age. Growth, *Trees. Plants. Of the morphological irregularities caused by ex- ternal agents the most harmful economically are lyreshaped double topped trees, whlch.sre the result of Injury or destructio-i of the upper bud or leaderand (A?r1culture-Plant Cultivation, I-I'. v. 7. no. 10) (over) 1. Szczcrb1nnk1. W. It. Szymanrkl, S. 111. PL-E~0 Agr (60-2122"') IN'. Nationn,I Fatm- dation, NVanhlnZzon, D. C. C2, 0 8 Offit. ,f T.60-1 5-1-s &-p Px--sent ammms and TechnicELI I-Vaovledge in A A ~tl-Uery, by Xgaacy Szczasnovioz, 4 pp. por, Zolnierz Vdlmosci, Val XIII., wo 53- 8 Feb 10,62, p 2. JPM 13663 military DETEMINATION OF SHIP'S POSITION BY A SINME ARTIFICIAL SATELLITEs BY ZOIGNIEW I I PP. POLISHs PERs PRZEGLW MMSK[o VOL Up NO 5.p JAP Pp 4049. im ELM POLAW NIL AUG 62 209#496 Motorized Equipment Plant in Seftiszaw HKIOPOlska., by Witold Szempaniaks rp-ozek Uwczyaski. P=SH, per, PAglad Nmchani=Yy 30 19/20., 1961-F pp 612: 613. A= 1-1480-D ID 2L98" moar ~ Poland Z//, 0-f-S &On Sci - AV 18 Sept 62 .�Z~cnlk, ?.L and others. PROCESSTUR THE PRODUCTION OF MffrASILICATE- TYPE Di.-rERGhNTS BLEACHING BY THE ACTION OF ACTIVE OXYGEN. 119641 Order from TrIS $7. 20 TIM NS-172 Trans. of Polish patent 46,747, appl. 9 Apr 60, ptib. 20 Mar 63. DESCRIPTORS: *Cleaning compounds, 0111mebing agents, OKYSM4 6suicates. TT-64-12508 I. Szczepanik, K it. Patent (Poland) 46 747 M. TTIS-NS-172 IV. Tranalatioa and Technical Infomnation Services, Labdon (En6leum ' ' (Materials. TT, v. 11. no. 8) *1 T.W.M.1 a-$- Forming by the Drawing (Wrapping) Method, by Jan Luboinski., Wojcilqqh.,Szq-zePinsld, 15 pp, (AF 646228). MCLASSIFIED POLISH,, pers, Mechanic, No 10.9 1954, IPP 37T-381. CIA D 265565 ATIC F-TS-8530/V Scientific - Engineering CTS 71/Aug 1955 (NY-030) BULK PLRCHASING Or AUNCALMAL "M IN Tw FiftsT mv or ig6i,"By ST. Szczu4iAlKo 4 Pp. PERO mK nomcm, voL xO No A# ig6is, 4 JPRS Law w POLAND 62 105.61t. rolt! of thiosulpliate in t'&IV- formatilon uf ,ulphate in animal organista, by Miroslawa Weber, W. Szczepkowsk-J, B. S arz, jmski, 12 pp per, Acta Bicchiud-ca Polonica, Vcl VIII, ori-s 61--2156(.-1 FL-43(; Sci ?Ijl Feb 62 -Biochemistry of -Antotroph"~e-SulfuT--B-acte.-ia-i--- P~~- I. Vie Cytochromes and HemopWteein gaz-~qaes ia Thiobacillus Thioparas and Wobactillms 'Wooxid-at I B. Skarzymki, 37 1 by T. W. Q&qzApmaki 3p. GERMAN., per, Acta Microblol Polonlea, Vol 1, 3-952, PP 93-106- AIM Tr -4527 Sai - Cbm Jul 61 1.57 iy q - 12 (wy..6365) Resulta of the XXI Scientific Technical Con- forence of the Sooiety cC PoliBb Geodenistal, by Ad= Sze 12 pp. 2!s ~r FUIUBR., per$ Przeglad Geodezyjny: Vol X=I, No 3, 3-961., pp 116-33-8. ins 9~(-44 Sri - Engr Aiz 61 Spactropaphic Determination of Tr"m of Zrawl in Solutims by the Method of SparklM an Dbtal Blectrodsal by J- Caalums T. Btacisk, 0. Sacaarbinska.- 'POLIM' por, Chem?ia AnaUtycua,. Vol Ms 1.9580 PY 745-751. ACS~'. a-6055 sci - Ch" Her 60 Szczerbinski. -V., Szymanski, S. Proleptic ana sylleptic Shoots of Young Pinusft Sylvestris. POLISH, per, Polskie Toi-n=ystvo Botaniczne, Sekcja Dendrologiozne, Rocznik:L, Vol 12, 1958, pp 423.-431. *PL-48o oTs 6o-21393 oct 61 'P=le-r,xtic and Syl I eptic Shoots in Young Scot.41 E,-,= (Pinus Silvastris L. )I by W. Szczerbiwki,. S. 82~mansla -5 pp. POLISH,, per., Rocznik Sekcji Dendralogiamej Poleldep Towarzystva Botwdemego, Vol Xllp 19571 pp 1*1-429. 9077222 Ms 60-21393 PL-48o Sci - Biol Jul 61 R~,,-,- of TE--cf-litic, PyocrancuG in InfantIle Difr,=Lea, by j-,Ln Szc--c-nia- . I~y P-9. T: ull traU32ation. 2~GLISH 11% ., par., Pecliatria Folpla, Vol. 3.950p pp 374 -381. CIA/FIWA-771 .9cier-tific - Madicine, iufections 1%y 53 CTS J707/ preamt DW ArtiLlwyo by 1. SzOrABDOW14- Polm, vary MWfd j~Za jagego pp 19-2T. *ACSI-J-7436 a - 'Ag~-f " ZEW m out Ce (DC-"78) The Structure of Crime in Poland According 11Co the Number of Individuals Actually Sentenced., by Jazef Szczucki., 13 PP- POLISH, per, Nowe Pravo., Vol XVI, io 6, 2o jun ig6o, PP 803-812- jpHs 61& FAhw - Poland soc Oct 6o Studies on tthe State of Nutrition of a Group of Young Fcqtle at One of the Boarding Schools, in Warsav., by A. SzczygI4 K. y A. Mendrowskm-xi=o' S. S'emy, 18 PP. POLISH, per, Rocznik PZEI, Vol X, No 5, 1959, PIP 413-421. mH lo-W-6o Sci - Med i)--c 6o 53 J 9.3f (SF-1856) TRADE PARTICIPATION BY SOCIALIST AND CAPITALIST MIXED ENTERPRISES, BY.STANISLAW SZCZYPIORSKI 6 pp. POLISH, PER HANDEL ZAGRANICZNY, w 6, 1961, Pp 2i!~-270- JPRS 12483 EEUR - POLAND ECON FU3 62 183,109 (NY-6233/b) Influence of Rate of Tarammr on Carrying of Sbips, by W. S I.,apacity 12ytt, 4 pp. POLISH, per, Technika i Gospodarka Morska, Vol Xj,-' No 1., 1961> pp 6, 79 jpss 9614 EEur - Poland Econ 14 jul 61 On Sone D=Miaa P2=ts Frm the Dzumgarla SmUnt MorUnreatern Sinklangs bY H- Co. SZe- MI MnM., 3?erj, lb Meng Mm RM20h PG*s VOI VIns M'3.t 196Dt pp 2D9-W-4.. salmUs a Sinim Via 1!--* 2, 1961 fl MAI QWW752 Sol 28 mar 62 Vol. VIs No 7 ~~Iucnc-- of ',l:!di= Comtitucntm = thc V Productionp by R. Y. Yuy M. P. Y. F. vlawg, e-t a!., 12 pp. ~.UMMM,, per, -ilei-shong-vu Haueh-pao, Vol VII., :,o 3,. li- 1959o PP 145-150- JPRS 7838 '.~ci - Ned L3e.p 61 by L, Szebelledy, Z. Somogyi. GULMAX, per, Zeit, Anal. Own. Val 112, 1-93S,, pp 32Z-351. FRIGIN67 AEC NP-tr-1452 b d sci/chemistry 8ar 67 318,550 Part L, by L. SZebolle4s, Z, SOUGUL "GEMM* pert Zeits. fur AnalXtisc4o Choide, Val 112, 1938- 313-323. P9110"AU67 , I)v AEC UP-tr-1473 sci/cileuistvy Mar 67 Detel9dast4an Ot litntes by U 8jobellody- GCVJKW, 3POr, 7A:Ltsebrlft Fw Amaly*Asdw ft*ml*,p val =aV* IWI. lp 232-235- oat. 62 IIE,galitarianisdl in the Wages of fedmical ELv-iovecs, by Eva SRSben .a, 15 pp. HIKIGARLM, per, Kozgazdasagi Szonale, Vol XI, No 10, 1964, rip 1183-1194. JPRS 27308 EEur-Ifungary Econ Jan 65 271l,548 (NY-6146) tesponsibility Sy-,tem -in Yu-tien-pao Miue!$ 6/V 3 zech _Yan.- 5 PP - ,IHIMSE, np, Ma Jen-min Jih-peop 22 Feb ig6i, p i. jpRs 8489 ,'-v - China /ij .?'s -A~ i tcon ita 61 :Eeoncindcs of Callcrio.3 on th-U- At the `-olesla-ei S-mdaly" 1,Une, luy 5 Pl;, POLISIR. -,cr, !;iadomosci Goimicze; 1.1"ol, "rij, 246-247~ -62 E Eur Poland Oct 6.2 tC, t; I Cl " ~ci i ccz,,,c4 "A-kas - ;, 1. 11 %L,, -;il- 7. Scmv Thoughts Col2ceraing the Structural Alteratioin off the Chwenical In6uatry, by Tamas 3=calco., 5 PP. RUMMM, per., Figyalo., Vol IVj ED 19j 10 gay 3.960, JM 7250 BE= - Hungary Econ Dee 60 MAM 40 limmom om I APR 463, . i- 'i I On the Determination of the Detergent Power of Soaps, b7 L. Szogo, 0. Baratta. ITALIAN, per, Gior. D:L Chimica, Inftstria-le, !pft Applicata, voi. 16, 1934, pp M-284. OB/39/HO 1981 )-. ~ -Z E 6~ 0 Sol - Aug 6T 334A6 Increasing the Efrectiveneas of Investments in the Construcjion Materials Industry (Poland), by Adam Szei4c, 9 pp. POLISH N ,, mo perj Materialy budowlany,, Vol XI,, No 1,, Warsav, Jan 1956* pp 9,-12. .p US JPRS/NY-L-314 EL?ur - pol %IVA Econ. - Construction material n1w Contant, of Sulfur oxA Water-Solublio Uppon-enta In the HorW 11~pidarmU In Romal and PmthaceLca Coroll'icatioan (Peorlwis),, by "th. Gxutwb=&,, A. --szxjwIIt 25 pp. GEWNp &--h lain IV= Mciper Dezm&tol, Vol CCIP 1955,9 NY 361-3TT- FM 1-36-60 Scl - Mod M,70,el-7 Fab 60 Hew Processing Possibilities of Asphalt Cont,3dning Crude Oils,, by J. Varga, Gy. Rabo, A. Szekely. w.- MUM, rpt, 1959P). Dept of Interior TN7, E57., No 287 / /9 P 3 Sci - RMOM - Chem /,q) jun 6o The D-_Vcjov-n2nt and the of -,;he ~,.Iestern Part' of Forms Of t2le lle'~ ief the Mitra Mount-nills, In Andl-,Pg S- I .-e- PP- T-i ARIAN; yer, Froldarjzi Kozlemenyck, UING voi vjjT-, -5~, W--dX 1960, pp 251-22-75. ,Tpp-q u403 F,-J,ur - Hurgary Geographic D2c 6-L The Geomon-phology of the Tania Valley, by Dr A. Szehely, 2 pp. IRMARIA1.1, per, Fold-rajzi Ertesito, vol vii, iio 4, Budapest, 1958, pp 410".; 417. Call No G1, F67- JU-Is ED-ur - Hungary Geo Oct 59 -tade des Gaz Ionises a L'Aide do Fail-blem ChEun Electriques Alternaties., (Study of lwizud Gasc!i Vleak AlternatinG Electric Fields), by Usin6 - Aagelik~ Szekely, 22 pp. GEMI to FREUCH., per, Acta Ph;-r,. Austriaea, Vol XII, 1953, PP 91-1W. Reveme Tram CZA Tr-A-4-58 Apr 60 5 51 A New Enamel Paint and Synthetic Resin ftctory,, by-Gaza Szekelys 4 pp. HUNGARIAN# perp MusyAki Elstjp Vol XVp No 250 8 Dee 196o.. p 12. im 9090 HungU7 Econ may 61 mw jpAINT 11414= FMXUM ATTM- TIBrAilow""'IN6 Mj~ MINA* dip VAR (NY-10) Use of Muscle Relaxants and Artificial Respiration in Treatment of Status Epileptious, by Laszlo Komeromy, Otto SzekeV, 6 iv. MGARIAIT, per, Ideggyogyasznti szemic, vol xTv, No 4, iq6i, pp 1.24-127. jp'as IIWI- Sci - Med I-1q, 0 70 Construction of the Budapest-Miskolc,Expevi- mental Train R"Io Section* by Tapas Sackely, 6 pp. 1AWMIAN, perg Vasut Vol XXV,, So 12,0 1964# pp 12-13. DIA M-50-66-0-1 S z- e- K lama-s sci-Mech Jun 67 327,026 ROLE (IF W104TION IN i5~ CALI MOW& SY mmwlmio vm xj, NO flolls "Wit PF 3330M UN HUNUM 9M- SCI ENO OR 63 -1,10 C- in fille.-Year Pitm, "by Gyvula Sz--~!kc-r- 3-1 vle OTNG.,URTAN, per, Xozgazdasagi 'Szez:ae. 701. 7TJ- T; K-o 319-1--gog. irm 11894 jan 62 StraemEiaiug of 0aerdeal Indastyp by ajula Szelzairf Tib= ReEpdus * Mw&R=., per., Ysaar &idblsa LqpJap ND 4j 1-962., pp 151-154. Fm am 3666 mur - Hm*uy -9 eq a, i= 6e (MY-5442 Instrumutatloi and Autmetion In tbo Rua prim Cbmdaal l.adustry, by Gr4s Stoker., 10 po. NUMARIM, per# Magyar Kinalk"Ok LaWas Vol Up No 101 191~.O., vp 429-433L. JOB 9050 RAtr - Xa*ry loan ibw 61 W-5~82) Instr=entation and Automation In the Cilemical industry;: by Gyula Szeker, 13 pp. ONGARUN, per,, YAres es Aubomtika, -%To! VIII.. No 9$ 1960y pp 259-263. JOB T753 Ezur - Hungary Ecod Feb 61 Development of the (Hungarian] Chemical Inda3try Under the Second Five-Year Plan., by Gyula Szeker. roTio hIMARMIJ., per, Magyar Kemikusok lapja, Vol XV, F0 3., 1960., PP 93 -103. FDD sum 2603 Mur-Hungarian COPYRIGHT Econ-Cham Industry jun 6o W-516o) The Development of the Chemical ludustry of GERMN, per, Chwdscbe ludustriag Vol XII., No I 196o, pp 613-617. JPRB 6&* HEur - Hungary Econ COPIRMIT Mar 61 Szekeres, Janos. ELEC'TROPHOTOGRAPHIC TRANSVERSING COPYING APPARATUS. 1196317p. Available on loan from SLA 63-t6451 Trans. of German patent 1, 139,741, appl. 29 May 58, issued IS Nov 62. DESCRIPTORS: *Elect rophotography, *Recording de- vices, Design. 63-16451 1. Szekeres, 11. Patent (Germany) 1 139 741 (.ki.iret-ials--Pht)tc)griiphic, TT, v. 10. no. 3) 62-10649 -5zekar-,--i-,,~adislaus. A RAPID NIE-MOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF 1. sreker"s, L. SULFIDE, POLYSULFIDE, AND TIIIOSULFATE IONS TOGE-MER (Eine Schncllmethode zur Besdm- mUng d-r SullfiJ, Polysufid-und ThiosulfaEictnen Neb,.,- neinand,r). !1961119]p. (foreign tem included) 10 rcfs. Ord~-r ~:-:)Z-n SL,1L S11. 101 62-10,f+9 Tran!7. of Mr. Aialyzisch- Churnie (We~- Gcr:,n.w,,) 19~-I, ", 17S', no. 2, p. Bl-~". *sandos, *T11osu Uate -, Ion?, Alical! C,)lll)F~)U!lJ-, Ch-mical analysis. T ltration, C2231 ZO A k--l;,:rily-~d for th~ analy~;Ls afallrall sui- 'LIC P.Avimlfidt: a'~'j ILMOSullat', in .-iur cqu-flly large aliquo, pDrOo;m 0- the 'M-, -.-. 6, no. 8) over; of'- F T-,h-i,,,! 5-1- Sessiou of the Univousity of Agrarlan Scienceas by Laszlo Szekeres, 5 PY- MARIM,, per, Felsooktatasi EizemUip Vol IX., No 7/8; 1960, 13P 4ffi-491. JPRS 4220 Sci - Hisc Jan 61 Z,( /S4 j 7 -- 'Am and Rady, Martha. MIE LLMILrIY OF SOME CALCM PHOSPHATES [L~ [06316p. 6 re-Co. Orderftom SLA $1.10 63-16279 T--. of (Agrartudon=nyi EM-- Ag-mlM Kotr. l0Wdv=yaIj (Hungary) 1957, v. 4. no. 4. p. 3-8. DESCRIPTORS- *Calcium compounds, OPbosphatee. Solubility. Solvents, Fertilizers. The solubility of chemically pure tricalclum phosph"o. also of kola phoaptmtc contS. 39.85 P20~r, wid Uraell phosphate contr, 33.7% P205 in boiled and unbolled distilled water, I N, 0. 5. 0. 1 and 0. 01 N NsOH I N, 0. 5. 0. 1 and 0. 01 N ammolum carbonate voludot6 a PH 10 ---lum chloride - ammonitun hydroxide buffer solutim a pH 4 lwmte buffer solution. 1 No 0. 5. 0. 1 and 0.01 N amnmd= nitritte solittoo. wad a I N (Chemistrr-AndyticaL Tr. v. 10. - 5) Z.;;;; 63-16279-- 1. awbW016 r- a. rjkdy. LIL A 2 4 M" d Te**d IN" (2500/4-0) go AVIcatwal4kda~ Mdvws:LtWp bV XAMBID 8mdm4.w,p 7 IV- =CL MMAXMNN Iwo a - 0 ftsmuo To, vu* No 3.0,* immi st, MOO w 606-6W- to am bft-D : 32W - Mj~ #a 1.0.-1 7059 yv., 7.0 6