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Tlftd"C Detezufmtlm of 9024a AdA, by E. -ftImU*s 0. Sukaes, H. Sodmes,, 18 pp. GERMAN, pwa Z. An&27t Cbms Vol CLIj, NO Is 19%p pp 1-15. SZA 0-5% sel Aug 59 41 Td~e- IIhe Problem of Phyraiiolo-gicall Correlations Ectu-con Lipids, Watersoluble Content Materials Md Barrier Function in the Horny Layer [of the S'l.- I n1 of man, bj A. SzakaU 6 -up. per, 111tuTumerie und Kosiuet-~h, Vol KLj pp f 7 -679 - NIH 4-11,3-62- 776 ~'cj Maul Blolosy of the Surface of the Skin,, by A# Szak&Uj 3 IV& C- GWWM, per.. Acts Dermt. -Venerea. j Proc - Uth Internat. CCUW Dermt, Vol 11, 195T, pp 23-26. M 3-74-62 IM, ge-5- Sci - Mad Jun 62 -per J nent -q1 Data to Clarify the Func z f on off -,~- lie RY I L U.L L Watcr -'-arrier in the Epidemic; of thc~ LivinG IILL-mcm Pei.n,-, by Alexander Szakall., 17 pu. bk. GINIKAIT, zmr, -Tk,-rufsderm,.%tcsen b, 195~3, 171-3.92. KII 4-53-052 9 jun 62 The Wctory o*9 Mrxism-Leninism Over Menshevism, by Arpad-Szaka-vits, 20 pp. (Sel EEur Pol Trans, 16) EMGARIAN, per, Taroadalmi Szemle, vol XII, wo 6, Oct 1957, Budapest, pp 73-91. CIA/FDD Tr 693 EEur - Hungary .5- 7 Pol ' a 'o '~ Jan 58 The Possibilities of International Cooperation in Industrial Research, by Gyargy D. Szakasits. HUMARIAN, per, Kogazdasagi Szemle,, Ne 6p 1965, pp7SG-756. JPRS M CSO: DC 15212 S/712-67 6Lyor q 1/ c EE-Hungary Econ June 67 328,193 OUUjAii I A THE LQWWM PLANNING W RESFAKH AND DEVELOPHW CAPACITIES*g BY MMY SZAMSITSO 19 PP. MNGARIANs PElti, KOZGUMMI VOL IXS ND go SEP lgrap pp I im 16mo EEM - HUNGAW ECAM %- JAN 63 per$ 69-14. 28545 ts c on 65 ftTlibide Stnbillizerlon of Solf-Om=Uttoos by X=,tizl Nonll-=.xity, by 0. 0. Saakov, 16. m)., RUSSUR, perp 'LoteMudU.9 Vbl 11 -0 Xo - 3., 1956,, PP 23-33. Am F-w-gftft set - msc~ron Dec 58 771 Experimental *a tus for the Determination of F4uiUbr:Eum- Relative Humidity (M) at Tenperatures Below 00 C., by L. Szalai- MMWIMAN$ per Keki-Kbv'IewpXtk3i Vol. 2, 1962.- p 10-13 CSIRO)NO. 8003 Sci - Aug 67 337-505 ibr T mm-lutl4a ca Civil -0--i ISMID :lmta4& coad letvan ~Ifluqw, par, 4~411:slot -ZtLo~-, 24 -;VArJ 1.96Y~O. The Possibility Of Obtaining C5 - C9 Fatty Acids By The Oxidation Of Petroleum Alkanes, by U. Szalajo. POLISH, per, Chemia Stosowana. Seria A: Kwartalnik Poswiecony Zagadnieniom Technologii Chemieznej (Poland) 1964, p439-52 SLA TT-65-14954 0 , 5 -iL (~ I cli 0 344,834 TT-65-14954 Field 7A, 7C Szalajo, U THE POSSIBILITY OF OBTAINING C5 - C9 FATTY ACIDS BY THE OIMATION OF PETROLEUM ALKANES. 8refs. Order from SLA: $2.60 as TT-65-14954 Trans. of Chemia Stosowana. Seria A: KwartalnLk Poswiecony Zagadnienlom Technologii Chcmiczne] (Poland) v8 p439-52 196-1. NIH 698 n&w Geolo4eal Strwtwe In Aloes tV Gymra ),,, Ssalmaw. 8 pp. RMAUMO pwa 18 I&U& Val IQD* To lot Oat 1967s pp 70 0 JMS 4V93 Sol-Eafth Sai Feb 68 3W9973 alcai l5ttl ana JUVULL 0j by ale gualoW ja J, me via (2205-B) PossIbLUtlea Of Autc=tLUS FCMW M=ts tqVuSh ft=r rWd&-jaerl by jo=s 8 58 pp. Ht=U=.. per# Mwgia so Atosatadmik-o T" XZ.- Bb TP 8p ftftlmstv 1958v PP 39134416o am 14" 33= - 3=9=7 ]boa - Fus3z, polmr Apr 59 r.1 - ?/V - -42, The Zfffimt of Mouh-bw Me*U Sn the Bwtm I*CV at ge6 ty J. Calksyp A- !!!!M& 3 VP- Rmsm vws mw M"w I am"t Fus Val =Lys NO 5611, 190'. pp WIGwo. AMW Zwt of Php sow M~p - JAW TOIL VZOODO lb 5 Sal - Pbyv MY 59 yr.//6.0,2, im, aamstsm in 1.0. '111 Q"!,Nnl e1 INA701AL fWWRtQ# ff.. WNW UW* PK w"&=1 Oil" 14 WL V04 10 to vp I-m7, AM 43 (W-10) AIR OWENT IN HUNMY W17H AIM40 a WATM SIUKTI" or f,6 AM S-STMING# BY GA13RIELLA SZAI f-PAPAIO 9, OP. HUNGARIAN PER# IWJARAS# VOL LXVS - NO 2p Q~ 1961, PP qW. JPRS 1250 SCI - GEOPM AR 62 If k1sh -Sale Accord4jw to Gustamarts D4jXLtd,,. E-7 Sandor Ssalkal, P*ro AMAMW Vol -Xl* -110 6. W5, pp 190-191. *U-'BTI 71 6B-50065/14 soi/Ear Sort a cmaxos W-V 68 st'Nal",o ~AcJkal %"DC -486*1) Unused Cadres Capacity Muzt Be Rel"sed to Improve Bank Operations, by S. Staimmki, 22 pp. FW*, per, Wiadomosai Earodowe o 3anku PoIsIdego, Vol r-II, No 8, 1960, P-P 3W-3847 JM 6749 ESw - Poland Ecou Feb 61 (DC -48f~! ')' improvement Commissions in the Natiowl Bank of Polund.t by 8 * fjM gzalwaklj, 8 pp. POLISH, perv wisamosci surodongo Bsuku Polskiego, vol M. so 7.. 1960.. PP AO-343. JMS 6749 Mic - Poland 41 Econ Feb 61 D~C lRegulations on Organization of Bmuches of the Hational Bank of Polp-ndj, by S. S=ladiski, 18 pp. POLIBH, per,,,Wiadomosei Nara4wego Banku PoUkiegop Vol XV1, No 1. 196o.. pp 277-2&. jpms 6749 Mur - Poland Boor, Feb 61 a- TN Scabi.hmiki U1,0 LASSIFIED POMSH; per# Prueglad Yiechaniczny, No 12, Dee 19P58, PP 551-561. Havy 3 /OIU 4 82 -59 It x at Me Problem cg F igm In Avlation,, by J. asambovski., 16 pp. MLT-os vors Wojskt7v7 PrzezlQd wunuvji, az*Qla.I Aeramedical Deus., 107,. pp 46-58r to IR-1748-589 jykcMi-iAl. AF 1181483 Oct Calculations cX Eemodda Effeativewsa In Fishing Entarpriass, by JwW Ssam%or-4d. POLISH, Pero 2REE2NELM IdEa" Val IJLXO flo ,7 (173)o 1967* pp -*MTT. TT 65-50014/15 J-E&P-20 sci/Lar Sol & cce4mog 1%y 68 S.-)t* Elements 3f Bcowrle Erfactivemas of prpmlla Pmduction, by Jerzy UaLborski PMXM, per, Glise2Lweim 1967, PP- 3-5- ~ ftbv%~ Vol 19, So 2(169), *cmi TT 67-56iA/34 sel-Rarth SOA & oca.-Inow'Apby Dee 67 -J, Irroopmab,MV In iAoU OzuwAmatlm by Lnj= Zmwav 13 ppo h~r , # ft jar Itilarl. 4 W-lAds per* pp 41-43. Ev;t 69 Ille Dateraimtion of the Produetion of Conceim-4 by Szwdt--er,, 19 pp. HUMARW.* pwj, Tobbtmmales,, Vol VM, P 28-30- C/# s ATIC P-M-8677/V (U &76-16)~ Wo Uj, 1954, Nnsary Eemmic t 2/,- Feb n 195T CM/DEK L LYL J The Effects of Refraction and the Cmwature of the Earth on Aerial Photogrammetrys by K. Szangolies. MMM9 W, Vermessumgatedbalk,. Vol VIII; No 4., 35 1960., pp 99-lo2. ERDL., Ft Belvoir T-1133 Sci 5-S, 0 z (2 im 61 110, The Effects of Refraction and the Ciwvature of the Earth on Aerlal Photogrammetry., by K. ORNO, perp Vermessungstechnik,, Vol VLTT, no 4,, t j.96o., pp 99-3D2. UWL,, rt Belvoir T-1133 sci j= 61 CwbaderMIM 0 dW. AdMUPS BW IASWIALI pills of the, varw= reo=dfm svs~m* Vv K. dint, 23 pp. G ve-9 vw CLU"I ;(*f!g,Jm 10 Fat. 9w6^"Z-l F TO-TT-w-= Sa - rellys i"Ifty 6-11 2W,422 The Velocity of Bound and Hugoniot's Adiabate for Partially Ionized &a'vy Tmert Gases by A. amala-wski, 33 P)?:7- P(ruMH, per, Arahivum Mchaniki Stammiamj, Vol M, No 3/4., 1962, pp 565-581.- 968W56 m.Tt-63-2m. Sai-Aero Boy 63 .1Z R-900 (NY-2432). Special Frodaction Problems at the Ifa&yIeiWycI 011 Fieldp by letvan Szanlm. 9 pp- HUMA-RW,, perp Banyastati Inpok., Vol XCII.. go lp BudaPestv 19591 YP 52-60- jns-i67o-ii NEW - Hungary Econ. - Fuels and Power Jun 59 Ovpr 7, Nawlenewel Oll FIWA, souia, A go l9rop, iwf- 190-r944 JFBB EX-ENMOW sci-aww zm 65 oNljp%-Qa The flole of Alkalf Pho I t a c in i I i i i I and in " Early Developumtal Stages of bloxdo Uvef- sicolor CM, by B. Konopackao Z. !~ 16 9PN POUSH, per, Folia MorphcdoWca, fl&".Nlo 44 1962. OTS 62-11066/5-6 PL-480 Sci-B & M Sd June 64 261,734 LwAsUv -Sizato iieea Laninism AppUcable In CswhwlomU&g by laftvlav Soantoo 5 ppo SPAWC, npo ALtLftw Bmtlolvme 22 Apr:LS69,p P-0 1, 5. ifps 4SM9 ti~--Gzech ~01 ime 69 3EKL*?Vi 63-ISW Szantho, Eugen von. THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACE-ACTIVE SUBSTANCES 1. Szantho, IL van ON FINE-GRINDING. [19631 10p (figs. ornitted) l3refs Order from SLA $1. 10 63-185V Trans. of Zeitschrift fur Erzbergbau und Metall- hUrcenwesen (West Germany) 1949. v. 2. p. 353-360. DESCRIFrORS- *Surface-active substances, *Material forming, Ores (Metal sources), Ores (Non-metaWc), Milling machines, Lubrication, Flotation. Topics include-, the significance of grinding In industry: theoretical considerations about the grinding process; investigations an the influence of interfacial energy with grinding and similar proceamm; characteristic grinding tests with the addition of surface-active agents; grinding result and lubricating effect of addition agents; 1 and , outlook. (Metallurgy, 7r, v. 10, no. 11) d T-bnk-I ttrvi"2 The Szente3 Sena Dricro by jaws Sxanto, 31). AWGARIAK., par* Vasut 110 .__.* Vol 160, no 40 Apr 1966v p 30o DIA LN 561-66-3-2 (LY)i e EX-Hungary Econ Doc 66 315j,596 63-14M EL~Cftosmmc mmpicunoN iN THE iN- 1. TULIM nowerociatim DUSTRY OF ROCKS AND EARTHS. 119631 np. JL Tift Nbctrosomic 42 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-14M sepwo6m 1. Emmmk% IL m Trans. a( Tonindustria-zle0lunkMaGumml 1953, Y. 77, p. 83-U. DFSCRtl`TORS: *Electrostatics, OMaterial Minerals, Electrical peopertles, Mmchlmo6 Opmudm% CA" 4 7500 MW essential foms In ft electric field which cism Wad w a separation of material psrflc an &==- I sed. MW sepantion P. as devolopoil ftm dmm forms depend essentimuy the dftfm commouttv" and &elwwc coustams of ft tostartal puticks ad alsocis the W-Caued "welectric ~ of MIGNW& (Euth sclo~--Mmulloff, rr, V. lo# a% Momi Me of ft*w Roviev an Municb Speeclics,~ by Sznnto . WAiCIARV-11,, npj~ Nepszabadsagp h lqo-.- 1959. FBID Daily Rmviwi BE - Germany Pol Nov 59 1,!76' '71e L14alft,p IV V. %dow.0 F. ssmw. Aw am*& vw* m 2qft**brjft fu*r --v" to 2,q%,, p" 5Z-56- SfA Zli~,-Qiia Sept 66 30LOP373 Regarding the Sediwout-Voluraes of Mont- Morillonite-Suspeasions. Pt. 1. SedlmeirL- Volumes of -ftivensiong In Water-Alcohol Mlxtu~p br F. Szento. 29p. GMWN# Peril- Spiloldf-zeltacbrift und Zeitschrift fuer Me= Vol 29Lp so P-0 Ms 223-130- SrA TT-66-1030k Z~ Sci-Chem sept 66 310#372 &will Cnite-ampos"am. Pt 3. 2bw Fxgftt of W*Ler on SW ad la of 5=-POIS-I -and - r4w z3olifts, Zeltachrift Suer Poapmr _J*6 vea 2%,~ so 2t IAN Jr. I 9MA ant 66 Exa6minations of the 111trite Content of the Saliva, Gastric juica; and Urinej by J. Varady, Gia~Mtx?.q. 15 pp M-RM-AN, per, Fainische Wschr, Vol 194o, pp 200- 203- IH Tr 3-5 N I Sai - Y--cUcirie Apr 58 6 A) b 9V tbe ':urtbar Caw; It 0_ - DiroctiOn S,j,ntLfjc R&searclls by Utvzn Smm'%Z;o'v 5 PT" ar Dude-peat., reb 68, PP- 107-110- ivittS "45,0219 Sci.ScientiSts aM Sc'en-tf'o cirganizatiOns April 68 Certain Properties of the Virus-Reutralizing Factor of Hormal Animal Sera, b, V. Ratovap D. Kociskovej, J. Szanto, 0. Laucikova, L. Hawk 7 13P. RUSSIU; per, Vopros~ Virusologii, Vol IV,, No 6p 1959., pp 717-723. pp Sci Oct 60 "The Dialectics of Error and Deviation,- ff by Academy member L. Szanto C- 7- re C- ///Bratislava, Fravda, 1 March 1963 Daily Raport U33R & East Europe No 46, 7 It,.r 63 "The Dialectics of Revisionism and Do~5miatisai, 11 by Ac~demlcian L. Szanto (second and last installment of article) Bratislava., Fravda, 2 March 1963 Daily ILeport U.3SR & East Europe ,'To 47, 8 !,Isx 63 "The laninist Norms and Otw Lifeoll by Ladi&lav Szanto Bmtiolava Pravft 2A AprJ'l 3.963 Rkt~,-~ L-4 ~; ;F k f e,-,r Z-,~ ( I C,o V/ ~), J/ C"";3 lw 2 I -P, c- s I _r5allizatAlm yt by SmltO3 6 PN per, JPEIS 46606 txgaa ct 6u 367.64? 7 (sF..1676) Direetion and Planning of Scientific Work in the USSR, From a -Study Tour Made by Hungarians# bV Lajos_$maato, 8 Mr. HUMAnU, per, MWar Tad=wW, Val VL, No 1, 196J., pp 51-55. im 46D6 Sci - Rise. / 6-:3, ? v i, jim 61 ?Varns-ASSIDn VotA--i A30twwr. the iomr stattotill In ibbrotvor&*n (US.-MR) arid, lwi*w tyj lb-.aU-,i SzarAro and JmW Majoustd, "? ppo POLISH, nor, Fnam2tft, Abi ml, .--"o 4. Apr PP'* 67 332. 3 4 1 (FDD 218W) Critique of Scme Theories of American Ifeuropbysiologyp by Narek IZMMHO bim per Ifeurologis. gnmh te,1(2hiAtr A Pasig Vol VO NO 2, 1"wi Mr/A#r 1954p Vp ODI-2U* Mw - PolavA Sci - Ifecucina M 6B/M*- 55 Mmthylt4Wt4mlua,, A -- New ftychotog=lc Apats, by A. G. Sal-Wass., A. Brdvfiaker,, St. ammp 25 pp. Glami, pert Psy4hiatrla at Vewolasu, Ul MWO 1958, pp 285-301- NZ 1-56-60 Sol - we& )br 6D // a // 7 // 7 Lhiglish Title Lhknown, by T. Szarc, 2 p. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POLISH, per, Gospodarka ~ybna Vol Wit No 60 1964, pp 19-271. *CFSTI - 7T 66-S7038 sci-Risc Feb 66 Ti~z,'Scs Of" i-lallead JoInta with f;OT-nitim IAEI.-Alt~g ColUrs tor Stea Apalirm jai Sh4-;d, tv J. -Oar4ko. pare 2Tdwe-----t%Tq U45. UZI- 9W.065 (24%) 4/, 57. 'k lita 68 cassoc', iLq- vie- C rW -ua i -m- ca -of t L Iran and Steel Industry, by j. ~~;W!t. GER~WW, per, Freiberger Forschungsh.,, (068)v 19620 pp 81-103. BISI 3716 EE/Ger sci/lO&Z I Apr 65 278s477 ,Treatment of War Wounds ith Bacterttopha~ i,-~ t~ie So-vems, m ;PL.~ POLIS-T, per Lek Ilojsk, Vol XXXIV, No 5, 1942, pri 263- Z77. SLA 57-1640 S -- i -.vz d 110 ir, e r .8 Mar Studies on Q; I'locluc ti. on, Icy Lucin-fl-c Szai,',,-o7wsl,-a, J . Hc-i-.-'-er, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochirf-ica Polok-nica, Vol VIIII, 92S 60-2156o-4 PL-43o Sci 14,ay 0-2 10-4 , ~, 079 Production of Metallic Idthium an a laboratory Scale under Reduced Prewm=e# by R. Ssaravics and He Orman, P01MHs per, Frace IM (Poland)., Vol VII,* No 5/60 1955s pp 270-275,, W-3601 sci Aug 58 J/) fal Froduction of Metallic Litbium on a Labors6tary Scae Under Reduced Pressure., by T. �jFqyjqpj H. onlan. PMISH, per, Prace im,, vol vii,, No 5/6, 1955, PP 270- ZT5- Brutcher Tr 36o1 $9.85 Sci - min/met 7 Jan 58 Irk .nufactu:e2 aff Metallic Sodium Under Reduced Pressure; by Tadeusz Szarawicz,, 4 vp. POLISH, par,, Chemik., No 2/122.- 1958- 966MP-9 ATic mm-596 Sci - Chem May 1961 IT.3 iollob, Italian Trade Timsover k-"blww 44mousoW.9 b(y Jp SpAroUs 6 w* f .1AZS11, np, wMM-AA-mmes"p-9 warmwo 8 Mar 196% pp 30 79 Ji~i;s 47844 f ioland looft may 69 OC aL COVIeZ DOUMimat aud Ito Ammoulateil, EWAI DateralMat, AppUcoitio& to tbie - Mw*rY,cr NeZW*-I-u Pon= &ad the 2hvo~iry of the Modull of COVUX *Itrlcmr by 1. Suwmki~t T, wasawouls A= soc Lal jftto Yol aj, i94TO. pp SAM TT P-10*417 v* S* GOVASMIMM UM OW &,l- yLvilption ion 67 316o,4a Lir~uidililed Petroleurr-r;a-,~-prolloj led Trucks, by Karoly Szarvas, iozsef Szentinj&j. IlMrARIMAN, per, AnYaRmozntas--r'5om8gf?1!2P NNO 1" Jan-Feb 1969, pp 10-11. ACSI J-6912 r-STC-liT-23-S87-69 c?.- va. Aug. 69 3900040 tuivex-sity FApoAs Work. of cbenistry Papmvtv4mt* by Pial -'-zervas, 14 0, 11MGMIX), per* baup(wt- no 39 1963t pl-) YA-39%, JPFS 473Y~ sa-chen Fab 69 COM ~NM 10 CANMIAP ST G. FPO= &Moo" im 905P MocammiA ECM AGRI AM Immunological Significance of Plasma- cellular Islands, by D. Szasz. RUSSIAN, Per, Problemy Gematologiy i Perelivaniya Ki-o-viir, Vol. 12, no 3, 1967 pp. 17-20. CSIRO Tr9022 ETC-68-24966 404,547 "Uripary Elimination of the Phosphatases In Varloma We Nadocrine ,Syndr ot by G. Nava, B. szwz). 14 pp. MAI-LAHJ, pert kolis Sudocrina.. Vol =j, So 3p 'c'50. 3 NZ scitentif ic Medictue -Iclust-rial Backeround of the Develo=ment of -he C"Rs industry, by Friaes SzaEiz, 20 pp. -JNGAF IM. per, Energia es Ato-iritechnilm, Vol XIII, Fo 3, 1966, Budapest, pp 106-110. JPRS 5456 'EDar - Hungary 2 ,con - Fuels - Power F 3 e-o 60 Sun Gabor. Dn'RODWnON TO LATTICE THEORY. 3D REV ED. 1. SXsmZ. C. B. Balkay and G. Toth, tra. 1964. 2Np. U. Acadmic Press. Inc., Order f. ot Acedemic Press, Inc-, New York 115 Fifth Ave., New York 3. N. Y. $4.50 Trans. at unidentified Hungarian metwx 36 rev. ed., o. p.. n. d. (Physics-SoRd State, Tr, v. L2, me. 7) I IT-64-22502 s Gabar WD=N* TO LATTICE THEORY. 3D REV ED. 1. szaaz~ G. d B. Balkay and G. Toth. Era. 1964. 229p. 11. Ac*demic Press, Inc.. Order ftixn Acedemic Press, Inc.. New York I is Fifth Ave-, New York 3. N- Y- $8-50 1 Trans. of unidentified Hungarian room 3d rev. ed.. n. p., n. d. (Phyalcs--Solid state, Tr, v. 12, no. 7) On COPP8tltlons. A Topic of Conversations., by Karoly Szasz,-3 pp. RLOMRM, Per., TurJL�t&, Vol VMP So 7j 1962., P 20- (CaU. NO, ANS W901- T93) AnW lkp Smice M) - ameary Pol ;; //,, /.A z 14 sept 62 (NY-6053) beervations on Standardization of Chemical .pparatuses in Poland., by B. 8zatunski) 9 pp. OLISEI, per, Normallzacjaj. Vol XMII, No 2., p 6o.63. JMB 9233 Eur - Poland ~OIDU lay 61 Narcolensia Gravidartm, by Z. Szat-lujuiry 1-1 pp~' GERMAN, per, Zentr. Gynaekol. Vol LV, 1931, oo 362-30W Sai-Medicine liar 58 SLA 57-1629 410 J / / -e' ~, 7- J P Studies of Faators Innuencing Catching Fabential of Ulmm and Trout Ashing Gear, by Mari= Szatybelko, 29 PP. POLM, per,, Prece NorMdego Imbybuta ftbackleZo v 04-rd.. No q.- 195Tj, ;p A-596. ~;,--,Pv = 6D-m364 Plift 'o, -015~1/ T ft 62 fe-o' /,P", Forced Concentratim of Fish - a basis for yment of New Fishing Technique,, by Marion Szatybelko, POLISA, per., Budwaictwo Okretewos Val X1, No 7-8,, 1966, PP 332 36. *Dept of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Commrciml Fisheries, LISSR Ecoa Jul 67 Factors Inname-ming the 5henml Deemposition of Porlb-assium IFIcratey by Z. Szabo.. J, . Szava,, 23 pp. MIM, peri, WWar Kenied Folyolzut, Val LVI, No 6., 1960., pp 2Z(-234. 9089563 AM Tr-3L Sa - Mem Auz 62 .;2 0 -7" y a~ -"ths tu I of Flotated Kole Apatite to sodium Phospbate Salts* by J* Stauterv f$. &Wk"SkIv 6 POLISHO, per* t!Ml awmlmo~ Vol XXIS No 6,0 PP 333-3340 1765. TC-18SI 'T, SCI - Owdstry Sept 66 30-SASS Additiv" in rkvt4r Oils ividuly DavacFeds IV Asn&w !;am=, 6 pp. W-MRW--, pwo sygIAM7., 1192, x~lb ICA 1968s pp 59-CO. JWS 46t325 I-x Sept 68 365oM Achievements of Mining Industries in 1961-1963, by Jerzy Sz '~i~ , 5 PP - POLISH, per, Zycie Gospodareze, ANo 40, 4'Dct 1964, p 4. Mur-Poland Econ Jan 65 271.697 (D;'-2600) EFFORTS OF THE STATE MINING COUNCIL (PANSTWOWA RADA GORNICTVIA), BY JERZY SZAWDY 5-PP. E~D~ POLISH, PER, WIADOMOSCI GORNICZE, NO 5, 10/62j PP 171-173. JPRS 14597 EEUR - POLAND ECON ~ AUG 62 205,792 (Dr,--5001) Mining Production and TecbnolpU in 1959p by Zerzy ~!vkvdp.~? 5 pp. Folma., perfi, Wuam-Loset GornfLese,, Vol X1. no 9, 2-960., PP 3130-51-j- 6m EL%"- - Poland SCOU Apr 61 (By-low) XL= ftvftetioulya 1960p by JergWr 5 POLMP PM& 1140 cl Gozmlemp -yal ms ib u. 1961# -M -383-30- JM 13985 EEM - Polemd B=-- / ~? 7, '?17 MARINTICUS~ J~m 62 Szeerbinski, W., and Szymanski, S. '~~bnregelmassigkeiten im morphologischen Bau der jtuigen Kiefer Posnanskie Towar. Przyiaciol Nauk Wyds. ~,At. Przyrodniczy. Komis. llauk Roln: Lesn. Prace k (2) In German. 65 PP- *PL 480 oTs 6o-21229 1961 Int'Itwitco )i_ zkc Aadc 6a~, vi an Axial Flow Cur,-ressor or, it5 Parameters, by S. -~izczociasid, ~i. Iiisniewski, 11 IT. i'uLlSsi, ~icr, Tech Lotnicza i Astroisaut Val 24, April 1969, 13p U-12. AEC-K-T-f-54-70 41r-~ Sci/Aero Feb 76 400.241