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(DC-3841) The Bilk Industry Lu the Great Uap Forvard, by Sua Ko-ching., 4 pp. CHISOM., per., Chung-tuo Fang-chih~ No I Feb 1959j. pp 6., 7. JM 6962 "E - China Econ rzr 61 Methods and Principles of Forecasting Reservoir Wall Colla-Dae and Some Reference Data, by Qjg_ lCuang-chung, T pp. CHINF-SE, per, Shud-wen iri-ahiIi Nur-g-ch'eng r1li-ald-h, 'No 1~ 1959, pD 04-20". J MI 4951 Sci - Creop~-ays / ~ ~' 61' Iz- 7 oat 61 Studies on the Selection of late Rice Varieties Used in Producing WO Crops AnnuAUy With Their Sowing Dates and Seedling Ages, by Yang Kai-chu., Sun Klou-hui,, Wang Chia-yin, 6 pp. CHIME, per, Nung-yeh Houeb-pao, Vol X, No 4, Aug 1959, pp 221., 222.. 240-242. JFHS 7677 Sci - Biol 5- 0;2, Jul 61 Orthopedic Treatment of Ma~ofaciaj- -0ef'ovridth-ci, by Chou Chi-lin, 19 pp, CHMSE, doc=ent., Ch'ing-chu Chien-kuo Shih-cbrA,.;- nien 1-hsueh Klo-h=eh Chleng-chiu Lun-ven Chi-bela Chuan, Vol II, M Dee 1959, pp 669-6832. JPR,-z Y- Sci - Kad oct 62 (DC-5906) The Present Status OC FmmiM Periods Wtmls 3hto Ebapee 2bZ=434 Treatment of 1-katen Metal Und r Pxesmaeo byj~~Ltn-i~., 6 pp. .~ Pero K10-baueb Tfung-paq, No 5o 1961., pp 40-VL. JEES 13029 Sci - Ragr Apr 62 an (EC-310.715.) Tachnicall Imorovemants in Smaa-1 Coal Pits iiL Shantung Province, by Sun Liu-jen, 5 pp. CHITNESO~ perk Flei-kuanG Chi-shu, No 19/20, Peiping, 1959, pp 62, 63, 48- JPRS-1123-D Econ - Industry /':~1;7 Ile"- Peb 6o :11, -Scniltarir T b,r jj2:eqS Sun I-Al4en-lIng! PD. CHRIESE2, 3, 1-2!1 -1-206. Sci - 1~ed Aug 60 TO ImPrOvO Leadwship Over Peoductiou Tftm., by Xln,p Cbaln lh~-s~p Wang Mons-chli, 6 pp. MIMM., up, *J;on-udn Jib-poo., 10 Nov 1960.r P 7- unim BM snv 72-as watmim PA., 6-8 n. Kow2am,p Hmg Koug Vol XMIS so 13 Jm 1%1 79 - Chi= 1-,t1s Boon mar 61 11b Improve Laeadership Over P.-oduction Tham by Sun Min, Chang Yung-sbou, W-,ng Chung--ch'i, 6 pp. CHINESE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 10 Hov 1960, p Union Res-...Sarv 71-B,.Waterloo Rd., 6-8 F1. Kowloon, Hong Kong ,vol xxii, No 4 13 jan 1961 FEE - China Econ mar 61 Stan~rd of lloniij,,! EduczA-ion in Wit'--, -t*-,I--.e &eailstic Need of HJ.drllt::c 01c, by_.Sung Lan-chou, 5 9p. np, Kuang-aAmg Jih-pao., 25 MaY 1961. .ImConGm, Hong Xong Survey of Chi Mainland Pm--s No 2515 13 Jun 1961 Cb Soc - Ed=ation qT-t a 61 v 'by .")A= Phoplobatic FerUUzer MUIUStly.. _Xing,, et al. X Hsu MLjmgmjmg,, B~n , 12 pp., C~~., pe-$ Xlo-bmwh Tlung-paoj, No 3,p 26 mar 1961.. pp 22-17. JM 13029 Asia - MA Eam Al= 6 2 (IIY-363.9). Actively Develop the Economy of the Commune, by aun-Ming) 5 pp. CHTNF.-, . per., Shang-yu, No 22, Canton, 35 Nov 1959, pp 19, 20, 25- JPRS 2754 FE - China Pol - SOC jun. 6o A Method f1w calculating the Vertical WtICUS =d the Distribution of the Heat SQuvCO$ =4 sLum in the stratesphers O"r tho- Harth*m Hemsphem In imuny 19$80 byAum shwWwadsaw 24 po OID"ri, Pero, ChO141simag Upwah-Ipao- Vol XUIV* No 4# 1964p pp 3v'r-4m�o 970041 AFCRL RmowU-19 p Sci-p-Har Sci JOS 30207SO Develop the Perseverance of the Proletariat, by Swig Jen-ch9iun.a, 7 PP. CRUEMs, perp Hung Chti,, Peiping., No 2Dj, 16 Octobal- 64- JHW 27477 Asia - Cbina Econ Jan 65 271940 (Nf-5863) The Strualm Between gross mW WaAm, by A!Tk Nimt-tojp U op. c p Per, 300-abl, 20 Is 1 Jul 1958j, Vp 22-25, Jm 7837 ra - cum 0 q-9 f/ so= /U 61 he D-ill-iant Victol-.'~T of thle party's l3olicy: o-,r Tjt~ Hou Mich-ftai, EuLa F a-huanc. Lu 23 CHEESE, np, Jea-min Jih-pao, ii Apr 1960, p .:F.qs 2903 -F2. Gafja Econ - Soc P,ug 6,,) (DC-5012) Be Skilled in the Struggle and Dare to Win, by Sun Pling-hua, 6 pp. MICIAL USE ONLY CEMSE, aP, Hunan Jih-Pao, 3 Oct 1960. JPRS 8002 FE - China POI Apr 61 f 17- iL Frocureament Plan for Firet Half of 2.960 Is Overfulfilled, by Haln Ilsiaug-yuan., Ogt Fo, 4 pp - CMUZZ, np, Kirin Jih-pso., 6 Jul 1960, p I.. JM 7184 F3 - China EaOn Jan 61 /6, -77 ans of .5emicouductoro, Uj J Strutut: S. F. Sun 11 pp. UNCL t~~ GIM-UNIP.I.T.. Por, Archiv fuer Elektrotechnik.$ Vol Y,LII., 1956, pp 155-164- CIA.5'37275 ACSIL' 1023 Sci - Electronica Apr 59 ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF COWLEX LABOR INTO SIMPLE LABOR, BY_� JJ ~,'SH ~G-CH I NGJf 21 PP. CHINESE, PER, CHING-CHI YEN-CHIU, NO 11, 1962, PP 18-23. JPRS 17286 FE - CHINA ECON JAN 63 220,624 1, NY-63oo/io-) A Sollxzt, ion to the Study Problem of the UarUc-Level Cadres in the Rural Area, by Sm slih-It'ai, 7 P'-O. ciimn, np, jen-min ah-peo, 4 ifty ig6i, p 4~ JPHS 9642 FE - China Fol /~-x / J Aug 61 Correlation of Older Formtions of 1-mrth- easte= CbIm and the Saut2wrm Purb of the Saviet Far Rest, by Yu. A. rbodakp am M=, 4 pp. - rl- RMIMj perp Dok Ak Nalk MM, Vol MCMU) No 5# 1959t PP 1036-1038. Sai jun 61 Vitmain B12 and Combined Degeneration, by Sun Shu-shan, 13 pp. CIIINESB, perj, Chung. a, Shen-ahing Ching-ohnn- 14 klo Tsa-chlby No 2) Apr 1959p pp 109-312. ir JM 78* 4 Sci - Vhd 7 jul 61 Ugi=mriag Cwt TAwtaps at FAmt No 3114 Are V%a Criti- cal* by Chan Cb=g-ploll Sm Mm-tev CEIRM, tbrlce-m pars :!.om .jg:jo& F*Llplngs a J=19550 99-FI-J. 52. F2 - ChIms A'a 61 Sic Aud=ity to Muds% Up= (&uth,, -IW aLm,_8&u-qmj., 4 Yq. CIUMM., d uy$ Jim-mln Jlh-j?so, pelydLuSp AlIg 29~8.. p 6. JM 601-a C50C 16ho-0/6 FE - Chim Soc a Iftr 59 9 aj ~1~19 ,I-.- J. - -- .. E)'ICXS '('YPe of Mchili::~ Tools, by T. S'uU, K. 5 JAPAT"I"'s-P.- re-. T"L-Xue ffual)uot No 3, 1959, p 91. NLL Tr Bul vol 3, No 5, ig6i Dec 61 z Some ldcas on the Contents and Methods of Hydrogeolggical Mvest-igations of Small Coal Pits, bZ_Run_.T,.'ai-sheng,, 8 IT. CHUIFMj, per., Slud-uen Ti-chlb Mmg-chteng Ti-chib, No 2j. 1960s PP 31-33- im 784o Sci - Engr .Aug 61 Vic -1317) CRVOM Ccuduct Of POlitioul-LWOlagical Work, by ~n Ta-tep 5 pp. CMMRO up# man-WIN ilb-PoRt JB war 196op 2. im 6960 7B - China Pal AVC (a -774ELIAMS, F. C'ELL&R.' W. Deterndnation of Hydrogen in Solid Steel. ARCHIV EISF.NHTLVEN14ESEN,, vol 17j, 1943-4; pp 207-210; 2750 words, Brutcher No 1708,9 "Small Modern Groups" of Iron and Steel Planto Display GrOWing PrOt--6Bj, by Rp.Tle-ho, 13 PP- cHnmr,, np, Jen-min Jih-paoi. 16 Apr 1960,p P 10. JPRS 5307 FE - Chim rc* on -7, oat 6o Decision cX the 2aal z~-~GioA o-,? ithe CCP f,"t-mmi 2a" F-('OVinCJZI COUMMSS MI th-~t PArtV Of Sm Tlew-Tslaij Liang Ta-chxini In Wel-Mmaj. Liu 'hleo,, 'T"Wao 'X&A-talan) Lin Up Wang lisin-c idAng Ke-chung,, Ida Chi-chlusn.# 8 CMIMM., UP, Kw= -Jih-PU;5; 16 Aug 1956,- (Muileble CIA Lib) AwzrConGen liong MmS Ext Frm Cu=ent BwIW%Iuna., ITO 523 28 Cat 1958 FEW ~ Chi= Nov 58 o-42~ .3 I ( - Raise the Battle FlaG of Lenin's Criticism of S-abjective Idealism Higher, by Sun T CIIIINESE, n-o, Jen-min Jih-nao, 22 Oct 1959, L) Y- *JFRS FE - China Pol 16/12/59 -111.g4er the Bat-ulc Crkbik,-Ism ot) Subjective Idea,1.J.Fr,, by !iun 21 pp. CHMSE, Per, Jen-mit, J1.11-PaG, 2-2 Oct IS59- Union Razoarch Service 110.1 Waterloo Roaa, Krilloon Hong Korg I Vol XVII, NO 3-5 FE - China Pol /a 3 Dee 59 (NY-3683). Priacipal Views of China's Econ=18tS on Pro~~Iema I., Relating to the Principle of Planned and Propor- tioaall Development of the National Economy, by ~U-I IT-i -wen, 13 PP- CHMSE, np, Kuang-ming Jih-pao, 18 Aug 1959, P 3- MRS 2822 FE - CbJ-aa Econ Jul 6o Larvae and Juveniles of T=wp Sailfishesp and Svordafish (Thmidaep Istiophoridaes ,XLpILUdae) From the Coutral and Vests= Part of the Pecifte Ocemp by Tni-Sm Sm., mwnxp pwt mnady mwuuw ftegaw OR' Vol 3=0 1960m Ipp 175W*I* Dept Of Materlor on) I xft 31D 3w Bel - Blol Sep 61 --(DC.,060) - --- - --- Wmt Report of the Foap2almi Comall of TBindmi provlme,v by 20 pp, tam cnms art WM4" sa-wo sal-aiwo 23 AwAWt MT* Man 7059 ire,, Chemnical St-udles on Cucumit-a 1-70schtta D.-,clj. H. A S~mtuhesis of Cul-curbitine, by Tsun-tusi Sun, et al. CHETESE, per Scientia Sinica (Chinese People's Repi.folic), Vol X, TTo7, 1961, PP 852-85,0. ows 62-23324 Sci jun 62 A Br"Llliant Decade o-F Harbor Constraction in aar Country, by San Tu, ~ VP. CHINESE, per, TI-li Chih-shih, No 10, Pcipin~~; 1959, pp 4414:3'43, 446. .TPRS 2538 FE - China Econ - Trnn nortation Apr C-0 People's Bank of China Adjusts Interest Rates on lAana, and Way Must the Interest Rates Be Adjusted2, by S~m Wei-ch'i, Kuo Chu. (Wk Info Rpt on Com Chinap 1~7 r." CHINESE., semimo per, Chung Kuo Chin-Jung, No 24, ftiping, 22 Dee 1957, PP 17, 18- CTA/FM Sum 1738, FE - China Econ 6 0/ 6 6 / Mar 58 -rc truy-2-t, for th--"~ D-2. lom:~nt Of 'e, V. t L -2. n ica-= ah-pao, 1-1 Ppr 2!360, -0 17. JPR-9 29VO FE Cni na Soc & Aug ThermoluLdnescence of ary Piembraine of Caloropla-st, by L -.Lun Usia Fa-shong, et. al., 6 pp. CHINESE, per, Klo-kisuWt Tllung-pao, lio S, 1964, pp 718-720. JPRS 27,372 FL-Sci 9 Physics Jan 65 271,713 Gcz)hydzcloC.y of the Oha:Lo-tao Coall aud Creollaydrological Conditions of the Mine -Sbaf by Run Wen-yu, Ting Chin-liuai, 4 up. CHMSE, per, Shui-ven TI-ebih g-ch eng NO 7, 195:9, P'-o 36-3~% 7 JFM 8987 1.71 Sci - EnL-- oct 61 (M-3503/2). On the probIm of AmordIft to labor =d the TestIgn cc Nourdsois Low, RIddn by Sun Tah-suo" 9 v#. C~~ pers Cbmg-ft Ton-dLtu# 31o Rs Air IMs Op ]?z - CUM fti -I= Aug 39 On the beat approx-l-mation, of pariodic difl'ortIzI:LP tict`j.ons by trig.,no-mettxiic pol,,nordalcz, ir.)v 6un (sun Yunc-si-iernF).., 6 i-,pz Cl"IJE6B; perj Acti NLithematica- Vol ~'T-l 2. 196.2 ~ Amer Math Soc o/ (DC-AIIO-r) Rdloo tbA Production of Tea -- Imprwe the Livea of Tea Grcueral by_~.un Yu-ckkliao$ 5 pp. CKMBE,, np; Jon-mla Ah-paq, 10 Ayr 1960p p 19. JM 6755 FE - China Econ mar 61 (SF-2238) PEKINIG GLASS PLANT ADOPTS NUMEROUS MEASURES TO CONSERVE COAL; BY SUN YU-JEN, 4 pp. CHINESE, XX PER, CHUNG-KUO CH'ING-KUNG-YEK, 140 1, 13 JAN ig6o, P 16. J PRS 14124 ASIA - CHINA ECON JUN 62 2oo,oi~6 Divis:Lml fUU C-'-~Mpa-L-iSrM Jf PM-QU'Rurito ,.),L, Cuna, W OLM Yun-chu, 20 pp. , per.. Tj.-cbIU PIIM,-Iun., Ital 19., M) Ij CHINME Jan 1959.p R-)- 2-3-33- JFF6 36152 ,S wn - Q~n M.-ChIna soi-14/14 jul 66 ir-7Z ; 4 -;wa jise,tastins an t-~se -jiviLlim A' C-Afm , t5 Vari-..) Pula-e-mAc Fr)xTmti-;ns fra;~ Vvu viimsr- pAnt of F,:)ssil Camp,)oltioa,, Ly 1.;,,,n 11 pp. CiMNES2, per, TI-chAh V ol ~19, Mar 1959., PP- 9-0-1: JPBS 3T356 S c" 0 ~ L'L sci-W/A Sc-pt 66 On tira Best lVpa-~imtlon of Periodic Different Fmations by Trigoumtr:Lc FolynomisiaL, by ilm Y=g-sbang Qe Yung-ebeug)p 6 yp., CHEMEMp pw,, A&A Nedb=atlea Slalcaj, Vol Xn, No 2,p 1962. Amor Niath Sao Sci atm 63 233,,642 VIAM AFAUMM AWNMCM !N FdWff ECOPONSIX elsomm tom" PP im am Few CHM am Jm 63 -, '? /Sl", ~;trao+,U-po axe fqwuticft I~atUwr-s AIM uwe-,. f~eupatv b4r sun cc Pp S Cl A) 0 Cot Treatment of Cicatricial Deformities After Burns -%vduced by NapaLlm., by Sun Zbu-Yao. MSSIM, mo pero Voyemo Had No 1, Moscovi Jan 1958., pp 9-12. us ipHs/Ny 4o6 Sci - vxdicine MaY 58 3 SM, 10 Production and Wchaniaation of Rice Cultivation (14o Indonesian Preas Sur7l 29)p by ~Unsr Summary of two articles DUrCH, d np, Wieuvagier, Djakarta, 30 Mar, 16 ~kpr 1957- CIA/FVD Bum 1553 FE - Ind=esia. Econ - Productibon '7,? Z Oct 57 GEMAL MWINS W IM ACAPM W 9CtV4PU3# LAMM N U. RMARI, POtt #MW AR I W-X IAIVI-Y$W *19- JOATM -10 LAMAS PSR I 1963j, PP WADVM* WVIAII Ww~ A NM STAGE OF Or Soviet Sciofv,* ov.ti'* PP. RMAN It ft& IZWX A% R" tAlrVilma LJ"JM PW ;#NkTM AKOSMJU VMISj, M, t96 VP 14942. Mc. 63 Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen Usliag t1fle Membrane Electrode, by H. Sunahara, 'R. IW=hima. JAPAN=, perj Ja-uM- AnalW- t,, Vol - 12.p No. 1963: I'll-11.18 CS w . 6611 Sci - Aug 67 35~-309 Airphotos ar. a IKAP Substitute for- -"ervice Units, by Captaia S. !N BIF 352362., ,Tz2g Tr. ~nm 97-!10Q.- 107. : (Call NL AMS :-T Irdoncsia Geo Sel) UO Cn th c I o f th r P- c t -; o n of 3 ~ 5 -D ~ 0 lxv 'Ktirt pp- KMI Pee r el-Ira-mchung, 1A, .("59, CIM J~Irz! pp -69- SU 59-15595 Sai Chem Dec 59 vol 2, rio 4 -Di an the !L-ch=Ism of the Action of 3.5 Qxo- D:Lpbanyl-4-n-Batyl-Pymsolidine, by Mirt Sim&,...36 pp. GERM, per, Arxneimittel-Forachuhg, Vol 1)"' 1959j, pp 81-89. STA 59-15595 Sci - Chemistry ROY 59 On the Cm&imtlon of Noma Sftvm an& or Ou of AU*rgla PALSIMU Vith HISOURtwo by MU$t W&Uenwaffl-TAtbar MorPs Ew" 3 pp. am= pers Illn Weabsebrs VbX MV p Avg 1"So pp R-7F3. 2 MM 3.49 Sol - we& :SL--6 S~j--/~)700 AIV Sti-glics on the incorporation of Fha2VhAtq into Casein in the Lactating HammurY Glmnd, by T. A. K. S. V. Sempath T~.urmr and 7%0~ S, Sarmn~ Pp. RMSIM, bizo per, Biokh:Lm.. Vol XXII, No 1, 2 Jan-Apr 1957, PP 130-139. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Apr 58 Separation of Rafnium From Zirconium by Vapour Phame Dechlorinationo by B. PrakBsh~ 0. V. SUnA-a--w. HOW., paper P/876.. Proceedinm of International Conferenee on Peaceful Usea of Atomic Energy Held at Geneva 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol VIII, Internati Conr - - UN Sai - Nuclear Pbyo:Lco Apr 57 Platent Offi(~a Apr 67 323s154 PsOMS for Pgodooftg Mosdadom- by 0- SWAM~v CP.P ownZwo potant$ lhs#WO- a& 22 ps5# 19154. MA Tr-64-20%W a -5~e"Ic'4 333~ 8* ftl Aug 67 The Malignant Neoplasm of the Bmat WA Their Action on the IndigosolsO by 0. A. Sunder, C. H. 9 Sunder, 12 pp. PF43NC pery Touloine Medical,, Vol L., 194%, pp 127-135. EM Tr 8-7 '~- 1~4 j / Sci - Mdiiine I . /j Aug 57 "I ok- JI - ,, ~ 1 The Malignant Neoplasms of the Breat and Their Action on the Indigosols,, by C. A. Sunder,, C. H. 9 Sunder, 12 pp. FHM pers Touloine WdIcal, Vol Lp 1 Fj 127-135. N33 Tr 8-7 ,4-4194 Aug 57 nitive- Direct Detemination of C-,xy.,.-cn in rasfv5 aiwif Liquid 'Ictols for Technical Applications at I.Agh Tei-aperiatures, by V. Sundermann, ii. !Mgner, (;I-,t KFK-819, 39 es. 'W-UN, rpt, July 69 384-M Stlriwutural Componanta in Steelar. by W. A=b. BrItich Iron and StAmL Ir4 1029 W 109-Cd.) Jan 59 s~.ituents ia ::3teels, by W. Koch, H. 9,mridermann, 13 PP- GFMIT-T, lRadex ~P~ 5/6, 6-jq-692. Broken 11-lill Proprie-i.*ary Co Ltd Nav 63. /41 .-ig- tic Saparation of Eltetro!yticmily lsoieci;i .13tanuatural canstituanta 7~,--rva Nquo,i-la by W. "Keah, Arch P-P 219-224. British Iron ac-A StOel IrAd 1028 NOT, 58 ~.pdernjZ:er, W. and Glemser, 0. NEW METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF SILICC AND BORON HYDRIDES. (19631 lip Order from K-H $11. 00 K-1-1 8529 a Trans. of Angewandte Chemle (West Germany) 1958 [v. 70121 Oct, p. 625-627. DESCRIPTORS: *Silicon compounds, *Hydrides, *Borohvdrides, Preparation, Synthesis (Chemistry). YI-A 77--16-673071713 63-22498 1. Sundermeyer, W. It. Clemser, 0. Ill. K-11-8529-a IV. Kresge-I looker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. 01;.' 3 G q!) (Chernisury-Anorganic, 17, v. 10, no. 10) Qlace ef techfiful UNICes Reactions and Manges at the Boundary Between Clinker and Lining In Rotary Cament Kilms,, by W. Sundius 3.6 pp. GMIMN, per, Zemsut-Kalk-Gipej, Vol VI., No 1,P Jan 1953-, PP 1-8. siA Tr 57-617 Sci - Engineering Sep 57 _,a W S IT, III - on Supercalendaring; by F. Simdrii-i pcr, plaperi Je Pufa~ Vol M- Ij No 10, 1:114J. Pp 35Q, 398, IWO- sci-Atac may 6o 1 U-14670 Karl F. i&M ON TH]a 3-WM PROKAML 119631 ('00)p. 1. andma% K. F. a refs. Or&r ft SLA $4L W 63-14670 Trans. at Acts buthenoLtics (SUG64 itt2/IOL% W. 33. p6 105-179. DESCRirroRs: *N-ba* pmbim 89mck- of -Iwwm '124- "1 879 mftrenual 09mofts, im"Pub. RMI IstumWo. PUSCUORS. C40mos: M&MmtWl oWsMm of mwv~ md dmdr imegrals Dotorminatim of do IMPOS MAWMI 49 COMS"W boa= of dw dm= of do oftr do momme " vMcb a am~ bw~ *a bodim an NOW d Udded ft*m oMdommko. IT. W. 1% R& 0 0-0 Observations on 3%abanIcea Me Prmews by & Sumdetrams 5 pp. S I '0 pwo evensk PbowstIfto 17 ftp 19550 p 635- MA Ir 57-1736 w 84 Jal 58 67 'r ~4-s Marked Atoms, by Augusto P. Suner. SPANISH USDA per NC State College Jun 59 xm-15mde Fx4=catic4o ;La the D:Lrtrr=tion o2 Foresta in Petroadni Rmyonj MmaTtim)j, El. C.-ainescus A. Sw*seu,. 30 pp. WIMIMP imeg per., Problem de Geognifiep Vol no ]3txQb=vstp 1955s -PP 9.3-1C7- c:rA/ym tT-9o92 71d Geo Oat 56 CTS - I ;" 'T .1 1., 7 (d;-5719) Automatic Liquid Nitrggen Pressure Stabilizing Device for the Freezing Trap of a Diffusion Vacuum Pump, by Shen Pao-hue,, Li ChInov Sung Ch'ang-chou., Hou Cbengltay 9 pp. CHMSE., per., Wu-Ii Heueh-pao, Vol XVI,, No 1960t pp 241-244. JM 7694 Sci - Engr jun 61 The Distribution Sptem Gcmbining Wage With Suppl~y Mum.' Ble Enforced, by Sung Chlang-hai., 9 pp. CEMOM.. n-p., Klangai JI.U-pao, ffan-chlang,, 23 Nov 1959, p 3. J-PR3 2813 FE - China Bcork - Comunea, Various Aspecta 21 Jun 60 Tro-in and Rla"te CeAres of Rural People's Commas at An Accalerated Tempop by Smg Chlang-bolog.,4 pp/ per. Ttmg-fft&j, No 5j 10 Ibr 1960. AMIVo*Omp HMS - EMS 33ct fzvn ChIms "Lialmd as so guj, U my ig6o PbI jun 6o 117 /W ~I 8-( 3 A Discussion of Disebarge XMWi Problema of Cemal Water Supply or Unloading For Ground Wwter by Canalm in M P2ain Areas,, by ~~tmg Cbem, 4- pp. CHMEM,, per., Sbui-ven Ti-chlb Xtwg-chlarg Ti-chlh.. No 3.- 1960P P P 33. im 7839 Sci - Geoph7v /-S-Yj yj-~/ jui 61 38 Upsurge of th-c -c-, %, -struct-oa lnduatr~; in tbe Imier Mongolian Autonomous Region, by Sung Chen-tApgj 6 pp. CHIMMSE, p2r, Chien-chu, flo 18, Peiping, 28 SeP 1959, pp 25, 2-6. JPFOI - 219 2 -N /a 7 FE - Chi na Econ - Building Mmterlalls & Construction Feb 60 The Problem Before t1ae Gertior Wddla Sebool Oradmtai3: Go to College or Famp by Swig Ciwngp 3 pp. CEDUM, PeWy nAO My Nim, 2ro a. 16 4T 1958. (AvsUable CIA M AwrOm Gm Umg rkmgs Mtt - frm CW I= "dulacA xb9p NO 135.- 14 aul 1958 F.", - MIMS soc Oct 1958 Trip Into the vmkkl a Makan Desert,, by Sung Cheng-hm, PPS aMM$ ny, Jen-odu Jib-pw.. 18 v= 196o,, p 4. 4M 4435 FE - Cbjna aeogmphie ipr 61 T%OD POINTS ON THE QUESTION OF PRODUCTIVE FORCES, BY SUNG CHENG-HsiEN, 24 pp. CHINESE, PER, CHING-CHI YEN-cHiu, No 8, 19662, PP 26-32. S. %- . i. JPRS x16436 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 62 217p209 (NY-5345) Now ChinaD Major Achleywoute In Pharmacological Refsearchs by Chin Yin-chlaugr SuM Chen-yu,, ffsu Yu-chun.. 58 pp. CEnMU,, Us Ch'Ift-chu ChUn-kuo ahlh-ckm-nien I-houeb K'a-housh Chsug-eblu Lun-wen-abij Val 1,, Deo*1959.. Vp 167-18a. JPW 7128 sci - MW /J--v Fab 61 W-5345) New China's Researcla an Drugs for Treatment of Schistosomiasioj, loy �Sg Chen-yu,, Ching Chlang-sbao. Chang Chli-klaip 46 pp. CSISM,, bkq Chving-wbhu Ohien-Imo Shih-chou-nien 1-houeh Klo-houeb Chleng-chiu. Luu-ven-obit Vol 1, Dee 1939,t pp 183-195. JM 7128 Sci - Med Ile Fab 61