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A sL-tlwd of Qwntltativp landaist=tIve Tautina 2suvlx4; 0, sup;mw call. pift R of c III "22mm-e ca3 vAd PrSxi#pUa of omdwbnmuvv Tesum by Us ldkrua~t 1"Athod"p IV s OMW pm Zot**brl# IIIVMWDS Vol nvt No a rl, 19:4.. vpT Rnstebw Tr go 3W Doc 54 COIDU 71.5 . 49085 A Ngthod of qu=titative NoWejqtrWtjVe TeSting lbPloying a Blip-Over Coil. Part A. ftwunication. nI of "Tbeoretical and Mwri- mental Prim1ples of Sondmtructivq Testing by the UP-Current Method-, by F. Forsterj, K. Stazbk94 NW108, DWS Zeltechrift Meta"kindeop V02. XLVP so 40 1954# iV_fM:"r._ ftut~ Tr No 1clelybim Mims CNAM Oaguetic Investigations of Internal Stresses, 1. Internal Stresses in Die-Dravn Nickel Wire, by Fritz Forster# Kurt Stembkop 22 pp. UNCIASSIFIRD GEMB, per Z, Wtallkande, vol main, ;L9419 pp N-U4. ABC Tr 1939 LE-ur'- Germany Scientific -; min/ibuag 7, 3 ? (o The Education of the Working Class, by Stambolic. CZECR, np, BorRA, 10 Apr 1960. FBIS - Czecho6lovakia Soc My 60 Speech at Youth Meeting , by Stambolic YUGOSLAVIAN, np, Politika, 28 Jan FBID Daily RD-view ED - Yugoslavia Soc Feb 6o StamboliE Speech on Giving the Order of"'Hero of Socialist Labor,'to Vladimir Simic. SERBLAIN, Borba, 27 Dec 1959. FBID naily Review EE - Yugoslovia Pol Jan 6o rill I WIM MIII I 11111111ul Ill' 11~ !-I1!1 I F... "Some Problems of the Organization of the Federation," excerpts from thW and last part of KQwzmiat article by Fetar Stamp9lic Belgrade., Borba,, 17 April 1963 Yugoslavia Daily Report USSR & East Earope No 81, 25 Apr 63 T~lr 0 st, um B-c scro -Ics, o -C rue-, m.7"L ANY vkly Na 20 rime !9rAp Deagradep rjp 2-- ,9 215 .0. 3-961,211 X0 ,y r yj Dva. 6P- A. -Ebbilization Itealm-as ---The -rvLaic-1MAzsiQn- a -the QM Service# bv He Beumgertelj Bo Direct (Quict) Metbod cog lbkiug Dw& for &cad# by Do Stamukovitthi Cc Employment of I*v Temperatures In try# 13 PP. AID 203472T)- SERE=, per, V DOMUODOMkI P"gWa TO 3# 1059 PP 1-Ti 33-37i 090 1490BUVIS ACBj I; (;.M (DO-3cw) coatemLXVIA17 slonlam sma FeaagoGy,, by ire mm-mi, 3 w9 Per,* ufttftubo Dolop Vol XIn't NO J, :L6 ion 29(ea P 3- im X3209 Mir, - DIIVxla 9~-m AM A Balliatic Y-Ojtl=d of MterminiriZ A Hyeteramit, Cm,va by Ybeam of Short, Cumut FuUem,, by 'E. D%bAhOVV-T- atoychevp K. San 3 PP- RUMUR Peri, I=Wital I%kbv No 3s 1958,, pp 7PA, Imtru Soa Of Amer illg- Apr 60 ;~e ~ 7 ~ if~ I -I~W- a I M, mrv woo MIM PIWAPgdgmp& me APWMMr No 9j, MY M srhwll~ szw .0-julmodsm" jr" A4m vrdrav axi Cr4 10 rIP4 JIM Vol, qj, 10 Ir 1960, 'PR jpres MIX .nnevou jhu 6-.,L CHANGES IN THE OR INIZATION OF SREZ ADMIN- ISTRATION, BY VLASTIMIR STAMENOVIC, 15 PP.,. CROATIAN, PER, UPRAVA, NO 81 AUG 1962, Pp 4o5_414. JPRS 17100 EEUR - YUGOSLAVIA ECON i, JAN 63 219,039 'DC-'zCOO % .0 w Organization of AdmiSistraticm in the People's Couacils a Yugoslavia, by Vlastimir StaMenovic., 24 pp. CROATLILN,: per, Nana Stvarnont., so io, 196o,, pp 333-350. JPSS 6727 TUPS18TU 1401 Fol Fab 61 (2500-D/61 mmlaipal offlo~ - Wmd Position alA Bole in the Cdc~ SyStam WA Sme - PXObU= of Their -rmctlon- In& 'by TAWtUdr ift, oviap C"TWA vwx Nam stvamosto Vol =,, No 3,1j. Belgr 1958a pp ~16-52D. "M 543-D mw - yupalavla POI mar 59 ri-- Stamer. H. THE LOCALIZA'nON OF THE MARKET GARDENS 1. Title: Hamburg AROUND THE GREATER MARKET OF HAMBURG 1. Stanner. H. (Die Standortoorientlerung des Erverbaprtenbaus um den Goesmarkt Hamburg). 11%31 123p] l2reft Order from SIA $2.60 TT-64-10360 Trans. of Agrarwirtnebaft (Wes Germany) 19S3. v. 2. DO. 8 [P. 241-2461. DESCRIPrORS: *Agricukore. Production. Transports- tion. Costs. OCommeres. Vegetables. Plasts(Istsay). Soils, Climatology, otn- t (Agriculture-Plau Cultivation. TT. Y. 11. W. 9) 1 catalpt's rqw Pzo&wtlm of atiolme polfflo"s ~,p 5 pp. bly V- fJtT!!!-~~o 6-11? - q --) I :?, y T - 0 WWAWv Patoutp ~r~,6,.6 jhvv set /~/- r-5-~ aa 56 6 f V g7ij j 62-14695 Ftamishcynkays. N. PRELLMINARY DAYA ON TIIE TREATMFNTIOF & 1. Title: Neoperh r .SCljlZopjjRLNlCS [Y'RUIX, TREATIMI-NI- W J 1. St2mishevskays. N. T N \jj',-j'ljj()NINE ANO 1A 1:11. 11%2 1 7 T 11 Btalm-s. S. N. 01dri ff-11 OIS --r SLA $1. 10 4695 Ill. Title. Problemo. . . Trann. of mno. (Voprosy Ekotpertmental'not I PatoINII) (Problems of EWrimental Pmthol~~ ed. by S. N. Brainco. Moscow. 1959. chap. 25. p. 272-21Y). DE',CRIFII*C)RF: 'Psychoses. "crapy. Disesses, Liver, OGlucoar. 651cep. OlActhit.nine. 2; S 9 CAor h1worlem (91"it'RICAl -Neurol,-gy ard Psychlolry. T*r. M. n, 4? tag" ID lm~ m mIL MOM A%$A*AW*Vv" vastiCaUng %he Tu*Wity of the EarVils At- 5657 vosphem, in CcVwriwm Witk ithe Actiuomtric and DiapbanaseWic n1thodso by D. G. Stwwv. MMIAM, Por, Trudy M X"SS!, AstrofiticheakLy bstitut Val 38, 1962v pp 103-170. 7-2282-C Sci ep 67 Dxtermiyation of AtmosTherle Tarbidity In Various mrectlow by Poiarluvtryq by D. G. stamov, 1T pp. RMSZU.. bk* XMm4y AktUouatrl3m I AtmoOV=Vm Oytlk,4 atanwt- ladamalwyv lzfttel'stvos Leaiugmdp 1961o jw W-Uk- 968!ihlB rnwM-63-536 SOL-ARM fti ft 623 .0~( 3" 4 0 1 Investigations on Aerosol Filtrations by 0. Stmwes P. DaWrtj. 12 pp. QWJAVs pamphInts SdwJ9tmftUw Uber MvIlm Luftechatap I* U, Sol mar Ce - Avj~ ailk The Cuument-Voltage CharacterJstic of the Dccitable Membrane of a Single Ranvier's Hode and Its Dependence on the Ion Concentration, bY R- StwTfli., 13 PP- GM.'Aff, per, H01v PhyBiol Acta, Val XVI, No 2, 1953, P-o 127-145. NIB 1-40-62 Sci - Med 10";61 mar 62 lhgn--tic In-.evtiSoAions of Intern4 Strouses". 1. Intern- "J. al Ottrimeez; in the c"'Tetchirz of Fick--I Fir,?, by Prits rorstax., M=Y Stsmkoo 17 PP- luumm=7120 GMWO', per Z. f%tal1k--nd*# Vol =all, 1941., pp ad Tr 1938 XM= germny I .scientific - tan/NeUU / 7, Inveatiptims on the Te=IU Strength of Joints in Wood Canotrup.Um. Introduct=7 RxPOAmm" vith smooth Dcrdo)ap tV J. Stamrs _T, p. GEM.0 per, Mitt der Daut8chan Materi4pmfungataltenp 1931P Na .15 0 vv 70-ri- sLA 6o-102i6 sci Ayr, 60 113-5,77 Vol ill, No a Comparative Mxper'llments on the Intensity al Destruction of 8oma 1T.Vortant Wood-Deestv-- Fungi and the Restx1ting Decrease in StrerWth of Wood, by J. Liese, J. StaW~rj- ': 13 PP GMIM., per, Angevandte Botaviik, Vol XVI, No 4., 1934, PP 363-372- SLA 59-10970 Sci Dee 59 Vol 2, no 4 Ball Indentation Hardness Testing of Wood, by 'roh 4 pp. GZRMANj per, Milteilungen der Deutschen Materialprufungstalten, No XIV, 1930, PP 39-40- SLA 59-15634 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2, No 4 la 3 /0 Svkarist'"& Gut 4Ualu.- fluvJmS-a-Idj;h-Cantcnt of Nitrogen Oxides, by M, V, sumicarbon, 11 pp. I-MUXIA, per, Patent No 1,122,77a. Dept of Oxw/paumt Office ST,9/T)/'C49&A/ sci - phys )ur 67 320,S20 investigations of Pi-easure Distribution on Fast Flying Bodies, by Go Stam. GMMg Z1?B UNY (8103). BACA 3.101 Scientific *- Pressure, a flying bodies .le,q O'bj Wq m Ia.'s Index Aeromuticus sclwlbl-N3, U. ~5!,-ML~4 0. The Testing of PUte and Sheet Glaos by ScliUeren Colorinetry. GMIW~v Glastechl, Ber.,, 20 (9)~. STp 1942,1 pp 249 - 258, TPA3/TIB T 3887 P,,22176r Chemistx7 of Silicones., by H. Sta=- GMWIy per., ChImip- mo 16., 3.962., pp 6-221 GB/39Apb 165 tww, //. Sci - Jul 67 335:005 Trairlbig 111-1-'Iateru oi~ Precision by ~C. Stamim. T. V. Tvraasov, 8 p~ rUSSDUT, p-:-.,r, Vest Iroz- Flot, '-,.Io It, 10-159, I'T-22. 6 5 o 13.4 ATIC USSR DILI Dec 59 of~ Matemorphcais Eor-mcnea of Dociostain-.- Macroccanus, by 11. D. Stamm. SPAI-IISHj, parp Anales Liparmola de YiiAca y pp de la Hael SociedeA Quimica,. Vol L.Yj3j, 195,)., Sci-Biol I-;a.y GO 62-22905 Stamm, 0. A., Zollinger, Hch. and others. THE NATURE OF THE BOND BETWEEN REACTIVE 1. Stamm, 0. A. DYES ANL) CELLULOSE (Die Bindung Zwischen 11. Zollinger. 1-1. ReakEivtarbstoff und Cellulose) tr. by H. A. G. 111. NRCC TT-1023 Nathan. 1962, 5p. 13 refs. NRCC Tlchnical tranc. IV. NRCC C-3976 1023. V. National Research Council Order from N RCC $0. 50 NRCC C-3976 of Canada Trans. of Helvetica Chimica Acts (Switzerland) 1961, v. 44, no. 4, p~ 1123-1125. DESCRIPTORS: Textiles, *Cellulose. *Dyes, Chem bonds. Deterioration, *Microorganisms, Glucose, Hydrolysis. C 24' 24 3 3' 2 4 (Materials --Textiles, TT, v. S. no. 8) Offir. 0 Techalml SmIces Silica C chuWal am 0. Guzbel4 1 9 04 K. $MmmbwJx, PP. Heived GERMAIVP -pe4 ca Cblmlca Acta. Vol X=V, 1951, pp 12577-1 SM Ar--C-SC-T-64-613 SclwL'bgm AUg 64 265,116 at fjla Pluat 14 641, do I v C 1 e i :.- i ~?-or, .;zv. Vul 60, 'Web 66 OxIcle Plumes of L"d aW Their Crystal Structures, by A. Stawler., GOWN* par* Metall Vol 130 No Sp 19590 pp 7SO-2. ATS 1216-GJ sci UFO Sti Aug. 67 339*238 01., I'mi; -,for[ r- Chn-mir.1hry jell 60 Ar 4- J~ 101 (Dc-4700) A LOOK RO FORWARD, BY G. STAMOV, 9 PP. RUSSIAN, NPI IZVESTIYA, NO 34, 9 FEB 1962, JPRS 14544 USSR ECON JUL 6-2 204,966 The ~~ ~11~ AVPOat Of tbo POIWITAtim or SIW pAddAticu* by D. G. Stwws 8 pp. 66-1963, PlWU6268-V 00 36(j,,M !iho lritmn Principla in the Calculus of Uriations. by Guido Stampacolda, 19 pP. I'~c.AMLN, per, AM dal Ampoola Larranrlarg, V)64, pp. t-2d-. JIMS 39633 c7jjlbo -s7,/-)KPACCHIA W11-Italy Saow'.05 Fob 67 3!51317 Gear Pump for Conveying Dense Fluids and EnpeciaUy Suitable for Plants Produalng Artificial Bilk by the Viscose Process., by Attillo ~!! ~-- J-5 pp. nUZMp Patent No 279..882. Dept of Comerce fttent Office Sci Lib (gift) Al'~ SCI - Eng jul 57 MagasUc md Nmasdy=mde Noblem in AGVUO Htesonliss by Oo L lt~* re Wylers Or im. ==NJ, rw# ew"Oloom-P Ta mw= 19610 " 332-241, = tr-3"3 Sol - MCI & Wd ,,, I.I. ft 63 svel -16 14upsale 10owuWac by 0._"~j&9Ah-s A- 00at 24 comm,p pw,, adradsmioes lbftslnlecbe Wadmadbrifts; Va OM =nv NO 5v 3,969~ pp U115-130D , xm 7-99-63 ad - mol &ad 3 1/ ft 63 ... .......... on the Condition of Ikk the Air In Air Raid Shelters in Connection With Coarse Sand Filters., by KXXMM= H. Daehlmann,, H. Eisenbarth.. W. flieleaz, G~_,�-texvej F. Bangert; Sand'and Soil as a Filter for Germ Aerosol, by J. Albrecht,, R. Miller, 8 pp. UNCLASSIFIM) GRRWM,, per,, Ziviler Luftschutzj, Vol XVI3:I., No 11., 1954j, pp 2 62---265--..Ewl to Rpt 105-55, 31 mar 1955, C%MVMM. CIA V 2583 Havy Tr M-ur - Ger ny iNtilitary 9~7 (716 70/Jul, 55 ,e 6 e? rj:iyalcai omd Ciegilcal Usis of r,-otccti= Pbinon Gases,, by G. fitempeo Wr., Vraeger-HeM go 172.. -L9-*p Dvgt of Interior 95 Blir Of mium Owtml Experlmmt Station pittelp"Sh.1- Pa. 2r 90 Sol - chan DENY 59 ?72 6 3 41 "Ctmops VILttatus- (MM CxoaklM Cra=~) &0 by U. staupdobi W* 71%)MME&WO Val 421 GEMN, per, tamzo__ .1994 pp X'395- WJ6 adl6t 9022.15 (2226) 14. S-FlqmpEJL/,L B*I-VA Axig 68 362*W.6 Gantric Secretion In Bigh Mountains., (Alpo),. by B. Endtner, 22 pp. (ATIC 1328W) GERNO, Helvatica Physiologica et Pharmcologica Acta., sup'P in, 1944., pp 189 204. ATIC F-TS-8169 Scientific- Mdicine CIA 20D1355 4 5pa 41 Stnwtm*o and lh=tlon or Iso3ated MeduUa- containing Nerve Fibersp by Robert 0 25 pp. GMVU# WO Irseibn1see der Pbpiologe. Mol Chemie und M Pbam.1 Vol U=,, 19520 jwk.CaL L ,/) /J-/ 0 a,01 0 Babolatific Medicine Dee r4 MOO= - The Nam Antilaukemic.Druga Ceta Be Divided into 3 Groups# by 1. Alemndridem, V. Stemulisb V. Toiga.lidou and D. A1exanftides;-f5'~.----, QMUMj, per., Blut., Vol III,, VAr 1957,, PP 77-85, su q,7-3ii6 Sci Aug 58 ~7,11 a 7A, Agrar-lan-a-awapblIc Studies in the Danubian LowlEmd of Budbxest,, byWe2mer Stem , - J1 pp. GUUU.9 Per., Geographische Berichte.. Vol LU, No qv 1958P PP 163-185. (Call No, Glo G39% Fzg Tr) AM REur - P=Mnls Geo Nov 6o tl ilt "al ,0(j) 131&4t,, Civil Ltl4r, 67 abips, 'bar A. Aon, M, Grummou, '10 pp. .~XVAVJAID, por, constrwt vol 16, i~o 420 Apr 68 Importame and Nocessl4W at 9&Uulat:ivg Vo Cost PrUw on COUSOUVO.Somp by 1. SUm, 9 pp. MOMIM pr *obUM AgrlaoUs Va In,. No 20 W, 40-45. ... am goo R~la BOOR mw " A Study of the Rffect of libberellim on the Corn Colooptile Using a Thst By S. Stan H. Stenescu, np 5 RUSSIAN, per, Plzidl Rastenly. Vol IX, No 5. 1962. pp 575-581 ca Sol oat 63 70 CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION UNDER NEW TECHNOLOGICAL CONDITIONS, By M- STANAo 15 PP. L RUMANIAN) PXERj PROBLEME ECONOMICE, VOL XV) No 9., 196?-, PP 34-46. jpRs 16426 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON , DEC 6-2 217,203 (mu-4514) DoVelOpMont of Ore Mining in BohemLa., bY Oldrich Stamal 9 pp. CFFICIAL USE ONLY =CH, per, Rudy, Vol VT-TI, No 5, 196o, PP 157-159. ins T451 YOur - Ozoattoolayakia Ecou Tan 61 COFMGHP (SF-1100) Modima Assistame to Tbct:Laal Alrborne I= I&mdlngsj,,by Vasil Bordzhiyvvo N. ~tmuadbkov, 5 pp. BUMARrAN, perp ftemo PAditallmok Delolp Vol xn.. No 1., 1961, 12 A-19. JPRS 13323 Aw Apr 62 fApm Errors in the Disarming,of Antipersonnel Miw6a.p by Zharko Stanaiev., 8 pp. UMMSIFM) SMMIM perp VoJni Glasaiko Vol VIIIP No Sep .195(p Bagmftp pp 54-59j, RmV L-i/55-4. G-20 WUBA 0-3940 Emur - Yugoslavia Military M 65/reb 55 Jbam.- ct V4abwaptU* of & SaWd gitrogpA ^WtU)d latro4aced lu%o the V^d&-r* A Mato- Aubox*diqjp*Vhtc Studyo by FAWorzqp~uWulo oad XMLW,t per A&A-erva clixv=alc&mvbllsj No.20* PAS 66 Proam'. SUV and DOVOIGPLO'ev TMAO Off Urb!;Nn at,*am pouvr FUutsp by A# Stmw*ccuj, A. Meti., Ch. Colts 7 PP- tMOL Or-Pj=,, pr,# Inaracticas Vol VI,, M 9, rwbaret~tj SOP 1958s VP 3~k s, 398., 399.. 402-404. im 1391-2 Hour W7 B106-1 RUMSUU vaca -~ 3 3 AV (SF-2700) THE ROLE OF INDUSTRIAL AND URBAN CENTRAL HEATING IN THE RATIONAL USE OF POWER RESOURCES IN RUMANIA, BY M. BERCOVICI, 1. D. STANCESCU, 12 PP. RUMANIAN, PER PROBLEME ECONOMICE, VOL XV, No 1962, PP 55-~6- JPRS A5+; EEUR _RUMAW~A ECON .mr-62- 204,635 (sr-18TI I Central Heating Rmts in Fastern 12'%zrope, by '_Tom D. Stamescu, 14 RUaIA11M,, par, Bazele Mabidee si z--onoace am Temoficarn, 1961, 380i-;-382, 390-30, 400-406. JM 3-4171 No= - Bov Bloc Boon Jun 62 I ilft -mmwia I - *"Vs%WWRPW I~ (a :~ =40 , . r~- 2!247.16 -: . --v T-Ae 11.%avallopmat of %.iemorleaticn Vitbin the M.1pot-Af-loation Plan Betvicem 195i-6o, I by loam D. M~mccocug 9 pp. Energetics, Vol VIrI, go 12, 1,060, pp 6W-604. JP'R*S 13667 may 62 and Prospects in IndurAt-'ria-I Sta,.L; Pcy,..rc!r laants, by Ioan D. Stancescu, 8 Pp. RUMANIM,, per, TE"nergetica, Vol VIII., Ro 2~ 1960, Bucha:rest, pp 49-52. JPR5 5535 Econ - Fuels, Power Sep 60 Uteratmre on Buillftngg by X. R-anvcheAko,~ 15 ~-fo. RUSSLA.H., parp Novye Knigi; No 18., W-2-, PP 56-63, TISL 11-t Bu3letin !ffN Vol V No 1 l9br. ARA$, - Ymgr mr 63 The Effect of Caffeine and Ad Strychnine on the Sclwartzmann Heteroallergic Phenomenon, by B. D. Ts. Takeva, 4 pp. RUSSMN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXXII, No 1, 1961. pp Sci may 62 ~ 194,778 S,anchev, B. and Takt-va, TE. '!!II,i0I.JP-INlTIA'!INC 7-~ TORACCO. T0,611 4p. Gr&ir from OTS or.LA $t. 10 61-1.!969 Trans. of Pr1roda (USz-R) 1958. v. 47, no. 11. p. 96-gal DESCRIMRE: *Nicotine, *Tobacco, Smokes, Hydrocarbons, Oxidation, *Neoplasms. Etiology. L ',inch--v, B. IL Ta!mva, Tv. Offico of Tocholcol SwAces '17, v. 6. no. 2) .2mm"j"Od" 1101" AOM Transistor Pulse-Beigbt DiscrIminator., by L. StAnchi, 14 pp. VMIM., perp Str=eatamzlone e Automazlonep No 6., .1959.. pp 273-278. AEC AM-Tmns -855 Sci - plectren 9 jear 61 .,!Itio7a of the R-~112 Tuv-,.-C~* mat. ai constn~!~-~E-~ vr'-T:[,. 117,o Sy , (2240-H) vryim or moumm amp by qL-_atuwiut-6 pp. RWAWM.. parp P*tral 01 OW Vol xxt NO go wqh~, lm, Pp Ix BMW - Hummou Pab 59 gr/ 17 The Ecou0mic Advaut�&O Of XDcrc&sed Avards and Waps In M, by I. St, Lup 8 PP. MwUMO per,, Wabasizares A Slactrif icarea Agriculturitl Vol V.. No 4p 1960, pp 4-7. JPRS 7395 smania ,a,an 61 Some Current Problaw oJ: tudcation, by Uie (&A Ml-- POL 5),- 14 1-7-0- Ru'l-HAMOU., m0 per., Lupta de Cleza, NO 9, Budb-arest; Se,--, 1957i pp 83-92. CIA/PM TT 615 Mix RmzrAm p T1011 Ow (SF-1655) CVMWO PPMLDIS Of ONSIMMOIN AND PANWACTURE OF HVQ~-VOIOM MUCHO IN ON COWMs, By VALativ STAMM BUMS K%IW,, U PP - WONJAho M =CMMMICA, VOL Ms NO 1961, P' %M:W. 49OR - RWANI A -ECQN l#Ak2 per. "Irm--lad E'IoLtrowkip 144P Ax for Shon W'LVCS# by -imumb, LUCA* stbaciul"o 12 Toocamomicatti Val VIII, V 4 set - also% glee gu-qr Fob 67 313,03" 1. Too*%& 6 staukubap AD% 4. aww"14 pen Tills attiop Vol Vill* .MIS NO s-r *FWD 106660M e- 3- on 2mm 4 a bnown"ams MA wiovaliz4lons la the Romolm PeopUls Rapb2lop ty )L Mlhallap P. 4!! ZUAUUAX,p pws Rowlets do Goo4stle ad lll~zmrem 41taftbds Vol V1.0 No 30 Vat Pp 3-17. (VWU No QWM .05) AnW me offrics jan 63 (2453-3) GoeLls and Tasks of the Foldsh Blactrie ftnmr Wi try is the Pulod f1ma 1959-19658*, by ff. 9 POI=j, per,, Rwrgrkdml Vol=,, Mo 12,, fttom, 1958, pp 354-356- JPW 3.494-1 Itca - Fuels md pomr - .9 Apr $9 (DC-56140 Pmmfrin Depwits and the Difriculties They Caus In the Transport of Crude OU Throush Pipaines, UY B. Silberateln, V. Petrescu, X. Stancu -0 PP =9 RIVANIAN.. per.. Potrol SL Gaze,. Val XX, No 12, 1960.- 3PV 5-18-545- MRS 8716 M21mr - Phumenla lee 1P, J3 Been Aug 61 (IM-6430) Tm Principal Ways of In=eaning Am Output in Rumemia., by M. Stanau., S. Hortiaz 167 pp. MOUMOP U., Ptoblem ale Dozvoltarii si COM031daril Agdcultm-it Socialists,, 1960, po 275-28-5. JM 13064 NEw - Rmonta ftm /J1,7v-I.Mj pr 62 A DeveloT,nevt of' scieratif ja Agricultural Research, la, Plbaniu, by M. 2t :~~cp--14 13 PP. ROVOiThIl, par, Probleme Agricole, Vol XIII, No 5, 1961, sp 5-15. JFR-s 10195 HEhr -- Rrimania !974/ Boon oet 6i