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T-rnnsport, oloal-*' foii la-,q tl'~ 1%, , t) A vui'~g-su, 51 lip. mIT.ill"~E; Tieh-tao ChM-klan No p ouring, pp 3609 FE China Econ - Transportatid*'~d*.-~:'-,',,.-.~~!,A7.-,. A 60 ug za "=UCL= Of tbG (INIng-lo AlliadWv by suh lamap 21 w - ,.N~v p Jmqdu Jlblpo,, fti#Lng,. 26 im 0!9~1 ,p p fm am Wo - m - CkdrA ~W Pal 1.661~t oat " Class Struggle Is Not Outmoded, by CHTTESE, par, Chieh-Pung, No 24, 20 Dec 1959, pp 6-10. %...0 ans 2754 FE - Mina Pol - Boa Jun 6o RY-63M /'B' South Korcau's AnIA-AmorAican struggle., by &Ih Li-ohlons, am Ta.-ahens, 4 pp. CHIIMM, up,, Jan-ida Jib-pw, 21 Apr 1961, p 5. JPBS 9549 Fs - ChIm r Poll oil Aug 61 # -30 OY-44ig) "One Dragon" Automation Movement in Shanghai# by Ilang'Shang-ysop Vaing Ti-Im.. Zi4_M-kiangp Liu Nien-1, Wei Yu,, 22 y7ps CM3USE,, np, Jen-ndn'JIb-pso., 16 Apr 1960,p p 12. JPPS 5-V7 FE - CUM -.%.bqt 60 Leadership Cadres Mat Got Hold of "First-Hand Information",, by np langr a PP. E., up., jen-VIU ilh-paoa, 12 Mw l9a. AnCooftLO sms zMW )f Cblna Winland Press 31 aw 1961 FE . (%juA itan 61 (NY-5672/a) Isolation of Sn' 11a Wpbi.4&wium F= PerlplAwta Americim,, by R!jjj_P1eng-taj, 5 pp. per, vei-sume-wu TTFq3&h Vol vii; No Is 2 Wy 1959s PP 223-M5. V jPAS 7wk 3 Sol - Wd Sep 61 The Cadre W3o Lev4s Agricaltural Production I.Ahist, Study AgroawW$ by Shlb PlIngp 10 -op. owA-.-ZW-,' CHINME.. per, Hung-ch'l, Ho 14, Peiping, 16 jul 1959, PP 1045. JM-~)42-D PH - chi n poi - WA V Oat 59 (DC - 305CMA). latroducina a Few Books cn AgronoW, by Shib P'inm. 5 PP- CHn=Z peri, Runs-ch'i, so 14, Peiping., 16 ja 1959v pp 15 JM-942-D ra Pol Oct 59 (NY-5863) GUmimw Labors Blesued Old Ages by Shih sbao-cj=p 6 pp. MMMS, Vert Mmg-cldp No 6s 1.6 Aug 1958, pp 35-3T. JM 7837 Fz - /s-o ?/~ Boa may 61 (NY-3629). Tle Pride of New China's Buddhists, by Shih Sbeng-cb'um, 3 Pp. CEIRM., per# Hsien-tal Fo-hsaeh, No 10, IN-%".Pina, 30 Oot 1959., i?p 21-23. ims 2638 FE - China Pol - Soo //7 Jun 60 .~ ;20Y - , - a 1 ;:2:;;~ " ~o o >-, , I V -Y , 7- - - 4~ - j Regaw Pattem of Cardtie Oaotrio Mmemuto and Their Vervow Uwbomisms by Chu Jon-pso, Ou Yang-pmg Cbs" Ymn-balavgp JQW Shou-chlion., ?3 rp. CEMMWp bkv Chllug-eW Chien4mo Shilb-chou-nien 14mush Xfo-bomb Chlm";-c&lu Lm-vou Chl, Vol Iv Ddc 1"9p ipp 96-3,03. JEW 703 set ji -vY - 433,4 Chien-ming Cc=wme Achieves Brilliant Resulta in Agricultur.,U Technical Reform, SIMh Shu-fang, Tslao Po-p'fLugi, 7 pp. CRUITSE.t n:.?,t Ropeb. Jih-puo, 6 reb 196o, Tientsin,, p 1" JFR15 2&M /Y FE - China Econ - Comunes Jun 60 Hcur'.~;Ivccat of, staraw wa, 01:40tIP4 INARM$ tv 5 01IMSM, per, Tiig--Ea-u U5 Aub "I.A4, lip a)-p- AVIS ZO-33 ZT6,523 (N-5063) amt IMWAXIM at IPEM Was; Groat Ump Fanwd to hvdw Los# by BMb. %&o4N 3A 99. 'I f I p VMS *AV4-61dp go 2j, 26 J= M6# vp n - chim YF3 (DC-3981) 15.~dicml FAucation must Be Conjoirped With. Popular Sanitation., by Wang Li-vv., Wang Sbu-clyen, Bbib Teeng-jung., TAu Chiang-chno., et, als Ir, p p . CECKM,t nVp Jbn-mlo Ah-pao, 14 Apr 1960,, P 17. JPRS 6309 ps - chim Sci - Md Soc r.7 LZ Doe 60: %-'J, 7.1 3,;59V 30 (DCJM2). ow Path fm Ow Libamtlau no to tin CalasUa GM Bool-"Cola Ar"es b.Y AKU Ipp, smo-dd wes-vi ym-cuu., so ip IWO 3 Abir-loot IV 1-10. 600 60 Oy.-44iW Develop the Mass Moment to Prevent Tracliowa ani Blindness, by Shih Tseng-Yung 5 PP- - ..."M GEW53p np,, Jen-min Jib-puo,, 15 Apr 1960, P 13. JPRII 5635 FE - China Fol Nov 60 -cztaS'-' 1-11 U12 Mrican people t. :[ud~,Parla lee Movemmmt , bY Shlb Tar:,,g-j-a:3S., 12 OP& e CMW88-3p nP, Jejj-mjn Tikl_pao, U SP 156', P 3. JMS 5897 FE - chin& POI 7101 6D bI is* low MN IL-IL INA! um WF~ 2-1.1) Off tho E-upra-Bloc Of th-ti: Ti-t'l-) Cliqac, by Sh:U-, 5 PP- HWW~-Ch'i, 1-40 lt;;, 16 Sicl) Jl'-'Ii"'- 11050 C2:inv- 7 Scon Dcc 61 ~ - - - - - - '~, i-- Vjk- I>J~il ~- I Objective Lirdtations and Bubjective Motivo Powcr, by EWh Tang-hoiang, 4.pp. CMMSH., per,, Hung-chtl, So 16., 1959, pp 23-30. MRS 49T2 Asl& - China Pol A4 -P, 9-3 Sey 61 Urveritigw4ion and Reammh is a lkmdamntal Marxiat Methad., bv-Wxih "-Ung-ha'Uwgj, 9 3M. ammu, pairp gmg-.Ch,JL.0 No 9-101 5 W 1961. AmOccamp Ems mma ftlauums Frm Ohl= Waland Jkg 20963 99 Mr 3,961 Fm -M Cblm J~m 61 slou" of tw ftww cc nwzsAt Tbmy by mum".0c va"W" ma ressastat w ~. TM4WIGN, 96 W. - cumm "r, logcat, 1* 6, 16 Avg 19%jp - w n7A. MO 1637. n - Ckus Pot /.Toj 'm I 7 1 r--F my a Comewrating the Dude 'Commas by Shlb lXmg-halsng., pp, =M%, per., sma-ch"is, xD6.0 A jkr ig6l. Scag MMS Cbl= IMnland Mg ND 955 4 Apr fil Pal 14W (DC-3502/32) In Commmmation of Ilingels,, by Sb1h Tung-holang, 5 pp. CHIRSE, per., BMW-Gltk*l, No 23,, 1 Doc iq6o, vv 6-9. im 6848 ?A - China pol ftr 61 (DC-3502/5). Indopandent Thiuklng W-d ScrvicO to Truth, by Shih, .,,.Tuaph~~ 3 pp. CRI=H,~ per, Hung-chij No 15, 1 Aug 1959, PP 34, 35- JM-5171-D FS - China pol - sod oat 59 ~ff 1 ~1119 036 (DC-3229). Cast, St4el Mab-Pr"sure V"o&U,, by Mh Tm chm JOBIWAll"'t 5 pp. --, - --- -~!V*L- CM=lj, parp CMA&Leh Cblh-t&q&., no gs Shaosbalm,, 25 Sep 19590 pp 44-5~ Oba"Ptar. JPXI-3W2 72 - cb4nu Zeca .0 ma"tWaurls" /air, ITYle xw 60 of PeopUla Commmisp by IMI~ Tlwgp 4 pp. CMZMMtj per MAh-shlb lRicu-tales No 24,, 2L ma 1958. (Avmibt6lQ- 04 Llb) AMNONG"s 8=9 Kwe an PAR chi" JkIDIMA 160 9 Mhkr IM rx - *dm Ime Apr 59 PoNtins the Pm3,laey that tw sstmv of Bho Cbaupdp by 6hib Twig-h3jWjgp 5 CMN=j, PGr., Bm&'-eh':L, 110 12.p 16 JUm 1960. AmarloWlenj lb~ Kong 901031~ -IV= chi" vainlmnA ago ND 915 27 JOB 1960 FE - chum pol 7o? 3 Aim 6o (DC-3502/4). Frluciple3, So=ees, and Style (in Ccupwitiow), by Sbih T1118:~~ 7 pp- .............. csmuj, par, Hung-cwij, mb 14, Peiping,, 16 X11 1959, pp 6 JPM-942-D 91s" IFE - China Pal - soc wt 59 in order -to oeek Tmth) t)y aba Tang-,hsian,g, 3 PP- C,Hllu PfX., Hung-ch'lp no io, 16 my 1959, pp 32P 33. mm4M-D China 5 Sh AaA 5.9 (Dc-546o) Haas Scientific Research Movement in the Yu-men Petroleum Control Bureau Oil ReftnerV. by Shih.vlan-sui, 4 pp. CHIV.SX, np,, Kansu, Jib-PILO., 23 SeP 1960., V 3. JM 8426 E China Jun 61 -3 Instigate a Mass 14ovement, Develop Scientific Research, by !Lhih Wan-sui, CHITME, np, Kansu Jih-pao, 23 Sep 1960, P 3. *JPRS FE - China Econ - Soc, Pol, Sci 27 Feb 6i The Irresistible TiCe of Historyp by Shih Wen, 5 pp. CIMMIR, per, Kuo-chi Wen-tli Yen-chiu, No 8, 3 Dec 1959., pp 60-62!. JIPM 8532 F2 - Crhina S-r 1, 75~ "Ul 61. Determiuation of Volatile Phenol in Waf;te of Coke or Gas Plants and in Coal -11ar (LIzmanation Nct.hodi, by Shib Ya-chm-i, Yu-c-hei2gp Shao Jen-ti, et ay,-15 pp. MENCISE, per, Hun-hsueh 10 Dec 1959,. pp 567-570. MRS 7821 Sci IAG4 j~w 61 R - 9 II-r3 W-M-L) - A Prof Ile or the Tm-plob Sban Aresi, 0y P94-- ?~&Iem Ch lea shu-pleag, 21 P.P. CHMSHj, per, TI-11 Dueh-peo, No 3. -190, ftiping, pp 333-344- rX - china Aug liivotitiga~iori of Drying in a Fluidi2ed had, ty 8113.11 Ycn;.fu ai-cl P~ . Homankov, 6 pp- MJSSIAN, per,, Zhur Pxik Khim, Vol XXXV, No 3, 196P., PP 530-535~ GO Sai Jan 63 91f/ Studies on the Blocking Situations of tbe Nortbern Femlapbere-Winter Season, ZOM by VaLoAp:pn, T&Ug Chien-chlup et &1# 168 pp. CHIN=, I*j Pei-pau-ch'Im, Tung-chi Tau-sai HeIng-abib-ti len-eUup Chapters I-IV., PP 1-135, *W 1962. AM 1-2849 11) 2237292 ra- Chua 9414~~ Yas Oeft Oct 63 Naft M. Usm of the Libemttan of Us SuAight of the Xwoma to ZiWvn the rood,fi&dulatratlan of Our ReStany by Mdh.,,YtoSp 3 Vp. ot 3%d-wm&km Jib-lao, Ra4ukmo-tlep IT 6m Coo i"/U-s 4-7 YdI "42, -(FDD-21657)-- Stu4y of Kong Kong Foreign Trade in 19530 by Shih.Ytt%n,, 51 pp. CHIM , yrbko Ching,!cht Nien-paos_122~A Hong XDngy mar 1W. pp 95-M. CIA/FM/U-6wl FE - Chim cTs 65/Fab 55 4-02 Aofo(/ (I D c - 5_3 0 -1 ') Cerebral Heolopherectomy In the Tmatmmt of infantile HemiWeg2s,, 14 pp.. by Sh1h Yu-chuem. -----------aI . effLOSE0 pero Mung-hw SW=-chlug Ming-shea-Vo Tsa-ebih,, Val Vp IM I, Feb 1959,r pp h&52. JPRB 85W Sol - Med Aug 61 / ~o O?j / ,r[/ True Recognition of PeddLogical Reforms*and the Contradictory Movements in Pedology, by sh1h Yuan- chlun,, 22 pp. CWM.p PeT., Cbe4izuAk 'ran-ablu,, No 1., 1961p pp 1-12. .lm 487T FE -- China Pol Aug 61 (SF-3530) FROM THE EXPERIENCE IN QiINESE CHURCHES TO OBSERVE THE IWERIALIST "NEW STRATEGY" OF UTILIZING THE CHRISTIANITY, BY SHI.HYUN 5 PP. PER CHINESE, W, TlIEN-FENGj NO 3, 31 MAR 1962, pp 9-11.~ JPRS A983 FE - CHINA SOC, SEP 62 210,320 A Proase Vor lb=d&abffivg - silme conusaing a hml&ul MWzoosibm Gvap siiww or MV&vabla=wUmwwj, by J. Nisbbwmj.- Shlba=.m and-Do 'ChIMpto, 9 pps jAlP,, perp CA 471, 334p& 29153. JAPaWGO P&tGnt No i6s Asm Tech fte set am 56 7 f I Cn Dluxtribulklon bv, Prcdum-r by MWL4%r.W~ pp.. --.: P. CHIMS'p parj, =on chin) 1., 19~8- (AvrRilable CYDI Lib) Amr-IloaGen Uong Xmg, Ext frou CbiruL Yalyt3anti vdg so 144',. 6 Get 1953 Ecoa ~ov 58 7,3 vc-,-j=j3 on vnarla'~ L_,;r in j~jmlcmllt= _1Z raz=Ptj bY Saih FingP5 =,q per., Howhobaij No 15., 1958- Amicongen UM6 Ibng -Ext rk= Cbina M&inlmd VAgp JL47 3 Nov 19198 Hcou Dee 58 7j cla THE LAW GOVERNING CLASS STRUGGLE MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN, BY SHIH TUNG-HSIANG, 35 PP. CHINESE., PER., HUNG-CHOI, NO 22, Nov 1962, pp 12-M q. . ins 16985 FE - CHINA POL~. JAN 63 218,,948 live w4o~00~%WWF 10&ffSN;;i A CWo of Cmbxsl Tusaw NitustatizIM Into IfterziM MW=j by A. U. Odl MWvldyj, V. A. laglinaklyt 7 pp. -------------- R=VJ# PWO zdmvowawml" xazdft* V61 mmo .19% pp 79-75. Jftmr Tr 3W/M 7ft ftl - Zia & UM W 63 -:~~ ?, 92 :~-- qhff-, K. and Kwnada, M. -k-mvppi4 OF stucowcomrAINIM AMINO CUAPOUNDS. 11962] 12p. Order trom K-li $1$.00 K-Ij 10512 b Trans. of [Kogyo Kagsku Zovshij (japan) IMO, v. 63 [no. 11 p. L73-175. DESCRIFTORS: *Amines, "SlUcon, OCheadcal reactions. 62-17620 1. ShUnao K. U. Kumada, M. In. K-H-10512-h IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit. Mich. (Chemlicry-Organic, TT. v. 9. no. 7) umm qc-l -e,jresj3Dj,a of Gajv=je Phoorlwmes In Ught Ima Dmrimsei by L. Le Shik., 17 PP- WMIM. per,, pisiolAIWO-Iskil zhurml Ssm. Vol 3B, 19350 pp 231-4361 P9110473W ,m Ucm.-Trans-10194 Phar 63 350,704 ii-m Data on the odintsovo Intersiacia-.1i. -161--poijits, by 6 t M. BlAk, 14 pp. RMIM., per, Dok Ak Miuk mn, Vol mull, No 1960, PP 1187-1190 AM Sel Aug 61 The Isolation of Mouse Tjl#oid Bacilli from Dysentery fttlentep $/Ji by ~~. 1. Shgp 2 pp. RUSSIANp pers Zhur Xikrotdol, Epideniol L Immunobiol, V01 XMIO No 5., N v T5. , 111'ergamn Institute Sci - Red Jul 9.64/60 (HY-3558) - lurntaut Results or Phw3dological Investigations by 4 pp- HuSSIAN, par$ Prirodup So 10~ 1959j. pp 57-W- JM 2332 Sci - MIA war 60 Ile, 7 Gravimetric laeUradmation of *.Phoophorus by M--sns of 8-HYdroxAulnoline, bY I- R- ShIk, 3 PP- WMTM.? pm-, Zavadakaya Lab# Vol VIIII V No 10-11, 1939,r pp 11-79i1 I al. SrA R-'-ABU sci Aug B-5472 (DC-3062). Rupiratory lwufTiciejwy and Ozn= starvatioa,, bY L. L. Shike 16 gp. .... . . ............. FOSUM., bk., FlzlaOA'fu 1 PatOlogiYu Dykhaniya., Givoksl" 1 Ck8l9eWtM-Vplyft, .1958s pp 108-317. JI,W-L-19W-D sol - usa, Php;touw rmb 60 7, S-5-159 Cyberactlas in Surgery) by A. A. Viabnevskly, L. L. Shik B. I. ModcTov, 6 pp. RUSSIANp per, Wwpar KbIrarglya, No 1, Vol 4, .19531. pp b-2-1. JMS -781 -D Soi - MeCi.. Surgery 7 Sep 59 z Action Potealftl& Of rOOVIMtOrY umculaturO In vatlenu having rlopimtorv* defielancy" by 1,P6 MaRva0vap Ul. W~A~Pps jWssw,, pw,, bya skspr'3161 I Mod,, Vol 43,9 No 5,p WTP PP- GL-&- sw"U SOL - MM aka 58 4j; d f -f4,11 'IuY-6533/2) Study of the Pulmonary Mraulation In Patients vith MIt=I Defectsp b.,r Yee He YAbshn1Ld-nj, 1. He Hasbalkiny M. L. Shik., 13 pp. MSIM* perp Tvrowev Arkbiv, ~ol =UI:E, no 4, V61, pp 18-26. JENS 9780 Sci - Wd Ang 61 .f~)Ius tho SAMI Repilation of Mator fcti. 14vp b X iWtQt%kiy--SjuVivj,, ff. 1, !j!,jLv aWro SiORCUM, Val IN# So 4,, 1964, 40-4924 PAS 2778S sci-phyu J.Im 6s Iz A Rare Localization. of (Trachea., El;ondhi and Lung)p by R.* G. Shik and A0. R. Targulyano 5 pp. -MUMp per, ftoblcuy Umatologly i Perel Xrovl,, Vol 11,, 1q, r,;,, 1957, pp 61-. I'ergmou Press Sci - Ibd '-1-4 i~'$7~ / v Sep 58 On the IDUP*Vd*nC* of tAw ~bscovi" Glaciationt by S. M. S" 4 pp * RMUNS pore JPDX A NAW9 SSMe, Vol CXVIIt No 2j, :L95T,p Do 203~m- conoultdats Bur"u Sol - asop"Ics Oct 58 7 J/,; '? /A/ AdeorptLou of F#-drocubow on Silica Gal from Bimry Solutlowo by A. T. i% Kiselev and 1. v.. 9 7 6pip. RUBBIMm Iwo SWUddayl Miw=Llp Vol WVp X* 62, mv-fte vw" X* 1. 6" - 695 a 94 An 63 .3112, 3so- (NY-650) MCHIM COMM6 w V'I all 16 pp. OM* WAWA I J!WMA* NO 9a 1961a r"lA"* 0 -- - ~ 4m 13" - SO 4r ascm ot GR 1*009 (DC-5394) The Developong or the 26stile lod"trl", in the Democratic Rep&IU of Irlatmas, by 1. A. Shlkwuwao 6 pp. XMIANO prv Tokettl Pem,, go Up Nor 1960 pp 72 -76. APT 61 Dyeing with Acid Dyes.,~F. I. Sadov.,z= 1. A. Shikanova 6 pp. Full translation. WSSIM., bimo per,, &Ilidd Zbur SSS90 Vol XvIIj, No 2,, Mar/Apr 1955, pp 124-130. 3 4 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Aug 55 CTr,/= The Cauees of the DMerences Observed in Wheat Seeds Developing In Digrerent Plovers of the Spik4etsj by ff. N. (h-chinnikov, N. M. MAkhanova. IU*IM,, per., Dok Ak Unk SM., Botanical Sci See, Vol K CM., No 1, PP 3-55- Amer Imat of Biol Sei Jan/Feb 1957 Sai - sio1w Aug .57 Phaeuvering at Low Altitudes, by I. Shikarenko, V. Sokolov, 16 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE O1,JLY RUSSUM, per, Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika, No 1, 1962. 96T8oo6 M,D-ST-62-1 USSR Ydi sep 62 21o,o65 ~jiVblom, in CreatinG ~a I-hcjAnc Lan,,-uai,-e for Gaometryjq by H. 14. Yerno.Layaval Yu. A. =kl=- mnoamphs Sobbahchen1ya. Laborator-41 '-Ucktromodeliravaniya., NO 1., 1960., pp 3 P-LL-215- JPBS 11463 5ci - IMse Jj Em 6P- ; Sachine Translation - 11 1. 0C us& posel" Mudd= ~ ftau In the Od"ft Umw Ya*Wvyo IW S. IL Bmnhtikko sho 7.0 w4AMV'-mdft# 5 mi XWOMP Not# ftwa I mdat""to Vol =no 2b go 3.9ax vp 97490 - P=k 26a ce 903090 L IL pim sued Tit=Ium C=pmmds With a laxture of Chlorine and C rbon I-In-noxide, by A. V. Famf ilovp H~.G. W~Ikerjp IV. pe ,k 7bur ObabOL.I&ft, Vol V11j. No n-.0 1937, 1 Bet Trans Cwter, RT r~:&Tp Scieutifte - Chemistry /DEX 0 ...I'..,-- a Starch PaGtca, by K. U.; L. A. RyWldnap 5 pp. MMIAN; ]Mrs Zhur Prik Milmi. Vol MMIp 110 2,p 1958,, PP 33-5-318. OMSWLunts mu"au Sol - Chou mw 59 ci Lk ) 13 (10 I ftfomtjon praparUem of ThIckenerap b7 M& 0. -~h-ulbw- I==; pwp .Zbw Rdk P3rlk Mdat Val =0 No 5/60 1946l Ipp 542-M. Amos Took Ov RJ6473 ad ~ abodAw 013-11D ~/gvjq;r am " m 61 Inveatigations ia the Field O-P Syntheala an-d-Con- vereions of Uasaturated Drgauosilicon Compoun-da. II. Syntbasis of .* Silicohydrocarbons of the Vinylace'uylene Series,, by 1. A. Shikhtev., M. F. Sbostakovskiy., L. A. Kayutenk-o-- RUSSM., pcri~-Mmr Obsbch Kh1m,, Vol XX3X., No 7, 1959j. pp 2137-2138. CB Sai Aug 60 synthesis and Reactions' of. Oxygen-coatalming Orgamosillcom CowpouMz~ -- Comadcation Synthesis and aptWReactium or Vinyl Ethers; of 3-(TrImtby18iIyl)- aid 3-OlethAmthylsilYl) 1- Propawls by K. F. Shoatkkovaky$ I. A* Shiliffevo N. Y. Momu-mj, 8 pp. RMOUNI pwp Is A Ikuk SERI, OWel IhIm Naao No Up. IL956o pp 1493-1499. Cansultants Dweau Bel - Ckwu J~aa 58 lWastiestion of the B=bazLp Romtion or Oxy RMIcals With FULdicals a$' Organoma&%calm Com- pow-mdo. 111. Interactlen of Orgmcmngnesim CmMcmads With Nftod "well1con Acet42s, by H. R. Kultbikkovp _j,_A,41h&kMovp 3 -pp. RUSSIAN# per Zhur* Ob"st Mdo., Vol XXVM, No 6, .1958, ;p 1539-1541. Cwmsl tants Bureau Sol .0 Chas Sep 59 Xnyeutigeftona in the Fle,ld of the SyntherAv f~r~ vilranotormtims at Lbsaftrated Organozilicom Cmpounde. Synthesis of OrganoaLlicon Glycols oV the DISCetylese series,, by's M. F% Shoafthovela-Y, N. V. K=r 1. A. phi ray,, 4 pp. RUEISIMO thrice-no per Duk A Tkut SWR, Vol CIX,, I N o 2, PP 3Wt-346, JulNg 1956 Coamultants Bureau 8ci - Mem Doe 57 Byathesis and Reactions of Oxygen-contaiming Orip-nosiLicon Compounds. Co=mnication 1. Synthesis of Orgawsilt:on Acetale, by M. F. Sbcotakovsky,v I. A, Sbl3khAevp D. A. Kochkiup 3 PP. RMSUNj, bimo perp Ix Alt Nauk SSMj, Otdel Kbim I% t .2?j no 5j, Um., 1953# pp OW-944. a /,g o isvo o i Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry 0?0 1M 64/Jen 55 ./ J-14 / Synthesis and Conversioas of unsaturated Organosi-licon Compoundap VIII. Synthesis and Pr Some Ditartiary y-Siliom-Containing Acetylenio Glyaola,q tV 1. A. ShftLvav. . 1. Aliev, 1. A. Aslumv, 3 P-P-0- RUSSIANjp per Zhur Obahch Kh4m, Vol. XXXI IT6. I.. 1961m, pp.26-3* 34--37 CB sai, / ? -~, ,I, [- / Mar 62 Cbcm' v-~ I Reactlicns or UnSAturated and Yberowlecular COMPOUn". Comamication 8, COPO1,YMM-i=t:1on of Astbil Hvth=rvlp-t. vith 'Vinyl Mwo CamUlUng Silicon :Im "DitiOno bY A- K- MMMUUvs, 1. A. V. KamLrov,, A. P. A1,f v,, Per.. Its A% Nsuk SSM,, Otdal Xhim Wauk., Ito 1,, 1959j, pp 140-143. Consultante Bureau SO - Clift Apr 60 Mwea-UgAttom In the Yield of the Srathesia and Tr=ufortations of QxMu-M9WO=tuIninS Orson"114ow Como= Lao SyntbaoLo of 1 Ether =a AsoULU Based on the My y-W&*qVjqprjtrJMtbqUII~, Orpno- sWom AlmoboUs od A. MA N. V. rAwwrov.0 4 RMZAX UrLoo-m pot' Ibk Ak NwA M=p Vol MIX, ]b 2, pp Z9- Ikd * CbmwAUMAy an ST CMB W, awsm-ow"Int"s mg orsonool"-cm cosoomdap- V. Ulcon owsm9s by M. F. r~1M.WA.Ugibl"i *as V. I. 202y"Vo ALU To "L MM., lb IBM 40e-f f Investigations in the Field of Synthesis and Conversions of Unsaturated Organosilicon Compounds, X. Synthesis of Branched y-Organosilicon Acetylenic Alcohols and Glycols, by 1. A. Shikhiye~v, M. I. Aliev, 3 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 11, 1961, pp 3649-3651. CB .Sci 213,244 ,Aug 62 bbtby2;MXW2ftmeVlm%r2*vjbInol and MwtkWlprop- YVIIWIMU&SMI =d ljdrooaab~ -Obtaluab:ke rXm lbuMv IV L A. - LRY, 14 Ippe Xxom- '~. nm NOW" Mai, Va XVIs 2946a V "WO w I MKA 6AAMM fit v" vat No