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Contributiun to the Pharmacology of Local Anaeathe- tics, by Dr Rudolf Zadina., Dr B. Scho-venic, 6 pp. UNCLASSUM -IM"W*%ftww CZECH, Casopion l1karu. ceskychp Vol LXXXTE, No 810,, 1947. ID OMM V-6539 Sci - Med '4. / 0 '< 0 Aug 51 CTS ~ , '70 Transfasica Treatment In Chrmic Leukemias,, by N. D. Schoyert, M. GorLwhm.. 7 PP. GEMAN, pers Gidam, Vol nnrr'. No 95, 6 Doe 1956, yp 477-460. S.L.A. Tr 57-63 Sci - YoUcIne Apr W -~Zw/j ~W/ Portable Air Comressor -- Type U-1851- 8065- SPecificatimss W ScbruRP & CO- GMU. Betzdorf (sieg) GEM" pp23 mm EcAi~vt-pv 00. sci - Aug 6T 337-1;26 Rev Zeiss ListrLments for SciancesEagineering, and Culture,, by H. Schrade, 10 pp. GERM, Per, DLO Tecbn:Lk, No 3, 196D, ]PP 205-2208- UMIA Sc:L - Rav Sep 60 la,-~'777 Activities, Dcvciopmont, and Outluok- of VEW CuIrl Zeiss Jena, by H, 9 pp. GLIC-IMP per, FeingeratetcOmik, No JU, Oct l9e4o, Pp 442-446, 456. JPRS 27,882 Hur-Gemany Ccoii Feb 65 1 2720531 Steep Cllmb TD A New Holaht, -- The Zoi" ?3ant In the Socialist States by H. Wumdep 5 pp. GMVO-No Pers, Tecbzdk* No 10v 1959s, PP 678-6W- FM/X-4M EE - Gezlmrq Sci Ecou Jan 60 Ompanar Names and Trademarksy by JIUV Schrades, 11 ppp (AF 657308). G=-IM=, Perq Die Technikap Special Pair Ad:Ltiou,, 1935., vp 3-9. C 1,q 6 o 6, ~ ~- (:2 ATIC F-YM-B549/ln Sci - Engineering 441- 4416' Z I-WI, 5):2,t 0 Synthetic Resinz With EpIchloroIWdrIn,, by J. Sabrade, 23 PP. Full translation. GEW4ANj, per,, &Mvtoffej, Vol IIIII, No 7, 1953, pp 266-270. S.L.A. Scientific - Cheigistry Aug 55 Gas 1 -1 Cal Rmud natim of the oftrum ratty Acids of tho Klawn'. t. Abcat VW fttty Acid Coftents of the San= Pat In the 114WItAW, in the Anterlmoscleratic and In the Diabetic, by W.,_ Sebrado E. BOUG, at a,.. 17 pp - GEMO, per, X iqbo--WAql~owchrJLft, VoMMLVZU i rob ig6o, pp 196-M4. WN 7-6449 Sci - Ked oat 62 62-1807, Schrade, V,. , Bbhle, E. and others. NKFUY-T-111--i FATTY ACID CONTENTS OF THE SERUM FAT IN THE HEALTHY, IN THE ARTERIO SCLEROTIC AND IN THE DIABETIC (Goschromato- graphische Unrersuchunger~ der Serumfettsatiren des '"enschen. 1. Mittellung. Uber die Fettsaftenzusam- menqetzung des Serumfettes beim Gesunden, Arterlo- skl_~rotikcr und Diabetiker). Rept. 2 on Gas Chrorna- tographic (Investigations] of the Serum Fatty Acids of Humans. 119621 1-1p. (figs. tableq,refs. ornitted), Order frum SLA SI.60 62-18074 Trans. of Klinjischel %Vcchen[schrift I (Germany) 1960. v. 38, 1 Feb. p. 126-134. DESCRIFTORS: *Fattyacids, Bodyfars, Serum, *Diabetes, 91~odchemistry' Upids 1. Schrade, W. II. Bbhle, E. Ill. Title: Gas C P2 3 2 4 G (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT. v. 8, no. 8) (overi Offi- 0 T-W-1 S.-ic- 61-20564 ~Jhle. E. , and others. &hrade. IV , THE REGULATION OF THE 1. Schrade. W. UNESTFRIFIED FATTY ACIDS. Rcpt. 2 on Gas Chrcr U. Bdhle. E. matographic Investigations of the Serum Patty Acids of 1H. Title: Gas ... omitted) 23 refs. Humans. (19611 23p. (4 figs. 4 tables Order from SLA $2.60 61-20564 Trans. of KlInflachel W[ocbenjschrlift] (Germany) 1960, v. 38. no. 14, p. 707-716. DESCRIPMRS: *Fatty acids, *Metabolism. *Chro- maxographic analysis, *Disbetes, Insulin, 01elc adds. Upids, Hunger. (Illological Sciences - -Biochemistry, TT. v. 7. an. 4) On Llpld Conts'al in MoAp by Vemer M. pp. =WAR$ pars antsube adisla, Wochs=ahr:Lt4,p Vol U= - no 26,o 1956a 13p 6LT-6a. USA 59N-l.W4 ftl .0 laselelm 919 J~n 60 /4 Ne Vol =0 So 5 The Relatiowhip Botinein -the Itaidug o f- Steel Spealmns,, Plastic Replicas and Hicrograpbsp by A. Sabrader. GERYAN., per, Z Wisse=cbaftUdwr bdkrookopie,, Vol Us 1952t PP 309-316. Sol - pwo mar 62 #.z 4~ 31 M - mixituam* 04- Aw, Botwm 25) - hjr Jop tq a. aXMAN.# porp Anh almoba Wl)., w 21-310 UM- 15)62 st"I a4 %Isqmrlm, 1 7/ SOVS&C. V*t 26 iba/imb H. Schnader CUU, and awl= -.- -s ofm stuaiss of ths strwtv" of Steals with-Rt&- Contente of Carblde-YMMUS ALUIVIag =a bMebrader ot al. UNaAGOIrm) CBMU, Very Arab BlachWAtememoup Aug 7957s, pp 723 015.0) - /I/ Got - mn/wtau Jul HUMMM, ff. and - SCMADXH, A. ARCHIV EISENHMMES-Ml, vol. 13, 9 figares, 1250 words 1939 the CrystallIzation, of Graphite In the SalldIficatloa Cast Iron Bratcher Trans.. Order go. 1627, $1.85 A 3 9 ~-v HANMU, H. and SCHUM., A tRCBIV EISEMTTMEM, vol. 12, 17 figures, 1700 wordr 1939 Stractniml Transformations of Cast Iron Darting Annealing. Bratcher Trans., Order No. 1631 $2.55 RAfflgMM, H, ELAd SCUPAUR -- A. . ...............- ARCRIV FISKREUTITSWMEM. Vol. 12, 8 fl&,v"s 7,400 vords,; 1938 Formation of Secondary and of Nutectiod GrapIdto 129 Gray Cast Iron. Brutaber Trans. Order No. 1632, $2.10 iq -39 5 6 STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION OF AUSTENITIC CHROMIU14- NICKEL-NIOBIUM STEEL CREEP SPECIFIE.NS, BY A. SCHRADERJ A. KRISCH. RGERMAN, PER, ARCHIV FUER K9 EISENHUTTEMIESEN, VOL XXXIII, MAR 1962, pp 167-175. BISI 2919 scl m/m Nov 62 W LIST 151 217,663 Further Results in Serological Studies of Matiple Sclerosis, by W. Schildv A. Schraderp G. B. Roemer,# 6 pp. GERMO# per, Klin Wchnschr, Vol zio 43/44v 15 Nov 1953j, pp 1050v 1051. Scientific - Medicine CTS 70/.Tul 55 HANAWMI H. STEAM Archir 128,3 ngur"j, 950-ward abstracts 1938 Relatioumbip Betwen Strutwe and TwamUe Strength of Gray Cast irone Brutcher Tmns, Ordsr No* 9749 $ 1.2D. J~ 3 Cbate~aa In thA Strmtuz%~ of Auatang" atmOL) in amiap-RaptuYa Tests& by W. Koch# A,~ Sabraftit. MM MYAN., p3r., Stabl u ZUQnv 4 Sap 1958s -pp 1251- 1262. BvItIsh Iron sM stool Ira M70 Sc:L - 14in/mt 2 Fab 59 Struct=e Immatigattans in Almimium Mqtaallura~ by A. Sehmdar,, 16 pp. GMUM ' per, Alualnimno Vol M,, go 3, I-ar "11911-3, pp 11.6-126. &A 58-487 Sol Aug 59 9,5-, 7 STRLXTLIPAL EXA041MATION Cr lRom AND SvtkL WITH THE ELECTRM HicamoM ev A. SOiRAOER. GERwis PERO SCHKIZER ARCHIVO No 4's L*lp pp a634t7o* 8151 20U sci - mmAea NOV 61 103#w Metallographic Investige-tio-n-, on X 8 criii.iqh After CreeD Tests at ?500C, by A,_~ ~.. A. Krizah. GERMAN, Papers Presented at the ByLerna,"Icmal Disr cii,~oions on Lons T4.=e !32!:~wiomr o'- Hij., Tz--r SteeI3 Held in Dusseld-orf, 24, 25 Ju-n 19"G-0. BiSI IW3 Aug 60 KLectxo=loroscqpe luvestl~ptUm of the Clmnaes of Structure of a ChromLwii-Rclwl-N*lytdem=- Stftl Vader Psolmaed Te=Jle Strew at 5ooP.. WeVers A. Sabraders 9 pp. =mo pw., Arch -nor is Vol Ims 1955J. pp MA 57-51 Sol - sunevau/vetas j7- C;f~ 0 J Oct 57 The Fcam In VJ2ich Cemwtlte Sepwates Oat oZ Ferrite, by Wolfpng Mach., AugeUcs Sabrader 21 yp. GMM,v perp Arch1v far fts Hisenbutbaumsms Vol X=,p Ho 8s 1958s pp 485JM. mA 6o.16T63 &A /.o~' ~kw 62 Vol IV,, no 6 Sc~7'-:i hngeltci ;ind Krisch, Alfrec~- 7,77,77-117"G'S'APHIC INVE: FfIGMIONS ON X 1 !-I', r_'REEF TEST,5 77 CJ19f~ P~dfp, () ~r -1 _e r .1 r a n i _5 _* A S I . &U, 62_1689~1 T;-ans. of (paper) presented a, the ivrerna:lon- a) discassicq5 ,n Low Time Wiavlour of High Tem- steek, Msseidorf, 24-25 June tOl- Ar,~'~rr trar's, is availabie frorm BISI-6 165 R3 BIS[- l8m (~,9601. 62-16694 1. Schrader' 11. Y-isch, P., Ill. Title: Intarnailonsi IV. TiEl,-,: I"Drig ... D.zsrcal_(11'oRS: *Srec!,, -microstructure. Offezt rt!-- -11rom s ~ #W 04; 12 llstal;z alIGYs, *Cre~ll, C . 1U.,11 c1loy , Nickel altovs. alloys. (M~,Ahirgy--Perrous 'Nicials, 7:" V. a, Contribution to the Immat-4ptim of Fmw Ccaponent AlbVr-* Investigation of the Alminum Corner of Quaft=ary System Al-Cuol-L--Sl azd J-1j-Fe-llg-Slv by MgaUca Schrader, 9 pp. J~%QOX949, GMW9 pers 14*ta ,U Tol Me 1-fo pp 2UP IV; T5;:i;. 3 Ali C2 7,/. SoLeAe No 395/M6 aclintifte - Minerau/neta" Method of TakiM ftmin Spectra of Sollds as Ccaqmaed B3Au2lw,p by B. Sqb=d*rqL F. Verde1j, 0. Fxesse# 5 p. GEEWNp par, zelt, PhYs Chem..1957# Vol X11P PP 132-138. A"-44L330 set gap 60 V'ol 21 No 11 Origin of Spondylosis Deformans,, by 2, Scbvsdier, I P. Full translation* OEMN, per,, Z. OrtboVadisehe Chirursia, 7a1 LVnXp 1932 - 1933, pp 281-282, MW CIA/IPDD/X-gn Scientific - Kedicium Jun 53 CTS/IDU 3.5cA 7 ComplUationz of Translimbar Aoftog gapb.y; 71-leir Explanation and Avoidancep by A, A* Schruderj, 25 pp. GEWAN, -per., ro-Ltsebr Gebicte RontgazotraXIon., Vol imrii,, ito hj. mt 1955., pp 476469. S,L,A. TV: 936/1956 &I - Xedicine Hyd-rolySis of lasectiei&l Phosphate W-Aers- by R. Whifl*n, 0 - Schrsdar, 16 pp. GMVAN, per, L UpturforSch, Vol X11b, 1957, pp 196-208. ATS-53JI7G ATS1 10 1) - C7T sci Jul 59 I I Process for the Preparation of O'O-Dimllkyl Thionphosphoric Florides, G. Schrader GERMAN, Patent 1 006-416. NTC 6990i;-416 C, , "fCIL ~- & e, & I,/ Sci-Chem July 69 396,699 Constitution and Effects of Organlo Phosphowas Owpounds, by 0. Schrader. MMMA , per, Zeitsohrlft fur Hatuqrfcwsob=g. Tol 18B, No 11, .1963, pp 965-975 a - S C H R'q 1) --- P- 501 - jui 67 334.869 I' TT-64-1(wld Schradw, 0whard and Larem, Walm. PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THICIPIM- PIMIC ACID Z9M5. (I%41 2p Oida firom 01M. SLA. or ETC $1 - 10 7T-64-10474 Tram. d Oftmas pma $76 692, pit. 7 Jul 31. appl. Vib. 4 Sep $2. lumd 2 Apr 33, by Parbmdabribft (CMwiswr-Orpaic, 'ff. v. 11. rA. 12) 1. sd"dw, 0. n. Lmnx. W. M. Put= (Gonmay) 416692 '2 8 3347 0"1" 0 T-kk.l S.-t- Process for Preparing D"allW-Mom- Phospboria Acid Raters Of 4-1wroxnbon- y1sulfoummidess by Ermt Sebreckj, Gerbard Sebrader,,-5 pp. amwXv patent imli,039*070 (F 20 4233 lVb/12q cl 12q/91, International cl. c 07 f p by ftvbenfabrUmn Boyer As 0. # f 1106 1 xon 1956, announced and text 2&W open for inspection IB Sep 108. SOL SIA 61-20M OTS, Vol V. No I Apr 61 The Insecticidal Ewtars of Phoaphwic Acldj, by G. Scbrader 12 IPPO oEMM, per., Anvow Cb.m. Vol I=# So 3,# pp 86-90j. 1957. SIA-3491 Oct ;b'Chem Aug 58 ;70, rr-64-10474 Schrader, Gerhard asid Lortax, Waker. PROCESS FOR THE PREPARAT70H OF TMOPfM- 1. Schrader, 0 PHORIC ACM ESMS. (19U1 2p 11 . Loxams, W.' Order from 071, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 IT-64-10474 M. face (Congs") Traw. of oarm" 176 692, par. 7 Jul 31. wi. 87669 pcb. 4 Sep $2. Wood 2 Apr U. by Farboafabrom "For. '::'IS 3347 (Chomistrr-Orpsio. Tro v. 11, w. 12) of T"b"Wel servilso SCMIA9IRv ArcUT Elsenbaftegmedev* T01- 9a 75 00amit I IA'b%&# 2W0 words: 2"5. rhe PuAty of steel Judod'bY d4SP e Bratetar* Imm. Order go. 26 EabrittIment of Hardmed Stools an Tewporing at I*twwa UGG and 4"0 CO, by Ho Schraders, et &I,, G~RW,A* per, Arcbw Oiseah., Val 21, J=* Fob* 19500 VP *81SI r sai-materials Sept " The Industry ()f tba oWqols,, * R. Ochraderp 2 Dp., MMMO pw,, Zeltrrdr w6mimate cheadet Vol XMI, 1929" pp 541-546. / d, 6s- 1 SIA Tr (iW If-r7 Sol - cbm Apr 1957 ;2 //. powaft prage" OC T"tUM COC CUWUV br go= Im abou a X14814 VOL rap is &I d-3 2 Mtub Im ad NI to Sol - WAAM Apr 59 HMNOMWIi, E, Archiv Eisonhuttermsenp vdIi, Co 3 figums., 2 tablesi 130owca-d a!-stmatao 1935. Iufluence of Elemuts yjm Behavior ad! Steels J:n Carburieing. Order go* 342p *1.80. Brut4hor Tx 0) HOUDRE4-NT, ED, AG. nam md slows vvI. 56# 37 flamsp 3.0000 WM'dMs 1936. Mw train oize problem of stAel - Testirg fbr, Pain aize; Effect of am4- edze an properusel C, IAral of grain. size. aruUbw, Tram. Order No. 365* 010.60 'a HOUDRMNTO E. SCHWER ~- H. Tachnische MitteilUD94a KrUPP& 461. 5# PP- 227-239v 17 figs.,, 78W words; 1937. Recent developaents in field of high "ad stools lw in tungsten. Brutcher, Trans. Order No. 505, $7.80 19 110UNTIM011Tj ED. MMIMME-6-4. Arobiv Eisenhutteum senv vol. 12,, IS fig%=sj. 3 74oo words; im. Effect of klu=inw in Plain Carbm Steel, Bratcher Trans,* Order No- 753.9 9?7-40. 'a- Houmg " I ED* stahl. und usen.- vol. 61,, 74 figuress 5300 um-ftj 19410 Combined Action of Hydrqgm and 3tremses in the Formation of Flakes. Brachw Trans, Order No- =a, -4 RWDRMFFrq E. SCHELADER;, H. Stahl und Bison., vol. 61p 61 fim"ess 3 tablesm 9900 words; 1941. Flaking of Steel Caused by Hydrogen Absorbed During Processing. Bratcher Trans, Order go, 1139p #4.96 HOUDREMONT, E. SCHRADER H. Archiv Eisenhuttenweseno v01- 15, 31 figures,, 3 tables, 6500 words; 1941. Embrittlement of Steel from Annealing in Hydrogen, Brutcher, Trans, Order No. 1208, #7-90 p - /-/ ~ L -)- y- MUNAMp F, K. SCHRADER, H, .Z.- . -_' Arabiv lusedattamewas wl. 16a 05 ff&mwo I W460 309W wm-dss 1942. SabddUty of Titaolm Carbido and Lts Effect Lm the Hardsolng od Taa&udqg or Steel. Bmtabor Trame-a Order So. MWv 013.60 Muipmwe Carburizing Steela With Additions oV S-Ili( v4 by -R.. SehTu:der; F. Brubl. CbrMIUM or =xdt=, Pwp Teebuiab 0 MitteLlungen, XvuW., Ap Voraqhul~M-Bmr~cbtiZp Vol:q$ ko ~~$'1939 Brutchar Tr ratS M Scientific - Min)kataU $1.50 SCHRADER., R. Stahl Und Eisen, vol- 59, 26 figu-es, 1 table., 6500 words; 1-939, Influence of Small Alloy Contents on Scaling Losses & Decarburization o~ Steels. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 765, i")6-50 Iq / & / S CEIRADIR. F. STAEL UND ---:"1S--' vol SO, '32 -figures , -~~:J'00 or or ds joLo Practical lixperience with A.~,a-:Snietic P--wder k~tvhu-**' L -.-O:r Detecting Cracks on Steel Parts. Brutchf~r tra.--s . Order 173. 1013 -~L:6 .8o SCHRADER, H. Stahl und Eisen, vol. 64, 16 figures, I table, 6800 words; 1944. Futther Development of High Speed Steels -with Reduced Alloy Content and Their Proper Heat Treatment. I - ~") / e-" e- Brutcher Trans., Order No. 1767, $8.50 Nev Instruments From VEB Carl Zeiss., JEnj, by Schrader, GM-14M, per-., Die Tethn:Vi, Vol XV., No 3# 1561: pp 235-239. JMI 4948 sep 61 DAEM, Re SCHRAMS He Stahl Und Siseng Yale 64,-.21M wordel 1944. StandardizatIO and Definitions of Tenn Relating to Rmt Tr-estmnt of Steel and Cast Irdh. Brutcher Trams, order No. lU6,, # 3.15, IN, 4 pp. GMMM,q Patent 746sloB,, 4 Jun 1944. CIA/FM XX-505 NOT RRIMASANZ TO FMBMN NATIOMM Sci - Chem SeP 58 IAC WMNAL USE OW FIFTIROUPPIl :Fli I I I Mill; I I Ild I Vill 11-AV P r e c P, I O-n 1 71~1, 12~ a-'t. o f A - C Schrader, -'3 pp. GEj,La%_Ajj; per Z. InstrumentenkLMde s vol i;,T 19 57., pp 69-72. SLA 57-3032 sci Aug 56 '7 55~' FT Studies of the Bidj-oMr of MycoxTbiza of Ftasj. by R. Schrader. GMItM, ver, Archly for Mroblologie, Vol XXXI.L, 1948, 9p CSXRO 5319 Sci - Bidl Azr 62 /,7/ ., 44~ 40, lkw X-ray Camara Based on Gululcrr I a Principlep- tV R. Schrader., G. Totmero GEM4AIfj, per# Zeitachrift fur hummamche und Allgemine Chemie, Vol. 423p 1963j. yn -IW. CSIBO/Ho. b799 1q. SC A P q 1) 6 P- Sci - JulY 1967 334-6~ Schrader, R., Nerdel, F. and Kresze, G. METHOD FOR TAKING RAMAN SPECTRA OF I SOLID SUWTANCES IN TEE FORM OF PELLETS. tr. 11 by Bertha P. Klenova. 23 Aug 57, fp. 10 refs. [No. III 3657. IV Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 60-19169 V Trans. of Zleitachrift fdr Physik[allachel Chemliel Frankfurt (West Germaoy) 1957 In. f. I v. 12, p. 132-138 Another translation is available from ATS $8. aS as ATS-44L33G [195915p. DESCRIPTORS: *Raman spectroscopy. *Solids. *PeUets *Mercury lamps. Ile characteristic features of the method are: (1) the use of a source of light, as punctiform as possible, of very high intensity but deficient monochromatically (Oaram mercury vapor lamps HQA SOO without head, HBO 107) combined with an interference filter or mono- chromator as the primary filter-, (2) the use of pellets (Physics - -SpectroscLpy. TT, v. f. no. 5) (over) 60-19169 Schrader, R. Nerdel. F. Kresze. Q TVA-3657 Tennessee Valley Authority. Wilson Dam, Ala. Offi-f T.6.1-1 S-i... 4-6-61 iv ZW#44%31- p" ~ la- -, / fti&9 c Me I" ft:L A& 67 The IDfluence of Supersonic Vibration om Ul"timlytic P=cezzes,, %be Influeuce of the Fxv~Lxj an Vw Agitating Effectof the Supersonic Vlb:mUm,, by A. Roll,, G. Sebrug. GWYAN,, per, Zo Matell .,p h2 4V 1953L. -IPA3ftD Tr No T 3976 scientific - Neftabazy 7 7 SMAIBER, dose Dr The fluorine content of the hu'-M'ors (blood, q',ephalora chid- Ian fluid, etc) of the hurtan or,e-,anism in different patho- logical conditions - 22 op SpaL-h - R6vista de la Sociedad Are :e.p. tina da biologia, Vol 11, 1935 Deteottca of Cracks and Deftcft by pluarment Metbodo by K. Sebralvo(pla Go Adler. GMMN" Luttviessn" Vol is .20 101, 203. ftntaber -TV. lb IM DeWrptlon in Vacuum, by A. FRENCH, Par, Vide. M 10.3, =37pr 5548. NASA TT F-93SY- Sci-IR"gr 1 7 %F- Jurk 65 1 i U.S. GOVERNMENT OMY 282,573 aly-~ a" . sm as GO& wello Sn4m aitt"A lwqpg"vo!* A ~ -11 " - ---. - .1w .- 11 a- ~ 'A t t, e: zi ~ sa-W ft Am 67. M700 by A. ScIVE:M", I-xiloid itschn!rt, Vol CY."l-, !!C, 1957 V T T I,.;- - 141 A -1-T- 6 L/ - 59-15N2*7 4 TIT- s cy s Y-z j--~n 6o Vol 2, IN-0 7 I u,11:11F.4 Hill t El I ;VITHRIIII 11pri I 111,111MIMMI: G. 71 ip cv, J cllCZ~Dti-y, ti of' Health, -13e;;herda, tixi. ;hIE DEFINITION OF IT. tr. by Bertha P. Klenova. 6 Sep 51. 30p. 32 refs. VA 3036. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 62-25793 Trans. OfChemltschl WeekbIad(Nethe-rIands) 1951, v. 47. p. 169-178. DESCRIPTORS: *HydrogLa ion concentration, Theory, Determination, Error. Acids, tons, Therff"Jyna mica. No thermodynamic properties of an aqueous solution are kmov.m which would characterize in a suitable manner and correctly the acidity of the solution. The pcfi de - fined by Sorensen is a non -thermodynamic magnitude, and It Is probably the most suitable measure of the acidity of a solution. In cermin inszances it can be de- termined clearly from the absorption spectra; in the majority of cases, however, the pcH Is not accessible (Chemistry- -Physical. TT. v. 9. no. 4) (over) 62-25M 1. Schrama, It. TVA-3036 Ill. Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilsoq Dam. Ata. IV. 60-23280 canceled C 2#27785 10-16-62 Cffkt of Tedwk3l 34rvkts 61-16794 Schramek, W. and Zelimish, E. THE INFLUENCE OF DEGREE XANDIATION ON 1. TiEle; XanthaEi0l) TTIE SPINNING PROCESS. [19611 6(~). (40 figs. 2. Titk!: Spinning omitted) 12 refs. 1. S-111'alylek, W. Order from SLA $6.60 61-16794 11- Trans. of Kolloid Beffiefte (Germany) 1938, v. 48 [nos. 4 121 p. 93 - 140. DESCRIPTORS: 'CeLlulore, Processing. Offi.. ~f T..h.i-l 5-1- (UnLnnounced) Magnetization and Magnetic Aging of Permanent Magnets for Electrical Measuring Instruments, by E. Schramkow and B. Janowsky, 4 pp. GMWAH, per, Z. Tech Phys, Vol XI, No 10,, 1930, pp 429-432. SLA 57-3221 Sci Aug 58 'aLl 7 7- Nucleic Acid Concentrations or Different Cytoplastic Fractions of Liver (Romopneate)., VollirAng Experimental Burns, by Fr. Myscup A. Schram-Dmiont FRENCH,, per., Ann Chir Mast, Vol VI., 1961p pp 117-121. Navy Tr 3028/im 644 Sai - 'N--d Feb 62 VY f Hy.,-, r 11 1 % uzm)I-, j ReDort an the Work of the M Electric Pawer Flinaing Since 1951, bY Schr= 816backy 10 pp. GM=, per, Enargiet-sob n1k, Vol XI., No 3, 1961., py 97-09- J"M 9931 Mar - Gernww Roon Aug 61 Chemical DeterminatIou of the Blologically Active Unit in the Riboweleic Acid of the Tobacco Ymaic Virus.. by H. Schuster, G. Schram., 16 iyp. GMMWj, per, Zeltschrift fwn Naturforschung, Vol 13b,- No Ili, 1958, pp 697-7c4- viR 6-,2o-61 Scl - Mad Dec 61 Contribey,A-Ma to 14,Za C'nemistry of TlliaphW-PbvLl)---I- f-It. 1. Dlsaohm-rior of Tri=tbyl Thlonopl!oapbate At Highvr Tcmpasst,=~en, by G. ffiflgatap-~ Gch="rjn2 H. Tefahn=, 14 pa GM=T, perg Jour Prakt Chem., 1959, Ser. Vol VM, v.P 73-89. ATS -o6i.3W Scl '--Web 60 Vol 21 No 9 z v2lie Behavior of za..;vrs of ThionoPhosphoric Acid tit Elevated TemneratUrei3p by 0. Hilgeta9j. G. Schrw=.& R. Te icluii6nns 4 pp - GMMAlqv Angwe chem# voi imp No 6# 1957,, pl? 205 SIA 59-IC490 Sci - Chem Sep 59 Vol 2p So 1 P;9~ -2,,'70 - .--Wheel -Diameter and P2mLnp Wights by 0. Schrew. GERM, per, Nis ache Rund- schau., Vol IVo 195% pp 561-566. INS=-=056 sci Aug 58 7o?, 9 S"(v wool supply for the Teztae ]Aft amm=73 by Ormz Gustmv=s Scbftm (im), Pa i= ftt Mr.. 238). GMWM,, perp Die Wirtedanp 3w" 1"Afts 9L 1959j, pp 11,9 12. MA/M S= OL05 mar - eermmw New Dkr 59 gag., ca I sr The Quentitative Separation of Neutral Amino Acids by Cbramtogmft, by G. Scbrams, J. Primosib - GMM, per, Bar Daut Chem'Gess Vol IMMy pp j13-386s 1943. ASLIA-M sci - Cbew A wgr r-, ad 'e0 ss~ 1 63-10626 SrJiranim Gerhard and Primosigh, Josef. ON 'T~n E SEPARA-11ON OF NEUTRAL 1. Schranva. G. AMINO ACIDS BY CHROIZIMFOGRAPHY. [1962] 15p. H. PrimosiLli, J. (fl.-s. omitted) 16 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-10626 Trans, of [Chemische] Bealchte (Germany) 1943, v. 76, p. 373-386. DESCRUYMRS: Separation. *Amino acids, Oaironia- wgrapldc analysis, Adsorption, Aliphatic compowids. Tlie chromatograpldc txTaration of neutral amino acids viaz succes6fully done by ruvo metboda: by adBorption on a~.ivatcxl charcoal, and Ly adsorption on aluminwn axidc in the presence of formaldehyde. (Author) (aiernistry-Analytical, TT, v. 10, no. 1) Angell, $d - Cbm (jet Applications of Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry XMI. Sepamtion of Meta Als With Ion Exchangers in the Pb= of Citrates, by* Olof Sa=elson, Lenmrt Lunden, Keratin Sc:hrwmp 6 pp. GMMN, Per, Z Anal Chem Sweet GermvW) 1953, vol CM, No 5j, pp 330-335- sLA 59-15168 zven"43 1.1 tb* ~,Vvnlo out of '~uLtehjuml Oonetractiafts for Vlag: 2110, and 37"0 in the by Q, Albroaht., and 4arl M A= 9 pp. par, 22=10 7. JVL 196d), pp. ?ftT-,9ts- , -av c F~:Gper~4 c o-, Becher., W. Scb-rar,-,'eA,, 20 pp. GMIA-17# pea?., Zcment-ImMt-'-,iqs, Vol 'all, Uo 1Gp. Oct 2.9553 pp 31,15-352. 3 L.A . INTo 235/19.56 S- si~~/ .3 3 s SclentMc - Chzmistry Ac tovios in and Its Ccmponento., by H. j?orf~T.,::h-J., Gerlbard Schram,, Uans H. Webers III pp. Min translatftu. (EILMn t fuer ftturrgvChwlM Vol Vb per., MM Zoits-chrif No 2,, 1950.~ pp 61-74. Scientific - Chemistry JIM 53 CM 62-20163 nm, Gtinter. -,3r_ IN irin DUST CONTENT OF THE AT- MOSPHERE DURING BLASTING THROUGH THE USE OF WATER SrENMIING. [1962] [191p. 23 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20163 Trans. of BergbaUEechnik (Germany) 1961, v. 11, no. 5, p. 260-265. DESCRIPTOR9: *Dusts, Reduction, *Wetting agents, Atmospheric pollution, Explosives, Detonation, ONUn- Ing engineering. literature in the A comprehensive survey is made of the field of water stemming both in Germany and in other countries. In the author's own experiments, aqueous solutions of wetting agent were used which had already given good results in combating dust in compressed air (Engineering- -Safety, TT, v. 9, no. 9) (over) 1. Schramm, G. Ofts cd Tackhal Seryk-n S614Wn.1 J. Zeitschrift Metallk-unde, vcl. 29, No. 7, 7 figures, 1900 worrls; 1937. On a New Phase in the Iron-Zinc System. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 1612, $2.35, X 1 C,r& 6 SCHRAMM., J. The Iron-Zince Constitution Diagrmn. ZEITSCHRIFT MetaUkunde, vol 30, 1938j. No 4. Pp 131-132; 900 words* Brutcher No 1613., $ /, 9-0 g ! 0,5- b -1 7h8 ZIM-on-lum and Zlm-Lentbmm Optems by JW=b E!~~ (Sftttgurt),, 3 pp. GEWM.g Ver Zelt fuer urw I in I VOL 1941, rp 3;6~- 92092M AW-Tr-5678 SOL - Mat & m" ;2 9 Jul 63 The Manganese-Zinc System From 0 to 50A Manganese, by Jakob Schrfu-mA-13 PP. 4 GM%N,, per, Zeitachrift fuer 14atallkunde,, Dee 19Y. B.L.A. Tr " 615/1955 Sci -P Hin/wr~ 0- 02 z/ -7 d, -7 / APr 1957 CTA/dex ;11 On the Isaitlon of Exp2wiveo by Ion and Elect-ion BOWX~~t; by Von MLrtmt MQI=mp W. Sabrank.'Brs, 5 pp. WMj per# Smturwlo -0 Val XZI., No 21/23p i=lp .v_- 279-5aa_ sm"I AM-mr-5706 Bel - M101 C-f. a~m 63 xn Process for tba m"Aftor pbowarawa Obaw Corrected War Fbmw with tAs Mp of Ca0z"a Mukep by & Sdumatm., and W. Punchalp 5 Gwmjp lats patent lb lamm SEA Tr bb-IWW 30kj4Tl+ Ila A WMU"I- bd&m t* tft OMMUM QWUXG Ot 09 modwo 1w No W* edwous -wa -10 D ML begamob W" 4# Mo% Ipp -IM31,500 ,Vw", K. W. Schranz 3MA33 8a - ar &r