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Dofe=ep by J. J. Sevizld.* 23- GAMN3 rptj, Was Jobar Umber don Uiftadmtz Vlasen Nub., Hael I to RV &11-a: 00 W., 513th 10 Oro lAj- PP 17-32,o 38, 46p $8-6L.. 90-92j. 209-U0, Acal 1-0401 ID 917,87ff Soc.. Ma Ifty 63 Detemination of the Degree of Dehydmti= of Gypsm in Cemw*., by J. Savkows J. %rcUki, J. Sulikovald. POLISH., per.* cement yg2g2 &We pp 99-104 no. 5, JL963. N2ZTA Sci - Tui. 67 Dehydration of ftwn During the Grinding of Cewmt, by J. Bavkov,, J. Sullkovski. POLMKj, per., Cement Wepw fts No 9.9 1963 NZDIA ~-T, 'Sq ,2 k tj LJ sci - Jul 6T 334,089 Action-of Chloroacetic Acid Upon Benzimid-azolone and Some of Its Derivatives, by L. Sawlewicz, 11. Kuraszkiewicz, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, Vol XX, No 6, 1963. OTS 63-11412/6 SFCSI Sci Jan 65 272,589 Sax, Karl 1. and Saari, Walfred S. N10MR13 OF POLYPHENYL ETHERS. [1962] 13p. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-14768 Trans. of description of Belgian patent application 573, 694 by N. V. De Baraaf she Petroleum Ma2Eschappij, 8 Dec 58 (priority U. S. appl. 701, 296 filed 12-9-57). DESCRIPTORS: OLubricants, Polymers, *Phenyl cthers, Ml=ures. 62-14769 1. Sax. 1'. 11. Snarl. W. 111. Patent (Belgitun) 573 694 C2047654 (Materials - -Lubri Icents, TT. v. 9. no. 4) vibi ni tectritil IM!11~i ce j (DC-3801) Masolution of the Wbrldng Committee of the Praja Socialist Party on Kerala, by Rajiv M Saxona, 15 pp. HMI.- 13p.. JalwVgy 5 -Tan 1958. im 11912 Near/Bast Africa India 7 V, poi Jan 62 Electrical lbaourawnts of SwU Variftlons in Atmospheric ftessures., by Leoubaft l5axerp 24 pp. GRWRj, per,, Wvatica TApice Actao Vol XVlIIj* No 7,r pp M-550. j a A// S.L.A. go 271/1956 3 Al Scientific - Oeogbysics The Iftal DistrIbutim of Sadl "Mrovaut'o ft= Unforgrwmd Mqgosloasp by Va. N. ffout ffc1"ajkvv.Gvlmm"vp V. A. Rns"figtop Zo 1, 0 Za%ldavw, 9 pp. - RMXAN, pm, Dak Ah Rank MR, Val CXZW, 1959, pp NA-317. AM/90.-T-SkO gel - Goopb" Ifty 59 P,7 10, The Adaptation of Electronic ond Telaccmiml- cations ITdymt for Operation in the U."iWicu, by Leqpold,~T~a U pp. COO, perp 8delovwL Techulkis., No Sto 19591 PP 332-334- MSTA 94AU/b Bc:L - MAetnmics Dee 6o / 5 !~ 5~ 71 Sam Considamtions an RmwUo Wave Prapagstion Uwaj& the Mraposphomg by J. A. 3ctonp 33 pp. rv-gqt" ';--, FR=Mp perj, L'Oode EUctrlv*;PFzw, p 505. 9 4 ~.~s, k I USMrA Tr 1235 Sol - zlwtron //o ~~ -~ 0 e ft 61 ~A~ 0.1 Ile P rat ~,,,er a IV7, maze vp nmft- A Yfeftod of the Meal-Cobdun D*Ooito Obtatmd UM TreatIM 1%ft*MJM 41rochtmde&U,vp ty )L G. ow lkm*2poj, A. G. ftngM et alp 5 pp. RusSIM, VW* Twvw Vol 11* no 9# 1061, pp PrIvary sw=eo Sol Jul 64 263,vr32 t' Q '447',t'--n U'adcr tba hation Of fl"A'01 W. 17y A. L. YZialazwtiy,, A. 0. OV, a4=,. A. Fmrkh ""I ryan, 5, pp FtWLV.t per, Mur Ob-tten Xhim,, V61.11MVIII, ft jxtjQ, 19582, pp 13-033-3257 Canaultants Butmau Sol rob 60 ftcactiGn of 1,3-Diclailorobutene-2 irlth looprime and Divinyl under the Influence 0,"'PeV-13- 1F.70 by A. L. - Klebanskiy, A. G. Sv4adysui, 10. G. Bmrkhudaryan,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per# Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol =111, No 4, 1958, pp 881-884. Consultants BurmQu Sai - Chem Jun 59 0 , im, -- nl,'4"t-a of the Xichanim, f Pallat!c ot 10-Diehlor-Obutene-2 in the Presence of r-~ -W I .r -,raftw nuztevzon catzvats. I ~ pby AG la6baArWyj Ao Go SM L-an and M. 0. 1, p Tp RUER51M,p perj Zhur Obehab XhIm., Vol X&'nl:f,. No -2-958, v-P 569'.,Iws consultanto Humau WaY 59 Study of Allergy in Accelerated ftVaccination With A BCG# by G. Gay!p - Are=&.% A. Degoy, 28 pp. nWCIJ., per, Arch Argent Padiatp Vol, XVII, No 3" pp 1-20. MA Tr 2515 Sc-i - Medicine Jan 58 Intea3ificatioa of the-Figbt Agaiust TUberculosis - on Economic Bsseoo 34 pp. by G. SQugo. HOsPitEa., 30., zrov 1946., Pp 729-754- MA Tr 2599 Sci - Medicine 'r 7, /V "; S Jan 58 Nuclear Reactions of HI& Energy Prcftno in Copperj, by N. M. Kocharlan., G., S. 846kien It. T. AVIzian,, Z. A. I(Irakoalan, A, S ifel 2 pp. RLIWIAN,, per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR,, Phyis See,, Vol CVII., NO 5 pp 668- Amer List of Ph" Sov Phys 'Doklady" Vol 1,, No 2 Bei Phys Aug 57 ThS RSfIAM PrOdUatIC41 at Antlbodles Wbm Antlgm are IntrodtweiL ifto the Isolated Spleans ty A. N. Oo=Uenko,, V. 1. Kioelev% B..A.: Bgrakows 6 ]PP. RUSSM., bks NmomMs smancomm., 1958. OW 6D.51069 PL-Wb Sol - Ned A&w - 61 PM So 3A I Me Possibility or Prodwing Antibo&-tes by Direct Contact of AnUgen With Cans, 6 pp. 2 XLectrc%9W"ologjc&l Fhsnmma in the Nawve rcajo;Ang ActlOn Or AntlgeM an the Mda Receptorem. ~3r'A- N. Gmdlenko.. V. I. - Umaem., B. A. Sapiwv, 6 pp. MOM, bkj Nu~ R%~d7AOIYS MIUMOSWA=2 Im. OTS 60-~ao6q FLAW Sci - Ned Amr 61 Mie Possibility of a Reflex MwJmmlovi Produoing Antibodies When Antigen Acts on Gda Rfteytors,, by A. N. Gordlenkop V. IT. Nisas"O B. A!__ 9 pp- WOMM, bk.. SamWe Rqplutsi7a 3huUnagimemp 1958- 070 60-51069 pLift &d - VIed N41 al ly Apr 61 PST So 224 Reflex Mec)v~dsm of Ant:Lbodtr Production PbUcwIM latracutp!:.ams AdmWatigation of Antigen With Subse- Tmnt -Awval of Antlam Dwpots by ~L N. Gordleako, a. ~;. Toynkslovsklys B. A. Sayakar,? Cpp- RMIANp Up Nmm=Wa ReWLIALWya Munwatnam.. 1958. 00 6D-51069 PLJ18D Sci - Had A3;r 61 POT So 12k Mange of Bioelectric Patentlals In U&"t and 6eation sensory Nerves After latracutamous AMnlatration of StsFWloeoccus and by A. N. Oord:LenkDj V. I. Elselava., Ia. ]We RUBSUN, bk., Nervneya R- maxweemem, 1958. Sol - Ned A ,pr 61 PW No 3.24 Changes In Bioelectric PotenUals of AtTermt Aftyes in Mmunized Animls aa Azktlepn AcU (m Skb2 P4vqVbora,, bar A. N. Gordtankom B. A.- 04"NW8 i. u. B=anrwv 6 pp WSSIM.. bk,, Normora lmmmqgmnm, 1958. ow. 60-5u)69 PL-mb Sol - Ned Apr COL PST No 124 The Fachanlam of Action of Antigen w Receptors of the Carotid-Sims In RenAm Pro&wtlcq2 o:r AutlbcxUea$ by A. N. Gardleako, V. 1. useleft., jB. 5 pp. MSM.. bk, Nwmaya Re~ay&tMya bawnaMesap 1958. oTs Cb-51o6q PWO Sol Med Ajw 61 POP go 324 Wthods of I003.atlng the Cwatld Mmus and Further Proof of Pten= Antlboitr Pro&urUan, bv A. N. Gordlenk V. Z. KLselem, B. A. SMakovs 3 PP- EMSSMJ. bk., &wvngao Remarftillym Immosmeza.. 1958- ow 60-53a9 PLAW ftl m Med r-oll 4r 61 P" No 194 Production of Antibodies - F*Ucwlng the Action of Antig on Vaoculw Rece 0 by A. N. Gordlemko., R. B. otors Tsynkw.a~., s. A. Sqyakovi, 3 PP. MMIAN, bk. Warm" FWVLly%twJ7m Innnogenemp 1958- ois 6o.%,o6g Sci - Wd I L 7-S 3 Alm TV'177 M No 124 MmpuUam In the Sensory 32rvaa to Reapp=at to stimiwaom or.the skin Recogwra o: mawaij;Qa Animla Wlth Antlgfts by A. N. Gordgeakop Do A.. Say.,dzv,, 1. No Bmdezievp 4.pp. RMI"', pm# p7a Zkow B101 I f0ed'v Vol nv-Txp NO CD Bel NOT 59 Changes in the bloelectric potentl'Ab of the cerebral cortex caused by datelan,, by B. A. Sayakov.. 4 pp. RUSSUN perp, Byul Eksper b1oll I Wado Vol 43o NO go 1957# PP& 44-We Consultants Bureau Sol - VAd JUn 58 lir 4p '0 //~I all ikri-e Riopo'WW-siralp on T~njaatioim of Antisem, by A. rt. Gord-,,;s-njm, v. X. rdseloval B. A. Sayalcov. v .to. :E Az~aipas a. B. zdy-owl Loot%mn. A. 1. Sgorov, 1. H. Bondarev a;a "~ !. magalina., 4 Pp. R==,, pr., S~ml Mowr Biol I Iked; Val XLVt Ho 49 ig5u,, pp ~6-98. Conoultanto bm"eau Sol - lied Now 58 EstImtIon of the Dose of Antijen ReipAmd to Prodnee AntibodIm Qp= Zsjecttm IW* tb* Carotld S1=9 by A. N. GotdyeWop U. L Athip4j, Be A* Sayakovp It. D.. T&YAUUM*## 4 pp. rmx4gs Pero, W", Ompor Zia 1 *61, VIOL XLYI.p No 70 195UP 40-%- - cmiataft Ikofta Sol - VAd Nw 59 (FDD 25589) - The Reflax Mechanism of the Elaboration of Antibodiev. Report 11, Derml and Vascular Reciptors as the InItUa Link In the Immoblological Reflex.. by A. N. GordVvbXOv R. R. Taynkolovskly'O jk - S*kOv' 8 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, By" Mwper D:Lol I Kedj, Vol MVIII, No 12. Moscow$ Dee 1954p pp 4548 CIA/FM/U-7693 USSR Bel - Kediclue; neuropbysiology Jam 56 Exneri.mcntal Verification Method for Calcuinting the by V. L. Vozn-;sr--rzkiy, 0. A. V. S. Sayakov, 5 P. of the Radimetric Rate of Photosyn','-n~le:!C~, Semikhatova., IMSIPIT. per, Fiziolog Rasteniy, Vol T!, Ho 3, 1959, PP 380- AnS Sci jan 6o tho WtwMisals at Vjpwtmaua* Alljoeman woft-twolos in Dmw and w4k u3vw& Af a AchievUs Amta vo X* no Be 213 boo=m 36-ZL4"iu 4 pp. it Pau tv NISOMp no per& as,& Vol xu# No 20 Fab 190., IV ZT-99. O=mltuox Dam .~Ig d fkd - Nealultie ', ?roL .1m . ......... .W-S OW/de:: Jda 1957 F-i RnarZy ZSpeatra and Nuclear interac-t.-ions of "-Vt-tt nIVOR I -U. Koch ai,:Y-an, 0 . 43 Sayak~,man, and Z. A. girakosyen, 10 pp. FWIM per Zttur Skeper i Teoret Fizp Vol IOXV, 11-, 6(1231, 195'9,, pp 1335~-i 349 Y, - Amer Inst of Mys Sov Mys - JIM vol v:En(35),, No 6 Sci - Phys Jim 59 Adaptive Lutomatic Control System for Obtaining A-luminim b7 the Bleatrolytic Process U~~i a comDuting Davice, by S. PA Sarkisyan, M. 14. Apababyan, P. S. . sayalwan, 5 rp. RUSSM, Per, AVtonqat i Teleme1rho Vol M, Do 6., 1960, pp 806-8U, L23tru SM or Amr Sci 2 "S _7 ,:Iu Sci Dcc k, A, 7 pp 6(-, 56z The Pathzcsy.olf Butter Yellov Introdu'Zod by veviiDun 1-b- tho-4 a into RaWbits p by Nazuo Kawn L,, Fia- io Venmra,, lchi-~o Tsklj, Yorhilo Sayam,,' li pps FUll tran3lation. jAPIKEEM, pars glnn, (The japawco joartal of Cancer Rescarch)p Vol 'U11I, P-0 2-3-Aj, Dec 1951, Up S~4-95. CIA1.F.DD1X--U7 e. .0cicutif ic Xedicine May 53 CTS Response Function of the Photographit., Adjacency Effect, by Kazuo SGVWag 1. MJMM=j perp Oyo Buteurls Vol. XXIMp SO 3, 19600 VIP SIA 60-18969 ~V'LL- I SCI /" -57 oj~ Apr 61 Opt-ical Ploise Falter, by Kp-zuo Saywnj,.,,i,. 24 1-:11. JAMMS-131 per, Oyo Butusuri, 1701 =11, No 10, -3-958;: -nn 623-'~32' sci j--u 6o Vol 2, NO 7 r1rae Muersiogy af-Clay-xinerais Of-Wocene -- - T-4 etonea of the Northwat Black Gtk I:bjtgi=,p bY V - s 3 RP FASSM., per Dak Ak kwk SM., Vol !=Vp No 5,, 1959., pp 1093-1096. AM Sci Jun 61 Tolcanle Ash Mm the Motlan Sedlunte of the MoULsvian SM I by A. 0. Omm:in.. 7. _- 11 4 pp. P~ I RUSSUN; pu., AX Mm* swo Vol =p volvt 195e.. PP 183- pr cmaultants Bureau Sai - Ge*" ~ I U/ / 3 -7o 2, on tlie- pr~ of tfwlgmk~dr- P--r--C-Mtxewd CycUndrical Concrom SUeWm an Rewwr Prentwe Tanks, by J. K LL 6% 19 (a GERMAN, pe 6i IV, 1 102 Em* -hEg pp 4&9-491. 9221918 AEC-Tr-6319 Sci-Nucl Sci May 64 257,486 Ca=68 of SUMM DDfQQU an BLLUU 83A4 Rolled secuo=v Ve F Xsqpws, 0. A. smirnam., iu7m. 11*~O ~ 3 W MmImi, 9"0 suls Ob 94, M90, VP MAC Bzu ScL . ' Awm4'%&W* Sr 5 LOM-GY Apr 60 /M YA:f' ConcerninE the Probabilities of Nonadiabatic Transitions I'lear the TurnLv? Po:bits.(T), by Yu. s. q!~Y!ks-.2y, 5 Y-P. FUSSIAPT, per, Zhur 1,2csper i Teoret Piz, Vol UVI, No 2, 10/64, pD 560-567. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-JETP Vol XIX, No 2 Sci sep 64 266,547 ScatterIM Theory In the lopLlw tpprxdmtlon,, by G. K. Ivanov,# YIA. a. 6qMMpy*-;3 ;9,. RLMSIMj, pw* Zhur EkvDw I Tooret ftmg Vol Xwo no 5,# 1963s im 1456-1W. Int of PIWB sov VMS - am Vol xvmo No sci jun 64 260..M The ProbablUty or Delastic AtcAdo CoUlaton In the Caos of Several. P*lnto ot Utersection (or Pocwjo-jut=ectjoo) or Toms.. bv M. A. Kozhusbners IU- So f~~4~ 5 Iwo =sm,9 W,, oytiku I spwrtm,, VoI IVp go 61 !~--6;- T34-142- optical. sm or Amm sci 4r :5heory of Moleculw Diecoolation by Neutrons: Malt ~M-ecUesj by Yu. S. SW~~n G. K. Iv--rov, 26 pD. MMIAS' papers, ProceedireG. of a 8~'Cponixa on tlw~ :;?rague.' Oetabor 24-270' 1960, Vol 1,, iv 25-39. 9099390 9 AM Tz-5152 Sci ~~s lb-a 62 i The a Vitw-4,144 ixkl(4 tvOrotwo NY ytu i~% 6wp--Jf. Theory of ~blecular Dissociation Induced by Neutrons. 1. Diatomic Moleculesp byp Yu..S. SapjM G. K. RussiAN, per,, 2aw EKsper i Teoret Pizo Vol ]Ms No 2p 1961,, ypp 513-5R3 AIP SOY Pbyo-JETP VOL XII18 No 2 Sel Aug 61 The Scattering of Faectrmagaetic Waves by an Idea Conducting Sphere iu an Inbcmereneous Nedi=j by Yu. S. Smasov, 6 3M. r=SI14N2 Vero M=w Takh Piz., Vol =2 No Sp 1961, pp 261,1yro. Alp Soviet F48 Vol V3:.- No 3 Sal Sep 61 Thoony of the Capture of Particles Into the Synchronous Regi-m of Acceleration Taking into .kcco?mt the N=conaervation of tho BTamtions of Motion, by Yu. S. Sayssov. V.K. Mell:Akov,8 13m. RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol M1, No 6, 1960, pp 656-665 AXP Sov Phys - Tel-h Phys Vol V, No 6 Soi 61 Blalibriin lo-rilzatlicn Generated by Dwit pmz-b- icles., by Yu. S. Sayazov, 4.pp, IMMSSIM,, per, Dok Ak NSuk SM, Vol CAMIj. 150 5; 1~58' pi848-851. consultants ]Mreau sci Dee 59 / 0'~ .11 00? ~/ on the ftewy of Comave Waftaum"o by Va. S. sayawo- unitsimp 7 VP- icu-ia4w, auffiew part MW Tkaft F"s Va ZOU36 lb 6, IVAv vp 1293-1300. Alm ast at r4p ftw nwo - VA" Va alo no 6 SOL - Fbyn rela 59 Diffusion of Aetive Centers vith Squami-Lor How- genecuis Chain TorminatIOD, IW Yu- S. sfwauov~j S. 6 py. MWIMp per, Dok Ak Nauk SM5, Vol =Mo No ljo 19M, PP- 130-133 Sci - Cbmm Jun 58 stmnig p3murbstionq of natuzial C.L/ 09cillmLions in.Bp~~-arly Cylindricnl Say-150V RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dole; A VaWt S-S"~Atp Vol. IX,; No P, 1953, pp i63-i66.. MrTr 78 L L 0,clentific - 171hysicru Accuracy Characteristics of Position Finding by Radar, by A. G. Sayt.el *,, 8 pp. ZC D RIMSIM, per, Iz VyushikhoUcheb taved,, KVO,, Baaotekh,, No 1958., Yp a4-2a. Adsi u-638o Sci - Electron jun 6o ContrIbutUm to the qmotim of the oftracteriffitic Of AOCMMF of Pooltlm FIXIM In stdio obw4ptimm by A. 0. SSO02.9j, 8 ppr tlw2s"Infids Re"Gummums Vol mmo 10 5* W 1957" Am imm-gri6ft "I 4lectrm &n 59 7 61-19845 Sayce, Leonard Alfred. FEED DRIVE [Vorschubantrieb] tr. by J. B. 18 Apr 61, 5p. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-19845 Trans. of German patent 937, 326 (add. to 897,035) cl. 49a, gr. 3/01, by National Research Development Corporation, London, patented 3 July 53, term of original pat. began 6 Dec 50, appl. announced 14 July 55, grant announced 8 Dec 55, pub. 5 Jan 56 (priority of application in Great Britain claimed from 3 July 52). DESCRIl`TORS: *Nuts (Mechanics), 'Screw threads, *Wood, Production, Diffraction gratings, *Mechanical drives A feed dnve is described for producing very precise spiral or helical lines, in which the thread of a leadl nut engages the ftead of a leading screw and the nut (Machinery, Fabrications and Accessory Equipment, TT, v. 6, no. 4) (over) 1. Title: Feed drive 2. Title: Spring nut 3. Title: Elder wood I .Sayce, L. A. l1. Patent (Germany) 937 326 111. Patent (Germany) 897 035, add. IV. Patent Office, Washington, D- C. Offic. of T~61-1 S-1... 7undaineatals of Padar, by A- G-. Svoyb~,-l A 02 D-a RUSSIPaN.. bk,; Osnovy Radiolalatsii, 1961, MID-TT-62~1215 Sci-Elect Apr -33 6; (EC-5S-O?-'J Your Son~s Futuxe in the Factory., by Satid. 6 ppe j nP: Akhir Salah; no 1388., 31 MmY 96-1 AMIC -YU-.q pp 14-15- ipm ii5o6 NE/A - Saudi Ambio J,?O, / 7 F 2 Soo jan 62 Sedimentary Stratigraphy and Palcogeography of the Bering Sea During the quaternnary Period, by kh. b(. Saydovas A* P. Usitsyn, S pp6 R=IAN, per, Dok A Hauk SWR, Vol CXXXIX. No S, 19619 pp 1221-1224a, AGU Sci C) Doe 62 The Quantitative Distribution of Faraminifera in the Sea of Okhotsk, by Eh,, M. Saydamp 6 pp. RMSIM.- per., Dok Ak Nmuk MM., Vol. CXrV, ao 6, M-my-jkxn 1957,v p 13ae- Consultants Bureau ftl - Geoptqsics Aug -r 2., Or. the Distribution in Depth of Foraminifera Deposits in the Sea of Okhotsk, b.,- M-i. M. Sa~dova. U of Washington Fisheries and Oceailograph~- Lib Microfiaia 68F3 oct 61 Long-Tem Results of BCG Vaceinationp by L. &we) 8 FMCH, per, Rev Tuberep Vol XV, 1951, Pp 1188-2293. SLA Tr 2596 Set - Medicine 5-7, 41-d,3__ Jan 58 (D0-3801/8)- Who Is Responsible for the Latest Breach im Negotiation B3tvaeu the Two Constltualt COMIttees of the Iraqi CO=Ullat Party, by D&Owl SuMho 3 PP- APA=, Ap (Ca0=1st), al4labdalt 15 i= 3.96o, Bagbdad,, pp 1, 8. JM 3151 NE/A - Iraq f Pol Apr 60 Structure, Composition and Properties of the Ice Cover of Sea and Fresh Watero, by B.A. Sayel'ev, 554 pp. RUSSIMN, per. Stroyeniye, Sostav I svoystva Ledyanogo Polrova Morskikh I Pret~n_ykh Vodoyenvov, 1963, ACSI-T-0570 FSTC-IIT-23-50-72 Jan 72 i On the-Chax-acteristics of Shock Occurring in 'Vounds of the Abdominal Cavity, by A. 1 - sayemko FrOSSIM4, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 12, Moscow, Dee 1957, 1-m- 17-23 us JPIRSM 36-5 Sci - Had Education Children to the Proper Attitude Wawexda Work, by G. F. Sayedito 6 pp. RUSS&My perp Mache-I'amya Mikolap No 3.. 1960- Tnterntl Arts & Bel Press Soviet Education Vol II.. NO USSR Soc sep 6o Early Products of Photosynthesis and MethoU for isolating Thm, b - G. K--Zapmk" pp. RMSIAN, peri Fiz Razteniy, vol vn.. no 5,, iqWp p.p 605,, 6o6. AIBS Sci 1,5 7/ , rre jul 61 Enzymatic Reduction of Carbcn Dioxide, by E. A~- Boychenko, G. N. Sayenko, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per$ Fiz Rastenlyo Vol VI, No 61 1959, pp 719-720. Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci Aug 60 -2 '5 Y- on s1fortnicus ym'u~~d il.1 on tho Dill Diviisiaa, Gecmtl of Uuln-adi"Itc'd Plan", y: TRU-Sslidf.. -cor,- Dio.ffz, Vol IV, 110 3, 1959: Sc 11 170q Apr r"0 Tbe FunciAcr--l Ro4lwe=ltlv:Lty of Mloroplasts,# A. U. Wifts OW CUg 0. 1. &%MLW# 6 FOSS=# pwo Bjaf!l 'vbi~xns, pp %k *W 59 Effseets ex &mxL--,on Insa-edetion an -the Ordorad Mory Fe3AIS by G. P.. Sgfemko$ 15 jZp. MMSIAN., papaw.. gymp*oivm on Wfecto of Nmt"u Rmissicm cm the Electric Restistami ot Cortaln lbtaoj, Vle=a,, 7-11 Iftr 2,4~,p sm-23106. gak-qp ?,o6,6fj-1 AW Mg,.5245 Scd - a" pb" Mn)%'ret oat 62 Effects of Neutron Irradiatiom. on the OTde-led Alloy FeSAI, by Gz F, ~syenkoj 21 gn. c---- RUSSI.M, paper, Simpozium Po ;"iatslonny-ig Povmzhdonlyam V Tvordykh Teloikh i Reaktornykh Matorialakh Mozbdunarodnoye Agentsrtvv Po Atomoy Energii, Venice, Italym Rpt No SM-25/87. 9678825 FM-IT-62-818 sci-min/met r7i S )3 Doe 62 On the 11;fluencO Of Acid and Alkali cia FCg Albumin, by B. A. Belitzer and Z, V. Sayenko, 8 pp. IRO. SIM, bimo per, Bickbim, Vol XXIIj. Ib 1, 2, Jan-Apr 1957., pp 274-282. Consultants Burmau Sci - Chemistry .kps. 58 61/ 6 7-Y on tbis Effect of Zw'xIa RaMaUait ca the N=oa mervow Systmp by V. 1. 8~~-Avg 16 OMMU=j, pew-, FIsIo3L 2bur, Thl V's, Wo.-g,, IM, - Pp 961-20. --- -Wmmv~ Sol - Bioloap N2d ft 59 for Cowle:r-i 'll's the 77:mnrp~ of a C07--iayund ir, pa-tional Kamen- r,-C-71re, -L::!ZO novy a2 by A. L. k, amdcli-rovaniy I;o 1, 1960, py, 3:112--!~L. orr- 4,~)3 nc ala Lion PRINCIPLES OF RADIO RANGING.. BY A. G. SAYGELs 87 PP- I------ RUSSIAN., BKj OSNOVY RADIOALIN04ETRII.. 1960. ACS I 1 -0970 ID 2191523 SCI-ELECTRON 13 AUG 62 :2o6,,26o The nature of the C02-receptors in photomynthemis, by A. M, Kuzin and G, N. Sayenko, 4 top. RUBSIM., pers Blofizika,, Vol 11j. go ~,, 1957,p vp 313-317. Pergemon Prees Sci - I*d Apr 58 4 /1 :3 /-1 /*'/ btucly of Ro~lztl= El-tvc-_ I . ~4 qlycol Fn-caphorous Acid --vvA Alky-L lLqlldeqp by M. 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