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Effect of Excessive &Al Moisture on Barley Plents at Various Periods of Their DOVelcilmeDt, by N. ff. Savitskaya, 3 PP. RUBSTAH, per, Dok Ak Nmik SSBR, Val CM:EII, NO 4, 1959, PP W-- Amer Thst of B191 Sci Sal, jul 6o / Iz .61 1~ /.a 4z I NP111111:1ifil IYRllu=2iQg= I] ut F p gyntbnla (if p4odxoxybenmenemWcWa Acid tivus IV N, Vo owdtdramp X. a. ab4b*lmp pp. Fm tr w0 pwo mm a3lbob mat Vol mvp Iro no 290S pp SOL -- Ommftt&7 Avg 56 00 The Derivatives of 8-Hydroxyquinolim und Their Ant1bacterical Action. 1. B-ArylM- wid 8!.Auwz R quinoliness 6 ppjAw M. V. Shchukinaf. V. Say, RMV,N,, mo perp Zhur Obabeh MAms, Vol xxito so 7j, Jul L952j, pp 1218-1223. Consultants Bureau USSR Scientific chemistry Feb 5.4 CTS Thoram-I Capacltj and Structure of 8121cate GUi301s* by V. V. Taraeov., Ya. S. Savita pv, HMSUN.7 tbr1ce-mo mer.. Dok Ak Hauk 65M. Vol TMW111 NO 6, 1953, P,-o 1019-10~i'-- cuftDA-i363 Scientific - Cbezdstry Tbe 140chlanism of Activity of Cartaln Atitiblotlas In Typbus. The Pathological Blatoloa 9f IZWr1m=brIl Tj-phw in Cxuluga ?4gs Mar Treatment with SintoorAn md Towcewcetins by Too P. Savltskm-.8 pp. RMM, mo per., Zhur RUm-obloli SpIdemlol. I bm=dblol Vol XKMV No 10 140OWWO jau 19%p pp 101-1050 CTAMD U-8M USSR Scl - Nedlelwa tnfts Formation of Solid Solutions in the Y20--SC20- System by Thermal Decompositian of Ytirlm Ella Scandium O~tslates.After Isomorphous Ccprecipitatioa by Ya. S. Saxitskaya., M. A. Gurevich, S. V. KalabukhoVC,-3-ji~~-. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Neorg Whim, Vol 1(j, No 10, ig6o, PP 230G-23o6. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci 16 ~? j If Sep 61 Machanism of ion R"henrp on Cerba.V.". Catir-m Exc!=Gaz Ma aq~skxwa.,- L.F Ypjjh=tovjj., B* P. in=.. 7 1 CITO per, VYzoko-,wl Soyedins Vol 1, 110 7.. 1959, pp 14-16-1421. pp Aug 61 (FDD 2:2151) Cancer flasep-rch and Treatmout in the USSR, by A. Suvitsk-J, E. A. BasID'V, 9 PP6 FW-CH, typed mos.. 23.. 29 Jul 1954. cTAA-6614 USSR trratmnt jlel"llj The Effea of Paroafty an the MecbmaW4 Properties Of CqWw and Cu-Al AHoy, by A. P.;jAvltdd Y,p Ot ale RUSSMN, per, _4 UMbft )cb ZmftfijjZ" No 5, 1964, pp 34-37. '$NASA TT F-9363 SCI-PhYB May 65 The Solvatioa of the Ferricenium Ion, by A. V. gg~y4j~q4~yj 4 pp. RUSSM,.per., Zhur obsh--h Rhim, Vol XXK, No 10, 1960A pp 3167-3170. CB Sci 171 7/1 .1 oct 61 To Be on the Alert, by 52yjta~~ RUSSIAN, np, Krasna-ya Zvezda, 14 nrov 1961. X FBIS Wire USSR Pol 20 Dec 61 Influence of Porosity on Ehe MechanIC&I VX%4ertles of',%Ieml Ceramic CoMer and Cu-,.-UAMoy, by .A. P. SavitaTdy, RU&SM, ~pM.-Tz V-ysshlkh Ucheb ZavW Flm ~o 5, 1964, pp 34-37. NASA TT F-9363 Sci,phys, M/M jun 65 282,571 The Influence of Impurities an the Temperature- Time Dependence of the Strength of Metals# by V, I, Betakhtins So Me Zhurkovs A. V. SavitWdy,, a PPO RUSSIAN, perj, Fis Metal L Ustallovs, Val X, No 3# 1960. pp 452-461. Pp 5- "::p/ Sol Sep 61 -!*rt::--f:~-,--,cc ~.- thf:, 'Vol IXTIO." Liu, '1077 3 (w-6o4i.). On the Early Recognition of Can,;,ir of the Lungs, by A. I. Savit lp 9 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Teraper Arkbirp Vol XXXIII,. No 1, 1961, pp 3-9. JM YA3 sci - I-Sed 1'!rnel' ve13 may 61 L -2Zr~-y Prabl=s in tho Sumipal Tmatmnt o2 Lung Czy-cerp by A. 1. -9-avit's)ZIxt ., 3 pp 08810., per.. Vo; .pmsy Oakologii, Vol Vj~ No 3, 1959., *pp 305-30T~ pargown Pross Feb (0 CayLcj~2r control in the WSR and the Imnd-1.11tc by A. L. Savitshiyj 8 pr No 30 perk. miruwal-a., Vol Marin., oct 62 all-W:WA44, !A16 or ctntuat )S*Itbtc idtb 11momal-mit I -of ~4etzl an a '!*salt of AboarbUon by Awro pp 5n~~Clal Tzpoo~~;Ov pbol a= a rdnatieg of the oqdd_ _ _tjon Of FerTocollm by Iodine, by A. V. Savitskty, Is - K. Syrkin, 4 j:P. RMSMS, per, -Dok - Ak Hauk SSM, Vol CU, Vo Is 1958, pp 119-1291. Conaultanto.Puresia Sci - ChGm 22/6/59 The Problem of the Mechanism of Fractwe of Solids., by S. N. Zhurkov.. A. V. Savitakiy.. 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXXIX, No 3.,, 19599 pp 91-- fter Inst of Phys Sov RWs-Dok-ladv vol iv, No 6 Sci jui 6o E~nnpirical Fox-mula for Calculation or DUsoiriatic'10, Energies of Organic A. V. Savltaldly$ 9 PP. RUSSIAN., per., Dok A"uk 688flj, Vol LMCM,, r!o 4. 1952,, pp 631.634. scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTSIDEX por, ~U[zbJk. -.0khotmitIA I�ggtSM Vol 15. 1963, pp 210-212. *%,'S~Tl TT 6a-50392 (71 Fab 68 Analyticn! Investir,-tion of the Oper-t-loi-i of a Dynanic Amplitude Modulation Suppressor, ty 13. 1. ssvit*k!YO 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Elektrosvpz', No JC,, 1962. AM S--j .3 X/01 9d 7 ft 63 Certaln ProbUm Immlving the Operation of a Ratio Detector., by B. 1- 15 P9. RUSSIAN., per,. MAktmavywl.. No 12,, 1960, PP 19-28- c~ b I 16- S 3 U3"lko Tk IM Sai - IMectron /4,01" If, _a Alr sep Q awmiur AUAygo by The x, ftyltdlyv Nis A* T~YWXA4 to-B* POWWOVSt-215 ]W# 1, VPG 3M# 219-406 ga-eMs. 255-97 6p p 3ce, 3D3-A -u"rr. 3os-33t. us= sel-" mar 66 297A7 Rhanium Alloys,, byg. M S& 2__--yitzkii. RUSSIM., bk,, Splavy Re", 1965. *CB CB has been Notified that JPRS has already Completed Parts of this. Apr 66 Palladium Alloys, by E, M, Savitskiky and M, A, Tylkina, et alg aussrAN, bk. SpUV- PAIWiZa. *CB I I Sept 66 Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Ithenium -- of Various Puritios, by H. M. S~avitskiy, G. E. Chuprikov, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tz Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdal Tokb Nauk Mt i Toplivo, No 6. 1962, pp 167-170, AEC-tr-5935 Sci-Chem Sep 63 Siz-,5 Opj-& HARDENING COPPER WITH FINE-DISPERSED PARTICLESO BY E. M. SAVITSKIYj A. I- VLASOVP 5 PP. RUSSIAN% PER TSVETNYYE METALLY, VOL lip NO 120 19611 PP 7p1. PS scl FEB 63 221..530 EOMKLXMNW&*KBSXOKXNNIXAKKNIXmwmt Melting Diagram and Some Properties of Hiobium Molybdenuxa-Tungsten Alloys, by E. M. Savitskiy, V. V. Baron, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Metall i Toplivo, No 2, 1962, pp lig-124. sic Sci Nov 62 216,479 Savitaw. E. M. and WON V. V. PROBLEWS IN THE DEVELOPMENT CF SWOR- CONDUCTD(G MATERIALS. hur64 OW" hm sic $15.00 Tram ol Akadmip Nauk SUR. bvesdyo6 Memall". Sip I Gorwo Dekk 1%3, am 1% p6 3-IL Tr-U-L2825 1. SavitaMi. E. 16L a. Sam V. V. M. Sdtmdnc fdomatica camullumm LOL I tmdbm (Evglm 6 2 9 4 Vbydm--SoW SUM. TT. V. 12. aM :0 phwL- rjieg,,,Em of a TungsUn-Mmnium System end tho Properties of Its Alloys, by 3. M Savitakly, III. A. E~,Ildna., L. L. Oblelakinm., 14 13p. --- RMTAI.. per, Iz Ak Hauk MR., Otdel Talk DT&aT;z Yffbal i Tollvo, No 33 9 1959, VP 99-107. ~~~ ABC Tr-5m Sci - Mn/Vatals 9 4? mw 62 19(:~ iij i Piiase Diagram of Alloys of the Systeni Magiesiiwa- lieodymium, by E. M. Savitskiy, V. F. Terekhova, I. A. Novikova, 8 pp. HMf*'A4c1!p= RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol III, MR flo 9, 1958, PP 2138-P142- AEC-tr-4457 PL-480 Sci m,ay 6 2 PST 379 193,434 pp- 62- L2601 Savitskii. E. THE INFLUFNCE OF TE.M?ERATURE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS AND ALLOYS, tr. by D. Sherby. 1961, 303p. 503 refs. 07def frorn Swnford University Press. Stanford. C11141. $9.03 Trana. of unidentified Russian mono., n. p.. n. d. DFSCRI~TORS: Temperature, Mechanical properties. *%Iezals, -AUoys, Blblic~graphy, Metallurgy,Da!or- mation, Szresses, Thermodynamics, Test equipment, Test methods, Crystal structure. Heating. Cooling. 1. so-'ritakil. E. M. 11. StinfordU. Press, Calif. 197303 (Metallurgy, TT, v. 7. no. 7) ProperUes oc Vanadium, Oo]3mitdxm =a mair Anop, by V. V. Sumt E. IL ! "t3l p 17 sp. MWIM., mwqwaj*t BMW48 wtow I. BOMWO 196D# Cbapter IM m0-20-4326 &d mar 6e /A.P., a ?.r VOL VJM., No 3 DimGz=3 Of cav! T-lit.-MAU'll- Cori= A-Upys, by E. M. Savitakiy, G. S. Bwkhanov, 21 pp. RUQI'SlUj, per,, Zhur Meorgan MJm, Vol 11, Do 11, 195T, pp 2609-262.6. Am-tr-4o6l PL-480 -Tun 61 PST 88 l4olybdenum-silicon-vanadium system, b3- E. M. Savitskii,, V. V., Baron, 6 pp,, RU..SSLUI, per, Zbur Neorgan Khim, No 5, 11962'. Pr.) -~ CS Sci A.? ~q -?l Y 1:5~ .hpr 63 Effect of alloying additiom on the electrical properties of the temomOU-LC palladiUlb-BilvOr alloy PdS-35. by N. L. Pravoverovo R. M. Savitskil. 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Kbim, No 6, 1962, pp 1336-1342. CS set j pe Apr 63 P! Fri I INN11,11,11f,virl I ma I 11 668 SAVITSKH E. M., TRAPEZNIKOV V. A. US-4 On the question of estimating the transition of chrome from the brittle state to the plastic state Issledovaniya po Zha-roprochnym Splava. , 2, 141-147 (1957) On loan, 60-16974 - English E u r a t o m ftre M5teas end AUOYO j by .8. X. SAXItOkUp 84 pp. Russlop rptp 1950- AM NP Tr-5W a sci - wn/mot my 61 /50/36/ pbase Diagxnw emil ontalu Pxoportles et AUAWn a the RLOIdUn-ko4bde==-~ten 413toMp b3r E. M. switaklys Vo V, B33=0 SIG W3=,p V=x - IZVftt Mad -VU& 6SRs OWo matS33uroas I TROVOR NO 9# 29wo pp ma-W-5-- sai - mt/~bt j0 A3pw 63 St-ructure andt Properties of Hioblumillin Alloys, by M. I. Agafonova, V. V. Baron, E. M. SavItskiYi.-7 PP- RIESIA-4, per, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Metpl ' Toplivo, Yo 5, 1959, pp 138-141. 9092532 MW A-158 Sci oct 61 / '// 'z 11 Structure and Properties of Nidbimm-Aluximm Allays v by V. V. Barcup R. M. Savitakiy, 7 vp- EMSIM., per., Zhur Newsm mAxi, Vol Vs No li, 1961, pp 182-183. MP B-179 gog2fe2 sci oat 61 Noodwzdm and Its AnWo With AlumbdAm-p by E. U. AvitpmxE F,. 0. Steponov, V. F. TamMwvas T PP- EMM.. per., Xz Ak Nauk SBOR, Otdol Tekh Nauk Metal I ftPUVD, No 1. 1960.. VP 73-78- loglo To& Publ sa Dw 6o B=biin ard -TJts Allcrya, by E. H. f3avitsk4r., et ',~L. ~?6 bqe Z~ bk, Maya of 1-w-c-a Notale., 1,06Cv Im 43-11-0v sci - minAeftels mrq 62 Lie. 64 A WM TZU U-2276 fif6 - M- 5a f4 ) 41e. Mechanical Properties and Recrystallization Diagram of Zirconium Iodide, by E. M. Sawitskiy, V. F. Terekhova, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Metallurg imeni A. A. Baikova, No 3, 1958. oTs 6o-51087 PL-48o Sci jun 62 197,654 PST 386 The Influence of Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Metals and Alloys., by E. M. Savitsk-j RUSSIAN, bk. NLL (no nunber given) Sci Apr 63 FWpavues of lAuwt4m-m=ilm ty E" mo~ _~~et gag RUPA =A j, A";=., 1L--,tMI107 I T03M IRMAO ibtallwiro no 93 19(b), pp M-,25. ]IB %89 scd - NLU/Mb Dw 40 .:Z / 7) 0 V4; Mechanical Properties of Silicon at Different Temperatures, by E. M. Savitskiy, V. R V. Baron, 4 RUSSIXI, per, Trudy Ist Inst Meta.11u:.,g imeni A. A. Baikova, No 3, 1958. oTs 6o-51087 PL-48o Sci jun 62 197,669 PST 8% 386 Pbysico-chemical Properties of the Rare-earth Notala, Scaudivm, and Yttrium by 3. K,_qWAUA4Z, V. F. Terekhma pp. 20 WSSIMv per, Uspukh Pis Nmk Vol LXXI:X, No 1-2. 1963. Amer lust, of Pbpi am Phis - uxpwdd Vol V1, IWO I Sci Ala 1 1/9, 0 Aug 63 Phase Diagrm of the Sirconitu --Rbealtu SYSUM, Air R. M. Savitaklyt K. A. PP RUSSTAN, per, Atom Mm%v Vbl Vnp SO 3t 1959s pp 231-235 co PhaGe Diagrana of the awl, Manganese-Zirconium Sysems, by E. M. Savitskiy, Ch. V. Kopetskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg Xhim, Val V, 190 K 1960, PP 24122-2434 - Clew,rer-Hum Preas Sci 7 Sep 61 'Ble Plasti.--ity of the Migh-Texperature Xod4l2icatiopo of Polymorphic Metals, by E. M, ch RD v - V. Icopetrikiy, 4 pp. RUSS:MT-4, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXXT,. NTO 50 1960, PP 1137-1139- C.13 sci i%mx- 61 Jit Lithilm AnOYSv by E~ 0t P. voi v. 1.961, T;er; tal pp -UASA TT F-~~370 I.,S4 s sci 22 u s C-,-!% 1 2. 0 19, Y Superplacticity of LS59-1 Brass Alloyed With Cer4.c,,. by E. M. SavitskiY3 U. K. Duisemaliyev, 3 pp RUSSIAN3 per, Dok Ak Nauk 55SR, Vol CIXXIp No 4, 1960., pp 817-819 AIP Sov Phys - Doklady Vol V, No 2 Sci 3 a-, 7 3 7 Nov 6o on tLe Interaction of Subgroup VIIA-Bleuieui,e; kiy Trransitio-:-, Metals, by 11. 11. Ageyev, Ch. V, Nopetu- 7~ '~'Ih- RUISSI"j, peer, Dok Ak Natili SSSR, Vol C,QUX., NO 3A I.Qr-O: pp 5'~n-562. CD Sci oct 6o, The Influence of Temperature on the Mechanica.1 Properties of Metals and Alloys, by E. M. Savitsky, 303 pp. RUSSIAN, bk. Stanford Univ. Press Sci Feb 62 The Problem of Rare BaJowth Metals., by B..M. Savitskii) 9 pp. 0 RLMM., per, tietal i Term Obra Pletallovy No 9-10) 1961, pp 19-32. Acta lvhtalli=gica Sci may 64 2589535 V11411 ,I lFl I f~lr IIF" -1. lave stigatbion of -,be Stiucture and Physsicc- M.ecbanical Cb-n-racteristics of tll-- AIJ.OYB of Cobaltp V m-n-dium and HiGbiam, by E'. 11. :Vi- ki, V. Baron, 6 1M. RUSSIAN-, bk, Trudy last Metal impaill ." I L' . . BsyRova M_Gt Metalloved Flz Malin matoe,zy issi.cdov, No 5. 1c)60, RD -i.96,tft. 9671496 FT'D IVCL-1052/~_'. sci - IUu/Y_-:~tal; Chem r~j --I ~. -, ET?ect of Certain Lese Ca=oa Alloying Elemeats on the Mecbpnical Properties of Ti-on-Alwniuum A -3 1--- 1- -- d%-% 4,Y Op V.V m. cavit==7, ctu a-' R==.', per, Metal Termicheakaya Gbrm Metal-lov, No 3, 1959, P-D 38-43- HB 4543 Scl - lfdn/%,L-t Dee 59 RMUUp PWs AvtmobJL1 PV=p so UP 1959P 38- 390 AC131 R-5W -T-P Blur - Pol=d AVr 60 Rare MetALU and A3.1Loysp-'.y Savltoldyp 101 pp R-LTSSIM# bkp Redkle 16staUy A Splavyt 1959v 84 pp. AM= MM-IA5/111 SPI min/y," Oct 60 016,91" 6MLIt aw vAw, Lose %.Rm 3WIMM W AWMAMW AM AIMB'FW AWIM Ownrw aw -a 4Miai-Avs,'" '3A OMW!,tj a# MMW A No, in Discussion of FmP=Sj T. V. Taguriorva, M. V. ClIlukhrov, Ye., M. Savitsidy. 14. As T77)dva" V. u. Yeramanko-, 4-4 pp, UMML. WXZIM11, per, Zhur Heorgan Kvi:Ur,, Val 11' yo 3, V=r 1958P PP 815-839 . 'C 'K Ll MIC r-TS-9510 Sai - Chem Jull 59 Phase Diagrams on Properties of AllcWS of Gelliun and Thanium., by Te. M. Savitb)4~rA V. Va Mron, M. A* 1 UNCL. RUBSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg%~Khiup Vol IlXv No 3,,. Mar 1958 w 763-77 C,/// ATIC F-W-9531/7 Sci - Chem Jul 59 Fbase Diagrams of Alloya of L=thanu-- with Carium, and Lanthanum vith Calcium, by _P.5~_Mo SavitakiX, V. Fo Terekhow.j, 12 PPi, Aki. RMIM, per, Zhur Neorgan Xhimi Vol 111p I A70 Her 1958, PP 756-762. C 1A (o r1 ?/,0 6 - ATIC F-TS-9531/7 Sci Chem Jul 59 rA Rserystanlwtlon Dia&avm of TiuUl* 'by' . M. savitakly., at al. MWIM,. pw., Dok A Ikuk SMj Val CIMIp No lo,, 190jo py 720-7M - HOW-7 Brutcber 4hog $3.0 ftl - Cbm im 59 xy" 47~1 7z, V-31 V, ro 1958, Consulzmt,; -,~UVVILII f 3 60 e-, ol TTO RecrystalLization Diagram a Rbeijk=j by x M-fc~ C-Mltto'kly, M. A. PCr a, RUSSIAN, perj, Dolt Ak llauk BSSR, Vol CXLKJ NO 9, 1958, pp 274-- Amer Tzst of Fbys Sov Phyj - Doklady Vol M, No 2 Sci - Phys JUL 59 Mechanical properties and Recrystallization Diagram or Iodide Zirconium) bylE. M. Savitskiy, V. F. Terekhovap 14 PP. RUSSIANO pe.-, Trudy Inst Met Imeni A. A. Baikova, No 3, 1956, PP !&-190. Aw Tr-4093 Sci - Phys eo Aug 0 ln:f luence off the A3.loyiug Additions (IV the RecrystaUization Temperature and tb, M24hanical Properties off Titanium, by Ye. M. AaLl&.gh;jys M. A. Tylkinal 1. A. ToMnovao 10 p-p. RUSSLAS, per, Ix Ak Nauk SMj, Otdel Tekh lffsi*, 140 3P 1918o PP 96-103. P26= Sci mmy 61 IUVCStlgatlM lUtO BDCryatAaUZVfULM CC RL01)!UM and ZU ALUwos by Ye. m. Sa4takLys V. V. Barm K. N. lvmova$ at a:Lj, 3.1 MSSWO pars Uzbeft~ Fiz nmr~, Val 1. 3to Us IV 38-4.5- 966Daa AM =-148/1m Sai - Chem Apr 61 '700 Welecom 4M3D8 physimi-cheizical propeAles and Flows of Avpu- V catim of mm Neu" as so ju -41MAU's maamp PM2 owa mouvowt pp 2-13. 5=7 Mmtobar 4.1113 *W.6* Bel - KLU/Xtt Ifty 59 PC 7 Relative Efficiencies of Silicon-Coppar and Silicon- Nickel Alloys in the Direct Syntpesis of Claoroviny- .L- istLmes,v by K.F. 6boetmkovskyjYB-*- ikv1ts)fyp D.A. Xoebkin$ L.Y. lbeatovas 3/fPP- RUWIM, per, Is Ak Nauk SMp Otdel XMM Naults No 12p 1957, PP 1493-1495- consultants BLU"m act - Cbms My 59 Piecryo-idallization Dicaram for ~k)lybdcwm, by E, VA. Sa vitsk iY et al. RUSSIP11, per, Do% &k Wauk SSSR, Vol CTI-11; No 1957., 9P 1070-1072. Henry Brutchor it A-I-e $1-65 Jun- 58 The Machanical Propertles of Cast Maaiump by YE. M. Savitakiy, No A. 7~ylkinas, 5 Vj). RUSSIM., per., TTWy IvAt VAt imni it, A, Batkavs,, Patt 1, 1957j, pp 158-i6l. Sci AL~A-lr AEC Tr 3221 Sep 58 ", ?' -V 6 Recrystullization Diagmu Rf , Zirconium,v byll'.. M. Sg'vlltGxrp 10didO . (process I V. F. Terehhovup 4 pp. RUSS,", per'. Dok Ak Naukp SM., Vol CXllp Flb 2jp 1957a Rp 276-278- Sci - Chemistry Jul 58 Conmatrif, bur" 6,7J7 A Sb2dy 02 the MochaniCal YrOPOTIAW mad m plotting the Dia&-m of the FecrptaUA- zation of Cbrcmj, by Ye. H. Swiftakiy., V. IN TWekbova0A 13P. V FIUSSVJP awv ISOI vwdvm po mmwoobvm BPIQV=e Vol 11P 1957P PP 148-1.57. gay Vol T;O 8 Oa the QUeBtiOn e, &timating the T=zwitiom af Comm Frm the Brittle State tA.) tb~ Plas-b:Lr, State,, by Ye6 M. EavitaldYj V. A. Txupezulkovp 8 pp ------ 'RUSSIMs bk. Imiledowmiya po Zb"X=OkMM '701 334 3-957s PP 141-147- - MA 60-1.6974 SI-A Vol IV3 No 8 ? f 2 jun 62 Recrystallization Diagram fur Iodide Titanium, b~E. H. Savitskiy,, et al. RUSSIAN., per$ Dok Ak Nauk SSSH, Vol CIo go 5,, 1955, pp 857-859. " ? XO 11rutcber Tr 3556 ,P?3/ $2.65 Scientific - Min/Metals Aut, 55 CTS Influence of rbe=eratuie on the Machmaical l)-roperties, by~i: M. Savitskly., V. F. Tem~Jlao-,-.-.., 8 pp. R=IAN, per, 10~ Redk Plems, Vol Vp No 2j, 1955,,,,pp 156-16o. srA IR-).784 Sci Aus 58 TIm =act of Ttmpamture on the a-trerSth ag Brittle Jbtal I q 1 1 t. i- m -- - p br V. V. Sam% ~R* X. Savitaklys 0 pp. RUSSUN, tbrleo-mo per* Bok Ak Miuk B=,, Vol XCIVO 29%10 pp WOOM6 ABC Tr 91494 Sci - ftales W J~a ady UOJ;'4STAY - AZnTM ism Ul4f E69 *" AV 9'&6LTa VID ~65-L6T-Tn 04 Tcua s%6-E dilS V 'OTa Ofi OWBQAZ MA=iMJX 'dim IMME (mrassn-m -dd 41 dtffi~v 9 a A eEi~ -tevm j0 ftpr;wl qftojoq.T Mechanical Proport4jes of Alloys of the 14%pec4m Cadmium Systemp byA. H. Savit.* ParQ6,15 PP. RWSM., b1mo perp Iz Ak Haul* SSSR, Dtdol EbIm Diank No 3o May-Jun 1952p pp 392-397. Cowultwits Bureau USSR SdIentific - Chemistry mx 51P am/= c;7- -77T7. Plasticity of High-Temperature Uodificaiions~of Poly- morphous Iletals, -byjE. 11. -2zwWdwkw, SavitsIdy. V~NCLASSI- FIED RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR, Vol LXXiI:[,, No 5, 1950. NaVY Tr 976/11M 328 Jan cts pp 945-947 -2 73 fl- ka 3/ 16 pp. U MW A* smi2tdily., ?:5" bkg w2mftftw-a= 1962i Vo- 70-M. JPBS 330 MW 0, // =~q)/ /, /S~/ X/ ftl4glwtvonlcs Ift 66 "sp6m