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Studying the Proparbies of AILVs 0 the Nioblua-Bllicon-Sys bX_9Ak-T*-Osa=owwv, V. Be NeWspWs V. A. Yer*mkom. RWMM P~r, ZbAW NCO= MUs.VCPL IMIS, 140 40 aW rg,56, 99 wEar" A= F-=-"/v sci - Chen Aug 59 9valustlen of Reports: Pfts-Cm, F="rtles of Bor*n4ULvb= AUWsO by Go V, Squawyp No No ZhuMvIAwj, I* Go Amol MWW' Of the "%Ntsn-Box= arste" by 09 V,,. sonov; systasm of Titanium. BOVIAO With Mytou of the Fe GrovVes by 6. V... Bmftvxw,,. Lw, pp. UNCL R0301M, part Zhw name Ofts Vol I=.. No ho ftw 1958P PP 8474%0- mw Bel - Man Aug 59 The Preparation and Certaln Properties of Silicon Nitridep by V. F. Funks,, 0. V. S=aow 5 PP. RUSSDN,o rp Zhur Cbshch Xhimj, Vol MUIp No I., 1958., PP ~97-271- Consultants Bureau Sci - Cbem Apr 59 6, -~-urz of Interaction B--tueen Titanium Boride: and the -7-n-n-Group Nntrila , by G. V f9srasonov. RM-SLIN, pe.-, He-tallovedeciyo i O'brabotlka 34olumllov, Ho it 1958, 35-38. $3.4o sci Ml Prospects for Using Refractory Compounds in the, Cbemical Industry, by 0. V. Ba=onovj 18 pl). RUSSIAN., per, Kbim Nauka L Prom,, No 6. 1958, pi) 807-811. ATIC MM-265/1 USSR Econ / 9'~Z" 57'11"~'z Dec 6o Physicochemical Prcpe~Olee of - Albowein, by 0 - V - Samsomov,, L. V. DmitrLeako., A. G. Strotap M. P --=vgzFr-ik.Qv& , a - F - - lov"at 1616- 0- 4 pp - RUSSUNi perp BiokhImp Vol XXIIIv So f?,, 1958,1 pp 220-224. consultants BUTMU Sci - Chem 7f, 3~~4 J" 59 o-? trmixm N=oi;tQ9ld)., by 0. W. .sa=anavo El. ;a.. popam., L, 1. T:Llrhmi:-.ovaj i~ -pp- -- RUMUNp rAr., Zhur FrJk Mums Vol 1321p Zo 2.j 1958, vp 153-3-57. COVAUlt=tA) B=mu oci - Chm g -//, 11,3 bhr 59 The Present State of Research,cu the Pbase Didgram of the Boron-Carbon System.. by G. 7 PP. HUISSIM,, per., Zh= fts Xhic, Vol XXXII.. Ito 10j 1954, py 2424-2429. ATS 55L31H Sol . Coemistry NOV 59 Certain Theoretical Prerequisites on the Construction of Metal-Like Refractories, by G. V. gamsonov, V. S. Neshpor, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, perg Inzhenerno-Piz ZhuT, Vol I, .40 8, 19S8. pp 30-38. 9683ISS FTD-Tr-62-1941 sci-Phys Jun 63 .2 J?-Z 5z P$4 Certain rmpwtaut rlelds of UtiUsing CmyoundW of Roxe Eu-tb XLements, by G.Va--Oamoomy. RUSS=# lwj, Zmetaya Notaalys. No 2p 1959j, pp 58-59. 9661M. AT= NCL 139/1 Sci - Min/Met 15-:57 -7-6 6 Jun 61 5w The Pxoductim and Certain Properties af m, Borid~- al" Eafnim, by J. B. Faderno, T.. YJ. SerQbrivkova~ G. V. Sam onov. ............ .I1~ MSIM, rer, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol =111,, No 3..*1." 1~59, r~,-D 48-51. AM TrAO30 Sal - 14in/matols ILV 60 -71 Alloys of the Boron Carbid-molybdamn Disilicide Systemp by H. Samsowv. RUSSIAN, per., Aksdf%mlya NMX UkrmLaalwi SSR. Dopovidl, No 8, 1959, p1) dbt;-W'ff-- CSIRO/No. 7232 sci Jul 67 334j,346 (DC 4440 The Co.=untcations of Heroic Stalingrad.. by L. F. S-=ncr.o,,. 7 PP- RUSSI". per,, Vestnik Stryazi, No 11, 1947, pp 19-21. im 62-m USSR F.Con Sci - Electron Nov 60 The Trade 01' the Soviat Uaion with the Socialist Countries of Asiap by N. Sausomm, MAO$ no per# Vn**bzMu Torgov4jL, No 11v Moscow# Nov 1959p PP 10-15. USSH CW PW s= -Svo Economics - Foraign Traft7-r RaonamA Progms and 0--01 i of P=04P zamae~c p"Clatimm at North Kormo by X. samonwj 15 Joe RMUNP rwi vbedmma foraft4as w 90 1958, pp -13. AM.&T". am,* sum qlvt 7 Ana 59 Soviet &= Gravineter B33,, by U, B. AbelelEfv,, B. A. Andrayev, B. S. Golambp N. N. Samonavp 46 IT. GMM,p photw"t" 1954. ATIC F-TS-10026/III Sci - Engineering Mar 1957 CTS 151f Concerning Certain Factors That Determine the, ElectrIcal Prop*rties of the Lead AzeumiLlator, by tP. D. Samaonov, R. 0. Kuznetzova.. 45 TP- RUSSIM, Per, Zhur Prik Xhim, 1941, Vol XIVj pp 317-334. SLA 59-10133 Sci Nov 59 Vol 2, No 3 ~70~ Noa Vaa.-IlzrAtz of Dysentery Bac" in. Tashkent,, loy P. F, 5 M, 17. P:P. 'Ea~ HISSUN, per, 22mr MIJ,--obial Widersiol Mzmmobiol., vo--, xxxi 'y 4o 6, 3.96o_. pp 52-57 -7 63- Principles of Adeorptiou amd lou-8=10ow Chromtogm9by of Aalm Aclda# Pept ies Proteimmj, aud Carbobydrates,# by S.. 1. Lmao*.,. 46 PPO RUSSIAN, perp VsWkh Saw Blots Vol XXXV# So 21, 1953,, VV 168-2W- -lie Bel Tr center 'A 0 rl AM ET-1949 Sclentif ic - Cbemletry, Bloloa var 5 5 CTS Pismo Ptess Ranfflmk CC abo-lop is .1 -1 it xaterlm"* fk.4 ~ PrqPWU" Inl=- 196ko 430~19- by -. V. SamsMOM. WMIUS mm. TIMI'vlawme soomIgms mt 130 ovolstvm I 39b3a NIP as Aug 2964 Noy 65 ;49- X-Ray ISUBy of T18i and Tide. Crywt-ml Etxlwtump VY N. Ageovo V. B=Onov 3 PP. RWSMH., "tbwlce-= pm., Dok Ak Sauk WMj, Vol CXXI; No 5, -pp 853-855. cowultants Bareau sot - aw'doo Dec 57 , of a Blooding Ulcer ;Uoh Sub- m,3. p-j FT jail 61 (NY-7o4o) ATHEROSCLEROSIS AS REFLECTED IN THE AUTOPSY DATA OF PETROZAVODSK, BY V. A. SANSONOV, 10 PP. RUSSIAN,, PER ARKHIV PATOLOG, VOL XXIV, NO 2, 1962, PP 37-42. JPRS 1364o SCI - MED MAY 062 193,307 The Azimuthal and Geographic Distribution of Auroral Rays Revealed by Data for the Yakutsk Network of Stations, by V. P. Samsonov, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Vol HI, No 2, 1963, pp 246-251. AGU Sci May 64 258,511 The Effect of Pulsating-Light Sources on the Electrical Activity of the Human Brain, by V. A Ullyanok, V. G. Samsonova. RUSSIAN, per, Svetotekhnika USSR, vol v, 1963, pp m1-5. 9696854 (~ L. DDC RSIC-298 1~ Sci - Phys may 65 279j,599 The Clinima ana lbrph4agml Ficturo of Iftdis- stima SwcowsO by T* A. 3 RMBIM., per Voproay ftk*looym iral ITO No 1" -1900 vp Perpman xast Sai - Mod Apr X-ray Invactigation Or the Crystal Strwturm of TitwAum Bilicides and Gen=M," p by 0. V. Ageov, V. P. Samonovf RtM.T.Mi, per., Zhur Neorg Xhim, Vol. V, No 7t 1959.. pp 1590-1596. Umver-Mme Press Ltd. Lon4on Bei - Chem jan 6o Oil antl Gais, Prospects In the Seleqgfn Depression in the L%ht Of gyftw~0151091C Research, by V. V. ~~C~n~v '7. op. SMIAN, perj, Geot Neftl I Gaza, Vol M., No &A,, 19"0 pp Sol Apr 61 (ITT, 2274' 52) Ttfbelemo. SuperhetervOyne Receiver, by F. Sa-Aydjov., ixx. samonov,#' 6 pp. no 6 RU3SnN:p mo 3;erp Radi Mmeaw, Tua 1.9.55, pp 26., P-T. CTA/-f?DD IMSR J lan 4ad Sp0Ct=qb0t,-WtrY uf PrOUUM: IUU .-~na ita cL-tvoum=s by Po Yu srusonm MWIARI Var., W-)e2aw-. am !a to lb 7., lg&, Tp i.3-ni COMO/No 7206 YC.' S111,712SOW6141, Goi - jut 67 334,526 P-1 Ila VIn 1 Ulsp VOI XX 140 ).-2p FLj,-. 1701 111 WAM "m in in momm or, a W. a. &4mk:. 47 .00. RUMANO m0 urms fit MKO LM4 NO La, 1,463s, YP 9340- K, tural Tlt~raemiu Foci of the Ravinew-stoppe e; by V. F-Borodin.. 1q. A. SIRitaNn, A. F. M A. Pe Xoroleva,, V. P. Chunlkbin,7 P- RUSOIAN,, pers Zhur MikmbLal AP~01 I lmmmb:tolj- Vol XXX, NO 3, 1959m PP 354.0. Fargam= Pftse Sol Hantmonova., Apr 6o P.? Evaluation of +Jm- Ulathod for Accelemb-3d Dicgmordn of Nlaremim in Animalap by A. P. Samocnavu., V,. P. Borodin., Z -Q M. laopova, RUSSM., per, Zhu Mikrabiol TF'-idemJDI i Immimobiol,, Vol XXXj, 110 32 1959s PP 26-ig.'CT.A cm)42891 Oct 59 Aa,F I lits HIM at t-ho-AUMIMM lot XINO*m AM8 - - MW OftUlftM Ct Xkog*** The abawl of omma chmalow at A* =ml v4d go 10& Mt 2M w IMw 2M otm p =71, COMWIM"o am"s Cowv i~~f i~, !.,Dfl -ji, 3eliz;y! AICO"hol O'n Gluv)17i-ne,~ by I. Samsonov--t. Ploshiria, !3- RUSSLAII, -par, Zbur Obsbch Kbim, Vol -OCIX., NO 7, 1959, P"r-, 2275-2277. CD Sci Aug 6o Ckstaytda AIkjUtIM or ft=4. V:Ltb :100 A10"j, by mg V. swomams ze is Gump-Awl mwnks MMUNO ywo Ow am&* Xhimp Val XKM No 329 wo py 3IC9-aM. Sol W.Cbm Ibr 59 ~-,tarlytle Condensation of Alcohola With Ketonels. X. z-adennation of Metbanol With Acetone# by Do So gov and 1. fi, ~~Ymp pp, translation mo perp I 1=1, so 4t SR. Apr 1952,, pp mr6 n COUSUltAWtO BM2U ~,Cgeatific - Chemistry Dec 53 75117 .Lbe Syntheals and the PolymerizabIlitr of'Bins Ealogenated Derivatives of Stymnep' SyntheSIS Of hing-Pichlorinated Styreneej, by RX, Notorip XN 1.9, B=onovaa and FeS. Florinsky, 2 pp. ~~all translation. RUSSIAN,, zo per, Zhur Obsbeh 10xinjo Vol, XXXIs NO 3A, Tim,, Hir 1951; W-491. Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTS eataLvtic Alkylation of ftenol With blethyl Alcohol., by 1. N. Samsonova., 3 pp. RUSSL4xj, per,, Zhur Obahch Xhim., Vol rAVII, No 10j. 1957,, PP 26W-2699.- - Consultants Dureuu Sci - Chem Jan 59 ;7f Ca.t.-alytic Condenantlon of Alcbbalp VItb Xatozea.. Er CoudensatIon of Metbasol WIth kert4l Ethyl lp~atolaov Ethlyl-AICC.hol'WIth ftatodOp and Acetwe With Acetylacetams by B. N. Dalpw dad 1* 2. Sanowunp 3 pp. Full treaslation ROSUR, mo per,.Zhim Q4qkqt Val 3710 no k 1952, USSIR, Ayr it. Cowultants Ekul~au ScientIfLc - Chemistry Doc 53 CTS ;75,e..,0 Me Hational-Liberatim Strugae of Ute ?4oplw of Centi-al America; by N. Smsowv!12 RLESIA17, per, KiimvWa Ehonomillca. I Msuhdivarodn:rm Otnosheniya, Uo 10, 1960, pq 89-92. FM X-4537 poi Jan 61 -4--% Autivity ow laflua= 4r strwtum cm tu a and of sats"em, paympils try B. A. DogadkLuv A. T* DabrovalMs. 0- mmaatw:b T4 ]W:0 lb 20 19N0 2MA97. W- Cbm 59 4q!? 442-1 Hol-niquistite From Tuva, by N. S ~ 4 pp - RIMOSTAN, per, Dolk Ak Nauk SWR, Vol CMI'll I No 4, 19603 pp 907-910. AGI / ,/ 611, 9 Y c Sci Au$1 Sa T I Fft-89IN'TR's, STRUCTURALES ET MACANIQUES DES SOLUTIONS DITHY LC EL LULOSE (Strukturno-Kiekha - nicheskie Svoistva Rastvorov Etiltsellyulozy) (Struc- tural and Mechanical Properties of Ethyl Cellulose Solutions). 18p. (foreign text included) l8refs. CNRS- Vill 127. Order from OTS. ETC or CNRS $0.80 Tr-62-28599 Trans. in French of Vysokomolckulyarnye Soedineniya (USSR), 19EI-,v.3, no.7, p.1065-1071. DESCRIPTORS: 'Cellulose, Polymers, Solutions, *Mechanical properties, *Ethyl cellulose 71' 62-28599 1. Samsonova, T.I. 11. CNRS -VI 11 127 111. Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique, Paris (Chemistry- -Physical, 17, v. 11, no. 9) Cff~.4 C-v- T-dt~. C.~ Solutions of Cellulose in Cadmium-Ethylened-Imine Camplem,, by L. S. Bolotmikova., T. 1~ Swmazova; 4 pp MJSSMI$ per., Zhur Prik M2imp Vol XMV,, No 3p 1961 pp 659-662 ell Set Feb 62 mm"Stuptim or the atnptt SP m -- Fibludmi P"Putles or %)d0" S"Uma and the ZMat of OdA&tUn -as *me mrqpwtuso by L. li ZWmov9M*=ShWap R03ILDIV rwo NoUdIA ZbWs VbL XZ4 lb &Ws Sol 0. cam abn Changes in Acuity of Visual Discrimination During Interaction of a Sequence of Conditioned Reactions Successively Elaborated in an Adult .4an Report I Significance of Elaboration of a Sequence of Simi- lar Motor Reactions in Visual Discrimination of Conditioned Stimuli, by V. G. Samsonova, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Instituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatell- nosti Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958. OTS 61-31019 PL-480 (PST 540) Sci - 215,311 Nov 62 Changes in Acuity of Visual Discrimination During Interaction of a Sequence of Conditioned Reactions Successively Elaborated in an Adult Man, Report 2 Characteristics of Differentiation of a Stimulus in the Presence of One or Three Positive Conditioned Reactions, by V. G. Samsonova. 6 pp. RUSSIAN', bk, Trudy Instituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatellnosti Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958. OTS 61-31019 PL-480 Sci - Nov 62 PST 540 215,312 The rormation of (Graduated Motor Condit"ioned React-ions in Man and Their Importance for the Analysis of Visual StuiRmulations, by V. G. Samsonova, u pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vyssbey Narv DeyzLtel imeni 1. P. Pn:vlova, Vol XI, No 3, 1961, pp 402-1M. pp Sci jun 62 198,945 Die Elaboration of a Compound Motor Stero- type and the replacement of one Component by the Crther in Relation to the Accuracy of Visual Analysis, by V. G. Samsonova, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatel imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol IX, No 2, 1959, PP 175-183. PP Sci 195,053 may 62 Changes in Bioelectric Ctwrtmts of the lbmm Bralu Wring the Actlcm of Omplex F#ftbuic LI&t Stimll, by V. G. Smx=ava, V. A. 11-Yanok., 3 PP. . ..... MWTJM., pery Dok Ak Nauk WMj, Vol =Xn., No 4., 196D., pp 964-- AnS Sol j 4111 9- 9-y mar 61 MffemxUaticn 14=tn In VextaW BWLr&ozmed. Motw Howtlaus and OrstOn FUMUcalL and Owsao%MUm of the Pint an& ftcond 816mallUm fflatow VOK43M ommuma at by T. G. Gnoomm, P.0 pp. Ruffami, per, Traor Imt V"GW 07 ftSftl' ow nzlaj Vol IS 19550 IV IW ow 60-21ftT PLAW SoL - lbd reb 61 --laur"m In FAM Vlaml amnuWAums as a Functum or as. ~c us motor ftopmmp by V. G. Sftwmvao 2A VP- RUESIMP 2mear Xxst Bar nzl()l, Vol If Ims 90 1e2-192. 00 604M857 PL4% Md - lbd m 61 POT No, 69 Mumge In the Accuracy of Visual Analysis ort Repl=ement of CmWlex Motor Reactlow by Verbal Heopmaes, by V. G. 8!59MMMA 7 im- - MMIM, per, Zhur V~vsbey Nerv Daymtel Imenj 1. p. ftvlo*va, Val X, No 1, 1960, Rp 19- pp Sai Feb 62 Maborstlan at VIsual WffftumUatlow 1u Rw%oxtse to StlnuU at VaryLug DistAnow, b~- V. G. ammonwmt 3B lp. v Y) MWIM.- rm., ftufw Mwt vy0ow lkmw Dwatelf Sor Ylzlol, Val 1p 30,5s Vp 267~-]M.. (W 60-21ft7 PLASO Sci - MIL Fab 61. POT No. 69 The Wluence of Recoaditi=iiag the Stimulus Value of LI&t Stiza'A an the Optic Analvolm of Adult Nwo by V. G. Sawanon, 39 PPO -------------- -- Z. R03MO.. Wj Tndy lut VjoWW Normy Doyatell ow Flz:iolf Vol n., M6. Go. 604059 PL 4w Sci - Ned Feb 61 PST so 71 Al-- l3r;lWa orgRw at the Tuentleth MysioUgiml Congman.. by V. G. SaW2WL)MO 14 pp. FZSGIMj, 8 tima-yr per. Bloglas. Vol 1l,, No 2., 1957., Pp 270-278. Pergm= Proas ,f-6" ,) q ~ Some kdditions to the o Cw for :L, 1-1 i3.:, t i or, o f the 11irher -1.7enrous Activity of AdLLIt Ian, by V. G. Samsonova, 6 pp. FlbzsDu,-l, per, 711ur Ilysshey Ilterv Dey-atel Dieni, 1. P. F-avlova, Vol X, !,-.,OA 19060, pip eoq-61~:~. 6 pp Sci k-P r ft 062 192Y734 Physiology Of Analysore On The Twentiet Inter- national Cong ,ress of Physiologists,# by V. G. Samsonova.. 13 PP- RUSSIAN., mo per,, Fisiol Zhur SSM Imeni I. Mo Sechenova., Vol XLII1., No 4P 3W,,, PP 377-384 Perga=n Press Sci - Med 6d1 ~24, Har 58 Tztzu-l-PYMI DDVQtD ft&Uv by V. A. EUMMM., L. P. so=1910A., 5 PP. 1MORMj; parg Dok Ak Muk M=p Val C.10 Me 4% 1955j, Im- 993-996. IC or MA W-UiO27.. Bei - cb9alatry Fab 59 ./.ff 0 P.-/j .5~4 Yistabolim In Vww 93:plmts of tba WtUnd T43e.p by 0- 3- PaWhMkOp V. S* �~Wq-uml 0 I. I- Ehmpcnova., 7 PV- MWIM.. per., Biokhim, Vol MT, No 4., 1959j, iv 631-639 - Cs sci / 3 , P-., Z/ -4 4, Compatibility of the Live Vacciluls Of Plasue, Tularemiap Bruce2iLlosis and AAthrax Under EVerimatal Cooditims in oulnea pigs, by S. L. Borodlko, L. G. S~cnovich, HUSSIAN2 jW/~lUstiviskays Protivachummkys Stantsiya$ gbmmlk gat2ohnvkh Rabot, 1959o No 1, I)P 193-tPm- 7~~~~ T- USDA Tr V-1757 Sci - Ned Feb 62 Liftir,-- Levices fOr Concrete Cmponeuts by /0-~ Z" 1 0 1 1'. Sanuelson. C'U."IV4. per, Cen, iwtongs "''o 3, IV62# pp GIB 230/15 C~ -,~ sciPlat July 69 US-DrRI The Relationship Between the Local Anesthetic, Anticholi-cergic And Antichollnest*ramtc Action of Benzoic Acid Estero,, by N. S. Alu*ymn, V, ff. Samelyan, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, perj, ftrmakol i Toknik*l,, Vol M, No 5y 1958, PP 38-42. Conaultanu Bureau Sci - Ned Jun 59 (De-6495) Sm&33 Hydroaleatric Power Plarito of the Ukraimdan ssat b7 Sergai vikola"vich Nudins AmtoLU Loonido-vich Plodqorlmv* md looonN Smeamich Khilobochankop 132 ppo RUSSMO bko Mali Gidroolekbrostantirlyi UlcraimIkoy RMO JL9Wq pp 160. JM 12619 USSR Boon IN, !7?10 mar 62 ~ v, ! , ! 7! 11:11 Awaysis Of HLEft - blating CoMomftp by G. V. pp~q~p~j A- T- PLUpellko- RMSIANO sci i)ec 64 270,432 1 R -2.74/64 Ccntral Ajaerican Cartography Its Development and Significimee for Economy andkPliaming, ;2yw. by G. Sandner. GEW-M.N, per, Kartographische Nachriditext. Vol XIV, 1.11o 2, 1964, pp 37-S1. 43~PR1'/SF-32316/SPECIAL Gentral Amer Geog Jul 64 Chamisorg-l-ion on Dafecto on a Somicoaductm Stu-faces, by Sh. 1-L NoSan.9 B. V. San&mzLvq"3 pp. MJSSI=p pers, Iz Ak Nauk SSM,~ Obdol Main Iku?r,,j, So 9;, 2959s, VP Ca 6 pyy The RUeolOSiC&I PrWertles o9 GlycerJng by A. D. SandmArskyo 1 P RUSSTMI,, b1m per KoLLold thure Vol XVrXp No 3p may-Jun 2.955.v pvo2g 0. CU~_C_391199 CoamItanto B=eau Scientific - Chemlotry 14 ov 55 MSAMC FormtIon of Rubber PlIm txcm So3mtlons mrjS Aquems Disperalow K. pp, RUSSUNO bim par Kolloid 2hurp Vol Vo No 6s 1953s, Vp 446-4540 ftreau /X 93.5 Ummmmum-ammNat Ionic Deposition of Rubber T--'i-om Latices) by D. lm'. SandaMirS'-Jir B. L. Korsunskiir h PP. RUSSSILK, per, M Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol -CC.1 To 5, 1961, Pp 15-15-- '11URA Sci mar 62 192,886 Iff 4111111 H111411 4 I Rilt ulurmillumm Gelling of Iatices by Fine Suspensions, by D. M. Sandomirski I. D. Pilmenshtein, 3 P.P. RUSSIAN, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XX, No 7, 19ft, pp 5-14. RAPRA Sci may 62 195, 0~9 F-Pfect of the Gelling of a Latex ou its Electrical and lbermal Conductivity, by D. M. SsjaAQwira1s4y.* V. 0. Fogel, L. Z. Rhazen, 3 PP- RUS)STAN, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XX, Ilo ~-k, 1961, pp 26-29. TWRA Sci Ilk 176 Dec 61 study of late-% Foams,, by D. M. Sandoirdrskil and A. A. Korotkova. 5 pp. IN -_i RUSSIAN, per Kolloid Zhur Vol. YXIII;, NoJs 19619 Pp.95--99 CB -2,4v 7 Sai Mar 62 Of 16"'he Dcz' Zt~-?O Do If. Oczdc,=-zj R. V. lizinao PP per Kwachuk i Re-,-Ima, Vol ll:CX-, 111"o 9, 1960,, UPRA Study of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Latices During Gelling# by De Me Sandcmirsiiy, 1. D. PilmenshtW,, 5fro . RUSSIAN, per, Kawchuk i Rezinap Vol XII, No 11, 1960,, pp 5-10. 1. HAPRA / '( 5,-, e-D 7/ Sci Aug 61 T lzvastigation of the Heabanism of Formation of rilm.-o From Vulcanized Late%. 2. Formtion of IPilms From SKS-30 SbIW Butadiene-Styrane IAUX., by S. S. Vo~utskiy, D. M. Sandcodrskiy,, N. M. Fodiman, et al, A pp. per, Kolloid Zhurp Vol XXII, ED 2) 1960~ -1p 143-147. OB Sai :5 06 may 61 Radioactive Tracer S,,'.Udiea of the Gelatim.of Rubber Latexes, by D. M. Sandomirokiv., M. K. Vdovehenkova, 6 pp. RUSSIMN l96 ,, per,, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XXII, lo 1, 1 0, pp 69-73. Sci may 61 Um Sow Specific Features Of tho Vulmization of Rubbers in Latex Form, by T. I, Gollcro D. H, domirsk~i 6 I)P. PUMAN, per, Kolloid- Zhur,, Vol XXV, 14o 3, 1963, pp 291-2980 Sci ZPT CB 255,002 Third All-Union Conference on ColloM Chamistrys by G. I. Fukss D. ~s 7 PP. RUSSIAR,v bim per,, Kollold Zhurj Vol Mp No 21 L60s V.--r/Ayr 1954.. p 154. CIA D 167133 Consultaubs Sweau Scientific - Cbeastry en 65/Feb 1935 4g1 _Z Choice of Rational Type of Concrete-Placins Crane, by G. B. Sandomirskly, 8 pp. ~ RUSSIAN, per; Gidrotekhnicheakove Stroltell- stvo, Vol XXII, No 6, 1953; pp 7-11. Sci Mus Lib 55/2654 Sci - Engineering sa //10(0 1,411 rimt of the Omtaftt jjwwua *r swdQm&WtGr as a Method for MUM VOCIOMW OWSP 044t4$ of ftrUclas Adawbed an the ' mosmi, V. 13. 8 pp. xxom# P-WO IftbUW Klagelu I Mal# Ta Xt 1960, py 62-C6. Clow xz.,Um wr FALRASAWAS To II MMOULS Bel xw 62 USID UTEWL MR a= On the External Emission of Hot Electrons Rvou Seraicanductors., by V. B. -- rwn 6 pp. -1 RUBSTAN, per., Rad;Lotekh i RIcktron, Vol V, No 10, 1960, pp 1627-100. pp Sci /~~ ~', 401 'If 7 Aug 61 Heat of Adsorption In Vw Electronic ChemLml Sorption Theory., by Sh. Me ZDgmn, V. B. pp. ZW, JC)59,~ pp 33294a33 - AEG TrA299 SCL - Physs Chem 21 Fab 61 141V,~Wf ~00 CUculatirm zf Msorptloa Irsotherinz iii the Electronic Theory of Chemleorption, by 7.'Bo~. Sand=irs i sh. M- Kogan, 3 PP- RMSIAN, per, Zhur 101z Kbim, Vol XXXIII, ITO a., 1959, PP 1709-1714. , Cleaver-EMme Presu Avdilable Br 5 Library qx cu, f may 6o /' /-;V092 S1 .4 '* ~ Innuence of adsorption an the conductIv4ty and work function of samloondmot0m., by V. B. Sandomirskly, =SUN, Ver., Is Ak No* BMIr Ow FU.. 21,, 2U-219.. IM. elf Sci Aug 59 ft Wy price JO-00 The Effect of an External Slectric Field on the A4sorpti Power of a Semiconductorp by F. F. VolOkenshteinp V. B. Sandomirsmy,,- 4 pp- MMIUS, perm Dok Ak Vauk WO.. Vol CV11t,, No 5p 1958., pp 980-982. Consultants Bureau - Sci - Chem Dec 58 '7 Ij -~ 4'70 Odom= of Latmo ou Nam rams bw a. M. : A Jr. * MUM% PM& WjUaM MW# VUL =# 1b Ap IWv " 905-W& 48WAMNWA vw~ od - cbm &A-59 7f, 41~9 7 JF MM OXTHALSDES. 2 Apr 47 [81?. OP. 12 reE& Ordw hmm SZA $1. W 63-14308 7k=& at Ac=geada Nozionab dail I kmd - [Clams di Fbd,+- Mn=wkhe e NaumIL Raincondl 1914. ow. S. v. 23. p; 959-965. DESCRVTORS. flAmd campotm&4 *Oxyhalides, Fumd muwbdi6 *Oxldm CCYGUUM=d=. Pbydml yrqperdWE6 kw g p p rcomrcfl. 1. SR=IOCWMI a Al 017( ~) e-1 -.4- X,, tChumistry-bowmW, TT, v. M rA*. Ofte of 7nb" ta*m Agrieultural Labor aud the Intensiva Dmlopwnt of AgricultWe, by Balls Sandurp 93 NUNUMM, parp Roqpsilamagi Ssmle,, Vol IV, go 22 IM. c z',g vn* suram or um CNN" ft~ Fw*Iv fm BE loon OW ISO 59 Z74 f J'.# lZoports an the Amit and Second Ociantific StucW 7ayar,43 to the MhAatic Sea in 1913 Croatian 1PIKajari-SIVILIJ July rr; sciontuic-:Iyvlra~,rap,