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Pam-t--rapers C~vai-qnct ILeconnaissmeep by Ya. ~9~1-ea~o 5 pp 0, RUSME., per, Voye=yy vestaup No 7p 1963. 'A.Up-T -,-. 24-01ha usm -2,- ml ~ 131 -'06 nov 63 '-131 PIR.All W, ILL, I1111M Lillfanallmuffliv Cul-a-0-truction of Au Optitml MgoriVut for P;xt=~zl C-00trul Ch the Basis of thei Pxiilciple oi iW =-Ic by Lo JL* , I ka ~Oz;vvayap Yul Sawylan * 13 riv. Y.,Cr, Tekh .49 Oct two pr. SL~-33, JING 28050 ilar 65 U41M 2780SLU LUMESURWR Transition Proceseeis in Lluear Circuits Cotimcted to Nonregular -]W, by Yu. 1. Samoyledo, 0 ppo UNCIASSUIED' RMIO.. mo per, Radiotekbal , Vol XI,, Bo 5, Way q1956, pp 73-79- 6 ATIC F-M-9162/v Scl -Electronics MY 58 On the Theory of SlacUronizing.the Brea Osaillatims of a Syatam With n-Wgreea of Freed= to Smull ExtarTma Foriieap by Yu. 1. 94-01 if YR. - )k-se"Al-19 .... HMSUN,p porp.-ftaotvkh i Elaktroji, Vol n1p No 3.1, 1938p pp 1361-1372* pp Scl - Electron NCv 59 An Adapter to the 7."L-l 1wtawmab for Measuring Ca-pacita-raes and Large -Re., aint=Cen; R-05SUlly per., Vestnik Svyazi~, No 11,f 1958. JERS 7016 sci .7 yw,r 61 Ta'-Wevision Raceptim In the Ci"y of KaluatLp by "U V. Borisoir, QOMKUUWj, K- 4 mm. - Full trauclation. .Lo No 2., 19521 p 38. RUSSDHt pert Rgd ATZQ-1?-TS-M 7828 USSR A.-< Scientific - Rlect=alces radio, television Zid) Rcceivers of tbe $Quad Accomramirmt el, Tal-a- viviou Broadcustat, b Scm "V... .1ti'M 4b) A Straight (Tim eeeluvk, 4 Tba Magobmmete~ Mon-Ij by S.- N-A-31nr 7 PP. r-ull translation. RUISSM, perj Ra.dta, go 12p Dec 1951., pp 48-VI. ATIC INTS-702 U&SR Scientific - Blectroulcot sound,, teltir recelversi mvgO te:r An Electronic Potentioetat for Electroohemical Mes- 4u- 1 gatl ons,, by A. K. Samylln.. E. S. Sidashl, .1-3-pp- jf,$.A._ - .1 - F iv - P-JJSSTAHs perp Zavod lab, Vol MTs, No 12y 1960,9 pp 223-8-,V-- Z-z 4 - ISA Sci- A~ Iab 61 (Nl'-3001/2). Ovar-all Automati= of a Bauxite Wet Grind-Ing Depaxtment, by V. I. Gusarov, A. 14. Semoylin-:~ 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, T.-vetnyye Matallj, No 6, !951,3, pp 26-30- JPRS-1977-Di le-o", 414P1 USSR Econ - Tech - aoaferrous metals Dec 59 by-2 5 i)r, Gematolos i -1959 ~P,,0'53-57- 6 p Pargamon Prt!qr, M~v 6o S-5243 W46w)- Speelfic Orlewtative sail Protective NdIlary Be- actlaws bY A- Ya. SoUnlorp A. R. adhxwubs 9 pp. MWIM per.. Vast Ak Xbd Nwk MO., 0) pp 36:U- Sci - Yled,, Seuxaftsioloa Aug 59 119~1, Pressure Correlations in the Proluatioa of M-NII.-Me-tal Powder Compacts, by A. G..�299AAOV&'- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Muk SSSR,, Ctdcl Toldi. Naukp No 2, Feb 1957., pp 159-162. /j Brutcher Tr 4071 $3-85 Sci - Min/N'--t Apr 58 h3 Study a Qrimting Reactions of the 1-%tpll to ;Lght,- by A. Ya.,_4m - -_XAEt 5 pp. USSIM., per,, P4rul Msper Hiol i YAl. Vol 16 Ho 8p 960,0 pp 33-~6. CB Ci .- hy 61 / :5--:~ I - . I.... ... ..I.... . ...... I-- --.- -- On neavy isowpes of FW&ogen and MidtWit-Noutrum Nucle4 by N. A. VLIWV. L. N. I&M-0yloy 14 pp, I? S RUSW" rpr* MGSWW, 1964. - -915REI AEC-LA-Tr-64-25 Sci-Phys Jan 65 :t7O,573 The Absorption and-Lumimacence Sapectra of UrwW1 Salts at the Temprature of Mquid Helium, by B. N- Ea ~ilov ~- RUSSLAN, per, Zhur Eks1pr i Tooret Piz, Vol XVIII.. No 11, 1948, PP -1030-1040. sm m.4521 -Fays Apr 62 D-atermination of the SIGQ O-f a L,-,Cal blagnetic ~ lmxk Field in the Ruclai of cold DICSOlved 11% arAl Hickel, by B. N. Smoilov, V. V. Rlyaivrmkly, at sl.,. a pp. varictw uourccis, Moscow, 1961. 92DOYP) RUSSIA1 Jan 63 Polarization of the Nuclei of Diamagnetic hi=en-tu Dissolved. in Iron, by B. N. Sam-oilov, V. V. E. P. Stepanov. RUSSIM) rpt, 1959. AEC TO-3950 Sci - Min/Yatals A-or 6o // -:< a':~- ;;;- Determination of the Sign of the Local Mg Magnetic Field at Gold Nuclei Dissolved in Iron and Nickel, by B. N. Samoilov, V. V. Sklyarevskiy, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhux Eksper i Teoret Piz, Vol XLI, 11o 6, 1961, PP 1783-1786. AU, Sov Phys .- JEn? 2vol xiv, No 6 Sci ju.1 62 205,o8i 'y G rnamiir; Studies at Low Tenperat tire 0 Nafinu.-a-mento of the Heat Capacity of Solid Boilics and Liquids B--tween 12 and 300'0,N.', bj 1~ G. S-11-r-allrov, IT]. G, Itskevitch, V, N~ Yoatnhov, G, G, '"Ilrakaya, T-1. N~ aawilov.~ 21 pp. Z"-.= Yin- Rhin, Vol M111, 19541! Pr? ARC Tr 3266 Sci - Chem SaII, 58 1.1casurew. nt of the Therm3l CaIncity of Yetalis at Extra Low Temperatures (Cowlium Frcm 0.3 to 0.90 X)o by B. if. Samoilov, 4 pp. w-CLABanki-M PUSSMU, per, Dok Ak Vauk, SSM,, Val U.'XIA[Up flo 2, 1952, pp 2811-284. Vevy Tr 771/nRr, 435 Scientific - MinAletals 7~- OTS/M e 7,!~,-!;) '~Jo I e'~ ...... ..... Superconduct-livity of Cadmiumi by B. 17. S"mmailovil ROU translation. .USSIXTI, thrice-mo p*r3, Dok Ak Eatilt SSSRj, Vol k~o 5, 1951., pp 791-794 -.0 ABC Tr 1633 'Scientif ic - Fnyuics Aua 53 CTS Me Use of ",S'P-2" and "Ot-2" Glues in &perlmcnta at Lou Temperatures,, by B. 9 S=ollov,, 2 pp. UNCLIkSSIFIED RUSSL4111, per, Zbur TL-kh Piz SSSR Vol XXIIS 110 '1952, pp 888!~B Navy ID: 787ARL 438 )2-r 14q~ USSR Scientific Physico Jul 53 CTS 99-lir/ A Univeroal Kineacope-Testing Stand, by G. P. Samoyloy, a S2. L. lAirman, 10 pp. RUSSIPII, per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 2, 1964. ipEs 2476o fr Sci may 64 250,046 A Faview of the no* by P. V. SbxWWr "PrInaRUs of Col =d na-ft-Dimmiaml Telawlsdanip bw VO F. �EpMLIQvp 23 pp. R=IW,t pwg VosWk Sv7aA.. lowm No 21 (3.91)y I%b 1956. am .7m Sol / I/ OZ AIM al , S 41/ (NY-6503) The Moscow Phummologle Soclety imd the Sections of of Q4 YAMOW Physiologea oftiev, by z. T. -~~Iovajl 3 Pp. FMSXM.g perj, ftrmakol X Tok*IJW11, vw- =vs No 50, gap/cat loli, am 13417 b"USRxft Sal - Ned 62 - -- - -- --- - -- (W-7125)- - - A Mobile Workshop for Repairing Television and Radio Receivers.. ft by G. P. Samoylov, Ye. A. Rymanov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Svyazi) No 5, !962. ipm 14536 Sci jui 62 204,493 DIM2oion of Impurities In an Infivite $lab, A. N. YALrin, G. P- Samo-BlAt RWSIAN# perp Piz Tverdogo Tel&, Vol. III# Wo 2,, 1961, PP 342-349, TIP Sov PA/S -.S yo 4/0 M7 b" In-metigating Aluminum Eleatralyzer Casings, by V. N. Samoylenko. 6 ppo RUSSIM, perb Ts"tn" Ustally, Vol 1, no 6, 1960, pp 54-60. Pri=ry Souroes Sci Fab 61 19J Z4 A~4 The Polarization of Nuclei of DiamagneV,.c Fle- mente Dissolved In Iron, by B&N. Sdimoy3m, V.V. Sklyarevskiy, E.P. Stepano*i 10 RUSSIANj per) Zhur Eksper I Teoret Piz.. Vol XXXV1112 No 2, 19609 pp 359~-371. AIP Sov AWs - JF-TP Vol IT., no 2 Sci 3 ~5L" 7e4 Nov 60 Lona-Diotance Ifloception of Telovivion Bronikentat by Z. Baranov, G. BAMDYlovo 7 YP- lWj:A'Ss;W-1M PuU trausltlon. RMSTM,, per, Radloj, Vo 22y Doc 1951s ;pp 441p 45. 1 usm Scleutific ; Slec-tronleas radibs, telovtoicia., broadc4sts The Autmatic Ampl:Vf,-'catIon Clontxol im the Television Setp by G. Samoylov, 3 pp. (Ar 650OW) RUSSUNj mo pars Radio# No 12,, 1954p pp 41-42. AMC F-W-* 8471/v Scl - Electrcales Lf I' Fab 1957 OW/cUm Vp-thod of Recoraing the Principa Poneldems of Man mt s- Wotarica by cif &%diotelowtoring, by G. V. Sammy1m., To. Pesbkov, V. A. YVmzdr=crr, 7 -yp. -Ew x AsgMi 9=10., per.. Voye=o Med Zhur, No 2, 1960. ,TRM 290-5 Sai - Med Oct 60 Vol 20. ;Nlo 7, ff 519 Jan 66 Geograpby Program Subj"t4bttor In See-aaft;q Schoolp by 1. .1. Sum*PT-J, 7% RMXAV, per, go"t PedaWg, no 4, 19;9,)v Rp 35-43? UtevnsU Arft and Sci fteve Vbl .1, p0 us= -SOO Aj* 59 S,Ygtem of ftrtUlmatlou In Cmp Rolations in mon. Cbernmem zows la 1. 1. samuov. RMIAN& bks &Utem Udebronlya v tkkvwb*rotmlth Lm N rwamool aplwp macov'r oau-awkwagit" 1948a iv 8&22= CIA %M9~ USDA sei - sioua usm Econ - Agrlcatuxv Aug 106 Experiments for the Utilization of a New-Type 7hermophosphate Slag as a Direct Fertl-Uzerp by 1. 1. sewilov 1. E. Kjuzerskiy and S., Litkevidaj 17 PP. RUSSIM., per., Trimly Leningrad Otdal VausojVm Inat Udobr PZrotekh i Agropac1mvov... No 490 19382 VP 108-123- Set Aug 58 SLA R-2127 Capture Mechanism in Betatrons., by 3:. H. RUSSIM,, parp Zhur Mwper i 50~t Pit.. VOI.MWIrL.- NO 3(9)., 1959s, YY 705-712., Awr Jut of Phys Sav Pbys 4W. Val vo 3 Sci 3, P.Pr 60 7 RT~Tc,slij, per, pribor-'r J. Elwpe-rj Jo I; 19592 pp 2k-P--(. Lnstru S:;c Of sci r, f 71 Apr 6o (FDD 26225) professor B. A. Appollov's 65th Birtbday and 40th year of Scientific- Pedagogical and Industrial Activity, by 1. V. SOMM10V PY0 RUSSIAN,, bim perp Mitemol i Gidrolp go 4p Leningrad, JV1/-Ax%j 3955,1 py 59-W. CIAjWD/U-8W Alw bloxioggaph an River Deltas , a Review by V. P. 7-0~ich Of the Book "River Deltus.. - by 1. V. MWIM,, mo pers. Pr1roft., No qp 1953p p 96-99. UV Tr 1335/110 Tr 368 Scientific - GeopbpIcs 36, .2 6 a Jul 56 M/dex Arttmov; S. P. imin., L. 1. 'Emm-7,7,10Y., Pp J. RUSSIAN,# P=j. ZIUW Mpar I Tamet Fims Vol. MrAlrilp 310 3(9)s 19592 pp 663-"6. Amor lost of Phys' sov Pbyajm Vol X=1(10);p 110 3 Bel Apr 6o 69 TIV 03013 lrao;~ "14*01 ddd Gr 4AVrA=id fli 41 f4 ltdM .01"u3nut-I IVVPMTIM j0 Meg In vv UO VWco intemtion4of Protons With Tritium and the Excited state of go 0 by N. A. Vlasovs S. P. iftlining A. A. 04obin, L. N. Sawliftv V. A. Sidorow,, V. I. Chu V., 10 pp. k y MSIANS, bizo pow$ 2b Skoer I TOOM A ti*,p vol imn, jun 1955a pp 639-65o. czA c 4o83T 7 Amrican Inst of Pbyslas 57 Best 55 at. Nw York 02, N, Y Scientific - -physics Af The Asynmatz7 in the Distribution of the Coordination Numbers of the Molecules of Waters, by V. K. SPAWMATMl V-1)MA 0. ya. Ek"90"t 1. z9 risherp it ps MASIAN., per.. Dak Ak NO& MRp Vol 0MVj, NO 2j, 1959s, PP 356-- Sci Apr 6o Self-Diffuslon and Hydration of rbas in Aqueous Bolutlaws by 0. T. Samilovo MERMs vwj, Zhur MA KUmm Vol M=.s 1955j, pp 1%kZ-'WO- f)3= W. Ir. 1620 %t-0 JUA 58 to 9, 9 q. ,5- -Structure of Aqueous Electrolytes, by 0. Ya. Samoylov. RUSSIX-4, bk. OCR Sci Apr 6A5 'alt- 1~ Ing-Out and !,~cchange of 77ater 1-1olem-7Les 11carest o to Ions in Aqueous Solutions, by 0. = Ya. Sax"loylov, V. I. TilLhindrov, 10 -pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiolahim, Vol II, No 2, a-96o, pp 183-1c' 'l. AEC-tr-4576 PL-48o Sci jui x 62 PST 566 205,461 Use of Densit7j Data for Establishing the Structure of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions, by T. A. 0. Ya. Samoilov 3 pp. RUSSIAH, per, QLI!K--a-trakt;urnO 103 Y-01 II, No 5, ig6i, pp CB Sci 13 jul 62 2027555 Therwochemkd $a* of dw Stru=c of Dilute Aqueous Solutions of Urmyl macide lmd Nivate, by 1. 1. UpMna. 0. ya. IMIZ. 10 pp. RUSSIUAN, per, -Arkrv ��L1. Vol 19.", pp 99-102. -09k ga S xr-VIM6 AEC-Tr-6265 Scl-mat & Met Mar 64 25:V,29: coordination Numbers of Certain Ions Di Aqueous Solution, and Effect of Temperature on Them., by M. N. Buslayeva, 0. Ya. Samollov, 6 pj?. RUSSIAN, per,_ Zhur Striiktuxx=- nim-.- Vol II, 110 5, 1961, 1)1) '5-5i-557- CB Sci 13 Jul 62 202,546 -1 Structures of D:Llute Aqueous Solutioag of Electrol- ytes -nd Hydr-tion of Tons, IV G. Ya. "~gp9acX,9 pp. RUSSD.N,, per, Zhur heorgm IQhim, Vol 1, No 6, 1956. pp. 1202-12019. ACE-Tr-458? Saj Apr 63 'y /a, 5i"d-5 Temperatura Depmdence Of DIstribution skafflatents In Urmwi 191trate Ettrmetlm ftom Aqumlo eblutionsi, by H. T. Clolovatanko., 0. Th. ~!,moilovt 6 py. RUSSIOv Vw, Zhur 94=ktwmy K61WI, Tca Xn, 110 1962p pp 529-535. CD BOA Nov 63 CGnzzrnIIZf,I a Begularrity Ob3jervod in Ealtiui- th-- Xy-tals JMt va, K and Zn, C--.',, Us g, by RUSSM43 Dck Ak Hauk MsRo Vol VrIIIo No 6, 1947t pp 1075-1075. Scl Tr Center CoordimtIon Mmbere and Hydration of the T(M ,f, !1-~ * - # and I- In Aqueous Solutlcu*p by Ll Offa AU v Br- O.-Ya Samollqyj 6 pp. RUSSIM# bimo perj, Iz Ak -Wallik SSER, Qtdel JQLlm Ilauk No 3., YgW-Juu 1952,p PP 398-W5. Conaultacte Bureau USSR Scientific - Chemistry mar 54 cm/bn /d/ ev :?02. .4 T12M StrUet.Ure 0_4' L.JCIUJCLO., 1. Thi -R3VUltG Of StUdy- _745 Ilmotomio ldquidrs, by 0. Ya. &=3ilov., 9 pp. RUSSICAN.9 mD perp Zhw Piz Mlim, Vol No 2j 1956, pp 241-250. Te;,.h aika Cam IL- &-i - Chemistry 02 Inw/ Aug 56 CTS/Dex Tho Thaory of TecVa=-"=-o D-P&ndence of the Coordim, tion Uz~er of 1~~ in Aqu--ouu Solifticm,, 'by 0. Y. s=yJDv,, 3 ipp IWWMlij, per., Dok Als Maukp SM. V61 =al 1958s, pp 1043 MW/X-j262 Sci - Pbys 1-7 Jan 59 / v Coordination Numbers of -the -Ions 1&91 ;2 +0ca 4,,>- *or 2+ and Ba2+ in Aqw- ous Solutions, by 0. Ya. Samolljw~- 4 pp. MCLASSIFIED. RUSSIM., bizo per., 1z Ak Mmxkp Met Iblu Neidt# Ob hy 1954 pp 627-631. Conoultanto Iftmt gic:Leutific - Cbemistry CM/DEX / 61 ~' 7.3. Thennochoudstry and Structum Atom.. mication 6. of CO= TherwchemUU7 of B r AppUcatim of the Rule of- Tbermochemical Log=ltbmlcs of Mmmuto of the Third Group of D. X. Mendeleeves Systemp by.A.F. Keptwt:bwIW* 0. u. samonov$ 6 ppo l6iilW, bimo per, Iz Ak Nauk, No 20 Mar-Apr* 1952j, 218-224. consatmats USSR - ChomLstry ScientUic Mar 54 =,A= The Change of Coordination humber,on the Melting of Metals., by 0. Ya. Samotlovp 5 pp. RUSSL4N, per, Dok Ak, I~auk =A, Vol LXMIII., 1952,, pp 447-45o. AEC Tr 2318 USSR Sci - 14inerals/metals A Gold Calorimeter with a Sen ItivitY 91' 0-000050 for Studying the Thermocbmcietry of Solutions - The Heat Capacity of Cesium Iodide Solutl6w'to, 0.01, Per Centp by A. F, Kapustinskiyq 1. 1. j4pilina and O.Y---.Semoilov, 7 PP. RUSSIAN., per., Zhur Fiz Khlm., Vol MMj, 1SI560,pp 900. SLA R-2239 Sci Aug 58 7v'z I Structure of Some Liquids. II. S'U*ru(!tu)-e of Water and of Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes, by 0. Ya. Sa=:L1ov-.T--- RUSSIM, pery Zhur FIz Kbim., Vol XXX.Tp Ila 3,, 195T, pp 537-553. Am Rj-i2ft Sci - Phys, Chem Apr 6o R-21,~-,tion Batlfoon V20 Dbbiliti-el"Of, lonj, ill Solution Their Sellf-Difftmion Coefficiento.9 by Oo Yo., Sandj~lov., 2 PP. RUSSIAN, XMimo perp Iz Ak Kauk MR, Obdel KWM. Do 3j, May-Jun 1955, 1? 572- 09 c 35,502 Consultamts Bureau USSR Sciertific Chemistry Ix 00 Hav 55 CTS/Dn, ,q f On Mechanism of Self-Diffu9ion in Liquido and its Singularity in Water, by 0. Mil Sdimoilov., 7 pp. RtISSIAN r,, Dok A Nauk SMp Sol C:Eo 1955p py 12542 . ;,./- '0~7 MC Tr 21!59 '7 Scientific - P4sics Jun 55 CTS Die Struktur Wassriger 1.-Iektrol)rtlos'Lmgen uncl die Hydratation, von Ionon, by Oleg lAkovlavich Samoilov, 147 pp. ------- RWSIA,%.', Struktura Vodnykh Rastvorov Hlelttrolitov i Godratatsiia Ionov, 1961. Dept of Interior QD561 S 18 Sci Nov 63 Galveacmagoetle Propertles of a MMpttitm SUSU Crystal in the Tw*eroUm Regim 0 -to 10DOCO by A. t. Smwkhvalov,, 1. 0. FaIddov., 5 :pp. AMIAU pars Flz Tmrdqp TP-lap V01M:; No 3p 2,960m IT AIP ScYv phys -Solia state Sal ireb 61 Fozaiale Cmunes-of the Vertical BArochamicmi Zonslity or Arbeslan Watc;.-, oy 0. Ya. Za2~, 4. 6 RUSSIAN, ger, Is Ak Ikuk SSW# Mal IW= Esuk, 110 3, 1957, vp 257-262. Consuitants JUreau Sol - Chen PhY 59 Structure of Aqueous Electrolytes, by.Samoilov, 0. Ya. RUSSIAN, bk. *G.B may 65 Hydratioa of Ions in Aqueous Solutical by 0. Ya. Samo 7 pp. RUSS10j, bimo, per., Iz Ak Nauk OSSR OULel Kh1m Naukl. No 2, Mar/P~r 1953, PP 242-99- Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CM/M /V/ ?7Y Low-Energy Gama TranBitions In Ta,169, by X. ShIlidgin and P. S. Smollovi 2 pp. RUSSIANp per# Vaur Eksper I Teorat Fizz, Vol .%X"V, NO 1, 1958, pp 29-32. Amer Infit of Mys sov Phyls - JETT Vol vn(34) 3 m I Set - Yhys sep 58 7 Energy Levels of the U232 Nucleus, by S. A. Baranov, P. S. MUTY'An Samoilov, Yu. F. Rodionov, 6 13p. RUSSUN, per, Zhur F.&sper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLI, No 6, 1961, PP 174o-i747. AIP Sov Phys -- JL?TP vol xiv, no 6 Sci jui 62 205o087 Bloctronic spactr'm of, rl,~W by I% S. Ms=LIG7,0 6 pp. 3 RMIM, per,, Ata=ayu ftersiya, Vol IV, go 1j, 3.958, pp 81-83. corsuit'imts Btwftu Sol - RucUar Pb:m Doc 58 7 71 Configuration of Polyjpbenyle and Triphomy1mothyl, by S. Somoylovs M. Dyatki=40 15 ppe RMURp mo per, Zhur Fix MAmj Vol XXII$ ID np 1948* py 1294-13m- sci we Lit, so 56/3i5o sci - memistry 7-;7, Vie Separate Determination of Sxall Amounts or: Ethylene Oxide, Formaldehyde and Acetalflohyde in MLxed Aqueous Solutions, by S, P.. Sampil 11. N, Andrievskii, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSSR, We]. Kitim Nat*,p No 20 1962, pp 201-208. Consultants Buveau Sci Nov 62 Mg179 Physical and Mmnical Properties at WS Catalysts Communication 4. Pbase Compositioll Crystal Struct= of WS Catalystc.. by S. IA. A. M. Rabinshtein., 6 #P. RUSSIAN., per., Is Ak Nauk SMq Otdal &.41m Rauk., No 1959p pp '1905-1912. OB SOL - Way 61 15-3 D,5-3 A Study ot the Phase Composition and Adisorptive Propertiea of Iron - Carbon Catalyst# by S. M. S=yIG7,, A. As BllnklZ3# A- H- HUbi0fibUin, 4 pp. RUBSIM,~ per.. Dok Ak lhuk SMv Val CIVIU& No 3# 1958.. PP 526-529- Consultants Bureau Bel - Chem Doo 58 aWaiezi and Cbvsa~ PrOPe~i" Of W132 C"413M"- CcmamUatim'2. Adsorptlon Pr*pwties cC,Uixed .cjaW--caLtaj7mts., M. SavoLlm ,in,, 6 pp. , ~ 2 A. M. = RUMMX, pw, Zz Ak Emk SMS Ot&l WS NwXv No 5, 19A, -DP'550-556. Bureau Alw SD X ev Data on the Decay of Am"'. by F. S, 1~ , A~ oil ov, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Sauk SSSR, Ser F17., VD1 XXTIX No 121 1959, pp 1401-1421. Columbia Teth 501 Feb 61 13 // 7 5 C -.3 ,ed by Soft R-iVi-Y-3 tv rj 2 Of x;,:adia' & '7 T Vol =Ivr p RUSSIAN., PCI, zhur r~kzpar I Taorc 1,10 3v 1958# pp 599-C'W, Amer Xr3t Of FhYs Sav ?h-13 - JEtP V(,, a! VIT (30i, sai - Faysics Oct 58 JWOStigatiGn Of t~o Brrors of Pres.. zu,ra Balences Caused by Distortiom., by N. Savoilov. Aij-,Sla, mr,, Tru8v- InstitutoV K=iteta 6tandaTtov.. 196).- ~p 43 -54. wz ms -- Engr AIIZ 62 roperties of Autadiene Rabbers of R3gal-ar Structum ad of Their Vulem' atess by ReM., Ve V, sfm:iF tovap P. 13aranova, 6 pp. 0 1-e-t- USU-4N., par# Zmabnk I Bexlnav Vol xixs No 100 1960j. p 6-n. PAPRA ci ug 61 Ultra-!--NL~i Frequency Dielectric PrOID01"LieS Of C, Group Of 0;,'idcs of 3d Lt7ansition LetaLL) uy A. A. S,%mol-ldr.,ralov, pp. RUSSLAdi-, -)er, XM FiTillmm '-Ncrdogo Tbl--, '101 111, ITO 10_, !nG', I)P 359-3-36-01. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol III, 11c, 12 sci 6-P 208,159 particle and ITeat by IL V, SamoMins 9 W* RUSMN,p per., M= Takh Fftp Vol XXXM.9 No 6,p 3563., Vp 675-665- A=r TA" CKC 148 sov Pt" - TV& ptyl vca VMS so 4; Ek*A a Dee 63 LA ~k b 121,1~c c G~21e~ ic clx rib omicl.colarote i-lis by G. I--!. Ccrshcri,-,O-.,,. C:t 6 Zhur Ob.3hel-ney Dio) Vol Yal, JPI-Ij 10322 00 L 61 (miy-6176) Techniques of F'-=quency Modulation in Radio Broadcasting,, by S. V. I?bvukmkiy, 0. P. sampylovs 430 pp. MMLARp bkt Tekbnika Chwtotnov W)dulatsii v Fadioveshchunils 1952.. pp 2-,3o4. im Sol - Buctzm wt 61 S-5513 (NY-3129). From the Ilistory of Statistics of the Budgets of the Population in the USSR, by 1. bjatyW~ba, S. Postnikov, V. Samoylov, 23 PP. RUSSLUI, ),--r, Vest Statistiki, No 7., 1953,, pP 37-50- JPRS-L-ij.24-i-i USSR Econ A/A/I Dec 59 A Wuhcd Zor Masolble M*xovem=t of Mfir-ItIM (Yr , ~Icv,, V- Ut Televicion Pletvmas bv V. F. ~~ Rodimovj 7 yp. MMUM MMUN, ma par Pladictakbullm Val Xts No 4j, ""7776! Apr 1956, pp 44~ AM F-W-9181AI Mcatrcnica NOV 58 Tb-- Polarization of Ygm Nuclei of Dimagactic Elemats Dissolved in Iron, by V. N. Slawylov, M= V. V. Sklyarevskly, E. P. Step . 9-NFbp. tmoi- IUSSM, rPt, 1959. AM UMM.ftws-517 SCI - Aug 61 / 6 ~1- -?1:5-1 1-17 The Piston-Balancing Errors of Weight-and-F-Iston Gagea, by V. N. Samoilov, 4 pp. RUSSU"I'll, par, 1"-ritol Takb, No 3, 1959, pp 19-20. Instru Soc. of Amer Sci Jun 60 J/ 7'~ b 71 Research Into the Structure Stability and Absorption Spectra of Complexes Formed in Anetoae by Cobalt-M) Ions With Nitrate Ions and Maaltipyry1methane,, by V. H. Tolmachev,, L. W. Berpukhava, V. P._A2W ,L1av.j_. 13 pp. RUSSIAN., per$ Zhur Neorg Mimp Vol :11, No 9j. 1957., pp 2D78-2084- AW-tr-W%r PL480 sai AP Aug 61 ;? PsT 86 The Pecovery of Internal Fricticn of Alimindump Silver en(I Platimm After tho Removall of the Load, by A. YA. Sakollqjg, V-'S.~Postuilcov, 6 -op. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Metal i Metallov.. Vol "a.. No 6, 1958, PP 1b81-1087. Pergamon Press Sci 11,117 Jun 60 OY Rectoration of the Internal Friction oi~ Pura Aluminium After ramoval of Load, bi.r A. Ya. Samoylova, V. S. Postnikov. UROL Russia, pert Dak Ak Nsuk am, vol MV, wo 6.p 1957s pp 1228-1230. DSIR LW (loan) MAW Scl - YAnjHqt Jul 59 9a, Mlaaking of Short Tone Signals as a Function of the Time Interml Between Maski!d and MeBkirg Sowids, by 1. K. Samilova, 9 pp. -1 SIM Per, Biofizika, Vol IV~ No 5; 19591 PP 550-558, De-rgamon Press Mll il~' Sci v ,Tun 6o