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The ffall Effect and Vrie Influence of a ilagnetic Field on the Resistance of VbgneUte, by A. A. Smokhvalo,7, I. G. Fakidov, 6 pp. -TOSSD.N, per, Piz Met~al i Metall,, Vol IVj No 2, 1957,, pp 249-256. Pergamon Inat Bei - phys SeP 58 167 Bleotrical Properties of Vlckel-Zinc Farrites By A.0, Rustainov, A.A. Sarcakhvalov,, I,G. Fakidov, pp 6 RUSSIAV, per. Fi7 Tvardogo Tela, Vo3 V, Wo 4~ 1963, PP 1031-1039 Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V,, No 4 Sci oct 63 2.1Y 0 PP 'f*dej-MOffii!gaaUC AZrALAEit-FAUUgkLause-a ir. by A - A. S=-okhvalm , 1. G - Fakidov., 4 Yp - ROSIMp per, Fit Metal NotaLlov, Vol IX, Ho 1) lo.6o, PP 31-35. pp Sci /"r,6j A76 jun &L 3:0nization Methods for Determination, of Defecto of Thick Sections of Matalls by Gamaa.-Rayls, by 1. G. Fakidovp A. As Samokhvalov, 2$ pp. FuU translation. -RMSW,t bks Conference of the AcMaV W Sclemes of the USSR ou the Peaceffta Uses of Atomic Nwrgys 1-5 JVI 1955., Session of the Division. of Teebalcal Sciences d bt tauts EmW6, a GPO 25;9 We tL St'* lk'F.Ework W311.2~ ~l Oci - Nucle= Physics *87 rpta fm? $350-00 CmVlex WOA- OVatbools at StQ%VCW*CGjlWaln# by V* As Bovelovauvo ot 10 .1 a # 3 vq# RMUNp perp Zhur Obehah Xblnp Vol XCCM#,No 11 1962m yp 235-UT. OB 801 oat 6e 216slW &4-nth3tic Investigations in the Fiold of IlauGnoids, III.. Total Synthesis of Qusrcetin-3-8-HuLinosid~,,, fttin, by M. K,, Shakhova and G. 1. Semokhvalov,, 6 pp~ RUSSM, per, Zhur Obshch Mims Vol XXXXI, No 2, 1962,, pp 390-395, CB Sci ~?;-el tooy Feb 63 - pounds, Nifli. -Nmi Sp-t-nesiz, of zuiyeae uom Trimethyl-5-Cyclohexenyl).-?,.9t].ltl3- Wonatetraen-15-al-Retimly by G. I,-SaTrakhviqla-v- Le P. Davydovaj, L. 1. Zakharkin., 5 pp. RMSIA144, per$ Zhur Obshch Khim.. Vol XXX,, No 6., 1960,, pp 1823-1827. CB sci Aug 61 A~ synthetic Inveatigation in the Field -of -Polyene Compounds .'XV.- Total SpAhesis of Citral, by G. 1. S 0 L. A. Vskulove, T, V. Men, 9WIWAIEV L. T. Zbikhareva, V. 31. Koltunova, H. A. PredbrazhensIdy,, 3 PP - RWSIAN, per., Zhur Obshch Rhin, Vol XXIX,, No 8,, 1959, pp 2575-2577. Consultw*s Bureau Sci Aug 6o /0;? c/o, 7m Synthetic Investigations in the Field of Polyene Conzoounds. XIV. Trend of Hydration of an Acetylenic Bond in a Molecule Containing a Dienyme System Conjugated With a Carbonyl Group.j by G. I. ~Spniokhvelol)r- L. A. VOWLova, S. G. Mvirpnovskiy, -fuO--yLova, 9 pp. EMSLAN, per, Zhur Obshch 100m, Vol YXIX, No 6, 1955 pp 1936-1944. Consultants Wreau Sci - Chemistry 1-2 A New SynthefAIS Of ~-Ionolideneacetaldeby&,::, by 0. 1. 8q= la L. 1. Zekbarkin, L. P~ M. Hhorlina,. 4 pp. RUSSIM,per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol MXVI, No 5, 1959,o YP IM3-lM6- CoMsultaato Bumau Scl ,T= 60 SynthatIc Imm6tIgAftow In the YU3.d of POI$Mma. XnI. ftuthests of Palyeide FA%ovov b"~P Pyrolysis of AcetftceUtae of lfertl=7 Acetylade Osxbl3wlsp by G. I. rm=eAftIxw M. A. Mi""ITaboall L. T. IA*~in-dvav I.- I. w.klys .5 pp - ' RMIA14 per, Mahch Mat Vol SK XMIv No 9, 1957, vp 2501-2%6. Sal - Cham CLat 58 75.. / & 'r Thz-b-inth8clis Of MrOl and Goraniol, by G. 1. Sanokhvalov; M. A. ldropolel-cayas N. A. ilroobramhonskJ Full tr RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Obahch Mdm, Vol XXVI, No 2, 1,956, pp 54,53. CIA W00404 Cp lisel No 2:1 Consultanto Bureau 6'ld1czo Sci - Chmdstz7 Sep 56 CTS Synthetic.Investiptions on Pol"noid Compounds. IVL. The Structure of 2-metbyl-4.(2,,,6,..6,-trimtbyi.cyclohem-en- I'-.vl)-buten-2-&1-1,, by G. 1. S V40-y-JI-L. P. Zhakovas N. A. Preobrazbmskiy,v 6 vp.. n I m0 PCr p Z-b Obsbah Mdm SSSRI, Vol XM,, No 11,, 1956,, W 3U)5-3109- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 A New Method of ~Synthesis of Polyemic Ketones- vith- Conjugated Double-Bonds# by On. 3:.,_S_9Mp)9rAaPvj M- A. Kiroppiskaju and N. A. Predbrailmnskarp 2 pp. run tr RMIAN., thrica-mo per.. Dok Ak Naak SWRp Vol No Is-. P 103o COUSUItants Bareau zZ,/ e-a? Sci - Chemletry 7-7) Deci 56 cm The Complete Synthesis of Poeudolonones by Go I�_�gWkhyaovp M. A. Miropolske 0 Z9. L. A. VU Vikiaiova, N. A. Precbrazhenskys 6 IT. RUSSIMs mo, pers Zhur Obshch Khimj, Vol XXVq No 3P USSR., Mar 1955,, PP 545-550. CIA C 39388 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 74/Ho-,r 55 Armlicatiou ot - lenred -Absorption -SIMetm to Ino, vest4ption at the lutelmalate Products 0t Vitmdn A and Carotene Synthealso by No A# SIOVokho- tMas I G. I* SymckhUlays �e Xe JhuLt4kqa# Xe A6 Opp. FIQU tr MUN, so per# mw %dwh Xbftg Vol XXVj, So 12# 3L954,p pp 2=-2M. (;!U 08 i4lel 3. Avg am 'ipectro&copic -Investigation of -the-Mecb4nism-of Condensation of 4 -Ionone With Et-hyl 7/-Bromocro- tonic Acid NS G I Semoklmlov 8: Slovokhotovs v a , "- `56%;- M. A. MJLro;obl-lake L. A. Bakulove,, L. k M. A. Preobrazhe kly I P. I RUSSIOp bimo per,. Iz Ak Sauk SM, Ger Fiz, vol xviii, xo 63 1954P PP 692-693. CIA C 4060t. Columbia Teeli Tr Scientific - physics 31-.71Y Feb 56 cis/bax ,qymthetic Investigations in the Field of Pol'Mne Compouads. X. The Direction and the Stareochemicr-I Specificity of the Dehydration of Estero of gr7-Di- methy1octen-6-ol--7,Ic-(l) Acid (j6-Hydroyy-CT,!";~ Dibydrogaranic) aad 5J,9-Dimethy1deS&dten-2.,8-ol- .ic-(1) Acid, by 0. 1. SamoWivaloyp fl. A. XU-opolakz~2 e H. A. Preobrazhensky., 6 RUSS-M, mo per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXV%p Ho 10p Oc-'t; 1956, Pp Z793-2797- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Mar 58 UK a rCw&wcu[4v9= -lam vina mpl Hermedc sedIV& t 7 P. M, Kirsanov, L. A. Sanu*hvalm, 6 M 10"10 16 RU 7# 1 t pp - - accO VOCKM j scl - B & M Sep 64 267,451 (2227-N) Higher Tecbnical InAmt1owa zwtLt%ltiox6 Final staw of Techidwa mmut1wo by Ve A. demkhvnlcv, 7 pp. RUSUM per.. Vestnik Vpsbsy M**I~ro SD 11j, 1958v pp us i= 221.1-K LMM mom J4~ Fab 59 Complications of Antibiotic Therapy, by V. N. Shamov, V. I. Samokhvalov - 11 . RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyeruio Med Zhur, No Is Moscow, Jan 1959, pp 36-44 - -Ot'c US JPRS 1555-N lx-a'p '5- 7 '!~ The Themoslectric Proporties of Magnetite In the Tempamture Regon of 80-4000 Kq tV A. A. Samo- ~Cvalov., T. G. Fakidov,, 5 pp. RUSSiAlip park Flz Metal I metaii., vca V'Mg No 59 1960, pp 69h-699. pp Sol s liar 61 /.~/ 3~ ~? ~~ Polaro,-rar-Ilic Estin-ation of Oxygen in the Cialture Fluid of I--'; croorsan-ismsY by L. A. Sasraokh7allov, S. Shulynan, 5 PP- RUSFUN, ner., I-akrobiol, Vol )=I, Nc 5, SOP, Oct 1963, pp 80,4--901. CD sci Sep 64 Effict-Or LORAWOU nib" LIM melmas W -92AMOM kw-641 104 Gagligmind tw, 09 V* S4=khVWLOV*o RUSUM9 posps gM Vol 79 No 516* 19309 pp 202345A Dept of bawler Bmrom or O~QVGLMI FIdWrIes granab of F*nQp nshwies ScImS and M G. V. Samokhvalova Jan 68 34941!96 Influoum of Various Food Flaute ~on the Mwedlty emd VItelity of AgUdsj, by No So Bmlrwvp Go V. SawkUvalovaj, RVOSMS Vol 118. ]b 92p 29% com Bel - B101 Jun 62 (2053-Nilb) Finswe Flmnftg in the eystem at the canual cooperauve thlon and MWs for :its Mqpvavemmt,, by - GWrat ovuevs 1.0 pp. BUMW"j, Pwo Mmst i Xrs"tv Ho 7p SOMp 1958, -90 pp 257TO lour - Bulvxft Feb 59 Level Diserlminator Raploying P-9 JunCt:LOD COPWIt- Sawp 1V Ve Is Samolankop 8 pp. RUSSIM, ioero Hadiotekh i Mattnn,, Vol Vi No 10., 19W., pp 172D-1725. PP Sei , &' _:7 !~, 0 ,~ 7 kig 61 X*erl=mt VM OmLU Dwmg; of rhdiamllw, RwAimblon in the Incubation of ChiWw., by A. 1. 13mUsbaUDv.+ A* I.,swoletays K& as saxemudko 14 all x0stino WWVJ, 1*r, Vwt. Ba'abokbox Faukp VcLl XVj, No 80 lmy**Pp 47-30& M-90401 Um 931al. - Neftalm - mar'60 . ) /61, 'p- -X/ 7 r7he Properties Of a IfeW SnthetiC PDlyiEloprene Rubber SK1-3, by V. 71. Heikh, V. V. SAp ........ T. 9 lirt-nova, D. P. Fetinger, V. A. Kormer, 4 pp. RUSSIPX, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Val X]Xp No 3p 19609 -pp 1-4. Res Assoc of Britiah Rubber Mmu Sci Nov 60 Abstracts of Polymerization of Divinyl. With Complex Orgavic Compou of Alkali Metals and Zinc, by V. V. Samoletova, A. A. Korotkov e__ - All-Union Synthetic Rubber Rese&rch Institute CIA/FDD X-2731 Spftla Fmtures or SitridlM or 113 Forcent Cr steitaxnal steei im3.o by i. v. -snwl-cw. =SIM, per Metal Tom Obra Met&Ucmlj, No Bp 1959, pp yiiii. = 4955 sci - Chem Apr U /~v ll~ 4ws Testing Steel for Hair-Line Cracks.. UnIng Step awpless by 1. V. Samolov, UNCL to GEFOM,, WSSIAH., per.. StAl,, Vol XVM,, 1958., pp 24he45. Verein Deutscher Nizonhuettenleute Duesseldorf Bre Strasse I Oy May 59 B7. Studies in the Phanoxazire Nrivatives of Pheno-azinev T. V. Gortinskay-Ap Ok pp. S RTJ-Qhl9T0T., per., Mar Obshich 1961, -1; 6~ -Ihqq- Apef -%riee, ni. raydmyl by V. G..Sajn-lovov-,Av Mr, Vol MI, No 5 Mar 62 Some Derivatives of 4s4'-Dtby4ra%luc((iphmrql 9"fone and k-uyarwanm*ezwl 2-Acetixd&-5- Mdatayl ftafbiw, by T. V. OcrUambLyst V. 0. SamolavoVap M. W. Shchau".. 4 RUSS=.. per;. 2bur Mabeh Oda, Vol :GMIO no 7, Imp pl, Wo-iq&. Conml+ante Bureau Sci - Chm Oct 56 P, Y' .2, -Y;pr ", lqy - 69 ~a " The Develom-unt of the Subscribar rj),-Iegmpb in the M=i=-, by Ye. Ya. Garchikcrv, Ye. L. S=o1yub,,rieri 7 - RVSSL4V, Vr, Vest Svyazi, No 1, 1962. JOS 13398 Sci / ?, 0; " ", 74 a A= 62 NOUXumr Optlea rhownwa :in Fjmw Pumnel 7"t", by 3L I. fteponar, A. N. Smum. RUSUMI pwa, VosW A Xar* Bar na-Tela Navalp No 40 1964 vp V,;Tg. Navy Me 35U/APL 818 Sol - pbyn 63 Device for Dizt=t CleaUing of ContEudmated Surfd&-;~ by 11. V. Su=nldrVul0V, 3 PP- F.=IM, perp Gig i Sam,. Uo 10, 1958, P.P 79.00- JM 12 37-D Sai - Yed VAr 59 gw /7-4-j- Content of Carotenoids and the M FL-rtili- zation Process in Oymeala of Mffemnt Age in Tomto and PbUto RK Plants,, by L. 1. Orel, G. B. Samorodava, 7 pp. RMZAN,. p=p Dak Ak Smuk SM# Vol CU.. No 2j, :L956, pp hoo4w. SFA 60-IM33. Sol re,b 62 Vol 4, No 9 -Awthacynains or some cultmal ramita,, by G. ]me MWW, pqrs Flnlol materd'v., 70% lx~ No 5., 1962., 560-566 pp. Cs sai aft 43 R All 17 -7 1 j f Antho-e-yanins of Some- Cultural-Planta- By G.B,. Samorodova-Bianki,, Pp 5 RUSSM, per, Fisiol Rastenjy. Vol IX. %. 5, 1962,, pp 560-566 CB Sci Oct 63 -2.&11 - 0 9 :~- Micro5porogenesis and Carotenolds, by G. B. S=ogqAoLva.m3yankYj, 5 pp. RMUN,, pory . -Fii-Restwdyp Vol VI) N~o 1., 1959,, pp 99-101- Amer lust of Blol Sci Sai - Blol SeT 59 ~P7 s Stall br p ir u-, 1-i ATIC usslil Mi 1 " 'o, D -- c 5 ?~ ;Z Cban,oges in the B.N.R. in Rabbits DuzIng ArtificiaLly Induced Atherosclerosis, by N. P- Samosiddnp 3 PP, MBIM,, p-mr, Dok Ak Nauk OSSR, Vol CX131? Mo I.. 1957, 227-P-2-0. Amer "Enst of Biol Sel Sol - Biology Aug 58 7, 0, A '" ' (By -3991) The Action of X-RayB on the Development of Rat Embryos Under Conditions of Denervabion of the Uterus, by 11. A. Samoshkinao 34 PP. RUSSIAN, per,$ Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistolagii i E-sibriologii, Vol XXXVIII, No 3o 1960, PP 53-62- im 5983 Sci - Med NOY 60 1/ 3 /' 1P 1;1 17 ,e Regeneration of the VascWLmr Plemm In thr: ,veral VantbrlcleB of the Brain After Trwuna, H. A. Samoshkina, 4 pp. --l- ...... - :" OSIARp perA Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CM, No 1, 157,, pp 213-215. Amer Inst of Biol Sci ci, - Biology 58 e) (tv-6227) Effect or x-rays an Hat Embryo Celle Duriug the Pre-Implantation Period of Orawth, by X. A.rftmoehkina. 17 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Tuitologiyu, voi in, vo 1, 1961. JPRB 9339 Sci jui 61 f~~ Intewificntion of the Traimt1c Effect of X-reYx on the Developwift of Embryos b~ Damarvation of the Uterus nrid by Operntive Shor-It, 1Yjr N. A. Semoabkinn, 2 pp. HUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol M, No 6, 195% 1249-. 1"t of "we Sr.w Pb" - Donsdy Vol 1111 1b 3 Scl - Pbyu ja 59 Cascao Curves for Conarp by 1. P. lvmienkD,, B. go RMIM per Zbar Mwpor I Tocrot Flzy Vol XWp Amr lost of ItWo Sim nwo - mr Vol vma(o 35).. :ft 5 Sol - awn MY 59 The Innamce, ed Rogroductlons on the QWity of Recordingo on Mgaeti* Tsye., by V. A. Sawgsldy., Ysesoya2my ftwh-looled Inst, Zvukozapiid,, RUS'EIAN, per, TRUVP~-` . No T, 1960.. PP 35-41- C.TA/FDD XX-1229 WOT RMMATLE TO FORX= NMOUIS USIB INTMIAL lm OnLy tie of !Icl uc-oi, 1.~, U-1trastrLictural prope- 0 a in "Lie 7.)y 11. V. SL,-. 31 RUSS S !A:,-per, Tsitclogiye.;, Vol 'Eli, TIr, 2, mar/.,wr 1901. 196-198. Sci - Biol J~m 62 StU44F or the UMUS42M or ctutnotua Boom Pzvdmlm FdLumdaz MMS - O"Map V ww Ts=ma AnUbOdW *MyAdg bV Mp bp Maulftwaft* 'a? Vil OduWA"980 No Y'sr M*Vb*ft UP UP estymiotowa* 7 vpo IMIM# jArF man v& lb 60 Iv. 696-69B.? 1'4, C) d usm ftl4AK 333M0 Aug 67 15tudy of the Lawfastun off Nwmbo protelm. In LwIated ftVaulm tw ttw Mavaosat AnUbOEV ftthai6 br Go He Vkad4 Sio Ve Mmm=ud*wB# No U. Krydmup w V. YOU I I Its - NP S. U4 FZMZM# VW* 13 ip. VU lb 5p 29631p VP* 569;VA* ipre AM 6*r 33 Invistiration of the Mechanism for the Reaction of Pbeny1hydrazine vith Mitroso Compounds UsInp wl5s bv B. A. Gellert L. S. Samosvnr, :1 pp. PT M-TJI'k*., Der., Zhur Obshch 1961, pp 160, ==16" OB sci Mar 62 KbIrs, Vol PXIj, Tro 5 /014 5W--, Study of the Mechanism of the Rea*Uorl of Nitrosoaz~,I' with Wmzoic Acid Using N15. BF B. A. Geller and L. S. Sammmtq Ix 5 .... Q~ RUSSIANs, part Zkw Obdwh Mdmp V61 E=Xv Ko I.Op 19628 pp. 32D2 - 32D6 sa as Aug 63 IMMIGATION OF TIM mwmlgt Or TM RUCTION Of ARYL Nil Ca4lotl4o"It" HYD"Ic ~ACID VY WAM or NL5,, BY Ot A, G"Ptp L. S.'SWWATO 4 pp. MMIAN* ffRe OW AK K" =Nil VOL CXLIv NO 40 iq6is pp Vq;83oo SO Dwnloymnt of E~mtheses of orgmdc Compounds Labeled with the Isotope 10, by B. A. Geller,, Lo S. S=oavats 4 ppe v--------- RUSSUN,, per, Zhw Obshch Xhim.. 'rol XKK., NO 519 19600 Pp 1590-150. 6 3 Sci Aug 61 Stuc~V of the 14e.,jum-dam of the CondeaWtIon of Anim coqpolmde using N15., by B. A. 'Geller., L. s. sawswt, 6 pp. P=Im, or., Zh= Obshch mXim, Vol MP No 5S 194., pp ~'7 Sal Aug 61 Vacu= Treatment of Liquid Steel and Perroalloys in Ladle and Mold, by S. G. Vysotin, S. P. Smotoyev, Yu. A. Shultte, N. Ya. Nalm-gr1r. RMSIM, pa"r, PrImenenle Vakuma v )IoUtllurga.. Yoscow., 1958, pp 123-131., 9049126. He=T B=tcbor NO. 4374 sai - Min/kbtals 35n 60 //7 ddP3 ing Cuida r4-,tj, by 17. V. Pp. RUSSM, zhtsums, wo 6.. 1958j, pT, 95. conmltozts Barmam sci - mn/ttt APr 59 Auto=ticn and Mchanization of lVoduetion Cwtrol, by N. V. Samotesov., 4 pp. MJSMN, per, I= I I g , wtsniu%, wo 6, U58,. pp 32-33 comultantis Bomm Sci - Mn/lbt Ayr 59 p/ 003 5*tcreotactic Operations ior the Treatimat of Parkimonism and Sa-ver-al Other Hyperkineses, by RUSSIX-4, per, Vestnik faiirurLd ~ limid T I Grekov, Vol 93, 1964, pp 59-63, 5-51-63 (On Loan) r.3. 4. S~L 1111 -/6 e? Al sci/B.14'A Jul C's 285,671 S-235/60 OPI-3839). The Use of Hypothermy in Neurosurgical Operations by B. A. Samotokin, A. B..Gorbatsevichp V. A. Shustin, -9 -pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Neyrokbirug, Vol XXIII, No 1, ig6o, pp pi-26. JFRS ZT25 Sci - Med itm 60 //-163-7 Tp- the Neurosurgical Subsection of th,~ UIVIS rScientific Medical C.ouncii/of the Chief of the VMU MO /-Military T-Aedical P dminisi-ration of the Minisf-ry of Defens~-/, by B. Paamotokin R USSIP N, mo per Volenno !,vled Zht;Lr, ANO 10, Mosc%--V,', Oct rqu: -'2 US JPRS: -3 Princinjin's Of Ct:~!fyanizatlon ";ri, Aid to Neurosuraical Wound-N!, 1)1,f Q_ B, A. Samno'olxin- RUE-SIAN. mno per, Voyennao -Nled Zhu-, Co TV-10.GCOW, J'1ugLu3'__1961' ppzz-;~5 1'7'1106 LJS JPRS.- /,V Prolapse and Protrusion of the Brain in Craniocerebral Injuries. by B. A. Samot- okin RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 10., Moscow, Oct 1966P pp 33-37 US JPRS 7961 J;)a r 41 (Mr-4710) SclentIfIc Confierims of the MOL Is"to Central !order of Lonle PIW*Iaal Culture Institut .f Iment 1. T. Stalin# bp 1. X. Soonk 9 pp. RUSSMS, per,, Toort3m L PmktIks y1subookw Mastury., Vol X=m, No 4s 1960,p VP 311-314. SOL - miso oaf 6o (FDD '19M) The Synthesle'of 1-C11$-Pentow. cad 3-C 14-Notam?" by A, F. Lukovalkov, R. D. Heymn,, A. A. ftgp L, Me Rodionimms 1. S. BeemkIms, X. V. Bliznyaks, 10 yp. RMSXM,p- tbrlc*-w ver, D*:Ak Nauk 8M,, Vol XXC.Mtj,,No P-s Macaws, 1953s, VP M-M CIA/nD/U-5515 USSR $cientific - Chemistry, Isotopes Irob optl=m Control of Phdio Caummicatims laiall Bar=texs~ by So la at=UaWwo mmim) pars Makt=maztp so IRS V= 195-it vp 3-8. can-dqat=ta mumm Jan 60 Ao Sergy Petrovich Khromon, by U. S. samovietl1w. V. 'A- 1301inddy, 5 m RUSSEM, per, VIWA Va 9-M M- -my Urdver IM, pp 86-870 CaU No. not specified. Amy Map Service L,v e6) USSR Biog Aug 65 288,W6 Trigger Devices Fmploying the Capacitance of p-n Junctions by 7, 1. SazW enkop 1, .4, Glotav, 16 VyaabM Vcbewjkh Lavedt XVGs RUSSIO, S Per., Iz 2m=UR Hadlot-ekh, No 1. 1959s PP 3847. AC-31s E-4527 Sai - BrIectron Sep 59 On the Theory of Dynamic Processes in a. Eiarametron k Based on the N-1) Junction Capacitance, by V. I. Sanoyle 26 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zavee,) 1,1110 Radiotekb, Vol IV, No 6, Nov/Doc 1962., pp 64o- 652. JPRS 13849 Sci may 62 197,,384 him=* bw Mawrizatim or emftoth Vataw with the fit Aid of Sadeon&m*4w Dwlaaa# bV T. L 6 pra RUGUMp pw.. ImAlya V~msbikb Iftheb Zwnd MnW aim Razddl Roacteftatkaj Vol TO lb 50 "-040 0 14m, u JM 19052 Sol - -71W am 63 ms"s V Solmass Jan 68 308,80 CIA the lww~~ Pmemom in the pewsmu.0 "th CAPR4tft" Of Pw4 JumetIft, by V, I., SamWisalm 18 pp. RU=U;; 1962, FTI).Wt.64.0 Sol-ago ion 69 luvmmgatlm of Ars"O pluess"s to OwwoUrs at bipharmtomil 0 DOM AMMS CapmOU tame *r P-B ftotles, br V. 1. SoMpUrAlm. 'rm* X. ML*dmddre 14 RUSSU% per, -6- - 1490 IL9u* VP 13401WO FMKT.6" Sel.zLft V Jan 68 RUSUM p4re 196:4 vp lb 149. J= 68 Cayaatance of Varimp and 11 Matribiticn of lo!ndZlSd lqpl~~.Jtlez In Its p-n TuwUcnq by A. I* ShestOPSIOV.4 V. '11. M pp. RrOSM.9 pw,# izveatlya Vyoabm Mblb EM HTIMO ME vo Rudelu HadiateMMUMp Val V1, ]b 6.. 1962., w 68D.689. im 19400 Bel - AW .Am 63 M060T Stead~6-qate Opmating OmmdUous of tbo Tw. L"P Cuvat of the ]Wwwtmn Idth Awlteation of UO COPMAUVAO Of P-8 JMGMM* '47 V- I- somyledn, 1, A. Gletimp IL? W- RUSSIM, PW* Avjatmkwlv" ladMal. lb 149. 1962* pp 9Z.U3o FTD.4T-64.0 Urn V -Y JOB 68 7h* Theory wA DealgA of Frwpency 14odoAtors uslug SOMICOU& control Blawnfulp by V. 1. 34m-liankop 11 pp. RUSSUN.. per,. ft4i*takhnfta,, Vol XUL Ito 5,p 1958j, pp 64-71. Paraa=, Pme Sol - Electron S Op 59 ?W// F,lw-tic-plastic properties of Carbon Blockj, by Ve N. Samuylenko,, 3 ppe I =SjAll, per.. OGaeupoxy., No 4j. 1960., p 185. Sai Aug 61 Acta Wtallux13;Lea /4/0 7, a -~~ r 'ReentrY PlD~20"'D't by 'f- 110 --l. nSU2~aticu f0 '1i ozma Y S=Oylon.,Mp ogmwo-lyp 110 4: 1960, pp 161-IB3r --Russypso potp o ,o-j2336- AID SIR-3439 93= sci lqov 60 / j, /I ~3 ~, 9 ta trif W. 0 til P. WWI rRII P 9 1111111111] HUM"fill ff I ~ 10MIRIPHURMIRRIG my vatho& of Pavaluatias Advactica I* the go" asl=ce of Sm md Ocaaftes, by V, S. SawyUnkab RUSSIANO pars TVA& Wtiuxts OkenalamIL, Vol LM 1, 1963- - pp 4644o Dept of mmy it' No 46MAW Irr 2511 ~ L Airborne Assault in _Wle Desert,, by Ya., Scuioylullko) 11 d -11--l-,- 0 PO. RUSSLAN, por., Voyermyy Veztnik; Vo 12., -1()G". Acsi i-i6i4-L ID 2201421 Sci .A.-or 04 ,?,T 4 6 / 6 I/