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An OPUG" M2004 fm va atuft of ONO**- TaX&ACO FolarISGUM I IDWIM SIA"Umolor by A. G. SWW=Vt 2L Vl?- vom. z6ft.* BCP 10 Gomm# Dws, m F7=4%IW A= um ft-looft A. G. Sama=ev Scd - Naterl*U DiaplacementG of jUioturbancen in the F2 Layer, by D. T. Samva*dzhiev, Yu. JI V. Kushnerevokiy. RUSSIAN, bk, losledavan4a Neodnorodnostei v Ionozfem, Part V, No 4, 1960s PP 36-44- Pmer b5ateorol Sm T-R(,"-21 1-7a Sci - Geopbys oct 61 (DC- Prices in a Socialist EconoW, by NUou SwcA7dzija., 33 vp - SERBO-CROATIAN per NwaL Stvamost, Val. M, a Y- 4Z515. ITO 11/1.2.. 19W" p JIM W46 mur . yupelavft ECOA /9 ?,, 1~5',6 Aug 61 (SF-1878ill Use Of Nev NaterlaU In Sclence., by A- 3 pp. FMSUN,o 9.v Uvefftlya, no 116 (13662), 17 Yhy 29U., p 4. JM 13329 set - mw 1/0190~ /90, ~, Apr 62 Analysis of Process of Absorption of Gumm by.Wtalsp Commmication M Absorption of Hydvogen snd Nitro- gen by Ironp by A. Dlyakmwv and A, SammWin. RUSSM., is Ak mau, 683a.4 Otd. TWth. Rwk jua 106, So 1., pp 121-12b. Brutcher Tech Tr No 2875 - ~, I qI q UUMALA! DMJMIff DZ LIACAD=U M =. -DR MOSSO 02"00 do* Bel. Toch. 1946,p Xe A+p pp 595-M Bmtehw Tnus IMp $3.90 SAYARIN, A. Metallure., vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 36-39, 3 firs., 1 table, 1500 words; 1938. Determination of Gases in Steel Durin7 MeltinT, Process. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 604, 31.50 IT-.I V- ~~.j V ~j/ .1 , Processing of Metal Under V.,,-uum, by A. ~-a~mwiml 4 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Ekon Gazata, 14 Dee 1960. JPRS 9705 um Econ /j~ 2 / I~Cc Aug 61 I it I I I' I ~A~g 1~ If! I! il 1!1 ~! :;I 1111111 :t I Till P:1 ft 41111 If 1~1111114 A KOIROLEII 111 16 fimwes, 7 "etallur,a, vol. 13, No. 2, pages 77-84, tables; 2900 words; 1938. Zxueriments on the Saturation of Ferrochromniizri wit, Nitrogen. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 696, ia,~.O/O bifa c-, 0 f 0 nwgan Oil D05ulpliu!A. Za-L 101, Stool. by A. I. -Kandrat'ely, h4 1,L RUSSIA-M, per, Tz VYsshikh Uchob Zaved Chava Mut, Vol. V, No 9, 1962, pp 99-104C BISI 3441 Jan 64 41 1 63-22798 Samarin, A. M. and Shvartsmar., 1. A. IONIC NATURE OF MELTS AND SOLUBILITY OF OXIDES AND SULFIDES THEREIN. [19631 10p Order from K-H $10.00 K-H 5141 a Trans. of Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii (USSR) L946. v. 20, no. 2, p. 189-193. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfides. 00xides, Solubility, Melting, Ions. 1. Samarin, A. M. 11. Shvartsman, 1. A. Ill. K-H-5141-a IV. Kret3ge-Hooker Science Library Associates, DE-trolr, Mich. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 10, no. 12) 091c8 of Tecbmka; Senices Effect of Steel Deoiddation with Silicon on Desul#mrization, by S.Z. Volkov wid A.M. Samrin. 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Is Ak Nank 8SSR,* Otdol Tekh Kauk; metan i Toplivo,, No 3p i962,t pp a)-Z. sic SaL Dee 62 ;? 3 -3 e) ~-~ I 10 0# (I[Y-7030) Tasks in nvraving the Quality of Electrical Steels and AIloys, by A. M. Socarin, 8 pp. HUSSUR, per., Ilektrichestv*j V!* Tll 1960, -pp 1.4. JF-RS 13429 Sci - Bleatricity A. jLpr 62 Structure and Properties of Liquid Metals, by A. 1.I. Samaa--n. RUSSIMT, bk, 196o, 218 pp. 17 Tr- - 4 ("1 11 Sci - I'lin/Metal -- Feb 62 List 63 Marluence of of Steel by Al=dm= up= the FAM"sl or FxW Its, by S. R. Vol)wvs A. IL Banarlao MSUN,v per,, Uvest Aked Mwk B=ts, Otdsil UM Nauk,, I amnWe Delo,* 20 2j, 1963.o Vp 22-M. EB 6DI2 mat & mat 1-70 out 65 3 4U-,, Memod,yumica of the Deesulfurization of eig Iron, by A. M. Samarin, 13 Pan- RUSSUNg, per, Zhur Morgan Khimi A .Vol Is No 7, QPO 1956., pp. 1-577 A=-Tr-45M FLAW Sed Jun 63 '/' 3,&' Device for Working Liquid 1,12tal, by V. T. Dartsev, A. M. Samurin, K. A. Bulakhov, 3 R*-o - - RUSSMH~ 'Der, Byul Tzob--ateniyj No 13., 1960., P 49. ~C71593 m wL-965/.,L Sai - Engr ~;~ -5~ -7 / /, 29 Nov 61 10 572 US-4 US-5 A. M. SAMARIN, A. A. VERTMAN Production of chromium and carbon-free ferrochrome by the method of vacuum sintering Trudy Akad. Nauk SSSR. Inst. Metallurg , 1, 60-66 (1957) $ 1. 80 (ph), $ 1. 80 (mf), 60-13251 - English Euratom 10 ill A. M. SAMARIN, ed. The use of vacuum in metallurgy "Primenenie Vakuuma v Metallurgil" Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1958 NP-tr-337. 245 p. - English US-2 Euratom Deadfur:Lzation or TATdd Steel by SIM Mixtares D"Ing WIMM ZmatmMto by V. A. Mmupkovv A. M. %ImarlA. RMS10j, PWp Is Vysd3M Vabob Zmadj Chsm Hotel.. NO Ili, 19Ws, PP 32-35 - ED 5092 ft, . mm/x" 1447J Apr 61 Remelting of Sitael and &Uoys -in V"wro fam, Awmcaj by G. If. a=UkovO A. W. -Polyakov.9 A. m. Sair-rin. RUMIM, yerp Iz A& ffauk BM3, Mal Tekbu Vauk', go 5., Vay 1958,p pp 59-&. sa=y Brutchor 4339 $3-90 Sol - EW Oat 58 1:14 - 17-9 The Effect of Silicon 02 US 80101MY Of QW96U 10 Ixw-Chrudm Ibrusp by V. V. Avorlas A. U. PAR~r-fts 2 py. HMMN., per., Dot Ak Sint SSSRq Val =,, No 6,, 1958j im IM.T10,54. Cmult4ato SUMAC Sci - Man J= 59 7ZIG ?, / The Use of Art1ficW14 HadloaaUve Isotopes In the Study of labe Px*oeosw of the Productlan of Mel aud Lm,v by A. M. OEM OmmWin. WWTM.* POW P/707P Proccedinp of MMm=&Ucml conference on PeacaAa Vow of AtAmda Imera BOA at Mmeva, 8-20 Aug 1955p Vol XV. lhtArn&U OMW -- UN 60~s- -99 1 Sol - Naclear FMulas 4iw 57 au 1-669.9.162 Oxidaticu of Manganese Dissolved in Ligald 12VUS by B. V. LludbewMys A. X._";p RMIWO tbrlce-m pers Dok Ak Nauk SSSRs Vol cxp NO 20 3%956# IW 209~,,=* Henry BzuWber Tr NO $2.50 -,54j; / RP, Sci - mar 1957 G-- 'T c c - z:r'-iZ.L by V. M. Gbjbir-~ A. M. f5iiziarln. RUSSIXI. -Prolzvod-stvo Stali, Sbarnik =T, Mosacm, 1956, P-P 283-289. HB 4-(94 Selt. - Min/smict tAir, 60 p,- - quia D;ettr~W, b~ir A. M. la .~Mctuj si U Sems-An. FUSSIMp bk., StMeniC 1, SvOilDtrP- =.Tdn hDatallov, AEG TrA879 mirj 62 Viscosity of Iftaid Nickel and Its Alloys vith ,"Per, by A - A- Ver $ A- M. r1n, 4 pp. MWZ4N,, pers Dok Ak Nm* SMS Vol ==I, No 92 AIP Vol Vs ]b 3 SCA 4- An 61 J Dzvelolment of Steel Production in the USSR, by A. Yu. P04akov, A. M. Smarin, 10 pp. ir-MIAN, As Hvt&Uurg4r& MM (1917-1M).. Vol :1, psxt 1.. 1958, pp )JI - Iq ~. OW 60-511M PLAW MSR Econ Sep 61 MT- Izo ug !"~&SLU, per's ia.r nj Development of the 2heoratical Pri=lplea of Steabnalting Procesceo,, by A. Yu. Pa4akovp A. K. Sanar;Lnp 15 pp. C -m- R=rM., bk VatalurgLYS WSR (1%7-1957)o Vol I, Part 1., 1954, P? 360- W, OM 6D-511M Nlift WSR Ewn GeV 61 m M T No ng Solubil-Ity and ActVvity of Nyget' in Liquid iron, Nickel, Cebalt, and "Ibeir Mixtures,, I.V V. V. Averin. A. 'Zu. Fol7akrow, A. FS. 2amarin. RMIM, per, 'Mi Ak Sauk No 8., 1957, PP 120--M- SSSR, Otdel Tekh U4, Henry Bmtcher .~L- . 65 Sci - Cbem J= == I ReUtion Betvaeu Damafurizatlon and Deoxidation of Stools, by Z. Buzhaks A. M. Samikrft, RMUN,, per, Is Ak ftuk $MR Otd Tekh. rm*,, NO 9m SO 1957v PP'37-44* Brutaber Tr 4259 $6.80 Bel - -lasibm ftp 58 Effect of Coluftun and Titanim 0u Propm-Ues of Stataoss Stools,, bCr A. M. Sawrinp As A. RUSSIAN, so per,, In A Namk, Mel TakhNank, No 3.21 mit yp 167-n6. Brubobw Tr 3m Sol Kan/%tale Sep ;~ ms Deoxidation of Steel With Siliconeaud &ngmwi me, by 1. S. Kulikov, A, M. Eamrin- RUSSIARO per, Iz Ak Hauk ESM., )eotdel TLakh ftukp no 10, Oct 1954, pp 23-30. Ihmtcher Tr No 3501 of~ J. 6 o Scientific - Miu/Notals mky 55 Couditioar. for -the Mosolution =d Rmy'ral of orySen Dwing the Daoxidaticu of Metal kblts,, Ir.r A. W. A. Mtsched1lachwill. ORMS9 Vw., Nene Hutte, Vol Tn., Apr 1962p =I 990 &-I - 16/14 Jul 63 EffeCtS Of an"! Alurrly-n-a UDon th.-~ Amou-v~ and cn-,nucsttion 01, Omx'-,A;~ Inclunloa!; in Meal, b.-,r -& T. --IAoi*rvt, V. A. Kehedlishv--;, i, A. ML gqqg#p, 22 M-EZIfi-li, bk, T-rady Txzt imeoni A. A. r--ylm,.ra, Met Mbtalloved Fiz nJza 1-btedy Torlodov., No 5,, 1960., pp 22-35- C16-t-1496 / -17 31 7 i~~- .FTD M-L-1052/i Sci - Hln/bL-tal; Chem 15 rov 61 sources of NonwtaLUe Inclusions in Bearing Stee Indentified by Use of Radioactive Calcium,, by V-~ Grigorym., A. M. Mnym in 1====-- Russia,, =o per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSRj, Mel Tekh M4 No 3., mar 1954, pp 91-1o1. Henry Bratcher Tr 3838 sai - Minerals/Metau $6.80 Feb 3-957 CM Magnetic Susceptibility of N10101p Cobalt and Iron st HJZU TeMeretures In the Mquid Mateo 17 A. A. Vertmans A. MI qqRT4!!P 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Dek Ak Nank SM,, VbI C=CLVp No J8 2., 1966P PP 320-329. AIP 8m Pt" - Bak vca v.. wo 5 Sai IT-le Apr 61 Production of Transformer Stoel in Vactium FurrAces, by G. A., Garnyk, A. M. Amardn.. RWSD.Ns bkj Primenenit Vakuuma Y Matallurgii., HOSCOV, 1958, pp 14-34- Bratcher 4362 Sci - Dlin/get Jun 59 Magnetic SuBeeptibility of Nickel., Cobalt M*d Iron at High Teuperatures in the Liquid States by A. A. Verbwz, A. M. samariu, 4 yp- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 9o-3- SSSR, V03. CXMT, NO 3N 2, 1960, PP 326-329. AIP Bar Pbys - Dok Vol V, NO 5 sai &13r 61 An Eleextrolysis Method of Dissolving Stainless Steel, by V. A. Mchedlishvili, G. A. Lyubimove, A. M. Sam in, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zemod Lab# Vol XXVI# go 11, 19W, pp 1212-1a8. ISA set &1 61 /572 703 Solubility c~r Gq Iran- .0m.In fflckel-Chxcm~m Melts# by S V. Ifeu Samwin. ib zip RUSSZ49j, perj, Zz Ak Nauk 8=0 onto No 1.04,49P" PP 179D-1796. BzUtcher Tr W03417 Scientific Kin/KOWA CTS/= Activity of Carbon aud 0.~Wgoa in 07,rjgen Maltsp by A. It. Sarar-in, R. A. EMS= p parp Iz Ak Nauk WSH., Otdalenle 'T(4aiiii- chea-kikh Iffaukt, 1953., pp 1130-1136. d /1' 1;60 0 C, scleutmlc - Physics q- Ralationship Betv--en Swface Tension cX Liquix] Cbromim-Mckal Moys aW ScmeTTopertics in TheIr Solid State,, by 0. S. BoAcn-ao A, M. !!!~ar ~- - - Russia, per, IZ Ak Nauk,,'Otdal Tek MLuk, No 2j 3-9541 pp 52-59. Drutcher Tr SO 3373 Scientific - min/yAtal 0 ftysice /21 . 730 Solubility and Activity of Oxnen in Iran ana Van-- dium Malts, by R. A. Karssav,, A. Yu. Fo37akovp MOSIAff, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val LMV,, No 6, 1952, PP 1313-1W. X-gitl Roe L:Lb them is rr--~ TTAB scientific - 2byous ke CTO/D= I w / Vanadium OAides, by A. Yu. Folyakovp. A. '14 21 pp. I BUSSTAII,, per,. - ~Orb"Ichlmjr Vol =.- NO 5* 1950.1 pp 565-575. Sci Tr CanUr RT-146o / (f, (r" Y Y Sc ieutif ic - Chemistry Study of the Saturated Vapor Precame of I .Aquld Fatals and 7heir Ingurltlea by the Carrier Gas Mathod,, by V. T, Durtoavp A. M. Samarln, 8 ppe RMSIM.. per$ Zavodsk. Lob.# Vol XXV :19 19QP mp 3.199-1203. AM-tr-5983 Sci- I'lat & V&b Nov 63 3 Vi--cosity-and-Electrical Conductivity-of-Liquid Niekcol-Carbm- A11073 By A. A. Vartman, A, H. Samarin. pp. Russia, par, is Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdol Telib Hauk, MoUll i Toplivo. No 6. 1962 pp. 37,42 I sm sci Jul 63 Effect of Kitrogen %nd Boron Upon the Properties of Austanitic Stainless Steel,, by A. A., Yaskevich,, A. M. Samaria. =SIM, per, Iz Vy"h Vcheb Zaved Omm Moto No 71, IM# pp 97-102, HB S981 stimpm May 63 z2 a 9" 8 5 iD Thermal Trest=nt On the Anodie Effect Of 'Sall-BasriDg Steels by A. SolutiOu ~ lKelleaUghViUs G. A. Ba~_Jup A. pp. zavod.Lab# Vol XXVT f 96 9., RUSSUNP per# -ig6op PP 1052-1055- ISA Sci 6,,3 0 oc' j~w 61 On the Structure of Liquid lutectles., by A. A. Vattamp A. X. AwwrlA, A. U. Takabow, 6 pp. MOTM., 9w; It Ak Sauk SM, Otdol Toft lauk metal I Tapuvo" No 3* 1160P vp 10"a- BW 2"h Publ 1.55-J7-If Sid Doe 6o 16 4t124 Prospects of Using Radioactive Isotopes and Buclear Radiation in Metallurgy and Other TecWdcal Sciences, by A. H. 8-m in, M. S. Fomicbev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk 888R, Otdel Telth NaWrt, metal i Toplivo,, No 6.. 1959, pp 1n-126. JPRS'3607 Sci - Pbys - Chan Aug 60 On planufts saboatifle lavestuptlons an Who Coutlaums Costlag Proossep by As M. Bamrla. III= MSIAVp rop OnKumom Costing at StAel. Pmogtvgs of the r1rat AllAkdon Ocoforomes, 17-19 Oat 19551; N=wjs 1956s W 267-WO. 3M1163.8 (12.238.0d.) 6o Ilroe,=tIon af GIv=ium and Carbon-rx,--o Yorrcah:vc:-0. by the m--thol of Veomm. SlawrLoSp by A. M. SaMUIZj A. A. Vertma. ML Ruusw$~ per, Tndy Ivu sotsus, go It 1957V pp Go-66. DBIR LW IGIZU (IMU) um ftm - Ceramic industries mar 6o The Fw7a af Silicon in Liquid Irun, by A~ -A. Verl=an, A. 24. Samarin, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dck A Hauk SSSR, Vol CXX, 1958, P 309. CIA/FDD X-30063 Sci - Chem -SeP 58 7 0- &- v P ~~ ;.I ----------------- '57 at~ -Kl- ;,valtm-iou Of flesult%+7~( llraff7juuy ladu Stec Al uuzi -Mbods, I L, A by Ct;~: cul as Againct Vat, -Ftiaim t V. A. Mcbedlimbvill, A. 14..S.awrin '-"*3STAW, per,, 2z Ak Nauk SSSII, Otdel Tekh Rmuk, Ito '953, rp 378-5d2. 'Brutcber Tr 3194 miwftla/metals t;,. ~ s /D E Y, Price $3.6o 7 gel The Vacuum Deoxidation and Desulphurization of Transformer Steel, by A. M._2aMarip, UNCLASSIFIED FRENCH, noother information given, PP 3-14. -B_L - 7 .,j iron and Steel Inst Tr 1025 (L4.10.0) Sci - Chem; Min/mttals Aug 58 IcIret-ico end Mcclianisra of Reducation of (3ircm1mv, Oxide by Carbon in Vacuum, by A. A. Vertat-In, A. M. Samar'n.. RTS'STAHj bk, Primenenya Valcuums v Yetallurgli. mo 1956, pp 132-146. Henry Brutebe.- 4375 $7.80 Sci - Engr JIll c Apr 59 P=blc= of - th 2 UGO of- Va-dCm-- A. M. Sn=r1n, RM10,0 bk,, PrUmmde Vakmm v Hotallw%111 mbaeovo IMs, pq 343. 40M7 Rrutchcr 4361 0-90 Sal - abar p E Agr 59 Solubl I I ty of oxygen in MnSweae-Containing LiqVAd Iron.. by B. V. LinchmkLY, A. M. RUSSUNt Per# 1z Ak Nauk sSSRs otdel TeIrb Hauk,, no 2., Feb 195T., pp 9-18. Brutcher Tr 4,o3o *9.80 Bel - )dn/yAt !.T %o. Jan 58 (-Lj~e~Us of Carbon E3'vdmt:i(m From a Steel But -1 j, .,y L. A. Shwartsmaj, A. M. Samarln, N. 1. *odd= Teiddn RWSUN., so pwt Mar Fft Kb"m,, Vol Ma.. So 9p 1.947., pp ioeT-iov. nat ike LLb TT.556 ottmal cam" 3 (OP 3ci - Chemletry SA-IARILU, A. "". Bulletin De L'Acade-lie Des Sciences De L'Urss, Classe Tec!-i.-i,. Nos. 1-2, 1 figure, 1850 viords; ISA. Substitution of llitroEen for 'Nickel in Heat Resisluing Steel. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 172,~, 12.~30 SAMARIN, A. M. (otliers) Metallurg, v01- 13, No- 11, a figures, 3 t0bles, 10'00 words; 1938. Influence of llitro-17en on Chromium-containing Alloys. Brutcher Trans Order No. 1766 $2.40 - Y /) / 0 Y 8 xozaovoi,o V. So SgIRTMIr Ae No SolabiUty of Atrogea In Liquid Chroadm and Chvtxd=o- Si2ican. MILAN AKff9m Am ME6 vol 74, ig5o, me 4v pp 7291-321 1200 words. Brutcher No 2637 ;L,, M. SHVARTSMAN, L. A. Influence of Silicon upon Thermodynamic Behavior of Carbon Dissolved in Solid and-Liquid Iron. !Z-VESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR.,OTN,, 1950* No 11p pp 1696-1700; 2100 words. Brutcher No 2706,, S q, -?10 Iq 1/0 ->43 ~AIMINO A. M. SYMMMU, L. A. Influence of Carbon upon ActivitY of Sulfur Dissolved in Liquid Iron* !ZVESTIYA AKADEMII NA4 SSSR, Otd. Tkh Ntauk, 1951, No 3p pp 407-10; 1850 words* Brutcher No 2756j, $ 3, 2 0 '1~1 - / f;1 C,2~ "-,.41 D=Wzing Cmpacity of Owbcm in W4 ppe by A. b1. RMSIMp Wp V* Ak &Uk SIM, Val C=, Ito -11.0 1958P py 990-- Co=ultants bwwu sci - Chem SHMSMO L. A. -AMARMV, A. M. mmus M. 1. Kinetics of Carton 31fidustion fma Steel Ilath. 28mm plumsm KH 2, va 21,P 19470 so 9,0 pp IMT-32i 27W v*rdso Bratcher No 2522,0 $ 4. '7-r ,A) / ~~ -> S -. Influence of the Refractory HatArrials of Steel- Pouring Devices on the Coatamination, of Steel With Non-MetaUic Inclusionsp by E. So RalinnikAws A. Me Samarins 24 pp* Full translation. RUSSIANO bkp Conference of the AcaderV of Sciences of the MSR on the P. eacef ul Uses of Atomic Energyq 1-5 Jul 1955p Session of the Division ct Technical Science# C 3 J tants OPO ::30rk ~Iis Sci - Nuclear Ph7sics *87 VVto for $350.OD I~--terzminaticn of Cmposition ar OxidLaw, alaurs Im ElmetrIc Arc Parmoegp Bazed an CaLcUmted Datas by A- Mo ~gMar&4 A. Yu. Polyakr"p L. A. Shvartmm. RUSSUN,, per., Iz Ak Nauk SMj Otdel 7wol Raux:l fio 1P-.p 1947.. PP 1639-16W- UB 4681 Sci - )Un/Met Oct 60 TIC Onii,: The Physicochemical Principles o-f Steel Production. Proceedin.-s of the III Conference on the Physico- Chemical "Principles of Steel Production, (ed. A. 14. Samarin). TRIOL RUSSLAIT, rpt, 1955j, DSIR LLU 14.aaix 6o5i (loan:) Mar &D Effect of BlmIm Mith -Carbon M= Monoxide Gas --in - - Blectric Furnaces Upon Steel Qmlityp by A. v. Vishayakovp'A.. M. Samaria. RUSSIAN,, mo peg Iz Ak Nauk SSSRj, Otdel Tekh Mauk,, No 3., Mr 1954p pp 102-3.09. Hemry Brutcher Tr 30 J7 $8.80 , 73rwl Sci - Min/Metalsj ~etallurjMr Aug 57 olubility of Oxygen in LiqUid Iron Containing 2itanium, by B. K. Lyaudie, A. H. Samarinj AUSSIANI tbricemo per# Dok,,Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol = CIs, No Zj 1933m PP 325-0- ow~114114 Brutcber Tr 3545 41-75 Scientific - Min/Metals Av4g 55 CTS The Trestlog of Llq"d StAol War Thaum t2 a Lsdlo &a Hm)'A8 by ho M. gamirtuo et &X, UMIAM -- MWUX,, gar, Tru# IrAt lasoU Lu A. A, bqkmo No 1# 1957* vp 39-50. cQ.Q# TV Bob" '&gk 44920640) Sol - awes IdWot Doo 58 771 4 4y Samarin,,',. M.. ed. CO WORARY PROBLEMS OF METALLURGY. 1. Metallurgy- -USSR Dec 60, 538p. 1. Samarin, A. M., ed. Order from CB $16. 00 fl. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., Trans. of mono. [Sovremennyye Problemy MetaUurgii, New York Moscow, 1958, 640p. 10511? 1-,E17,,011Y6- I-IUR4 Ry 17G/V/ 7- Offl-f T-h.i-I S-4- (Metallurgy, Tr, v. 5, no. 2) Work of Kuybyshev Emstitute.of Ii 5 ppjI: Microbiology, and Hygiette. by '1J! RUSSLAN, np, Medtt Gazeta, .24 JTPRS 25477 Sci - B M Sct Aug 64 264,707 ---------------------------- --- ECA)N . I ...I . . MAY 63 . . I.: I.'II-' ~ 23100 1.. I , Solubility at Nitrogen In Liquid Chramims by V. A. Wagovap W A. samrin., 6 pp. RUBSURO thrice-= per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSM Vol LXMP No ho 1950P Pp 729-732. CU D 5;w me r-w4)689/v Bmtebar No 2637 4240 Sel. - Cbmistry Aug.1956 Rroblm of the DoUrmlmtiou of ftve 20 Byeed Frm Photogn&l*lc Pemts Made From the Shom by Fbotogmphlc SlIt Ijave note=j, by A. A. ivmov., V. a. sommolap 6 y1p. MWMp pwj, Truj~y *rokoip Oldroftz Imto Vol: 66--.92. AM An 63 232..665 Samarina, C. F., Kritsman, M. G. and others. AMINO-ACID COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA. tr. by Z. Knowles. 6 Mar 51. 1 lp. (3 figs. ornitted) 3 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-28112 Trans. of Siokhimiya (USSR) 1950, v. 15. no. 3, p. 287-290. DESCRIVrORS: *Bacteria, *Aminoncids, Proteins, Cholera. Vibrio, Chromatographic analysis. By means of dimetric chromatography on paper, the amino-acid composition of cholera and cholera-Uke vibrimes, and saprophytic species of cocci were ex- amined. Results showed that 16 known amino acids and one unidentified amino acid were found in the proteins of cholera and cholera-like vibriones. The amino-acid composition of cocci proteins agree In the main part with such vibriones. (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT, v. 6, no. 11) 6L-28112 1. Samarina. 0. P. It. Kritsman, M. G. Ill. National Institutes of Realth, Bethesda, Md. Offico of T*Aalcol S~ices