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Cyanethylation of Cyclic and HeterocyclaO Kat~nes Reduction and CYCILTAtion Of the CYaUSthYIatIGn Products$ by I. N. Nazarov_, 0. A. ShveldWyw*$ A Ruftgm4,-.U pp.. RMSIM,p MD per,, MAW Obstich-S!kmj Vol MT, No 2s USMP Fab 1954# pp 319-3w. CU D 15UM scientific - Cheadetry CM 6T/Apr.55 Rydrol"iss Alcoholpis amd frydrogenatto Of j: O-Cyavethyl Ethere of Glycols* by I. N. Hazarovo 0. A. Shvekhgeymr., V. A. Ruftnkos8 RUSSIAN, MO-perp M= Gbghch 11hims Vol =V# go 29 UMI Feb 1954., PP 329-336- CIA D 151978 a Bureau scientific - Chemptry CM 6"(/Apr 55 Acc4rlew Derimiven )an Trwsf*=tlcn of 1-pbMI-z -D QVI PiPWIdWet- by 1. H. NWAroVo S. G. Natoegano V 4 A. RudeW Wip 6 pp. RU SSUN# b1m perv IZ Ak So"Ir SM , Otd am- traukv no 6v obv-Dec 1952p pp l0bq~-IM4, _ej Bureau sclentIfle - Ca2=ztr7 ,7u1 CM)hm, /57 ?w? 02 Acotylcac Lrurlonati-ves. K-71. of 2~ tt-.~Axal"nqpyeldine c:n -,5--,a Dyl AX~yl Ketmeo. Syan.,uric, ExA A-Piparldcuu-c., by 1. U. Uezarm., .03. G, Ifatr,.Cu=., V. A. Rudc-nhoj 10 -TYP. e1 KItin Rauk bl= mr1l Iz k". Hauk- SSMA -M ~ro 14,O-v-Dcnl 19521? jF rOTI-low. OcientVic - Ciop-mAntry Jul G'T-S/ta T -:.,j C f-, " j E ~at-* Gil D.C L".,ta Shor-c-Poriod St7encrth -ceri, ,;f Hcat-aoosistanz Ce-r-met Ma als, by V~ fl., Rudcnko~ 13 pp RUSSIAN, per, Poa-oshkavwja Metallurgia, 11961, nP 96-93, 96672,36 FTD--ir-62-1473 Sci-M/',1 kpr 613- 7 1 Of An ftprimatia zweatiotica ot tjw mm%et of aa - Kea= an ftWitatlovia Materactionj, by Vi D. PnonsUy,, V, X* 6 Rumm's pw., zhw RK m 1; if t tsars no Vol 11=0 lb ii, 196as 9p 3L-58. Amr LWt of Pan 8M Ad" - AW Vol zvtj, 3b I Am 63 220,322 chaw 41. the lsotop~CL !:oMfositlon, of cury by evaporation, by V.S. Grigor'ev, ~a. amt G. Safronov, Ppe MrAw 4"Pla M-0 *# 2bu Hkawper I Temet Ptz* Vol 33, N6 3,, 1957,, PP 576-580. Awr Dmt--of Fms sov ph"-jw Vol 6(33) s, So 3 sci - Pap Jun 58 1 The influence of I-Ioly,-hosphates on Clay Suspanuions, by V. P. Audl, A~ M. Mandellyill. 4'pp. RUSSIO. per, Kolloik Zhur, Vol. XXIII, RO. 2. jL9,61 pp. 190-193 CB - Sai 1/^ 44 '11d Mar. 62 at of S=face-Active Substances on tho .~-zoperties of Agar Gslsp by V. P. lludl. A. A. P,llorozovp 6 p-Do ~,Ms bimo par# KoUold Mur... Vol XVIv No 2p 19,1`3p pp 117-1-24. Consultants Bweau ,cientific - Chemistry OM/b= Y7 The RoUlng of W11ndrical Bodies TWng Into ACCOunt the Friction Forces of Cabeelon.. tV Z. Z. Radiskov. FMIM,p Per. ftOmOV Dwpqpft List nwle=odor erano,. No 26, 1958,# PP 322-V~ - ~ ,1 1; _: It* Tr $43/M 3A Sol - ph" lhe PoLung of Cylluftlea Bodtan Taking Igo Account the Matlon 7am" of Coba"cal b7 z. Z. Rmdiakov. RMIAN, pers. 61 k, ZbAl&zaodor _mlpmvp TMVAPO NO 350 0 322-3330 Mv Tr 3443/AM 32h JTC4, ~r Aug 63 ", -f , F, Role of Island Arcs In the Developmat of the Earth's StructiLre, by V. V. Beloussm~ Ye. M. Rudich, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovetab-Va Geologiya, No 10, 1960, pp 3-23. Amr Geol Inat Interntl Geology Row. Vol M, No T Sci - Geopbys jui- 6-, cl, rile Demy E--> A"* + 2-y -,,o t!L-- Moiff Ue Vammuz zo the Wpero% by B. MmIj, A. P. Jbidl 7ussm# pww Zhxir- =at mx;o Vol xc=.. zo AV soy Vol M36 No 2 ALL Wr 63. AtmiwAtwmr ombimtim With TMO MWUOU CVDIW?i" Aw nawspeouqpbotAmytry., V W. lima, I. DA14"r., it. lrarxwAn- OEM, vwf 7, AMM.I.OMMU NO. IT., 2844, pp M-279 pr. R u D / 6: sci - Aug 67 33!~-735 Zur Messung der Warseleitfahigkeit Nach Diessel Horst, by 0. Rudiger. GERMAN, per, Techn Kitt Em Im"Ol xill, No 3, 19SS' P-P-3=1. *CMI Tr 67-59052 6). e ~e- Jun 67 t Titanium, Its Properties and Possible Applications, by 0. Rud iger, H. VanfKkann, W. Knorr, KSeqd1j1v #C W rl GERMAN., perl Techn Mitt Krupp, Vol XIII, No 2, 1955, pp 23-47. S.L.A. Tr 1365, :L366, 14o5. T.I.L. T-h558 Sci - Mineral 07..T Jun 1956 3e e The K-.whanical. Loada on Drill Rod;; in Percusal,ea Ilack Dr "Ilngp by 0. Rud4jer, W. ".rilum. ii~E GMMN., par, Glwakauf, 1953.# pp =1-1227. British Iron and Stael TYA (no number alvon) eci - Engr lqf-, -3-IW61- SOP 59 Irl" Contribution to System Tungsten Carbide - Titmulum Carbide - Chr=Ium Corbidep by 0. Rudiger OEM=, per,, Metallp Vol YZIp No 93-24p 1953# pp 96T-9690 arui~her Tr 3220 Beientific - 141nerals/rAtals q..2,ej CTS/D= Frice $3 'C* Corroalon-Rosistant Cc=ntod Carbides (Port I of entltMd Vamn-ted Ccarbides With Iligh R481utc=a to Car-roalon ata Scaling)",, by J. nlnmtbw.*p 0. Rudiger. GE=N,l P#., Arcbiv Fivenbuttenvocan, Vol =lV,, Do 5-6 3953.- PY 267ZO-.- Brutcher Traw Uo 3135 Scleutlflc - YA=n--as/HqtmIu sa 53 Cm 43-90 17rice Process of NMb Oxidation of Titanium Carbide if Cobalt Compositions, by W. Kinna, 0. Rudiger, ~- 14 34., 8 n GERMAN, per, Archiv fur da das Eisenbutten-wesen, Vol XXIV, No 11-12, 1953, pp 535-542. Brutcber Tr 3223 11,396 Scientific - Min/Metals CTS/DEX Price $13* I/- Dot,ection of Boroa PrecIpItate by Neutron Bomlxamdmut, by 0, Rudiger GMW# per$ Stahl und Risen.. Vol LKX=lf NO 50 1953o AP 2W. Brutcher Tr 3181 Scieutific - Hinerala/Metals // CTS/ba Price $1.4o .01 "Cemented C,orroolou and Scaling,, by J. RIwmther,,.0* Rudiaer GEEM09 per, Archiv 91senbuttrMsens Vol xxlvj, No 5-6., 1953v pp 269-274. . I Brutcher Tr Scientific - Minerals/metals CT6/bEx Price # 47.40 Ptrogress in the Non-Destructive Testing of Materials by Superscaica, by 0. ~udiger., 22 pp- G=W, per, Stabi und Sisen., Vol LXX, So 13, l950, pp 561-565. siA 6o-18609 Bel ,~- d-7, Jul 62 vol 4, no 12 Metallogrophic Studies or steei with the Blectras Microscopop by H. Benwk# 0. Mdlpr,, F. Stabloln# K. E. Volk. CERXU,, perp Archiv Msenbutt*vmmu,, Vol XVs, 194i-igh2v pp IM-436. BrAtebor Tr 1931 Scientifle - Min/matels Supersonic Frequency Generator for Sm-Des tructive Material Testing.. by H. and J. KrautkremrIj 0* tudigor. GM?.ZN Arch Biserhuttenv# Vol XX., No 11/12S NOVI Dec 1949, pp 355-358. TPA3/T3EB Trans T 3933 P2M7T Mur - Germany Scientific - Electronics, generators frequency# superson1cp Index Aeronauticus -Ac e- / 7 13 A &, 1 lov:2 / (I-1011m RUdiger, 0. and Winlrelmann, A. ELECTRO-HROSIVE WORKING OF METALS. [1961) 1. Electrogrosive machining 33p. (28 figs. ornitted). 2. Metals --Machining Order from SLA mi$3. 00, ph$6. 30 M-10809 I. EtUdiger. 0. U. Winkebmnm A. Trans. of Metall (West Germany) 1958, v. 12, May. 366-380. 0f%.. f Tc&"c.1 S. (Machinery- -Manufacturing, TT. v. 5. no. 9) I&Wizer, Otto, ft-XgOi PROCEDURE FOR PREPARATION OF SOYA MILK. 1. Title: Soya milk 11961IJ 2p. t ref. 1. RUdiger. 0. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-20901 If. Patent (Germany) 1 037 245 Trans. of German patent specification 1 037 245, DOP 1037 245 Cl 53 It 2/OZ Internat. cl. A 231, appl. 14 Jan 56, appl. pub. and specifications issued 21. Aug 58, pat. issued 5 Feb 59 (Concurrent to specifications 1 037 245 (H 38717 IV a/53k). DESCRIPTORS: Wilk, Preparation, Vegetables The procedure is characterized In as much that Soya 7 i e Beans were swelled for some hours in water 400C and l are consequently ground, the hereby obtained pulp Is mixed with several timc~ its quantity of a weak ac- (Food, 'l-1% v. 7. na. 11) queous Chlorophyllin solution and shaken. the liquid phase is separated and for the purpose of separationof the bitter substances, filtered through a mixture of offi.. #1 T.Adc.l U"Ices yeast and raw natural bleaching earth. Studies on the Passage of Air Through the Rose With the Use of a New Vasoconatricting Drug, by If. Rudiger, 10 p. GERM, Tnr, Hals- Nasen- Ohrenarzt, 1958, Vol VII, pp 77-60. SLA 59-1o838 Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, No 9 A Simple Appliance For Continuous Recording Of Saliva- tion In Unrestrained Dogsp by W. Rudiger..(ppp P RUSSIAN,, mo perp Finiol Zbur SM imeni 1. 14. Bechenovas Vol XMII, No 4., AUP., PP 364X365, /F", Pergamon Preea ' Sci - hed lal;7 --y-er 58 wis - ot the Zw*Vb4~ 23dox CC and Ora= In GIVA Plads and Omdx Orjgtval &WI-GoUed Pima# br Watber RmUpro MrONs wa Budebte der amdadm .-.AA16L ___ __ - -,V# Uvo 2w# Im 939-050 9W4987 Sol - Bla ofa jk3w 63 Capturc of a--Mesons 'by Deuterons# by RAM RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol XCIIv no 1953 p p 739. ~7 S.421 1W Tr 219 Scientlhc Cbemistry CT13/DF.X New Method of Investigation of Singularities of Feynman Diagrams, by A. P. Rudik Yu. A. Simonov, 10 pp. cr.~ RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLV, No 4, 1963, pp 1016-1029. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XVIII, No 3 Sci Apr 64 256v073 jllhs Cj 9017,1~;, Ff yrinail -A. P. MAi pp TW!'715TAYIS P~ar;~ ilhi_vT i Teoret Trizq VOI UP sov phys - JETP Vol X'l T* 3 f// Nov AO + 1% + On the Decays K., x + e -~+ e and + iv L. B. 01am: A. P. Radikp pp RUSMM.. peir.. Zhur Sksper i Tooret Fit# Vol m3X.. No, 3 (9)., 19% PP 600-W4- AIP I Pbn - JEW fiqviq Vol xno NO mav 61 Lomtion of the Bwxest Slvau3srltias of the Smttering AxplitWAp by V- A- MAhmov., L, B. okm A. P lblaik 3 13D. "'i" ~r'PrAWIw8 M= BMW i sc"t Fixj, Vol MUC06 Zo 2(8)p 296bo PP 340-34- AIP sm fts-mr Vbl XXIp No 2 Sci P,pr 61 Polarization of Beta-Alectrova from RaS, by B. V. Geshkenbein, S. A. NemIrovskayas A# P. Rudik 6 pp. HUBBIAN., pers Zhur Sksper L Teoret nz, Vol Vol XMI(9).. No 21 1-9591 PP 517-525- Amr last of fts Boy Phys - JM sci - Phys SePt 59 3-5160 (DC4M). Muke of Paydwlogy, by P. A. Rudlk, 4 pp. R=UNS pW bk.. PslkhWoglysp 29A. pp W-09. JM-904-0 ftl - Ned,, ftyebaoa ftP 59 96 / 2,f-~r - a-5i6o (W4M). VolitIODW Actlmj, by P. A. RwM,, 97 n~. .... MISSLUV blL, PblkbmUgljus 1956,p 10 WT-M. JM-V*-~D~ Sci - Med2 Paydwloa Sep 59 A~, 02 f4~ PsychaogLeal Maracterlatles of Persocality, by P. A. RtW=,p 44 ]WO WSSIMO bk$ Palkbologiyao 1950j, PP 287-325- am-90-D Se-i - Ned,. Poyabology Sep 59 >1,6" a f / s-5i.60 (W4M). Payebolqocea Chormater of ActIvItyp by P. A. RudIkp 26 pp. RUBSIANP bko Palkbaost3so 1958s IN 306-350- ON-V*-D Sol - Modo Payabolaff Sep 59 '9011 1 Vy- Parity Nonconservation in $-Decoy of RaS, by Bo Ve Geshkenbein, S. A. Nemirovakaya, A. P. Rudik, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Fauk SSSR, Ser Fix, Vol XXUI, No 12, 1969# pp 14W-1483. Columbia ?eoh Sci Feb 61 /-P 4~r / 40 1~ at ruprowl" pbplca Tratalm Ve~ppqo'"byT- A. -MWkr--S ]PP- , ... ...- iqMSrm,, per,, smet ftftM Wo6s, 19", vP 93-29. Matermtll Arts =A "I No" va is 1b lo usm am 96 " 3059 Er-toect, of S~i= Salicylate on the Digestive 02,6-m~wj by K. S. ZaaWcbkinaj, E. A. Rudik-Gnutova eLnd M. B. MartsevIch., 5 PP, " . ....... RIMSTAN,, mo per., Blul Mayer Blol I Ned., Vol XL:Ej No 11, 1956, pp 19-?Z. Consultanta B=cau Sci - Med :s~, Mar 58 THE LEVEL OF' COOMINATING WORK MUST BE RAISW* 13Y A. Rug -P PP. JAV RMIAN Mp PARTIYNAYA ZHIZN'st NO 19p OCT 174, pp &14. JPRS 16867 USSR ECM AN 63 918,64.9 FOR AN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE SOVIET CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICSO By A.-RUDINr--5 PP. RUSSIAN, NP, EKON GAZETAI NO 31) 28JUL 19620 P 8. JPRS 15361 USSR ECON OCT 62 212,157 Joint Work on Electrification of Central Asian Republics, by A. N. Rudin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, nps, Sovetskaya Kirgiziye, Pravda Vostoka, Kommunist Tadzhikistana, Turkmenskaya Iskra, 22 Sep 1962, pp 1-2. jpRs 16569 USSR Econ Dec 62 - 61P 6 ThO Ei'fLCt Of 5ItX1IWtJL012 tellatia Ganglia on the Daveloqwnt of Acute PU' Onazy Womp bor R- k- Rwl-~U. RWSLIII,, perj, Patolojach ohm LiEWeign I Ek MLAMntalle= &Mlysp Vol V3:4 1963., 'To 5 pp 55-5b. OTS TT-&~-19714 Jan 67 317s529 The FGr,-,, oi' l3ot'llerma of Change in the T-1-lermodynp-mic '1~~Ctlion of Binarj syptemms vit-'a rcxmat-ion Of DIL-olk-lim'. cc)L~'Poulld, by - Ya. Rud4n, N. Yaz3ru-jl,,a- J. 4 p. RUSSEAD, por, Zhur heorg Mhim, Vol. IV, No 3t; 1959, pp 6~2-6,7o. Cleaver-Rume Press Ltd. sci- C:Aq,$,7 London Jan 60 i Deuterow elld Dateclaim of cu P-olazlzation by the (d,%) Reaction, IYY III. El-din, 11. Striebal, B. BawZartwr, 28 pp. !, per., Felvu-tAca FkWsica A--t-m,, Vol. XMITi, iTo 1, 1961, pp 58-U. 9093432 AM, MrMU Tr-8-00 pbrz A PasseWr Jet (TU-104); by V. Rudint A+ pp. Rmsms uk pws, Ogom&., No 14, Apr 1956, -pp 6y7, Encl to IR-=3-56, AFOrg-Ul. CrA D 1*97524 A? 752M9 sconasaic - Civil aviation sai - - 10 ftlicate - =7 bo-jmneaUed sz VC1, z 35 (DC-2700/9) Wider Use of Micro-Fertilizer,, by V. D. Rudinj 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kukuruza, No 10p 19590 pp 28-30- JPRS 3425 USSR Econ - Technological ,Tun 6o /' '-7, 1) " j d 8- The Orthobaric Heats Of Mixing of Pyridine and Water Vapours,, by N. L, Yaryis-Agayev, V, Y, RuAin, et al, 3 pp, RUSSMUN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXV, No 10, 1961, pp 2285-2290, Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Sep 61 t. 210g538 Mathod for SJ =3 taneous Determination of the Boilin, Point,, Densityv and Composition of the Liquid Phase in a Boiling Heterogeneous EVatemp by V. Yao &v4U;- and No Lo Yarym-Agayevt p 5 RUSSIAN9 port Zhur Prik Mdm.9 Vol XMp No 9p 1962t pp 1971 i-- 1975 CB .7 Sci Jul 63 Color E-L:foel. of Thox-mal Conditl6ns In Production of Red Iron Wdo From Ferrous Sulfate., bU L, N. Uor-emolmyn.- A* 0. Bergven,, V. Yao Rudinp 4 p-pa Fall tr RUSSIAN., mo per, Zhur Prik Khim., Vol MUIP "To 9$ 1955-, pp ico6-looB. ciA c 42516 3 4; -j 7 '714 Cwsultenhs Bureau scientific - Mamis try J= 56/dem 1.1;ethod for CUculation of -the Cryatallizntian Region of Sodium Chloride in the qwternary System CaC12-MC12-NaCl-F-20, by V. Yo. Rudin and H. R. Yem-Agayevj 4 i9rc. RMIAW, per, Zhur Prik Xbim, Vol XXX, No b, 1957 Consultants Bumau Sol - Chem I qA f Me Colorimetric Determination of Titanium in Aluminum and Magnesium Using Diontipyryl- methaae, by V. A. Zinchenko, S. ~dina 3 pp. RUSSM, per, Zavod lab, Vol XXVII, No 1961, pp 956-9~T. ~- ISA Sci jun 62 200,475 On the Calculation of ths Streu&t of Volutatt of Cantrifuga Pmps, bV N.A. Rudla. J=Sm. per, Vol 5, go 2,- IL959, p p 32 91123M.51 xg6o 657 1'~2' /~. R "'0 / Bel - Aug 67 336.M Strength and Rigidity of Sealing RinGs, by M. A. Rudis, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mashinostroy, Vol XLI, iTo G, 1961, PP 30-33. PEPA Sci jun 62 201,6o4 jlall of a Sl Turbi -e c, ;,h HOILC! n r'. -n-,r A~ RIIA-is- qluss-udi, Ta-ploeuerget:um, No 6, 1961, ^ -Q, 4 "D. 9 HILL M 5031 "ci 63 ~~Yperflemltlaqstlon of NMI-M-,;r photogravtli~: I&TVarrilon'lli by A. S~ Flog=lov., G I - A A". A, RU0,31ARp fimtMh i Pr'&;w- ?Otc-5rft?-t-i- i il'o Vol Ill., ro I. pp 5-27 5.3- SCA 59-10237 v 59 Vol " Do 7 t; x x - IWF.,?%H Mil N PNFWFEZFA H I Ff HIM-. t! U Pit III I I I If-WEIMPMM 0 1 MIMMMM A. RU2&, 32 Pro. lismft lamp, r0 4o jai 66 282o'IN) Lwrovad fttm Phot4graphic Ims a Developing Method,, by Levis Ckarles Rudkin,, 4 pp. mm=ft YMCK, Wmt no 1#086j655- US Dept of Camnerce Patent office Bel Zib (gM) Sci OCA. 5q tala Mzc.= Flwa maln.~, by 1. inalouvne.." I. P.- pp. aw-julp IWP pwhv"f&Al7Qv SO 9v 195ei RD so~wv AnS am 6L ~7 11 F13~pers ensitization of Nuclear PhotfloLwaplxic by K ~ S ~ Bagomol cY7, 1. A - _~u4 F. 13 RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vaesoyuz Nauch issledovatel Kinofatoinst, No 32, 1959, --OP 5-18. CIA/FDD ~-~---1093 NOT RELFASAMB TO E,-MGN 1UTIONALS Sci - Phya jan 62 USID IM"IMIAL USE OMY Fomation and Distribution of Gas in the Berezovo Region, by M. Ya. Rudkevich., 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geolog Reft i Gaza, Vol III, No -B, 1959- ERG Sci 17 i-~?-y 62 194,567 ........... ~~5 ........ 'Anfluencia of Tc-,7,-Ir=atLre on the L-Lminescence of Halide Solutions of Heavy Metalis . by M,, U. *cIelyip D. F--~~Iko,,5 PP. FLL8,91A.N: per., Iz Ak Nrruk SSo'Rp Ber Fiz,, Vol XXITV, No 5.. 1960v pp 582-586. aff Sci Jul 61 / uergo~o 6,77 of In the mseft" ottuo"m VANdo" of the AbbanM= OadotMj, by 1* 8* 4toomo 0. X* A, 932shlaveMyp 6 IS Ak MV* 000 BW fts VqX XV# No 1* 196L.P pp 60191, am ftL 11 Jun 62 ]LAITTO F t.;4:t4A*T -:~gi -Id- rr"wi(" or RIM ON FROM w" of AM IN AN QWRICA roups w V* *. ma"wt *Vol $. w 15 VP. m I AK am a"# m Got w lot r P; ws War 4* ON 16711 SO 0 QMFM k, ac 69 Ibw kbtboas cg TestIng HLas%qTvraace Siut;pr for Its Prqpertleop bW N. Z. natkfto 0. G. ft"bklno A, ftftov. Rmsms Wo Stal* Vol XT,, No 10j. X955,p PP 887, 9=7 Rmtcher Tr 3645 Bel a Jawrau/atsup chem"trys, IVSL=Qrlug 3-tf- M shho Rudkovskii. D. M. 'ME FEASIBILITY OF SYNTHESIZING ANITNES BY THE ADDITION OF AMMONIA TO OLEFINS. [19611 6p. Order from ATS $7.65 ATS-79N5-IR Trans. of Trudy Opywo-Issledovatel Zavotfa Khimgaz (sicl 1936, v. 3, p. 197,202. T)ESCRIVrORS: *Amines, Synthesis, *Ammonia, *13,11ylenes nTS - M - 257 22 1. Rudkovakii. D. M, 11. ATS-79N54R Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. EastOrange, N. 'U'$ (Chem istry- -Organic. T-17, v. 7, no. 6) T-61t.1 S-At.. Ebaturse of ta no sublimated we (CU616cm) Umus tw 0. A, gholbodd4 9, F, RjdbwMro & I* am 0 a. V. sho3fte. Mongs Vbx at Ikomi, LL (M)~a oc , 'D 1r 0 v Aug 69 Production of Sinter With Part of the Solld PUel Replaced by fts, by A. K. Hudkov. MJSSUN, per, MetmUurgq No 4.9 Apr 19581 VP 3-5- Brutcher Tr 4205 $3.6o Sci - Min/Met Sep 58 741 Rudkovskiy, D. M. OXO SYNTHESIS PROCESS AS SOURCE OF INTER- MEDIATES FOR MANUFACTURING HIGH-MOLECU- LAR COMPOUNDS, SURFACE-ACTIVE AGENTS, LUBRICATING OILS, AND OTHER SYNTHETIC OR- GANIC PRODUCTS. [19611 10p. Order from ATS $12.45 ATS-34N52 Trans. of Khimfiyal i Tekhno)[ogival Topliv I Masel (USSR) 1959, v. 4, no. 5, p. 1-7. DESCRIPTORS: *Detergents, Organic compounds, Pulymers, Lubrication, *Oils. *Oxo process, Syr 61-22626 1. Rudkovskiy, D. M. IL ATS-34N52R III. Associated Technical Services, I East Orange, N. J. offic. f T"wc.1 (Engineering- -dhernical. TT, v. 6. no. 3) Reversible Catalytic Conversion of Normal Butylenes Into Isabutylene, by D. JL Rudkovski E. K, Sevebryakov,, A. V I. prosts 6 pp. RWSIAN,, tbftee-mo perp Dok Ak Nauk SM.. Vol Up no 8p 1~36# PP 359-362% MA Tr R-7W 5-,F O-o27 Sal - Chemistry -.1 Sep .57 .Is-M/6o ("4819) Rio-speed Oxidistag G"ItIcatUm of IMIMS tqF M. 1. , Demnat'jaymp X. A. Rutur D. M. Rafta"my, 38 PPO HUSBUip per# PtIk xhu.9 Vol XA, No 7P 1946# Vp 632-650. JPRS 554* SOL - Mom Oct 60 Condensation Products of Po)yWdrla Alcohols vlth Rtbylene Oxide, and Saters of these Products, N. D. GaftskInap Z. K. Pgmdzp D. K. RtAkavaklyp 3 pp. RjSWII, per., 23aw PrIk Mdu.. Vol J, 110 9p 2.%-500 pp 2M-M5. Cb VISci //0 -1, -Z 0 -7 8ep 61 FroautAton of Branched OIC-fl-E-8, ty Butyl Chloride by 6 --,%ztyl;eaa,, by M. M. Ketslakh, D. M. Rudkovskiy, F. A. Eppel'I I pp~ RUSSIATI, pers Zhur Prik KUm,' Vol XXXII, NG 1959, PP 1.8u-1818. CB Sci Aug 60 2 3 6 _BjMSnMLML D. hL and IWel, A. 0. 63-1.0981 SYNIMEM OF EIUYL CHLORIDE FROM ETHYL- 1. lutr. E&yl chlorI& ENE AND HYDROGEN CHWRIDE IN ME PRESEME 1. Ru&-flkiL D. NL OF ALUMMM CHWRJIDE'(PRELVANARY COM- U. TrifeL A. G. UWaMlOtO. [1962] 7p. 6 refs. - order hmm OTS or SIA $1. 10 63-10981 '1051jawatelfaloov lar ,Itxw. at L7~nxiy ,tyse, v. .3. p. ACM 208-.-~ D&9CRUIMRS.- *EduMW, "OrWw, oEthYl--- qbt4vg- compounds. *Aluminurn compoun&. f2'4 441 6) WRu -~ Ti;t~enl 3mi:!~ PkadutUad of &VOCAbod MSfltn by AUWXOOUM or 'by No M4 RUSS=' ZWM ftft Runs Vol M=1.20 as 1959o pp MW 62 dientification. of Branched Octanes Obtained by tilkylatioa of Tertiary Butyl Chloride With 2-Butene., by M. M. Ketalakh, D. M. Rudkovskiy, F. A. Eppel', 5 pp. RUSSIAN; pew, Zhur Pr:Lk Xhim, Vol XXXII, No 9, 1959, PP 2115-21-19. CB Sci Aug 6o g-xl 02 1 I I- WSLUMS N. Nev MM Do No. and Sumavreffs 1. F., All-Uhlon Re 5-MMitute fbr the Abemical prom of Game SyntheeU of Nett7lene Chloride fram Ketb*w Zhur Prik Rhift Vol =Ir, go 2,0 (yeb)v 19500 pp 221- 224 conmatants Bureau Translation (a] - 140 i L Brunste!n, 8. A. . and Klimeuk-111 1-HE' ',4- BUTYRALDEHYDF-S BY 7ME! L RLidwifli'll, D. hi. OXCI SYKI-Iii-H-SIS MIETIHOD. [19621 8p. 5 refs. 11. Bru-notecri. B. A. Order fron-i OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-14634 Ill. Klimenka, V. L Trans. of Khiniicheskaya Promyshlennoat' (USSR) 1961, ro. 5 Lp. 335-338]. DESCRUITORS: *Butyi radicals, *Aldehydes, Butanals, FthanolB, Canavanine, Propanes, Prodw- tion, *Oxo procese. An examination is made of the techtayl-e 'c . ra co:oy e and C characteristics of the production of LId Od! the range of effective development Is determined. 2 190 (Engineering-Chemical, Tr, v. 8, no. 10) T-W-1 5-1- Copreparation of Alcohols and Ketones From fto Synthesis and Secondary acohols, by Do 1,13 Rudkovskiy~ M. M. Ketslakh, E, So Zonts, 6 pp. .............. RLOSSIAN., perAMiurz Obshch Mims Vol =, ltq.~6, 1959.1 pp Consultants Bamau- Sci - Chemistry ,e HOUSIUS COnStructim -and Ad,"-tnlstmtim in sai431= wA SDMAIAP bY P- IF- Mckbfts V. To Vardwnlw.. Yee No Bwftvok:Ly. 13 Ppe mamn't PWO &MdabOP Mm Mmkv7j, 1957s, PP 30-35. (Cau so W 364335, Sag TO ANS .Mbr BelgLumv Rem ( -;,~ f~ Apr 61 Oty 2he Of the DAftvml-c="vSl= Slectrone Odtted AftW -MCSYS V- 8- BerooUtokly# A. Pe &WWOUMS LT ppo RUSSIM0 per Shur I TMO mt Ffts Vol XMMI so 1(7)0 Mfi, pq Amr bmt of fte ftv rays-AV Vol VM(35)o So I Sol - ph"Ift Fab 99 /J-,j Zt." of Soft Kagnu-"~' by S. , i'm Z, c-1irtayt- . iT, por, =.y No 91 1950, B-~rjjn; pp 392-395- TBASM SC-78b/59 Sci - PhZics vlar Electrical Measurements on Soft Magnetic Ferrites, by H. Henaiger, H. P~xdlqff~G. Engelhardt. GERM,, per., Nachrichtentechnik, Vol IX, Ho 9,, 1959, pp 392-395. Dept of Interior TN7, E57,, No R341-D Sci - Electronics oct 6o =d Trade and Copparatian Baumn But, 00=mw CzGcbO81OVZkUj by SaliNt sual0fra, (uk Z= Rot cn XsQrs ----------- GKWN, per, Pricem-- ---.Ummt WIJAj, 99 Aug 1958,p pp 6. elk/to em w46 ion 59 Abso2utS olngs or MSG spwftvgwphlo 0, rnowerawbic adeAaU for posItIve Imes by W. atuffs 16 GERiMo pw,, zoltAcbrlft fuer Nis orod=as Vol xvms .NO 5,0 19w# Vp 424-4a. 9eDqW AWA!L-5M awl 9kd Pz?6j 170 ja 63 AbsobxtA Mareateriatic Curne 0t JIM -- al lh~ 91,11h a mutula3A for POGIIAle Xmas bV We PAIMAUS 16 pp. ---90 GREW,, per# Zeltochrift fuer NOwl"am er Vol xvmo no 52' 1962* pp 4man4ao 9W9196 SrA - Nda Sol jul 63 Method of -Deqfgasificatlon When Ilead;.rig in Orasb7M Strata, by-A. 1. Rudman. F='M, per, Ugoll on'sim's Vol- III.. No 7, 1959t PP 16-19- EM M-3286 SOL - Geopbya Ma r 6 P- leu, / The Forming of Welded Joints when Projection Welding B%lI-Bmring 04psp by M. D. Budman., 4 pp. RUSSTANs perp Aftamt Val L=Mv No 2v 19601 pp 67-71. DWRA - ^ 1-110- Sci / j/- 1 1/1 1-1 /15 10