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Biocbemical Characteristics o~Z Plant Resiatince to Kicrooraaniems,, by B. A. Rubinj, Ee Artaikhorntmia. Full trano2ationr RUSSIAN,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Moscow$ 19h8, j~ 66. 464.41 B82-1 USDA Tr USSR 4NI 53 CTStm ScientifiLr - Biology g 4116- Enzymatic Systems of Mycorrizal Fungi, by B A. Rubb~j N. V. Obrucheva. RUSSIAN, per, Akad Nauk SSSR Kokl, Vol XCVj, No 2j. 1954, PP 337-340. *PL-48o ms 63-lioo6 Sci jan 63 Participation of Polyphenolaae System In Dskleffiu-tr -on 0 of Potato Against Fbytophthorm Infeatanz-, by B. A. Rubin aiid V, A. Akeenova, 7 PP. RUSSIM, bimo per, Blokhim, Val XXII, No 1, 2, Jai! -Apr 195'T, pp. 202 -209. Cowultants Em-eau Sci - CIIMIGtry Apr 58 (0 The Nature of the Phenol Oxidase Action of Feroxidase, by T. M. Ivanova and B. Aullubin pp. 8 RUSSIAN, per, Biokhimiya, Vol XMI~ Vo b9 19629 pp. 622-W Go sci '3~pze / J; 1.0 Aug 63 The Relationship Between the Iron end %4p3eeftm Derivatives or the Pmvplqrlw., by B. 0; Rubin,, M. E. LmlygUmo 7 pp. A. -- RMSTAN, Pero B:Lokhlmj, Vol XM, I(b 6o IOTI pp 984 -990. - COOMItento DWMU Sol - Had Avg 58 to 91F 5- z A Data an Characterization of Plant-Cytochrme Oxidase., by D. A. -M. Es W:~~m 08 PPO RMIAN, bloo perjp Blokhims Vol XXIs, No 3v 1956.,-I1 ll all pp 347-355. CausulUnts bireau SOL - B101 .4 Chm , / 0p.4-", The System Fulyphanols: Fol"henol Oxidase in Cabbagep by B - A - Rubinp T - M - 1,.mwva.. 4 pp RUSSIAN,, per,, Dok Ak flauk SSM, Vol CXXVj No I.* 1959.9 PP 213-215. AIBS Sci Boy 59 High o7cdc Titanium Figmauts. II. Chalking j--Q- of Titanium Dioxides by B. A. Rubin, 5 pp RUSSIO., per, Prom Organ llblm,, Val VII, no 4-5, 1940, pp 223-225. Sci Tr Center RT-14oo ~Sclcntigic - Chemistry M-- -Role of Tssuiv.3 Matter to the Phenomena Cce Diaease .Resistance in Cotton Plantst. by B. A. Rubin L. M. MBSIAH., per., Dqk Ak Nauk. sgsp., Vol M-IX,, No 2.- 1951s pp 303-305. Sci Huge=-Llb no 52/26oo U86 Scientific - Bioloa.-., diecasep cotton plantsp tnmiuf~ On the Participation of CyWcbrao Oxidase In the Process of Chlorophyll Synthesis., by I, A. Chernavina, B. A. ftbin., L. F. Nikolayev&, 4 pp. RUSSIANj, per, DOk Ak Nauk S=v Vol CXIV.- No 5, 1957, pp 1060- Coustatents Bareau SU R-2225 Sci - Biology my 58 Apipratimate An&3,yola of the Results of the later- actlan of Cumentm- VIth the MagmetIc FUM In Alw1ma 32octro2pWas by D. 1. R"Uj RMUN, per# TAVv%hGVJ%FvAtanyj voi m=, iro 6. MO. PP 53-56. Val 5 so 6 16-Av 41-596 (BY-4691) Kursk Telegraph Sywtmv~ Autocation of-Tolograpb Communications., by S. G. Vultakh# L. Y&. Rubin., 9 PP. RMUN,, per, VestnLk Svjusio So I (238)s 1960# JPRS 5425 set - 9100troo Noy 6o (U-4bgl) Overfulfillwat of the Fiscal Goals* by S. 0. Vultakbo L. Ya. Rubin 5 pp. RUSSIM., per,; Vestulk. Ovynxis No 1 (238)., 1960. 4M 5425 USSR Econ Nov 6o a /I (BY-469!) Assistance to the Rayon Ccc=midatlons Buresupp by S. G&':Vultakh., L. Ya. Rubin, 4 pp. IMSIM, per,, Vestulk Ovyasij ljo 1 (238)p 19601 JM 5425 Lim Econ Noy 60 4: ?/j /C: 5 1 'P' (BY-4693.) Competition - The ~Iaala fOr Successy by .6. Or. Vultakh,, L. Ya. RubLn., 14 pp. MWIAV,v par# Vastnik avyaas so 1 (238)a 1960. Nov 6o Sow Features of ktasel Oksteu RIVaUs L.) Bwlogy Based on Obsemtlono la the btsww Reglons by H. A. Rublm. RUS=p pwj,, SW ffRjb2Z2W Obahohgan mmytatelel Pri%vdr: Otdol I Bf 39WS Val 65~p lb 4$- 2T-31.-- (on 3MP AU IRTS 229,21 loan or Pavh"e) 11 Rubbi ,44 PT /~ Aug 65 2830,843 Some Features of Weasel EcoUgy Besed on Observutions In the Moscow Regims by H, A. Rabins. =SIM# pers Diulleten moslovs!m Obasim.!tm R%*- I B1020gictigskil ~-"i par-C-di, Otde Vol 02 No 4j 19M.. pp 2T-33 NWIA n; iz Jul 67 334,069 ( m ID ZM) AcceleratOCS CXP ObWged Farticlea,, by A. A. Zoloman- skiyo U. B. #914nq 27 IV.. RMSTAMp no pm.. Fillrafts NO 3-1,P Mmeow Nm 1955j, Vp 3-12. CZM/FW U4bl3 I? dl, V/ &I Sai i6PbYvica AN Steer ing-F ocus s J.rZ- Oyotcm for Psarticle Injecticm in a Proton Synchrotron, A. k. Kolorrienskiy, A. B . Ku--netsov mad N.. Rii~in., dpp RUSSMIT, Zhur Tahh M Vol u0 8., 1959, pp 981-991. Amr Inst Q f Pbyz Sov Fhys4ech PIW Vol 37. No 8 sai Feb 450 Higenfunctions of the Froe-CeaMAttica Squatiou for a Weak-Focuming Accelerator with a Sectioued Moguet and Their Appllcatlowp by 14 NotcW0.14-A. Rubins 16 pp. RUSSVS# parp MW ToUh FIz# Vol, XXVM# go 2.# 1958,9 PP 365-379. Awr Imet 6f PkWs' &W phys - "Ch Me Vol. Ins No 2 Sol - Pbys Doe 58 CQ7rU'*i=--~t--rzj Records and longerityp by A. Yakoylevp Y. Rubi.nj,-.-2 mam, np, Izvestlep Jan 6s 19GO liam-mat4owl Arta 6 Sei Fr4-Bu Soviera HighU&tS Vol n J. no 2 mar 6o 7 0 The Field of Propagition of. Cold Flame In MLxtmes of DGbyl Mer and Air. Pt. 19 of lavestWI= of the ComUtions of Ignition of Gas HLxttu-asv by H. B. i1eyman., Sh. M. Rublm.* R. a. g~~s 7 pp. "Rusamp- 32~s zbw FIZ Maas Vol M=s ft 60 1944.1 xv &1-646. aA 6D.13UT Sol Apr 62 vol iv, No 6 qrha B!m-d=--ntal Ratc~ of 2rapagati-on oz Uo-Lu Fltsv;~c iA 1,11--tures of Etbyl Mer and Air. Ft. 20 of im-estigat-Lon of the Conditiow of Ignition of fts Mxturea., by M. D. NeymEms Kh. M. -.~ ~lnq R. B. Shnols 8 pp. R=IM,, per., Mw Fjz MLIn., voinns No 60 3-948, pp &T-433. mA 6o-imB sci 4r 62 voi iv., xo 6 Enzymatic Transfer of Phosphate Groups From Rib 0-mucleic Acid to Creatine., by S. E. Brealer,, Kh. M. Rubina,, Yu. A. Vinokurov, 4 pp. E=IANI per,, Biokhim, Vol Mal, No 1957p Pp 794-798. Consultants Bureau Sci. - Med Jul 58 'Cr .07 49 Ot- /) - AUB=Aq A. M. A ;jtvd~y--.Gf- 1011AW OC -4a4 MrXUWW~- MIM ilvi~ C,06veaucn Up= the V02001tt vul~~ TUAW I" on. 2; xth"Aw ar Ustum - Ross pw aw no nam ftl mmb Ito' 2/48 AW/"D "MA aot 49 en ,A9 /C,0~70 En--vz4c Tra=fvr of-tho Phosphate 07cup With Ribomeleic Acid on Fruatose Nompbomphatev by S. E. Brealers Kh. K~t RvbImp 22 pp. zlkiv p6rj Biakhtnipt Val XXI, 19551, pp 740- 748. AEC Tr 2W ftl - B1010a; chemistry Zan 57 CIS Bib;ioarapby of Rwaien IGY Literattav -for 1959,, by R. F. Zatlutina, L. S. Rubin% 40M. RMS!tiFv,, U., Yczduna2vdnyy I-kofizicheakly God Bibliograficheskiy Ukazatell Literatury na Rusakm Yezyke za 1959 g.; 1960, RRTT Ft Beivair T-33.40 sci - Georkws JU 61 laveottgation of Dryiug and ComUtioniug of Wboat in a Vacuunp by Ya. N. Kuprits Aw'L. ftolyan- obayap N. K., Rubina., 6 PP* RYMSIMP bim per., KbUold Mor, #ol IV, M 3p 1953, PP 19&203- Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CM/M J-or-7 Methods of BpeatrwaWla Aum4ala 03ad at the Koacow Se-condary-AlmIum Kant in 1952.19540 by N. P. Rublxa, I P, Full tr RMIANP blw'POr. Is Ak NV*,, Bar riss VOI =j, No 20 19553 156. am C 4zm Co2mwbla tech Tr scientific - P.bweiess WAAbt"& Jun 56 CIS/dex A Seven-Year Perspective Plan for ftch Enterprises by P. M. Rubiums, U pp. RUB&=., per, Vamtnlk Ovyamlp No 5j, 1959, im 59W I Sci ,.t may 61 1 1 "~ A-4-74949 y (Iff -4694) labor ProduativLty Regem lu Commications Facilities and the Mmmwr In Which Thene Reserves Can Be Used# by V, M. Komytftovaj, P, M. Hublun. 18 RUSSM,p per$, Vest Svyazij, No 5 (242)v 196o. im 5Q6 Sol oat 6o Aetivated KeW-4a and IU Uds in Rubber Stwkn* IW 11. L. Ridelmutp 6, X. lkbSwjj at alp 3 ]Mi- RMVM per Iftudwk I squirAj. va UP lb 9p pp 23 Jul 62 Cances of tb: Orranulation of 9 rm-ders, by S. S. Voyutsky, A. D. ZnIomcbkovaky,, 80-,Xvt~ "M~ 10 pp. Full translation. BMW, per, Vollold Zhu . Vol M. No I., jan - Feb 1952,, pjD 28-36. Ponsultants Bureau 1521West h2 Street Neu York 18, ff. T. Scientifle - Cbew4try Aug 53 CT8/MM 4/ 41, 14 On the Mechanism of the Amination of Chlorofluoro- benzenes With Metal AmIdes and Aqueoua Ammonia,, by 19. ff. Vorozhtsov, Jr, G. 0. Yakobson, 4 pp. 1IMSIM., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM Vol CMII, 11o 6.. pp 1225-1227- OB Sci Aug 6o Some,*O-AmLno Acids of the Thiophene Series, by V. P. "v and T. D. Rubina, 4 pp. RMIM, per# Zhur Obahch ShIm. Vol XXVIIp 170 21, 1957P PP 4&j4- 4 Consultants Bureau Scl - Chem Jul 58 i/o 7. X-410" Tru; Use -7"L - z-C.X HyCimphobizing Thermal Dwulation Ma- teridsp by 1. H. Rubinchik. IMSTAN,, Proceeding Fb= Canf Lamivgmd, 1958a The PsacticAa AffpUcatLan of Orsamo- 8111con CORPWAS,- 10 (W.- VP 97-101- ML U-33W sai - aw 62 4!!~ P--.? -9 ca. the Occasion of -tbe 60th Birthday of 1. T. Tcahi=Xly: by 11-1. P. Sikulim) M. A. Rubinchik, 'p. RUSSIAN, per, Vest air imeni I. I. Grahom, No 12, 1959, P~-o 129-130. J-PRS 3255 USSR Biog ~Y may 6o A Conference on the Mquvvement of Form of Labor ration an Kolldidrmg. by S. RuLbJUUhjkJ 4 RUSSUN.j per2 yogmy EwuawUl, ft 2j, 1". InteZTA*A AVU emd Bel Prm Val n, Wb2 Aug 59 On Nonlinear Energy Losses by a Charge in a PlasmaA by S. B. Rubin, V. N. Tsytovich, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXXIV, No 1, 1964, pp 311-10 Amer Inst of Phys Hov Phys - Tekh Phys Vol IX, No I Sci- I-lug 64 265A395 Some Theoretical Problems in the Operation of a Micro- wave Phasemeter, by S. B. Rubin 10 pp. 1-I RUSSIAN, per, Radlotekh i Elektron, Vol VI, No 1, 1961, pp 125-136. A= Sci 17a, ;?, ~? Y oct 61 -7 ~l vt-, ih~a A=2ar mmt azid "ethod of Theyaiioot tically an Oven Up to 3.4-C-0 C, by E. I ~11~2 IF! S 11 Sz l-'.. Rubinch4i, V. A. So-Yblxv, 3 PP. 9:; 0 l< 'D to 'v iN-:,r~ lbovy j Tekh E-!r--jr r, No !SA Sci GI Lov-Temperature Rodifications of Amamium Nitrate and rts Cooling and quewbkMv by S. 1* Volftorich., S. M. Rubiuchlkp and V. M. Kozhft.. 8 pp. ... . . ........ RUSSUN, him Ver, Iz Ak Sauk 6=,, Otdol Mdu Ikukii No 2., 3-954.- pp 209-216. C Z# -'Z> /5-/ 3, &P ,4, (looffiatuts Burew ow Scientific - Chemistry lp 55 Co/ow 1~-? .;rl,4Z 4K--1 Semi-Industrial Testing of a Carbonizer vith an Overbead Gas Feed, by M. N. Smirwv,, s. M. Rubinchik.. FP P__- L6. RUSSW,p per,, Tovetnw MgbUlyp Vol 1,9 No 1,1, 196oj, pp- 48-53- PS sci / 4 '?, sept 61 RwwnddL AL. Is-ySgK- L A. APPLICAl" OP amacml,; sramommmu, ETRY TO 7M STUDY OP THE REACrM" or V40 wrm FC70r IL9631 S06 Gres. or&rfz aMcRSLASL.lo Traug. & Ake&-Ilya) Nmfv~* LSM Ml-L Vadedy. 1963. v. 7. ax 1. p. 30-3t DP-9CRtMlM Olzon coarpxmdi6 OxW&. OfFerriom :Meg-el- compo-d~6 Quamoltatt" -gists. Fb r wAwL6 Reactim kbw&-46 OSOuctrumm". A sudy, w" mad- at do reflactlas spectrame matimod for &Ucastatm ow q0toalcadve 1"Cibm at law owide, Utkb leads ca the I of WAVmtge - -, I of = ma CUTUS we wo a F*203 modW at 10MIC for 30. 10. sm " (WM Rddwm% I"'. S. M.ftwf I Nkc M. TqbWb% L A. OWN d Taftbol lwdm The XXKSSMM Influence of Analysis Accuracy on Metals Balances, by Ya. A. MOUNKMM I~IbAwhlk, 3 PP- RUSSIM., per Tovetnye MetaMv., Vol II., No 7., 1961 pp 16-18. AM= PS Sci oct 62 2141217 Some Notes on the Problems of Designing and Operating Tailing Dam., by Ya. A. Rubinchik RUSSIM.* per$ Tevetaye Metally., Vol I,, No 3-1., 3.960, pp. 8-100 PS Sci sept 61 Stab'Llity of Reservoirs For Fine-Grained Tailinga, by Ya. A. Rubinchik, 5 pp - ' *11 RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetuyye Meta-Uyj. Vol 1. No 4j, ig6o, PP 3-6. PS Sci / 1-1) t 12 / S oct 6o The Decomposition of Calcium Peroxide in Gasems 12 Carbon Dioxide, by M. M. Pavlyuchenko, Ya. S. Rubincbik'.. RLBSIAN, per., Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol IV, '17a 1, 1959) pp *4 50-55. The Cleaver-Hume Press JAd Sci - Chem jam 6o T-110 Reduction of Cupric Oxide With gyarogen,, by M. M Pavlyucbenkoj, Ye. S. Rubinchik, 10 We RUSSIAN, zoo per, Zhur Pr:Lk Shim Vol XXILVp No 6. - UW)R3 jun 1951, mp 666X76.- Consultants Burvau. Vol Ap J%me 19,51 UISSR Scientific - Chendstz7 A 14 Sam Iftep comemug tW ftnly gvrvlco In AW Deftese b3P FetUGMAO amat o OPAXM,p Fwp PAVIIU MUtafto Wr MTv 0 73D- 7kys- WNW 8"1n Mil Ain 7/ Off-45w) The Five -Year PUm for Developmut 0t * the Yugos]Av Mrobaft Fl"tp by Zpw LWF~ 12 pp. port Foomstvos 1969,o pp 190-193. JPRS 5626 gour yugo3lavu Oct 60, V"4-- Of blbltlccmYOnmt AdditimMs by T. 1. Rozemberg., Rab.J~~.s V. B. Ratimvp I& PIP. RMTMj, per., DOIc Ak gmk SMo VOI C=lo No 5; 1957P pp 919 .. Sel - chow atry jai 58 A3 Daily Fluctuations of Magnesiua in Relation to the I "Sleep-Avake" Rhythm, by A._.�gkW, R. Balbil 19 pp. ITALIfi.N. per, Acta Neurol, Vol vi, lg5l, pp 618-633. S.L,A. Tr 570/1955 Sci - Medicine Mar 1957 CTS/dex The Limit of Heelotance in H31nutrition and Daily Percentage Laeaz of Body Weight In Relation to the Quality and Type of Food,, by F* Rubino,, V., Castre., F. Geangmsooo UNCLASSIPM -2-0 /0 la, ITALIANj, per., Tables of Nutrition# Vol 11,j 1950,, pp 336-352. ATIC F-TS41214 Scientific - Medicine ~a?7 Jan 54 CTS AOtIOU Of Tb4=xlS ou thO 02 CCUSUM"On Of Heart Nm*vmte4 of Pisoom With ArItMxl=sls B, in the Prue=* at Swalmtep. by F. Cmiono, P. Babim, L. PW*4ft# pp. ------------ yor" Balbum *a" $=let* Itauxis Koloalls Ewimateles T*l Xm$ 1"90 pp 4730 init. Ekol ~p "ad .-- r.4% ;j Action.of MaroxIs ox the Og of Ecmamates of gaiLrt,of Plamm Wlth AvIUatmolz BIS by F. Cocicno,, F. Subicap L. Pandolfoj IT=Mo pwj, ftuort1w Della soolaFta ltaxi= dl Dialogla aqwftwtale; Vol XXXV8 Imp pp 471-479. Ifm 1-me-60 ftl - P104 Vad iftr liml Iff, q m W-M 0 IF pa R w F. Action of the Gluta-Udone Stability Toot cud the Activity of GImmm-6-Phosphate- Debydxvgenaae in Saiwisag, bV Go Fe lhibim ITAIJAN* per* flinerva Viedias Vol 54, 1.963- pp 930-932 BTC 71-15179-06E M= 72 Consequences of the Inadequate Use of the Linseed Cake Metal and Sunflower Cake Meal in Feed6ng Hogs, by Miguel C.-Rubino, Carlos 14. Fernandes, Luis Alverto Barros. SPANISH. USDA per NC State College Vol 798 Jun 59 "casuromezat of Lrxge Ellameters lby the Girdling Method, by A. D. Rubinov, 3 FP- PITSSLAN, per, 1=eritel Tekh, No 8, 196o, pp '.,, 5, ISA Sci / 5-5j- 3'7 L) 2 jim 61 A HathamUcal Production Models Iv A* He Rubinove RUSSUN. pars Dok Ak Hauk SSSRO Val 174s, No 4p 1967t pp 754-756. Am Math Soo Val 80 No 39 1967 Now 68 354vI64 rwazuromut cC the Eccentrialty of Articlaip Mount" at the OcnWrq by A. D. Rdbiamp 0 pp. RU33UNO ywp Ismital ftkhp No 1,p Iq!W* pp 22-15. IWU*Q Sm CC AIWr Sal Apr 60 A F 4VOf 7 69*0th Comex ruwtiona on Cowat FAYtt b7 Ve Po Dezyawv# ihiblwvjp ppe IOLVVIad- L"t, v*9tnj2,,* 19(Ap pp 5-1T. Sel Jan 3W0496 A New Method of Establishing the Speed Conditions for Automatic Silk Reels Operating On the Thread Extension PrincipiELe, by E. B. Rubinov, 10 pp. RUSSIM, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchat Zaved, Tekh Tekstil PrIom, No 2, 1961. Tex Inst Sci Jan 6x3 220P242 The Contro.1 of Irregullarit-y of Raw S.-L'U~ on Autorna-vic Silk Reeling Machines, by E. B. Rubinov, 'Ll pp. RUSSIAD, per, Iz Vysshik-h Ucheb Zaved, Tel-,-,Ii Telmtil Prom, iio 4(1T), 1960. Textile Institute Sci may 62 193,o61 -(BF-1878) First Medical School In Uzbekistan,, by M. Yet. Rubimov,; 3 pp. HMLU, per,, PtlIddh i Akunherka., Bo 2, 1961, pp 56-5T JPRS 4896 USSR 147,11410 Soo Sci - Had eall-ne Transport in Kaz-5,nbstan., of Pip by N. 7, riu:uiaov., 4 pp. ur 0v) NO 10, 1959, p~r, St oitel m,.-uboprmc-A P-o 29, 30. MS 2597 USSR Econ - Tocl-olocgica may 6o ................. optical Properties of Concentrated Solutims, HU Melts and Film of Dyes. 11, by V. M. Rub*n v V. A. PP. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spaktrox Vol Xv.,, i4o 4, 1963, pp 512-521. OSA Sci -2L~ V-- &A Balubillty cmd Rate of Dehydration of Ca9p()h-2H2Ov by M. L. Cb--pelevetoklyi. To S. Bolltep N. A. Vaellenko and Be S. -Rublimap 11 pp. RUSSIM, bk#;saUdovwdya po Prik KhIm Ak Nauk SM9 Otdel Etdm Nauk a 1955s pp 175-183- SLA R-2238 sci Aug 58 Concerning the Use in the Coal Industry of Semi- Conductdw Triodes iz% Automtioa and Monitoring Appexatus Based on Utilizatim of Hadloactive R Radiation , by S. E..1jqbinovlch, RUSSIM.s btv Radloaktionya Matody Kontralys I Regull-roveniya -Froizodetve=Wkh Protseanov) 1959, pp 207 -213. AM Tr-4139 Sol 1,'5-'Y 7 ilo P jun 61 spectrochemical Daterol t of PUtinump Pa]Aadlmp aud Gold In Rocks, by H. S. Ribinovich, ftdhQaMx*tK2 H. Ya. Epshteinp 5 pp. MWUN.. parp Zhur Aml Mdmp Val XVMI, 1b 2p 19638 pp W-22L. 4k Ca Set Swimik Feb 64 44f, /91 Deterzining Nickel, Vawdim, Chromium aW Copper in Clays by Spectrum Analyaia,, by N. V. Astaflev, R. so Rubinovich,, 5, A. Yakovleva., 2 pp.' rull tr RUSSUNjj bino pir., la Ak Nauk., Bar Fizo Vol =, No 2,, 1955.- P 192. CIA C 4ZW j J; 7110"FO Oolmibia Tech Tr Scientific - Pbisics, kin/metals jua 56 =/&m Ilydraulic link with tho bottom of the hole in turbodrilling. By Ya. B. Rubinovich 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Neftyanoe Rhozyaistvo,1968 Vol 36, no. 3 pp. 24-28. LTIC-69-31177 I Y, 1 0. R-, 6 ~ ~ Nov 69 396,051,-ig Cont?61 Systanis with 'Monotonically Deoroas'Ing Gains by tho fitlot=Lacus Mothcd,. by Y .La,,I. Rub1norIch-, 6 pp. RUsSIAN. -per, Avtomat i Telemakh, Vol UU, Wo 1.,, 19-,60, pp Iratru Soc of Amer ci Vie W42tamttuf% of the systom-% of /00 vad Mou"tic Nult4pala 1111A oxi, 0 by Aq, gublnowltz,, 21 PIDLISI!, por, haa physica Po'lcnic-a* 110 1 XMIa &0 4a IVA4& pp 453-472, OOM76 iv o 0 c IS, nov 291046S Quadru.pole Radiation, by A. Rubino,,rlc:~, J. Blatuon.