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Reaction of Acyl Peroxides With Mtala and Metal Chlorides (Tin and Antimony)., by G. A. Rp-zuvayev., B - H. Horyganov,, H. P. Dlinj, 'Yu'-* V 3 PP - RMSIAN,, mo perp 21,htw Obahch Xhimp Vol I.CMp No 2., USSR., Feb 1954, P-11-599M. CIA D 151278 262-263. Consultants Bureau Scientific - CheW~stry CTS 67/APr 55 0709 --A - F 100/. 1W61 Chlorimtion of Olef in Chlorohydrins, by 1. F. Spasskaya, V. S., Etlis, G. A. Razuvayev, 1. PP. RUSSIATI, per.. Zhur. Obahch !Mimy Vol XVIII, lqo 1l,.1958, PP 3004~3007- Consultaxita Bureau Sci Dec 59 Id 3. Certain Chemical Propertiee of Phenyltitanium. Tri- isopropylate and !U Catalytic Activity Dwing the Polymerization of 03.efinsj, by G. A. Ra--w4uyev, L. 14~ Bobinova, V. B. EtIl.s., 4 pp. ' " "" RUSSIAN, per, Dak . Ifauk SSSR, Vol CXXVII, No 3, pp 581-583 sci Aug 6D CB / .5 w%uibr.Cwation to i~he P~,,()blem of tbe Interaction of Phenyl Radicals With Boazer-we, by G. A. RaquvayRv., G, G, Petukhov., B. G. Zateyevy 4 P.'LD~ RUSSIAN rp Pok Ak nsuk SSSR Vol CXXAUI., No 2y p pL x 348-351. CB Sci Aug 60 PoaArogmphic Reduatim of SOMO AroMatia Saaawicb Caqpands of Cbrcmluml by 1. A. Korshunov, L. 14. Vw.rtyal:Lna, G. A vayev.. Yu. A. Sorokin) G. A'- ,_RaziL WaSIAlf p per, Ddk, Ak Nauk SSM, Vol =11, NO St, 1958, pp 1029-~110.'-~I. CB Oct 59 61-22249 Razuvayev, 0. A., Vyazaakin, N. S., and 7y_shMtc_fy_, N. N. 1. Tetraethyl lead-- THERMAL DECOM~051710N OF TETRAETHYL- Decomposition LEAD AND HEXAETHYLDIPI1JMBANE. IT. DE- 2. Ixad compounds (Organj COMPOSITION OF MLXTURE!; OF TETRAETRYL- Decomposition LEAD. HEXAEMLDIPLI)KRIANE AND DIETHYL- I . Razuvayev. G. A. LEAD. [196117p. 11 . Vyazankin, N. S. Order from ATS $8.50 ATS-27M47R III . Vyshinskiy. N. N. TV. Title: Decomposition... Trans. of *Zhur[nall Obshchey Kbirriiij (USSR) 1960. V. ATS-27M47R V. 30, no. 3, p. 967-972. VI . Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N - Offico of Tocbmicol Swvicvs (Chemis try - -Organic, TT, v. 5, no. 12) Synthesis o:V 2-Substituted 4-Penta thyleae-5,6- Tetxsmt.hylene-2..'.3p4,5-Tetrehy&-ropr-"imidines.. by a I V. Swtoxwx4fs G. A. Zillbarman, 3 pp. RU=Mp parp M=,, Obahch Mxtmp Vol M., No 3., 196o., pp 102D-3=. CB SOL - AM 61 Photolysis of Pentachlarcetboney by G. A. Razuvapwy, N. A. Osamova., 4 IFP. ~ RUSSIM no perl, 12mr Obsbch lbi , Vol X12V,, No 10, Oct r9AS PP 17U..ITTh- CrA C 4a57 Omou).tAmto Bureau Sci - Choodstry 3 "~ ,~~147 jun 56/dox NEW 111til Dunumov"'.41 1~ ...- Free FAdical Reactions of Lead Tetraacetate, by G. A, Ra~~va , Yu. A. Oldekop,, Yu. A. Sorokin, - -. _. _yev. V. M. Tverdova., 2 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Zbur Obahch lChim, Vol XXVI, No 6. jun 1956,, pp i682-3j5&. Consu.1tanto Bureau Sci - Chemistry Jul 57 , CIL A. A. Bolshckov: -. -,iiem. on the Artic;Ie by Intual-mation of 14e:thy.L-e-Hspbth-jI=r,-ury ond Olethylpbeaylmercury 111th OrvAnAc AclAs, by G~ A. HIMUDL7 mo perO Zbxxv Obahch KhIn,, Vol XXIV,, No 9,r Sep 19;(,, p; C-I& C 4215.9. ~ 1693--, Sci - Cbemisixy comulitants Bureau .367 AO 41 Jan 1956/Dem #I The Role of OxMn in the Initial Stage of Vinyl Chloriae PolymerizalUonpK. S. Minsker) A. S. sheviyakwo 0. A,, MEjw iov, 6 pp. - ~d RUSS=., & pwo Maw Obsbcb Kh1m, Vol XVI, ft** No 4,0 Aw tM 1956j, pp lo82-loB6. Consultants Bweau Sol - chmIctry dl 5 4. ~3~r Feb 1957 CTO/dm .Ranctions- of Acf.L Fermddes vith lunrcury, by ~ Tu. A. Oldekop, 4 pp. G. A, 1~,zu!~v R-UBSUN,, per,, Zhur Clbshch Ihim, Vol 2T, No 1, 1957m, pp 196-3.99. Cotmultantai Bureau Sci - Men Jun 58 Remaftons of UwYlmetriml Acvl Pm-mddes -jith Mmoury.. by G, A, rjW=zjv - A. - Oldekop - V. 11. ,,Lmtymm.t 4 pp. - , Yu I RUWTAN., w per, Mmr Qbsbah Wmj~ Vol xmt No 4Y Apr 1956, pp im-2322. consatants Burmu Sa -# Chemistry JOIS665 ftb IM dAT Siv-, Reaetlcm of Tctwwubot:Etuted"S'3r-nPo vith Caxbon Tetrachlcwlde,p by 0'.. A. Rwm*.r, 0. S. Dyacbkovskays, 4 pp. MJSSLW mo per, Zhur obsbab MAn, Val Mi., go 4, Apr 5-56, pp 13-07-ILOg. conGULlt=tG Bureau Sol - CbemUtry Feb 1957 CW&M Al., .;Gadenzation of Beazene Wlthpme symetrical :ckloroetbem; Ir/ 0. A. Razuvgav, V. G. MUsj, 2 pp. --,.IMSTAS, mo per,, 22=l glabch Vol' xvvjl No 9. s-'a,P 3S55,9 pp 17U-1722. crA 0 G58- Oonmitmnts Bureau amaistry Am 1956/Dwr OxLdstive Actica of Sow Acyl Poroxidea,, by 0. A. R& IN. V. s"ei54A K. 8 . Mtwker, 2 pp."-"TF*n i FuU tr MSTMj* WAdW ito per,, Zbw Obahch Dim, Vol XMI so 21, loos, pp VV74- CIA 9007073 Op Mml No 64 coamitants *Sreau Dal - C%Wstry -x//j 70.5 Doe % CTS Reactions of Mrih.%o3ddm of Aryl Mercury, by Go As- si (I. Go petuthovs 4 pp. Y HUSPIOj- no per# Zbmr (lbahch Mdmj, Vol 10 110' -1953j. PP XT-41- 3) Consultants Bumu Beientifie - Chesdatry eW/DXX C) A J=~C*a NUOPAIV at la,moril SAUAM ULUG I i bjF Go A& !~~# 00 Ot #t%- , -40-i-swo V llbWs ot 0 pwuwp~ aw 000 mdat Vbl 30=0 310 To ma.0 IV 33 Jft 69 A MAV CC -the ft**tWms tt - - - - ravombmm Wth somm vKhos 1"aa Maw* tW G+ Ae M~~~s 0. its votmwo st A* 3 pp. p"wo, NW* OW *Wbah Ad*# vam X=,# Ift To XMI * 9s"920 a ma 3310(9 ow,,3ft Photachemical Reaction of OrIpuacercuric CompmMs in Solutlodso by 0. A. Hatuysev-, Yu,. A* 011dekopy 7 pp. IW$VJj, thrIce-no jwrv Dok Ak Nauk 6=,, Vol LXIV# NO Ir 3.949.p py 77-&). CIA/YDD/k-1192 Scientific - Cheatistry ~?/ '7,2- CTS/Dzx and, Chlorc",un. t G. A. Yu. A. Oldzkopy 2 P-p- r.-) I'ler) Mltm) Vo) Do 7, Jull 1953, MMIL, -PiP 1173., ScIlentific - Chcniatrry a re Tr-63-22211-3 (p. 467-476) Razuvaev. G. A., Minsker, K. S. , and Fedoseeva, G. T. 1. Razuvaev. G. A. THE HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC POLYNIERIZA- 11. NUnsker, K. S. TION OF E`T`HYLENE IN THE PRESENCE OF III. Fedoseeva. G. T. MCI 4Al,AICI 3 AND Ti%(AI~HCI). Sep 63, 10p ;? 13 r . Order from PP $140. 00/year In Polymer Science USSR. V. 4, no. 3, p. 467-476 Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnyo Soedinenlya (USSR) 1962, v. 4, no. W, p. 1495-1502. (Abstract available) DESCRUTORS: *Polyethylene plastics, *Ethylenes. Po1yrncrIzAUoPj 'Catalysts, 'Titanium compCKMds *Aluminum compounds, Chlorides, Hydrochloric .Id, Solvents. A study was made of the polymerization of ethylene In the presence of the heterogeneous catalyst syst (Materials- -Plastics. 7T, v. 11, no. I) Dir" d Tehm3l St,,km The ftotoreactions oil organic coupoumb of Mercury In Solutions. X. 2be R"&tlons of DImetbV1mrcury,, by G.A. -ftzuvwv. Th, A. Oldekopp* und Ej. nmchlwva,, P'Pm Full translation. no per& Zhu Obsbch MAz4 Vol XMs No 3,9 Um'O )w IMP pp 480-M CI-TA -11, Cowult=ta Bureau Scientific Chmistry Dee 53 C25 - ----------------- The Reaction Between HmCG~Lcaro~e~. klmhol Initiated by Plmmyl Peroxide,, by G. A. Ramvijbv, B. W. Moryjpmov, A. G. Kroman, 6 pp. HUSSUB,, mo per, Zb=- ObBhch Kbim, Vol =, No 1956, pp =4-222a. Sci - Cham Cowultants Bureau ~ Dee 57 65 pqp Vt 2bil bMUft ot tdo MA MdSbMVL AUSO" RM 303XAF "Inums %W G* Aib anwmvw* X. To wtncwwmg wt 4~ 3 SWO Ob"b MIU4 Vbl lo=* No ca 00109 2ho OxOstift CC "pb=A A2=dA= NA lboWL LIMUM' bv_ 0. A. TAMTOWWs Z' V' idtMCOMM~ st Mai two MUWS gas, jbW Ob"h lb$mp Vol M=p 3b x9&6 *P i*3-113w; ]a am 69 BDOA.370 Too Cbaiu o;C Osem TeUlaeblorlda With lsapxrpp~a Alcobol WUstedL by AcetylvU& and Betawylatod Pfa=parc=Ldss ot by 0, A. Nolpmmkaya., 3A N.. Mbrygawv, G. A. ~~"Imv~llv& 4 pp. 1:88SIAti,p w per,, Zhur - Ob9hch Wap Vol =I., ao 7.p JU !956j, pp 1981-1985. conmaltonts Bare= sci - alw-malat nov Th8 P.*ILGtt*tw of Or9&IxMrcuT7 Compounds W1,th Ael4as of ratty AcIlds, by G. A. ftza ev md W. a. ngz&UW,, 3 P~- Full tTanglation RMUNO no per, _74u, "00 -Rim Val XMV No 4,v 4wv- ( UMHO Apr 19529.,Pp fair Cowulte"s BuMna Scientific - MAxistry Dec 53 MS IT.--e Reaction of DiphezWlmrcury with Wtallic ChlorldeG T~ht do Wbt Form StabLe Orawwwtallic CoMmundej, by C-.A. Razuvaev and ILS., Ftdotovjp 4 pp. )IIull translation. rmno,, mo per, Zhur Obsbch Mdmp Vol =j, No 3# UPZR,, mar 1951, 48h-4119. C'-T/i :7) -~~ I/ Consultants Bureim Scientific - Chemistrr Dec 53 CTO 7 5-0 z1 Investigetica of Complex Qf i2d2aix i-Lat [BA,-- by G. A. R=umrv., T. G. Brikins ---------------- 6 pp. PWI trawlatiati. RUSSIANj, mD par,, Zhw Obsbch Xhimp Vol XXIVI no 8. 1954p PP 3L415-14a- crA c 41477 Commatants Bw"Aw e P Scieutiflo - CbnisUy Ajr 56 CTS/dez Fhcitore=tl*w,'cC (krbmmtaUlc- Compounds of Nor In Solotions. V=tv Refttlow In MIZed SaVeUtst by Go A.. jbmo"w., Th. A. Mftk*Po 3 PP- -------------- V-Aq Ifft IMIK Full trOOdAtl". Mwims PwP -Ow.203h NO# Vol M,, No 22,p Dee IM# PP 2w*4w. 'A ~~ / ? -~ 5 -/-? -.5 / 917 5;19 cmaultatu Bureau USSR Selentific - cbem' try# COMPOMAOR GoUtIMI Tbs=ia DecompnIti= carbw by, G* &%Jwxomgpwo IL A 3, h 19. ftu to=utime Vo. A*.. mal"'P so Pat mw ND S'p 3.0st Tlermal 1~--compoejtjou of Bonsoyl P~aroxide in Solvent Mixtures; Benzene &ad Ilitrobenzenep and Ifitrobensene sad.Carbon Tetrachloride, by 0. A. Ra4,~ynevp 16 11. Morygu=,, V. A. in Pu~, Ina* 3 PP- FuU translation. MMIAN,, mo Imr,, Zhw Obsch XhImp Vol XXMj No 1953P PP 1379-1381- C -r A _7) lr.2 a & 0 Cousultauts Baresu Scientific ~ Chmiltry Dee 54 M/M The C or e7claboMams With A=ftie,, b3 0. A. PA ;I. N. Ulbermni a. V. evatozars)4 4 pp. run tr RMUW# no pwp Shm ObAa Mda., ToL AM No 2jo I.Q%j pp 601-M CV- WOM 0# Rml n 8" two fte 56 am Pbotoreactlono of Orgmioebrondurm raw-yolmd-s; by G. A. Rami-vaev, 'Y'u. A. Sarokkin, H G. A. Damn, ehev, 2 pp. ice- RUSSIAIT, mo per, Dok Alt Nauk SS&M, Vol OKI, No 6, T-OV/D--c 1956, pp 126%-~1266. Conmiltanto Bimew Set - Cbem Dee 57 &-w,," Roaction of Acyl 11-arcaldes With Vbtal3ic Marciu-j., by G. A... r,?.a , Yu. A. Oldekop, L - H. Grobmr, )~ prp-.-fflgClAwj7nO. MGM.. Ter, zhur"Obehch Rhim, V 01 XxIm. No 4.. .4ril 1953) pp 589,-5W- - - CoamItants Burmu TT Scientific - Chemilatry / g" a 0 r Investigation Of The Frete Radical Reactions Of The Complexes M(BR4). by G. A. Razuvativ, T. G. BrIlkina. RUSSIAN, per, Akademiya Hauk SSSR, Doklady, 1953, p861-4 SIA TT-65-13435 Q., A. IR n -Lo\)qe ,/ 344,856 Prea Hadicala in the Decompwition Reactions of Unsydaminodlasobentane In Solvanta., by Go A., &E&Mvg E. 1, redotova., A. Ge Olpt ff pp. MMW-37=D MOM, per,, Zhur OWbch Xhimp Vol XXM,, fio 3j, Mar 1-033, Pp 435-4:37- Aveau / S/ C;2 3 / Sclentifle - aMmdutry Free-Radical Reactions Of M(B(c6H5)4). a. A. Razuvaev, T. G. Brilkina. - RUSSIAN, per, Akademiya Nauk SWR. Dokla~Z, 1952, P815-8 su TT-65-13434 (~-' A . R f; -L u VC, -P- v 344.855 New Method of Synthes-in of A11W1 CcmpoundB of Mercury from lbrcuric Salto of Or~;anft Acids, by G, A. Hasuveil VU. A. Oldekap, N. A. MsF~r, 8 pp. - RUSSIAN, rao per, Zhux- Obahch KbgTn SSER Vol XXV# .,,jo 4; Apr 1955, P=P97-7M- CUM-39-55"O Cmaultanto Bureau Scient1fic - ChwisUy NOV 55 CrjS/D3X 'g Reaction ot Carbon Tetrachloride With Etbv.L ., by G. A. Rezuva Yu. A. Sorokin, Alcohol eMzqvI 4 pp. RMIAN, per, Zhur Cbbhch Vol I NO 9p USSR, SOP 1953t PP 1319-1521- CIA D 1510M Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 64/Jeu 55 A41 ~Of 9 Reziction of Dipbany.L=rcury With Carbon I by G. A. Ratumvp Yu. A. Oldelzop, 2 pp. Unly0mr1=7 EMS=., per., Zhur Obshch nim, Vol NXIM, No 4, April IV,)3, PP 581'-W. Conoultants Bureau Tr Scientific - Cbemtntry / S / C-7- 6 7 61-12360 - Ra2uv~Y_eY__G_A__JAtpyem, V. N., and _Vfsifliskaya, L. 1. 1. Titanium compourxb SOME REAMONS OF DICYcLOPENTADIENyimi- (Orpnic)--Chernical PHENYLT[TANIUM. [19601 *p. reactions Order from ATS $5.75 ATS-64M46R 1. Razuvayev,G. A. H . LAtyayeva V. N. Trans. of Akad[emlyaj Hauk SSSR. Doklady, 1960. M. Vyshinskaya, L. 1. v. 134, no. 3. p. 612-614. IV. ATS-64M46R V. Associatedrecbnical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. 1. Offlce of Tacb-iml um. (Chemistry--Organic. Tr. v. 5, no. 5) Chain Reactions or Carbon Tetrachloride and Alcoholej, by G.A. ROSU v., B. N. Moryganov,, ~--- -"vays A. S. Vo3Jwvaj 4 pp,. RUSSIANp mo par# Zhur Obahch Khl;aj Vol xxvp No 3# USSR, Mar 195% :pp 495-498. CIA C 39388 Consultants Bureau Scientiric - Chemistry CTS 74/Nov 55 . Oqz AA K. S. and others. EFFEGr OF AMINES ON SrEILEOSPWIFIC POLY- MERIZATION OF PROPYLENE. 11%01 Sp. Order from ATS $9.65 ATS-6lM45R Trans. of Vyaokomolekulyarnyyt! Soyedineniya (USSR) 1959, V. 1, no. 11, P. 1691-16915. 61-12312 1. Propenes --Polymerization 2. Amines--Chemical effects 1. Razuvayev. G. A. U. Nlinaker. K. S. III. ATS-6IM4SR IV. Associated Technical Services, lnc-. East Orange. N. J. offt-I (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 5, no. 5) Razuvayev, G. A., VastleyBitikra. N S.. and Oleynik, Ye. P. THE REACTION OF CARBON IETRACHLORIDE WITH METHANOL; FORMATION OF HEXACHLORG. ETWANE IN THE PHOTOREAC1'10N. (196013p. 1.2 refs. Order frorn LC or SLA mi $ 1. 80, ph$l. 80 61-10639 Trans. of Akad[emiya I Nauk SSSIL. Doklady, 1960, v. 130 no. I I p. 102-104. Experiments to determine the mechanism for the photoreaction Of CC14 with CH301i on exposure to UV Ught showed that C2CI6 was prodiced only by dimeri- zation of CCI~ radicals formed by photolysls of CC14- CCI~ radicals did not remove H CH30H to form CHC13. An excha e f C14 atoms in the pbotoreactior between labeled CT4HcC13 and CCI.4 or CCI~ radicals did not occur. The incapability o(CCI ), radicala to remove H from CH30H or from C14HC13 and the ab- sence of C14 exchange may be dwt to the lower energy of stabilization of these compounds. 61-10639 1. Carbon tetrachlorlde- Photochemical reac' Ions 2. Methanol- -PhotocherrAcal reactions I. Razuvayev, N. S. 11. Vasileyokaya. N. S. 111. Oleynlk, Ye. P. Office.1 T-61-1 SwA~.. (Chen-darry- -Physical. TT, v. .5. no. 10) The Photoreactions ofL' Metallo-organic Mfercury Cormounds in 0 - Solution. 1I. The Reactions of DiVneny1mercury, by G. YU. Oldekop., .4 pp. RUSSM, mo per, Zhur Ob5hch Ehim, Vol XIX., No 8, Aug 1949, CIA/r-DDA-384 Oct Cts 0 The Photoreactions of MetaUo-Organic Compounds of Mercury in Solution. III. The Ph6toreactions of Dibenzy1mercurys by G. Razuvayev2 Yu. Old:ekop., 3 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol M, No 8, Aug 1949 CIA/FDDA-385 ~ & S D Oct cts Lov-Temperature Antocondensation of Cyclohlexanone, by S. T. Svetozwskly, E. N. Zil'bermsin, G. A. Ra La~v 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, 2hitr Obshch Kbim., Vol XXIXp No 5p 195% 1454-1457. Conmatants Bureau SOL jul 6o '/ "~2 '!~' -'// 9/17 RAZU'IA-YEV, G., and OLDEKOF., Yu., Dept Org Cheirl, Uorlkiv The Phctoreactions of Metallo-Organic Compounds of Mercury dm Solution. IV. The Photoreactions of o- Dltolylmercury Zhur Obshch Khim Vol XX, No 1, 1950 'Jan), pp lb.~- Consultants Bureau Translation The PrepamtIm out Propwt&o of Sam DarivatIves of mmll~ it With DAlftuw Propwtle* by V. S. UU&p 6 w. RMUM* pw 2bw Mdwb Mwo Vol I I; IT, No,iip imp VP IMWAIA Sol 0 cbm J" " 791'. 9/7 The Photo Reactions of Organomettallic Compounds of Mercury in Solutions. VII. The Reactions of Diphenylmercury, by_G. A. Razuvaev and Yu. A. Oldekpp, 2 pp RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Obshch Khim Vol XXI, No6 USSR, Jun 19)1 pp 1122-1124 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 RAZU I I G. A.j, and SHUBENKO., M, Sci Res Inst of My Chem., Gorlkiy Stata U. Photoreactions of .1doorganic Compounds Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XX, No 1, 1950 (Jan), Pp 177-182 Consultant's Bureat Translation 7 Free Radicals ln;~thv Decomposition Reactions of Benzeneazotriphenylnethanal Nitrosoacentanilide and Benzeneazotrinitromethane in Solutionsy by G. A. Razuvaev and E. I. Fedotova., 6 pp RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXI, No 6 USSR, Jun 1951 Tp-1118-1122 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 /-q- 0 en a osphorus. Determination of the Equivalence of the Groups With the Aid of Deuterium, by G. A. Razuvayev, G. G. Petukhov., N. A. Osanova, 3 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXIX, No 9, 1959, Pp 2980-2982. CB Sci Sep 6o 'Phe Chlorination of' Cl-Chloroaldehydes, by G. A. Razuvayev, I., F. Spavislmya, V. S. YetliB, 3 pp-~- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXIX, No 9, 1959, 2978, 2979. CB Sci /.e ~~ g ~77 sep 6o Themal Breakdom of TatmOyLUad. and Remothyl- .dlpbxmbant In t1w Liquid Phams by 0. A. Is BUSUTUM S. Tymm"Up s. X. vy9bimakl7p mmia, prj mw 1"Ich VMS$ 10). M=jj NO III 1959j. pp 3"4-3671. ca a" mV 60 z2o rhatm-matiew at. orgmcmatanio Compounds a Wm=y Lu SdluUma. VI. - Tbo Itcaaticra of IRMO W YU* A* 0903WPs IX it,-3X=M-tW7#- G., A R Tha Jomwl of Gwmvl Obamistry or the McR. Vol ]MT. Wo 4s Apr 19511, pp 717 - 721 (Rwx p 60)v amftitants aweau Um York M x I, ~~ I q-5--) The rhma2mmmsa;r~ fteramsdoli G, A* 010 0 aa = L't ~-U, Tba: cc Ow Was Vol U4- Clive NO Aw Vp Itm Ink VM7 IrnOtO1'eMCtiOnS Of Organoiedine Ccmpoumals, by G. A. Rasuvaev, X. A. Shubeako, 8 pp. Full tranaletlax. WSSIAW, per., Zhur Obahcb XhiM,, Vol M., Flo 11, NOV 1951, pp JV~F4 - 1978. (~LrA ~P Ir-1-1 Consultants Bureau 152 West 42nd Street Nev York 18, N.Y. Scientific - Chamistr7 MaY 53 CTS C,? ~F 6t 00 Rzaction of Haxacthy1diplumbam dith IIIW1 HUI idr--s , G. R. "- N. S. Vyazw2lLin., Yu. I. (S -op. MUSSIM, per Zbux Obahch Khim., Vol M, No 4.. 196o., iv 1310-1316. CD Sci / 5-?:.j 5~'11 J~me 1961 A -) - - - - - - - - --- - --- ---- -- the Snow Melttr Operates, by Engr F. A. Razuvayev; B. AGII (Snow Plow) on Switcbee, by C. The Selection of Ferro Can- , ~-,q3 0 crete Ties, by A. F. Zolotarskiy, 10 pp.-)W02-0 ~ RUSSLAIi. mo per, Put' I Putevoye Khozyaystvo, No 3, Mar 195T, Moscow, pp 4-6, 15, 16. ACSI.. G-9456 UM - Economic Sci - Geophys6ce The Detachment of Radicals from Complete Asymmetric Derivatives of Tin, b.y G. Razuvfye and V. Fetyukhova, 6pp RUSSIAN, ma per Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXI, No 6 1 USSRO Jun 195 " pp 1010-10, Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 1- ~ S-L3 collce=lng serolosufa Dinatouie of Type Variants of the Foo-~-3na-Xou-Ut Disearm Virusp by P, H. =ylav. RMUM, peri, -voterimarilyal Vol XXITP No 10, mosecro, 1958s PP 87, 88. CIA. 9035507 VSDA Fob 59 !S4 0- mbm~ ra,," Cooperation-of Crew With Airport Services,, by G. Markov, V. Rauzhivin,, 11 pp, (AF 685420). Full tr RUSSIAN,, per,. Ormbdanskaya Avlatslya,(!to~. 3,. Mar 1957, pp 2446. ATIC F-75-9267filI um - Xcoumic j- Sci - Aeron Oct 57 (DC-2700/81) Tho Transfcmmtion of Sheep Breeding in the Georgian By M. D. Hcheulishvili 5 pp. RWSUN pew 0vtsevodtstYoq No 3., 1961, PP 24-26. JMS 8553 WSR /a 0 Econ ,(1/0 jai 61 (xr-4WT) The Transmission of Detonation Between Initiating Substances. U. T1* Depemdence of the Probability of ftmW sion of Detonation on the Distance Betvaem the Charaes and an the Area of the Fassiv* Chaross by A. F. BellWayp Be Rdultovikaya, Yu. Be Maratom, 11 pp, MMSIAA,O perp Zhur Usper i Teoret Viz., Vol VII, No 1j. iO37j, ipp 191-1W. JM 7236 801 - Ave Sa-leative Transparw2cy of Atmospheric Aerosaz# by S. r. Rodlowyo E. li. ftylovas ff. M. TlelnwP TO. V. J~ i'19 PPI, Fun tr RUSSWO, Wa, Im Ak X~6uk WMs Ser Ge. I O"Xiss No 4a 102# PP 3-3~-247- C- I Iq !~'6 3 r- V~ Sei - aeovkMics A21C F-M-89%/w ~Llj 1-5-4- d=/CM Dw IW . Groo BeM RA in some Poush I of PIM Orwmi. Pzdlndnwy Rqmtp by lc:~ 4) 11 41, P16ft9*L J. Zdz-&-ro*-. 9 V% Val m OTS 62-' PL-M Sd-S& M Sd June 6d 261t737 Atiarption EffactIS IU kIaStiC RO&cti.*u ana Creilp itt, glas$ flibers, by .1i. S. Asianova, P. A. f1chinder. Vol 116. 4,10 2, VIS754, ~~p. 2299-SIO. 3TC, July 69 S86,748 StnwUm-lbx=&UD -in Agnow Acalmmdow or DwAmsto ows bo, a. R. sabimp P- A. hobMXkW,, mps=* vwv KDU!gmm gZaga. Val qj, ab 50 3,941A w J 0 UL A03 7) ID a sal"IMOVIOU Bow 0 395s696 mWil quAkulma or -Mmral BILK-O, P. A. !xb;Lqdorv Ipp. Per: rjlln4,~ Xr, 16-137. 3- 7 OVUico-Chemical Concepts of the Mechmim of Setting un4l Hardening of Mneral Bindero,, by P. A. Rebirdert W pp. RMSIAR, per, Soveshobonie 22 Minii Tsementas 2956, pp 3-25-137- CFMT TT-&-V-1270. 3'-., 627 Sci - MaterialLs Mur 67 63-11146 ._Rjyqftr, P. A. SURFACE-ACME SUBSTANCES AND THEIR 1. Rebinder, P. A. AffLICATION Obverkhmstoo-Alniveye VftbcheBtva i n. PL-480 Int (63- t 1 t46) Ikh Primenenie). 1963.19p. 38 rtfa. PL-48D bit III. National Science Order from OTS $0.,9D 63-ni46 Foundation, Washington, D. C. Trans. of XhImIcbeekaya Nauka I ?rowyablemwet' (USSR) 1959, v. 4, rxx 5. p, 5S4-5656 DHSCRWWRS-_ *Surface-active gaistancen Cbemical properties. *Foaming Inhibitors, ITAHoldv. StabilLza- tics, InUfadon, *Plasticizvra, 011nargesM (Materials, 1717. v. 9, no. 11) d Tetbdw suvkn SuTface-Actiye Substances and Their Application, by P, k Rebindar,-19 ppo RUSSIAN, per, Xhim Hauka i Prom, MOSCOW, Vol IV, No 5, 19591 pp 554-56S* 9207842 PLo-480 OTS 63-11146 jet &.Chemistiry A3 96 un IPST No 761 11WAnder-J. [A]. RFMCING THE SCRATCH HARDNESS BY ADSrjHP- TION OF SURFACE ACTIVE SUBSTANCLS: SCLEHONI- LTRY (HARDNESS STUDY) AND PHYSICS OF INS- PERSED SYSTEMS. [i9621 10p. (figs. tables omitted). Order from OTS or SLA $I. 10 62-16723 Trans. of Russian language art icle from unident ificd source. n.d. DESCRIP17ORS- "Surface active substances, Hardness, Reduction. Adsorption. DlsperMon hardening, Fractuv Ckicchardcs), *Wetting agents, "Sollds, ^Crystals. Reducing the hardness i" H of it crystalline surface b7y adsorbing interfacial surface active polar substances lrom the rolutions, is experimentally demonstraiqd and studied. TheLll Is connected with a decrease ofthe free interfacial surface energies., "G. T'hc/'.Il cuncen- (Physics- -Solid State, Tr, v. 9, no. 4) (ove r) 62-1677 23 1. Rebinder, 1'. A. It. Tide: Sclerometry atfice d TeeWcal Siers Surface-Active Substance and Their Application (Poverkhnostnoaktivitya Veshchestva i ikh Primenenia), by P. A. ae_bkno y- RUSSIAN. per, Xhis Ifauka i Prom, Vol IV, No 5, 1959, 12 pp. *PL-480 07S 63-11146 Sci - Aug 63 61-20408 Rebinder, P. A.. Nikolaev, A. V. and otbers. USE OF NAFHTHENIC ACIDS FOR REINFORCING 1. Rebinder. P. A. THE GROUND AND MAKING IT IMPERMEABLE TO U. Nikolsev. A. V. WATER. [1961] 4p. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-20408 Condensed trans. of unidentified mono.. pub by Akademlys Nauk SSSR, Moscow/)~enlngrad. 1942, 32p. DESCRIPTORS: *Soils, lAoisture, Mechanical proper- ties, Naphthenic acids. (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation. 'IT, v. 7. no. 10) office of Technical S"Ces Rublader. P. A., BogusLIvskaya, N. A.. and Mokiuvak!i, V. f.. OF ANGINIALIKIS VI~COST771 OF LU:~.~IL_AN'.-.': AT Wlk sp. Or~:,_-r from OV~ c, SLA Nl~ 01-ISSI32 Trar.r.. r' mono. ' Sovc~.-.,rhonw -io Vvazkowl -,hid~optc; KD;;fAd,.yV-,h i,hnt~o-ae 0.1 VI.C-'I'y C7: Llq,ildtv and Col!oldal Saltniono) !2-13 May 41, v. 2, MoLlcc~/Leningad, 1944. p. 173-177. OESCHIPTORS* Viscoulty, -Lutricanto, -Low tcmperature IuDricanta, Temperature. (.MaterialB- -Lubricant a, TT, v. 7, no. 7) 1 . Rebiitici. V. A. ',I Bz~,tuilnvmkayp., N. A. wt. 1 V . Title: Con;ercnc,:. Rabinder, P. A. DEVELQPbCENT DE LA CIUME COLLOWALE EN U. R. S. S. AU COURS DES QUA:LWM DERNIERES ANNEES. tr. by Mme. lourrely. :17 Oct 59 [731p. 337 refs. CRA Trans. no. R 748 (text in French). Order from OTS or SLA $7.60 61-23752 Trans. in French of Usp(ekhil Khi=411] (USSR) 1957. Y. 26, no. 11, p. 1320-1342. DESCRIFrORS- *CoHoldo. *Chemistry, USSR. 61-23752 1. Rebinder. P. A. 11. CEA-rr-R748 111. Commissariat k ll~nergle Atornique (France) ical. TT, v. 6. no. 6) 61-22373 Rebinder P. A.. Likhtmen, V. I.. and Kochanova, L- A L Ring] crystzls REDUCTION IN THE STRENG171i OF SINGLE (Memllurgy)--PhyBical METAL CRYSTALS BY ADSORFrION AND SPON- properties TANEOUS DISPERSION IN A LIQUID MEDIUM. [19611 2. Single crystals 5p. (Noetallurgy)- Order from ATS $10.40 ATS-73N50R Adsorptivc properties 3. Liquids- -Adsorption Trans. of.Akad[erntyal Nauk SSSR. DoUady. 195t~. 1. Rebinder. P. A. v. 111. no. C~. p. 1278-1281. 11. Ukbtmr6 V. 1, Ill. Kocbanova, L. A. IV. A*M-73NSOR V. Associated TecbnIcal Servicm Inc., East Oraw- N. (Physics- -Solid State, TT, v. S. m 12) (DC-30). An Uampla of ScieAtIM COOPOratIOU B*twsen the uma ead tbe Peoples ReptiblIc of O'nap by P, A. Rebia"r # Ye 9 D 0 WwhukInj. 9pp. RM.Tap perp Vest Ak NwA SM.- No 10,s 1959,v pp 60-63. aM 3D37 / e f 9,~Y 60 The LowerIM of Stremgth and Ue BritUe WIMUM or Nowerystals.-or Zinc " Cadmium Caused bY Adsomptloup by'-, YU, Vo GorSuwrj, No V, ftrt�ova P., A. Reblnder,, RMIMO p*rv Dok Ak; Sauk SWR# Vol CXtTX . vo 4.. -787- 3.95.9 a pp 784 Awr Inst of PIWO Sov FtwS-wxla4y V03. IV,. No 4 Sai maw 6o 37AVelopmant of Cryotallization Structures ard Variation of Their Mechanical Strengthp by E. sem.'Ant'" N. lz;=.:,,Iov--, P. A. "--bi='=, 19 HOWDY: per; -;jok Ak Muk SSO.. Vol CX,, No 5,. igr,,6, pp %Uci W-1013 Lib W. 5714-49.1 aci - Phys; Chem 7-f Sep 5a Features Of F. A. Babinder, MaILM., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ifol Mrx, 1959, PP 1343-1346. oato 60 BE!dulaed lty~, atflm Ra-~z of Ot-~.dc Tx--ata--d vith Bux-P-a-ze-Acti-re Plaatio~mexajt bj So 1. Kantamr-Tch, U. 9. Segalova, P. A. Ilabinde 4 k AN, perj, Dak = rumil-, SOB., Val CX=p No 11959,* il-o 847-650. aB S-It oat 6o 046 The Biudiug of Lime In Calcium Hydroollicete. 03&r Nonol Conditims, by V. P. Abrosenkormp G. X. LDgOmw and P. A. Robluder. 4 3pp. RMUN# Pero D* Ak N&* 5M., VbI CXV, NO 3; 1957j. iv 509-5U Couvult4mts Bureau Be& Aug 56 7~1 5PO oP I'ctiou of LWoricanto in th,~ WoAdng of mete. k1s, by ;Iva,. Veilerp V. I. LikhtMa, P, A. Reb-inder. RUSSIAN; thrice-mo per; Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol CX.. vo 6., 1956, PP 985-988- Reoz7 Brutcher Tr 3943 $4.,OD Sti - Chem; kin/metals c/o 1-71-7 Aug 57 Mustico-Viscous PxWerties of Polyisobutylene Solutions,o by L. V. Ivanova-Mumakova,, P. A. _~~in .Aer 8 pp. TUMTM bim W Kollaid 2hw, Val XV13:1,, No 4,, Jul/AuS02.9561, pp 42j;~37- Ek su set - rh"icw 9 K/ J~m 19 57 J