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Comparison of Friction &W Faectrical Conductivity of Rubber,, by S. D. Ratner et &I. HOWIM., so per, Zhur Tekh Pis,, Vol XXV No IL956s. PO 653-856. ..QD-OD ftm Bch 2r 314 Set - FbpIcs L+ 4) 4 Study of the Abrasion Resistance of Rubber Using Metal Wsh,, by 0. S. Klitenik., S. B. Ratner, 5 PP., MISSM, per., Kamhuk i Razimp Vol XJX, No 3., 1960o vp 19-24. Rea Assoc of British Raber Manu sci Nov 60 1-22,0613- Vea,-.tzig At.Qq oT Rubber by Ab,-&-"iv.- c4loth. b.-,, 5. 5. Palmer.. 11-4. V. waluikovap 19 PP- Rmnx, par,, Nawbuk i Realms vol XV112 No 8" 1958: pp 14-21. MA 59-15620 Sol NOV 59 Vol 210 NO MechmAcal testing Of Plastics- II- Static t6sting.9 by 8, B,--Mams P. 5 RUssM,, perp PlasUchookiy Maso7v No S. 1960p pp,. 53 - 59 RAFRA sai hug 63 MOChMI(MI t4MtiVAg Of PU*tlGBI, IIII, 7at4P8 080. 4 so R'& nsr~ Amd A, V, StInskas tab. 611p. missila pw p2satichoWdy aws7o so go 2960, Wq 34 . j0. SOL Aug 63 3 e12.~ &/.7 I '400haniml testing of plutice, V. Beat resistance, D. Hatuors M. D* Fru&ol 44, 8 plo, 11USSI", Pere Plostloheakly Masays 30 90 1960, . py - 69 - 76 Sai Ang 63 3..2- i78/6o (BF-1051) The Role of Roughtteas tn Rubber Friction and the law of Metion, by S. B.-2gj=r.#-7 pp. RIMIAN, rer,, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XCUI, No l.. -195%. PP 47-50. ipHs W53 Sci Chem Oct,60 R MMMUSMO CC the Mapedlents Of Rubber On ItO StILUC FXICtUn In 6344-1- - by 8, B,, Ratmax-i V. D, 8ok4laWW#,p 34 We PC ow, RLIMN w peri I" PSOI~p ND IS, IM#XMXAN op F-34- 091 Tr center P& 3M abomistry 66,e 177 Wear-Testing of Rubber on a Metallic grid, by S. B. Ratner, 0. S. Klitenik, 3 pp RUSSIAN par, Zavod Lab, vol xxv,, No 11., 1959,, pp .-a" 1 436 1 0 Instru. Soc of Amer Sci Nov 60 AY-2 3Pd ~;z Mechanical Teating of Plastics. I. PhYllcal of the Mechaaical ilroperties of Polynera: by S. B. -Zgner, 6 pp. Russna, per, Plasticheakiy ftasy., No Tj 19601 pp ~q -66. sci Aug 61 A; Cn/Fm XA-695 The Mechanism of Wear in Polymers and the Criterion of 81milarity, by S. B. fttner., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SM, Vol CIM, No 2p 1960j. pp 294-297. AIP Sov Ftwo - DOk Vol Ts go 6 Sol juh 61 s -i78/6o (NY-46W) Properties and Characteristics-of Alund Explosives, Irj B. B. Ratner, 15 PP- RUSSIM, per.. GoxWy Zhur, Vol cXxi, IRO 5, 1947, pp 21-25. JPW 4054 Sci - Chem Sep 6o / PP 7, d I"Y' 178/60 (SF-1049) The Effect of Rubber Hardness on the Coefficient of Static Friction Without Lubrication, by-S'. B.' Ratner, V. D. Bokolskaya, 8 pp. RUSMAR, per, Dok Ak Nauk SMR, Vol XCIX, No 3, 1954, pp 431-434. JPRB 4052 Sci - Chem Sep 60 ~7 rj,'~/6o - - - -- (SP-1047) Effect of Rubber FiUers an the Coefficient of Static Friction, by S. B. Ratner) V. D. Sokollskaya, pp. RLOSTAN, per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol LXXXVI, No 1, .L952. pp 121-124. jpRs 4050 Sci - Chem Sep 60 P""~ Rolotlas to tbo Mau "-" or tan PAOUM Of ROUVS bF.P. ID. 4MW -pp. RUSBUS. INWP. Md3ald Mmp M ZZ4 NO 3, MT, pv 3911,0w9 , a" w Cbm ^a W 7 f, - dlxz o, Calculation of the Velocity of Detonhtion in Gatm3, by Ya. B. Zeldovieb., S. B. Ratner. 6-MUMIRIM IIUSI "STAN, mo per, Zhur WwW i Teoret Piz, Vol Up no 1, 1941, vp i7o-i83. ATIC F-T-S-8312 tcientific - Physics ~TI 83148 Mw Xrtu=l Ftiction at Subbers bW S. S. Patuar, 6 pp. FICU tr I Mlimj, bbo rw, -W.A , KGUDSA ftwo Val ITMO so 3p 2936# vp 373-im. get - ft"douy AA* -!~ a j/4 am 97 m orp*-,,; Tests for Plastics., by S. B. R"almey, pall., Ma-stic-he'skiy Yassy ntoi -qi,L Ref: 5196 i962 (1,122) 3al - Bid"'. 21. Y-.F;d Sai ja 6. 47-1157) CalcmUtion of theCharmoteristice of a Detonation Wavej. Stationarily Propagated in Condensed FjcploniveE and the Equation of State of the Explosion Produate., by So B. Ratners 7 pp. MUM., per, DA Ak Sauk SM# Vol XLVLTI., NO 3.- 194,5j, pp 198-201. im W6 Doe 60 Fa~~2.)jrxe Dm to Rbpeated Loading, by S. 1. ..' It-er. 4;~ MzD~ilArl, peer,, Dak Ak lauk SSW, Vol CJX, No 2, 1956, pp 246-24% ML H. 3658 4A - Sngr .". C, .11 Ip "-~rj Ai_.u-_o 62 _'- ChWW og nwbwA=l Propertles of MotmU IkAw Wdxootatic ftessurep bv Be 5 rp. RUSS=., "erg 2bw Tokb Fisiki., Vol =g So 3,, 1910., pq T166:4u- CUIPM xx-IW NO FMIMF DUMN sa nov 64 UsZB lat4wml use OnLy 269..M Rbrolew, G. 1. G. ~P- Rq P. E610IMs, U ppo (ID 20296M). RMBUNV so pwp rain mado No 7t 19.V4. ACSs, Is 0-7463 USSR z-* 4/1, SOL - mkftelw 07-1vv RATNTER., S. I. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, vol. 12, no. 2, 5 figures, 2 tables, 2200 words; 1046 Comp~arative Study of Mechanical Properties of 0-77v Carbon Tool Steel in Tension, To.-sion, and Compression. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 1679, "z3.60 dq 1-, 73 / lqtmaq~"h at F-epeate& Loadiroc-r-1; and Tieslst~,-Voe y- a. T. Re=er, 36 pp. OSISIffil. bk, .!~Bjjjjv. pa UettLjostj 22-2:4 1-958~, -1960, PP 967'-'4)5 ~~,l J/ FtWy of the Amlootmff of Mechanical Properties of Steolq by Yra. B. FridmEm. S. 1. Ratner. =3109 so perv bgd Lab, No 2/3, 191+5# pp 195 - 208. ABD 7k971 Sciemtific - Physics 1-1-~ e-~ 4 f/ 4C4 a I- P %-cj-r 4 7 Nov 1951 CTS 1,4 (Nr-4&1) Remats of Manuring the EMM Detonation Velocity or met1wi fiftrates by B. S. Ratner 6 pp, I RUSSUN, per, Dck Ak ftuk SUR, Val XLII, No 6, 1944., Vp 27b-M. JPBS 7m SOL - ObBa im 61 4Y oF/ some PrIm1ples for tam D"4p& and 0" of Pi-wift" Irradiators , ty A. V. BlbftVl M. Korotkov T. G. Ratnerv 7 pp RMSIAN, Prt At= SmIs pp 244w.251 SOL Val V-11, No 3, 1959, CB.. 15z my stuo at tin Campwlt~o a ProdsoU of the Cat&2,yblo I FrM A2acbDlo by 0. IL Sw umbm~&Mp TIA. A, firrif mmap 3wo Zkw Ok4ob] - Vydroearbom49y- N;nU of Divinyl. wt T. T. Rat-mw V. V02. x1mv -no U, ftl - cum an C- Biologic Treatment of Chronic Purulent Oateomyelitia,, ,. UVOIASSIFIED by UA.,.AaLner RUSSIAN, per, MAru~&tia Moscow, 1940. OSG Tr /4 (/ ?0 ~- Cewtain Problem of Selection and Evolution, by D. K. r---Iyayev, V. A. Ratnerx 3 pp. RUSSYMN., perp Dok Ak Nw& SSW., Val M.. RO 3p 1961, .9 699-702. p AIM sai 167p 'e;,?t? f V'p M041 62 Som Structurlal Featums - af t~ -9 alin Oil Poo-lag by V. Ya. Ratn9rj. 5 pp. RUSSTAN, pers Geolog Nafti i Gasa,, Vol IV, No B-B., 2960. RRG sci Apr 63 Clinical Characteristics of Botkin's Disease (Infectious Hepatitis], by Ya. I. Ratner RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Ned Zhur, NO 11P MOSOOV. Nov 1958, pp 25-27 U3 JPR3 1249-w Rmot or Rm4n on C17-:tI-.00-ow of the lMdnays and the fto3l, utentimp by O.-B. nw*amo Y. M. Returp 6 pp. MWW,p iperp SoU ft_W Ma 1. Ma (Up-akvu),, Val, r, 1, 1 , No 50 p 39; 1b So rp, %5-wp I". MA R-3M . a" ft" 06 7 Surgery for Tumors Located High Up in thie Re ctum, by Yu. A. R - .1 4 pp. ,5atjl= RUSSTAII~, per, Voprosy Onk-olog, Vol VII, iqo 4,, 1961. Royer & Roger Sci jun 62 1-98,836 (BYAMD - 2h9 Moobanlm of the Gonwls of Detmatlm of RQAMITOO UpM ftwts by A. F. BaMwj, T. K. BoboUw,, 3W Z. 1. FAUsr, 6 pp. NJHMN, per, Dak Ak Mank SMp Vol Lip 3945* pp 303-305- ipm 7w6 Sol - mm phys 1a7. 4 9149 24 ALU 61 .04 0,7 AutoeUva Leaching of Cobalt-Araenous Ores of the Miovu-Akay Site,, by G.R. Dobrokhotov and Z.L. Ratner,, 6 pp. i- RUSSIANj, pars, Tavetrys lbtallyj, Vol 11, No 10,, 1961,9 pp 53-58. PS Sci D" 62 6 g (v Mobanical Meaning c1 rabries -of LowQuaUtiw a cottim tvath nmarvi NO-32s- GI I)OC3349. B=amlouTexUleB., Cleanimg., Cotton.7 FabrIcs The Dancing of Conductors on a 110 kV Transmission Line, by L. J6 Ratsikay. RUSSIAN, per, 51" Stantsill, Vol XMI, No go 19610 p $6, NIL Ref. 9M.09 1963 (2,S97) (low) Sd - Electron I*OIV " A#-2,19501L 63-10647 Ratultov, V. 0. A ChR SORTM ON A HUMP-YARD. 1. RatnIkov. V. D. [t9621 Op. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-10647 Tram. at 7belcznodowozhnyl Transport tUSSR) 1962 1w. 44, no. 61 p. 67-72. DESCRIPTORS- OAttomation, *Railroad cars, Rallroe Electronic equipment, *Brakes, *Remote control sys- tems, Electric switches. (Machinery- -Transpan. rr, v. 9, no. 11) Offia d TecWkW Sertkes I - 3- 'Z leq~-vu zaA I .' 1. R4tpI%=- On the natmq of certain %mves obsMA-mi-&rWetion of reflected vaves on the ftealm Plateaus 15 3?9. R=TA17,, per, Iz Ak ;L%uk SM.. Ser Goofics. No 6., 3.957, rp CO-70B.- Peramon Inst Sci - Geqpk~m A]PT 59 ELtnLtW, K. 1. SYNTHESIS OF HYDROCARBON-FORMALDEHYDE POLYMERS AND THEIR USE IN SURFACE COAT- INGS. Sep62, 2000wards. Order from TTIS $ IS. 00 TTIS 4016 Trans. of Ukolcravochaye Materialy I Ikh Primenenle (USSR) 1962, no. 1, p. 17-20. OESCRIVrORS: Polymers, *Plastic coatings. *Fortnaldebyde, Hydrocarbons, Xylenes, Na Naphtha, Catalysts, Sulfuric acids. 62-34410 1. Ratalkova. K. 1. 11. TTIS-40L6 In. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit.) (Materials- -Plastics, TT, Y. 9. no. 2) A Stuay ot Conmrted Rejaected Wwes In M"Us With WeaL- Velocity DiffemntiatIon.. allom et, al by 1. P. Berzoap Le LAlt ~~p , I% q pp. RMras,W, Zz Ak But SSM., Ser 0 OfiSs NO 9p IWJ.. VP 1293-1306. Amer Geogb" UnIOn Sai ja 634 262j.743 solue llesult5 Obtainta ~roln a 6tudy of Gon- verLed Reflected I.-.wures in hoUa with Strong Velocity W-fferantiat3-on, by L. 1. '.Zatnikova 1-1 pp. _, Iz- Ak Na&. SSSR, Ica- GeofLL, RUSSIAII, per No 2, 1963, pp. 261-277, MAI sci Jun 63 Ore X COU~ptf y flig..Aj~yn-Topkan wa,1_21nc an ~TbR.Ws~?ehjU I dt Ratnil ov, '~Ma. et al. 'S pp. RUSSIA118 POr SOvet Metal, Vol IV, No 7. 1963, pp 1-6. Prinary sources sci Jan 05 2700383 2~ Poiarogrspi3iz -the- Ch1oroirIdp!*z-:[on cn a Platinum Electrode, iri R. R. Pahwitoynj,.N. A. Hzerskaya, V. D. Aajtnikova, 17 PP. WMIAN.. pwj, Zhw Neorg 1==,, Vol III,, pp 1791-1798. NW 9077952 Ir I AM UMU,-tr-6V, %-I -Aug 61 The Recording of Converted Ail Reflected Waves, by V. I. Ratnikova, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 4, 1962, pp 456-471. Amer Geophys Union Sci Sep 62 214,527 ==Joe V.I. DM. ". MMv SMv vea 679 191,99 sp 487-M Nautdtw ftan 2433v 02.40 CmtAbutlm tD the ZwousUm of notaUce Aatildty of immml surravou ) - ROIG Or the lanstmnlt Book In PattLiag Anowd CaWitles luto Opemtlm on Tlwj, tW 1. fttolup 33 V9. DWOrms, 9w., Flauft si ftefiit,, Vol VI, No 12., 100j, pp 304M. am 900 Mow - Rumima sky 6L FULLFILLMENT OF THE INVESTMENT PLAN IN RLR-IANIA, BY 1014 RATOIU, 12 PP. RU14ANIAN,,PER, FINANTE SI CREDIT, NO 10, OCT 1962, PP 15-28. JPRS 17017 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON JAN 63 219,289 Ratomsid, A. DE WAARDE VAN DE DIAGNOSTIEK VAN AGGLLM- NATIE EN DE COMPLEMENTBINDING BIJ BRUCEL- LOSE VAN BET VES (Worth of Diagnosis of A~glutina- tian and the Complement Bond at Brucellosis o the Cattle). I Ip. MtWl- 944. (Text In Dutch). Order from OTS or ErC $1.55 61-17564 DFSCRIPTORS: *Cattle, *Brucellosis, Hemagglutinins, Diagnosis. 61-17564 1. Ratomski, A. II.NMYL-944 111. Stichting hiaeffijk ToeganIzelifte NVetenschap- pelijke Literatuur Flanw4a &nd Czeat AeavItt" pmng the Pop&Uticnp by (Mk Be= Rpt M Mr. 22D). umma, per,, remqW as No To DA&Oesto ju 195% pp 251456- c:EA/Fw an 1961 Esur -0 ELUNPLVY Sam Oct 58 Certudu Properties of the Virus-Neutralizing Factor of Nonml Animal Sera, b, V. 2Atmms, D. Kociakova, J. Szanto, 0. Laucikova, L. Hmm, 7 pp. RUSBIU., per, Vopras~ Virusologii., Vol IV,, No 6,, 1959, PP 717-723- pp Sai Oct 60 102 DDtO=jnr,tjon of Elemelatal Sulfur In Fetrole-m and Petroleum Products by a Polarographic Hathod, by R. D. Obolentmovo B. V. AlvaZov and A. A. 6 pp. RUSSIAS. ger, 2,bur P=1 MAM,, Vol Un., No 1, 1957, PP 134-13 Connultants Bureau sci - Chm Aug 58 AIM (SF -1043) Tb~-- MnCIP16 Of StztiC FriatiOU, by S. B. .!OMTS, 6 pp. HMVJ,p "r, Dak Ak Nauk =R, voi Lxam,, No 3s 1952,s pp 443446. im 4064 Sci - Electron oct 6o Autor,-atuf-c Squeeze lvoulldiri,", Line alt the 4-drov by V. G. llats, G. Id. Yafet, 4 R'US3VLli, pes, Lit Froiz, 7LIFO 1, lcx~-1.2. I DCIRA Sci tour, 62 208,068 opir,rsics/Geology Field Spectroanalytical La~--orator: For- Ser~ri6ing ProsDectin- Parties, - A. Rat 6 by sbaum ,)I) MT33L.kil, per, llazvocLca I'edr, Vol X, 1:o 1, 193". CIA/FDD/X-1j0Uq Oct cts ~ da~ AS""llp"M malsk AW IOL UNN% f#. %*MAN# oft as& 06 WRIk t " MOL.Afteft" & Allm liww :~ I I =%M Daterm-lim tion of Periods oT Free Fluctuations of a Dk"nal- and Semidiurnal-Type in -Polex Seas,, by 5 PP- M-73SIM1,9 par$ Tz Ak Ilauk SSM, Ser Geofiz, lNo 21 1959, PP 254-261. Am--r Geophys Union sci Ymy 6o An Inve8tigation of Free Oscillatlons of DRUY Und Twice.-Daily q-%me for a IAquLd In Shallow 3eas - Ila by P. S. Rftts*V-2va8Qv*v 17 PV- WML4ZA, pwp ts Ak Vm* SM., Ser Geotis# No 3j, 1957j, pp 369-383- Pergamm SOL - GOOPtWa D" " PutceTntic Origpirg auids Bo:K,, by N. V. Sa=~=oc~x, L. R. Itatmqvichp 3 pp. IWSSUN, per, obtaUurg, No 6# 19581 pp 23. Cougultents Bureau sci - MU/Dbt ~ IV mW I Arr 59 j I MT-13M IDAW67 al"We"o cov sm". or asaw" at =ma mgma sm now (MW)o %W mesumb --IV 'P no tmrwhm r"mv ft Ap"S" vp I" Immowbwo own PUM ftl am am* pho"o, M No, 80=964 15 " PIW8iQLCgiCAl TeStO of Adrema MmWficiency Lkriug -1 Panto~c Acid Deficiency, Pty J. Lefebvrea-aois- selot,, A. awwto~zt fttsi , 6 pp. %-- -ftpw-* Pr~p per.. Campt. renM Soc. Biol, Vol CXLVIII Decoubm 1953,p pp aft 2M2-2016. S.L.A. Tr 92/19% Scientific -pllolqwp X*&iciue '3t,") 7 Assogannt of -Malagww FbUtical Parties, by Arioudo iiatvimbawf~r. 5 pp. FRINCHO pefrt RMB mues, Val 8, I= ~b 275, 20 Oot 1966, pp. 5la-520- Mis A Ar,-Rolagaw -R%mbUc pol Fur 67 319. 42 3 "he -10thwl Of aM Obliepao Visibility UMID Of LUhts. by 1%. yaL. f-cutscLaor, 10 PP. Q lor-A AUSIAN, per, Vietwyo i Gi ma, re I i967. pp. 21. in's 405L~3 M,~YA- RATSthO USSR "CUMMSPIMIC RV 6,~ 325,385 -.,Lc,erioa in Designing Levers for ..%:Ighing Equipment, by M. Ratsiu, 5 pp. RLSSM, per., Izmerltel Tekh, No 9, 1959, pp 24-26. lastru Boa of Amer Saf. Sep 60 /"P- -~/" '~ 4'?) Determination of Residual Ow Pressure In Electronic Valves, by M. 0. Ratsun., V* Ye. Kunin.9 5 pp. RUSSIM.. per., Radiotekh I glaktroa, Vol 121, No 3, 19513, pp 435-437. Pergw= Press Sci - Electronics Sep 59 P5,- P, 15201z~' 7- -ilm chomp a rascocaft V; me In the LUBC14 wlw,~ vamo comer* by x. I nowwo it. no 14% X-M. "04 922W.4 NOV 40 RI.NNON IN SIM COLUTNiNS. f19631 14p Order from K-li $14. 00 K-li 110% Trans. of I-rdt3l und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochernie (West Ge-rniany) 1961, v. 14, no. 1, p. 24-26. DESCRIlYTORS: ~Dlstillalion, *Towers (Chemistry), Distilling plants. 63-224-14 1. Rarte, Ii. 11. K-H-11096 11). Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, F)"troit. Mich. (Engincering--ChMiCid, 717, V. 10, no. 10) Cffks of 7-dWeW Serfkn A frov V* v# An4mm -",W the LOW* tbum we ab*t wwo awa% I* a. hitt"$ 14 ftwo U.Vpo r Va No 20 U Xq640 Iffit 5bom H. Rattei 319,tk6-.) Rattel 8.pjp. zz";=- ? ONRON pw so rA, 0 2wmt=km-Z~"=6-# VOI J=IV, ib 1.33, Be 20-M. ACM I-3M 10 22%4396 ftl . ametrm 3 9s- .7./Jpf 8o63 The Effluent Problem in Pickling Plante ana ItB Solution, by 0. Rettig. .-rT.WWWAN.Ww~ G&PJAMp per,, Blechj, Ho a* 3# Mart X 5* 708 SCI - gnu Jan 58 / 6 "10 41~ .Fi I 40 11, (&Mmsd I 1 0.: - We . %aft" Lypod" X%M 11 ON 11M LAW OF STATIC FRICTMN [0 Zakme L Pimm. L L StaticbeskT Ttimlyal. 119611 [61p. 9 rds. TL 9W, IL 71raw-T/L-950 I (MR L; U210S. M. DIMR LLU K2103 Order from OTS or SIA St. 10 61-135H Trans. of tAkadmiya Muk MM Daklmol 1952. v. 93. m 3, p. 443-14461. Odw translations are available from LC or MA mi$l. go. p4l. BO as 59-15157 [195916p. wd from 07S $150 as 60-41443, IPRS-4064, 23 Sep 60. 6p. DRSCRWMR&- *Friction, 7beory Par abstract see Tedmical Translations 2: 361, 1959 or*. 635. 1%0. Offi~.f Ud~IcA S-1- oAschantes-Smfics. Tr, v. 6, nm 4) 61-13695 A%mr. S. B. ON THE RATE OF WEAR OF RUBBER AND M 1. RuNer--PrictAw RELA71ON TO COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION (0 2. Rul3be --Dete7loratJon Pokantele Istrimnip Reziny I Yego Soyazi c Koeffit- 1. Rattner. & B. sientan Trenlyal. 11960) 5p, 6 refm. M2190. 11. DSIR LLU M. 21~O Order from LC or SLA mi$I. 8% ph$I. 80 61-13685 Tram o( (Akaderniya Nsuk SSSR. DAlady) 1952. v. no. S. p. 743-[7461. Another translation is avallaMe f. cc OTS $0.50 as 60-41421, Ims-405t. 21 sep K 6p. 00-1 TchWc.1 $-,I- (Material@ --Rubber, TY. v. 5. no. 2) TrwiaLucwimi Of &~-mon to Concrete Lrj 1C.Lc, Steel in Pmutressed bkmbers, by E. 0. Ratts, M. M. XholWmnkiyj, V. M. Kollnev, 28 vF.- RUSS!=, per., Beton 1 Zbelezzobe~~., 110 1., 1958, P-D 4-13- sLA 6o-15378 Sai 10/v/ f. j e, Z Sep 61 ov Comparative Effect of Certain Antibiotics Upon Ornithosis Virus in Avd-ft" Mcperiments,, by V. M. to Bolotavskiyy L. Se Ratuahkinap 3 PP- MWrM. per# Voprosy Virwwlogii, Vol IV# No 6p 1959., PP 710-713. pp Sci Oct 60 .., z ~r/~~ 6 %litxiortistric Determination of Hydamgen !on- U-Ccacentamiclon., by G. Ratushny-S. RUSSLA-W: per., Vinodelie i lfinogm-darrtvo Sm., Vol Vi., No 213., 196,')., pp 3-.6. CSM/Ho 6334 SC-q-CheM cat 63 "//,