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(DC-5397) Hov Chw Construation Industry CbaoVd in the Scoond Five-Year P2&n., by DUdtr Sti1janor,, F- Cyril Dwkttik,, Pavel Ems,, 13 pp. omcm U" ow CZM., Vor, Posewl OU"Ws No 12s 1960,1 NEW - Cs"bosloyakla CCPIMIR Boon Rec-ndation,for lotitudiml Surveying Within the Beiaz of the International Geophysical Yearp by Jan Raubmeek. 21 ppi CZF,CHp por, GeodetlAy a Nartograficky O*W--mur,, Vol MIXIMs, No 7o Fragueo Jul 1957,p PP 124-130- Ut JM/DC-L-TT9 Scci - Geopby Sep 58 Directives on Regulations at Advanced Schools Con- cerning the Qualifications of Teachers mid the En- trance RequIrements of Students, ~*Jg i Rambousek, 19 pp. .1 CZECHO per, Vysoka Skola, Vol V, No -+, 457., pp 104- In. US JM/NY-L-180 REur - Czechoslovakia Soc - Education, scientific 5'5- Rambusch, Karl. REZM_XTOTCOMNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL OFFICE FOR REACTOR CONSTRUCTION. I I Sep 59, 6p. JPRS: L-962-N. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 - 59-13881 Trans. of Cezemblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (East Germany) 1958, pt. 2, no. 17, p. 161-162. DESCRIJIMRS; *Nuclear power plants, Nuclear physi Atomic energy engineering, Control. 59-13881 1. Rambusch, K. 11. )PRS(NY)-L-962 Ill. joint Publications Research Service, New York C 5-18-62 (Nuclear Physics --Nuclear Engineering, rr~ v. 8. no no. 3) 1 OFR- f T-W-1 S-0... Electrochemical Behaviour of Chemically-Resistant Steele,, by H. J. Engell,, T. Ra=handran. GEWN., per# Z fur Pbysikellsebe Chemie, Vol ccxvt No 3/4., 1.960,, pp 176-184. BISI 2W sai - Chem Jan 62 led, '707 The Eff"tt of Copper on the Corrosion Sebavlour ana Reebanical Properties of Austealtic Chrome-Mickel Steels, by T. Rambandran, ft ale I------------ GERM.. per., Ardh1v fuer Xboubuttemmeen, Vol Mar 1961j, VP 173-285- NMI 2190 Sol - cbm Bev 61 List 108 ~ii ~~ : ~, 4- " - -. - - .- 1; ~ .! : ~:~- --a. , I WPQWNT I am 4 00-2w4 44va N-410--m- ---- IV A;- at 41400. * VAIddog IL 6f~ --- ---- 'Mi ipplitt 9w a SM 406. AW Oft zr a4 a. BNOMAW Rosman SM ft asefter aftworsk coubw nft-w 04-ILp 4020da H. RaME10hr 3%P960 Im" lob do %to Moft waftt at bacaftii %bow an$ 8602*M Of VM (Ijamm aw lbalm amomp vft~ a =t2 ALI so unriad Pambhr for AIAW for Ai:(., itzeter~,,till l-, ati, 1j3, ity TL-- Uranium and Gold Dapmlts: Wituaterarand- Blind Riwr Districts DMInion Beef: Serra de jaeobina; bUcrogeopLcal, Ore InvestigatIonz and a GeolcGical Comparlson, by_~.,Razdq~ir. IJAC GERM,, per., Abb DeuUmb Mad Wiseavach, KI. C&-mies. GeOl und S101j, Berlin., No 3, 19581 p 1-. DW/36460/CT Bel - 000phys Nov 59 IrIvAluactivo, Fvxtuai.-,~, i~y FWJ RaWohr. Z4 IN4 INAAp Akadg W13g, i~glill* pp 1-170 14 -~!-:kual4clr as Sti 4 Tucil N~,.v i6ip Nov Observations am Radioactive Halos In Various NU X1, NY sle with Critical Beawks for the Evaluation of Balms for Age Detenzination, by P. BwWdb . G=MV, per, GeoloaLsebe Rundschau vol. 49, i96'D,, IV. 255-263. aRK64B-758 WC 70-17185-Wo June 1971 The Haatlms of Iron-TItaclum Ores of Igmcus Ro&.s; by PWAI Rmmiahr. FDMIM, p=s, =1 Ca= ftol Plmlende, No 173; 1956. Dept of laterior TWT- 157, Ho 127 SOL - mxt/mm mm 59 11-111c mama~6tnqfje Orea., by Paul nam~cjhx., 14~ yp. SPAVEMH, rptp Intormt19=1 Gcolcogical Cozzi-cris (Ito 20)., flaxico, ManWose Synosim,, Vol 1, 1956g pi) 19-73. MA 59-10482 Sol NOV 59 Vol 2.9 Ito 3 lof x G-ErdfMl, bk, Nouea Jahrb V;ivneralcZic: MOM!'t2ob--fts, 1957, PP P-17-221- AEC Tr 3562 Ma r 5 9 ~? ~Ssitlflltv an lmv r4ml r~tvwr of tho Vr I A'O Acti" ftlt 19 Mmnnpwt " a po"We (=A ProbdAO) lip4lvlOaa WfmM in t&*- Urim c Vw XldWq by. V. MftA_ A. 112=3 69 Ma"tica ammica Actso ma nno ~6 rA.M. NIB 1.9&40 SCIL N" Mr 60 Ordl. Admimistration of a raw AmboUc Steraid (YAthandrostftawo) to Po&te*ric cae", by M. Rw--rghi., A pD. IThLTM,, per,, Ximerva MWics, Vol LI, M= 23.., 1960; pp 990-996. Em Tr 9-45-60 Sol - Mb& iros.- 6o (NY-5235) operatimyLl end Teabnlcal 22"- -- A Lev for - ---- ftrwrMls B. N. ~~: IN 7 pp. RMIM., perp YeetziJk 89mi, No 9j, IMP p 17. JM 72M &d A-;..,.,. ., ~., CU/PW Ir 533 r'o'd Green Bacteria Utillzlai~ OrGanic Compow:ds, by V. M. SIIA eva, E. N. Krasil'- I poshnikov, B. N. Kandrat niXova, A. A. DaRgILS-IONE. 3 PP- MiSSM, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, vol ax3x, No 6., 1959, PP 3.424-- Amer Inst of Biol Sci sci - jui 6o F=otUmaldca of CYtoglande Ribow3clole Acid by PhawX Treatwnts by 0- P. FOMMMVS, G. P. GeorgUmj, L. 6. Mlt=mp 3 pp. MSSM.. per., Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Vol aMas NO 31 19W., pp 600-683. AIM /7 pe,b 61 Nwleic AcIft of the SM 03-f3 of tba Malberry Si3jwomp by G. P. I. S. Albarskly., L. 8- KU'Msn,, 3 PP. W3SXMj, _per,, Dok Ak Na* S=jl Vol no 5, igbo,, pp ieD6-. AnS Feb 61 /ODD 3264~ - R-1336 1 V C: iv Sa &ava Aram g, by W,.N. Iftm ldx-. RUSSAIANNO (M pWfo, 11�1 &MIL XD~ 101, )SWCOV Cvtobiw M7v Vp 22-24o , Z., -VPR ~ tr-s-,? LWA Zeo; -- Sol-tslectroules (BY-5329) Section Technicians and Mechanics Hut PLV a Bl&pr Part in Wickrioutioup by B. 7 PP. RUSSUN, per, Vestalk Bryusip No Tj 1954. im Till set Feb 61 /3 y %1 (DC -4429 Repairing Lines at Aacelerated Rates and in High Quality Idanwro by B. 11. Ramnakly, 6 pp. RUSSMN, per,, Vedtnik Svyazi, no 1p 1947., pp 13-15. JM 6287 Sci Dee 60 ---- - - - -(DC--4666) - A Magneto With a Friction Gear, by B. N.-!!~m ~ski , 3 pp. HUSSTAN, per, Vesttik Sv-yazi, No 4, 1952, p 21. jpRs 6694 Sci Feb 61 ,0023480). Role, of se"Or Tockulloliam askd meahonles bly B. N. Rams'naldy, M-MAW.# so per$ V 3t No 7 (172),o Xo3wwj, &1056 pp Urn- po r, i-ivsk B,-U4 cltafel Bio-IF 'Vf)l LVII, F, iqo pp 3S-54, L'SIRolno Sci-Hol IUY 0 Z.3 "MUW CMUttVM M* Air PWatlft lu -31s- okw** IW 81 N110 Akbw4cb =A L. A. ao=W= W"M'onw# C 1010.0 a M ft 50 '~~ pp .4 -an -Rgm& a& W: 5=*W (M) ft"Au"Wwr" DrA /-, /, k, '' Aa 60 360,r7N 63-15260 Ramenskii. L. G. ECOEMCAL STUbY AND CLASSIFICATION OF 1. Ramenskil. L. G. PlANT GROUPS (Ob Ekologicbeskom lzwbmn I H. CEIROTrans-5753 Sistematizarsil Grupparovok Rastitel-nosti) tr. by B. M. Commonwealth Scientific Ribush. 11962] [4S]p. (foreign text WrAuded) 8 refs. aW IrOustrial Research [CSIRO] Trans. no. 57S3. OrpxAzation (Australia) Order (tom OTS or SEA $4.60 63, t5260 Trans. of ?4osimvskoel Obshchestvo Isp(ytateleil Pri rody. Byulleten'_ Otdel Hiolodicheskill (USSR) 1953. v. 58, no. 1. p. 35-54. DESCRIPTORS: *Ecology. Olraxonamy. Mma (Botany). Wrphology, Sails. Salts, AWature, Distribution. (Biological ScIewes- -Botany. TT. v- 10. no. 3) 000 d Twk*d kvkn Itmourwents of the Game =ect of Various Semiconductors at 10.,300 and 600 Wgecycles, by J& 0, Nbx, FMdrIch K, Vm WWAseap 18 pp. GWAUU.- wo Ar&iv djllotrischea Ubartmgmgp VOIL ' as ND 1,9 1957., IV 1-7* - MA 59-10"4 Bel - Blectranics 80-T 59 ", 14 06?e Vbi Ii.. v0 2 7 b-i -ZrTmrt. 3 D- G6 3d/OlL "ac 397,361 13.;~ (Z",tj sahve Aw " W066 f V- b'.) I Aell.-i,Aty aad Organa of the C"ouricil natu-rU Aid, by Stanislava Raiacuovu., 23 pp. CFFZCTAL USE ONLY IC TX, CZECH; per, Foliticka Ekonomie, Vol - No 'T' Jul 1961, PP 6790-690. j?FS 11187 SEar - Czech POI .icv 63 t 71rie Ahone at Lyons: a Study-of Fefilulo _,,Ovel~ovlt 15Y bleans of nadioactive Tracers., by Pleutol kabotte. Mr-mu, Iter, Houille Bki~~hep Vol 170 %'o A 1962, pp 389-399o Sept 69 392,777 The Ann4sis and Syntheais of Certain Discrete Conttatleos Circults, by B. I. P=cymr, Yu. A. Shrayder, 8 p. --- - ----- 11-1--.1-- ---' RMIAH, per, Aftmet L Telewkh,, Vol XX, No 1, 1960t m 70-78- Imtru Sao of Amer Bei Apr 60 /42 ~' 74d~ 'ftldt DlotmibuUon Oc eanuum in ventraeup 1-3(1~ by MWAU10 amias 5 pvt SPASSO Pori, RWI XM212;m do simma:2 ouw r9, a-, Vol TV* so 7j. pyl 25-3Et JM 3590 M~ttllzlol'o Lh-vowzlvels . fton jv,.t 66 304p867 r~ociaqtEngiss An,'mj Q&3iwp 13 ppe par,, A JI'Viltir G r-? 5u Z r /~ zIr--- /-" Couperation of the "t- :,o j ','--v-ojcrj of Prudu;;tJoia v! .. ~M . 4 b1-,! H, Rmmit, FOR MT-TOTAX? URF OFIX pax,., Stavivo, No Frais-ac-,. 1960, -A- 66 68. 1 T JPRS 5973 XRu-- - C-meahoolovakla Cop-MIGHT Econ bov, 6o Iq ,~C~2_1, y c 61 J Ea czecjjO3jCFVC],i-l 1~ - I (W-1982) SLOVAK* 42 per,, Praca., o 24,, Bratislava., 28 January 1958.4 p 40 US JPRS/D0 -L-424 ED= - Czechoslovakia Eco - Construction Mteriale ............. Eneriry Loua of Slaw Electrons in F4drOgen-% by Dam Ramien, 28 YP- Z. fur ra":Lk, Vol M, 1931, -Ar pp 353 Am= MetAKW01 60-C TS 40~~51 ??f Mar 63 j 17 .;wnd4oW Wj*vjor of CjojtW--cn Attackod. bV jem ftaing"10 5 pp. ll~ July 1~*S. p 5. n-,IJL3,~Sv UPS )43fa ~3-ekpy P,1jM)'A)jp-k I i-cland ~;Oa z-iep 6B -36-5.721 Tras"15"s of the colmrast Party of --,eua,:,Or, t~T .1intonio ftmir". 9 pp. R11.11SIA96 Mwo Dpwxkvn shljM'-..r* 15. t,ug 196i6gX, W-73, oct 66 =t~ Ctuwade Antmin raminag, 3 W, v MP* 7 Aprll D" JPPS 35#593 )qA/i OA11'o f~)9/)/) um ~ ra 3(k3v4SS Jun 66 SPmoch by Cmwaft Ud=ft Paw&=B, 3 pp. 4~2, .- me"We Epp a April Im JM 35r593 U4419-0-R ZO PI9nI "JQ5"- UM'W M 363*S96 Jun " mtmwtwa .clun G. apau" ft=* 0 vws jw OMMO FWQ MAP no ia4o, 3964"", 51020. MM= C4249 V03L 100 "E G, ?O/L'L or im"A - by 6 z adAm owt69 mw fa Cooperrrxtton In Fzzcduct~Lon, by SWVAK, yar., ol"tavba, Apr 1960, Bratlelaval .Yp W-99- PMD Sm 2588 sovieb Bloc may 6o COPYrl43bt Powr end ftel Reacurces of the PhLUPPIMBs, b7 F. C. ro&rlepezv C. S. Rmdxez. Ewa=, pgj;er P/981, P"MON36 of .. stion-I Confeamv= = Peaceftl Uses of Atowde Nwrgy Held at Oeneva 8-20 Aug 2955p Val L 30ate=atl Omf -- UN Sci - na*Uar Pboies = 1-669.9.162 / b t? Separation of Rare Earths iu Aqueo= "tion by loalc Wgmtionp by K, Cluslusy E. R. Rmairez, GERKANO pwj Rely Chim Actav V01 ETAM No 144.. 1953j, Pp U60-1165. SLA 57-23LY7 AM-"-2930 JUI 58 to 19, 17 x ad Fl Mil ?I-- AwIva" lbodom SOODMIC etnwtwwm,, OPAXAM=0 ~ M vpp clargemogolul, Ulm a= YN - C 1 0 902~0 3D 2Do Aw4w I'lloo wt 3ropAq IMIS am LA-AWM lkbm i= 0 2ft.vm (DC-3Wl) Bleological StruMle snd tha Papular gmment., by Hermn Rcaimz,, 15 pp. SPATIaSU per* Prina*10s., No 85j, Sep 1961, pp %Z. JPW 12201 u LA - ChiM Idpa., A6 f Fd4 62 Bmzn Charged sdth fmad on tmolm k, ronUerg C26 by ldraro flardreso 6 v. .51MISHO mps 9RIUMkv-8 Astrolose 13-19 Apr 1".699 pp Be 90 ii-as ime 6R 383,636 Table of Coutents of the PumpUe Equipment of the Vlexican Army" by Lt ElIsso Rodriauez Ramirez. 7 ppo (ID 9474W~--tl-~IFIED SPANnM, pavobl t, VesUmrio y Equipo 6el Ejerelto ftXICamOp FbXICOj, 1953. G-2., am G4678 LA - Mexico H111ts" - Qurtermster Jun 55 tts/dex IM-6w) vWw* M*w as No Nougoa visawtsm cmams ft CON IW Pepe Ramirez MUM M eftwo M* 0 udsm- lb ft. as fta is". am a" '14 - *AM M Baleming AesmobIt" of Work and Mudate OMMUtIon in Andelpal and Sectional COMAtteas CC PC CoMleted In Camagueyo by _-Dg=d*JftdxM Lucas CortsdA Fuentes, VicWr Nvou" 20mrs, Jose Aconts YArtinez and Amellas, Gonzaleap 5 pp. M:IAN=p npp Gramm 2 Nov 196% p. 2. JPBB POI inn 66 293p8M ft the flos"bnity (XV CeAalu Vistua Pattemp by 00 0* wadebrin, 4 VP. HMO,, Pero, M-M. Set,-MActrmlcs & ally 6a 360,706 MIT tru-, IV XU V VOL U~dtj3ll Oder t:;Iu tWL a'a lgr,5 > 40, r-ar 69 ill tk~-- "Autti-aLic 10 35p 2, M64, .2. 79-2, W. July 69 387,321 -, - --1041asuu xuaamveng" of pzotom Enftv at 660 MOV., by M. D. Pomft Whh & rs~~ L. AX.j& ~113 M RU . Dar- 2hw- ~ VOI XXV. NO 4. Ad, AV vr'p ~ jPAS 2#1109-ft pp~ ~- Scf - 13 &M Jan 65 27(~684 Station Pl;, by P. N. Ramlan., 9 pps URCLAMIFIED Fu3I translation* RUSSIM., Radio EniLinearing 2nd Edition,, 1950- SCIA No 5-151-53 USSR Scientific Electronics,$ raaio,, station Jan 53 CTS Iq ~76 Wo OLOWIMPPIN I OF THE WWU93 LARMT BMT- FMACE AT UE ZAPORDDWAL WM$ BY - ~ A* FtWo I I- MMIANP PMp STALls, WD 10,p IZB,, PP 1-15. wm WL W*17 SCI - am 4m ie 199#151 Fir, 6=0 WbsooW of f4Vtb9MAs by A. 0. Bmja. VW# lbk Ak Nmk SSM. Vol 3,86j. lb 6# 15690 VP ~ i 0 topt of ftV APJVJM V-2369 F& 70 4CUL*67T .:Gz.qe I onlineur Problens in the Tfiecry of' Antenna Synthesis, by A. G, Harm. PIUSSIAN. per. DA Ak- I;auk_ Vol 186, No 6, June 1969, p1, 127r-1290. The An Inst of Phys Vol 141, NO 6, Dec 1969 c Jon 70 ftlvlqo = uteant zwomm or fttmtla U*Wy %W M ItWOUCO Nothofig t7 A. (6 rAIM6 HMMUMV vwV v* Ak ms-gm Ta IWA, no IV Mw 3LO 9V 0 W-00 fte An IW* at fts vbx ]ho lb 52 sm 190 /~ . C- , K-1 (-I ,I , " i= 69 398JU AvInvtotle Dist4wntion or the of a mmeauloor oguutw wm patoAla In. D"jv. WIth Intiat4k ftandary., by A. 0. ft=u VMDS,, pwj, MR Ak am* 8m. vcaIB3,, No ho, X900 vp 7&)-7ZF.- gha An MU SM Val go no 6,p 190 ,q . C., . k-'q In 0) U" 69 316888*3 ftl4k%hMtl4" ftl p4b 65 330J505 lq- C. 7~tq en n-) gvcTuor of tbo Dirlebla PAO!= in cartain ultv vea.,,Ow maw-"t him t 3F-lt*. I~AIPT 114t~ on Abm", tb* '"A"M the RWAobl,& roam 14 Cwtaft Vnbowmbd 6 Ran,% C.3 0a- w- did adirmth Ab 68 MOM O"M Conditions Undor tildch Scattorin- IMatrices aze Analytic, by Ao G, I~m 3 pp, IMSIAN, per,, Ook A I-Itwk SSSR,, Physics Sections,, Vol CLVII.0 No 4-6s, Aug 1964s, pp 1073..!1076, Amor Inst of Phys Sav Phys.-Ooklady Vol Up No 3 Sci Har 65 278#s2-3 lnvwtiijat&m ot iloblf= a ~zwttarlnC in r;ttr.* t&W LnalAto Sosimse 14, by 1.0 V. fam. - I 'HUSSIM', part kimin .-Jandt. kw*~Qia mahq4--l L T�6~jjj pp ~,*I-A&tb 'Lai 63 356,306 (sl?-1876) The Jesuits To&q, by B. Ram, 10 pp. RMSUN, per, Naulm i Reugiya.. no 6, 1961, pp 4448. JM 4829 Usm / 4, ell g7 / 0 Sao Ama 61 by U'~A. fRam, !4 1),er, 'llucleus. Val -5. ~-Iariv, 1967, 5031--r-08. G-eo 2715 q -1 , Sf: i 'T y TT=sistor Amplifiers With Feedback, by G. S. RaMM., 7 pp- FUSSM, per, Blektrosvyaz', Ro 7, 1961- xM AIEE Sci 17 ,nay 62 194,556 LIMIts of ApplicabIlity of the quasillnear Metbcd In the Theory of Self-Excited Vacuum-tube OSCIlletwes by R_. ~O.Rw, 17 pp bmnAss3:rxcD P41d j V, RUSSIA119, perj, Rodiotekhalkas, Vol IX8, No I., Jan 1954, PP 19-27- CIA D-2VA26 40M, a V_*,/ ATMC F-M-83W 50 Scleatitic - RUctronics Jun 55 Ms The Theory of a Convergent Aerial Photograph bmbca Survey, by B.S. Pk-A= and A. M. Xuana, 6 ypt HUBBUB., per., Geodeziya i Aerofotosiemka, No 3p 1963., pp 85-ioo. Geophysieal Union Sci YA IV 6 4 256,916 ITU Theory of Converiput Aeria Photography, by N. S., Ra m A. M. Mmims 9 pp. MIS.IUM, per, Iz Vysabtkk Ucbeb Zavodj Gooftziya IL A*mfot*v'7m2dm$ No ~j, '-1962,9 pp 9.1-110. AM 5--1 Am& 63 343,119 .1avestiEption of Mao Tranof ar to a 8ingle-Elhase Gaz ~2treemm in Pocked. Colimns, by N. M, ntwrclronkov, '.' A. GII'dmtblat, V. PP. 13 MMSM, per, Zhur Prlk Khl , Vol XXXIII, No 8, 1960, Pp 179D-16M * CB smi jul 61 Absorptionsprozesse in der Chemischen Technik. 2nd German ed. 1953., by V. M. Ramm. Translated from the Russian edition, 1951. DsiR 66.o9 Lending Lib Unit G. 11352/0 Li I-fAche-v, bh) 226 61-14057 ZamuLu, Gerhard. DOBBY PATTERN'S SINULAR TO JACQUARD DE- 1. Text den --Design SIGNS, 1-11. [25 May 491 3p. (19 figs. omitted) 2. Title: Dobby pjttcrns Order from SLA rni~1.80, ph$I.BO 61-14057 1 . Rammer, G. Trans. cifk4elliand Textil boric ht e (West Germany) 194S. v. 29, May, p. 160-162 and Aug, p. 267-268. offic..4 7-64.1 S."n.0 (L1 na P, nou i iced) Unbalanced Rotary Mechanism With Variable Eccentricity of Weights, Particularly for Soil; Concrete, Etc., .Rammers, 12 pp. FRENCH; Patent No IpI061435) Bohn & Kabler Motoren- und Maschinenfarbik A.G.. Dept of Comerce Patent Office Sci Lib Scl - Engr lag, 91d oct 6o Tbe R'nane zrr. T-Yom;. A Studv of Pebble Move- mant b~r Mc=s of Radioactive T=te=s, by FRLMOi, per. Houille Blanche,, Vol XVIAr, 1962, Y~p 3 May 63 BMWA owzatrles. mart M&R-twar and awl. pp* HS Ecomole ofiazch. Go (Sr-1857) Production of Brown Coal Ifidh Temperature Coke rrcm Vine-Grain Briquettesjp by G. Sllkemnothp Be aqjMg=., 19 pp, QWMj, per., Svr&autecbWkjs Vol RX., ND 4a 19ft*PP ITI-175- im IM87 5777 bb,y -62 33 61-I= R-xtuxLUw EL. jBreitlIng, K., SM CMU. J. ITM-CAMMAMON OF SOLJD FUELS IN SMALL 1. FAM=Ier. F- PRODUCERS. L GASMCA710N OF LOW 77MIPERA- n. Brekum& r- 71URE COKE IN AN LRIMALR31fr (;AS PRODUCER. M. G" J. Sep 42 ($61p. 31 vd& IV. 71ft cagm-1- Ordew ftv= SLA $5.60 61-185C6 Txum ot Reichskohlenrat, Berlin (Germany) no. D83, 19A Dw. DESCMUMLS- 14*14 Solids *Coke, Gases Pro*tt-. dcr4 *Gu 9=Wkdcg 8YOUM26 CRIMtUM7. WAter W-. Do-POOMM26 D- pcAM Wasm pam Tax. N'S An VMS waft of the Imporum d9a at a wim ber of low tez4x-ratm cckes darbSigasifiration in a smaku psodw" wft wpdrmgft sesiftstiou CalvrWc vaba of the gas. wm= comwamwdon SuNicadw cM- (MMr""--Fu" Tr. 1. 9. = 9) (Wer) Oft W TKbokg 3~nkts The AltersUou in Golf-t"tUm 14mdencies of Emn coa In the fft"206-19~- amm Between Wring and CokLogo %y S. Rqmlerp-J. Oallp Gan", perp Draubkonea Tax XLp p 4-0-A-94, 17 C.84T.R.O. 10 . adva"11W ot "aboum. Mosio oewmp raeala. of Set sai 5W mkv 60 A/ 7