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...... .... and tlio i,ezi. ia ti"a I-aAUGtikl~; jL~as Ttti~ill ilito I.-I'L&-ratnoii ti',x vvc-ssurc of ,cat I~aoiiatia-~~, bscow Oni-varsitut. I" kitomi'l7a. 7; rli nall 117 p..o Ua-- of Time-PaUe MDWALtim for the alma3ztl= of Vexiablo Dalav (a NoWtic Tape# by U. V. PZVkOf 'YC7j-12W '13381ANJI VWR 25 V:70~ Me* Sea Z=Md RDAUOflgF VO' VIV Pp 3~63,v PP 392-W- am M869 41911 Sol lfGv 63 momurammit, or the Neutron Self -Ufo., b A- 5- 3x Somwmkiys P- & aVi"kp _Tttt_k-._ 1. E. Xubihwp Yu* F. Ddbr$nLUv 5 JM- RUSMY; ~dr$ rhur xhoper S, Teorat Piz, V03. =Vl; (9)p go hp 1959s rp ID12.1018* AIP am Eva - imp Aerogenic ri--tuod of VaccinatiQa -~ Plagme, by Prokofyeva, M. T. f,,TjK,q:Uiii, per; Veterinariyal Vol )DXJII, JJO 2,, 19% pp 35-38. CTA 9057450 USDA Sai - Med t,ug 6o I)R~ q3,5-- lftl~,o AIIN~~ SpOctra ct &M MAjan 163=10Ms by M. K. MuMkOTO H. A. ProkQftjW% M. V. Mdobkimp 4 pp. BMTM,t Per.0 OpUbm I BOaktros Vol VXn.. rro 1,, 2-96D., pp 27-3.56 OBA Sol /W KI 0 Ajpr 61 ;011 An investigation of Iron Oxides in ftela Refractories, by B. A.-Prokofl v&, V. V. Gonchurov, mmm RUSSIAN, b1c, Metallurglys i Met&Uovoden' p 1958, pp 248-255. Am np-j&-W Sci - fun/met 27 Oct 60 Rij,,oiar -barium Phosphjdes.,~ by-S. A. S4cUul=Lrevjv 11.2- ~,!Drozamj, H. A* Prokofveyall . -.- ------------ zhw Obahch Dim. =71, 110 8;, mo par# Vol 19540 pp IM-IM. CIA C 41477 Cauvultanto BUreaU 3 3, 3clentific - Chm'stry .Apr 56 MS/dex stw 14 Y, tot tal - trides. In PbA" Diagram ot the- -syetiri, 96-K In -the ReSIM of by .S,. K. AM^ .]L'w A-o ~Pjokofyvm# ppo BMWs, in pwo.zbw **bob Milsovol Mp no acie~tiflc - Cbsolstry j T%c Faat;0 044m,-= Undorgone by Ch--=,j Sjj):Lr_,ajr, ~..Jr~,rj lloatadj b~ V, V. Ccnchx_:~,r, E,, R'L~3SLAN: Par, DO'- !"ll -rkrmf--- SSSR~, =V, r1o 3, Dr, 2 1 Cor-sultants.Bu-man ivn 60 Iwastig-ation of YetaUlt Nitrides. 11. The Subnit- r1des of Strontium Ond Barlump by S. M. Ariyap E. A. Prokofyevap 1. 1. IMtv ROBSTM& no per, Zhur Obshch KWm, 830, Vol XXV, NO 14 APr 3-955j, PP--6-3-IT--U3-B- -CIA C 3W00 Consultants Bureau sclentIVIc - Chemlirtry Nov 55 CTS/DEX Beetiults of Treatomt of Osteogenic Sam=as, by Lo M, Goldote~, A. 5, Olohnnete4y; E. I. Prokofyevao 16 boue qp,~ IUSSIO, per, Voprosy Chkol, Vol VIL, No 11., P.P 0-52- pp Aug 61 *KWMIM w9 UMMITY jor PMICRMT fit&* am= susm w la somm or an= SWITIMIM w U. A. rlwww,* t. y MWO044 #64- "m "No HAST M NMK SSN6 VOL Is ow RUASWUNX TO roam malow" jo ve me Iwoft IK am gas" Spaclal ItIme-CIrained L^mulalon for Nucloar ftzeurchp by .4U* P. Navikova, R. 1. ProkOp". 8 rp. IV. i9. -pt, r- f i 1 -1 Y, RMBLIM, per, Atammya Rnerglys,- Vol XV, No 1, 19.58, pp 45~-.151. Comultmets Dweau SOL - Euclear PIwa We 54 7 Z 5-otl 7he ReffiatB Of CMQIGX FlUOrOgra&y Med for the ProphylaotIc. S=*=lUS or certain Groups of the Populations by L. M. GoIldebteins a. I. ProWlyeva, 3 PD. RM'M,q per# v0xvOy Q*Dlcgr Vol vi.. lb 5" 1960P pr 51-a. PP Sel / J// I -~~4 Har 6:L lhv ft6iQ5mPhiftl kPPRWUWr of 3Xparimental am* WW b2, B. 1. Prokofym, a Vp ,Fop ,14 R=XwJv " TOW"y OakoloStyp Vol IV,, X0 2.0 ;% rib In - 21-019 fts== l"t Bei - WA A3w'W , I ~ .4,"W/ yw Pre-Saxcomato-aa Cbw3gen in Bow; A Pzdlosraphical Study,, by E- 1. yw1wr . 4,6 pi). ,. Im RUSSIAN, bimo per., Voprosy Onkologii., Vol III., Tio 1., 1957.- 1):!? 69-75- Pergamn Preos Sci - Iltdicino & -1 ~ //, J 'f 6 Oet 57 The Structure of the Solar Chromosphere,, by V. A. Krat, L A. Prokof0yera, 19 pp. RIBSIAN, per, Iz Glav Astronom Observ v Pulkove, Vol XIXv No 5v 1954v pp 9-19. Air Research and Dev C*x=d T-230 R Scientific - AstronmW Jan 56 CTS/DEX A Stuitjr of the M*wmMm odr 2blawald With the PIALtImm Wb&Us and tM AMIVUMI Um of the Coqpmmds OA&Imdp W N. X. Pmbmzdts"p 1. V. 3 nmwp pwp aw sms zus, voi n. No I 195Tp pp 569-tr6- AW-tr-"3 Sol .tv No 80 Determination of Platinum in the Presence of Palladium by Potentiometric Titration With a Cuprous Chloride Solution, by N. K. Fshenitsyn, I. V. IN= Pr1okofleva, 5 pp. RUSSTAN, per, X Zhur Anal Kh*m, Vol XVI, wo 5, 1961, pp 6-0'6- CB ci jul 62 2o2,651 Caq~l" Irridim-40kodium Compounds with 2blLatuva end 2bidr MGM to ww Berm- .9 Uan smd ])at --- MUcs of Ibme Nabdos, by so Ke Psbmlt"as to VIF Ps"Oryme EM WKMW 9"v mw news 0".1 Vol MP ft Its AIM r9,5A, IF 99M=. AM IP-W-"/ff AM ~ it -1. - -I%A~hj I Off to a Good Fauming Start,, by "I. PrQ~rof'eva, 5 PPb -- - RMSIAN, irp, Sovetakayn Latviya, 8 Jtn 1961, p .2. JFM 9936 USSR / t/, 3 '7 ~7c? &on pals Q A Study oft the Carparative Reactivity of the 13j-dr-ory! Groupa in Celluleae. V. The Din- tribution of Hethoxy Groups in Partlv- Kethyl&ted CeUulose Obtained in an Al)=Iine Medium at, Different Concentrations of Alkali, by V. Deravitakeya, H. IE2t2f evELand Z. Rogovin, 3 pp. RUSO-LINO pers Zhur,, Obahch Xhimp Vol XCUII, No 3, 1958t PP 716-717. Conmatants Bwmu Sci PaY 59 Invw'k-Agation of the Relative Reactivity of the Hydroxyl Groups of Callulooe. VTJ- Oa the Distribution of Methoxyl Groups In Partini I y J*tbylated CeUulose., Obtained from CeUtilose Treated with Sodim U0aDWlat,--j- by V. Dc:rcvitSlw4U, H.--Pr v&., E. )Rosovla.- 3 pp. .-.- . -9~~ RLWTjk5gar, Zhur Obaheb M2im, Vol XXnl:E, No 5, .19 1368-1370- C=ultanta Bureau Scl - chm Jul 59 A S+,udy of -the Cca-parativa Reactivrit7j of the jtdm.W). Grm.pK in Cellulose. VI The 21 Dictribution of Harthomy OrouTs in the Products of The Metbylation of Fa Cellulose Aladholete), by V. m. 'o .~ r:onmuvmd z. nogovin, 4 pp. FMSUH., per., Zhur Obshch XhIm, Vol )0=, No 3, 1958j. Pp T18-721. Conmatants Bureau Sai - Chem Hay 59 APPlIcettl= of Amcolidow In Bill rosis and Puatliftid of Wxdoo by M. T. P;Wm 10 pp. Zn; L MS. Dor*nbko., FWW"j, POrm V4tRrIU&rUa. V02. MMMp 1961, pp 41-46. CIA/FW XX-1432 M6 Fore4p Divan eel - 2d" & I" Seti Oct 63 ~? f-r 3,57,3 umm IA+Ax=a Use 0ay -0 Reactdou of Armatic Nitrnes- .'vdtl' AlcOhOIC in pressonce of Uydrogen Ch3brlAev by H. V. Prokoffeva., S,, R, RafikoTs, 5 ppe ---------------- - RUSSIM per Mm Obsbah Kbiu* Vol X=j, No 49 2962s "" Bb:Z23. OB SOL m Mr 63 X Q -- . ( - DC-C-;jx-Rj/55 ) - - So They Beeme Rocketeers, by 11. Prokof'yev, RUSSINN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 16 Jan 1061, pp 2-3. -1 ---- -- *JPRS USSR MLI - Rocket Troops, A-ir Defense 24 Feb 61 (M-59,71) The Byglenic Charact9ristics of the Bducational Regim In boarding Schools 'With the Introduction of AMItIoml Study Bows., by N. 0. Prokaflyawas 13 pp. RUBSIM, jwr., Gig -i Sans UR So Us 1960, pp 32 -36.~. im 9070 /5-0 Calculation and Interpretation of Vibrational Sp~tra of Nqphth-'-~~*. 1711. Cyclopentane and Dauterocyclopentane, by L. M. Sverdlor, N. I. wom'.5, P.P - RUSSM, per, OptIM ~ Spektro, Vol VII, NO 5, .1959, PP 588-539. 0u Sol Apr 61 I- /I / '. " -/ I X ~Ll --~ 4-." 1 -1 "I 14;:~ , " z . I se"t tI Avg w 36th Scientific Conference of the Society of Oncologists or Leningrad and Leningrad Obl&,3t., 5 Feb 195,9, by V 0. A. Proko fYeva, 3 PP- RUSSLAN, per, Voprosy Onkologii, Vol V, Ho 1959, PP 246-248- pp scl Aug 60 Pro:medlnpaof the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Scientific Society of Oncologists of leminUad and Laningrad Oblact., by 0. G. Prolmf ~6va. 3 PP. RUSSIAN, pmer, Voprosy Onkologii., vol IV, No 4. 1958, pp 509, 510. Pergmn= Press Sci jan 6o OrLoological Chowzwterist-ica of Wee of St-min c3uA., by L. L. HaUugim., 0. G. 7 Dr. =101, bim parp Voprosv Oalmloglip Vol Illp No 2j. 1957j, pp 197-2D3. Perpom Press set - Iffe'"Cing Ilov 57 Rcpart of the S-ccmd Al-I -Won Ocaferozaa r,~;z the Stttkr Of cakew0gZala subistamwe'r. la th-L- lbt I r nma Divirmlwrit, by 112. A. F-6-rostelciya eni 0. G. Prokof HUSSI.A.1111 ~-ctr lloprosy Or.,Jwlegli, Vol IV, F-a 6, r p Y 1958A pp 753-755. Parg=m Prims / c . m;-I