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rugtrigoraticm ftgiaeeriag, by D. N. Prilutaldy, 288 pp. Blbll abewdy IRUSSIANO bkq MAP"I 11w Opravocbzdk po v0proam mmiouivmw Takbnikl z& 1923-19551 19569 246 99. M 60-51073 Blow Bel - ibgr an 61 PST No. 97 A Simple Method of Obtnining 9-Acetyl-9, 10-Whydrophennzine and 9, 10-Dlecetyl-9, 1:0-DibrdzvOawzIne, by G. M. PrIlutakiy, 5 PP, W 1,er, Ukrain Dim Zbw, Vol xnv.. No 4. 1958, PP 1189-490. 90M57 Sel - Chem Apr 59 J 9 Reaction of Phemsine end l)bcmzlw N-Wde vith Orgenamgmeslum S&Uftes by A. Z. Klpvyawvv 0. M. Prlluts*41- 5. VP BUSSIMp perp Zbw Obsbab lhlmj, Vol XXIX, No 3, 1959,p 7pp .102D-1025. Donau sci Apr 60 f1w aww"lon. of --' si luM,-- tod coapow". n. sou"Mum 4c Asoklmou ftftlm next one. on NOWMAM cc owwtMuca Vith v ia"p IW As To 10 co& v Pxljmtsw 4 w0 YOU tr Mis* TaL XV.- Wolowmz~lb= m 30 Ave 96 M a 37, Vibrational ftecrtre of Silicates 13:1. Equations of the Wbratices of Flavor SiUcan-Ozy0m Mies in SUIcatesp by k. M- PrIm* 3 Pp. MMUNP rj. Optlka I eoektro,, Vol JX.. ND 4,, 196o, pp f59"59. OSA ;4ar 61 The lutradermal Reaction in Dysentery, by M. D. Primachenko, ~j pp. MSTAI, per, Zhux Mikrobiol, Rpidemitol J immaiol, vol x=, ib 32, 1958,, py lo-14. pp Q it 5 9 !~*ortanxe of Scarlet Patienta Treated-at Home# and Secondary OacurrIng Lh Such Patients, by T'. Tichchonko. and D. 0 - FrImakv 4 BUSSMv per, Zhur Vlih-robiol Fn--A.dL%n, iol i voi xzcx.~ vo 6,, i-9384~ ni io-6?. Sci - Med Har 59 gg r" ma,31W cam" or In M46aft In the -~--A . prsmko Zodtul skop or - A by T. 1. - - 22 FPO YMMO pw. now so Pkotpbwmp 19"t pp 3WYA. MA 2-3"6 od 42 An " (FM 2MB) The PAjcw Causes of Fatigue In Patients in the DAtIal Stap or Hypertenclon,, by P. Yo. PrIwk, 12 pp. RMSIAN,, bk,, FIrsiologiya Nervaykh Protsevzov,, nevi, 205P IPP 389-3"- dxk#W U.9(ft Len SLA - Modiclint pbyalology Oct 56 Effect of Specific Load on the Variation in Reading of an Squal-Arm Bal&MM# by G. A- Prlmk,t 3 PP - RMSIAN pers lawritel Tvkh,, No 3j, 1958, vv 53:754. Ustru Soo of Amr Apr 60 Effeet of StinUation of the Superior LaryWal and Vamm Norm on the Activity of the Doglutition and Respiratory Contras During Pulmonary Haerventilat: and RuanSdmatilonp by G. Ye. Primp V. A. Xtnkam 6 pp RUSSIAN,, pwp Fisdol Zb, SM., Immi 1. X. Sechanovas Vol XLWIs No 3, 1960P PY 305-309 P? Scl jefk / -~ 0.~ Ild e electric When Investigating the Effect of Field in Semiconductoras by V. E. 1)~ima- chanko, 0. V. Snitkos 3 PP. RUSSIA,4 per,, Fiz Tvardogo Tela, Vol IIIP Ro 12 1961s PP 115-18. AIP Sov Phys-6olid State Vol III$ No I sci Jul 61 Arboitsorganisation und technische Normung in Ruttenwerken., 1955., by 1. A. Primak Translated from the Russian original. 1952 DsiR 658.16:665 Lending Lib Unit G. 1P327 SettinZ of Tecbnical Nomd at Ferrous MetiLlurgy M prineop by ~. A. Pr 45 P.P. RUSSIMJ, nonographg Tekbulchcokoye Normirovm4,ye na PredprlyatlyaM Che=cW HataUurgilj, Moacovp 1954p pp 3-22., 33-56. CIA/= U-7574 URM ;Y(0 Af Rem - Tecbnlml mew 56/&= Y4 A Gmeraused portusbation Theoly for ~bmtm-Msitbimlcsl 14myft-5G* probjew'o by 14 Primo., silts$# per# molvq Mys, !aav Val 34,0 1961a pp 3S.1-461, OT &22$ SrA-Plays Avg 66 30&*497 A Nuclear Resomor" -1 gob With at& Babointsm. Part 10 ot "m wmmtim im vo " mmbmm *Masw no=m" opetro. tly IL is pp. 9 =mw,p pwp JbIv rms PAU# Vol. M, Ima, pp AM Tv 3761 eel - lbo ft" "P 59 Infrared Specqa of Chmin Molecules of the Foymiula R'CO(CH20~),CUR. 1. Fundemental Tones for R"k4ng aiA Twisting, by H. Primas, H, Gunthard. GM4A-14, per, Helvetic& Chimlc& Acta, Vol XXXV1, 1953, pp 1659~4670- CSIRO Tr 5029 Sci - Chem jun 61 /97 7/ 7 7 S- ilroductim a %Fex7 gamWnemm AxIally 2amula=- icz Syrmtria Mspetle Iftelft., by R. Pr~, ft. 11. G=thft-d, 16 pp. GA;IAW, perp &,olv Pbys Acte., Val XU# 1957p pp 3,13--34,95- AEC Tr 3W1 SPA .. FOY" Oct 59 ?~ /1~7, a x Modulatica Method for Nuclear Renonance Spec- troscopy vith High Resolution., by 9, yrLwwL,,_ 7 PP. GMWAN, per, HeIv Awle Acft,, Vol XXXI', 1958, PP 17-24. A" 26x283 'q Bel-Nuclear Ph" Jun 59 am 1: 10 Relationship Betveen the ULtimaze Tensile Strength and Hardpeas at, High Temeratures, by G. M. Volkogon; L. V. Primstovs. RUSSIM,, per,, Zavod Lab., Vol XXV., No 7, 1959, PP 8581 859. AEI T/1655 Sai - Evgr 6V9 jun 61 Thwu of ENjapo-braunpiration, by B. ~!~Irnl GMVIRT., E!per,, AreUv fuer Mateorologie., Geophysik un& BioklimMejologie, Vol XIIB, No 1, 1962, pp 1241-150. CSIRO/No 6262 S-,.i-Ebys Oct 63 11 4// )- / ~~7 Dmiopment, Dutruation wA Recomtrue- t1cm of the Port of Legbmmp by Eng laadovico Prinavers, surveym Am9io1o lbrl47,u, 22 pp. VMI&tbFibV Pull translation. ~_JTALUNp Office 6f Civil Rogimerins of lagb=. Nm Tr 679/0M 1230 WE= . IteLly Econmic - Loghom., mr1mes ports DO&- 52 CTO/DEX' -7 6 14W Amwo or -64ar-Abscwvueo is 36 Auto- 40 raftairmMrs by Vo, Obwer and 2# PrUbs"j, LO vp on" 'p Me gda ftjW VOI UP 19"* ;V~f v9m3T*67 AW A"64"".146? [-. &177/~ s C/I 46014"tums "d spipamt &W 61 3"909 c/7- %w Am"A or in-% 1w 1-1 1 - - -wo 1w we liwowv 96 ftu"ok I 9 SA4 mw_o ft an -8-0-"Egh~ TA U Awa% m vom pyjxwaw --- Aw am W E. Primbsch 84 0 &a . ftlaw fta=w op 67 Dateetim Of Adataftft= In Citrus j4deas I - Uwtboas 2br ld=UfYUW Acids In Ornap Juice tW Sme otlbln-Plate Nowtogym&Y andLiquid-Oum _1 ,IVE.Prim. Mw, PM MW4. OEMIS- 2WM. AAMMAj, Val- % 1963.- IV Y*-3%- E. Primo S C I AVa 67 33SA46 Detectim of Adulterations in Citrus Juices. I. Wthods fbr Identi*ing Acids in Omige JUice bor News of Mdn-Plate Chrcustography al3d Liquid-Gas Chromtograpby, by E. Prim. rALUN.? per Reyta. 4eMMLjm. achnol. U-Iment, Vol. 3, 1963, PP 349-3%- CSIMINO - T522 Scl - Aug 67 338-446 Detection of Adulterations in Citric Juices. 1. Methods for Identification of Acids ip Orange Juice by Thin-Layer Chrow-tNrzaphy and Cus-Liquid Chromatogra I _111ty, by L, Prim, et ul. MUM,''per, Rev Ur2suim Teenol Aliuentos, Vol S. No 4, 1963, -pp 349-3S6. NEW N111 3-16-69 Sci/11W. j~LL- 69 383,097 04 The I'MmUtutive S*PraUlm or Feutral AmIzo Acids by Cbtrcimtqpa*y, by G. Sabra=,, J. prigm1h. CEM"p pWp Dw Dout Cbm Geop Vol LMMO pp 373-3%p 1943- ASUM-M Sal. - Ch" Aug 58 d, 83Y vAw4v*m (NY-6450) xxmxxxxxxxmx)4xxx)4xxmmx)iklxxxxxx)ixx; GENERAL PLAN OF THE PRAGUE AIRPORT, BY VANEK PRIMUS, KAREL PETRANEK, 11 PP. CZECH) PER, LETECKY DBOZR) NO LO, ig6i, PP 310-312. JPRS 12100 EEUR - CZECHOSLOVAKIA ECON - FEB 62 1 18f, 610 Composition Ot Bow in Various Experimental-Conditions by, C.,Prim, I.. Griguniv 4 vp. ITALMN,, yer, B011 $Qc Ital Blol Spers voi xxv, ig4g, Vp 1082-IOB4. .S.L.A. Tr Do 510/1955 Sci - Bibloa 5467~ r6 Al Iftr 5T M/dex REPLACING NON-FERROUS METALS BY ALUMINUM IN ROTARY ELECTR4,CAL MACHINES AND HIGH- VOLTAGE DEVICES, BY FR..ZRLNCj-5 PP% GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CZECH, PER2 ELECTROTECHNIK, VOL XVII, NO 10, OCT 1962, PP 296-297- JPRS 17207 SCI -.ENGR JAN 63 220,,144 r lbabloo to req4oa onmt$ep by Fr- Primp 6 im. WV~~ va xvnt so 80 cm=' PW 2.962, pp am IQ59 fti J xw 62 Fmpulsive Explosive Composition cud Process for its ftbrAcatLon, by J. U. Prings 1 P. rmc% saigim Patent uD~484jU3- Dept ot Cowwree Patent Offide Sel LIb (9M) Bei - Chwdstry,, engimering Oct 58 Propulsive Explosive Compwition andL Pmeene for its rabricatimp by Joba Ibrmn PrIMj, 15 yr. FRHMR,, Pateat No 970v978- Dept of Comm pat"t office fti Mb (4ft) set - maginaerLag Oct 56 61-14920 Pringlers, P. COMPARISON IN THE MOVABLE. STAWED. 1. Pringlers, P. WELDED AND RIVETED CONCEPTION OF COACHES' BOGIES. [1961129P. Order from SLA $2.60 61-14920 Trans. of unidentified mono. (pub. by Les Atellers Metallurgiques. Nivelles (Fx*we) ?) n.d. DESCRIl"MRS: *Roadwheels, Railroad cars, Raili OLocomotives, Consruction, Materials. (Machinery-Transport, 7T. v. 6, no. 5) Optival and EltCtrigSl PrOpertieS iub,JectO4 to X--rmy Li&ht at 190*C, C. J. DOUCC4, P. prini;Sheila. pier, Itit. fur FhYsIk' Vol ~io 3/4. '4TC 49-12426-20r- F. P 1z", N.3 s VIC-01 vy'\ of LI 7 [6 6 by I.Sa. ict.-Phys Aug 69 369.409 RTE.EARI-OGTIESS DI THE Ispufm or vBrOE- TALLE OX& DBACIDIFYM MM TRRATMHWr. 119621 IOP6 OWw tv= SLA St. 10 62-2=6 TrrriL ct Sd2=ZL~~Fc=-Wscbm (Woo Gftvimah 194% 8, P, 191-193. DnSCRVTORS: GReMawles. &VcZ=abl&dUUN Prao=e~ :y- Facy &cW*. =M, wam 7be ardcla dwU VM a mw dowelopmeW Is dO at== Cc Vc:;2uLuo On$ ow to pmrpwe of 60ackun- =d d=d=j"Um no eareacal pudo" ct S=m u=l== on also d1wmet ow Cc ft tody md Pnwo are uux TT. v. 9. m 1:0 62-M376 1. himpol. A. U. 7WJ= DmMdybg... d Uddd Wdm 120 I&MIcto Smt GFOURO by B. polwa, mms pwp &as LID Va U& Jay 19590 no 30-317. CM-/C-IL tmw 52W 'e. jou 70 4WAB7 Hesr Machine for Long-Te= Creep Tests at Elevated 4 emperatureap by T,ftnku, R. Klecka. CZECH,, perj, Strojirenstvio Vol X0 No 10, 1960, PP 778-783. j4T 169 Sc i - ED" A f, t1. // - Sep 61 Nutrient Supp4 for plAmt C"t=ess by Armostth~ri Prinb3boln, 3 pp* f patmt so Oov- 01vt of Como=* pstout orri" Sol Ub sci - Aw 14 J,-' /. 3,f 86261 The TWe Scale in 86ow Jbdel Researcb,, by J. PrIns.- COPYR- 1. FMCHi Per.- I& RmIlle Mmwbe,, 1963s M 183-1M. (Ubestaoged Bag Tr) Army Mkp Service 6o& - Aba Nov, 63 z/ .~-442- 031~ PrOCOSS for tht Prod=tiion of tWoUen Propauss, by liendrik J, Prtus,6pp GIMMU, patent 261,699, cl 12c, Cr 2, giranted 2 July 13 GILA IT-"-20603 ScL a Men Juno 67 Oa the aiispanica mad Abacyption of A-Raysp by J, A, PAM* C4VARNWM USE ONLY GEDIONS por, zeitilLAft - fm mmu Vol ILVII a p 19280 py 470w*98a PZWZU%7 ESIC-668 Sci-Phys Aug 67 3350,S27 WFINWO Of )~ cm Absoibing ideal Crys. tab,, by Jo Ab Prinas, Goviaiwiswr We GUY CERAW &Pori, seltsebrift Air MaCk Vol UU119 ON* pp 477-Obs VZOO15 ItSIC-6S9 Sci-Pilys Jul 67 3309640 Contributions to the Plane-Grating Spectroscopy of Ultra-Sof t X-Rays, by J. A. Trins. GM%-N, per, Z Pbysik, Vol =, ~ 1931, pp 618 636. AEC Tr 1078 Scientific - Pbysics Dee 1951 CTS Biology of Phylloxera and Methods for its Control, by Ya. 1. PrLuts 3 pp. RMIM., pirs Ratowlog Oboz,, Vol XXXIX., No 3p 1960s pp 605-609. AIBS Sci - may 61 /5-31' '// 7 A Study of Physical sW Biological ftctors CC Mass Outbrealm and Sprcad of Pests With a VIC-v tO the Prognaois cce Mass Outbreaks, by 1. prints. RUS52:All, Irmt Zaghch R"t Itogi usuchno-iseledovatell- stzikh rabot. 1935:46-48. 423-92 L541 1935- USDA Mmas No 144 USSIR Scieutific, - Biology, plant,prot-Octiou Eccmamic - Agricultumej, plmts protection ( S F- L, ' 67 7 The EKperience of Leningrad --a'stablishmsents With the Rational Utilization of Electric I'mer, by B. A. Kmatantinav, A. A. .1~:intsev, 3 pp. Ie. r , rr om B r e x"Xia, No 81 ig61, pp 6-a1. JTqs I'L14-8 / 7 P~c 61 Reacticma of Acetylenic /-Mycolo. IV. Iocnerimtion of Unsymetrical Metbyl-;Di-p-Tolylbutindiol (1.1-Di-p- Tolylpentin-2-Diol-1.4).. by E. D. Venua-Dmailova, Z. V. printsfArs 6pp. ftwomftw~"=U,~ HUWW, mo piw., Zb= Obobah MAm., Vol MM, No 1956,g pp a7o-p-i74. Clonsultanto bwmu Dee 57 .97atbosiv aud Tremefomationa of ths ItWrlema Series. V. 2-MetbVl-3,,5-Diph9rql-4-! Pauterp-213-Diolp tV L. F, Chslpanova,, Z. V. pp. pull -tr RMSIAN,v a* ~wp Maw Obehah Milm, Vol UVI., No 13, 1c)56, pp 227-230. OrA 90OD404 Cs Real No 21 C*Amat=tp B=Oau 3 ci - ChemiVU7 I ,T,f 6 0.0 Sep 56 OTS j Trwstormation of Acetylene-f-Glycola. V. Isomri- zation of AGymm. Dimthyl-di-p-tolylbutynediol (2-Metbyl-5,5-p-tol,,j,lpentyne-3-diol-2,5). bY E. D. k, vcM-U5-DMnIlwMj, Z. V., 4 pp. RUSSIMp no perj, Zhur Obahch Wm., Vol XXVF no a$ Aus 1955j, pp x516-i52D. CIA C 42156. Consultants Bureau Se-I - Chemistry .96j- 10 9 ~ Jun Iq56/D&x Syntbeests and Timsformation of 0--Myc*U of Us OWinte Series. 2. PrepamtUm of 2-*MVl-lv5-DipbeM2Vm*mw-b-Dia-2*3 by L- To CbelpMMM* Z, 1. PrU**Mp Btu)=# no pwp Zbor Obobbb Was Vol So 7v Zul 1.9339 V=# vp 2135-U30. consultanu Dwreau ftlentifle - choldstry ON/am A*., 1/// Qaantitative Spectrograpb1c Analysis for Silicon in Ferrovillcon,, by 3. Printmetal, 5 PP, M]S,.3W,, per,, Zavod Lab# Vol Xjs 1941t p-p 626y 627, (Loun C-ap-j OnIN)- srA R-2o63 Sci Aug 58 71, 13Y PRINUSMETAL, E. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, vol. 10, 1 figure, 1 table; 900 words; 1941, Quantitative Spectrographic Analysis of Ferosilicon for Silicon. bratcher, Trans.Order No. 3~ 39p $1-25 A e1 C- ~ -~' -A r Oncir P-oxrtic.0"! ~-! ,,, -,,. .I by jjz~arLjl 17 x- pi Dec Bioja.~y Dova CcolUa 7-:3 1~ 3 (NY-5487) Proposals for the LoDS-RwW Reorganization of the Sudapest Industrys by Oyuls, ?E"p 11 pp. RUMARW' parj Iparpsaamagp Vol Xn, No 10# 190, pp U. Raw - HUwry 911be Complex New Voltage Method, by H. Prinz. -77--~ u- P.P - GRRMM, per, Elektrizitatswirtschart, Vol LV, 1956, VP 751-757- CSIRO Sci - Electron Nov 61 / -7 5/. .3 MIT"tisRtun Of the Dimet-VO-Itaom Coronma a Canaxial CalicAar I'leldf by H. Prinz =W,p per* Arebiv fur MvktroUcbnick,, VO-1 Xnlj, 1937p PP USFEM 756-766. Dept of interior 237 MT No &9 ftl - A Son 63 q~ Beat and Mass Transfer In a Frosting Air Cooler With Cross Flavp by I. PE&p 16 pp. j- a=m.. par# xwitetecimiks vol vins No 5s 1956j pp 106-1&. B.Lek. 57/58 Sai - PbVgica - Jun W if 9/, 7 'Y 0 Receivers andl Antennw In PAMmatronmwj, by U. PrIzzUrj, F. Tumstanbergp 25 pp. GNU=# p=p Badlo UiA Fsm;ebmp Vol Vlj Ito UJI 19570 p 368M. . .. MA 59*14250 Sel Vol Vp No 8 1q.6., 11 way 62 of East Germany, by H. Prinzler, 13 nP~ CZ2-?P-H. Zp2r, Rops it 0-Ai e, Vol TT (10) NO 10 1960, pp 294-298. JT--IS 11150 Faur Ger-many Econ Dn 61 Flower, Fertilization and Fertility Biology of the Jq* Apple Tree, by J. Pr I .19_, 250 PP" SLOVEITIA14, bk, Zbornik za Mnetijstvo in Gozdarstvo, No 2, 1956, 258 PI)- 9067302 oTs 6o-21691 PL-460 Sci - Biol Oct O'p 213, 04c) Priol, Josip Biology of Flowers, Fertilization, and Productivity in Poplars. SM--VO-CRATIAN, per, Zbornik za Imi,-tijstvo in gozdars 2 vol. 1956, 258 pp. -*PL 48o /-6 oTs 6o-21691 1961 Various Xethods of Azle-utwa Mounting, by 0. ftlolo. X. sabuw. XVJaU. rpt, JUI Nata-aets Cog= Darnaw APIU- 2--A2. JqL cRt/*t. 2655 (~ , PR I (I /.~~ sci - Sep 67 "A0,227 Fri= Forrax. F. G. and AbmCW Rahas. 16L IL Cmmman7M ro THE srui)y or oRGAm ACIDS IN MOLOGICAL MEDIA. L DIFFmtEmnALS AS A FUNMON OF THEIR CONCERTRAMNS. 11901 6p OP twA- rob MU04 Order ft= SLA $L 10 Tr-R-IOM Tram aflourad ct IM Ag OistbuUm" 1961. v. 4 p, W3-312L D=XMRSI Gmldo2UQp!*dwb, *Orp3deaddk nay" -Fqw sopow, PWAPM, *Cb=A=3 1. Pdw Form. F. 0. a. At-- Raw&% m. L M. 7UN DiffwvmlULU6.. i stoke of (Mumiobr-Aw*lm4 TT,,v. 11, mL 10 75 Yews of ZlectrolytIc Copper Wlnlzkg at Norddeutacbe Afflwrlej, Hm&,urgj, by X.-ZURLL,8 PP. ORrOW, =a par# Z BraberePm umd MgtaLUmettenw., M Vol 3Mj lb 7.9 IMP 1V L45-249- MA Tr 9319 eel - tan J-44 zwonas/lb , d S7 Ocit 57 .9-5390 (IN-2950). USM Research oa Bam Therapy, by R. L. Gimburg, N. ff. Priorov, 17 PP- RUSSUN., per, Khirurgiya.., No 7; 1959, PP 3-12. jPra-L-ioo6-N Sol - qmd - Surgery 0--t 59 - ~? 9-t. grl:~~ ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL TREATME14T FOR INJURIES, BY N. N. PRIOROV, A. M. DVORKIN, ET AL, 39 PP. RUSSIAN, BK, PROFILAKTIKA TRAVMATIV-t~ V SELISKOKHOZYAYSTVENNOM PROIZVODSTVA I LECHEBNAYA POMOSHCH' PRI TRAVMAKH, MOSCOW, 1962, pp 1-2ig. x JPSRS 17305 SCI - MED JAN 63 220,915 DOW D"d Artifl*la Und WntbetIC YibQrg aW 2hpir baywtwmw* by V. R. Pritm, 15 pp,. - IN==* papw PresvnUd at MOSVes at AOX.0 No als DWMIXUI 3-0 ft 1955. NLA 60i-1&37 &d 14?v.. zt" Vol Iva NO 21 ivn 6e !"art I - Litro"Iuf;EJW~i tci ;,ur~: rit tiic Textile lastitute of frwtce ou Polyaosic Filiers, 1,y por, a~ulletin 1115t Textile Ule - -Y~-f"-. Y"- -*,-'!- "6 cc 3 ~,v lals .,TC 6'?-12f,.i2-IIL "et &,~~ S69,43S (DC-5970) The Role of Amortization In the Reprodue- tioa of Capital Assets for Basic P~L~; ft-he T-eningtad Rennamic Region Used as Em*,-e7j, by Ye. L. PrIpianova, 28 pp. RMSIAN, Imr, Vest Leningraftkogo Vzdv, lame 4, P.P 67-80. JPHS 13W2 usm Econ Apr 62 Uae a:V Jtuxotion Tranoistors in a S=>o-UAng U. A, Oarininoir, RUSSMI; purp Eloctronvimz,, 1958,, No 5, p9 35-61. Porgart=n Sai ?C;,Lj (.0 f / '57 A z af Stresses Upw RaU Effect in iron- n With Positive Striction, by 0. P. r Ck. T ,.D,\Mo pl). pUl"latim. AU.SSi Qh) mo per, ft E~Mr i TeMt viz. Vol XVM, NO it pp Navy Tr -687/mm 417 ".,Ciemi~rlc - Pbysiasa eh"d try$ stresses iron- Dec 52 CTB/I= The Possibility of Qpmtitative Interpretation of Inductive Anomalies for Low Frequencies, by G. V.-E~:i-sl 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 1, 1962, P.P 67-75. Amer Geophys Union Sci oct 62 214,021 -Lc- 2.-_- t-.'v 07 Cii-3-narical Conluctor in -1-LUC L by G. V.-Pris, 5 PIP- ~ -au: IZ jil:7 - 164o=1648. AGU SC-i il JiLn 62 Action of Wind an Bu,"IdInge and Structures. Pftparation and Mount* of Models In the Wind-Tunnel, by R. Pris. nUCH. poi Awls. Inst. MO. MI-Im. Vol. 15, No. 170 2962. pp 294-208 CSIM006.7511 122 P A scl - Aug 67 339-492 Aeroclynmic - VIII. The Wasurement of Plematunt Stress an the Camponeat Units of bbitiple Boots, by R - Pria - FMXM.. per,, Annales de L'Ingtitut Techniaw du Batignt et des Travu= Publics, No. M2, 1964, cSrWl 190 - 7255 /?. PR / S ;Bci - Aug 67 336-131 Th* ZROND Ito Im. it Vass" now am M .Ahiiiiii"- Msult-actim Of Itm Artiaes vith Lothyl avaua, tar A. 6. frivowp. WIS."AMO, pwp ammad -ROMiARIMU F;9Wmwlqdu 1 bmaneWbout -No 80 19640 pp 13-" *ACS-1 J-4314 ID 2204005368 sai/p. & Fob 68 brack tocator for Cables, by L. Prischep, 3 PP. UhCLAWIFM - ~ Full treanlation. IMSVM,. per,, Radio, So Ip IWj, V 21. ATic-p-Ts-7818 MBR Sciewhitle - Eleaftudcup cableop radio 13 ~' (SN" - .1 va 5 7 The Sadn V kvdroelectric Station,, by Darin I.Duvel , Mdu PrIscu 19 pp. getica., Vol VnFL, Per., Ener 210 12, 19W, pp 537-5W. JPM 10T -Mar a A:- I Almaaal Reen 6:a Interaction of a Rei-nforced Cylindrical Shell with an Acoustic V. L. Prisekin. RUSSIAN, bk, Theory of Plates and Shells, 1!)62, pp 30S-308. CIA X-7012 May 69 392,302 Aiiii M-- Mwd=n, MGM -bum"Welame IN 11 lavloodow O&AoowftMM---- l6LQsftomW* V* 0 l:%mm60mmdhlmw&.lb6* 84-V fto m". orru"LUMCWT (FDD 25707) The Distribution of TaMd Atoms in the Aninal Orp,anismj, by V. 1. lvanov.. M.-M. Priselkov., S. I. Chernyakhoverm S. V. Lesnyaki, 11-p-p- RUSSIAHj no per, Zhur Mikrobioll gidemiol i Immnobiol., No 3-1j. Macaw., Ilov 19 p pp 71-75. CIA/FDD/U-7357 USSR Sci - Medicine, veterinary -967 CM 73 Oct 55 g // 613~~4 im No 3) Vapor Fmqzure of ldata2lio Ytta-lumj bY An, 11. I;Qmcyanov., Yu. A. PriseLlmv, et, al. Gmw., rpt., Pwr uo sm-P-6/56 Presented at the rNjMoz:Lum on Thermodynamics Of Nuclear l4aterialsi, Vlm=.. 14W 21-25., 19620 92031%5 AEC-Tr-53599 Sai - cam= mr 63 P A ~-/ S L S7 Vajor Pressure of MetaUic Yttrium., by An. N. vTe9meyaaov,, Yu. A. P4sellmvj et ale ITALTAN,p xpt., Synpoalum on Uheimodynmica af Nuclear MterlaUj, Ven:tccj, MW 21-25.9 :L962,. 9 pp. ABC-Tr-5359 Sai - wt-Hat Apr 63 -3 U. A.. Si;vzhnlkov. Yu. A., an-' V. T IF PRUSURE OF SA-MRATED 133 RON VAPOR. [51p. 9 r.f.. Order from O'I'S or SLA St. 10 61-26232 T. anti. of AL-al~~mlya Nauk SSSR. 0[tileleniv] Njauk]. Izvestlya: Nictallurglya I Toplivo, 1960. no. 1, p. 134-137. DESCRUIMRS: 'Vapor pressure. Measurement. *5:iron, Heat of c-uhlimation. Tnermochernisir). Th~rmodvciamlcd. -Cw- study dealt; with thc determination of vapor pres- sure ztw temperiture range of 165.1-1764)K Iq 11c iwon vapo P"CS'tll L' d (in t1j, !;/J~,c, &-iura 10.1 1, 1 w!wd m la, cnainl,r only lwu it,, s/K,, ".110 IS iargcr 61-28232 1. PrIEw1kov, Yu. A. 11. Sapozhalkov. Yu. A. Ill. Tacpl)aeva. A. V. IV. Tramilations. ','c,* York 7. no. Olh-f T-kl-l Vapor 2xinsure of f4ptall-la '-filtritua, lby An. W. TTes-myanov, Yu. Aq-_~~~al. GEMM., rpt., Favar 1-10 a1-26/56 presented at the alm on 02emodynamica of ilucaear Mtertals., ITIenns,, My 21-25., 1962. 9203645 AEC-TT-535-99 Sci - C12am tiar 63 ~~ A ~-/ 5 L S